Sept. 7, 2013, 2:03 p.m.
Sept. 7, 2013, 2:03 p.m.
The class he had now were a sweet bunch of kids. All of his classes he had most of the students were sweet and the mad ones, well let's just say the mad kids, reminded him of himself when he was a kid. He had had so much energy as a kid, he never wanted to sleep. God help his mum and dad trying to get him to bed at nights.
He pushed open the door to his classroom and saw all his students sitting down with their heads down and doing their work.
Blaine loved his classroom. His desk was at the top of the room facing his students. At the back of the room were toys, a sand box on wheels that was of the ground -Blaine's idea to get it- the coat hangers on the wall were all the kid's coats and bags were. A white board were the kids could mess around drawing on it. Two sinks at the back and a lot of cupboards that held most of the paints, musical instruments, books for the kids and a lot more.
Blaine was just after taking a seat at his desk when one of his students put up his hand.
"Yes Toby?" Toby was one of the mad kids but he really is a great kid. The little boy had curly blonde hair, a few freckles on his face and big blue eyes-like really blue eyes.
"Em, am finished. Can I go and play in the sand box Mr Anderson." He asked with his best smile, so Blaine would let him play.
"Bring up your work for a second till I see it." Toby hoped of his chair with his copy and up to Blaine. He took the copy and looked over it while Toby looked over to Hayley who had her head up now and was looking back at Toby. They both gave each other a shy smile before Hayley went back to doing her work.
"Very good, Toby. They are all right." Blaine smiled down at the little boy.
"Do I get a star?" Toby asked excited.
"Of course you do." Blaine looked in his drawer for the sticky golden stars and pulled them out and started to take one of. "In fact, you get two." Toby's face lit up even more.
Ten minutes later and the bell had rung. The kids packed their bags and said see you later to Blaine before running out the door. There were only a few students left in the classroom when Blaine picked up Hayley's copy of his table that had last night's homework in it. He walked down to Hayley's desk where she was finishing up packing her stuff.
"Your homework was really good last night Hayley. I gave you three stars for it being that good." She smiled brightly up at Blaine who was now kneeled down in front of her desk.
"Thank you. My daddy helped me. I know we are supposed to try it on our own but I swear I knew most of the answers. I wasn't going to let Uncle Finn help again." She giggled as Blaine couldn't help but chuckle.
"Well, am looking forward to meeting your daddy." Blaine turned around and looked at the clock on the wall in his classroom. "He should be here any second."
"Yeah. My-my other daddy isn't coming." She said a bit of sadness in her voice. Blaine didn't know much about her parents and had never met them, but this is Lima and word gets around. The only things he knew was one of her dads was Burt Hummel's son who owned the car repair shop and that his son had been in New York and moved back here just with his daughter. Blaine thought her parents had broken up, but he wasn't one for gossiping, he knew how much that hurt.
"That's okay sweetie. A lot of the time only one parent can make it to these meetings anyways." Blaine said softly and Hayley nodded her head as she put the last two books in her bag.
Kurt got out of his car quickly and ran through the school car park and towards the school. When he got inside he forgot where to go. Damn. He started walking down the hallway to look for a sign that said Mr Anderson. He remembered Hayley telling him the door had music notes, letters, and other stuff painted on it. He walked for a couple of more seconds and heard singing coming from one of the rooms up ahead. He could hear a guy singing, that honestly had an amazing voice and then he heard Hayley's voice singing with him as he got closer. He realised they must have been playing the piano to. Kurt got to the door, knocked on it, and opened it up. When he opened it the singing and music stopped and Hayley jumped of her seat and ran over to her daddy.
"Dadddddy!" she said as Kurt picked her up in her arms and rested her on his hip.
"Hey my little angel. Did you have a good day at school?"
"Yeah it was okay." She shrugged as her smile got bigger.
When Blaine had turned around when he heard the knock on the door, he honestly did not expect to see such a beautiful guy walk in his classroom door. He stared at the guy in front of him for a few seconds taking him in before getting pulled out of his thought's by Hayley running over to the guy that was clearly her dad. No wonder Hayley was such a beautiful little girl if this is her dad. Blaine made to stand up and walk over to them.
"Only okay? What about music class? You were brilliant playing the piano." Blaine said sweetly as Hayley shyly smiled into Kurt's shoulder.
The sound of his voice got Kurt's attending as he looked over to…wait…that was Hayley's teacher. Could the man be anymore gorgeous? He looked to the guy walking towards them. His smile was breath-taking, his eyes, god, you could get lost in those big brown eyes, his-. Kurt was pulled out of his thoughts when he started to speak.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you. I am Hayley's Music and English teacher Mr Anderson. You must be…"
"Mr Hummel, yeah, Hayley's dad. It's nice to meet you to." like really nice to meet you. Don't stare Kurt, don't stare. Blaine put out his hand and so did Kurt and shook each other's hands.
Kurt thought Blaine's hand was so soft and...stop it Kurt. When Kurt pulled his hand away he told Hayley to go and play with the piano or the toys for a while, while he talked to Mr Anderson. Hayley did just that and Blaine and Kurt took a seat across from each other at Blaine's desk.
"So, Mr Hummel…"
"Kurt, call me Kurt. Mr Hummel reminds me am old." Kurt chuckled as did Blaine.
"Okay then, Kurt, I am sure you are aware that you have a very sweet and talented daughter. She really is a great kid and always does her homework. Honestly, she is one of the best student's I have had since I started working here. She's always excited to try out new things. In Music class, what can I say, she always pays attending, practices a lot and is getting better every day at her work and she is especially gotten very talented at the piano." Kurt didn't know if he was listening to the words Blaine was saying or just listening to his amazing voice. And his eyes, god you could just get lost in them so easily.
"And in English class she's fine at English. It's always a pleasure to correct her homework. She told me you helped her last night but I said I didn't mind. It can be hard for the kids to try doing homework on their own." Blaine gave that smile and Kurt smiled back at him.
"Well, if her Uncle Finn had helped her, probably most of them would have been wrong again." Blaine let out a chuckle.
"Yeah she told me that to. She really is a very sweet kid. Now I know it's not my place to ask and am not, but I just thought you should know she was a little upset that her Papa wasn't coming." Blaine didn't miss it, he didn't miss the pain that appeared in Kurt's eyes and then Kurt nodded slowly.
"She doesn't deserve it." Kurt whispered as he looked down to his lap avoiding Blaine's eyes. Blaine looked over to Hayley for a second as she played notes on the piano and then he turned back to Kurt. Blaine didn't know what he was going to say until the words actually came out of his mouth.
"I know I don't know anything about it but, I do know how much she loves you by her talking about you and by the sounds of it, you're a pretty great dad." Blaine said softly and Kurt looked back up at Blaine.
"Thank you." Kurt whispered gratefully with a little smile. "It just gets hard sometimes; she's the light in my life…am sorry you probably don't want to be listening to me going on…" Blaine cut him off.
"Trust me, it is fine. Life can just really fuck you into this dark place." Blaine said as he remembered that awful night. A few seconds passed and Blaine realised what he said. "Shit, sorry, I didn't mean to curse. I'll end up teaching the kid's bad langue next." Blaine said serious and Kurt couldn't help but let a laugh escape his lips. Blaine met his eyes and broke into a smile.
"Don't worry, my brother curses so much that Hayley likes to copy what he says sometimes." Kurt looked over to his daughter who was looking at a book now and sat down at one of the desks at the back of the room.
"That's a relief. So if Hayley goes home saying bad words because of me, I can just say she picked it up from your brother." They both chuckled, just forgetting their pasts for that moment that they were talking.
"She would probably copy you to seeing as you're her favourite teacher." Blaine blushed a little at that. "Am just glad when she comes home that she has a smile on her face and not an, I hate school look."
"Well, no, not when she has an awesome teacher like me." Kurt laughed again and he just realised he hasn't laughed this much since, well, since a very long time.
"What's your name anyways, Mr Anderson." Kurt flirted a little with him and before he could say anymore Blaine spoke.
"Well Kurt, seeing as you're asking nicely, it's Blaine."
"Well Blaine, I should probably let you get on with meeting the rest of the parents. Oh and don't curse in front of them, some might not take to kindly to that." Kurt said trying to be serious before breaking out into a smile and that smile was contagious because Blaine was smiled to.
"You didn't seem to mind."
"That's because am the awesome dad that tries to be cool." Kurt said as he got up from his seat. "Hayley, you ready to go?" Hayley nodded her head and went to put the book back she had. Kurt turned back to Blaine who was now standing. "Thank you, for just, I guess just, thank you." Blaine gave a nod just as Hayley came up beside Kurt.
"Mr Anderson can we watch a DVD in English tomorrow because it-it's the last day before the Halloween holidays." Hayley asked hopefully as she looked up at Blaine with a puppy dog look.
"I guess so. What would be a really awesome thing to watch?"
"Drake and Josh. I love it. Daddy used to watch it all the time. It's really funny."
"I love it to but, I don't have any of the DVDS." He said, not wanting to disappoint her. To his surprise she grinned happily.
"I have the DVDS. Daddy gave them to me. He made me watch it but, I love it now." Blaine looked from Hayley to Kurt who shrugged.
"It was my childhood, don't judge me." Kurt joked as Hayley giggled.
"Oh I know, it was mine to. Mum used to have to drag me away from the TV, not an easy job. But yes Hayley, we can watch it."
"She also has a crush on Drake Bell and I told her he was about thirty years older than her now."
"Dadddddy, no he isn't." Hayley said as she looked up to her daddy that was smiling down on her.
"Well he is pretty handsome, Hayley. I think your daddy is just jealous because he never got to go out with him, I would know because I really wanted to go out with him to. But then I had another favourite show and liked a boy in that and I was like Drake-Bell-who?" Hayley giggled at Mr Anderson and her daddy.
"Well we shall leave you to your day dreaming Mr Anderson. It was nice to meet you."
"You to, Kurt." Blaine gave him that amazing smile and Kurt returned it before Kurt and Hayley headed for the door.
"See ya tomorrow Mr Anderson." Hayley said as she went out the door in front of Kurt.
"Bye Hayley, bye Kurt." Kurt turned around one last time to see him, to see the beautiful man that was Hayley's teacher. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Kurt knew he needed to walk away before saying something stupid or asking Blaine for his number or any of those things. He wanted to, so badly, even with a messed up past, he couldn't understand how being with Blaine in that short time made him feel like Blaine cared for him, that he understood, even though he knew nothing about his life.
He could ask for his number right there, even though he knew the school had it, he could say do you want to meet up sometime, but he couldn't. Sebastian came into his mind when those questions did. He couldn't do that to Sebastian, it wouldn't be right, it would feel like cheating and he just couldn't do that. Even though Sebastian wouldn't know, Blaine would and he couldn't, he wouldn't. But then why did he feel like Kurt was one of those guys who would love him, no matter how bad his past was. This was crazy, he didn't even know if Kurt was married, divorced, bad break up. All he knew about Kurt was that Hayley was Kurt's kid, he came back from New York, and he lives in Lima and looked like he was trying to keep things together for his daughters' sake. Where was her other daddy? It wasn't just a, he-wasn't-there thing, it was more like a, he-couldn't-come-because-somethin-bad-between-him-and-Kurt-happened. He could wonder, but he wouldn't ask. Just let him walk away, he probably has enough problems without getting involved with you. Lima was a big enough place, he might never have to see the beautiful boy standing in front of him again, but he wanted to.
Just walk away Kurt, he doesn't need your past, besides, he probably already has someone special in his life, how could he not. "Bye, Blaine."
And then Kurt was gone. Blaine didn't get to ask him anything, he didn't know was that for the best or not. Of course he could call Kurt, numbers are easy to get, but Sebastian, and how could he ever do that to him. It meant moving on, even just thinking about Kurt felt like moving on and it was wrong, it was so wrong.
ok, so this chapter has convinced me even more that kurt's husband cheated on him and that blaine's fiancé died. it's not 100% confirmation, but yeah, i'm more convinced. can i give you a writing hint? when you use the word 'to' and the meaning is "also", you need to spell it 'TOO'. too's meaning is also. i noticed it was incorrect in these first two chapters.
Thank you very much for your reviews :) You will be finding out soon hopefully, am still thinking of when to bring a lot of Kurt's life into it.Thank you for the writing hint. It's always good to know these things :)