One Moment
To save this world, to save you Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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One Moment: To save this world, to save you

T - Words: 1,289 - Last Updated: Sep 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2012 - Updated: Sep 07, 2013
494 0 0 0 0

Blaine closed the door gently behind him. He walked out into the cold air and looked down at his ringing phone. He took a deep breath, thinking of millions of things that could be said during this phone call. He pressed the answer button and put the phone up to his ear. It was the school's main office.

"Mr Anderson would you be able to come into the school today to meet with Mr Burton?" one of the woman working in the office that is called Jude, said sweetly. There wasn't many in the office that was sweet like her.

He wanted to hang up the phone.

He wanted to say no.

He wanted to say he wasn't returning to his job.

But, when his kids appeared in his mind he said…

"Yes, of course. What time?"

"Great. At two o'clock if that suits?" Blaine said it did. He wondered if she knew what had happened. She sounded different on the phone, like there was sorry in her voice. Goodbyes were said and Blaine put his phone back into his pocket and walked over to the swings. He took a seat on one of them, letting his head rest against the rope, and let his hands fall down between his legs.

He didn't know what to do. He wished he could save this world from all the harm, the hurt, the lost and just make everyone happen…but he knew it was impossible. Why did it have to be impossible?

He had woken up this morning with Kurt in his arms and for those few minutes before Kurt woke up, he had forgotten everything bad, he just thought about being here with Kurt.

What if he hurts Kurt? What if he can't help Hayley at school? He didn't want to let them down. He never wanted to let anyone down. He felt like he always did or someone would tell him. The only person he never let down was Cooper. With everyone else it always felt like it was his fault when things happened, when things go so wrong, when he loses them and when he tries to fix it, it always feels like it's too late.

He feels lost. It's like he's felt lost his whole life. But then it's like he finds himself with the people he loves in his life. Sebastian did that for Blaine, and now Blaine is feeling it with Kurt but…what if it ends badly? Everything always seems to end badly for Blaine.

Blaine's eyes were shut tight, trying to stop his thoughts just for a few seconds. He didn't hear the footsteps coming towards him.

Kurt took a seat in the other swing and looked towards Blaine, who didn't look up.

"Hey, you," Kurt spoke softly as to not frighten Blaine. He didn't spook Blaine. Blaine slowly opened his eyes, his eyes focused on the ground, not to Kurt.

"I have to go into Mr Burton today." Blaine whispered like those words where only meant to be for Blaine to hear.

"It's going to be okay, you know. They can't let a great teacher like you go?" Kurt smiled to Blaine even though he couldn't see it, but maybe he could feel it.

"I'm not, Kurt. If I was Hayley wouldn't be getting bullied and all those…" Kurt cut him off.

"Hey, no…" Kurt got up from his swing and kneeled down in front of Blaine, taking Blaine's hands in his. "…don't you dare, okay? Those kids are lucky to have you. I never came home and talked so much about one of my teachers like Hayley does. And I'm sure the rest of the kids have a lot to say about you to their parents." Kurt gave a smile that Blaine saw this time as he looked to Kurt.

"I don't want to go in. I just…I don't know what to do." Blaine said, sadly as he pulled his eyes away from Kurt's and looked up to the sky, looking as the clouds looked like they were moving and making different shapes. He looked back down thought, when Kurt started to speak again.

"Tell you what. Dad's coming back early today and taking Hayley to work with him today. I will go with you to the school. but stay again from Mr Burton and then…we can go for coffee after." Blaine didn't need to think about it. He was nodding his head before Kurt finished talking. It was better than any plan Blaine had.

"Okay." Kurt got up from the ground and held his hand out for Blaine to take, he did so, these fingers entangled around each other's as they headed back inside.


Blaine knocked on the door of Mr Burton's office gently before hearing a come in. Blaine opened the door and saw Mr Burton at his desk doing some paper work. He looked up as Blaine entered.

"Mr Anderson. I'm glad you came. Please, take a seat." Blaine didn't answer him and just took a seat. Mr Burton put the paperwork to one side and folded his hands onto the table and looked to Blaine, who was looking anywhere, but to him.

"So, I got a meeting arranged. It's going to be next Monday and after that is done I will ring again to the commitment and we see what they will do. This is a very serious matter and they know that. It's taking them a long time to do anything, but they see how bad it is getting after the physical violence to Hayley." Blaine gave a sign of relief. Thanking he didn't screw that up after yesterday, would he say something about yesterday? He would hardly let it go.

"And about yesterday. I suggest you take the rest of this week of Mr Anderson and come back in Monday and I would like you to be at the meeting. You are on a warning though, I can't have that happen. It's not acceptable. I will ring Mr Hummel and tell him about…"

"It's okay, I can tell him. Is that it?" Blaine asked calmly, hoping that was all Mr Burton had to say. It was still hard to look at the man that didn't try to do anything until now about the bullying.

"Okay and yes that's it. Thank you for coming in Mr Anderson." Blaine gave a nod before getting up from his seat.

Blaine would usually say thank you, but not today, not to that man, because what Mr Burton is doing now, should have been done a long time ago.


Blaine walked down the hallway to see Kurt standing at the window, looking out into the pouring rain. Kurt looked up the hallway when he heard the footsteps coming. He saw Blaine with his two hands rubbing his face before letting them fall down to his sides.

Kurt's feet where moving before he knew it and the next second he was standing in front of Blaine. He didn't ask, he just waited.

"They're going to have a meeting with all the teachers on Monday and then after that the commitment will be contacted again when they have more information." Kurt couldn't let out a sign of relief yet, not before knowing if Blaine lost his job or not.

"What about your job?"

"I'm on a warning, but other than that it's safe." Now Kurt could let out a sign of relief. He wrapped his arms around Blaine, holding him close.

"Thank you, Blaine. Thank you." Kurt whispered, only Blaine could hear those words. Blaine didn't reply, he just smiled and held Kurt closer to him.

Maybe it was a dream that Kurt was here with him right now. Maybe Kurt wasn't here at all. But Kurt is making him pull through a darkness that came from Sebastian dying, so no matter how this turns out, he only hopes for one thing, for Kurt and Hayley to be happy.

End Notes: I need to make up a song about how sorry I am that I haven't updated in ages. Sorry, guy's. I know this chapter is short, but I felt like this is all that should be in this chapter. I didnt want to fill it with crap just to make it longer. So, the next chapter will be longer and let's just say your going to find out much more about Kurt's life and his past when they go for that coffee. If you guy's want to drop a review and tell me if you's are enjoying it or that, that would be great. It's great to get reviews from you guy's and hearing your thought's about the story :) THANK YOU :DP.S if you havent already look up...This is the new year by the Glee cast. It's so amazing and makes you feel so happy :) x


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