One Moment
Fighting for her Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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One Moment: Fighting for her

T - Words: 1,298 - Last Updated: Sep 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2012 - Updated: Sep 07, 2013
595 0 3 0 0

Kurt never got that phone call from Cooper. He needed to know Blaine was okay. It had been a few days since the wedding and now it was Monday.

Kurt sat in his car outside the school waiting for Hayley to come out. Maybe he could ask Hayley how Blaine was today. It's not like she would think anything of it.

It was five minutes until school was over but Kurt saw the school doors get pushed open and it was Hayley. Wait, that wasn't his smiling little Hayley. She was crying and running over to the car. Kurt got quickly out of the car and ran over to Hayley.

"Sweetheart…what h…"

"Daddy." She cried as she saw Kurt in front of her and had his arms open for her. She ran into her daddy's arms.

Kurt didn't have a clue why she was so upset, but he would sure as hell find out. He wrapped his arms around her being protect as she sobbed into Kurt.

The school doors opened again and Blaine came running out with a worried expression on his face. He looked over to Kurt and Hayley and his heart broke for the crying little girl but at least she was with Kurt now. Should Blaine go over to them or what? He didn't want to upset Hayley any more than she already was.

Kurt saw Blaine standing in front of the school doors; he needed to talk to him. He pulled back from Hayley a little to see her sweet face.

"Princess, Will you wait for me in the car till I talk to Mr Anderson? I won't be long and then you and I can go for Ice cream and spend the rest of the day together, okay?" Hayley nodded her head slowly and Kurt gave her a kiss on the forehead before she went to the car and hoped into it. Kurt looked back at the car for a minute to make sure the door was shut so Hayley wouldn't hear anything.

Kurt walked over to Blaine and before Blaine could say anything Kurt had already started talking when he was a few feet away from Blaine.

"Explain to me why the hell my daughter came out in tears." Kurt knew there was angry in his voice but he couldn't care.

"Kurt, he didn't mean to but a boy in Hayley's English class said something about Hayley's dad and not having a…"

"Having a mum? That is bullshit. What did he say about her dad?" Kurt demanded.

"Em…from what Hayley said to me it was that she doesn't have another dad because…he doesn't love her." Blaine hated having to say those horrible words.

"What's his name?"


"Blaine, tell me now or I swear to god I will take my kid out of this school." Kurt's voice was rising with every word.


"Are you serious? That kid picked on Hayley before and I thought I was told last year he had stopped it."

"Kurt, I didn't know about that but if I had of knowing I would of…"

"Would of what Blaine? Nothing that is what you would have done. Teachers are supposed to be there for their students, making sure they are safe in school but you all don't give a shit. As long as you all get your money and long holidays you don't care."

"That's not true. I care Kurt okay, I god damn care, that's why I became a teacher. I don't know about the rest of them but the one reason I became a teacher is to look out for these kids." Blaine shut his eyes for a second as he breathed in and out trying to not get upset. He knew Kurt had every right to be mad, but what Kurt was saying was far from true as to why Blaine became a teacher.

"Am sorry that he said that to Hayley and you can come to the principal with me now to tell him about this."

"Like he will do anything." Kurt snapped and Blaine just nodded his head.

"Well if he doesn't I will, okay."

"How do I know you will?"

"You don't, but I was bullied my whole life in school and trust me I will do whatever I can in this world to help bullying be stopped, no matter what." He gave Kurt a little smile and Kurt gave him a quick one back.

Kurt hardly knew this guy but yet, he believed him.

"Okay." Was all Kurt managed to say before he turned away from Blaine. Then Kurt remembered the wedding. Should he ask? Should he not? Before Kurt could decide not to he was already turned back around to Blaine.

"I asked Cooper to call me to tell me how you were and…"

"He gave me your number, but I never called and…"

"It's okay. But, are you?"

Blaine didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Em…I honestly don't know."

Kurt didn't know what to say to that.

Blaine didn't know why he didn't just lie and say yes. Damn, he left this kind of awkward now didn't he?

Before either could say anything, Hayley was walking over to them and she stood in front of Blaine.

"Am sorry for running out of your class Mr Anderson." She said her voice not as sad anymore but still clearly upset. Blaine looked at Kurt for a second before he bent down on his knees in front of Hayley and gave her a little smile.

"It's okay. But, you have to promise me if he or anybody else says anything to you, you come straight to me and tell me, okay?" Hayley nodded her head and to Blaine's surprise she gave him a hug.

Kurt looked down at Hayley and Blaine. Kurt was surprised to because Hayley never hugged anybody unless she trusted them or really like them.

"See you tomorrow, sir." She said before walking back to the car. Blaine stood back up and in front of Kurt.

"I will go and talk to the principal now and if you want to…we can meet tomorrow somewhere and I can tell you what's going happen, if you want…you don't have to, I can always ring…"

"Yeah that's fine. The Lima bean at four maybe?"


"Okay." They stood for a second looking at each other before Kurt walked away back to the car and left Blaine thinking this is just about Hayley, not us.

But was that a lie?

Could it be about falling for Kurt to? A guy he hardly knew.


Kurt and Hayley sat on the park bench eating their ice-cream. Hayley had gotten a little better after she got her ice-cream. Kurt didn't want to upset Hayley but he needed to know exactly what that boy said.

"Hales, I know you probably don't want to talk about it but, what did that boy say to you?" Kurt looked down to Hayley eating her ice-cream and her happy expression didn't change.

"That I don't have a mummy because I have two daddies but that even my daddy's didn't…" the expression turned sad. "want…me." Kurt pulled Hayley closer to his side and looked down at her, Hayley didn't look up.

"Sweetheart, kids say really mean things when they don't even understand what their saying and I know that really hurt to hear that but, you know that isn't true at all, don't you?"

Hayley nodded her head slowly and looked up to Kurt.

"Am glad I don't have a mummy because if I did I wouldn't have you as a daddy." Kurt had to stop himself from letting tears form behind his eyes. He had the sweetest daughter, she deserved to feel happy every second of everyday and she deserved to have her other daddy here but if she did, it would start all over again and honestly Kurt would never be able to handle that again. He knew the day would come when his husband would find them, but when he did, Kurt was ready to run with Hayley.

End Notes: It means so much you reading this and everything else :)Tell me what you thought because I love getting reviews and knowing you guys like it :)Oh and if any of you's would like to check them out I have just joined youtube and put up Kurt and Blaine videos I made.It's Eleanor Bell and then you will see my videos like: Kurt & Blaine ~ All these little things Kurt & Blaine The last time you saw me Blaine Anderson ~ Behind these hazel eyes Kurt & Blaine - Let's begin again.


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hmmm. interesting. i though kurt left his husband because the husband cheated. but now, the story suggests that kurt left an abusive spouse? well, damn; now i gotta know what kurt's story is. and blaine's, although i know enough right now to be appeased. don't take too long to tell blaine's story, ok?

It was nice to see Blaine and Kurt interact again after the wedding and I was happy that he was quick to show Kurt that he intended to stand up for Haley and to make sure that the bullying stopped. I really am interested in finding out more about Kurt and Haley's situation and finding out why they had to run. I can't wait to read the next chapter of this awesome story.

Awh thank you so much. Glad your enjoying it :)