One Moment
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One Moment: Wake Me Up

T - Words: 3,401 - Last Updated: Sep 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2012 - Updated: Sep 07, 2013
134 0 0 0 0

He can’t catch his breathe. Every second he is getting air and he won’t last long. He starts to choke lightly until it’s not lightly anymore. His whole body is against the cold floor. He can’t move a muscle, not even his pinkie to see if he’s still alive. He’s alive in his mind, but his body is dead.
There’s no heartbeat against his chest. No air coming in or out of his lungs anymore. He can’t feel a thing. He moves his head slightly, surprised he can. He turns his head, scared ,to his left side and screams, scream and cries in his mind, but not with his body or voice.
Blaine is lying dead a few inches away from him on the classroom floor. A pool of blood is gathered around Blaine. His eyes are open, but lifeless, looking straight at Kurt. Blaine’s arm is stretched out towards Kurt, his hand covered in blood. Blaine bleeds to death beside Kurt, even though he’s already gone.
Kurt tries to move, to be heard by someone.
Kurt cries, but the tears don’t form, they don’t fall from his eyes. He can’t feel a thing in his body, everything is gathered up in his head.
“I’m gone, Kurt. Let me go, beautiful. I’m already gone” Blaine’s voice speaks softly. He’s not moving, he’s dead, and Kurt gets more afraid. He closes his eyes, he can’t take this.
“Closing your eyes won’t make me go away, Sweetheart. Your body is gone; just let your mind go with it. Be with me.” Kurt slowly opens his eyes to see Blaine is standing on front of him. As he sees Blaine, he let’s go. His eyes close, but they open just as fast. Blaine isn’t lying dead on the front.
He’s gone, the blood is gone.
Kurt is standing. He is standing right in front of Blaine. Blaine is all in white. He holds his hands out for Kurt to take. Blaine smiles, like he was never in pain.
“Blaine…” Kurt whispers his name. He doesn’t understand what is happening. He needs to hold Blaine so close and he does, wrapping his arms so tight around Blaine and closing his eyes to let whatever this is sink in.
“You’re okay, baby.” Kurt freezes at the voice. That isn’t Blaine. His eyes fly open. He isn’t in Blaine’s classroom anymore. That isn’t Blaine anymore.
Kurt pulls away so fast, seeing Danny instead of Blaine. Seeing his living room in their house in New York. Danny doesn’t look evil, he looks so caring.
“Baby, what’s wrong? I’m here. I wouldn’t let anyone or anything hurt you.” Danny’s voice is soft. He walks over to Kurt, whose back is against the wall. He is frozen. Kurt can’t move or speak to react. Danny is standing right in front of him. He puts his hand gently on Kurt’s cheek. Kurt is reminded of how Danny was when they first meet.
Danny had been really sick but hadn’t cancelled their date because he was afraid he might not get another chance. So he went on the date, which was having a picnic on the beach, and during their way there Danny had to get out on the side of the road and got sick, but Kurt took care of him. And then Kurt had gotten the bug and Danny minded Kurt when he got sick and for years that’s how they were until Hayley came along and things started to change for the worst. This Danny now, on front of him, was the caring one years ago.
“But…but you-you’re dead.” Kurt whispered, scared. Confused.
“Baby, what’s wrong? Of course I am not!” Danny looked sad that Kurt had said that. “I love you and I am worried.” Kurt shuts his eyes, trying to get his mind back on track.
Suddenly he feels his trousers being pulled down and the cold air hits him. Danny’s hand rubs his hand up and down Kurt’s penis roughly. Kurt’s eyes open in pain. Danny looks at him with a smirk.
“Danny…” Kurt moans in pain.
“You like that? How about I fuck you against this wall nice and hard until I say stop!” Danny pulls down his own trousers quickly.
“No…n-no…please…don’t…-I can’t.” Kurt’s crying and begging Danny to stop. Danny ignores him.
“I’m already hard.” He turns Kurt around and pushes him against the wall. Kurt tries to pull himself away but Danny puts his two hands on Kurt’s waist and pushes him hard against the wall. “Look how bad you want it. Beg for me, Kurt!” Kurt’s choking on his tears. He’s frozen against the wall. He feels Danny put his penis inside him, roughly. Danny starts to push in and out. Danny lays his head against Kurt’s. “Ah, Ah…so good Baby. So tight, but so fucking good. Mm, yes, yes.” Kurt is disgusted by his words, but yet he can’t run. He feels dead inside. All he can do is close his eyes and wait for it to be over.
“You dirty little fucking asshole.” Kurt’s eyes open to Danny in front of him, furious. “I am the best you will ever have and you still go around fucking other guy’s. No one will ever accept or want you like me, Kurt.” Danny slaps Kurt over the face. “Who would want scum like you? You are unless!” Danny shouts to Kurt. He pushes him hard onto the ground and Danny starts to kick Kurt in his side, over and over. Kurt is screaming so loud, but no one can hear him. Danny moves onto Kurt’s stomach and kicks down onto it. Kurt starts coughing up blood, choking on it. He can’t move.
“Daddy?” A sweet, innocent, frightened voice says. Kurt makes every part in him get strength to turn his head to the voice standing at the door. Hayley stands there, crying, in her PJ’S and holding her teddy Kurt won her for her birthday.
“Hon-honey, r-run…! Kurt whispers. Hayley is running before her Papa looks to her. The teddy she called, Angel, falls to the ground. Danny kneels down to Kurt’s face.
“This is your fault, baby. I have to hurt my own daughter, because of a disgusting person like you. Nobody will ever love you…no one ever did!” Danny smirks and gets up. He goes to walk out the door.
“Dan-Danny, if y-you hurt my-my lit-little girl…I’ll kil-kill you!” Kurt is weak, but his words are strong. Danny laughs loud, humourless and looks down at Kurt in disgust.
“You already killed me.” Danny takes a few steps to Kurt’s head and as hard as he can, Danny’s shoe connects with Kurt’s head.
Kurt flings in his chair, ready to run when he realizes where he is and what that was.
He was dreaming. He isn’t in that nightmare because he’s in another. His boyfriend is lying in a hospital bed in front of him. Alive, so close to being dead, but alive.
So many machines are around Kurt and it scares him. He can’t look at them, it makes him lose his breathe. Blaine is sleeping from the morphine. Kurt hopes his dreams are happy, that those dreams feel so real, and that the real life of what just happened doesn’t slip into them.
Kurt puts his left hand over Blaine’s and holds Blaine’s hand in his. He lays his head against Blaine’s arm. A tube comes from Blaine’s mouth and tubes from his arms as well.
Kurt looks to Blaine’s lifeless face. His beautiful, lifeless face. Kurt’s bottom lip starts to tremble and tears are falling before he knows they are. He kisses Blaine’s cheek; it makes Kurt’s heart beat faster at feeling Blaine so close. He’s warmer, Blaine felt so cold in that classroom. Kurt lays his head back against Blaine’s shoulder and shuts out the thoughts of this room, from that classroom, all bad memories and he pretends it’s just a normal day with Blaine beside him, but Blaine is already asleep. Kurt closes his eyes tight and remembers yesterday when they were out on the sun with Hayley; it was so perfect in his heart. He forgets all around him, his mind won’t think of anything but that day for now. He can’t think of anything else, because his heart would stop beating if he did. He needed his beating heart beside Blaine’s.
“No! Just…just stay away!” A raised voice says outside the door. It’s Cooper, he sounds so broken. Kurt kisses the top of Blaine’s head.
“I’ll be right back.” Kurt whispers, broken.
Kurt opens the door and pops his head around the corner to see Cooper with a man and a woman. He knows who they are, from a picture Blaine showed him.
“You only care when you think it will look bad on you both!”
“How dare you think we don’t care about our own son?” The older man raises his voice. There is so much angry in his voice and his face. A broken woman stands beside the older man that Blaine looks a lot more alike than the man. She looks to Kurt as Cooper and the man fights. Kurt’s facial expression doesn’t change and either does hers. Cooper and the man see her looking behind Cooper and they turn around.
“Kurt…” Cooper ignores his parents and walks up to Kurt.
“I…I’m so-so sorry.” Kurt chokes out. Cooper pulls Kurt in for a hug.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” Cooper whispers into Kurt’s ear. “It’s not your fault.”
Kurt hears the words, but he can’t help but look at Blaine’s parents, who look confused at Cooper hugging him. By the look on their faces, they know who Kurt is. Blaine’s mum gives a broken smile, while his father looks away.
“Kurt, how-how is he?” Cooper asks as he pulls away.
“He um…he’s stable and the doctor said…said he will pull through. But he’s asleep with the morphine for now.” Cooper lets out a breath of relief. He had come straight here when he got the call from Burt. Cooper was away on business and took him four hours to get back here. By that time Blaine had an operating and had just come out an hour ago. Kurt’s family and Sarah are in the waiting room. Cooper hadn’t an idea if his brother was okay or not until now, Burt had rung and said Blaine was in surgery. And then Cooper just drove in silence for those four hours.
“Okay. Kurt, promise me you won’t go outside, news reporters are everywhere.” Cooper turns around to his parent’s. “I’ll ring when he wakes up, but that’s it. Then it’s Blaine’s choice if he wants to see you both.” Kurt watches as the mother takes her husband’s hand.
“He needs his rest.” He doesn’t reply, he just looks at Kurt and Cooper disgusted before they walk away up the corridor. They watch as they disappear around the corridor.
Kurt walks to the waiting room as Cooper goes in to see, Blaine. Kurt doesn’t want to go into the waiting room, but he has to see Hayley. When he walks in Burt and Finn are just there. And then he sees Rachel beside Finn. Kurt hasn’t seen Rachel in months. Not since she started in Wicked in New York and he had to leave. She didn’t know the real reason why Kurt left. All she knew was him and Danny were having problems and he was moving back to Lima for a while with Hayley.
He has never seen her so broken. She slowly gets up, and walks towards him with a broken smile.
“Hey, best friend.”
“Rach…” Kurt doesn’t mean to, but he breaks out in tears. She quickly holds him in her arms, closely. Burt and Finn look at each other. They know how much Rachel puts a smile on Kurt’s face.

“As you know the bullet went through his side, and luckily in this case, didn’t stay in, but saying that when the bullet went through Blaine’s side, it shattered tissues that got in the way, but in time that will heal and the bullet also shattered a few of his ribs. But the bullet wasn’t shot far enough away for the bones to cause the bullet to not come out.” Dr McKinley said. “We have put in surgical plates which have pinned the broken ribs back together to speed up the recovery and make the pain less painful. He is going to find it difficult to breathe sometimes.” She sees Kurt is hanging by her every word. Finn, Burt, and Rachel are sat beside him. “It will be at least 4 to 6 weeks before the pain is nearly gone. Any coughing, sneezing, laughing will hurt, but how much will depend on how he feels when he wakes up and how it is from there. But he will recover fully in a few weeks.”
The Doctor leaves and when she does the words repeat in Kurt’s head over and over.
“Where’s Hayley? How is she?” Kurt asks as he stares at the floor.
“She’s with Carole and Sarah. We thought it be better if they brought her home away from all of this.” Burt says. “Kurt, she um…she doesn’t know Danny’s…” Kurt nods his head.
“Dead…” The word comes out so blunt that it frightens Kurt. “He…he tried to kill Blaine…it should be-“
“No, don’t you dare, Kurt. Neither one of you should have to be there.” Rachel’s soft voice speaks, and it clams him down for a little while. Kurt looks to his hands; Blaine’s blood is over them and his clothes. He gets up slowly and heads to the door.
“Kurt…” Finn says.
“Leave him, Finn.” Burt whispers. The door closes behind Kurt.

That night Burt had brought Kurt home to shower, get something to eat and get some rest, even though Kurt put up a fight. He hardly said anything, the only words he had said were to Hayley to say, he loved her and everything would be okay, before they both fell asleep.
Kurt wakes up and sees it is Eleven PM. Hayley is asleep beside him. She looks so peaceful. And it rips him apart that he is going to have to tell her tomorrow, what her Papa did and where he is. It makes him sick to think about Danny, so he doesn’t.
Kurt kisses the top of Hayley’s head and hops out of bed. He gets downstairs, writes a note and leaves it on the table. He grabs his jacket and keys, and walks out the door. It is pitch dark and hundreds of stars are in the sky. That puts a little smile on his face.
Kurt walks down the quiet hospital hallway. He knows he might be told to leave because visiting hours are over, but no one is making him leave. He walks past the reception desk. One of the nurses go to speak, but another places an arm on hers and shakes her head.
“It’s okay. Let him.” The young, red headed nurse watches as Kurt wanders up the corridor. She had been there when Blaine had got brought in with Kurt by his side in tears. She had only been here a few months, and that was the worse entrance of a patient she had ever seen, it broke her heart, but her heart heals on nights like this. She smiles and goes back to her work.
Kurt closes Blaine’s door quietly and walks over to him. He wishes he could say Blaine looked a lot better, but he didn’t. As Kurt takes a seat, he doesn’t see Blaine turning his head to face Kurt. His eyes flicker open and shut for a few seconds until they stay open longer. Kurt isn’t looking at him; Kurt has his head bowed to his hands. Blaine lifts his hand up slowly, using all his strength in his body, to reach out and put his hand onto Kurt’s cheek.
“Hey, beautiful,” It’s a whisper of words, it’s a touch of a hand and Kurt looks up quickly to see Blaine’s eyes open. Kurt is left speechless; he just needs silence in this moment between them for a second, to know this is really happening. That Blaine pulled through and is awake.
“What’s going on in that beautiful mind, Kurt?” Blaine lets his hand drop from Kurt’s face and holds it out for Kurt to take, which he does.
“You,” Kurt brings Blaine’s hand up to his mouth and places his lips against Blaine’s hands, not being able to take his eyes of Blaine’s open eyes. “Only you.” Blaine goes to move a little, but the pain of his ribs stop him. “You’re okay, just don’t move too much.” Kurt moves his free hand onto Blaine’s side, softly. The touch of Kurt’s hand makes the pain ease. He was close to crying with the pain, but the touch from Kurt stops him.
“Are you okay?” Kurt felt stupid for asking, but he didn’t know how else to ask. Blaine nods his head. He moves his free hand over Kurt’s that is lying on his side.
“If you are…” Blaine looks back at Kurt’s eyes. Kurt doesn’t know how to answer that. “Kurt?”
“I am right now.”
“Then so am I.”
“Blaine…I’m so sor-“
“Kurt, just come up here.” Blaine pushes the pain to one side and moves over a little. Kurt gets in beside him, but can hardly look at Blaine. Blaine lies flat on his back, but moves his head to one side. He pushes Kurt’s hair back from his face with his right hand asKurt looks up at him.
“I would do it again. I’d do anything to protect you and Hayley. Anything, Kurt.” A tear falls from Kurt’s eye and onto the pillow. “You’re the love of my life. I already lost Sebastian…if I lost you…it-it would kill me f-for good this time.” Kurt hides his face on Blaine’s shoulder. Blaine rests his head on top of Kurt’s.
“I-I love you so-so much, Blaine Anderson.”
“Love you more, Kurt Hummel.” Blaine kisses the top of Kurt’s head. Kurt lifts his head up, resting his hand on Blaine’s cheek, careful not to touch Blaine’s right side. Kurt’s lips touch Blaine’s. It’s soft, warm, and so much love in this one kiss.
“Do you want to see the stars?” Kurt smiles as he mumbles against Blaine’s lips. Blaine doesn’t have time to answer; Kurt is already getting up gently of the bed and walking over to the window. Kurt opens the curtains and opens the windows, and stars shine up in the night sky, down upon them. As Blaine looks out in amazement at them, Kurt lies back beside Blaine. “If your cold just tell me, okay?”

“They had fallen asleep like that last night. The window was open, but I shut it before the room got to cold.” The red headed doctor, whose name is, Dr Waston, tells Burt and Cooper as they look through the glass in the door. “There’s not a single doubt that Blaine will take long to recover.”
She smiles and heads to check on her other patients.
“Kurt scared me so much this morning, until I found the note telling me he would be here with Blaine.” When Burt got her and seen the two of them it warmed his heart.
“I can’t believe what they had to go through. But what about Hayley?” Cooper turns to Burt who looks lost by Cooper’s last words.
“I honestly don’t know, how we can tell her, Cooper. But she has to be told. It would break her heart more to be lied too. Even if she doesn’t understand why it happened now, she will in time.” Cooper knows there is something else; Burt had to say, so he waits.
“Last night she asked Carole, Finn and I, if her Papa is a bad person? And when neither three of us answered she said, she hated him for hurting Mr Anderson and Daddy.” Burt rubbed his hands down his face. “I didn’t know what to do so I hugged her and said Mr Anderson and Daddy would be okay. And that’s when she wanted to go upstairs to Kurt.”
“Burt, all you can do is to wait a little till Kurt is ready and sit down with him and tell her. She has the most caring family to help her.” Burt gives a little nod and pats Cooper on the back.
“Blaine will never know how grateful I am for him saving my son and my Granddaughter in more way that one way, Cooper.” Burt looks to Blaine and Kurt asleep peacefully. “He saved and is saving them.”
“They’re all saving each other.”


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