One Moment
Wonderful Previous Chapter Story
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One Moment: Wonderful

T - Words: 9,653 - Last Updated: Sep 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2012 - Updated: Sep 07, 2013
135 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: 1 Year Later:

Kurt walks down the school corridor to Blaine’s classroom. It is nine O’clock at night and Kurt was on his way home from the theatre after a long day of work. He loved working there, but getting his second show together had been a bit of a nightmare today and all he wanted was to be at home with Hayley and Blaine. When he got out of the theatre, Cooper had rung Kurt and said Blaine wasn’t home yet. Cooper and Sarah had picked Hayley up from school. Blaine was meant to be home at seven, but when Coop had rung Blaine he said he was still at school and he would be home a bit later. So Cooper knew Kurt would be coming home that way and left it up to Kurt to drag Blaine out of that school.
As it is coming up to Christmas, Blaine is trying to get all the kids tests corrected before the holidays, but this is the third night he has been at the school late and when that happens, he is tired the next day and of course stays late again.
Kurt gets to the door, seeing the main lit from Blaine’s classroom is of, but the light of the lamp sat on his desk is on. And then his eyes catch too Blaine who has his head down on top of his folded arms on a load of papers. Kurt smiles and opens the door quietly. He walks over to Blaine, seeing a pile of tests corrected on his desk. Kurt hears Blaine breathing quietly. He doesn’t want to scare him, so he knees down beside Blaine and whispers his name, trying to wake him up gently. He hadn’t seen Blaine before he left for work this morning so he didn’t get to see what he wore today. He looks and see’s Blaine wearing black jeans with red converses, a white shirt with a red tie and a grey jacket. Kurt didn’t know whether this was one of the most adorable outfits Blaine had worn or because he was asleep, but Kurt couldn’t stop smiling at how adorable he looked.
“Blaine…Blaine,” Kurt whispers.
“Mm,” Blaine mumbles, not opening his eyes. Kurt moves his hand up to Blaine’s face, moving Blaine’s hair away from his forehead. At the touch of Kurt’s fingers, Blaine slowly opens his eyes, seeing Kurt in front of him. “Why…where…” Blaine lifts his head up slowly and looks to the front of the room. “W-Where are the kids?” Blaine mumbles and looks back to Kurt.
“I don’t think kids want to be in school at 9 at night,” Kurt chuckles. Blaine rubs at his eyes, waking himself up a bit more. He looks to the papers in front of him, all over the desk. “Do you want me to get coffee for you to wake up before I kick for ass for staying so late again?” Kurt’s words make Blaine smile. Blaine nods in reply. Kurt gets up from the ground, gives a kiss to Blaine’s forehead and goes to get them coffee.
A few Minutes later Kurt comes back in the classroom with two cups of coffee. He sees Blaine correcting another paper. Kurt puts down the cups on the desk and goes around behind the desk. He takes the pen out of Blaine’s hand.
“Kurt…” Blaine moans.
“No, you are finished for tonight.” Kurt gathers up the papers on Blaine’s desk and leaves them on a back desk in the room along with the pen. He walks back up to the desk, takes one of the cups and puts it in front of Blaine and takes his own cup. He leans over to one of the desks and pulls up a chair, to sit across the desk from Blaine. “Drink that to get some energy back before we leave here, go home and I make you something to eat and then you’re going to bed. I’m ringing Mr Burton in the morning to say you won’t be in till 12. I would say you won’t be in at all, but I know you will want to. And don’t even argue with me, Blaine Anderson, because you know you won’t win. You are bringing Hayley home tomorrow; you can correct those papers at home because at least then I can see when you have stopped.” Blaine couldn’t help but smile when Kurt was talking.
“Is that your way of saying you love me?” Blaine said. Kurt takes a sip of his coffee.
“You know I love you, this was me saying, stop making yourself so tried with work. Please, you have not been able to nearly keep your eyes open these past few days when I see you.” Blaine’s smile fades when he hears how worried Kurt is.
“Well then, I better do what you say because I need my eyes open to see you every day,” That puts a hint of a smile on Kurt’s lips.
Half an hour later they are still there. Blaine’s making Kurt laugh by telling him Clay tried hitting on a new teacher today, who had just started yesterday. Blaine had thought it wasn’t going to go well for Clay, but turned out; he has a date with the new teacher, Charlie, at the weekend.
Blaine had found a packet of jellies in his drawer, one of the kids had given him yesterday. “These are really good. Who gave them to you? I’ve never even heard of these before. “Kurt had, had about 10 in the last minute.
“That would be Josh.”
“I have to tell Hayley to get Josh to get more of these.” Kurt said popping another in his mouth. Blaine smiles and nods his head. Kurt is about to eat another when he stops and looks at it. It’s a blue and red one with a hole in the middle; they were his favourite ones out of the packet.
“Alright, let’s go home before you eat them all.” Blaine puts the packet back into the drawer. The main light is on, so he can see where he’s going. He walks to the back of the room to get the pile of papers. Kurt looks at the last jelly in his hand and then looks to Blaine coming back up with the pile of papers. Blaine puts them on his desk. He moves some things around and then picks his bag up of the floor and pops it onto the desk. He stops doing anything for a second.
“Yea, I really need to pee. I haven’t peed since…” Blaine tries to think, but he forgets. “Give me two minutes.” Blaine heads out the door.
When Blaine comes back in Kurt is sat on the edge of the table beside Blaine’s bag.
“Okay, now let’s go.” Blaine smiles at Kurt. Blaine picks up his bag and see’s writing still on board. He glances at it for a spilt second and then looks away to get the board clearer sitting on top of the desk. He sees Kurt grinning at him after he picks up the board clearer.
“What?” Blaine asks, smiling back at Kurt.
“Blaine, really look at the writing on the board.” Blaine is a little confused but turns around to face the board and reads the writing.
Blaine Anderson, would you like to marry the guy sitting right beside you?
Blaine reads the words again, feeling like he read them wrong. He turns around to Kurt. Kurt holds up the jelly ring in front of him.
“You didn’t get to take them all.” Kurt is still smiling. He grabs the marker beside him and writes one last thing on the board.
Yes or Yes
“You don’t get another option.” Kurt said. He hands the marker to Blaine, who takes it without saying a word. His expression has been a shocked smile since he read those words. Blaine writes onto the board.
I was only ever going to say yes, Kurt Hummel
Blaine throws the marker on the table. He looks to Kurt and kisses him. Kurt leans back a little, throws his arms around Blaine’s shoulders as Blaine leans his hands on Kurt’s back pulling him in closer.
“Do you want the ring? Because if you don’t I’ll just eat it.” Kurt mumbles against their lips. Blaine nods his head and gives Kurt his left hand, which Kurt pops the jelly ring onto his finger.
“It’s my ring…I get too eat it.” Blaine said as he looks at it and then too Kurt.
“Okay,” Kurt leans back into Blaine’s lips for another kiss, longer this time. “Okay, now we are going home because if we don’t I’ll just keep kissing you.” Kurt leans his head down against Blaine’s shoulder.
“I am more than alright with that by the way,” Blaine kisses the top of Kurt’s head. They stand in silent for a few seconds to process what just happened. Kurt lifts up his head, glancing at Blaine, and then picks up Blaine’s bag, putting it on his own shoulder. He takes Blaine’s hand and leads them out the door. Blaine switches off the light and closes the door. They end up in a dark corridor with the only light in it from the main lights at the front.
“I know there is only like 0.01 per cent something creepy will happen, but from that 0.01 per cent of a change, can we please run outside?” Kurt said looking at Blaine and nowhere else. Blaine looks around him for a second.
“Run!” They both leg it up the corridor, hand in hand, laughing as they run.

6 years later:

Hayley and Blaine are in the kitchen baking brownies. They both have a load of flour over them, in their hair, on their faces, over their clothes and of course their hands. And the kitchen counters are covered in it. Hayley picks up the tray to pop into the oven. Blaine takes it of her and goes over to the oven himself. Hayley watches as he does.
“Dad I’m not a little kid. You can trust me with putting a tray into the oven.” Blaine looks over at her as he shuts the oven door. She’s right, she isn’t a kid anymore, but to a parent, their kid always is. Blaine smiles at how much she has grown over the years. It was hard for him when she left pre-school and into high school. He didn’t get to teach her anymore for the last few years, but her being happy in high school, makes him happy, but he will always miss her in pre-school. He’s not looking at that little girl who could brighten his day, no; she’s sixteen, and the girl who still brightens up his day.
“I know, I’m sorry. I forget sometimes.” Blaine starts to walk back to her.
“It’s okay. I forget you’re not young anymore.” Hayley smirks. Blaine covers his heart with his hand.
“I’m not old. Late 30’s is not old you.” Blaine picks up some flour and throws it at her, laughing.

A while later they get the kitchen cleaned up and themselves. The timer goes off to tell them the brownies are done. They take them out and leave them out to cool down. They leave them to cool down while Blaine helps Hayley with her English homework.
“He is such a bitch. She gives us so much homework.” Hayley said looking down at her English homework in front of her.
“First of all, watch the language. And you know I’ll help you. Read the question again.” Blaine watches as Hayley lets out a sign and begins to read the question.
“In the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes book, The hounds of Baskerville, explain in your opinion why Sherlock was so scared from seeing the hound.” Hayley said, sounding like she is reading the question for the One-Hundredth time.
“He didn’t believe it and when he saw it, it felt like he was losing him mind. And why he thought that is because he had never had a case so frightening like this one and he couldn’t explain it and the fact that he couldn’t explain it scared him, than the hound itself.” Blaine said hoping that was right from what he could remember.
“See that’s a great answer. And one of the girls said that in our class and Mr Key said ‘that is an amateur answer. There is not enough answer in that to write three pages on it.’” She rolls her eyes at Mr Key’s words.
“What a dick,” Blaine’s eyes go a little wider when he realizes what he said. That makes Hayley laugh.
“I know. And I stood up for her and said, It might be amateur too you, but not too everyone. And for my opinion I got detention. Dad it’s not fair. He is so mean and thinks he’s right and you’re wrong. I don’t want to go to his class anymore.” Blaine’s heart breaks for Hayley. She is always such a great worker in school and always loved English, but lately she hasn’t talked about it much after getting this new teacher a few months ago and now Blaine knows the real reason why.
“Don’t ever let anyone put you down. I’m glad you stood up for her, you did the right thing. Okay, do this question, hand it in. Say what he says when you get it back and Hayley give him the rest of the week to see what he is like, and if he continues it, we are doing something about it. Kids aren’t allowed with that, so neither should he.” The thought of Mr Key made Blaine mad. A parent-teaching meeting is coming up next week and he will be saying something to Mr Key.
“Thanks Dad. I wish I still had you teaching me.” Those words warm Blaine’s heart.
“Well, I get to at home. But if I was teaching you in high school, you might not like it as much.”
“I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t mind. I’m not like those other kids who are ashamed to be seen with their parents and the kids aren’t nice thinking that. I think they forgot who raised them.” Hayley loved being with her dads. She didn’t mind who seen her with them. She loved them so much and they are the two most important people in her life, so why would she be ashamed?
“You’re a pretty awesome kid, you know that?”
“I always know that.” Hayley laughs, making Blaine laugh too.
“Okay, back to this super fun question.” Blaine picks up Hayley’s Hound of Baskerville book to the marked page and reads what Hayley underlined.
A few minutes later they hear the front door opening. Kurt comes into the kitchen with two plastic bags and places them on the kitchen counter.
“Hey Daddy,” Hayley smiles.
“Look who finally got home. Good day at work?” Blaine looks to Kurt who doesn’t say anything, but looks back to Blaine. Blaine knows that look. It’s the Hayley look. Hayley looks from Kurt, too Blaine, back to Kurt.
“What is happening right now?” Hayley asks with a little laugh. She hates when they are looking at each other and not saying anything. Kurt finally looks back to Hayley. He takes a seat across from Hayley, with Blaine sat at the side of the table, sat between them. Kurt puts his bag on the ground and takes something out. He holds it in his left hand so Blaine and Haley don’t see.
“Why didn’t you tell us? We have always been here for you to talk too, so why not now Hayley?” Kurt said his voice flat and hurt.
“Daddy I don’t know what you want me to say.” Hayley is confused. She tells them most things, yes, but not everything. She looks to Blaine for help. Blaine doesn’t know what is happening either. Kurt lifts up his hand and drops the item in the middle of the table. It’s a pregnancy test. It’s Positive.
Hayley’s eyes widening as she sees it. Blaine looks to it and then to Hayley.
“I found it in your bin this morning wrapped in tissue paper. And no, I wasn’t looking through your rubbish; it fell out of the paper when I was throwing it into the kitchen bin. Sixteen Hayley. You are just sixteen. Does Josh know, seeing as he’s the one that made that stick positive?” Hayley can’t even read Kurt’s expression, she hasn’t seen it before, but she guesses that it’s Kurt being really disappointed.
“It’s not…it’s nothing to do with Josh or-“
“What? Nothing to do with him. Who is it to do with?” Surprise appears on Hayley’s face.
“Kurt…let her explain.” Blaine speaks up since Kurt came home.
“Please do not tell me you knew and didn’t tell me.” Blaine is the one Kurt is looking at now, hurt.
“If you would listen to me for a second, then you would know.” Hayley said. It’s not that Kurt doesn’t listen to her, it’s just the past few weeks she feels like she can’t talk to him anymore, but she didn’t say that to him or Blaine.
“Then please tell me and your Dad. And don’t say it’s not yours because it’s not ours.” Kurt said, a little angry. Hayley laughs, humourless.
“No, I doubt it. Guys can’t understand how girls feel. They don’t understand how scared they can be and how they feel like they can’t tell anyone because her parents will go mad.” Hayley shakes her head. “I’m not even going to try explaining because you don’t understand. Maybe if you were actually home for once with us-us we could talk. But no, you just keep do-doing what you love; spend more time at work than wi-with your own family.” Hayley runs out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room. The door slams and the sound echoes through the house. Blaine gets up from his seat and takes the test. He walks over to the bin and throws it in. Blaine doesn’t move from there, but looks over to Kurt who looks around to Blaine.
“She’s not pregnant, sweetheart. One of her friends is. Peyton, who was here, last night is. Hayley went to with her to the Doctor today, turns out it was a false alarm. But Peyton was and still is very upset over it.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you stop me?” Kurt said, angry.
“I only found last night. She only told me in case Peyton was and if she needed a place to stay could she stay here? You weren’t home till late, that’s why she didn’t ask you too. And she was trying to tell you there.” Blaine makes his way back over to the table and sits back down.
“And if I was here she would have and I wouldn’t have thought she was pregnant. What kind of Dad am I anymore?” Kurt doesn’t want an answer so he doesn’t wait for one. He leaves the kitchen and goes back outside. Blaine is about to go after him, but he gives him space and goes to check on Hayley.

Two hours go by and Kurt still isn’t home. He hadn’t taken his car and he wasn’t around the house. Blaine tried ringing him, but Kurt left his phone at home. It is starting to get dark out.
Blaine and Hayley are in the car driving to where Blaine is pretty sure Kurt is. A few minutes later Blaine pulls up at a lake. He and Hayley get out.

“I know he is somewhere around here. I’ll check this way, you go that way.” Blaine nods his head to the right side. “Have your phone in your hand and do not wander that far, okay?” Hayley smiles at how such a Dad he is. She’s worried about Kurt, but she knows they will find him here.
Blaine wanders through overgrown bushes and walks out to an open space that has the lake a few feet in front of him and a bench looking out at the lake, that Kurt is sat on. He’s looking out at the sunset. Blaine smiles and walks over to him. The stones below Blaine’s feet are loud enough for Kurt to hear. Kurt doesn’t turn around to Blaine, but he stretches out his arm for Blaine to take. Blaine takes another few steps and holds his hand in Kurt’s and steps up onto the bench beside Kurt. Blaine wraps his arm around Kurt’s back and the other still holding on to Kurt’s hand.
A few minutes later after Blaine rang Hayley, she appears. Blaine sees her appear and smiles at her.
“I think you Daughter wants a hug.” Blaine whispered to Kurt and kisses him on the cheek. When Kurt gets up they meet each other half way. Kurt pulls her into a hug.
“I’m sorry, Angel. I’m so sorry,” Kurt whispered, holding her close.
“I’m sorry too, Dad.”

Hayley is sat on the couch, in-between Kurt on the right side and Blaine on the left as they all drink some hot chocolate to warm themselves up.
“I…I gave up the play.” Blaine and Hayley look at Kurt in shock.
“Daddy, Why?”
“You were right today. I’m not home enough. I get home really late and you both are already asleep, I wake up early and I’m gone before you both are up, and the times I do see you both, it’s only for 2 or 3 hours and that never was or never will be enough.” He smiles to Hayley and Blaine. “I love the one I am at now. And even when I was working a lot on that play, I saw you both a load still. I’m taking no more plays that stop me from seeing you two less. But I did get a new offer the other day and there is only two ways I am going too, yes.” Kurt grinned. Blaine and Hayley waits for him to continue. “That my Husband gets to help me Direct it and If our Daughter is okay with her Dad’s Directing a little play called ‘Into The Woods.’”
“No way, Daddy, are you serious, you are both directing it?” Hayley said excited. She had got cast into the play the other week, earning herself one of the main roles. Kurt and Blaine wouldn’t expect Hayley to say no, but they didn’t expect her to be this excited. Kurt looks from Hayley to Blaine, who is surprised and speechless.
“If your Dad says yes,” Hayley turns to Blaine and back to Kurt.
“I think he’s a bit shocked.” Hayley said and Kurt laughs.
“Me?” Blaine said trying to process it.
“Blaine, you do remember the Christmas play you directed and wrote the songs and music for at your school? And that’s another thing; you’re doing the music as well. There might be already music done, but no one has ever heard a Blaine Anderson-Hummel take on it.”
“My dads are doing a play together, that’s incredible. I have to go ring Josh!” Hayley jumps up from the couch. “Dad the only answer is yes!” Hayley says happily and goes off to ring Josh. Kurt moves across the couch and sits on his knees. He looks lovingly at Blaine.
“She’s right, the only answer is yes.” Kurt grins. He leans over to Blaine, his forehead against Blaine’s. “Say yes, say yes, and just say yes…” Blaine looks to Kurt’s eyes and nods his head.
“Yes. I will direct the play with you.” Blaine whispers.
“Good. You weren’t leaving here till it was going to be a yes anyways.” Kurt kisses Blaine’s lips. He moves his arms up around Blaine’s shoulders. Blaine puts his hands on Kurt’s waist and pulls him down closer.
“Josh, I swear! Even ask them yourse…eww, not again!” Hayley said as she walks into the living room, looking over at Kurt and Blaine. They both pull away a little from each other, to see a grossed out Hayley standing at the living room door. “You both kiss more than I kiss Josh.” Hayley says to them with a laugh. “You know who Josh. I only live with them. They’re worse than us.” Hayley walks back out and they can hear her talking from the hallway. “I love them, but they better not be like that at the play. I have never been embarrassed of them, but there is a line, they may just cross.” Her voice fades as she goes up the stairs.
Kurt covers his face with his hands, laughing. “Wait, did she say we are as bad as her and Josh? If they’re as bad as us…” Kurt takes his hands away from his face and looks to a smiling Blaine.
“They are smart kids, we just aren’t smart adults. And of course we aren’t going to be like this at the play. We can just be like teenagers again and sneak around where no one can see us.” Blaine said about to kiss Kurt again.
“Stop! I just came back down to see if Josh can come over tomorrow.” Hayley says louder for them to hear. Kurt and Blaine turn to Hayley. “Yes Josh, they are.” Hayley covers the phone with her hand. “Remember I can get you both fired from the play. I have dirt on you both. I love you both, but no one wants to see their parents kissing and especially in front of their friends, who have been my friends since pre-school and had you…” Hayley points to Blaine. “As a teacher for years. I feel like the parents of you two right now.”
“He can come over if you leave right now so I can kiss your Dad.”
“Blaine!” Kurt said.
“Dad, why must you say it?” Hayley said with a smile. It doesn’t gross her out really, but she likes to pretend it does because Kurt’s reaction is funny and Blaine always says something funny. As long as they are happy, she doesn’t care. She leaves them too it. This time they hear her close her door, still on the phone to Josh.
“You speech the truth to her too much.” Kurt said resting his forehead back onto Blaine’s.
“I know. But she knows I just love you so so so so soooooo much!” Blaine grins and kisses Kurt again.
“I love you a million so’s too,” Kurt mumbles against their lips.

It is Hayley’s Graduation day. She is stood up in front of everyone, on stage, saying her speech to her classmates, teachers, along with family and friends.
Kurt and Blaine look to her as she waits for the applause to fade out and to start her speech. She looks over at her Dad’s, takes a deep breath and smiles.
“When I graduated pre-school, I didn’t want to leave. I had my friends and my boyfriend coming with me too here. And the great teachers I had, I would see around town. So there was just one reason why.” Hayley looks up from the sheet of paper in front of her and looks to Kurt and Blaine, who couldn’t be more proud.
“When I was eight, I moved from New York too here with my Dad. And I was scared to start not just a new school, but the school year had already started. I remember having Music as my first class, I was excited about it. And the kids in the class were nice to me. The teacher still hadn’t come in, but when he did, he had this big smile on his face.” Blaine has that smile on him now. “He said, Good Morning, to the class and seen me, trying to not be noticed by him. I could hear him saying, we must have another talented student in the class. He came down to me and asked what my name was? I knew the class was looking, but he shut them out for that second, with how caring he was and I might have only been eight, but a kid knows if an adult cares or not. And I told him and he smiled at me and said, Well, Hayley, I promise you will enjoy being here. Myself and my students have a lot of fun. If you feel scared here or anywhere, tell me, okay? It’s not just a classroom, it’s a family and I may look like an adult, but the kids know I am not’.” Laughs echo the room as Hayley said that. She sees Kurt looking at Blaine, adoring him like he always has. Blaine winks at Hayley.
“I heard the kids around me laughing at his words and that made me laugh too. ‘Kids, won’t you make Hayley feel very welcomed?’ They replied with a chorus of yes’. And my laugh turned into a smile. I didn’t feel scared anymore.” And she doesn’t feel scared right now in front of all these people because she has the two most caring parents’ right in front of her being proud. “He got up, but still looked down to me and said…Oh and because I’m a bit older than you kids, and the school says I have to…He rolled his eyes and smiled at me and said…My name is Mr Anderson.” A lot of the students knew that Blaine is Hayley’s Dad, but a lot would have never heard that story. “But I don’t call him that anymore. It went from Mr Anderson to Daddy Anderson, to Mr Daddy, to Daddy and now to Dad. I came from New York with one amazing Dad, and now I have the best two Dads in the world.” A good few people are turned away from Hayley for a second, too look at Kurt and Blaine who are looking to each other. “Some people just get one, maybe none at all…but I get them two. They taught me not to be scared. To always be myself. To learn from my mistakes and always smile, even when your heart is breaking…because no one can see your heart breaking, but them seeing your smile could heal someone and heal yourself.” Most are now turned back to Hayley as are Kurt and Blaine.
”We leave here today with memories that we will never forget. And it may hurt because all you want to do is relieve them, but as my dad’s say, ‘at least if the good memories hurt, they will always mean something and will always stay in your heart. Don’t cry because it only happened once; smile because you have that memory.’ And wherever we all go after today, remember, smile because it happened to us…it happened to you.” Kurt and Blaine are the first to clap and stand up for their Daughter, while others follows. Blaine can see tears forming in Kurt’s eyes. He puts an arm around Kurt’s back and leans him in closer to his side.
“You’re going to make me cry,” Blaine whispered into Kurt’s ear. Kurt lets out a little laugh and leans his head back a little to see Blaine’s face.
“Then smile…because that’s our little girl.” Kurt grinned and kisses Blaine on the lips. Their lips linger for a few seconds before pulling away and looking back to their Daughter on stage, shaking her head at them with a smile.

Hayley is getting hugs and congrats from her family. Burt has Hayley in his arms now, not letting her go.
“Alright Burt, it’s her Uncle’s time to squeeze the life out of her!” Cooper said excited. Burt lets go, smiling proudly at her. She laughs when Cooper gives her the biggest hug and lifts her up from the ground.
“Uncle Coop,” She continues to laugh.
“Never!” Cooper jokes, taking of down one of the corridors with Hayley over his shoulder. Finn, Rachel, Sarah, Carole and Burt all laugh as they do.
“He’s already lifting Liam up like that. And Liam is only two. He is going to grow up like his Daddy,” Sarah said. She has never seen anyone as great with kids then Blaine and Cooper.
“They really never do grow up,” Carole smiles to Sarah and then looks to Finn who is stuffing his face with food from his plate. He looks up too his Mum, confused.
“What?” He mumbles through the food in his mouth. Rachel just smiles at her Husband. She leans her head against his shoulder. He would never, not, be the boy she fell in love with.
Cooper and Hayley appear back, this time with Hayley walking beside Cooper.
“Where did they actually disappear too?” Hayley asks Cooper. Cooper picks her up again, higher so she can find them.
“Can you see them?” Cooper shouts up. She looks around her and Damn, she found them.
“Coop, Coop,” He brings her back down.
“They are talking to Mr Key. Why!” Hayley moans and starts to walk over to them, Finn and Cooper follow.
“You are Hayley’s Dad, right?” Mr Key said with a smile plastered across his face. Other people are standing around listening; no wonder Mr Key is nice. When Blaine and Kurt went in for a parent teacher meeting with him it didn’t end to well. Mr Key had denied he had never been mean or hard on the kids and that there were making it up for attention. He knew right well who they are.
“Yeah, couldn’t really forget us,” Kurt said, serious. Mr Key laughs, to make out like Kurt is joking.
“Of course not. Hayley was a pleasure to teach. I’ll miss her.” He said with that smile still on his face. Kurt and Blaine look to each other with a smirk on their faces.
“Yeah she was telling us how she is going to miss you too,” Blaine said. The people around them, aww. “About how you put the kids down every second. How you were right and they were wrong. That giving them three hours of homework is what they needed every time they had you.”
“That every time she went to school, her and her friends dreaded going into your class. How when you failed most of the class on an essay, they more than passed. And about how you are the biggest asshole in this school.” Kurt said. Everyone had turned around to look at them talking. People were surprised, but Mr Key even more so.
“And don’t stand there thinking you did nothing. We know you got fired from three schools beforehand and that this was your last change. I have dealt with the biggest assholes and so has Kurt, but you, you top them all.”
Hayley, Cooper and Finn had stopped behind Kurt and Blaine. She couldn’t help but smile for what they were doing for her.
“Do you actually think I care what you faggot queens think of me!” Mr Key raised his voice. That is just what Blaine and Kurt were waiting for. The reason he got fired, basically, being a horrible human being to others, but trying to lock it away. Blaine takes two steps closer to him.
“No…you might not care, but just look around you…did myself and my husband, who is a guy, who I love, who I share the same bed with…do this.” Blaine snaps his fingers. “Looks like a wire just went on fire.” Blaine whispered against his face. It’s quick, but over in a second that Mr Key goes to hit Blaine, but Mr Key isn’t quick enough, Kurt’s fist connects with Mr Key’s face. Mr Key lands on the ground with a massive thump.
“When you start dealing with people like you when you are young, they quickly realize you can do worse to them than they do to you. Especially when one of those assholes goes to hurt my husband. I hope you rot for what you did to all those kids. But you did one thing right; you finally showed this school who you are. You are nothing but dirty water that is drowning you second by second.” Kurt looks down to the hopeless man on the floor, who is smirking. Blaine takes his eyes of Mr Key and takes Kurt’s hand in his, pulling Kurt away from him. Finn and Cooper pick up Mr Key roughly.
“Get the hell out! You have no right to be here!” Cooper said disgusted.
“I have every right. What is a couple of dirty homo’s goi…” A man comes up and lands another punch to Mr Key’s face.
“Don’t you there! Those guys saved my Son’s life. With them on the council board, they got the kids hurting my Son, to be expelled. He loves coming to school now.” The man’s voice is strong. Kurt and Blaine hadn’t even seen this man before.
“I can second that.” A woman said, coming beside the man. Kurt and Blaine recognize her. She is Hayley’s Science teacher. “My Daughter is friends with Hayley and the day before my Daughter was going to commit suicide, she was at Hayley’s house, she was at peace. She was going to enjoy the last day with her Best friends. And you know she has been open about that, but what she never said was, she heard Kurt and Blaine talking one day when Hayley was getting ready, they had said to one another, The number is there if anyone needs to ring us. All we need is to listen and let them know…”
“There is hope for the lost. And when you stick around long enough, the lost is found. And the found help the lost. And the only way to see what moment that will happen is to hold on to your life, until you don’t have to hold on as tight anymore because letting go a little, but not fully, means you are taking it step by step to get there, to make it through.” Her Daughter, Anna, said. She stands beside her mum and holds her hand. “They save lives; they don’t try to tear them down.” She said to Mr Key. Her voice isn’t angry, its clam as she spoke the truth.
“So get out. No one will ever let you walk back into this school again.” Burt said coming to stand beside Kurt, Blaine and Hayley. Mr Key laughs, bitterly and pulls himself away from Finn and Cooper.
“Hell to that, I’m leaving this town. The people are too nice, that’s not real.” He sips the words at them.
“The only person that isn’t real is the one you have to live with every day for your whole bitter life.” Blaine said calmly. Mr Key looks to Kurt and Blaine, shaking his head. He couldn’t understand their lives. He turns away and walks towards the door, people move away from him.
“Did I ever say you both are the most amazing Dad’s?” Hayley said, nearly crying. Blaine and Kurt smile and pull her into a hug, a family hug.

“You know I’d rather just go home with you both and watch a movie. I don’t even like going out.” Hayley said with a grin on her face.
“We can do that tomorrow, but tonight, you are going out with your friends and going to have a great time. If you want to come home early just call us and we be there for you, okay?” Kurt said to his Daughter in her beautiful blue dress. They stand outside the school as the bus to bring them into town isn’t here yet.
“What are you two going to do?” Hayley asked, actually interested.
“You know us…going to have a wild night with pizza and watching the most unrealistic thing on TV.” Blaine joked, making Kurt and Hayley laugh.
“Sounds fun, just don’t watch my favourite show without me. I will know if you watch Modern Family.”
“We promise. Now don’t be so lame standing with your parents when your friends are over there. Go be embarrassed of us or something.” Hayley shakes her head, smiling, at Kurt’s words.
“Yeah we can’t be seen with our Daughter. We have a rep with these other parents. To be seen with your kid is uncool. We don’t know her.” Blaine said a bit louder.
“Okay…okay I’m going. You know I’m going to get wasted and do crazy things. If you let me go I could be over the news for doing something insane.” Kurt and Blaine look at her with yeah right looks on her faces. The closet Hayley cam to being drunk and doing something mad was at her seventeen birthday party when she had two glasses of WKD and bounced around on her trampoline while singing and fell asleep on it shortly afterwards.
Josh comes up to them. “Hayley, you ready to go? The bus is here.” She smiles to Josh. He can see she would rather stay. “You know you don’t have to go. Wherever you want to go I’ll stay with you.” She loves how thoughtful he is. Josh wouldn’t be a drinker, but he likes going out with their friends and dancing like mad.
“It’s okay. I’ll be there in a second.”
“Okay. I’ll take care of her.” He looks too Kurt and Blaine. They hadn’t a doubt he wouldn’t. Hayley and Josh have looked after each other since pre-school.
“We know you will. Did you tell your Mum we will collect you tonight?” Kurt said.
“Yeah she said thank you. Oh yeah and pretty badass in there guys. Mr A and Mr H…what a team.” Josh smiles and heads back over to their friends.
“You both are pretty badass. I’m just glad you both did it on graduation night because people in school won’t shut up about that and they don’t have to live with the two bad asses.” Hayley said, making them laugh. She hugs them and heads on over to her friends just as the bus pulls up. They wave them of as the bus takes off after a few minutes.
“We totally are badass,” Kurt said looking to Blaine, who looks back at him. Blaine kicks Kurt’s butt with his heal and grins. He puts his arms around Kurt’s waist as Kurt does the same.
“Yeah, we defiantly are, Mr H.”

Kurt is lying asleep on the couch, with Blaine lying on top of him, Kurt’s hands around his back and Blaine’s head lying under Kurt’s. They had fallen asleep at 11, it now being 2. The only light is from the TV that is gone back to the menu of old Sherlock Holmes films. A pizza box left on the table, with a slice left. Crips in a bowl and cans of coke sat on the table as well. A sharp ring from Blaine’s phone is heard. The screen lights up.
“Mm, what?” Kurt mumbles, not opening his eyes. The phone continues to ring. Blaine lifts up his head and looks to the phone with one eye open. He leans over and grabs the phone of the table.
“Someone is-is done with their mad n-night then,” Blaine said and yawns. Kurt can hear Hayley’s voice, but doesn’t understand a word. He opens his eyes slowly. “Yea, on our way.” When Blaine hangs up the phone, he puts it in his pocket and pushes himself up. Kurt reaches out his hands for Blaine to pull him up and he does. Kurt gets onto his feet, steadying himself. He looks to the clock, surprised at the time.
“Did we fall asleep before one of the films was over?” Kurt honestly can’t remember. He turns on the lamp and turns of the TV. Blaine picks up the keys and stretches at the door. Kurt wanders over to the door.
“I can’t even remember making it through half of it.” Blaine let out a tired laugh as does Kurt. Kurt gets over to Blaine and wraps his arms around Blaine, who is standing sideways. Kurt rests his chin on Blaine’s shoulder and looks to his eyes.
“Does this mean we are official old,” Kurt said.
“Well if it does, I love being old with you,” Blaine whispered. He gives a kiss to Kurt’s lips and then takes his hand and they head out the door.

“I-I want to travel to the moon. The moon is so coooool,” Hayley laughs as she rests her head on the car window and looks up to the night sky as the car moves. “That moon follows me. It’s like when you turn away for a second, its closer. Whhhhhhy Moon?” Her expression goes scared. She pulls her head in from the window. “Is…the moon is a weeping…angel?” She looks back slowly to the moon. “It moved!”
“Sweetheart, please, keep the volume down.” Kurt said. He looks in the backseat where Hayley is looking back out the window. Her eyes are wide open.
“I. Can’t. Blink. The Doctor will get you all!” She is only talking to herself and the moon, that to her, is a weeping Angel. Blaine has a smile spread across his face, as Hayley talks to herself.
“This is what happens when she watches The 1900’s episodes. They freak her out a little.” Kurt said.
“I want to watch Doctor Whoooooooo. Do Doo Dooo,” Hayley sings away. Kurt turns to Blaine, trying not to laugh at Hayley.
“You are dealing with her when we get home.”
Fifteen minutes later they get home, pulling up in the driveway. Kurt is nearly asleep again, but has enough energy to move. Blaine takes a sleeping Hayley out of the backseat and carries her into the house. Kurt goes to get a glass of water, while Blaine puts Hayley to bed. A few minutes later Blaine appears into the kitchen, now in his PJ’S that is grey tracksuit bottoms and a red hoodie. His hair is as messy as it gets.
Kurt has his head down on the kitchen table. He walks over to Kurt, and rests his two hands on Kurt’s shoulders and massages them a little, Kurt hums of the feeling of it. He lifts his head up and leans back against the chair. Blaine lets his arms fall over Kurt’s shoulders. He leans the side of his head against Kurt’s.
“She has such an imagining when she is a little tipsy. She could come up with a new idea for a story with that mind and then we can pass it of as our own.” Blaine knows Kurt is smiling at that because he could feel Kurt’s face smile instead of seeing it.
“That’s not a bad idea…only as she is our Daughter, she would know…somehow, she would know.” Kurt said lowly. His voice is starting to fade a little from being tired.
“I know it’s been years since you started saying it…but every time you say Our Daughter or Hayley says Dad I have to stop for a second and think wait, this is actually real. They are my family.” Even as Blaine said that now, it feels magical.
“And you…”Kurt turns his head a little more to the side and looks at Blaine’s eyes. “How do I describe you? I’m too tired to start…but you…you are the most beautiful person I have ever met and we couldn’t have had a better person to complete our family. I’ll always remind you because the one who saved us needs to know how much he means to us. Hayley’s perfect Dad and my…beautiful…Boy.” Kurt smiles against Blaine’s cheek and then places a kiss on his cheek.
“You really need to go to bed, don’t you?” Blaine whispered. Kurt let his head rested on Blaine’s shoulder for a little while and Blaine had been sure he fell asleep.
“Mm,” Kurt moans. Kurt gets up and Blaine holds him up, putting his hand around his waist and brings him upstairs before he falls asleep here.

Blaine is already in bed and looking at his phone when Kurt wanders into the room, ready for bed. Kurt wears his PJ bottoms and robbed Blaine’s old warbler t-shirt. He switches of the main light, the only light now from the lamps on the bedside lockers and Blaine’s phone.
“Mum texted me,” Blaine looks to Kurt. “She said she hoped Hayley’s graduation went well and she can’t wait to see us in a few weeks.” Kurt smiles as he gets into bed beside Blaine. He smiles because Blaine’s smiling, but every time he hears her name, he really smiles for being strong and getting away.
The day she handed Blaine that note, she left after two weeks. She moved to Ireland too live with her best friend, she meet in the United Kingdom when she went to college there. Her Friend, Mary, had lost her husband two months before that. And when Blaine’s Mum went to stay with her, she pulled Mary through her loss, and Mary pulled her through leaving her Husband. Of course Blaine’s Father, tried to find her, but he never did, well, he gave up looking after a few weeks. He died a year after she left him. Drink was the cause of his death, but really everyone who ever loved him, left. And the loneliness’ drove him to the drink and killed him. He had come over a few times to Cooper’s house and Blaine’s, but they never answered and he finally went away.
But a week before he died, it was Cooper’s birthday, he showed up, shouting the most horrible things. Cooper and Blaine dragged him out and threw him outside. He just starred at them from the ground. Cooper didn’t say a word and all Blaine said was If you get another life after you die, don’t screw it up like you did at the start of this one this the very end. It left you with nothing. After then they left him and never seen him again. Cooper, Blaine, Sarah and Kurt went to the funeral. Blaine’s Mum showed up with Mary. No words were spoken about him from the family and when he was lowered into the ground, there were no tears from anybody. And by anybody, the only ones that showed up were them. And they all walked away from the grave. No one ever went back expect when Hayley wanted to go too his grave two years ago, that was the only time.
“It will be nice to see her and Mary. And I can’t wait to go back to Ireland. Do you think she will ever come home?” Kurt asks, his legs folded and looking to Blaine.
“No, I don’t. That’s her home now and she loves it. I’d rather her happy there, then not here. Plus we get to go there every year and she comes over here with Mary for Christmas and the summer. It’s better that way.” Blaine does miss her, but he knows being in Ireland is better for her.
“Well, One Day, maybe we will live there. I just want somewhere so peaceful and you beside me when we retire, and after College Hayley wants to go there for at least a year, so just maybe.” Kurt moves over to Blaine, throwing his legs over Blaine’s and leaning his back and head against board and his eyes fixed on Blaine. Blaine puts his phone on the bedside locker and turns back to Kurt, putting his hand on Kurt’s side under his T-shirt.
“I’ll be anywhere if you are both there,” Blaine places a kiss to Kurt’s lips. When he pulls back a little he rests his forehead against Kurt’s.

“Dad’s…” A voice says from Kurt and Blaine bedroom door. All the lights are switched off. Hayley stands in the dark at the doorway. Blaine leans his arm over to the lamp and switches it on. He then looks over to a tried Hayley. “Can I stay with you two tonight?”
“Of course, sweetheart,” Blaine sits up in the bed. Hayley hopes beside them in the middle and under the sheets. Kurt is still half asleep, but his eyes are open.
“Are you thinking of the creepy Doctor Who episodes?” Kurt mumbles his head still on the pillow. Hayley nods her head. Kurt leans up a little and punches Blaine in the arm. Hayley laughs.
“Kurt…why?” Blaine moans.
“It’s your fault! Stop watching them with her.” Blaine sticks out his tongue and chuckles.
“Well, it is that but…I’m scared because I’m finished School.” Hayley is sat up in the bed, looking down at her hands. Kurt pushes himself up and sits up with Blaine and Hayley. “It was different when going to high school, but now everyone is going their own ways and distance pulls people apart. I am looking forward to college, but none of my friends are going where I am. What if I don’t make any friends and I can’t handle it…” Hayley’s voice starts to break.
“Angel, if it gets too much at any time weather before or after you go, you come home and we will figure it out. But it’s you…have you forgotten who are? We haven’t.” Kurt said taking Hayley’s hand in his.
“You’re the girl who is always brave. And if anyone would be able to do this college thing amazingly it’s you, isn’t it? Just look over to your right, look who raised you. Now tell me you won’t be okay?” Hayley smiles to Kurt.
“Now look to you left and if you think we were strong before we only got stronger.” She does look to Blaine with the same smile. Kurt and Blaine glance at each other with their smiles.
“You can do this and when you feel like you are breaking, we will always be right beside you and help you. The world is scary, but when you step out into it, really for the first time, even if you are on your own, you aren’t. We are with you and that will make it easier and will make you stronger.” Blaine said looking at Hayley and Kurt. “Whatever happens, in the end, you will be okay.”
“I don’t know ho-how I got the two greatest people in the world too be my Dads, but I did. I-I love you both so much.” Haley said and wraps her arms around them both. She leans the side of her head against Kurt’s and looks to Blaine, these words meant only for Kurt and Blaine.
“I’ll always be okay, as long as I have you both every day.”

Kurt sits outside on the bench on the porch, looking out to the sun rising. It’s raining lightly, but it just makes sitting outside more beautiful. He put on his old college hoodie before heading out here to keep him warm. He sits with his knees up to his chest and watches the sun rise slowly into this new day.
A little while after Blaine comes out with two cups in his hands. He hands Kurt his and then takes a seat close to Kurt, Kurt can feel himself more warmer with Blaine beside him. They both drink their Coffee and look out towards the view and the drops of rain falling as it hits of the ground and into the rest of the drips of raindrops. Blaine puts his cup on the ground and leans his body against Kurt’s and his head on Kurt’s shoulder.
“I can imagine us old and still always watching the sun rise when we are both wide awake.” Blaine said. Kurt leans his head against Blaine’s.
“I used to be scared of growing old. I guess everyone is, but when I see Dad and Carole together, I know they aren’t scared. And I always wanted to get to that age and have someone not to be scared with.” Kurt smiles. He remembers seeing Burt and Carole outside one night laughing away. That’s when Kurt knew, they weren’t scared to grow old every day. “How could I be scared with you here. I stopped being scared of most things because you made me not afraid. No matter how not scared someone is, having someone be there, that’s what I think takes all the fear away.” Blaine lifts up his head and meet’s Kurt’s eyes.
“Together we aren’t scared and I know we could be still brave without each other, we were before we met, but I do fear…I fear of losing Hayley, Cooper, Mum, everyone I love…and then you. I do block it out, but sometimes it pushes through and makes me think.” Blaine’s voice is sadder.
“I want to say we would get through it but…honestly, my heart wouldn’t beat anymore. I’d try but being with-without you, as much as I would try I can’t imagine a life without you. But I know whatever would happen…the world would bring us together still…whatever that may be. And we would accept it.” Kurt gives a bigger smile. “But for now, we enjoy this. We enjoy every day and everything together because it is what we are meant and want we need to do to survive, to be happy and too smile.” Blaine returns that smile that shows brightly on Kurt’s face. Kurt puts his mug down onto the ground and takes Blaine’s hand in his and his other on the nap on Blaine’s neck. “Close your eyes.” Blaine does as does Kurt. “Imagine two older people sat out on a porch, anywhere in the world. Who are they? They are us. They are sat there, peacefully, probably thinking of how wonderful their life has been so far. They know any day, just like any day before, it could end in this life, and it hurts. But they are not afraid as they hold each other close. They will accept whatever comes and accepts when it does, they won’t let go, but they will find each other again. They don’t know how, but their hearts tell them they will.”
“And one will open their eyes,” Blaine opens his eyes to see Kurt with his still shut. “He will look at his life in front of him and think how the world let him find the beautiful boy he fell in love with. And he would say to him…I’d live every single life with you. We will find each other in each life or there will be always something missing. But whatever may come towards us, I know I’ll always find you. Thank you for finding me in this life. Thank you for letting my heart beat again.”
“Then I would open my eyes, to his eyes connected with mine and say…”Kurt’s eyes are looking back to Blaine’s. He can see them older and together. “If we only get one life to live…I’m so glad I get too spend this wonderful life with you.”
1 Year Later:

Kurt walks down the school corridor to Blaine’s classroom. It is nine O’clock at night and Kurt was on his way home from the theatre after a long day of work. He loved working there, but getting his second show together had been a bit of a nightmare today and all he wanted was to be at home with Hayley and Blaine. When he got out of the theatre, Cooper had rung Kurt and said Blaine wasn’t home yet. Cooper and Sarah had picked Hayley up from school. Blaine was meant to be home at seven, but when Coop had rung Blaine he said he was still at school and he would be home a bit later. So Cooper knew Kurt would be coming home that way and left it up to Kurt to drag Blaine out of that school.
As it is coming up to Christmas, Blaine is trying to get all the kids tests corrected before the holidays, but this is the third night he has been at the school late and when that happens, he is tired the next day and of course stays late again.
Kurt gets to the door, seeing the main lit from Blaine’s classroom is of, but the light of the lamp sat on his desk is on. And then his eyes catch too Blaine who has his head down on top of his folded arms on a load of papers. Kurt smiles and opens the door quietly. He walks over to Blaine, seeing a pile of tests corrected on his desk. Kurt hears Blaine breathing quietly. He doesn’t want to scare him, so he knees down beside Blaine and whispers his name, trying to wake him up gently. He hadn’t seen Blaine before he left for work this morning so he didn’t get to see what he wore today. He looks and see’s Blaine wearing black jeans with red converses, a white shirt with a red tie and a grey jacket. Kurt didn’t know whether this was one of the most adorable outfits Blaine had worn or because he was asleep, but Kurt couldn’t stop smiling at how adorable he looked.
“Blaine…Blaine,” Kurt whispers.
“Mm,” Blaine mumbles, not opening his eyes. Kurt moves his hand up to Blaine’s face, moving Blaine’s hair away from his forehead. At the touch of Kurt’s fingers, Blaine slowly opens his eyes, seeing Kurt in front of him. “Why…where…” Blaine lifts his head up slowly and looks to the front of the room. “W-Where are the kids?” Blaine mumbles and looks back to Kurt.
“I don’t think kids want to be in school at 9 at night,” Kurt chuckles. Blaine rubs at his eyes, waking himself up a bit more. He looks to the papers in front of him, all over the desk. “Do you want me to get coffee for you to wake up before I kick for ass for staying so late again?” Kurt’s words make Blaine smile. Blaine nods in reply. Kurt gets up from the ground, gives a kiss to Blaine’s forehead and goes to get them coffee.
A few Minutes later Kurt comes back in the classroom with two cups of coffee. He sees Blaine correcting another paper. Kurt puts down the cups on the desk and goes around behind the desk. He takes the pen out of Blaine’s hand.
“Kurt…” Blaine moans.
“No, you are finished for tonight.” Kurt gathers up the papers on Blaine’s desk and leaves them on a back desk in the room along with the pen. He walks back up to the desk, takes one of the cups and puts it in front of Blaine and takes his own cup. He leans over to one of the desks and pulls up a chair, to sit across the desk from Blaine. “Drink that to get some energy back before we leave here, go home and I make you something to eat and then you’re going to bed. I’m ringing Mr Burton in the morning to say you won’t be in till 12. I would say you won’t be in at all, but I know you will want to. And don’t even argue with me, Blaine Anderson, because you know you won’t win. You are bringing Hayley home tomorrow; you can correct those papers at home because at least then I can see when you have stopped.” Blaine couldn’t help but smile when Kurt was talking.
“Is that your way of saying you love me?” Blaine said. Kurt takes a sip of his coffee.
“You know I love you, this was me saying, stop making yourself so tried with work. Please, you have not been able to nearly keep your eyes open these past few days when I see you.” Blaine’s smile fades when he hears how worried Kurt is.
“Well then, I better do what you say because I need my eyes open to see you every day,” That puts a hint of a smile on Kurt’s lips.
Half an hour later they are still there. Blaine’s making Kurt laugh by telling him Clay tried hitting on a new teacher today, who had just started yesterday. Blaine had thought it wasn’t going to go well for Clay, but turned out; he has a date with the new teacher, Charlie, at the weekend.
Blaine had found a packet of jellies in his drawer, one of the kids had given him yesterday. “These are really good. Who gave them to you? I’ve never even heard of these before. “Kurt had, had about 10 in the last minute.
“That would be Josh.”
“I have to tell Hayley to get Josh to get more of these.” Kurt said popping another in his mouth. Blaine smiles and nods his head. Kurt is about to eat another when he stops and looks at it. It’s a blue and red one with a hole in the middle; they were his favourite ones out of the packet.
“Alright, let’s go home before you eat them all.” Blaine puts the packet back into the drawer. The main light is on, so he can see where he’s going. He walks to the back of the room to get the pile of papers. Kurt looks at the last jelly in his hand and then looks to Blaine coming back up with the pile of papers. Blaine puts them on his desk. He moves some things around and then picks his bag up of the floor and pops it onto the desk. He stops doing anything for a second.
“Yea, I really need to pee. I haven’t peed since…” Blaine tries to think, but he forgets. “Give me two minutes.” Blaine heads out the door.
When Blaine comes back in Kurt is sat on the edge of the table beside Blaine’s bag.
“Okay, now let’s go.” Blaine smiles at Kurt. Blaine picks up his bag and see’s writing still on board. He glances at it for a spilt second and then looks away to get the board clearer sitting on top of the desk. He sees Kurt grinning at him after he picks up the board clearer.
“What?” Blaine asks, smiling back at Kurt.
“Blaine, really look at the writing on the board.” Blaine is a little confused but turns around to face the board and reads the writing.
Blaine Anderson, would you like to marry the guy sitting right beside you?
Blaine reads the words again, feeling like he read them wrong. He turns around to Kurt. Kurt holds up the jelly ring in front of him.
“You didn’t get to take them all.” Kurt is still smiling. He grabs the marker beside him and writes one last thing on the board.
Yes or Yes
“You don’t get another option.” Kurt said. He hands the marker to Blaine, who takes it without saying a word. His expression has been a shocked smile since he read those words. Blaine writes onto the board.
I was only ever going to say yes, Kurt Hummel
Blaine throws the marker on the table. He looks to Kurt and kisses him. Kurt leans back a little, throws his arms around Blaine’s shoulders as Blaine leans his hands on Kurt’s back pulling him in closer.
“Do you want the ring? Because if you don’t I’ll just eat it.” Kurt mumbles against their lips. Blaine nods his head and gives Kurt his left hand, which Kurt pops the jelly ring onto his finger.
“It’s my ring…I get too eat it.” Blaine said as he looks at it and then too Kurt.
“Okay,” Kurt leans back into Blaine’s lips for another kiss, longer this time. “Okay, now we are going home because if we don’t I’ll just keep kissing you.” Kurt leans his head down against Blaine’s shoulder.
“I am more than alright with that by the way,” Blaine kisses the top of Kurt’s head. They stand in silent for a few seconds to process what just happened. Kurt lifts up his head, glancing at Blaine, and then picks up Blaine’s bag, putting it on his own shoulder. He takes Blaine’s hand and leads them out the door. Blaine switches off the light and closes the door. They end up in a dark corridor with the only light in it from the main lights at the front.
“I know there is only like 0.01 per cent something creepy will happen, but from that 0.01 per cent of a change, can we please run outside?” Kurt said looking at Blaine and nowhere else. Blaine looks around him for a second.
“Run!” They both leg it up the corridor, hand in hand, laughing as they run.

6 years later:

Hayley and Blaine are in the kitchen baking brownies. They both have a load of flour over them, in their hair, on their faces, over their clothes and of course their hands. And the kitchen counters are covered in it. Hayley picks up the tray to pop into the oven. Blaine takes it of her and goes over to the oven himself. Hayley watches as he does.
“Dad I’m not a little kid. You can trust me with putting a tray into the oven.” Blaine looks over at her as he shuts the oven door. She’s right, she isn’t a kid anymore, but to a parent, their kid always is. Blaine smiles at how much she has grown over the years. It was hard for him when she left pre-school and into high school. He didn’t get to teach her anymore for the last few years, but her being happy in high school, makes him happy, but he will always miss her in pre-school. He’s not looking at that little girl who could brighten his day, no; she’s sixteen, and the girl who still brightens up his day.
“I know, I’m sorry. I forget sometimes.” Blaine starts to walk back to her.
“It’s okay. I forget you’re not young anymore.” Hayley smirks. Blaine covers his heart with his hand.
“I’m not old. Late 30’s is not old you.” Blaine picks up some flour and throws it at her, laughing.

A while later they get the kitchen cleaned up and themselves. The timer goes off to tell them the brownies are done. They take them out and leave them out to cool down. They leave them to cool down while Blaine helps Hayley with her English homework.
“He is such a bitch. She gives us so much homework.” Hayley said looking down at her English homework in front of her.
“First of all, watch the language. And you know I’ll help you. Read the question again.” Blaine watches as Hayley lets out a sign and begins to read the question.
“In the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes book, The hounds of Baskerville, explain in your opinion why Sherlock was so scared from seeing the hound.” Hayley said, sounding like she is reading the question for the One-Hundredth time.
“He didn’t believe it and when he saw it, it felt like he was losing him mind. And why he thought that is because he had never had a case so frightening like this one and he couldn’t explain it and the fact that he couldn’t explain it scared him, than the hound itself.” Blaine said hoping that was right from what he could remember.
“See that’s a great answer. And one of the girls said that in our class and Mr Key said ‘that is an amateur answer. There is not enough answer in that to write three pages on it.’” She rolls her eyes at Mr Key’s words.
“What a dick,” Blaine’s eyes go a little wider when he realizes what he said. That makes Hayley laugh.
“I know. And I stood up for her and said, It might be amateur too you, but not too everyone. And for my opinion I got detention. Dad it’s not fair. He is so mean and thinks he’s right and you’re wrong. I don’t want to go to his class anymore.” Blaine’s heart breaks for Hayley. She is always such a great worker in school and always loved English, but lately she hasn’t talked about it much after getting this new teacher a few months ago and now Blaine knows the real reason why.
“Don’t ever let anyone put you down. I’m glad you stood up for her, you did the right thing. Okay, do this question, hand it in. Say what he says when you get it back and Hayley give him the rest of the week to see what he is like, and if he continues it, we are doing something about it. Kids aren’t allowed with that, so neither should he.” The thought of Mr Key made Blaine mad. A parent-teaching meeting is coming up next week and he will be saying something to Mr Key.
“Thanks Dad. I wish I still had you teaching me.” Those words warm Blaine’s heart.
“Well, I get to at home. But if I was teaching you in high school, you might not like it as much.”
“I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t mind. I’m not like those other kids who are ashamed to be seen with their parents and the kids aren’t nice thinking that. I think they forgot who raised them.” Hayley loved being with her dads. She didn’t mind who seen her with them. She loved them so much and they are the two most important people in her life, so why would she be ashamed?
“You’re a pretty awesome kid, you know that?”
“I always know that.” Hayley laughs, making Blaine laugh too.
“Okay, back to this super fun question.” Blaine picks up Hayley’s Hound of Baskerville book to the marked page and reads what Hayley underlined.
A few minutes later they hear the front door opening. Kurt comes into the kitchen with two plastic bags and places them on the kitchen counter.
“Hey Daddy,” Hayley smiles.
“Look who finally got home. Good day at work?” Blaine looks to Kurt who doesn’t say anything, but looks back to Blaine. Blaine knows that look. It’s the Hayley look. Hayley looks from Kurt, too Blaine, back to Kurt.
“What is happening right now?” Hayley asks with a little laugh. She hates when they are looking at each other and not saying anything. Kurt finally looks back to Hayley. He takes a seat across from Hayley, with Blaine sat at the side of the table, sat between them. Kurt puts his bag on the ground and takes something out. He holds it in his left hand so Blaine and Haley don’t see.
“Why didn’t you tell us? We have always been here for you to talk too, so why not now Hayley?” Kurt said his voice flat and hurt.
“Daddy I don’t know what you want me to say.” Hayley is confused. She tells them most things, yes, but not everything. She looks to Blaine for help. Blaine doesn’t know what is happening either. Kurt lifts up his hand and drops the item in the middle of the table. It’s a pregnancy test. It’s Positive.
Hayley’s eyes widening as she sees it. Blaine looks to it and then to Hayley.
“I found it in your bin this morning wrapped in tissue paper. And no, I wasn’t looking through your rubbish; it fell out of the paper when I was throwing it into the kitchen bin. Sixteen Hayley. You are just sixteen. Does Josh know, seeing as he’s the one that made that stick positive?” Hayley can’t even read Kurt’s expression, she hasn’t seen it before, but she guesses that it’s Kurt being really disappointed.
“It’s not…it’s nothing to do with Josh or-“
“What? Nothing to do with him. Who is it to do with?” Surprise appears on Hayley’s face.
“Kurt…let her explain.” Blaine speaks up since Kurt came home.
“Please do not tell me you knew and didn’t tell me.” Blaine is the one Kurt is looking at now, hurt.
“If you would listen to me for a second, then you would know.” Hayley said. It’s not that Kurt doesn’t listen to her, it’s just the past few weeks she feels like she can’t talk to him anymore, but she didn’t say that to him or Blaine.
“Then please tell me and your Dad. And don’t say it’s not yours because it’s not ours.” Kurt said, a little angry. Hayley laughs, humourless.
“No, I doubt it. Guys can’t understand how girls feel. They don’t understand how scared they can be and how they feel like they can’t tell anyone because her parents will go mad.” Hayley shakes her head. “I’m not even going to try explaining because you don’t understand. Maybe if you were actually home for once with us-us we could talk. But no, you just keep do-doing what you love; spend more time at work than wi-with your own family.” Hayley runs out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room. The door slams and the sound echoes through the house. Blaine gets up from his seat and takes the test. He walks over to the bin and throws it in. Blaine doesn’t move from there, but looks over to Kurt who looks around to Blaine.
“She’s not pregnant, sweetheart. One of her friends is. Peyton, who was here, last night is. Hayley went to with her to the Doctor today, turns out it was a false alarm. But Peyton was and still is very upset over it.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you stop me?” Kurt said, angry.
“I only found last night. She only told me in case Peyton was and if she needed a place to stay could she stay here? You weren’t home till late, that’s why she didn’t ask you too. And she was trying to tell you there.” Blaine makes his way back over to the table and sits back down.
“And if I was here she would have and I wouldn’t have thought she was pregnant. What kind of Dad am I anymore?” Kurt doesn’t want an answer so he doesn’t wait for one. He leaves the kitchen and goes back outside. Blaine is about to go after him, but he gives him space and goes to check on Hayley.

Two hours go by and Kurt still isn’t home. He hadn’t taken his car and he wasn’t around the house. Blaine tried ringing him, but Kurt left his phone at home. It is starting to get dark out.
Blaine and Hayley are in the car driving to where Blaine is pretty sure Kurt is. A few minutes later Blaine pulls up at a lake. He and Hayley get out.

“I know he is somewhere around here. I’ll check this way, you go that way.” Blaine nods his head to the right side. “Have your phone in your hand and do not wander that far, okay?” Hayley smiles at how such a Dad he is. She’s worried about Kurt, but she knows they will find him here.
Blaine wanders through overgrown bushes and walks out to an open space that has the lake a few feet in front of him and a bench looking out at the lake, that Kurt is sat on. He’s looking out at the sunset. Blaine smiles and walks over to him. The stones below Blaine’s feet are loud enough for Kurt to hear. Kurt doesn’t turn around to Blaine, but he stretches out his arm for Blaine to take. Blaine takes another few steps and holds his hand in Kurt’s and steps up onto the bench beside Kurt. Blaine wraps his arm around Kurt’s back and the other still holding on to Kurt’s hand.
A few minutes later after Blaine rang Hayley, she appears. Blaine sees her appear and smiles at her.
“I think you Daughter wants a hug.” Blaine whispered to Kurt and kisses him on the cheek. When Kurt gets up they meet each other half way. Kurt pulls her into a hug.
“I’m sorry, Angel. I’m so sorry,” Kurt whispered, holding her close.
“I’m sorry too, Dad.”

Hayley is sat on the couch, in-between Kurt on the right side and Blaine on the left as they all drink some hot chocolate to warm themselves up.
“I…I gave up the play.” Blaine and Hayley look at Kurt in shock.
“Daddy, Why?”
“You were right today. I’m not home enough. I get home really late and you both are already asleep, I wake up early and I’m gone before you both are up, and the times I do see you both, it’s only for 2 or 3 hours and that never was or never will be enough.” He smiles to Hayley and Blaine. “I love the one I am at now. And even when I was working a lot on that play, I saw you both a load still. I’m taking no more plays that stop me from seeing you two less. But I did get a new offer the other day and there is only two ways I am going too, yes.” Kurt grinned. Blaine and Hayley waits for him to continue. “That my Husband gets to help me Direct it and If our Daughter is okay with her Dad’s Directing a little play called ‘Into The Woods.’”
“No way, Daddy, are you serious, you are both directing it?” Hayley said excited. She had got cast into the play the other week, earning herself one of the main roles. Kurt and Blaine wouldn’t expect Hayley to say no, but they didn’t expect her to be this excited. Kurt looks from Hayley to Blaine, who is surprised and speechless.
“If your Dad says yes,” Hayley turns to Blaine and back to Kurt.
“I think he’s a bit shocked.” Hayley said and Kurt laughs.
“Me?” Blaine said trying to process it.
“Blaine, you do remember the Christmas play you directed and wrote the songs and music for at your school? And that’s another thing; you’re doing the music as well. There might be already music done, but no one has ever heard a Blaine Anderson-Hummel take on it.”
“My dads are doing a play together, that’s incredible. I have to go ring Josh!” Hayley jumps up from the couch. “Dad the only answer is yes!” Hayley says happily and goes off to ring Josh. Kurt moves across the couch and sits on his knees. He looks lovingly at Blaine.
“She’s right, the only answer is yes.” Kurt grins. He leans over to Blaine, his forehead against Blaine’s. “Say yes, say yes, and just say yes…” Blaine looks to Kurt’s eyes and nods his head.
“Yes. I will direct the play with you.” Blaine whispers.
“Good. You weren’t leaving here till it was going to be a yes anyways.” Kurt kisses Blaine’s lips. He moves his arms up around Blaine’s shoulders. Blaine puts his hands on Kurt’s waist and pulls him down closer.
“Josh, I swear! Even ask them yourse…eww, not again!” Hayley said as she walks into the living room, looking over at Kurt and Blaine. They both pull away a little from each other, to see a grossed out Hayley standing at the living room door. “You both kiss more than I kiss Josh.” Hayley says to them with a laugh. “You know who Josh. I only live with them. They’re worse than us.” Hayley walks back out and they can hear her talking from the hallway. “I love them, but they better not be like that at the play. I have never been embarrassed of them, but there is a line, they may just cross.” Her voice fades as she goes up the stairs.
Kurt covers his face with his hands, laughing. “Wait, did she say we are as bad as her and Josh? If they’re as bad as us…” Kurt takes his hands away from his face and looks to a smiling Blaine.
“They are smart kids, we just aren’t smart adults. And of course we aren’t going to be like this at the play. We can just be like teenagers again and sneak around where no one can see us.” Blaine said about to kiss Kurt again.
“Stop! I just came back down to see if Josh can come over tomorrow.” Hayley says louder for them to hear. Kurt and Blaine turn to Hayley. “Yes Josh, they are.” Hayley covers the phone with her hand. “Remember I can get you both fired from the play. I have dirt on you both. I love you both, but no one wants to see their parents kissing and especially in front of their friends, who have been my friends since pre-school and had you…” Hayley points to Blaine. “As a teacher for years. I feel like the parents of you two right now.”
“He can come over if you leave right now so I can kiss your Dad.”
“Blaine!” Kurt said.
“Dad, why must you say it?” Hayley said with a smile. It doesn’t gross her out really, but she likes to pretend it does because Kurt’s reaction is funny and Blaine always says something funny. As long as they are happy, she doesn’t care. She leaves them too it. This time they hear her close her door, still on the phone to Josh.
“You speech the truth to her too much.” Kurt said resting his forehead back onto Blaine’s.
“I know. But she knows I just love you so so so so soooooo much!” Blaine grins and kisses Kurt again.
“I love you a million so’s too,” Kurt mumbles against their lips.

It is Hayley’s Graduation day. She is stood up in front of everyone, on stage, saying her speech to her classmates, teachers, along with family and friends.
Kurt and Blaine look to her as she waits for the applause to fade out and to start her speech. She looks over at her Dad’s, takes a deep breath and smiles.
“When I graduated pre-school, I didn’t want to leave. I had my friends and my boyfriend coming with me too here. And the great teachers I had, I would see around town. So there was just one reason why.” Hayley looks up from the sheet of paper in front of her and looks to Kurt and Blaine, who couldn’t be more proud.
“When I was eight, I moved from New York too here with my Dad. And I was scared to start not just a new school, but the school year had already started. I remember having Music as my first class, I was excited about it. And the kids in the class were nice to me. The teacher still hadn’t come in, but when he did, he had this big smile on his face.” Blaine has that smile on him now. “He said, Good Morning, to the class and seen me, trying to not be noticed by him. I could hear him saying, we must have another talented student in the class. He came down to me and asked what my name was? I knew the class was looking, but he shut them out for that second, with how caring he was and I might have only been eight, but a kid knows if an adult cares or not. And I told him and he smiled at me and said, Well, Hayley, I promise you will enjoy being here. Myself and my students have a lot of fun. If you feel scared here or anywhere, tell me, okay? It’s not just a classroom, it’s a family and I may look like an adult, but the kids know I am not’.” Laughs echo the room as Hayley said that. She sees Kurt looking at Blaine, adoring him like he always has. Blaine winks at Hayley.
“I heard the kids around me laughing at his words and that made me laugh too. ‘Kids, won’t you make Hayley feel very welcomed?’ They replied with a chorus of yes’. And my laugh turned into a smile. I didn’t feel scared anymore.” And she doesn’t feel scared right now in front of all these people because she has the two most caring parents’ right in front of her being proud. “He got up, but still looked down to me and said…Oh and because I’m a bit older than you kids, and the school says I have to…He rolled his eyes and smiled at me and said…My name is Mr Anderson.” A lot of the students knew that Blaine is Hayley’s Dad, but a lot would have never heard that story. “But I don’t call him that anymore. It went from Mr Anderson to Daddy Anderson, to Mr Daddy, to Daddy and now to Dad. I came from New York with one amazing Dad, and now I have the best two Dads in the world.” A good few people are turned away from Hayley for a second, too look at Kurt and Blaine who are looking to each other. “Some people just get one, maybe none at all…but I get them two. They taught me not to be scared. To always be myself. To learn from my mistakes and always smile, even when your heart is breaking…because no one can see your heart breaking, but them seeing your smile could heal someone and heal yourself.” Most are now turned back to Hayley as are Kurt and Blaine.
”We leave here today with memories that we will never forget. And it may hurt because all you want to do is relieve them, but as my dad’s say, ‘at least if the good memories hurt, they will always mean something and will always stay in your heart. Don’t cry because it only happened once; smile because you have that memory.’ And wherever we all go after today, remember, smile because it happened to us…it happened to you.” Kurt and Blaine are the first to clap and stand up for their Daughter, while others follows. Blaine can see tears forming in Kurt’s eyes. He puts an arm around Kurt’s back and leans him in closer to his side.
“You’re going to make me cry,” Blaine whispered into Kurt’s ear. Kurt lets out a little laugh and leans his head back a little to see Blaine’s face.
“Then smile…because that’s our little girl.” Kurt grinned and kisses Blaine on the lips. Their lips linger for a few seconds before pulling away and looking back to their Daughter on stage, shaking her head at them with a smile.

Hayley is getting hugs and congrats from her family. Burt has Hayley in his arms now, not letting her go.
“Alright Burt, it’s her Uncle’s time to squeeze the life out of her!” Cooper said excited. Burt lets go, smiling proudly at her. She laughs when Cooper gives her the biggest hug and lifts her up from the ground.
“Uncle Coop,” She continues to laugh.
“Never!” Cooper jokes, taking of down one of the corridors with Hayley over his shoulder. Finn, Rachel, Sarah, Carole and Burt all laugh as they do.
“He’s already lifting Liam up like that. And Liam is only two. He is going to grow up like his Daddy,” Sarah said. She has never seen anyone as great with kids then Blaine and Cooper.
“They really never do grow up,” Carole smiles to Sarah and then looks to Finn who is stuffing his face with food from his plate. He looks up too his Mum, confused.
“What?” He mumbles through the food in his mouth. Rachel just smiles at her Husband. She leans her head against his shoulder. He would never, not, be the boy she fell in love with.
Cooper and Hayley appear back, this time with Hayley walking beside Cooper.
“Where did they actually disappear too?” Hayley asks Cooper. Cooper picks her up again, higher so she can find them.
“Can you see them?” Cooper shouts up. She looks around her and Damn, she found them.
“Coop, Coop,” He brings her back down.
“They are talking to Mr Key. Why!” Hayley moans and starts to walk over to them, Finn and Cooper follow.
“You are Hayley’s Dad, right?” Mr Key said with a smile plastered across his face. Other people are standing around listening; no wonder Mr Key is nice. When Blaine and Kurt went in for a parent teacher meeting with him it didn’t end to well. Mr Key had denied he had never been mean or hard on the kids and that there were making it up for attention. He knew right well who they are.
“Yeah, couldn’t really forget us,” Kurt said, serious. Mr Key laughs, to make out like Kurt is joking.
“Of course not. Hayley was a pleasure to teach. I’ll miss her.” He said with that smile still on his face. Kurt and Blaine look to each other with a smirk on their faces.
“Yeah she was telling us how she is going to miss you too,” Blaine said. The people around them, aww. “About how you put the kids down every second. How you were right and they were wrong. That giving them three hours of homework is what they needed every time they had you.”
“That every time she went to school, her and her friends dreaded going into your class. How when you failed most of the class on an essay, they more than passed. And about how you are the biggest asshole in this school.” Kurt said. Everyone had turned around to look at them talking. People were surprised, but Mr Key even more so.
“And don’t stand there thinking you did nothing. We know you got fired from three schools beforehand and that this was your last change. I have dealt with the biggest assholes and so has Kurt, but you, you top them all.”
Hayley, Cooper and Finn had stopped behind Kurt and Blaine. She couldn’t help but smile for what they were doing for her.
“Do you actually think I care what you faggot queens think of me!” Mr Key raised his voice. That is just what Blaine and Kurt were waiting for. The reason he got fired, basically, being a horrible human being to others, but trying to lock it away. Blaine takes two steps closer to him.
“No…you might not care, but just look around you…did myself and my husband, who is a guy, who I love, who I share the same bed with…do this.” Blaine snaps his fingers. “Looks like a wire just went on fire.” Blaine whispered against his face. It’s quick, but over in a second that Mr Key goes to hit Blaine, but Mr Key isn’t quick enough, Kurt’s fist connects with Mr Key’s face. Mr Key lands on the ground with a massive thump.
“When you start dealing with people like you when you are young, they quickly realize you can do worse to them than they do to you. Especially when one of those assholes goes to hurt my husband. I hope you rot for what you did to all those kids. But you did one thing right; you finally showed this school who you are. You are nothing but dirty water that is drowning you second by second.” Kurt looks down to the hopeless man on the floor, who is smirking. Blaine takes his eyes of Mr Key and takes Kurt’s hand in his, pulling Kurt away from him. Finn and Cooper pick up Mr Key roughly.
“Get the hell out! You have no right to be here!” Cooper said disgusted.
“I have every right. What is a couple of dirty homo’s goi…” A man comes up and lands another punch to Mr Key’s face.
“Don’t you there! Those guys saved my Son’s life. With them on the council board, they got the kids hurting my Son, to be expelled. He loves coming to school now.” The man’s voice is strong. Kurt and Blaine hadn’t even seen this man before.
“I can second that.” A woman said, coming beside the man. Kurt and Blaine recognize her. She is Hayley’s Science teacher. “My Daughter is friends with Hayley and the day before my Daughter was going to commit suicide, she was at Hayley’s house, she was at peace. She was going to enjoy the last day with her Best friends. And you know she has been open about that, but what she never said was, she heard Kurt and Blaine talking one day when Hayley was getting ready, they had said to one another, The number is there if anyone needs to ring us. All we need is to listen and let them know…”
“There is hope for the lost. And when you stick around long enough, the lost is found. And the found help the lost. And the only way to see what moment that will happen is to hold on to your life, until you don’t have to hold on as tight anymore because letting go a little, but not fully, means you are taking it step by step to get there, to make it through.” Her Daughter, Anna, said. She stands beside her mum and holds her hand. “They save lives; they don’t try to tear them down.” She said to Mr Key. Her voice isn’t angry, its clam as she spoke the truth.
“So get out. No one will ever let you walk back into this school again.” Burt said coming to stand beside Kurt, Blaine and Hayley. Mr Key laughs, bitterly and pulls himself away from Finn and Cooper.
“Hell to that, I’m leaving this town. The people are too nice, that’s not real.” He sips the words at them.
“The only person that isn’t real is the one you have to live with every day for your whole bitter life.” Blaine said calmly. Mr Key looks to Kurt and Blaine, shaking his head. He couldn’t understand their lives. He turns away and walks towards the door, people move away from him.
“Did I ever say you both are the most amazing Dad’s?” Hayley said, nearly crying. Blaine and Kurt smile and pull her into a hug, a family hug.

“You know I’d rather just go home with you both and watch a movie. I don’t even like going out.” Hayley said with a grin on her face.
“We can do that tomorrow, but tonight, you are going out with your friends and going to have a great time. If you want to come home early just call us and we be there for you, okay?” Kurt said to his Daughter in her beautiful blue dress. They stand outside the school as the bus to bring them into town isn’t here yet.
“What are you two going to do?” Hayley asked, actually interested.
“You know us…going to have a wild night with pizza and watching the most unrealistic thing on TV.” Blaine joked, making Kurt and Hayley laugh.
“Sounds fun, just don’t watch my favourite show without me. I will know if you watch Modern Family.”
“We promise. Now don’t be so lame standing with your parents when your friends are over there. Go be embarrassed of us or something.” Hayley shakes her head, smiling, at Kurt’s words.
“Yeah we can’t be seen with our Daughter. We have a rep with these other parents. To be seen with your kid is uncool. We don’t know her.” Blaine said a bit louder.
“Okay…okay I’m going. You know I’m going to get wasted and do crazy things. If you let me go I could be over the news for doing something insane.” Kurt and Blaine look at her with yeah right looks on her faces. The closet Hayley cam to being drunk and doing something mad was at her seventeen birthday party when she had two glasses of WKD and bounced around on her trampoline while singing and fell asleep on it shortly afterwards.
Josh comes up to them. “Hayley, you ready to go? The bus is here.” She smiles to Josh. He can see she would rather stay. “You know you don’t have to go. Wherever you want to go I’ll stay with you.” She loves how thoughtful he is. Josh wouldn’t be a drinker, but he likes going out with their friends and dancing like mad.
“It’s okay. I’ll be there in a second.”
“Okay. I’ll take care of her.” He looks too Kurt and Blaine. They hadn’t a doubt he wouldn’t. Hayley and Josh have looked after each other since pre-school.
“We know you will. Did you tell your Mum we will collect you tonight?” Kurt said.
“Yeah she said thank you. Oh yeah and pretty badass in there guys. Mr A and Mr H…what a team.” Josh smiles and heads back over to their friends.
“You both are pretty badass. I’m just glad you both did it on graduation night because people in school won’t shut up about that and they don’t have to live with the two bad asses.” Hayley said, making them laugh. She hugs them and heads on over to her friends just as the bus pulls up. They wave them of as the bus takes off after a few minutes.
“We totally are badass,” Kurt said looking to Blaine, who looks back at him. Blaine kicks Kurt’s butt with his heal and grins. He puts his arms around Kurt’s waist as Kurt does the same.
“Yeah, we defiantly are, Mr H.”

Kurt is lying asleep on the couch, with Blaine lying on top of him, Kurt’s hands around his back and Blaine’s head lying under Kurt’s. They had fallen asleep at 11, it now being 2. The only light is from the TV that is gone back to the menu of old Sherlock Holmes films. A pizza box left on the table, with a slice left. Crips in a bowl and cans of coke sat on the table as well. A sharp ring from Blaine’s phone is heard. The screen lights up.
“Mm, what?” Kurt mumbles, not opening his eyes. The phone continues to ring. Blaine lifts up his head and looks to the phone with one eye open. He leans over and grabs the phone of the table.
“Someone is-is done with their mad n-night then,” Blaine said and yawns. Kurt can hear Hayley’s voice, but doesn’t understand a word. He opens his eyes slowly. “Yea, on our way.” When Blaine hangs up the phone, he puts it in his pocket and pushes himself up. Kurt reaches out his hands for Blaine to pull him up and he does. Kurt gets onto his feet, steadying himself. He looks to the clock, surprised at the time.
“Did we fall asleep before one of the films was over?” Kurt honestly can’t remember. He turns on the lamp and turns of the TV. Blaine picks up the keys and stretches at the door. Kurt wanders over to the door.
“I can’t even remember making it through half of it.” Blaine let out a tired laugh as does Kurt. Kurt gets over to Blaine and wraps his arms around Blaine, who is standing sideways. Kurt rests his chin on Blaine’s shoulder and looks to his eyes.
“Does this mean we are official old,” Kurt said.
“Well if it does, I love being old with you,” Blaine whispered. He gives a kiss to Kurt’s lips and then takes his hand and they head out the door.

“I-I want to travel to the moon. The moon is so coooool,” Hayley laughs as she rests her head on the car window and looks up to the night sky as the car moves. “That moon follows me. It’s like when you turn away for a second, its closer. Whhhhhhy Moon?” Her expression goes scared. She pulls her head in from the window. “Is…the moon is a weeping…angel?” She looks back slowly to the moon. “It moved!”
“Sweetheart, please, keep the volume down.” Kurt said. He looks in the backseat where Hayley is looking back out the window. Her eyes are wide open.
“I. Can’t. Blink. The Doctor will get you all!” She is only talking to herself and the moon, that to her, is a weeping Angel. Blaine has a smile spread across his face, as Hayley talks to herself.
“This is what happens when she watches The 1900’s episodes. They freak her out a little.” Kurt said.
“I want to watch Doctor Whoooooooo. Do Doo Dooo,” Hayley sings away. Kurt turns to Blaine, trying not to laugh at Hayley.
“You are dealing with her when we get home.”
Fifteen minutes later they get home, pulling up in the driveway. Kurt is nearly asleep again, but has enough energy to move. Blaine takes a sleeping Hayley out of the backseat and carries her into the house. Kurt goes to get a glass of water, while Blaine puts Hayley to bed. A few minutes later Blaine appears into the kitchen, now in his PJ’S that is grey tracksuit bottoms and a red hoodie. His hair is as messy as it gets.
Kurt has his head down on the kitchen table. He walks over to Kurt, and rests his two hands on Kurt’s shoulders and massages them a little, Kurt hums of the feeling of it. He lifts his head up and leans back against the chair. Blaine lets his arms fall over Kurt’s shoulders. He leans the side of his head against Kurt’s.
“She has such an imagining when she is a little tipsy. She could come up with a new idea for a story with that mind and then we can pass it of as our own.” Blaine knows Kurt is smiling at that because he could feel Kurt’s face smile instead of seeing it.
“That’s not a bad idea…only as she is our Daughter, she would know…somehow, she would know.” Kurt said lowly. His voice is starting to fade a little from being tired.
“I know it’s been years since you started saying it…but every time you say Our Daughter or Hayley says Dad I have to stop for a second and think wait, this is actually real. They are my family.” Even as Blaine said that now, it feels magical.
“And you…”Kurt turns his head a little more to the side and looks at Blaine’s eyes. “How do I describe you? I’m too tired to start…but you…you are the most beautiful person I have ever met and we couldn’t have had a better person to complete our family. I’ll always remind you because the one who saved us needs to know how much he means to us. Hayley’s perfect Dad and my…beautiful…Boy.” Kurt smiles against Blaine’s cheek and then places a kiss on his cheek.
“You really need to go to bed, don’t you?” Blaine whispered. Kurt let his head rested on Blaine’s shoulder for a little while and Blaine had been sure he fell asleep.
“Mm,” Kurt moans. Kurt gets up and Blaine holds him up, putting his hand around his waist and brings him upstairs before he falls asleep here.

Blaine is already in bed and looking at his phone when Kurt wanders into the room, ready for bed. Kurt wears his PJ bottoms and robbed Blaine’s old warbler t-shirt. He switches of the main light, the only light now from the lamps on the bedside lockers and Blaine’s phone.
“Mum texted me,” Blaine looks to Kurt. “She said she hoped Hayley’s graduation went well and she can’t wait to see us in a few weeks.” Kurt smiles as he gets into bed beside Blaine. He smiles because Blaine’s smiling, but every time he hears her name, he really smiles for being strong and getting away.
The day she handed Blaine that note, she left after two weeks. She moved to Ireland too live with her best friend, she meet in the United Kingdom when she went to college there. Her Friend, Mary, had lost her husband two months before that. And when Blaine’s Mum went to stay with her, she pulled Mary through her loss, and Mary pulled her through leaving her Husband. Of course Blaine’s Father, tried to find her, but he never did, well, he gave up looking after a few weeks. He died a year after she left him. Drink was the cause of his death, but really everyone who ever loved him, left. And the loneliness’ drove him to the drink and killed him. He had come over a few times to Cooper’s house and Blaine’s, but they never answered and he finally went away.
But a week before he died, it was Cooper’s birthday, he showed up, shouting the most horrible things. Cooper and Blaine dragged him out and threw him outside. He just starred at them from the ground. Cooper didn’t say a word and all Blaine said was If you get another life after you die, don’t screw it up like you did at the start of this one this the very end. It left you with nothing. After then they left him and never seen him again. Cooper, Blaine, Sarah and Kurt went to the funeral. Blaine’s Mum showed up with Mary. No words were spoken about him from the family and when he was lowered into the ground, there were no tears from anybody. And by anybody, the only ones that showed up were them. And they all walked away from the grave. No one ever went back expect when Hayley wanted to go too his grave two years ago, that was the only time.
“It will be nice to see her and Mary. And I can’t wait to go back to Ireland. Do you think she will ever come home?” Kurt asks, his legs folded and looking to Blaine.
“No, I don’t. That’s her home now and she loves it. I’d rather her happy there, then not here. Plus we get to go there every year and she comes over here with Mary for Christmas and the summer. It’s better that way.” Blaine does miss her, but he knows being in Ireland is better for her.
“Well, One Day, maybe we will live there. I just want somewhere so peaceful and you beside me when we retire, and after College Hayley wants to go there for at least a year, so just maybe.” Kurt moves over to Blaine, throwing his legs over Blaine’s and leaning his back and head against board and his eyes fixed on Blaine. Blaine puts his phone on the bedside locker and turns back to Kurt, putting his hand on Kurt’s side under his T-shirt.
“I’ll be anywhere if you are both there,” Blaine places a kiss to Kurt’s lips. When he pulls back a little he rests his forehead against Kurt’s.

“Dad’s…” A voice says from Kurt and Blaine bedroom door. All the lights are switched off. Hayley stands in the dark at the doorway. Blaine leans his arm over to the lamp and switches it on. He then looks over to a tried Hayley. “Can I stay with you two tonight?”
“Of course, sweetheart,” Blaine sits up in the bed. Hayley hopes beside them in the middle and under the sheets. Kurt is still half asleep, but his eyes are open.
“Are you thinking of the creepy Doctor Who episodes?” Kurt mumbles his head still on the pillow. Hayley nods her head. Kurt leans up a little and punches Blaine in the arm. Hayley laughs.
“Kurt…why?” Blaine moans.
“It’s your fault! Stop watching them with her.” Blaine sticks out his tongue and chuckles.
“Well, it is that but…I’m scared because I’m finished School.” Hayley is sat up in the bed, looking down at her hands. Kurt pushes himself up and sits up with Blaine and Hayley. “It was different when going to high school, but now everyone is going their own ways and distance pulls people apart. I am looking forward to college, but none of my friends are going where I am. What if I don’t make any friends and I can’t handle it…” Hayley’s voice starts to break.
“Angel, if it gets too much at any time weather before or after you go, you come home and we will figure it out. But it’s you…have you forgotten who are? We haven’t.” Kurt said taking Hayley’s hand in his.
“You’re the girl who is always brave. And if anyone would be able to do this college thing amazingly it’s you, isn’t it? Just look over to your right, look who raised you. Now tell me you won’t be okay?” Hayley smiles to Kurt.
“Now look to you left and if you think we were strong before we only got stronger.” She does look to Blaine with the same smile. Kurt and Blaine glance at each other with their smiles.
“You can do this and when you feel like you are breaking, we will always be right beside you and help you. The world is scary, but when you step out into it, really for the first time, even if you are on your own, you aren’t. We are with you and that will make it easier and will make you stronger.” Blaine said looking at Hayley and Kurt. “Whatever happens, in the end, you will be okay.”
“I don’t know ho-how I got the two greatest people in the world too be my Dads, but I did. I-I love you both so much.” Haley said and wraps her arms around them both. She leans the side of her head against Kurt’s and looks to Blaine, these words meant only for Kurt and Blaine.
“I’ll always be okay, as long as I have you both every day.”

Kurt sits outside on the bench on the porch, looking out to the sun rising. It’s raining lightly, but it just makes sitting outside more beautiful. He put on his old college hoodie before heading out here to keep him warm. He sits with his knees up to his chest and watches the sun rise slowly into this new day.
A little while after Blaine comes out with two cups in his hands. He hands Kurt his and then takes a seat close to Kurt, Kurt can feel himself more warmer with Blaine beside him. They both drink their Coffee and look out towards the view and the drops of rain falling as it hits of the ground and into the rest of the drips of raindrops. Blaine puts his cup on the ground and leans his body against Kurt’s and his head on Kurt’s shoulder.
“I can imagine us old and still always watching the sun rise when we are both wide awake.” Blaine said. Kurt leans his head against Blaine’s.
“I used to be scared of growing old. I guess everyone is, but when I see Dad and Carole together, I know they aren’t scared. And I always wanted to get to that age and have someone not to be scared with.” Kurt smiles. He remembers seeing Burt and Carole outside one night laughing away. That’s when Kurt knew, they weren’t scared to grow old every day. “How could I be scared with you here. I stopped being scared of most things because you made me not afraid. No matter how not scared someone is, having someone be there, that’s what I think takes all the fear away.” Blaine lifts up his head and meet’s Kurt’s eyes.
“Together we aren’t scared and I know we could be still brave without each other, we were before we met, but I do fear…I fear of losing Hayley, Cooper, Mum, everyone I love…and then you. I do block it out, but sometimes it pushes through and makes me think.” Blaine’s voice is sadder.
“I want to say we would get through it but…honestly, my heart wouldn’t beat anymore. I’d try but being with-without you, as much as I would try I can’t imagine a life without you. But I know whatever would happen…the world would bring us together still…whatever that may be. And we would accept it.” Kurt gives a bigger smile. “But for now, we enjoy this. We enjoy every day and everything together because it is what we are meant and want we need to do to survive, to be happy and too smile.” Blaine returns that smile that shows brightly on Kurt’s face. Kurt puts his mug down onto the ground and takes Blaine’s hand in his and his other on the nap on Blaine’s neck. “Close your eyes.” Blaine does as does Kurt. “Imagine two older people sat out on a porch, anywhere in the world. Who are they? They are us. They are sat there, peacefully, probably thinking of how wonderful their life has been so far. They know any day, just like any day before, it could end in this life, and it hurts. But they are not afraid as they hold each other close. They will accept whatever comes and accepts when it does, they won’t let go, but they will find each other again. They don’t know how, but their hearts tell them they will.”
“And one will open their eyes,” Blaine opens his eyes to see Kurt with his still shut. “He will look at his life in front of him and think how the world let him find the beautiful boy he fell in love with. And he would say to him…I’d live every single life with you. We will find each other in each life or there will be always something missing. But whatever may come towards us, I know I’ll always find you. Thank you for finding me in this life. Thank you for letting my heart beat again.”
“Then I would open my eyes, to his eyes connected with mine and say…”Kurt’s eyes are looking back to Blaine’s. He can see them older and together. “If we only get one life to live…I’m so glad I get too spend this wonderful life with you.”


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