Oct. 8, 2012, 9:49 a.m.
Oct. 8, 2012, 9:49 a.m.
Do they even care? Are they looking for him? Is he just another missing person to them, that isn't coming back? These thoughts keep going through my head and its killing me not knowing where he is. I am sat at the table with Cooper beside me, Carole and Bert sat across from us at their table. We had come over in the morning at twelve and now it was half one. We have been sitting at this table since we came over, drinking tea and talking. I stopped listening ages ago falling into my own thoughts. I stare down at my tea I hold in my hands on the table. A drop falls into the cup causing it to ripple and I don't cope on it was my tear I didn't even know tears were falling down my face.
"Blaine, honey, you okay?" I hear Carole ask softly. I don't move or say anything, I just can't.
"We will find him, I promise you that. The police are…"
"Not doing anything." I whisper as I look up meeting Burt's eyes that are trying to have hope and mine, I don't know. One minute I think he will come back the next I don't.
"Blaine, they will try to do everything they can." Cooper said as I look from Burt to him.
"NO, NO THEIR NOT." I choke out through the tears, now am just mad. "Kurt is just another missing person to them, they don't care." I say as I get up from the table grabbing the keys of the table walking to the door.
"Blaine, where are you going?" Cooper asks worry in his voice. I look back to the three of them looking at me.
"To make them care." I turn back around to the door as I shut it behind me running to my car. As I get in I hear my name being shouted and I turn on the engine and pull out of the driveway to the police station.
I push open the doors and walk up to the desk seeing a young man in his uniform sat behind the desk.
"Excuse me. I would like to know has there been any more news on the Kurt Hummel missing case." I say sharper than I meant to, but I don't care. He looks up to me looking confused.
"I am sorry, I don't deal with that case but I will get someone who does. You can take a seat while you are waiting. Are you related to him? A friend?" he asks getting up from his seat.
"Boyfriend, and no I have been waiting long enough. He has been missing for nearly three days and you all haven't even done anything yet." My voice starts to get higher and I can feel myself getting angry again.
"Sir, calm down."
"No I will not."
A man comes out of a door behind the desk. A middle aged man with grey hair and a bit overweight, looking at me.
"What's the problem here?" he asks calmly.
"This young boy was wondering was there anymore on the Kurt Hummel case."
"I am afraid not. We are doing the best we can."
"Sorry to break it to you but, sitting on your asses all day drinking tea isn't doing the best you can. Maybe if you actually did your jobs right so many people would have been found, wouldn't off been killed." I laugh but it's humourless. They both stare at me looking unimpressed. Guess I did just insult them.
"Listen here, we don't need some young person coming in telling us how to do our jobs." He points a finger at me.
"What are you trying to do, be more dramatic? This isn't some show or film, its real life. At least in them they get the missing people unlike you useless bastards." I say those last words clear so they can fully understand what I think of them.
"Go now, before you say something or do something you regret." He says getting angry with me, but I don't care.
"Why? So you can go back to doing nothing, not looking for my boyfriend. You are all a god. Damn. Joke."
"Blaine, Blaine." I turn around and see Burt and Cooper a few steps away from me and I turn back to the police officer who is seriously looking pissed now.
"Can't take the truth can you?" I walk forward to where he is standing, close enough to him that I can't take any more steps towards.
"And you can't take the hint. Do you think Kurt would want you to be acting like this?"
"Don't you dare talk about him like you know him." I feel hands on my arms pulling me back and I know its Cooper.
"Cooper, let me go." I shout.
"This isn't helping Blaine, you're coming home with me now." his voice was demanding as I tried to pull away from him as I fall against Cooper, falling and hitting the ground softly on my knees in tears. I put my hands up to my face covering it. I feel a hand on my shoulder, someone by my side. As I look up I see its Burt bending down on his knees, his eyes shining from unshed tears.
"We have to be strong Blaine. I know it hurts, it is pulling me apart inside but, we have to hope, we just have to. If we don't were just going to fall to pieces." I nod my head wiping away the tears as Burt helps me up from the ground. Cooper pulls me into his side wrapping his arm around my waist as I lean my head on his shoulder walking out of the police station.
Burt gets into his own car as Cooper and I get into mine. As I get in and shut the door I turn around to look behind me seeing the flowers I got Kurt days ago lying in the back of the car. They were half dead but I didn't want to throw them out, so I just leave them there.
"Blaine, I think it's time I ring mum and dad. You need them, I know you do." I don't look to Cooper I just nod my head, because I do need them.
"I never did anything but help you." Kurt whispered as he looked at the boy who kidnapped him, who he thought was his friend.
"But you never loved me back. I love you so much Kurt."
"Then why do this. If you love me so much, why are you hurting me?"
"I am not hurting you. I didn't know what else to do and we can start a new life together. We can move away and be happy together, just like I always wanted, no one has to know." He sounded happy, how could he be happy.
"What about me? I don't want that. My life is with Blaine, not you." Kurt says looking towards him. He looks like someone just shot him after what I said.
"No, no, that isn't true. You and I are going to be happy together. In a couple of days we will be somewhere new and you will be happy." He smiled getting up and walking towards the door.
"Stop walking away every time you don't want to hear something I have to say." Kurt's eyes follow him as he opens the door not looking back to Kurt.
"DAVE." He shouts for him to come back, but with a bang shut from the door he is gone. Kurt pulls his eyes away from the door. He knows he has to get away. This is scary, the Dave he knows wouldn't do this. He had only been talking to him a few weeks ago on the phone and he sounded happy. He had a job he loved and told him he was going on holidays soon with a guy he really liked, and then it hit him. Dave had it planned for ages. The guy was Kurt and the holiday was their new life together. No this isn't happening, I have to get out of here. Kurt starts to pull at the rope that tied his hands together. He could hear a car driving of and he hoped it was Dave. There were no windows the room so he couldn't see where this place was. Kurt pulled and pulled as he tried to free him hands and run.
Omg I knew it was Karofsky :(. I hope Kurt gets away.