Sept. 16, 2012, 4:46 a.m.
Sept. 16, 2012, 4:46 a.m.
Cooper and Sarah had gone back to New York yesterday. Sarah had to as she is making a new film. She is a writer and film director. Cooper and Sarah met at the set of a film Cooper was in. She was the writer of the film. Sarah is good for Cooper. She has brown long hair and light blue eyes. She is one of the kindest people Blaine has ever met. He could see why Cooper had falling for her. He could see how much they loved each other and is happy their getting married. The kids loved her and were already calling her Aunt Sarah.
Having Friday night dinner at the Hummel-Hudson house never changed. Even when Finn and Kurt left, Carole and Burt still had it. Tonight, was no different. They were still going to do it, no matter how hard it was.
Blaine was in the kitchen with Carole, Rachel, and the kids making dinner. Finn and Kurt were sitting in the living room watching the football. Kurt looked over to the chair were his dad had always sat. Burt would come home from work, get a beer out of the fridge, sit down and watch the football, until dinner was ready, if he wasn't the one helping.
"It's not going to change anything you know?" Kurt whispered, never taking his eyes away from the chair as he spoke.
"What isn't?" Finn asked clueless as he looked towards his brother.
"The dinner. It won't bring him back, so why are we doing it?"
"Because Burt would want us to and because were a family, Kurt. It's what family's do." Finn said with a hint of angry in his voice as he looked back to the TV. He knew he shouldn't be mad at Kurt but, it sometimes feel like Kurt was the only one who lost him. His mum lost another husband and even though Burt wasn't his father, Burt was as close as he was ever going to get to one.
They all sat around the table eating their dinner. The three kids sat beside eat other, Finn and Rachel sat together, Kurt and Blaine sat together and Carole sat up at the top of the table. There was one empty sit at the other end of the table where Burt had always sat to. They eat in silent for a few seconds before Blaine spoke.
"I have really missed your cooking Carole, it is always lovely."
"Thank you Blaine. Well I had a lot of help this time and it made the food extra nicer." Carole looked over to the kids, giving them a warm smile that the three of them returned. Finn was shoving the food into his mouth; he couldn't get enough of it.
"Finn, honey, slow down." Rachel said with a chuckle.
"What?" Finn said with a mouth full of food. The kids laughed as they looked to Finn. Kurt looked to Finn with a disgust look on his face before going back to moving the food around his plate with his fork. Carole and Blaine shared a worried look as they looked back at Kurt.
The rain outside was hitting of the window hard and even though it was summer and after eight o'clock, outside the sky kept getting darker and darker. It was like a day in December, where the sun was nowhere to be seen.
"Kurt, you don't have to eat it if you don't want it." Carole said in a soft tone.
"There are a lot of things I don't want but, it happens anyways. Like, I didn't want you all to do this dinner."
"Hun, we are just trying to…" Blaine said but was cut off by Kurt.
"Trying to what, Blaine?" Kurt snapped as he dropped his fork and looked to Blaine. "Trying to make things normal again? Trying to pretend dad isn't gone? Go on, tell me!" Blaine looked away from Kurt and to his kids that looked at them, not wanting their dad's to fight.
"Kurt, that's not fair. It isn't Blaine's fault, it's no one's fault. Burt wouldn't want this, he wouldn't want us fighting." Rachel said calmly.
"How would you know? None of us know because he is dead just like my mum! I am not a kid having Friday night dinner with his parents anymore, now am their son that they left behind." Kurt said through choked words as he got up and left the table. He opened the front door and slammed it behind him as he headed out in the pouring rain.
The rest of them sat at the table in silent with tears behind their eyes. Carole looked towards where Kurt left, wishing he would come back. Blaine wiped his eyes as he looked to Jack, Lily and Summer.
"Kids, how about you all go up and get ready for bed and I'll come up and put on a film for you all." Blaine said holding his voice together. They all nodded and got up and headed towards their room. Lily and Summer had already disappeared out of the room. Jack walked over to his dad.
"He's going to be okay dad. I know because if anyone can make him smile again it's you." Jack gave a little sad smile as he gave his dad a hug before disappearing. Blaine looked as Jack left the room. He didn't want the kids to see this; it's not something kids should have to see. Their daddy wasn't their happy daddy anymore.
"I need to find him." Blaine said getting up from the table.
"Blaine maybe, he just wants to be along now." Finn said as he shrugged his shoulders.
"It's pouring rain and he walked out without even a jacket on. What he wants and needs are two different things. He doesn't need to be out in the pouring rain." Blaine said and headed to the door and to outside.
Blaine himself forgot to pick up his coat on the way out and was drenched the first few seconds he was outside. It was much darker now and the rain kept pouring down with the wind pushing it directly into his face. He walked along the pathway seeing no sign of Kurt. As he walked further for a few more minutes he stopped and saw a figure a few feet ahead of him. He was sure it was Kurt, even in the dark. No one else would be out in this weather. When he came closer he knew for sure it was Kurt. His hair had all falling down and his jeans and hair, like Blaine's, was dripping wet.
"Kurt!" Blaine shouted as loud as he could so Kurt would hear him. Kurt looked around for a second and started walking again.
"Kurt! Stop!"
"Leave me alone Blaine!" Kurt started to walk even faster but Blaine ran up to him and stood in front of him. He held both of Kurt's arms to stop him from walking.
"Let me go!" Kurt tried to move away from Blaine, but Blaine just held on tighter and looked Kurt straight in the eyes.
"Where do you think you're going to end up? Where were you even going?" Blaine let his grip on Kurt's arms loosen as he felt Kurt tense less.
"Anywhere! Somewhere that doesn't remind me that he's not there, that he isn't coming back!" Rain kept hitting of them both and they were both freezing with the rain.
"But I am here to help you through it all; you have to let me in, Kurt! We will get through everything together, Kurt, I promise you. Do you remember those word's I said? The night of our wedding and I meant them. I promised you we would get through everything together, and we will." Even with the rain Blaine knew by looking at Kurt's eyes he was crying.
"I just need him back s-so bad and this pain is k-killing me every day!" Kurt choked out through his tears as he put his two hands up to his face and cried into them. Blaine's heart broke for Kurt. He pulled Kurt into his chest as Kurt griped onto Blaine's shirt crying into it. Blaine had his arms wrapped round Kurt's shoulders as he spoke into his ear.
"No matter how long it takes, I promise we will get through this. I promise."