Keep it together
Someday, but one day Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Keep it together: Someday, but one day

T - Words: 2,284 - Last Updated: Oct 08, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Aug 27, 2012 - Updated: Oct 08, 2012
599 0 0 0 1

"So, you started working here two days ago?" I ask as were sat at a table near the window, the snow coming down heavier now. The two cups of coffee sat between Sebastian and I. The last time I saw him was at regionals, this year. I had talked to him for a few minutes and I don't know he seems nicer. Was he pretending thought?

"Yeah, dad was all like, go get a job instead of doing nothing for the summer." He said as he rolled his eyes.

"Do you like working here?"

"Yeah I guess. There's a guy I work with and he is to die for, still have to get his number."

I chuckle to myself. "How do you know he's gay?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Trust me, he is." I nod my head as I look out the window like am looking for something or someone. I guess I am, but I know here isn't the place I will find him.

"So, where's lover boy? Still in New York?" he asked like he actually seemed to care. As I looked back to him with the only answer I have.

"I…I don't know." But I wish I really did know.

He looks at me confused for a second.

"Did you two break up? I thought you guys were inseparable …did he cheat on you with someone more like him?" there's the old Sebastian back, great.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I snap.

"He just…never seemed like your type." He says like it's the most obvious thing.

"Really? An amazing guy who loves me no matter what isn't my type. Who is my type then...You?" I can feel the angry in me and I need to leave.

"Am sorry…I shouldn't have said that." He looks up at me as I go to stand up and grab the coffees.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have. And to answer your questions, no he didn't cheat on me. We are still together. I don't know where he is because he's…he is missing" I choke out as I turn away from him walking as fast as I can out of here back to the car. I can hear Sebastian calling my name but I never turn back. I open the car down and get in handing Cooper his coffee as he gives me a worried look. I shut the door and look straight out through the front window sitting in silent for a few seconds.

"Blaine, what happened? " Cooper asks and I can hear the concern in his voice. I can't look at him because tears are falling down my face and I don't want to be told everything will be fine. I am not going to believe that until I see Kurt again, alive. I stare down at my coffee held in my hands, sitting on my lap putting one hand up to my face wiping away tears. I lift my head up slowly looking back out to the window at the falling snow getting heavier and heavier. The snow building up on top of each other, just like this pain I am feeling.

"Do you remember two Christmases ago, I rang you up in a panic because I hadn't a clue what to get Kurt, because I wanted it to be special? You gave me ideas even though you hadn't much to go by of what Kurt liked. All you ever saw was pictures of him that time." I ask my voice starting to crack again, but it's something I really want to tell Cooper.

"Yeah you never told me what you got in the end."

"It…it was a ring Coop." I look up to my brother who just smiles. "He doesn't wear it on his finger he wears it on a necklace around his neck."

"Was it an engagement ring?" Cooper asks with that smile still on his face that makes a little smile appear on my face. I shake my head.

"No. It was I guess more like a ring that said I am going spend the rest of my life with you. A ring before an engagement ring I guess. It was kind of funny because, he said yes."


Blaine was at his locker putting in his books to go for lunch. Kurt came walking down the corridor with his hands behind his back and a massive smile on his face. As he got to Blaine's locker he leaned against the one beside Blaine's waiting for him to shut his locker and see him. He creep up on Blaine a lot scaring him. Blaine put in his last book and looked at his locker door up to the picture of Kurt smiling as he went to shut his locker, jumping when he saw Kurt who just smirked.

"Jesus, Kurt, every time." Blaine chuckled as he leaned his shoulder against his locker. "What are you looking so happy about?"

"Well, it is Christmas, we get our holidays tomorrow, I get presents and oh yeah I have an amazing boyfriend."

"You're cheesy."

"But you love it. Besides you say way cheesier stuff than me." Kurt takes out his phone and goes to the messages from Blaine and reads it out.

"Did you fall from the sky, because you're a star? You are my world. You're my teenage dream. Every day I look forward to seeing you. I could go on." Kurt grins as Blaine takes the phone out of his hand looking through the messages shocked at all messages to Kurt. He looks back up to Kurt smiling

"Point proving. What do you have behind your back in your other hand?"

"Oh yeah. Okay so I really want to give you one of your presents now. So, here." Kurt handed Blaine the present as he took his phone back putting it in his pocket. Blaine started to unwrapped the Christmas paper and as he got it open he pulled out a t-shirt saying Addicted to bow ties with little bow ties printed on the t-shirt. Blaine looked really amused as he held it up.

"That is awesome . Hold on, I am not that bad with wearing bow ties." Blaine aid as he looked back to Kurt who was nodding.

"You pretty much are. You wear one nearly every day." Kurt took a step towards Blaine resting his hands on Blaine's chest. "But I think it's really cute." Blaine leans in and kisses Kurt softly on the lips, as does Kurt.

"Thank you." Blaine mumbles against their lips as he opens his eyes looking into Kurt's. Blaine thinks for a moment and he knows now would be the perfect time to give Kurt his present. Blaine takes hold of Kurt's hand and brings him into one of the empty classrooms. The corridor is empty, the classroom is empty, as everyone would be eating their lunch by now. As they get into the classroom Blaine shuts the door after him still having a hold of Kurt's hand. As he turned back to Kurt he has his eyebrows raised looking at Blaine and grabs his other hand.

"It's not what you think."

"Really?" Kurt says walking forward to Blaine so Blaine would end up his back against the door, and it a few seconds it was. "What am I thinking?" Kurt lets on of his hand go off Blaine's and moves it up the back of Blaine's head in his hair, twisting it around meeting Blaine's eyes. Blaine could feel his breath getting faster.

"That I am going to make out with you for the rest of lunch."

"Well, you did drag me in here, just us, locked the door. I didn't think we were going to be studying." Kurt brought his other hand up to Blaine's waist. Blaine shook his head as he put his two hands on Kurt's chest pushing him back to sit on the table.

"You really aren't that shy boy anymore the time we performance animal." Blaine let out a little laugh, because of Kurt and for being a bit nervous. Kurt shook his head as he looked to Blaine who stood beside him opening his own bag on the table Kurt sat on.

"So, what did you bring me in here for then? And by the way you're a tease." Kurt said as he looked into Blaine's bag taking out a bottle of hair gel holding it up for Blaine to see.

"I think you put enough of it on in the mornings Blaine, you don't need anymore. Your hair is perfect without it."

"Say's the one with hairspray and god knows what else in your locker." Blaine laughed as he poked Kurt in the stomach that lets out a high laugh.

"Ha, ha, Blaine stop." Kurt shouts a little too loud as Blaine pulls away from his bag putting something in his bag pocket that Kurt sees him doing.

"What's that?" Kurt asked excitedly putting his arms around Blaine's waist one of his hands dropping into Blaine's back pocket grabbing the little squared wrapped present, both his hands on the box now looking up to Blaine grinning.

"Is this my Christmas present?" Blaine nodded his head taking in a deep breath in and out and said.

"Open it." Kurt did so, and was like a child opening a present from Santa Christmas morning. Blaine wonders does he actually know if it's a ring, well he does now. Kurt opened the box slowly putting the paper on the table. When the box is fully open, Kurt puts his hand over his mouth still starring at the ring. A sliver ring with words wrote inside it. Blaine looks down at Kurt who takes the ring out of the box. A mixture of shock, love and happiness on his face.

"One day." Kurt whispers as he looks up to Blaine.

"Don't worry it's not an engagement ring. But, it is a ring to say one day I will ask you to marry me. Were young and we got all the time in the world…"

"Yes." Kurt says suddenly.

"What? Yes what?" Blaine asks confused.

"Am going say yes the day you ask me, that is if I don't ask you first of course." Kurt said as he stood up in front of Blaine who couldn't believe what Kurt just said. Yes.

"You might not off asked me to marry you just yet, this isn't an engagement ring, but, you can put it on my finger." Kurt said still shocked and excited. Blaine didn't know what to say so he took the ring from Kurt and put his other hand under Kurt's holding. He gently put the ring on Kurt's left hand finger and looked up to him meeting Kurt's eyes. Looking at each other that way pretty much said it all of how they were feeling right now. When the ring was on Kurt's finger Blaine looked down at their hands and to the ring smiling, He put his fingers through Kurt's and looked back up to Kurt who looked like he was close to tears. They rested their foreheads against each other, eyes still wide open. Blaine brought his free hand up to rest on the side of Kurt's neck and Kurt rested his hand on Blaine's waist. For seconds and seconds they just looked into each other's eyes filled with love. In a few minutes they went from being this happy couple loving each other so much to the same but difference. Difference because Kurt had said yes to a purposely in the future. Right now their young and have so much more to see in their lives. One thing they know they will see is a ring on their finger from each other. Someday but one day.

"I love you so much." Kurt whispered.

"I love you to."


"I wonder what Blaine is doing right now. Maybe I should text him and ask." Kurt knew by his voice he was in front of him.

"I could tell him from you, Blaine I am sorry, but I don't love you anymore. I had to get away. Don't look for me. He probably wouldn't believe that though. I am guessing he gave you that ring on your finger."

"None of your business." Kurt whispers looking towards the ground as he still only sees darkness. He wishes he could just rip of this blindfold and run.

"I am being nice to you and you're just being grumpy all day." He snapped and Kurt hears a chair getting pushed against the ground.

"Yes actually. You really want to know, fine. In high school he gave it to me, to show one day we were going to get married. I don't know what the hell you're planning on doing to me, but for god sakes, could you hurry up because I am sick of waiting. Why am I here? And who the hell in the right mind would kidnap someone…just tell me what I did to deserve this because I have no idea what am doing here. Whoever you are what did I ever do to you to deserve this? Tell me that much." Kurt's voice was getting higher as angrier.

"You don't deserve this, but I didn't know what else to do." The voice was calmer and sounded sad.

"Then please, why am I here?" Kurt pleaded with him. Kurt heard him take a few footsteps towards him and then stopped. The next second Kurt felt hands on the back of his head untying the blindfold. He took it away slowly and even thought the blindfold was now of, Kurt was afraid to see who it was. He slowly opened his eyes looking to the ground as he lifted his head up slowly taking deep breathes and there was the person standing in front of him, who took him away from everyone he loves and now he knows why he could be here.

"Am sorry." He said shaking his head as he looked at Kurt's shocked face not believing this.

End Notes: Pretty close now to seeing who it is :) Hope you guys are enjoying it.Review :)


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