One Moment
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One Moment: On My Way

T - Words: 3,342 - Last Updated: Sep 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2012 - Updated: Sep 07, 2013
133 0 0 0 0

“How much more in love can you be with this guy?” Cooper says, not shocked. He stands in front of the apartment door with his cup of tea in his hand. He is blocking Blaine from getting out. Blaine stands in front of him trying to hide his smile. He feels more awake than ever this morning.
“I really need to get to work, Coop. I have class in half an hour.” Cooper leans his head to the side.
“Oh come on! You never walk out this door half an hour early. It takes you 10 minutes to get there!” He takes a sip of his tea. He is too amused by Blaine today.
“Coop,” Blaine gestures both his hand through the air, for Cooper to move, like now. Cooper eventually moves with squinted eyes. Blaine feels like Cooper is trying to look into his soul to find more details. Blaine opens the door and has just taken a step out.
“Oh and I checked your phone this morning for some info. Firstly you so have not had sex with Kurt, the texts make it show, what are you doing there?” Cooper gives a disapproved look with Blaine’s cheeks going a little red. “And um, what the hell dude! You could be moving in with him and his daughter!”
“Before you say anymore, I just asked yesterday and he has to talk to Hayley about it first!” Blaine had to put him straight.
“Wait…you?” Coop points to his brother, now shocked. “Blaine, that’s a massive step for you.”
“And that is a dramatic point!” Blaine laughs. He slaps Cooper’s finger away.
“Don’t let him go, Blaine.” A pause. “But I better let you go now.” Cooper kisses Blaine on the forehead, excited. He is gone down the hallway in a spilt second to tell Sarah. “Love you little brother!”
“He’s more excited than me.” Blaine laughs to himself. He puts his shoulder bag up on his shoulder more and heads to work.

Kurt makes his way to Blaine’s classroom with two cups of coffee in each hand. Hayley had run straight over to her friends to play football when he pulled up at the school. He was so happy she wasn’t afraid to come to school today, but even with the bullying sorted for now, Blaine said he would keep an eye on her.
He puts one coffee in the other hand and leans them against his chest until he knocks on Blaine’s door. He sees through the door glass Blaine is taking out books from his bag. Kurt hides from the glass to surprise Blaine. A few seconds later the door opens.
“I believe someone needs coffee!” Kurt said cheerfully as he moved back to the door. Blaine brightens up when he sees Kurt. Kurt hands him his coffee, which Blaine gratefully takes.
“If it’s good you can come in!” Blaine takes a quick sip. He tastes it for a few seconds than swallows. “Yeah it’s pretty wonderfully.” Blaine cheekily smiles and walks back over to his desk placing the coffee on it. Kurt follows and takes a seat on the desk in front of Blaine’s desk. Kurt’s bitting the coffee lid cup. “Your very…I don’t know…a wonderful delight this morning!” Blaine takes a seat on his desk, facing Kurt.
“I always am thank you very much!” Kurt chuckles. “Wheeen I get my coffee I am more of a wonderful delight, as you put it, and if my boyfriend kisses me I would be much more of a delight.” Blaine looks down to his coffee, picks it up, takes a sip and puts it back down. He runs a hand threw his hair and nods once. He hops of the table and takes the few steps to Kurt. He takes the cup out of Kurt’s hand and places it next to the table beside them.
“Mr Hummel the things I do for…” Kurt has already pulled Blaine in to the kiss before he’s finished. Blaine leans his left hand on the back of the desk, with the other on Kurt’s waist. Kurt has both hands on Blaine’s lower back. They haven’t even started when the table collapses under them. Blaine catches Kurt before he ends up going down with it. The bang of the desk hitting the floor wasn’t too loud, but loud enough for them two to jump a little. They both look to the desk on the ground and break out laughing. Kurt picks it up and backs away from the table.
“I think we sho-should have no tables in our new house. I’d break them all.” Kurt is still laughing when Blaine has stopped. Blaine runs through Kurt’s words in his head.
“Wait…do you mean?”
Kurt nods his head with a smile.
“So what do you say, Mr Anderson, want to live with a table breaker and his crazy daughter because Hayley said yes! Oh and also guess who is the new writer and set designer of a little Ohio play that is going to start my roles in 2 weeks after the Cast has been casted. Until then I’ll be none stop writing ideas for the play and sketches…”
“Kurt, just…shut up. I love your voice, but I also love processing information bit by bit…and…I love you, you…you have made me speechless.” Kurt bows, being proud he made Blaine speechless. He holds his hands out for Kurt to take. Kurt happily takes them, letting their hands swing down by their sides and their chests touching.
“One more thing, what way did you wake up this morning? Because this…” Kurt gestures to all of Blaine. “No-one wakes up this beautiful in the morning and yet here is a human, my boyfriend, looking so beautiful that it pisses me of because I just really…”Kurt peaks Blaine’s lips. “Really…” Another peak. “Really…want to spend today with you.”
“Don’t…don’t do this to me, Kurt.” Blaine moans, his lips touching Kurt’s. Blaine just wants to leave with Kurt, but he knows he can’t. He has to stay here and teach his kids. The bell rings and Kurt and Blaine moan in disappointment and pull their faces away slowly to look at each other.
“This classroom is really the best make out place.” They both chuckle.
“Mm, and you really got to go from this classroom before I lose my mind.” Blaine pulls gently away from Kurt. He finds the page in his book he is teaching the kids for today to distract himself. It doesn’t work. “Yeah, out. You are too distracting!” Blaine takes Kurt’s coffee and then Kurt’s hand, leading him out the door. Kurt takes the step outside the classroom while Blaine stands at the doorway and hands Kurt his coffee.
“Kurt, I’m really proud of you! And I can’t wait to live with you and Hayley!” Blaine leans his head against the doorway. Kurt finds it very adorable.
“I know you mean every single world and that means the world! And all those words I give back to you.” Kurt uses his free right hand and leans in on Blaine’s cheek, his thumb running up and down. He takes a step in closer. “I’ve loved you since the day I met you in this classroom and believe me Blaine, when I say, I’ll love you forever.”
“One moment really can change your life and in this case you walking in this door, that moment was unbelievable. And I feel in love with you from Hayley telling me about you.” Blaine gives a wink and Kurt chuckles.
“Oh your liar, stop trying to be as romantic as me. Just say you love me, smart arse.”
“Aww I love you, okay? I love you forever. I love you every second. I freaking love you and I will never stop loving you no matter what. Because you are the love of my life. I love you more than playing piano. I love you more than food. I love you more than snow. I love that I love you!” Kurt covers Blaine’s mouth with his hand.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t get that? Did you say you love me because I don’t think you said it enough?” Kurt takes his hand away and moves it around to Blaine’s back. Blaine puts his fingers under Kurt’s chin and pulls it down a little for Blaine to reach better. He watches Kurt’s happy eyes that reflect off Blaine’s. His lips touch Kurt’s, it’s not needy, but it’s sweet. When Kurt pulls away a little, that’s when the kids start to come down the hallways like crazy animals.
“Have a good day you.” Kurt puts his hand in Blaine’s. Neither wants to let go of the touch. Blaine leans in for one last kiss on Kurt’s cheek.
“You too, beautiful,” Kurt can’t resist but give Blaine a quick cheek kiss before he pulls away. Kurt pulls away and lets the touch of Blaine’s hand go. Kurt walks happily up the hallway and doesn’t look back because he would just run back. Blaine looks up the corridor until he is gone.
“I’m I going to get some or is it just your boyfriend?” Clay smirks and stops at the door. Blaine rolled his eyes playfully. He hadn’t been talking to Clay much, for a while. Maybe that was for the better.
“Clay, how are you on this great, great morning!”
“Well, your better than me.” Clay walks into Blaine’s classroom like he was asked in. It was only a few minutes till class, so at least Clay would be gone soon. Blaine closes over the door a bit because Clay comes out with the most inappropriate things to say in school. Clay’s already sitting in Blaine’s chair with his feet up.
“Blaine, make me feel better. I was out Saturday night and met thy hottest guy, well, after you of course. And we were having such a great time. So yeah, you guessed it, I blew him in the toilets.”
“I wasn’t guessing anything.” Blaine whispers. Clay ignores him.
“Like he was unbelievable big and soooo good. So I brought him back to my place, we had a few beers, he blew me on the couch and you know what comes next, greatest sex ever. Five times! We couldn’t stop. He stays over, wake up the next morning with a mouth wrapped around my dick, so amazing. And a few hours later, he’s telling me he has to leave because he has something to do.” Clay throws his head back. “He never came back!”
Blaine is disgusted and also dying to laugh.
“I think I’m in love, Blainey.” Blaine cringes at the name Clay calls him more than him saying he loves the weekend dude.
“In love with the sex or him?”
“Don’t be mean. Anyways, if you see thy hottest, biggest guy in town let me know. I can still be available for you Blaine.” Clay gets up from the seat and stands in front of Blaine. He runs his hand up Blaine’s leg. Blaine steps away.
“No, dude, just no. How are you a school teacher? How do you have time to focus on teaching kids?”
“Blaine, there is so much you don’t know. And that is something I keep to myself. But I can tell you the day you came into the school, I loved my job more. But I know you’re with Kurt and that’s cool. But your image in my head at certain times can help me a lot, if you get what I mean, and you so do!” Clay kisses Blaine’s cheek and heads out the door. He turns around for a second.
You’re a really sweet guy, Blaine. All messing aside, you would be amazing for anyone, even me. But if you got any hot friends’ id give them a go. Tell them they will have the time of their life over and over again.” He winks at Blaine, who chuckles.
“Clay, leave, now before you gross out my students when they come in.” Clay slaps his own bum and walks out singing.
“What am I doing here? “Blaine says to himself.
“Hi, Mr Anderson!” A couple of students say as they come into class with smiles on their faces happy for Blaine to teach them. Blaine sits at the edge of his table and asks them about their weekend. They all come out with answers at the same time that is pure noise. But he sits happily and content listening to them.
They are why he is here and does this.

He smashes a bottle against the wall and watches as it falls into pieces. A smile appears. His hands are now empty since weeks and weeks of holding bottles and cans of beer. He touches his lower back to check it’s still there and it is. He starts to walk to the door. The playground is quiet as a few cars are parked as the parents pick up their kids. He takes out his phone to look at the time 3:15. He nearly doesn’t look at the picture that is his wallpaper but when he does he throws the phone onto the ground and leaves it behind.
He picks up his speed ad gets to the school door. He pushes it open and nearly falls of balance but picks himself back up and enters the corridor. It’s a long narrow corridor on front of him and it makes it feel impossible to get there. He runs a sweaty and shaky hand through his hair. He passes classroom by classroom on his unsteady feet, looking in for a few seconds, but he knows what classroom will be the right one when he sees the right person at the top of the classroom.
He falls onto the wall, banging his head. He straights himself back up quickly and checks himself out in the glass cabin full of awards. He’s a mess. His hair is greasy and messy. His clothes are dirty, the jacket ripped in different places. And the smell he covered up with a lot of aftershave that worked for him at the weekend. He grins, and laughs, humourless.
He starts walking the corridor. Classroom by classroom he looks. And there he is, the one he was looking for. He stops outside the room and pokes his head over a bit to look inside without being seen. He feels sick as he watches Blaine laugh with the kids, talking about what homework they have tonight. His angry builds and builds and any second it’s going to explode.
The school bell makes him jump and suddenly students are coming out of every door and the corridor fills up with loud noise, which makes him angrier. Students keep coming out of Blaine’s classroom. He can hear them sweetly saying goodbye to Blaine and Blaine does the same. After a minute no noise comes from Blaine’s room, but he gives it a few more seconds. The kids, most of them, had looked at him when they came out, but just went on. He had checked every kid and none were Hayley. He knew she was meant to be in this class because he had been watching for weeks. And he had been watching this morning as Kurt and Hayley came to school.
He gets a better view and sees there is still a bag and coat at a desk; he knows it has to be Hayley’s. He walks in before she can see him in the hallway and run and tell Kurt. When he walks in Blaine is writing at his desk. So he stands inside the door against the wall and waits for Haley to walk straight in and for Blaine to look up and notice. Blaine hadn’t heard him come in, so he just waits.
Footsteps from outside are headed towards the room and he smiles. Hayley skips into the classroom, not seeing him. He doesn’t look to her because if he does now he wouldn’t get the door shut in time. As soon as she is in, he shuts the door and locks it. He starts to pull down the blind on the small door window, so no one could look in.
Blaine had looked up to the sound of skipping to see Hayley come in, only to have his eyes brought onto the figure shutting the door, locking it and starting to pull down the blind slowly.
Hayley see’s it too and runs over to Blaine. Blaine stands up quickly and has Hayley standing behind him. The man has his back turned still.
“Sorry, what do you think you are doing?” Blaine asks with a mixer of fear and angry in his voice. No answer.
“I am speaking to you!” Blaine tries not to shake for Hayley’s sake. The man taps his fingers on the door, slowly. He then turns around and looks to Blaine. Blaine notices him from that day on the pitch when the kids were playing football after school, but he had never seen him again till now.
His eye then meets Hayley’s and he smiles so wide, but so mean. Blaine feels Hayley hold on to him tighter and she hides her head behind Blaine.
“Sweetie, it’s me. There’s no need to be afraid.”
Blaine gets more scared by the man saying that as he is looking to Hayley. Blaine leans his hand over onto the desk and presses call on his phone. It rings for an answer as it’s covered by the messy pile Blaine has on his desk.
“Hayley, you’re okay.” Blaine whispers as he leans down to her.
“Mr Ande-Anderson that-“tears start to fall down her face. She’s terrified. “I-I want Daddy.”
“But honey I’m here. Your Papa is here. Come give me a big hug.” Blaine freezes at those works. It can’t be him. Blaine can’t move. He doesn’t want to turn around; he needs to keep Hayley safe. “Get your hands of my Daughter…NOW!”

Kurt is just getting out of the car when he gets a call from Blaine. He rolls his eyes at Blaine not being able to wait. He answers as he closes the car door.
“You just can’t wait can you?” Kurt chuckles. No answer. “Blaine?” Blaine isn’t answering, but Kurt can hear talking in the background. He’s about to listen when he steps on something. He pulls back his foot and picks up a phone.
“Sweetie, it’s me. There’s no need to be afraid.” A cold, familiar voice comes through the phone, it’s not clear enough to hear well.
“Hayley, you’re okay.” Kurt hears Blaine’s gently, calming voice. Kurt’s heart starts to race at Blaine’s voice and Hayley’s name. The phone in Kurt’s hand unfreezes after a few seconds to show the main menu.
“Mr Ande-Anderson that…I-I want Daddy.” Kurt is stuck in a moment of shock. He hasn’t a clue what is happening. He looks around him. Cars are pulling out to go home and most students are in the cars or on the buses. His eyes look down to the unknown phone. The screen is bright and Kurt collapses his back against the wall, trying to hold himself up. A picture at Christmas of his ex-husband, Hayley and himself is the wallpaper on the phone. Kurt drops the phone out of his hand and the screen smashes on the ground, pieces going in every direction. He’s trying to breathe.
“But honey I’m here. Your Papa is here. Come give me a big hug.”
“No, no, no, no, nooo…” Kurt says in terrier. Tears are forming in his eyes, he can’t move. That voice haunts him every day and now it’s real again. Kurt finds the strength to push himself of the wall and open the door quickly to the school. Kurt makes his legs go as fast as he can with the phone still to his ear.
“Get your hands of my Daughter…NOW!” The voice echoes through the hallway and Kurt drops his phone and runs as fast as he can through an almost empty hallway. He runs pass Clay who goes after him. Kurt doesn’t stop, he can’t stop.
He runs right up to Blaine’s door finding it locked and the blind closed. Kurt bangs as hard as he can on the door. He kicks and punches at the door, even with knowing he can’t break it down. He needs to get in there.


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