Keep it together
Wherever we will go Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Keep it together: Wherever we will go

T - Words: 2,060 - Last Updated: Oct 08, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Aug 27, 2012 - Updated: Oct 08, 2012
496 0 2 0 1

1st September 2013

"Blaine, come on. What's taking you so long? Most of your stuff is already in New York and the rest is in the car. Let's go." Cooper shouted up the stairs.

"I know. I will be down in two seconds." Blaine shouted back down as he stood in the doorway of his room looking around it. Everything except his bed and wardrobe was gone. Other than that the room was completely empty. It didn't stop him thinking of all the memories in his room. He grew up here and this had been his room for most of his life and always would be except he would be leaving it now and he didn't know if this would ever be his bedroom again that he stayed in just like he has since he was one. The next time he stands here he would remember this moment where he was heading to New York with, Kurt. He took one last look around his room smiling and pulled over his door as it shut. He headed down the hallway and down the stairs to the front door where his parent's stood. His mum already had tears running down her face as Blaine's father had his arm wrapped around her waist. Blaine was now standing in front of them trying to keep himself together. Other than Dalton this would be the longest time Blaine would be away from home.

"I know I don't say this a lot but, I am really proud of you son. Everything that has happened with this family we just came out stronger. You deserve to be so happy." Blaine's father said as Blaine hugged him.

"Thank you dad" Blaine pulled away from his dad as he hugged his mum who cried into his shoulder.

"It's only New York, mum. It isn't far and I will be home for every holiday. I promise you, okay?" he felt his mum nod her head against his shoulder. Tears began to fill Blaine's eyes. He didn't want to go leaving them behind but, on the other hand he really did want to go but he wished he could have his family with him to. He knew New York wasn't far. There was Skype, he could call and text them at any time. As his mum pulled back enough to see his face she said.

"I always pictured the day my little boy would be heading off to go to college but, this is way more than I imagined and I am glad. You're going where you want to and you already have the love of your life. Never let anything that makes you happy get away because that is what makes you smile every day. That boy is the best thing in your life, so, never let him go."

"I won't, mum. I love you."

"I love you to. You are always going to be my little boy."

Blaine wiped the tears away from his eyes as did his mum giving her one last hug and headed out the door. As he got to the door of the car door he looked around to his mum and dad at the door as they smiled at him. He got in the car in the back with Kurt as Cooper was in the driver's seat.

"Are you okay, babe?" Kurt asked looking over to his fianc� wiping the tears from his face. Blaine nodded his head as he gave Kurt a little smile.

"I'll be fine." Blaine choked out as Kurt took Blaine's hand in his.

"We ready to go?" Cooper asked as he turned around to them.

"Yes. Let's go." Blaine said as Cooper turned back around and started the engine. They all looked out the window towards Sarah and Clay as they waved. They waved back as Cooper pulled out of the spot and headed to New York. Blaine leaned his head on Kurt's shoulder as the tears stopped and looked forward to getting to New York.


"Cooper, where are you going? This isn't the way to the apartment." Kurt said confused as Cooper pulled in and parked the car.

"I know. This is my place I just have to get something. You guys want to come up?" Cooper asked as he opened the car door and Blaine and Kurt got out to heading up to Cooper's apartment.

The three of them walked in the door. In front of them they were straight into the living room. On the right hand side was the kitchen and on the left was a hallway. Kurt and Blaine were really amazed by the place.

"Cooper this is such a nice but, I thought you said you got a new place like five minutes out of the city." Blaine asked confused looking over at his brother lying against the kitchen counter. Kurt had wandered down to look at the rest of the place.

"Explains why I don't have any of my stuff in the apartment."

"Then why did you come to your old apartment if nothing is here and you are living somewhere else?"

"Wait a few seconds and you will know." Cooper grinned as he saw Kurt down the hallway go into his old bedroom. Blaine stood looking at his brother still confused.

"Cooper?" they heard Kurt shout down the hallway from the bedroom.

"Yes?" Cooper said as he made his way down the hall and Blaine followed as they stopped at the door looking at Kurt who stood beside the bed pointing at it.

"Why is my bed in your room? Actually why is mine and Blaine's stuff all in this room?"

"It is because this apartment is now yours and Blaine's."

"Hold on. This really awesome apartment is ours?"

"It is. When I told Rachel she though it was a really good idea and don't worry she won't be on her own in the old apartment. Tina is moving in with her. This is my engagement present to you both. Both the colleges aren't far away and either is Rachel, Tina and I. I couldn't have you both starting of your lives together in an overcrowded flat now could I?" in a second Blaine and Kurt where over hugging Cooper who laughed.

"I will take that as you both want to live here?"

"Yes." Kurt and Blaine said excitedly. One day they knew they were going to get to New York together and that day was today. That moment, was now.


"Right, I better be heading of guy's." Cooper said as he got up from the couch walking over to the kitchen table to pick up his coat. "Did you get everything from the car?"

"Yes. I still can't believe this Cooper. This is so nice of you giving Kurt and I your flat." Blaine smiled as he came out of the bedroom walking into the kitchen as Cooper put his coat on.

"Yeah well, you're my brother and Kurt's my soon to be brother in law and I had to give you both something awesome."

"This is pretty awesome. Do you have to go so soon?"

"No but, you two need to settle into your new home. I will come over before you start college, okay?" Blaine nodded his head as they made their way over to the door as Blaine opened it. Kurt came out of the bathroom with something in his hand as he walked up to them.

"I think you left something behind Cooper." Kurt said as he tried to be serious and hands Cooper the box.

"Cooper condoms, really?" Blaine chuckled as Cooper shrugged his shoulders.

"They are not mine. It's an apartment warming gift for you both." Cooper said like it was a really normal thing doing that.

"A house warming gift is anything but, this Cooper." Kurt tried to be serious but, broke into a smile shaking his head. Cooper put the box in his coat pocket.

"Fine, I will have them then." Cooper laughed as he looked to both boys standing beside each other now.

"Good idea Cooper. We can't have little Cooper's running around the house yet now, can we?"

"Well, the day I do you two will probably have ten."

"Two." Blaine and Kurt both said at the same time and Cooper just shook his head.

"I love you two. Come here." Cooper said as he pulled them into a massive hug almost squeezing them to death. Kurt found Blaine's hand on Cooper's back as he put his fingers through Blaine's.

"We love you to, Cooper."


"Blaine!" Kurt shouted from the living room holding a picture as he stood in front of the fire place. Blaine came out of the bathroom wearing old tracksuit bottoms and a red t-shirt with a toothbrush in his mouth as he brushed his teeth stopping beside, Kurt.

"I don't know where to put this picture." Kurt held up the picture for Blaine to see. It was of them with all of New Directions the last day of school with them all together before Kurt and the rest of the seniors had left a year before the rest. Mr Shue was stood in the middle of all the kids.

"What about in the middle of the mantel piece and then have the picture of your family on one side of it and then my family on the other side of the picture. Then we can put the one of us two hanging on the wall. We can do that tomorrow though because I want to go to bed to spend our first night together, in our apartment." Blaine smiled as he sat on the arm of the couch looking to Kurt.

"It really is. Blaine, we are finally here together." Kurt put down the picture on the small table and went over to the couch kneeling down onto it beside the arm of the couch where Blaine sat with his legs on the couch touching Kurt's knees as he looked down at Kurt.

"Yeah, we did." Kurt's phone started to ring as he picked it up from the table and turned back to Blaine.

"It's Rachel." Kurt said as he answered the phone. "Hi Rachel. Yes, we got here. It is amazing."

As Kurt continued talking Blaine moved a bit of the arm of the couch pushing Kurt down on the couch till his back was lying on the couch and his head on the cushions. Kurt tried to playfully push him away but, Blaine just wouldn't stop. Blaine had his knees either side of Kurt's as he had his hands either side of Kurt's head. He leaned down to kiss Kurt who moved his head to the side chuckling as he was still on the phone.

"Blaine, stop." Kurt chuckled as he tried to hide his face away from Blaine who wasn't giving up. "Yes, Blaine's beside me, in a way." Blaine put his two hands under Kurt's shirt and started to tickle him. Kurt let out a really loud scream as he used one hand to try and push Blaine of him to get off but, he couldn't and honestly he didn't want to.

"Rachel, I have to go. Tomorrow okay, we will meet up with you and Tina tomorrow. Love you to. Bye."

"Bye, Rachel." Blaine sang and before Kurt hung up they heard her laughing. Kurt's phone landed on the floor as he pulled Blaine into him and kissed his lips hard.

"Every time I am on the phone you do that." Kurt said as he pulled away for a second.

"I get jealous easy." Blaine said as his lips found Kurt's neck and Kurt put his hands around Blaine's back.

"She's a girl. There isn't much too… oh, god." Kurt said the last words more loudly as Blaine bit down onto Kurt's skin. Kurt dropped his head on Blaine's shoulder. A few minutes later Blaine, pulled away to look Kurt in the eyes.

"You were saying?" Blaine smirked as Kurt raised an eyebrow.

"That there isn't much to be jealous about because she isn't a boy."

"But, I am." Blaine leaned in to give Kurt a quick kiss on the lips before pulling of Kurt. He walked over to the kitchen counter picking up the keys and went over to lock the door. Kurt got up from the couch and started to walk down the hall backwards. Blaine dropped the keys back on the counter as he walked towards Kurt grinning. Kurt pulled of his night hoodie throwing it on the ground just as Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist kissing his neck pushing him back slowly into the room as he closed the door over with his foot.

End Notes: One more chapter to go guys :)


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Awww I love what Cooper did for them :). One more chapter for what? Is gonna be over after the next? Pleasee nooo! I love this. Great chapter

Yeah am afraid it's going be over after the next one. Thank you :) Am glad you like it :)