Oct. 8, 2012, 9:49 a.m.
Oct. 8, 2012, 9:49 a.m.
"I wish I could be there for him. I want to be there for him." Sebastian said sadly as he and Dave sat in the limo bean. Dave had just told him about what Burt and Blaine had to do two days ago.
"I was so horrible to both of them. Why couldn't I just of accepted the fact that Blaine and Kurt were together and in love."
"Look, we can't change our lives. Not our past but, we can change what happens in the future. I for one am going to start fresh and forget the past and do everything to have a good future." Sebastian nodded his head giving Dave a small smile.
"I should try that to. I will try to make it up with Blaine and Kurt. I know we probably will never be the best of friends but, they are good guys."
"Yeah, he is. Be back in a minute. Just need to go to the bathroom."
As Dave headed to the bathroom, Sebastian was thinking of what he was going to do today. After work he would ring Blaine say sorry and try to get on good terms with him again. It was his fault Blaine wasn't talking to him. If he hadn't of said about did Kurt cheat on you, they would have been okay. He guessed at that time he still wanted Blaine. Honestly, since he met Blaine that day in Dalton he really liked him. He thought Blaine wasn't into him because he had Kurt but really, it was because Blaine generally didn't like him that way. Blaine and he were never going to happen and he has finally started to accept that. He saw the way Blaine and Kurt are around each other. Yeah, it made him what to get sick but now, it doesn't. He guessed he just never knew what being in love was like. They did. Sebastian was pulled out of his thoughts when Dave's phone beeped. He picked up the phone of the table and it was still lit up. He thought it was a message and decided to be nosey to see if it was Dave's boyfriend. It was just a reminder and it read pick up clothes for Kurt. His face dropped as he looked up from the phone. He couldn't. Not to Kurt. Sebastian thought and without thinking he took out his own phone and looked to the bathroom door to make sure Dave wasn't coming. He took a picture of what was on Dave's phone. Quickly he put Dave's phone back on the table and his own back in his pocket. The next minute Dave came back but didn't sit down. Instead he picked up his phone and bag.
"I better be of. Have to finish packing today." Dave grinned and Sebastian tried to just act like before. In his mind all he wanted to shout was You crazy asshole, you have Kurt. But, he had to do this a smarter way so he put on a fake smile.
"When do you head of tomorrow?"
"Not until tonight. Max is meeting me at the airport tomorrow. New York for a month, it is going to be great."
"Well, hope you two have a good time. Where did you say he is from again?"
"We will. See you when we get back."
"Yeah…see you then." Sebastian said as Dave smiled and headed out the door.
Instead of going back to work he went to one of the rooms only for staff where all of the food was stored. He shut the door and leaned his back against it. He took out his phone and looked through his contacts till he saw Blaine's number. He pressed call and waited for him to answer.
"Hello?" a sad voice came through the voice.
"Blaine. It's Sebastian."
"Stop it. Don't call me. I can't deal with you right now. Actually I will never be able to deal with you ever again."
"Blaine, listen I…"
"Bye, Sebastian."
"No, wait..." then the phone line was cut off. Damn it. He thought. He needed to talk to him. Dave has to have Kurt. He only had a bit of proof but it was enough. It had to be. There was only one way he was going to get Blaine to talk to him.
"Hello Mrs Anderson. Is Blaine home?" Sebastian smiled as he stood in the doorway of the Andersons home. Blaine's mum Sarah was stood in front of him was a worried smile on her face. She black curly hair, brown eyes and she looked very thin. He had only ever met her once before. He never asked but he wondered if Blaine had ever told his parents' who was the one who throw the slushy at him.
"Yes dear he is. He is in his room but, he isn't really in a good way. You can go up and see him. Just… please if he wants to be on his own leave him be." He nodded as he made his way up the stairs. He walked up slowly to the room preparing himself for what Blaine was going to be like. No matter what Blaine was like he was going to hear this. As he reached the door he pushed it open slowly. There he was. Blaine was sat on the bed with his legs crossed and his head down looking at a photo album. He lifted his head up slowly. His expression was unreadable and it stayed that way when he saw Sebastian. Sebastian closed the door slowly and didn't move from where he was standing.
"You don't give up do you?" it was more of a fact, not a question. His voice was so broken and sad and as much as he wanted to leave Blaine alone, he couldn't.
"No. I guess I don't." he says quietly back. There was a few seconds of silent before Blaine took a photo out from the album and got up from his bed walking over to Sebastian. Blaine stopped a few steps from where Sebastian was standing. He put out his hand that held the picture for Sebastian to take and he did. He looked from Blaine to the picture. It was a picture of him, Blaine and Kurt the night they went to Scandals. Sebastian had a smile on his face holding a drink. Blaine held a drink in his hand to leaning his head on Kurt's shoulder. Kurt had a fake smile on his face as he looked towards the camera.
"That night I forced myself on Kurt…my own boyfriend and I tried to have sex with him. That was mistake two. Staying friends with you even though Kurt told me you were bad news, mistake three. I forgave you for throwing a slushy in my eye. Mistake four. Believing you had changed after Dave tried to commit suicide. Mistake five." Blaine's voice was cracking with every word mostly when he said Kurt. He could see the angry in Blaine's face but, the sadness covered most of that up. He was about to break down any second.
"Blaine." He whispered. He just needed him to listen.
"Mistake one, was ever meeting you and thinking we were friends. I have made so many mistakes in my life but, meeting you was the biggest. None of that shit would off happened if I didn't know you. Why can't you understand I hate you? I don't ever want to see you again. Just get out." He shouted those last three words holding back the tears in his eyes.
"I…I need to talk to you okay? It is important." He says calmly.
"No! Just go." Blaine opened the door about to push Sebastian out.
"Go" Blaine had his hand on Sebastian's back making him go.
"I know who has Kurt. I know. Just listen to me. You need to see this." Blaine dropped his hand from Sebastian's back shaking his head as he looked at him not believing it.
"You might not think it proves much but, it does." Sebastian handed his phone to Blaine. He looked at it for a few seconds and looked back up to Sebastian.
"That is not funny. What kind if joke is this? It doesn't prove anything." Now Blaine was getting angry.
"Look at it Blaine. Pick up clothes for Kurt. Who would have that on their phone? Look at the date. That is yesterday's date."
"Why are you doing this to me? Who owns that phone?" Blaine was raising his voice; he didn't know what to believe. Will he believe me? He has to. Sebastian thought.
"Sebastian. Tell me."
"It's…its Dave's." He whispers enough for Blaine to hear.
"I was talking to him today. He told me about what you and Burt had to do and when he went to the toilet his phone beeped and that came up."
"It doesn't mean anything."
"You know it does Blaine. You just won't believe it."
"He is Kurt's friend. He has asked me so many times how he is. Why would he do that? Tell me that?"
"He bulled Kurt and then fell in love with him. The guy tried to commit suicide. You told me ever since then that Kurt and Dave have kept in touch. Dave knows he can't have Kurt but, he still wants him." Blaine took a few steps away from Sebastian turning his back to him.
"He has a boyfriend."
"Yeah, that is Kurt. Did he tell you he is going to New York tomorrow with his boyfriend?"
"When I asked where Max was from he didn't answer me." Blaine turned back to face Sebastian with a confused look on his face.
"Max? He told me his name was Adam and he joined his school after getting bullied so much in his last school."
"Sound familiar?
"A lot of people get bullied and have to move schools Sebastian. I did." For a second it looked like those memories at Blaine's old school rushed through his mind.
"You don't believe me. Do you?"
"I really don't know what to believe anymore. After having to identify a body that could have been Kurt's…my mind is messed up."
"I know. I am so sorry you had to do that but, Blaine things with Dave they just aren't right."
"How do I know this isn't some sort of joke?"
"It is because I would never go this far. Blaine, I have never liked anyone as much as I like you. When I found out you were with Kurt that pissed me of. I couldn't have you and I didn't want to accept that but, I realise now that am never going to get you because you only love Kurt. So I know how Dave would off felt when Kurt said No to him because he was in love with you. It is a hard thing to accept and I have only accepted it lately. You can believe all of that or not but truth is I want to help you find Kurt and after that…you don't have to talk or see me ever again." Sebastian meant every word and Blaine just nodded his head. They both just stood there not looking at each other.
"So what are we going to do?" Blaine asked calmly as he looked back to Sebastian who gave a little smile.
"We are going to get Kurt back."
Ok I think I might just be getting happy. I am soooo glad Sebastian decided to be nosy and look at Dave's phone and he told Blaine :). Can't wait to see what happens next.
Hey :) am going reply to all your comments on this one and thank you so much for them :) I enjoyed writing were they had to see if it's was Kurt because it was like the first chapter I had written for a fanfiction and I could feel myself getting really lost in the chapter and it's awesome when you get really into writing a chapter :)Yeah that's Sebastian for you ha ha I can promise you the next chapter that I am putting up now, well, let's just say there is a happy bit in it but sad at the same time :)