Sept. 16, 2012, 4:46 a.m.
Sept. 16, 2012, 4:46 a.m.
Kurt sat in a chair with his hands in his lap as his fingers slowly danced against each other as he looked down at them.
He sat in a room he had only been to twice before but, it was that room that made him feel like he could get to be happy again, the happiness before his dad had died. A man, probably in his forty's sat across from Kurt as he looked to the lost person in front of him not being able to look up at him. The man had brown short hair with grey bits through it. He was a thin man and had bright blue eyes that Kurt felt when he looked into them this man, he could look into how Kurt was feeling and knew that exact feeling Kurt had felt for so long. Clay is his name and Kurt was glad that this was the therapist he was seeing. He never rushed Kurt and waited for Kurt's answer no matter how long it took and Kurt could feel how much he wanted to help him, no advice, just listening and ready to help.
"I-I sometimes dream about it. It's only happened twice but um it's…it's like I am there again. I can't breathe and I know I should rise and stop but…in the dreams I can't…in the dreams I die…and Blaine never got to save me." Kurt says quietly like he is the only one meant to hear it. He can feel the tears wanting to push their way through and fall down his face, but, he doesn't let them, he won't let them, all he wants is to start being strong again.
"Where does the dream end, Kurt?" Clay's calming and patient voice asks and it just makes Kurt want to keep going, for this all to get better.
"I am standing a few feet away from…from where I see myself lying on the ground and Blaine beside me…crying and holding me in his arms as he knees down on the ground. Cooper is standing beside Sarah where they hold Jack and Lily, not wanting them to see it."
"In the dream does Blaine say anything as he holds you?"
"That…that it's his fault." The tears try to escape more harder now, pushing more and Kurt lifts his head up to look out the window on the left side of him. Through the window there are just trees, grass, flowers and a small narrow path but, it's so beautiful and Calm and he knows somewhere outside Blaine waits for him.
"Why do you think Blaine says that in the dream?"
"Because the day I met him for the first time, he was one of those people who will protect you from anything and if he doesn't he blames himself. He still is that person."
"Seventeen," Kurt looks away from the window and turns to Clay who has a smile on his face. "When I was seventeen all I wanted to do was watch football and play it, I had no time for love and honestly when I was that age I never though you could fall in love so young but, I hear stories like yours and Blaine's and it just brings a smile to my face. Those are the stories that made me believe I could fall in love so young. You and Blaine have been together a long time."
"16 years." Kurt says and can't help but smile.
"Could you tell me one thing that makes you the couple you are today?" There are a lot of things that make Kurt and Blaine, them but only one thing stands out in his mind.
"I guess because it was a thing that brought us together. I was in a pretty bad place before I met him and that day I first saw him on the stairs at Dalton…I felt like I could breathe again. I felt like if Blaine had got through everything that he has that I can do the same. When we were just friends it was enough for me to know that he would always be there for me through life, even if nothing more happened between us, he was enough, because he is Blaine."
"But it did become more. Kurt, why did you shut Blaine out when your dad died? I know he tried to help you every day and still is but, did you not think he was the key to you getting better, just like all those other times?"
"I could see what he was trying to do but the one thing I wanted he couldn't do. I needed my dad back to feel the emptiness in my heart; it was the only thing that would make me happy again."
Kurt nods his head slowly. "I know that my dad won't ever come back on this earth and every day that hurts so badly but, when I could feel my last breath under water I saw…" Kurt let out a sob before he realised tears were falling from his face. "I saw Blaine. The first time I ever saw his face, which was the memory I saw before I couldn't breathe anymore."
"Why do you think that was the memory and the only one?" Clay handed Kurt the box of tissues and leaned back in his seat. Kurt took out a tissue before resting the box on the table that was between him and Clay. Kurt just kept the tissue in his hands as he looked back up to Clay.
"I know why it was. I said before I met Blaine it was like I couldn't breathe and when he turned around to face me for the first time I felt like I could, it was like I already knew he would save me. When I saw that memory under water and Blaine turned around it was like I was reliving that moment because when Blaine turned around I wanted to breathe again but, it was too late because I was down there too long. That was the memory I saw because that was the moment that saved me, he was the boy who saved me." Kurt's tears came even faster and he wiped them away with his tissue.
"Did you want Blaine to save you again?" Kurt nodded his head as he cried into his hands covering his face.
"When Blaine saved you from the water, what was your first thought when you saw him?"
"That, the emptiness I feel is worth living with every day because I still have the rest of my family and Blaine. That I am lucky, even though my dad is gone, I still have love in my life, and I still have people, which made me who I am today. That I am still lucky to be here."
Kurt shut the door gently behind him and felt just that little bit better from talking about it.
He walked to the front door and as he pushed it open fully he saw Blaine walked down the narrow path with the sun shining down on him. He doesn't see Kurt as he holds a yellow rose and a red one in his hands as he looks down to them. It's when the outside door shuts behind Kurt and he's walking towards Blaine that Blaine looks up from the roses and sees Kurt walking towards him. Kurt smiles as he gets nearer to Blaine. Blaine had just throw on his skinny black jeans that folded up on the bottom, the striped red and white t-shirt, the grey zip up jacket that was unzipped and his red converses that were falling apart- that Blaine wouldn't throw out because Kurt had gotten them for him-but he still managed to look so damn gorgeous. His hair had no gel in it at all, yes Blaine still put some gel in his hair at times, but he hardly did anymore, the curls were just free and some hung over his forehead, as much as he probably needed one because-his hair had gotten longer than usually-Kurt would never tell Blaine he could do with a haircut because Kurt loved his hair like that, he loved running his fingers through it.
Blaine's heart almost melted when he saw that smile on Kurt's face. It was probably the most real and genuine one he had seen before Burt had passes away. Even though this had only been Kurt's third time going to therapy Blaine can see a different. The day after he had pulled Kurt out of the swimming pool he and Kurt knew that he had to see someone, it seemed like it was the only way left. Kurt needed that bit more help and there was no shame in that.
"I hope you weren't going around robbing flowers from here?" Kurt said with his smile as he stopped in front of Blaine who pretended to look shocked.
"Would I do such a thing? Besides those flowers have friends that are called nettles and those little bastards protect those friends." Kurt tried to hold back his laugh by biting down on his bottom lip but, he couldn't hold it in. Blaine laughed with him.
"Where did they sting you?"
Blaine held up his left hand and pointed to the spot on his hand with the roses. Kurt put his hand under Blaine's and lifted it up to his lips and kissed the spot where Blaine's hand was red.
"That better?" Blaine nodded happily. "You know we tell our kids don't go near nettles. I didn't think I would have to tell my husband the same thing." Kurt and Blaine chuckled as Kurt let their entwined hands down to their sides.
"I didn't see them and besides if I had I would have still wanted to get these for you." Blaine held the two roses in between the two of them and Kurt takes them with his free hand and smiles down at them as he smells them. Kurt closes his eyes for just a few seconds and tears come rushing from behind his eyes as a few tears escape down his face.
"Hey, sweetheart, what's wrong? Was therapy okay?" the concern and worry in Blaine's voice as he brought his hands up to Kurt's cheeks to wipe away the tears made Kurt open his eyes and look to the beautiful brown worried one's in front of him.
"Yeah it was fine. I-I just really love you, you know that?" Kurt gave a watery smile that let the worry go out of Blaine's eyes and was just replaced with more love. Blaine nodded slowly as he felt his own tears form behind his eyes.
"I know. I really love you to, Kurt!" Blaine gave back that smile before they leaned into each other slowly as they closed their eyes. Their lips met for the first time that feels like ages. It's just a sweet, simply, loving kiss that to them, is all they need right now. Blaine feels Kurt's tears fall on his face, or maybe they're his, he doesn't know, but all he knows is that he can feel Kurt getting that bit better after therapy and he doesn't mind how long it takes, he just wants Kurt to feel okay again, happy again.