Sept. 7, 2013, 2:03 p.m.
Sept. 7, 2013, 2:03 p.m.
Excited to be going on a date with Kurt, nervous for not knowing how it was going to go.
Nervous for going to the principal, excited because maybe, just maybe, it was the start of getting the bullying stopped.
He couldn't sleep last night. Today just kept going through his mind. He must have gone through everything that could happen today and now, now he was tired. He wished he had gotten some sleep, because it wouldn't look good falling asleep talking to the principal or on his date with Kurt.
That was another thing, the date. Was it a date? He didn't know but, he hoped it was. Or maybe it was just coffee and that was it, no meaning behind it at all.
He wished he knew what Kurt was thinking. He didn't know much about Kurt's husband. All he knew was Kurt wanted to leave him and that he didn't love him anymore. Blaine didn't know to back off or not, it was worth giving Kurt a shot wasn't it? Honestly, he didn't know. He was only ever with one person-that counted-and…and he didn't even want to think about how that all ended. He couldn't.
Blaine pushed the thoughts to the back of his head and put the tests in a neat pile before checking his phone. Ten to four. Blaine got up from his desk, leaving his phone back on the table and headed towards the door, stepping outside to the hallway and pulling the door shut behind him. He leaned his head against the closed door, closing his eyes, and steading his breath.
A few seconds later, footsteps came from down the hallway, Blaine let the sound get a little closer before he opened his eyes and pushed himself up and away from the door. He looked up the hallway to see Kurt, a few steps away from him. Kurt gave a nervous smile and a little wave that Blaine returned.
"You ready for this?" Blaine asked a little concerned for Kurt, as he started to walk up the hallway and meet Kurt halfway.
"Honestly, no, but this has to be done." Blaine gave a nod to let Kurt knew he understood, he understood more than Kurt knew. Blaine rested his arm on Kurt's and gave it a little squeeze.
"Come on."
"Okay, so now that I have more in sight to what is happening and that's it's not just Hayley being bullied, I can move ford with this. Preventing and stopping bullying involves a commitment to creating a safe environment for the kids. So I will get a meeting set up for all the teachers in the school and find out what is happening in their classrooms and while am doing that I will get a commitment meeting held." Principal Burton said as he looks to Kurt and Blaine sat on the other side of his desk.
"That will be soon thought, right?" Blaine asked.
"Yes. Tomorrow I will tell all the teachers about having a meeting the next day. I will be straight on the phone to the commitment tomorrow morning." Burton looked from Blaine to Kurt. Kurt was trying to take it all in. He was at this stage before, when he was the one getting bullied, all this happened, but after a week he was told they couldn't do anymore because there was no prove he was getting bullied. They couldn't just take his word, no, a teacher had to see it happening. A kid's life being ruined by names, by pushes, by threats, by laughs, by whispers behind his back wasn't enough. "Mr Hummel, I promise to get something done about this." He heard that before to, expect the other time he was told, Kurt; we will do everything to make this a safe school for you and everyone else, then one week later, Kurt, am so sorry. I was told there had to be prove and nobody actually saw them pushing you so… and Kurt had stopped listening that day to Figgins after the word prove and now Kurt had stopped listening to Burton, getting lost in a horrible memory.
"Kurt, hey, you okay?" Kurt heard the faint voice of Blaine and looked over to his left to, meeting Blaine's worried eyes.
"I've heard it before, Blaine. I've…" Blaine nodded his head before moving his gaze away from Kurt's to Burton's.
"Thank you Mr Burton. I think we better leave now." Mr Burton understood and gave a nod.
"Come on, you." Blaine got up from the chair, as did Kurt. They were at the door when Mr Burton spoke.
"I do promise Mr Hummel." Mr Burton meant it, Kurt knew he did by his voice, but that didn't mean something would get done. Kurt didn't answer and just pushed the door open as Blaine followed his out into the empty, silence hallway.
One footstep forward then back. Blaine was standing still looking towards Kurt, who just looked lost. Kurt closed his eyes tight, biting his bottom lip, his hand resting on his forehead. Kurt was like that for a few seconds before letting out a deep breath, his eyes looking towards Blaine.
"I think I need that coffee, now."
They were both sat outside the school, sitting on a bench, a bit of a distance away from the school. Kurt didn't want to go to the lima bean, where it would be full of people, it would be noisy, he just needed peace. He didn't want to be near the school either, but at less he was in the distance of it.
Two cups of coffee sat in front of them. The sun was starting to disappear and the darkness was light around then, but getting darker with each minute. It was a bit cold, but each of them had coats on and scarves on.
Blaine looked up from his coffee to Kurt who had his head down, looking down into his coffee, his hands wrapped tightly around the cup. It looked like he was looking for an answer in there, that any answer might help, but they both knew nothing would be the answer in a cup of coffee.
"Blaine, this coffee, is awful." Kurt chuckled and Blaine had to look at Kurt twice to make sure it was his laugh, and yes, it was.
"Hey, you don't have to drink it every day." Blaine grinned, glad to see Kurt smile, even if it could be just for a few seconds.
"Am sorry, we stayed here, I just couldn't face…"
"You don't have to explain, Kurt. I understand." Kurt gave a little nod and pushed his coffee to one side before looking back to Blaine.
"If this is too personal to ask you, just tell me. When you got bullied in high school…what happened. I mean like, how did you handle it?"
"I didn't. I uh, I moved schools. The bullying got so bad, that I stopped sleeping because when I did sleep, I always had nightmares. Then I would go into school and be too tired to fight back to the bullies. Physical and emotional." Blaine said it just like it was a bad memory, that it meant nothing anymore.
"What did the bullies…?"
"Do?" Kurt gave a nod to show that's what he was going to say. "The usual I guess. Getting called names, being pushed around, no one talked to me. It got worse when they found out I was gay. More pushes, worse names, but someone did talk to me." Kurt knew this wasn't going to be good. Sure, someone talking to Blaine might of sounded good to anyone else, but the look in Blaine's eyes told a different story, a story Kurt figured out before Blaine said anything, but he waited, he listened.
"I thought he was really telling the truth. He told me…he was gay to, that he hadn't come out yet, but that he was gay. We became friends and started to hang out more and more. I started to fall for him. And I did, I fell all the way. Everyone in school always looked at us funny when we were together and I had myself believing that he would just leave me now, pretend I didn't exist."
"But he didn't?" Kurt asked and Blaine nodded, looking down to his hands wrapped around his mug. Blaine felt tears in his eyes, but he wasn't going to cry. It happened so long ago; he couldn't let this upset him after so many years.
"Then we started going out and after a few months, one night, I guess, I saw the real him. We were uh…making out in his room, his parents were on holidays and he started to take of my shirt and then he took his off. Then it went further, and it had never gone that far, than taking shirts of and making out." Kurt's hands slid across the table and over Blaine's on his coffee cup. Maybe he shouldn't have done it, Kurt didn't know but, it felt right to do in this moment.
"He told me he loved me and that he…he…uh…that he needed me all of me right now. I told him I just wasn't ready and then before I knew it he… hit me, and hit me and he wouldn't stop. I…I somehow found the strength to push him of me and get out of the house. And I ran…I just kept running until I got home and Coop was the only one home. I told him…I told him everything. And then everything happened so fast from there. I was suddenly moving away from home, a different school, and new friends. I was fifteen when that night happened, but if it hadn't of happened, I might have never got out of that school." Blaine finally looked up and met Kurt's eyes. He didn't want Kurt to say he was sorry for what happened; he didn't want Kurt feeling sorry for him. He just wanted Kurt to understand.
"This is why you became a teacher, isn't it? To make kids safe at school, to stop bullying?" Kurt did understand, he more than understood.
"Yes. I love teaching music and English but, yeah, that's the main reason. I know what it's like to be a kid getting bullied and no one deserves to be bullied. Bullying starts in primary school and I just want to help it get stopped, for kids to at least have these years without being bullied, but then high school comes alone and the bulling is worse there and…"
"You can't save the world Blaine Anderson. You can't stop all the bullying in the worse but, I wish you could. You're trying and that's all anyone can ask." Kurt's hands were still over Blaine's but, neither of them pulled away, it was, nice.
"I saw it thought Kurt, I saw the way you were when Mr Burton said he promised to get something done about this and you saying you've heard it all before." Blaine didn't want Kurt to pretend he was okay now, that he changed his mind and believed Mr Burton.
"I guess I have just heard that too many times, to believe it because all the other times it was said, that promise never came true. Am not going to believe it until I see something get done but…I do believe that you are going to make this world a better place." Kurt gave a smile when Blaine let out a chuckle.
"I am?"
"You are. Now, to change the subject to something a little happier, we are going to go into your classroom and you are going to play the piano for me a bit more." Kurt wasn't taking no for an answer and Blaine wasn't going to say no.
"I am?"
"You are."
They both entered Blaine's classroom and Blaine went straight to the piano, while Kurt looked around before taking a seat in Blaine's chair at his desk. Kurt looked at the tests on the desk before putting them back and his gaze landing on Blaine, who was messing around with the keys on the piano. Kurt leaned his folded arms onto the table and looked towards Blaine for a few seconds before speaking.
"Mr Anderson, what do you think you're doing?" Kurt tried not to laugh and to act like a teacher. That made Blaine laugh as he looked up at Kurt.
"I was just practicing the piano Mr Hummel. You told me to so I could play it for you." Kurt got up from the chair and started to make his way down to Blaine.
"And what are you going to be playing?" Kurt smirked as he got closer to Blaine and took a seat on the desk behind Blaine. Blaine moved around on the seat to face Kurt. He shrugged and smiled.
"Whatever you want me to play."
"What are the chances you would know it though?"
"Pretty high I'd say. Try me." Kurt raised an eyebrow and folded his arms over his chest.
"Okay, then. Let me think. How about…taking chances by…"
"Celine Dion." Blaine grinned.
"You know it then? Damn it." Kurt chuckled as did Blaine.
"If you mean, the first song I ever learned to play on piano that was twenty years ago…then yeah."
"Oh shut up smart arse and play it." Kurt playfully said as Blaine nodded once.
"Well, because you were so nice asking me." Blaine smirked before turning his back to Kurt and let his fingers rest on the keys on the piano, getting ready to play. He hadn't played the song in so long, but he never forgot it.
Blaine played the keys every so softly and slowly. It was a sound that Kurt already loved, it was a sound Kurt could get used to. He looked over at the Blaine's fingers moving on the keys, moving of keys, and a magical sound coming out every time.
Don't know much about your life
Don't know much about your world but
Don't wanna be alone tonight
On this planet they call Earth
Kurt was smiling even more when Blaine's voice had joined in with the sound. Blaine's voice was even more amazing than the day Kurt had meet him and heard Blaine and Hayley singing together. Kurt just kept listening, all his thought's out of his head and just the sound of the piano and Blaine's voice in his head.
You don't know about my past and
I don't have a future figured out
And maybe this is goin' too fast
And maybe it's not meant to last
These lyrics meant a lot to Kurt, they always did, but why were they meaning so much more now? Why did this feel like a moment where something should happen, but Kurt didn't know yet? Blaine's fingers started to move faster now and Kurt looked back to Blaine, he could only see the back of him but he looked and looked and looked.
But what do you say to takin' chances?
What do you say to jumpin' off the edge?
Never knowin' if there's solid ground below
Or a hand to hold or hell to pay
What do you say? What do you say?
Kurt couldn't help it, he couldn't help the words coming out of his mouth, and he couldn't help getting up from the desk. Did Blaine know he was going to sing? Because Blaine wasn't singing right now, only Kurt.
I just wanna start again
And maybe you could show me how to try
Maybe you could take me in
Somewhere underneath your skin
Kurt was now taking a seat on the stool beside Blaine, as he continued to play the song. Blaine took his eyes of the keys and looked up to meet Kurt's eyes. There was a look in Kurt's eyes, there was a look in Blaine's eyes, but neither knew what it meant yet. Blaine gave a smile before singing along with Kurt.
What do you say to takin' chances?
What do you say to jumpin' off the edge?
Never knowin' if there's solid ground below
Or a hand to hold or hell to pay
What do you say? What do you say?
Blaine was about to play the next verse when Kurt's hands were suddenly over Blaine's, for the second time today, and stopped Blaine playing the keys. The sound of the last key suddenly fainted to nothing, and the only sound now was their breathing, getting quicker and quicker.
Blaine's heart was hammering so fast against his chest and he didn't know what a heart attack felt like, but he felt like he was about to have one, if the feeling of something else, he couldn't quit place take over first. His eyes were still on Kurt's and he had no idea what Kurt was thinking, he didn't even know what he was thinking himself, how could he honestly think about anything in a moment like this expect for Kurt?
Kurt looked down to his hands on top of Blaine's. He slowly let one of his hands come away from Blaine's and turned at a better angle to face Blaine, but he didn't met Blaine's eyes again yet, instead he looked back to the hand still on Blaine's. Without thinking about it, he slowly entwined his fingers through Blaine's. He could feel Blaine move his fingers through Kurt's as well; it wasn't just Kurt moving his in Blaine's. The feeling of Blaine's fingers near his feel good, felt really good and Kurt didn't want that feeling to stop, he never wanted Blaine to pull away, he never wanted himself to pull away.
He pulled his gaze away from their hands and up to meet Blaine's eyes, unreadable eyes, just like Kurt's. They didn't know what they were doing.
"What are we doing?" Kurt asked even though they knew where this was leading to, were they both knew where this could lead to.
"I don't know but…but it feels right." Blaine whispered back, like he didn't want anyone else to hear the words expect for Kurt, honestly, that was true, the words only meant something if they were said to Kurt.
"That's what scares me." Kurt said as he never took his gaze from Blaine. Blaine gently lifted up his right hand to Kurt's neck and his other hand pulled down Kurt and Blaine's joined hands between them from the piano. His right hand rested on the crook of Kurt's neck and Kurt leaned into the warm feeling, not taking his eyes of Blaine's for a second.
"We could take a chance." Blaine gave a little unsure smile, but smiled anyways.
"Yeah…we could take a chance." Kurt was sure his heart would burst of his chest any second now from the feeling of Blaine, from the look of Blaine to him. Kurt's left hand moved to Blaine's waist and he slowly leaned himself into Blaine.
Blaine felt the touch of Kurt's fingers on his waist and then looked back to see Kurt slowly moving into him. Before Blaine's mind could think about what was happing he was already leaning into Kurt to, meeting him half way.
As their lips got closer, their hearts raced faster, their pasts faded for these few seconds, their minds didn't think, and they could feel each other's breath getting closer, their lips only seconds, only inches from touching. They gave on last look to each other before their eyes looked to each other's lips and then ever so slowly closed, just before their heart's beat faster, just before their lips finally touched.
Feeling like fireworks? That was an understatement. This feeling was amazing. So amazing for both of them. In this moment, all ever both of them wanted to feel was this again. They both had it once and it got taking away from them and here it was this feeling was here again. That scared them both, but that fear, that fear wasn't what they were thinking of right now, it was the magical feeling of kissing each other.
Blaine's hands were tangled through Kurt's soft hair. The feeling against his fingers was almost as great as the feeling on his lips right now, almost. He pulled Kurt in closer to him, wanting more of Kurt, needing more of Kurt. Their joined hands never parted. Their fingers just glided over each other's every few seconds, sending a magical shook up their arms.
Kurt's hand moved from Blaine's waist and trailed over onto Blaine's lower back. The feeling sent Goosebumps up Blaine's back. Blaine couldn't help but smile against their lips before pulling Kurt's bottom lip into his mouth and gently sucking on it. That made Kurt let out a little moan before pulled Blaine into even move if that was possible.
When Blaine let go of Kurt's bottom lip, their lips glided against each other's for a few more seconds before ever so slowly pulling back and resting their foreheads against one and another's. Eyes still closed, hearts still racing, and their breathing even heavier now as they tried to catch their breath again.
"What…whatever this is between us, I like it, I really like it." Blaine said between trying to get his breath back. Kurt opened his eyes to see Blaine gazing back in his.
Kurt let out a light laugh and he slowly nodded his head against Blaine's. "Good because…I really like it to." Kurt smiled before his lips pressed against Blaine's once more.
This felt more than just a date.
This felt like the start of something.
This felt like something worth fighting for.
This felt like a moment they would never forget.