One Moment
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One Moment: Say Something

T - Words: 2,556 - Last Updated: Sep 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2012 - Updated: Sep 07, 2013
134 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Heart-breaking words come from Kurt’s broken heart. The words echo through the hallway. Blaine and Hayley hear them so clearly. Danny puts a finger to his mouth, to tell them to be quiet. He starts too walks over slowly to Blaine’s desk.
Blaine holds Hayley close to him, too protect her from her own Papa. She’s frozen in his arms as he is sat in his chair with Hayley’s face buried into Blaine’s chest. He would not let anything happen to her. He holds her closer as Danny moves papers around on Blaine’s desk and finds Blaine’s phone. Danny picks it up and see’s Kurt is on the other line. He lets out a sign and takes the battery out and throws the phone back on the desk. He stares to Blaine, who is looking right back at him. Blaine tries not to show his fear or his angry of this horrible bastard.
Thump after thump echoes through the classroom. The echo of Kurt’s voice breaks Blaine’s heart. Hayley doesn’t even look up at the sound of Kurt’s voice. What has Danny done to them? Two people who are supposed to be his family.
“Blaine, protect her. Please. Please keep her safe! I’m so sorry.” Kurt’s broken voice says.
“Kurt, what is wrong? Tell me! Why is the door locked?” Blaine listens to Clay’s voice now.
Clay, I need this door open now, please.”
I wouldn’t do that if I was you.” Danny takes a gun out from the back of his jeans and stares at it. “Not unless you want little queer boy to die.”
“Nooooooo! Don’t touch him! It’s me you want to hurt, Danny. Not Blaine! Not your own Daughter! Let them go, please!” Danny makes his way over to the door. He pulls up the blind and sees a haunted face looking back at him. Kurt stands strong and doesn’t back away or look away.
“Let…them…go!” Danny laughs, humourless. He holds the gun up for Kurt to see. Kurt flinches at it. Clay it standing behind Kurt. No one had come out into the hallway to see what was going on yet.
“Don’t make another sound until you get in this room.” Danny puts his hand on the lock and unlocks it and opens the door a little and looks out. Blaine gets up from the seat with Hayley in his arms and walks over as steady as he can. Hayley is crying.
“Clay will mind you until I save your Daddy. I promise Hayley. Everything will be okay.” Blaine whispered into her ear before getting to the door. Danny reaches out to take her, but Blaine steps back.
“Clay take her,” Danny rolls his eyes, but doesn’t say anything. Clay is looking at Danny in surprise and confusing. Danny gives a wink at Clay, which makes him feel sick. Clay comes in closer as Danny opens the door more for Clay to take Hayley. Blaine gets to Clay as close as he can, without looking to Kurt. Kurt looks to his daughter, but no words can tell her anything. His face is horrified and for his Daughter to go through this is unbearable. If he looks, he will break.
“Call Burt Hummel, no one else.” Blaine whispers into Clay’s ear quickly, before pulling back. Danny was only paying attention to Kurt. Kurt’s about to walk in too the room when Blaine’s hand holds his.
“He’s not going in alone.” Kurt’s hand tightens in Blaine’s. Blaine is looking right at Danny.
“You didn’t think you were getting out did you? No…two is more fun.”
Bang. The door closes.
Swipe. The blind is coming down.
Breathe. Though air doesn’t feel like there is any left.
Look. There he is.
Speak. They Can’t.
Kurt and Blaine are left looking out the door window at a broken Hayley in Clay’s arms, and Clay, confused, but knowing what to do once that blind is pulled down. As Danny is slowly pulling down the blind and looking at his daughter, Blaine and Kurt stand a few feet away from him. They stand face to face.
“It’s okay. I promise you.” Blaine mouths. Kurt is so close to breaking into tears and Blaine won’t for Kurt’s sake.
“I’m so so sorry,” Kurt mouths back. Blaine shakes his head and quickly kisses the top of Kurt’s head, then leaning into his ear.
“He’s not walking out alive.” Blaine whispered so low. He pulls back as soon as he says it, just before Danny turns too them. Kurt feels his heart stop for a few seconds. His heart stopped beating for a beat. He wished he never got Blaine involved. But Blaine made him stay alive.
Kurt and Blaine stand side by side, hand in hand. Danny’s eyes catches the hands held together. He smirks and again, laughs humourlessly.
“You miss me, Kurt?!” Danny puts the gun in his back trouser waist again. “Or were you to busy fucking this little hobbit!” Danny now looks to Blaine. Blaine has disgust over his face. He tries to hold the angry back to kill him. “So tell me, how did you too meet? Well, let me guess. My Daughter goes to the school you teach in, parent-teacher day crap.” Danny looks to Kurt. “New low for you, Kurt.” Danny takes a few steps to close of the distance between himself and Kurt. Kurt’s breathing gets faster, his hand shaking a little. “You’re not going to let go of his hand are you? We haven’t held hands in a long time, why is that Kurt?” Kurt doesn’t answer. “KUUUUUUURT? HIIIIIIIII! YOU THEREEEEEE?” Danny sings. Kurt closes his eyes, calming himself and then looks straight into Danny. He has to do this. He has to be brave right now.
“You don’t need to ask why? You know why,” Blaine gives a squeeze to let Kurt know he is standing right there, right here, right now. “You know what you did!”
“Oh, Kurt. Have you been telling your boyfriend lies? You know you loved it. You loved me being rough and…”
“You are disgusting!” Blaine says with a horrified voice and look.
“Yes, the little asshole in the audience. What’s your question?” Danny crosses his arms and looks amused by Blaine.
“Believe me I wouldn’t question you. All the answers by you are sick. I just have some true words and you can answer but I already know the answer. How could you do this too him and hurt you Daughter!”
“You don’t know anything about me and my family.” Danny raises his voice.
“You’re right, I don’t. How can I when you don’t have one, you sick, twisted human being. Or is animal actually a better word.” Danny is done with the talking until Kurt talks.
“Why? You know you are going to get catch. Why-why not run and leave me and Hayley behind?” Kurt started to feel braver. Blaine was helping him feel braver. Danny takes the gun again and starts taking bullets out one by one and talks.
“Well, Husband I may tell you my plan seeing as we are here.” He drops a bullet to the ground. The sound feels so sharp when it hits of the ground. “I was watching you all for weeks and weeks and now that it’s the start of December it’s been 3 months I have been. When you lose your job and your family left you, what do you do…you go after them, get your Daughter, beat the crap out of your Husband and kill the guy who took him away from you!” Kurt and Blaine looked to each other; he could not be serious. He wouldn’t. He wasn’t capable of murder…was he? “And yes I know that guy that has Hayley is going to ring the police or some crap like that, but by the time they get here I think I’ll have the both of you dead.” Danny puts a bullet into the gun and closes it, looking up to them. ”Also I fucked him. His face when he saw me. He wasn’t as good as you thought, Kurt.”
“Where do you think this is going to end? If you’re back for Hayley you won’t get here. The police will get you; you have already ended your life Danny!” Danny nods his head and sits on one of the tables as Kurt and Blaine’s eyes follow him.
“Two months. Two months and I am dead. Well, that’s what the Doctor told me. And it’s Cancer…” Danny knocks the gun on his head. “Right in the brain. Of course the smoking, the drinking…the drugs didn’t help.” Danny is in a daze.
“Your-your dying?” Kurt askes shocked. Kurt would be lying if he said he didn’t feel relief from those words.
“Two months left to spend with my Daughter, and I could have had longer if you…” He stands up straight in Kurt’s face. “Hadn’t taken my little angel away from me and told her lies. I’m going to die with my daughter hating me. How does that make you feel Kurt? Happy! Sad! Go on…TELL ME!” Kurt flings away. Danny goes too hit Kurt.
Blaine let’s go of Kurt’s hand and forces himself straight onto Danny and they hit the ground. The gun fly’s out of Danny’s hand. Blaine gives one massive punch to Danny’s face. Blaine quickly grabs the gun. Kurt gets up from the ground after Blaine pushing him out of the way.
“Kurt!” Blaine puts the safety on and runs to Kurt. Blaine puts his hands on Kurt’s waist keeping him up. Danny is on the floor laughing. Kurt blankly looks at Danny. “Are you okay?” Kurt nods his head, still looking at Danny.
“What?” Kurt shouts. “What are you laughing at?!” Danny kneels on his knees, looking helpless.
“Ah Kurt, married for so long and you don’t know me at all. But this faggot, it’s like you have knowing him forever. But forever…well forever.”
“Forever ends now.” It happened so quickly. A gun is pulled out of the front of Danny’s trousers. Danny points the gun at them with a smirk on his face and a bullet flies through the air towards Kurt and Blaine.
Kurt had been looking to Blaine at that second, Blaine’s eyes were strong and now they are falling to pain. The gun in Blaine’s hand falls out of his grip and leans closer to Kurt. Blaine’s weight gets heavier and heavier against Kurt. Kurt’s hand felt the tremble of Blaine’s body when the bullet was shot into his side. Wet touches the tips of Kurt’s fingers and then all at once blood spreads and starts to drip onto the ground.
Drip by drip by drip.
Blaine’s hands on Kurt’s waist slip slowly as Blaine goes to fall fully against Kurt. It took Blaine to put his full body weight on Kurt, for Kurt to realize where that bullet had gone. Now it felt real.
“Blaine,” It was the most broken way to speak his name. Kurt tries to hold Blaine up but he has to gently hold him and bring him to sit on the floor. “It’s okay, I pro-promise, I promise, we, we, Blaine…” Kurt bursts out crying as he tries to take of his jacket. He pulls it off and holds it with shaken hands against Blaine’s side. Blaine’s only support is his back against his desk. He lifts his head up straight and looks at Kurt.
“I…I always wondered how-how i-it would feel to-oo get…ah…shot.” Kurt can’t help but let out a broken laugh. “It’s prett-pretty awesome.”
“Yo-you have problems, Ander-Anderson.” Kurt uses a free arm to wipe away his tears and then places it back on his jacket against Kurt’s side.
“God, just die already you idiot!” Danny said amused as he watches Blaine fall weaker. “Good thing I put on the silencer last minute. No one is coming to save scum like you.”
“Well, i-if am sc-scum…y-you can’t be hum-an at all.” Blaine puts his hands over Kurt’s and looks at Kurt’s red and wet eyes. “Let him go Danny. You want-ed to do this t-oo me cau-se I got in the way.” Blaine’s eyes close for a few seconds and opens them again. “You found m-me. Wal-walk out that door and ru-run for yo-ur last two months…yo-u got your revenge.”
Danny laughs loudly, getting up on his feet and looking down on them.
“Danny he will die…just go! You would never go that far!” Kurt shouted.
“Well I guess you though I would never rape you over and over and over again the first day I meet you now, did you?”
“Good luck- in hell! Even- they won’t wa-want y-you!” Blaine said weakly in speech, but strong in those words.
“Can I just finish you of and then Kurt!”
“Don’t tou-ouch him!” The gun Blaine had dropped was too far on the other side to get without Danny shooting. He pulls one hand away from Kurt and under his desk. Danny or Kurt doesn’t see him doing it.
Danny kneels down in front of Blaine and looks him straight in the eyes.
“Oh I’ll do what I want. He deserves everything he gets. He left me, took my Daughter and made my life hell. He deserved to get raped. He deserves to see you die, he deserves for me to take Hayley, he deserves to die and Blaine…you have the honour of watching him die so quickly, but yet so slow for him! I can’t wait to watch you die, Kurt. In your last breathe just think…Hayley will be with me and when I die…she dies!” He said, proud he was about to get away with it.
Danny lifts the gun to Kurt’s heart. Kurt is frozen beside Blaine. He can’t move. Those words she dies killed him. Danny puts the trigger back a little, teasing, making Kurt’s heart race.
“Danny…” Blaine whispers. Blaine’s blood is in a puddle beside him, he’s gotten so weak and about to fall asleep. Danny lowers the gun a bit from Kurt’s heart and looks to Blaine. Danny smiled at the pain in Blaine’s eyes and the weakness in his body.
“What-what does it-it feel like to-to be…” Blaine’s finger is ready to pull it back. “…to be dead.” It was as loud as thunder as Blaine pulled the trigger on the gun; he pulled from under his table, and shot Danny straight in the heart. Danny started to cough up blood and lose Oxygen and his blood cut of as he feel to the floor, but not before Blaine pulled the gun from Danny’s hand and slid it across the floor.
Danny took his last few breathes, painfully, scared, as he dies in horrific pain. The door was busted open seconds after the sound of the gun shot. Police ran in and Paramedics. One went to pick Kurt up, but he turned back to Blaine whose eyes were closed. He wasn’t moving. Kurt hit his arms away from the man trying to get him up. He put his right hand on Blaine’s heart and his left on his cheek. He is warm, there is a weak heartbeat.
“Don’t you-you let go-go, Blaine. Just…say something, beautiful. My-my beautiful boy, say something.”

Heart-breaking words come from Kurt’s broken heart. The words echo through the hallway. Blaine and Hayley hear them so clearly. Danny puts a finger to his mouth, to tell them to be quiet. He starts too walks over slowly to Blaine’s desk.
Blaine holds Hayley close to him, too protect her from her own Papa. She’s frozen in his arms as he is sat in his chair with Hayley’s face buried into Blaine’s chest. He would not let anything happen to her. He holds her closer as Danny moves papers around on Blaine’s desk and finds Blaine’s phone. Danny picks it up and see’s Kurt is on the other line. He lets out a sign and takes the battery out and throws the phone back on the desk. He stares to Blaine, who is looking right back at him. Blaine tries not to show his fear or his angry of this horrible bastard.
Thump after thump echoes through the classroom. The echo of Kurt’s voice breaks Blaine’s heart. Hayley doesn’t even look up at the sound of Kurt’s voice. What has Danny done to them? Two people who are supposed to be his family.
“Blaine, protect her. Please. Please keep her safe! I’m so sorry.” Kurt’s broken voice says.
“Kurt, what is wrong? Tell me! Why is the door locked?” Blaine listens to Clay’s voice now.
Clay, I need this door open now, please.”
I wouldn’t do that if I was you.” Danny takes a gun out from the back of his jeans and stares at it. “Not unless you want little queer boy to die.”
“Nooooooo! Don’t touch him! It’s me you want to hurt, Danny. Not Blaine! Not your own Daughter! Let them go, please!” Danny makes his way over to the door. He pulls up the blind and sees a haunted face looking back at him. Kurt stands strong and doesn’t back away or look away.
“Let…them…go!” Danny laughs, humourless. He holds the gun up for Kurt to see. Kurt flinches at it. Clay it standing behind Kurt. No one had come out into the hallway to see what was going on yet.
“Don’t make another sound until you get in this room.” Danny puts his hand on the lock and unlocks it and opens the door a little and looks out. Blaine gets up from the seat with Hayley in his arms and walks over as steady as he can. Hayley is crying.
“Clay will mind you until I save your Daddy. I promise Hayley. Everything will be okay.” Blaine whispered into her ear before getting to the door. Danny reaches out to take her, but Blaine steps back.
“Clay take her,” Danny rolls his eyes, but doesn’t say anything. Clay is looking at Danny in surprise and confusing. Danny gives a wink at Clay, which makes him feel sick. Clay comes in closer as Danny opens the door more for Clay to take Hayley. Blaine gets to Clay as close as he can, without looking to Kurt. Kurt looks to his daughter, but no words can tell her anything. His face is horrified and for his Daughter to go through this is unbearable. If he looks, he will break.
“Call Burt Hummel, no one else.” Blaine whispers into Clay’s ear quickly, before pulling back. Danny was only paying attention to Kurt. Kurt’s about to walk in too the room when Blaine’s hand holds his.
“He’s not going in alone.” Kurt’s hand tightens in Blaine’s. Blaine is looking right at Danny.
“You didn’t think you were getting out did you? No…two is more fun.”
Bang. The door closes.
Swipe. The blind is coming down.
Breathe. Though air doesn’t feel like there is any left.
Look. There he is.
Speak. They Can’t.
Kurt and Blaine are left looking out the door window at a broken Hayley in Clay’s arms, and Clay, confused, but knowing what to do once that blind is pulled down. As Danny is slowly pulling down the blind and looking at his daughter, Blaine and Kurt stand a few feet away from him. They stand face to face.
“It’s okay. I promise you.” Blaine mouths. Kurt is so close to breaking into tears and Blaine won’t for Kurt’s sake.
“I’m so so sorry,” Kurt mouths back. Blaine shakes his head and quickly kisses the top of Kurt’s head, then leaning into his ear.
“He’s not walking out alive.” Blaine whispered so low. He pulls back as soon as he says it, just before Danny turns too them. Kurt feels his heart stop for a few seconds. His heart stopped beating for a beat. He wished he never got Blaine involved. But Blaine made him stay alive.
Kurt and Blaine stand side by side, hand in hand. Danny’s eyes catches the hands held together. He smirks and again, laughs humourlessly.
“You miss me, Kurt?!” Danny puts the gun in his back trouser waist again. “Or were you to busy fucking this little hobbit!” Danny now looks to Blaine. Blaine has disgust over his face. He tries to hold the angry back to kill him. “So tell me, how did you too meet? Well, let me guess. My Daughter goes to the school you teach in, parent-teacher day crap.” Danny looks to Kurt. “New low for you, Kurt.” Danny takes a few steps to close of the distance between himself and Kurt. Kurt’s breathing gets faster, his hand shaking a little. “You’re not going to let go of his hand are you? We haven’t held hands in a long time, why is that Kurt?” Kurt doesn’t answer. “KUUUUUUURT? HIIIIIIIII! YOU THEREEEEEE?” Danny sings. Kurt closes his eyes, calming himself and then looks straight into Danny. He has to do this. He has to be brave right now.
“You don’t need to ask why? You know why,” Blaine gives a squeeze to let Kurt know he is standing right there, right here, right now. “You know what you did!”
“Oh, Kurt. Have you been telling your boyfriend lies? You know you loved it. You loved me being rough and…”
“You are disgusting!” Blaine says with a horrified voice and look.
“Yes, the little asshole in the audience. What’s your question?” Danny crosses his arms and looks amused by Blaine.
“Believe me I wouldn’t question you. All the answers by you are sick. I just have some true words and you can answer but I already know the answer. How could you do this too him and hurt you Daughter!”
“You don’t know anything about me and my family.” Danny raises his voice.
“You’re right, I don’t. How can I when you don’t have one, you sick, twisted human being. Or is animal actually a better word.” Danny is done with the talking until Kurt talks.
“Why? You know you are going to get catch. Why-why not run and leave me and Hayley behind?” Kurt started to feel braver. Blaine was helping him feel braver. Danny takes the gun again and starts taking bullets out one by one and talks.
“Well, Husband I may tell you my plan seeing as we are here.” He drops a bullet to the ground. The sound feels so sharp when it hits of the ground. “I was watching you all for weeks and weeks and now that it’s the start of December it’s been 3 months I have been. When you lose your job and your family left you, what do you do…you go after them, get your Daughter, beat the crap out of your Husband and kill the guy who took him away from you!” Kurt and Blaine looked to each other; he could not be serious. He wouldn’t. He wasn’t capable of murder…was he? “And yes I know that guy that has Hayley is going to ring the police or some crap like that, but by the time they get here I think I’ll have the both of you dead.” Danny puts a bullet into the gun and closes it, looking up to them. ”Also I fucked him. His face when he saw me. He wasn’t as good as you thought, Kurt.”
“Where do you think this is going to end? If you’re back for Hayley you won’t get here. The police will get you; you have already ended your life Danny!” Danny nods his head and sits on one of the tables as Kurt and Blaine’s eyes follow him.
“Two months. Two months and I am dead. Well, that’s what the Doctor told me. And it’s Cancer…” Danny knocks the gun on his head. “Right in the brain. Of course the smoking, the drinking…the drugs didn’t help.” Danny is in a daze.
“Your-your dying?” Kurt askes shocked. Kurt would be lying if he said he didn’t feel relief from those words.
“Two months left to spend with my Daughter, and I could have had longer if you…” He stands up straight in Kurt’s face. “Hadn’t taken my little angel away from me and told her lies. I’m going to die with my daughter hating me. How does that make you feel Kurt? Happy! Sad! Go on…TELL ME!” Kurt flings away. Danny goes too hit Kurt.
Blaine let’s go of Kurt’s hand and forces himself straight onto Danny and they hit the ground. The gun fly’s out of Danny’s hand. Blaine gives one massive punch to Danny’s face. Blaine quickly grabs the gun. Kurt gets up from the ground after Blaine pushing him out of the way.
“Kurt!” Blaine puts the safety on and runs to Kurt. Blaine puts his hands on Kurt’s waist keeping him up. Danny is on the floor laughing. Kurt blankly looks at Danny. “Are you okay?” Kurt nods his head, still looking at Danny.
“What?” Kurt shouts. “What are you laughing at?!” Danny kneels on his knees, looking helpless.
“Ah Kurt, married for so long and you don’t know me at all. But this faggot, it’s like you have knowing him forever. But forever…well forever.”
“Forever ends now.” It happened so quickly. A gun is pulled out of the front of Danny’s trousers. Danny points the gun at them with a smirk on his face and a bullet flies through the air towards Kurt and Blaine.
Kurt had been looking to Blaine at that second, Blaine’s eyes were strong and now they are falling to pain. The gun in Blaine’s hand falls out of his grip and leans closer to Kurt. Blaine’s weight gets heavier and heavier against Kurt. Kurt’s hand felt the tremble of Blaine’s body when the bullet was shot into his side. Wet touches the tips of Kurt’s fingers and then all at once blood spreads and starts to drip onto the ground.
Drip by drip by drip.
Blaine’s hands on Kurt’s waist slip slowly as Blaine goes to fall fully against Kurt. It took Blaine to put his full body weight on Kurt, for Kurt to realize where that bullet had gone. Now it felt real.
“Blaine,” It was the most broken way to speak his name. Kurt tries to hold Blaine up but he has to gently hold him and bring him to sit on the floor. “It’s okay, I pro-promise, I promise, we, we, Blaine…” Kurt bursts out crying as he tries to take of his jacket. He pulls it off and holds it with shaken hands against Blaine’s side. Blaine’s only support is his back against his desk. He lifts his head up straight and looks at Kurt.
“I…I always wondered how-how i-it would feel to-oo get…ah…shot.” Kurt can’t help but let out a broken laugh. “It’s prett-pretty awesome.”
“Yo-you have problems, Ander-Anderson.” Kurt uses a free arm to wipe away his tears and then places it back on his jacket against Kurt’s side.
“God, just die already you idiot!” Danny said amused as he watches Blaine fall weaker. “Good thing I put on the silencer last minute. No one is coming to save scum like you.”
“Well, i-if am sc-scum…y-you can’t be hum-an at all.” Blaine puts his hands over Kurt’s and looks at Kurt’s red and wet eyes. “Let him go Danny. You want-ed to do this t-oo me cau-se I got in the way.” Blaine’s eyes close for a few seconds and opens them again. “You found m-me. Wal-walk out that door and ru-run for yo-ur last two months…yo-u got your revenge.”
Danny laughs loudly, getting up on his feet and looking down on them.
“Danny he will die…just go! You would never go that far!” Kurt shouted.
“Well I guess you though I would never rape you over and over and over again the first day I meet you now, did you?”
“Good luck- in hell! Even- they won’t wa-want y-you!” Blaine said weakly in speech, but strong in those words.
“Can I just finish you of and then Kurt!”
“Don’t tou-ouch him!” The gun Blaine had dropped was too far on the other side to get without Danny shooting. He pulls one hand away from Kurt and under his desk. Danny or Kurt doesn’t see him doing it.
Danny kneels down in front of Blaine and looks him straight in the eyes.
“Oh I’ll do what I want. He deserves everything he gets. He left me, took my Daughter and made my life hell. He deserved to get raped. He deserves to see you die, he deserves for me to take Hayley, he deserves to die and Blaine…you have the honour of watching him die so quickly, but yet so slow for him! I can’t wait to watch you die, Kurt. In your last breathe just think…Hayley will be with me and when I die…she dies!” He said, proud he was about to get away with it.
Danny lifts the gun to Kurt’s heart. Kurt is frozen beside Blaine. He can’t move. Those words she dies killed him. Danny puts the trigger back a little, teasing, making Kurt’s heart race.
“Danny…” Blaine whispers. Blaine’s blood is in a puddle beside him, he’s gotten so weak and about to fall asleep. Danny lowers the gun a bit from Kurt’s heart and looks to Blaine. Danny smiled at the pain in Blaine’s eyes and the weakness in his body.
“What-what does it-it feel like to-to be…” Blaine’s finger is ready to pull it back. “…to be dead.” It was as loud as thunder as Blaine pulled the trigger on the gun; he pulled from under his table, and shot Danny straight in the heart. Danny started to cough up blood and lose Oxygen and his blood cut of as he feel to the floor, but not before Blaine pulled the gun from Danny’s hand and slid it across the floor.
Danny took his last few breathes, painfully, scared, as he dies in horrific pain. The door was busted open seconds after the sound of the gun shot. Police ran in and Paramedics. One went to pick Kurt up, but he turned back to Blaine whose eyes were closed. He wasn’t moving. Kurt hit his arms away from the man trying to get him up. He put his right hand on Blaine’s heart and his left on his cheek. He is warm, there is a weak heartbeat.
“Don’t you-you let go-go, Blaine. Just…say something, beautiful. My-my beautiful boy, say something.”


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