Oct. 8, 2012, 9:49 a.m.
Oct. 8, 2012, 9:49 a.m.
"It is getting harder every day and every day he isn't here the more I think…he isn't coming home." I whisper the last part as I look down at the table.
"Blaine you have to have hope. Of course he is going to come home, it's Kurt and he is coming home." I nod my head even though I don't believe it. The next second the door of the limo bean opens and as I look up I see Sebastian coming in. I look back to Dave.
"I am sorry, I have to go. I don't really want to talk to Sebastian."
"Okay. Please keep in touch Blaine. If you hear any news please tell me."
"Course I will." I get up grabbing my bag throwing it around my shoulder picking up my coffee. "Despite everything that happened in the last few years, you are a good person Dave."
"Thanks Blaine. He will come home." I give him a fake smile before I head out the door. When I pass the counter I see Sebastian but neither of us say anything to each other, I just keep walking till am out the door.
"Did he tell you what happened Kurt?" Sebastian asked standing at the table were Dave was still sitting as he looked up to him.
"I know Kurt's missing."
"There's not much more to it Sebastian. The night he was supposed to be coming home from New York he went missing. What do you care anyways?"
"I never hated Kurt. I was just jealous of him being with Blaine. If Kurt's missing I want to help. I want Blaine to know that but, I don't think he really wants to talk to me right now."
"Well, you didn't treat him nice." Dave snapped.
"And you did? I know you bullied him in high school. Blaine told me."
"Fine. We were both horrible to him."
"So, are you going to tell me about Kurt being missing?" Dave nodded his head as Sebastian took the seat across from him. This is going as planned. Blaine was miserable without him. Now he knows how it feels to have someone took away from you that you love so much. Maybe I could get Blaine and Sebastian talking again and tell Kurt Blaine is already forgetting about him. It would be too soon though I don't think Kurt would believe me. It doesn't matter anyways. In a few days Kurt and I will be starting a new life together and I know exactly how to make him want to come with me. He wouldn't want me hurting his family or Blaine for something he won't do.
Kurt was sat in the same place for the past couple of hours, on the floor against the door. His tears stopped ages ago when he had no more to cry. He started to bang his head against the door again, harder each time. The next second something fell onto the floor and Kurt stopped banging his head against door looking over to his right side was a sliver key.
"No, way." Kurt whispered as he picked it up jumping of the floor putting the key in the lock and turning it hearing a click. A smile spread across Kurt's face for the first time in days as he heard that click. He pulled open the door walking down a steep set of stairs and onto a hallway. He was in an attic. As he walked the hallway there was another set of stairs. He ran down them and landed on another hallway were there was doors on either sides of the wall. The house looked like it hadn't been lived in for ages, years even. There was another set of stairs that looked like the last set of stairs. As he got to the bottom of the stairs and pushed open a door he was stood in an old room. Paper was ripped of the walls, the carpet was filthy and there was an old table and chairs in the middle of the room. Kurt looked over to the left of the room where another door was and a window beside it. Kurt walked over to the door to see was it opened, it wasn't. He turned to the window pulling up the blind that covered the window. As he pulled it up he could see nothing because surprise, surprise, it was all boarded up. Kurt felt like he would never get out of this nightmare. Seconds went by and just as Kurt went to move he heard the door handle being turned. His heart stopped. How did he not hear any car pulling up at the house? It was too late to run back upstairs and pretend he hadn't got out. He knew what he was going to do and he hoped to god it would work. The door was pushed open and Dave stopped as he saw Kurt.
"How the hell did you get out?" He shouted at Kurt who was taking steps back and Dave was taking steps towards him. It's now or never. Kurt pushed Dave against the wall feeling the pain in his wrists. As Dave hit the wall Kurt ran for his life outside the door slapping it after him. Where the hell was he? He was in the middle of nowhere. There were just fields everywhere covered in snow and a narrow old road. Where was he going to run to? There were no houses around, any people around. Kurt ran through the snow as the cold air was hitting his face. He turned around for a second and saw Dave only steps away from him running.
"Get back here Kurt. You don't want me to hurt you." Dave shouted as he picked up a plank of wood from the ground and picking up his speed to get to Kurt. Kurt could feel himself slowing down and getting weaker. Kurt was running over to the old road hoping if he kept running someone would see him.
Dave was right behind Kurt now, both of his hands on the wood as he swigged it towards his head. Kurt knew he was right behind him. He tried to make his legs run that little bit faster, but it was too late. Kurt felt the pain go through his head and then everything went black. Kurt fell to the grass that was covered in snow as his head hit the ground first. Dave dropped the plank of wood beside him putting his hand over his mouth shaking his head.
"Kurt, Kurt, wake up." Dave whispered as he kneeled beside Kurt putting his hand under Kurt's head and his other arm pulling Kurt against him. Kurt didn't move. Tears fell from Dave's eyes onto Kurt's face. Dave could feel his hand was wet. He took it away from Kurt's head for a second as he saw blood on his hand, Kurt's blood.
"No, no, no, Kurt am sorry, I…I never meant to hurt you. I love you. Don't do this to me…please…don't…don't do this." Dave cried as he pulled Kurt in hugging him into his chest. "Please don't leave me…I…I need you."