Keep it together
Find me in this nightmare Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Keep it together: Find me in this nightmare

T - Words: 2,955 - Last Updated: Oct 08, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Aug 27, 2012 - Updated: Oct 08, 2012
613 0 1 0 1

Author's Notes: Let's just say a tiny big thing happens in this chapter :)
The door to the shed opened and light came shining through hitting Kurt's face. Once Dave stepped inside he quickly shut the door behind him and put the lock on. He walked past Kurt without even looking at him. Dave walked over to the counter and started taking food out of a bag. Minutes passed before Dave said anything. He was chopping stuff on a board that Kurt couldn't see what it was. He put down the knife and turned around to look at Kurt with his arms crossed leaning against the counter. Kurt didn't look at him he just kept looking towards the ground.

"You will never guess who I was talking to today. Sebastian."


"So he seems to be worried about you to, isn't that funny. Blaine still isn't talking to him either. Did anything ever go on between them because they seem like they would make a great couple. I guess Blaine will have to find a new boyfriend anyways and oh look there is Sebastian." Dave let out a little laugh as Kurt lifted his head up slowly to Dave. He just wanted to shout and tell him he will never love Dave. He couldn't though. He needed to stay on Dave's good side. He needed to get out of here but, if he did Dave would hurt Blaine and his family and that wasn't going to happen. God, he missed them all so much.

"Yeah, guess he will."

"He was never enough for you Kurt. You have to believe that. All those times you told him what Sebastian was like and he didn't believe you, a real boyfriend would of. If he had loved you he would have listened. I love you Kurt. Me. Not him." Kurt nodded his head as he looked towards the ground again.

"Kurt, Sebastian told me something else. He told me the reason why they aren't talking to each other." Dave walked over and bends down on his knees in front of Kurt pushing up his chin for Kurt to look him in the eyes.


"Sebastian kissed Blaine and well, Blaine kissed him back." Kurt did his best expression pretending to believe him. His face dropped back down into Dave's hand and he closed his eyes.

"I am sorry but, like I said he doesn't love you. I do." Kurt looked back up at Dave meeting his eyes. He had a smile on his face and Kurt put on a fake one. He never in all his life would say this to anyone else especially not to someone who has just kidnapped him but, he had to. He had to say this to prove to Dave he believed him. He didn't know how he was ever going to get out and be back with his family and Blaine but, he had to do something and this was a start he didn't want to do. Tomorrows going to come so quick and he needed to get out.

"I love you to." Dave's smile got bigger as he pulled up his other hand on Kurt's knee.


"Yes. All of this shows how much you want me and I think I just realised that. I was mad you taking me away from the people I thought I loved when I was just mad at myself for not being able to admit how I felt for you."

"So you do want to go away with me tomorrow?" Dave asked hopeful and started to believe Kurt with everything he said.

"Yes I do. I just wish you could have told me how you felt sooner."

"You were with Blaine, I couldn't. You seemed so happy with him."

"I thought I was but, truth is I guess I wasn't. If I was and if I loved him I would be really mad and upset right now that he kissed Sebastian."

"He doesn't deserve you Kurt. After all he has done. He doesn't deserve to be happy. I should hurt him I should…"

"Dave. He isn't worth it. You just need me; you don't have to hurt him. That won't get us anywhere now, would it?" Kurt asked trying to calm Dave down, he couldn't hurt Blaine and he wasn't going to let him near Blaine.

"Prove it to me, Kurt. Prove you love me and not Blaine."

"I am leaving with you tomorrow is that not enough?"

"It is but, just kiss me." Dave was serious and Kurt knew he had to do it because if he didn't Dave could turn around and not believe him anymore. Kurt nodded his head and started to lean in slowly as did Dave. Dave sat up a bit more of his knees to reach Kurt's lips as he gently put his hand on Kurt's cheek. Just do it Kurt, it will be over before you know it. So he did it. His lips collided with Dave's. Seconds felt like minutes. Dave deepens the kiss and Kurt really wants to pull away but, Dave does first with a big grin on his face.

"Was that okay? Why did you pull away?" Kurt asked pretending to look worried when he was more than relieved.

"So I could look at you. To see if this is really real and it is."

"Trust me. It is real." Kurt smiled and leaned back into Dave to capture his lips with Dave's.


"What if it doesn't work?"

"It is worth trying. You know that." Sebastian said as I looked over to him sitting in the driver's seat of his car. "I will wait here. Take as long as you need and don't rush. One chance to do this Blaine." I nodded as I opened the door of the car and headed to the house. Sebastian stopped around the corner so no one would see him. I walk slowly to the house while all these thoughts run through my mind. Was it the right thing believing Sebastian? This time I think it was. I will do anything to find Kurt and get him home safe. How could Dave do this though after everything Kurt did for him and he does this? If Dave really cared for him he wouldn't off done this. I walk up the steps and knock on the door as I take in a deep breath in and out. I hear footsteps coming towards the door and I really hope he isn't here or this won't work. The door opens and Dave's dad stands at the door with a smile.



"So how have you been? Dave told me you and Kurt broke up. I was sorry to hear that. You two seemed so good together and you both helped Dave a lot since he tried to commit suicide." Dave's dad said as he sat across the kitchen table from me after making us both teas. He what? How could he say that? What am I supposed to say to something not true and I can feel myself getting mad and then I remember what Sebastian said one chance to do this Blaine.

"It was hard, still is."

"I understand. Dave told me he has been talking to Kurt the last few days on the phone trying to help him through it. I am sorry, I shouldn't have told you that."

"No it's okay. It just wasn't meant to be. How is Dave anyways?"

"He seems to be on track again. He comes home much happier in the past week. He is going to New York in a couple of weeks. He spends his time up in his granny's house. She passed away two years ago and I still can't face going up there. It's just up the road so he isn't too far away."

"Is it the little house that's painted white?"

"No it's the two storeys that's painted yellow with a shed beside it. It's up a long narrow road. You wouldn't know it was there. It's the only house up the lane. If he's happy up there am glad. I don't think he will be back for a while."

"That's okay. I will ring him later anyways. I just haven't heard from him in a while and though I would stop by."

"That's very nice of you Blaine." Dave's father gave a thank you smile. I think I know where he is. I just have to get there before Dave comes back. How would his dad be able to cope if this turned out to be true? Sebastian was right his new boyfriend was Kurt. Dave is not going to get a chance to take Kurt away from him.


"Are you sure?" Sebastian asked as we were stopped down at the bottom of a long narrow road. We both looked out the window up the road. Sebastian drove the car behind some trees on the other side of the road so no one would see the car.

"Yes. This has to be it. It is the only place around here with a long narrow road. We have to go up."

"Okay. We have to walk. He can't hear the car." I nodded as we both got out of the car and Sebastian locked it.

"Do you have your phone?" I asked as we walked up the road not being able to see any house.

"Yeah I do. Have you?"


"Blaine is this the best way to do it. If he is capable of this then god knows what else he could do and it is only you and I." I stopped and looked to Sebastian who stopped as well.

"It's the only way to get him back. We are sure it is Dave and if we rang the police or anyone else they would tell us to stop and think about this. In that time he could be gone and we wouldn't have a clue where they are. I am doing this with or without you. I am getting Kurt back no matter what it takes." I meant that. I was going to do anything to get Kurt back. The only other person I would off told would have been Burt but, I know him. He would be doing what we are right now and he could end up having another heart attack and I couldn't take that chance.

"Okay. Let's do this then." Sebastian gave me a smile as he walked on and I followed him. We walked for minutes until we saw a house that was behind a load of trees. The house was yellow and a two storey.

"That's it. That is definitely the house." I say quietly to Sebastian.

"Okay. We have to be careful. Let's just get up to behind that wall right in front of the house first." I nod as we start to make our way behind the wall. For the first time since starting to walk up here I realise it must be around ten because the sky started to get dark. When we get up close enough I see a light coming from the shed beside it. The lights in the house were all turned off. We got to behind the wall looking over it and looked towards the shed.


"Are you hungry?"


"I have stuff in the house. I will go get it." Dave smiled towards Kurt before heading out the door and locking it behind him. Dave had to of believed Kurt by now. He told him he loved him, kissed him and Dave believed Kurt was leaving with him tomorrow. Kurt just had to think how he was going to get out of here. He could get Dave to untie him from the chair but, what happens after that. He ran once and that didn't work. Maybe he would have to go with Dave tomorrow but, when there was people around he could get away then. It was the only thing he could think of. He was going to get away from Dave, he had to.


I see the shed door opening and see Dave walk out as he locked it behind him. I went to move but Sebastian pulled me back down.

"What are you doing?" Sebastian whispered.

"I am going to get Kurt. Now is our chance."

"No. Blaine we have to think about this. If we just go running we will be caught. We have to wait till he leaves." I looked back towards the shed wanting to get Kurt.

"I need to know he is okay. I need him back."

"I know. We are going to get him out. I promise. We just have to wait. "

Over an hour later and the shed door opened again as Dave walked out. He turned around and said something and it had to be Kurt he was talking to. The door was shut and locked as Dave made his way over to his car. I heard the engine starting.

"Go over there so he won't see us." Sebastian whispered as we hit behind another wall as Dave pulled out onto the road and down it. When we couldn't hear the car anymore I started to run up to the shed.

"Blaine. Wait up." I just kept running until I got to behind the shed. The light was of in the shed and it was nearly dark. I heard Sebastian stop behind me.

"Come on, go to the door." I made my way over to the shed door and looked behind me to make sure Dave was gone. The place was surrounded in just fields and trees. I looked back to the lock.

"Sebastian there is no way we can open that."

"I will find something but, Blaine just make sure he is in there first." Honestly I was scared to call him and he wouldn't answer back. I am so sure he is here; I need him to be here. I need to finally find him. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I know you're scared. But you have to Blaine. God knows how much time we have." Sebastian says quietly. I nod my head slowly and feel Sebastian take away his hand and walk away a few steps. I put my hand on the door letting out a breath closing my eyes.

"Kurt." I say as loud as I can so if he is there he can hear me. "It's me."

I keep my eyes closed for those few seconds, hoping.

"Blaine. Blaine" he's there, that's Kurt. I turn around to Sebastian who smiles.

"I will go get something to open the lock." He said as he went behind the shed and I turn back to the door.

"Kurt. Is that really you?" I feel tears fall down my face. Happy tears.

"Yeah" Kurt's voice sound's so weak, so helpless.

"Are you okay?"

"I am now. Please get me out." Kurt tried to talk louder but he couldn't.

"I will. I promise you, Kurt."

"Blaine. Blaine we got to hide." Sebastian came back around the corner. "Dave's back."

"Kurt, listen to me okay? Dave is coming back but I promise you I am not leaving. I will get you out."

"Okay. Blaine?" he sounded so scared and all I wanted to do was get him out.


"I love you."

"I love you to." I said before Sebastian pulled me around the back of the shed just before Dave pulled up to the top of the lane. He walked over to the shed opening it back up.

"Blaine I couldn't find anything. We are just going to have to go in there. I don't know what else we can do." Sebastian looked worried and I guess I did to. I wiped the tears from my face and nodded my head as we made our way around the shed.


He is here. Blaine is really here. Before Kurt could think about that anymore the shed door was pulled open and Dave walked in and stood at the door still half way open.

"I got good news. We can leave now. I have everything ready."

"It was supposed to be tomorrow."

"I know but, after what happened with us today I want to go and start our lives together sooner. I love you Kurt and this is really happing." Dave walked over to Kurt and bend down to untie the rope around his ankles. Dave's back was turned to the door and Kurt saw Blaine and Sebastian appear in the doorway. Blaine stood there for a few seconds smiling before he mounted Run. Kurt nodded his head a little and smiled as Blaine disappeared again.

"It will be amazing Kurt. I promise." Dave said as he went behind the chair and untied Kurt's hands. His arms and legs were free and now he was going to run.

"Just let me get something first and we can head on." He heard footsteps and he turned around behind him to see Dave at the counter. It's now or never Kurt thought as he got up from the chair as quick as he could and ran out the door.

"Kurt!" Dave shouted as loud as he could. He sounded so mad. "Do not run from me again."

Sebastian and I were behind the door when we heard the running footsteps.

"Run!" Sebastian shouted as soon as we heard Dave shout. The next second Kurt came out the door grabbing my hand as we all ran. It happened so fast. We were running to the narrow lane when the sound of a gun went off that made us all stop.

"Fuck." Sebastian whispered as the three of us turned around to Dave's voice.

"If any of you three run I promise I won't miss next time!" We said nothing as we looked to Dave in front of us with the gun held in his left hand and smiling evilly. I felt Kurt hold on to my hand tighter as I look to him meeting his scared eyes that tears were starting to fall. We looked back to Dave who was still smiling. I didn't know what to do. Now I wish Sebastian and I didn't come on our own. I only thought of saving Kurt. I didn't expect this.

End Notes: Cliffhanger :O Don't shot me, you to Dave, don't shot me either, hold your fire :)Review and tell me what you guy's think is going to happen. I would love to hear from you guys.Thanks for reading :)


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OMGG OMG OMGGGGGG This was not a tiny big thing it was a big big thing :). This is woww I am soo happy they found Kurt and started to run but Damnnn I was wondering if Dave was gonna have a gun. Great chapter! :)