Sept. 7, 2013, 2:03 p.m.
Sept. 7, 2013, 2:03 p.m.
He had hardly got any sleep last night.
Hayley had woken up screaming and crying. Kurt had woke to his daughter moving around on the bed still asleep, like she was trying to escape a nightmare. She nearly fell out of the bed when Kurt woken her up. Her eyes grew wider, red and tears streaming down her face. I t took her a few seconds to realise it was just a dream, that it was just her daddy beside her.
It had taken Kurt from five till seven in the morning to find out what Hayley's dream was about and even still now, all he knew was the bully in her class was running after her, scaring her, laughing at her.
If Kurt was being honest, he would have thought that by now, after more than 10 years since he was in school that the schools would care a lot more about kids getting bullied, but no, they don't care, will they ever care?
But then there's Blaine and Kurt doesn't know what to think. Who was Blaine Anderson?
Kurt held onto the sides of the sink, trying to hold his anger in, trying to figure out Blaine, flashes of…
"Daddy?" Came a quiet little whisper from beside the bathroom door. Kurt hadn't even seen Hayley opening the bathroom door.
All of what Kurt was thinking flew away when he heard Hayley's sweet, calming voice. She was the only one who could make him forget everything, just for a moment.
Kurt put on that brave face, that fake smile and turned around to his daughter still in her pyjamas. She stood looking up at her daddy with a little sad smile looking nervous.
"Hey angel, you okay?" Kurt asked as he kneeled down in front of her.
She let out a sign and answered, her eyes looking down to the ground.
"I…I don't want to go to…school today." Her eyes didn't meet Kurt's and Kurt just nodded slowly.
"Okay, sweetie. You don't have to." relief crossed her eyes and she smiled, finally she looked up to meet Kurt's eyes. Hayley's eyes were still red from all the crying, her cheeks stained with tears.
No way was Kurt going to send her to school like that. He didn't ask for a reason because he knew the reason already.
Hayley put her arms out and hugged pulled her in closer and she rested her head on Kurt's shoulder.
"You're the bestise daddy."
And those words took all the strength in Kurt not to cry for having the sweetest daughter, having her in his life.
"Blaine, buddy I know how much you care for all the kids, I do, but you can't save every one of them from getting bullied. I wish you could but you can't…"
"Cooper, I know. I know that. But I am going to try, starting with Hayley. You know she wasn't even in school today." Blaine stopped in front of his bedroom window looking out at the pouring rain hitting the window and falling down it slowly.
"She was probably just…sick." Cooper didn't even believe his own words. Blaine was right and he knew it. But he couldn't see Blaine getting really worked up and upset about this. If this all turned to shit Blaine will never forgive himself. And Cooper saw Blaine go through something heart-breaking once before and Cooper didn't need to be told that Blaine thinks about it all this time.
Blaine didn't even hear what Cooper had said because the rain falling down and hitting full blast of the window.
"Sebastian it is pissing rain outside. And it's cold and I don't want…" Sebastian shut Blaine up by pulling Blaine in for a kiss. Blaine forgot what he was saying once his lips touched Sebastian's. Blaine fell into the kiss for those few seconds before Sebastian pulled back slightly to see all of Blaine's face.
"Sorry, where you saying something?" Sebastian smirked as Blaine playfully leaned in and bit his neck, pretending to attack him. Sebastian laughed as he tried to pull Blaine back so they would end up falling on the couch. The back of Sebastian's knees hit the couch and they both ended up on the couch, Blaine lying half on Sebastian and half hanging of the couch.
"I'm going fall, am going…" Blaine hit the floor falling onto his side as Sebastian couldn't stop laughing and looked to see Blaine giving him a dirty look but that failed when a massive grin crepes over Blaine's face.
"I hate you." Blaine moaned with a grin.
"I love you."
"You are mean."
"You are cute."
"Your…you're…" Blaine tried to find a word in his mind but couldn't think of one. Damn, what was wrong with his mind today?
"You're…your…lost for words." Sebastian chuckled as he mocked Blaine, pushing himself up from the couch and went to walk to the kitchen.
"Hey, boyfriend, a little help here." Blaine put out his arms in front of him so Sebastian could pull him up. Sebastian just shook his head.
"Nope. Get yourself up fatty." Blaine dropped his arms and pouted.
"I am not fat. I just like to eat a lot."
"Yes, I know. I think you're forgetting I live with you and every time I go to the fridge and cupboards there's nothing there because dinosaur has eating it all."
Sebastian chuckled as Blaine picked up a cushion from the sofa and aimed it at Sebastian's head. It ended up hitting Sebastian's hair. He hadn't ducked in time to avoid the cushion.
"Oh, you are dead." Sebastian said before knocking a laughing Blaine back onto the floor.
"Raw, dinosaur's going to eat you."
"You're honestly ridiculous Blaine Anderson." Sebastian smiled lovingly as Blaine nodded his head with an amused smile on his face.
"That's why you love me."
"Blaine. Blaine. Hey." Cooper's voice faded in slowly before it was loud enough for Blaine to hear.
Blaine looked over to Cooper with a lost expression on his face before covering it up with a brave and determined look.
"I can't help every child, but I can be the one to make a different in my school at least." With that Blaine went to head out the door.
"Please, don't get hurt. Whatever happens just know you did everything you could and it's not your fault." Cooper's calm and caring voice said behind him. Blaine didn't respond, he just started to walk out the door again because if he turned back he was see that look he had seen a thousand times from Blaine. Sorry.
Kurt sat in the lima bean at a table at the window and looked out to the pouring rain that hadn't stopped since the morning. Of course it had to rain, it just had to rain and make this day so much better.
The door to the lima bean opened and for what must have been the tenth time, Kurt looked over, but this time he found the person he was looking for, Blaine. Then he noticed it, noticed at drained Blaine looked. He started walking over when he spotted Kurt.
"Hey, I am so sorry. My brother was at me and…"
"It's okay, I understand." Kurt gave a smile to let Blaine know he meant it.
"What would you like to drink?" Blaine asked when he saw Kurt with no drink on the table.
"Blaine, you don't have to…" Blaine cut Kurt of, shaking his head.
"I insist. Now what would you like?"
"So the weathers lovely today." Blaine said sacristy as he looked over to Kurt, who took his eyes away from the outside and to Blaine's. Kurt didn't look amused.
"Cut the crap, Blaine." Kurt snapped.
"Huh, I like a guy who's ford." Blaine joked and Kurt couldnt help but let a laugh escape his lips.
"Really?" Kurt raised an eyebrow not believing it.
Blaine shook his head slowly and took a sip of his coffee.
"So I better tell you what happened today." All the jokeness went out of Blaine's voice and was now serious.
Kurt gave a little nod and a little smile that didn't last long.
"I told the head principal today about Hayley getting bullied. He said he would have to make time to see me tomorrow to discuss this. So tomorrow am seeing him again and he wants to know about Hayley and if there is any other kids I seen getting bullied and we take it from there." Blaine took in a deep breath feeling like he hadn't taken a breath at all while talking. He met Kurt's eyes again.
"And I think it's best if your there to. He needs to know about life at home to. To see how she is at home and if she talks about what happens." Kurt had zoned out from what Blaine was saying after he mentioned home.
It's all my fault." Kurt whispered to himself, not meaning for Blaine to hear. Kurt's eyes were glued to his cup, with his hands wrapped tightly around it, getting tighter and tighter.
"Kurt, this isn't your fault." Blaine said needing Kurt to believe that.
"I, I need to go." Kurt's voice cracked, he didn't met Blaine's eyes and just got up from the table and picked up his bag, heading to the door.
"Kurt, Kurt..." Blaine shouted after Kurt. He was confused, why was Kurt leaving? Why did he Blame himself?
Blaine grabbed his coat, putting it on him quickly and then picked up his bag before quickly walking out the door after him, who was already outside and heading to his car.
Blaine pushed open the door and ran after Kurt. The cold was hitting of him as he ran and ran.
"Kurt! Stop!" the voice was a blur but Kurt kept going. He had to let the tears fall once he was outside the door. His cheeks were red from the freezing cold and wet from the tears streaming down his face.
Blaine got beside Kurt and stood in front of him, putting his hands up to grab Kurt's arms to stop him from moving but Kurt didn't look up at him and he wasn't planning on stopping either.
"Please stop, Kurt." Blaine held a little tighter and Kurt gave up trying to get out of Blaine's grip.
Kurt slowly lifted up his head and it hurt Blaine to see Kurt crying tears falling quickly down his face. Kurt closed his eyes as he let out a sob.
"What...what if she told me she...she was getting b...bullied and I..I didn't hear? A proper dad would have knowing...his little girl...was...g...getting..." Kurt didn't say the last word because he didn't want to, because he couldn't.
"Kurt, listen to me. This is not your fault." Kurt let out another sob and before Blaine knew what he was doing it, he pulled Kurt into his arms and Kurt let him, falling into the warm embrace, crying into Blaine's shoulder.
"Granddad, clean up, your all dirty." Hayley moaned as she stood behind the kitchen table, away from her granddad.
"Hayley, come here, am not going to get you dirty. Just give granddad a big hug." Burt stretched out his arms in front of him towards Hayley, with a big grin on his face.
"No, no, no, no!" Hayley shouted as she laughed, watching Burt move towards her. Hayley backed away from her granddad towards the kitchen counter as Burt chuckled and walked towards her. His hands up in the air, ready to give Hayley a big hug.
"Dad, what are you doing to Hayley?" A voice said behind Burt. Hayley leaned over a bit to the side and saw her daddy standing in the kitchen doorway with Blaine.
"Daddy!" Hayley said and ran over to Kurt and he bend down and picked her up in his arms. Hayley put her arms around Kurt's shoulder and her face buried into Kurt's shoulder.
"Was granddad being mean?" Kurt chuckled as he looked over to Burt who was wondering who the guy standing beside Kurt was.
"I was not, thank you very much. So are you going to introduce me to this guy, who of course you would know seeing as he's a very good-looking..."
"Dad! Are you ever going to stop embarrassing me?" Kurt asked with a smile on his face. Burt shook his head. Hayley lifted up her head and looked to her granddad.
"He's my Music and English teacher." Hayley answered for Kurt.
"Oh. Blaine isn't it?" Burt asked hoping he got the name right. He was pretty sure he had. Kurt hadn't mentioned him that much, but when he did, there was something there, and Burt had seen everything Kurt had gone through with boyfriends, he saw the way Kurt looked at them, if he loved them, if he could see himself seeing the rest of his life with someone, the way they treated him, if Kurt still acted the same, if the boyfriend was controlling, if Kurt wasnt happy with someone, if he needed to get out. Burt, was always there, through every step of the way. No matter how embarrassed Kurt might feel talking to his dad about some things, he still would and Burt would always listen. Burt knew everything Kurt had to go through, he knew his son so well, he knew there was something there in Kurt's eyes.
Don't tell Burt he's wrong because he know's his son the best and there's something, just something. Blaine had literally only been in the room for two minutes and Kurt had only spoken a few times about him, so whether Burt was right or now, there was a smile behind that mask Kurt has worn for far to long.
"Yes, sir. It's nice to meet you." Blaine gave a smile towards Burt.
"You to, Blaine. It's nice to finally meet Hayley's teacher. I've heard a lot of good things about you from Hayley."
"Granddad, stop embarrassing me." Hayley moans putting her head back onto Kurt's shoulder. Blaine, Kurt and Burt start laughing.
"Don't worry sweetheart, he's been embarrassing me all my life."
Blaine looked over to Kurt and Hayley both laughing from Burt embarrassing them. As soon as Kurt had walked into the kitchen Blaine had seen his mood changed to be happy, that's what Hayley always did to him. Just less than twenty minutes ago Kurt was in Blaine's arms crying, now Hayley was in Kurt's arms, both laughing, like they never went through one bad thing in their lives, that's what strong people look like Blaine though with a smile on his face.
Burt looked over for just a second and saw it in Blaine's eyes, he was falling for his little boy.
"I should probably get going. I have papers to correct for tomorrow." Blaine gave a little smile to Kurt as their eyes met. They were both sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in front of them. Blaine had been there for about an hour. They talked mostly about Hayley, some other things, but neither of them asked about their past, that never came up.
Kurt nodded his head slowly and he and Blaine got up from the kitchen table. Kurt walked Blaine to the door. Hayley appeared from the sitting room and looked towards them.
"Are you going now ?" Hayley asked not wanting him to go.
"I do, Hayley. But I will see you in school tomorrow, won't I?"
Hayley looked over to Kurt who gave her a smile and answered what she wanted to know.
"It's up to you, sweetheart." She looked from her daddy to Blaine. She thought about it for a few seconds. Her daddy always told her never let anyone bring her down, or upset her. Because she was a special little girl, his little girl.
"Yeah. Do...do we get to play instruments tomorrow in...in music class?" she asked walking closer to Blaine. Blaine bent down on his knees in front of Hayley.
"Of course. And don't tell anyone, but you can be the first one to play the piano tomorrow. Your getting really good at it." Blaine gave a her a smile that made her giggle and hide her face behind her hand.
"What, am serious. You will be better than me by the end of this year." Blaine pointed at himself as Hayley just giggled more.
Kurt looked down at both of them smiling. He wished Hayley could always be like that and never have to worry about anything. She deserved to be happy all the time. He wished everything that had happened with...
"Kurt." Kurt snapped out of what he was thinking about and looked up to see Blaine standing in front of him again. Blaine looked worried about him and Kurt realised Hayley was gone. How long was he lost in his thoughts? it couldn't have been to long.
"Sorry, was in my own little world there." Kurt let out a little laugh without knowing it. Blaine nodded his head slowly, not sure to ask if he was okay are not.
"Are you okay, Kurt?"
"Yeah. Just worrying about Hayley." he lied, well that was true, among other things.
"Well, I can promise you I will do everything to keep her safe. I hope we will get somewhere with the principal tomorrow. Are you still okay to do that tomorrow? Because if you don't want to come in with me to..."
"No, I do. Of course I will be there. "
"Okay, so four o'clock tomorrow. You have my number anyways if you need to know anything else." Kurt nodded slowly.
"Thank you, Blaine. You're the first teacher I have ever met that really cares and it...it just means a lot." Kurt said not letting his voice crack, because what he said was true. Well, Mr Shue cared of course but he could only go so far because no matter what he said no one would listen and now, it seems people are listening more, care more and help more.
"Of course. I know what it's like to be bullied and I never what anyone to have to go through that. So, trust me, when I say I am going keep fighting to stop bullying." Blaine gave him a smile that Kurt returned. "I better head on. I'll see you tomorrow, Kurt." Kurt opened up the door for Blaine to walk out. Blaine was out the door when something was just in Kurt's head for a second before it was spoken.
"Blaine?" Kurt asked sounding shy. Blaine turned around to face Kurt who was leaned up against the door, looking to Blaine who stood half inside the doorway and half outside of it.
"What are you doing after we talk to the principal tomorrow?" Blaine didn't have time to think why Kurt asked that question because he answered straight away.
"Seeing as it's a friday, probably watching old re-runs of One Tree Hill with my brother Coop as he complains about every scene." Blaine chuckled as did Kurt. Kurt had his hand on the door handle, twisting it back and forward. He looked down to the floor for a second before looking back up to meet Blaine's curious eyes. Why does his eyes have to be so big and beautiful? Kurt felt like he was going to stop breathing at any second if he didn't get the words out of his mouth.
"Does coffee with me afterwards sound better?" Kurt hoped that he didn't say that to fast.
Blaine tried to hide his surprise and smile that was trying to appear on his face.
"Yeah, sounds much better." Blaine gave a smile and needed to leave before he said something stupid in that moment, where he felt happy, really happy by a few words.
"So, tomorrow then."
"Tomorrow. Bye, Kurt."
"Bye, Blaine." Kurt watched as Blaine turned away from him, still with the smile on his face. When Blaine had gotten to his car, Kurt gave a wave that Blaine returned and shut the front door.
When Kurt turned around Burt was standing in the hallway looking amused.
"What?" Kurt asked wondering why his dad was looking at him like that.
"Nothing." Burt smiled as he headed into the kitchen.
Kurt got lost in his thoughts again.
Was this going to be a date?
Blaine pulled out of the driveway and started to head up the road. He turned up the radio a bit. He looked out in front of him to the dark road that was lite up by his headlights. As he drove a thought came into his mind.
Was this going to be a date?