Sept. 16, 2012, 4:46 a.m.
Sept. 16, 2012, 4:46 a.m.
Blaine had rung Cooper the day after Kurt had put the pictures and his designs on fire. Cooper said he and Sarah would take the kids for a few days. Blaine didn't know if it was the right thing, but they loved going to Cooper and Sarah's house and it would get them away from this for a while and Blaine could just focus on helping Kurt for those few days. God knows how long it would take, but he had to start somewhere.
"Blaine, have you thought about bringing Kurt to see someone, a therapist? It would help, that's what their there for, to talk things out." Cooper said softly, not knowing what way Blaine would take it.
"No, I, I can help him. It's only been a few weeks since Burt died, he just needs more time and I will help him." Cooper just nodded and said no more. Saying anything more wouldn't help. Blaine wanted to do this and Cooper wasn't going to stop him trying. Cooper just pulled Blaine in for a hug.
"He's so lucky to have you. If anyone can help him, it's you." Blaine smiled at Cooper's words.
"Look after Jack and Lily. And do not feel them a load of sweet stuff like you did with me when I was a kid. You made me get fat for months." They both chuckled as they pulled back from each other.
"Oh, I am so showing the kids those pictures of you then."
"Do not! I nearly killed you for showing Kurt; you are not showing Jack and Lily." Blaine pointed his index finger to Cooper.
"See, pointing makes it so much more dramatic."
"Now you two be good for uncle Coop and Aunty Sarah." Blaine said as he kneeled down in front of Jack and Sarah. Cooper and Sarah went to the kids rooms to get their bags.
"Yes!" they both said together as they leaned in and gave Blaine a big hug. Kurt walked into the sitting room where Blaine and the kids are. Kurt stops beside them and kneels down beside Blaine. The kids pull away from Blaine and look towards Kurt.
"Does daddy get a hug?" Kurt asked softly with a small smile. They nodded happily and gave Kurt a hug.
"Do you think they will be okay?" Sarah asked Cooper as they stood outside Lily's room with the kids bags in their hands. Cooper met Sarah's eyes and gave her a smile, putting his arm around her waist and pulling her close.
"Yeah, they have always been strong. Blaine will get him through it."
Kurt sat at the edge of the pool with his legs in the water, moving them side to side and looking at the spot across the pool he had seen his dad. Two days ago he had seen his dad there and since then he had come down to the pool a couple of times every day because maybe, just maybe, he would see his dad again. He needed to see him again.
It was a day since the kid's had gone to Cooper's and Sarah's house. It is their second time staying with them and Kurt knew why Blaine wanted the kids to stay with them. He hadn't said anything about it though because if he did, that would lead to Blaine wanting Kurt to take to him about everything and did Kurt want to? No.
It was eight in the morning and when Kurt had got up from bed Blaine was still sleeping.
Kurt was looking towards the water when a shadow appeared in the water. Kurt lifted his head slowly and there he was again, there was his dad in the same place, looking the same, had the smile, only this time, he spoke.
"He will get you through it." Burt's voice was clam and soft and Kurt couldn't believe he just heard it.
"Dad, you're really here." Kurt said with the first real smile appearing on his face in weeks.
"He will get my boy through it." Kurt was about to ask who when Burt slowly faded, until he was gone. Kurt was trying to understand what Burt had said and didn't hear the door opening or footsteps coming towards him. What was happing? Why was he seeing his dad? Why does he disappear after a few seconds?
Blaine sat down beside Kurt, crossing his legs as he looked to Kurt. He saw how lost Kurt looked in his thoughts, well, he thought he was anyways.
"I thought you were asleep." Kurt said quietly still looking over the pool.
"I was, until I woke up and realised the other side of the bed was empty, it was kind of lonely."
"You should get a teddy bear then."
"I don't need one. I have you." Blaine hit his shoulder lightly of Kurt's. "So, I was thinking you and I could go out for the day. We haven't done anything together in a while, just the two of us." Blaine waited for Kurt's reply as he put his hand in the water moving it about slowly, like it was dancing.
"Yeah, whatever," Kurt said. Well at least he didn't say no Blaine thought. Blaine took his hand out of the water and wiped one of his fingers on Kurt's check with a small laugh. Kurt looked at him with no expression on his face and wiped the water of his cheek.
"That isn't good for your skin, Blaine." Kurt said like Blaine should know that, from the amount of times Kurt had said it.
"Yeah, well," Blaine said as he got up from the cold ground. "Neither is all of that stuff you put on your face. I'll make us breakfast and you can go get changed for today." Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head before heading back inside.
"There's nothing wrong with my pyjamas!" Kurt said for Blaine to hear.
"I know, but you can't go walking around places with pyjamas on, no matter how good you look in them!" Blaine answered back before entering the house. A smile appeared for a second on Kurt's lips before it was gone when he saw his dad standing there again.
"Blaine is." Burt spoke like it was the key to everything. And like a click of a pair of fingers he was gone once again. Kurt had got his answer.
Kurt and Blaine were in a little caf� in New York City that they hadn't gone to before. They usually went to the one they had always gone to since Blaine moved up here with Kurt. The drive to the city was mostly silent the whole way, the only noise being the cars around them and the music on the radio.
While they both sat in the caf� looking out the window, Kurt had wanted to ask why they had come to this caf� when they had gotten here and decided to.
"Why did we go to this caf�? Why did we not go to our usually caf�?" Blaine turned away from the window and looked towards Kurt.
"Just so we could try something different. I guess we should try new things ever so often." Blaine gave him a little smile, hoping maybe Kurt would start talking to him more.
Kurt looks down to the coffee in his hand and back to Blaine. "Well, this coffee sucks; it's different and is horrible."
"At least we know not to come back here for coffee then."
The sun was shining bright in the sky down on central park. People in the park everywhere were enjoying the hot sunny day in august. It would soon be back into the cold, rainy weather. As Kurt and Blaine walked through central park side by side, not touching, Blaine wondered what people's lives were like, when they walked past someone new every so often. He wondered where they happy, sad, in love, enjoying life, but, there was only one person's life he knew about, and he was right beside him.
They stopped where a good few more people had and looked towards the stage in front of them. It was the summer stage that was held throughout the summer.
"Do you remember the first summer you and I were here together? It was a few weeks before our wedding and you made me get up and perform. I would have killed you for that if I hadn't of enjoyed it so much." Blaine smiled thinking of the memory and looked to Kurt, meeting his eyes.
"Well, if you had sucked, you probably would have but, that's impossible for you to suck." Kurt said before turning back to look at the singer on the stage now as she started plucking her guitar. A guy just a bit taller than then the girl stood beside her behind the microphone stand. She had long brown hair, pale skin, and wore a plain, yet gorgeous black and white dress. The guy had short black hair, wearing red skinny jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a black waist coat over it. There was no guessing that the both of them two were together. The girl started to sing beautifully and Blaine and Kurt watched.
{I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both of us. Someday I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us.}
The guy took over and started rapping as the girl continued playing the guitar until she took back over again.
{I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both of us. Someday I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us.}
The guy smiled over to her as he rapped the next few lines to her and she smiled so bright. Blaine and Kurt both knew this song. It was over ten years old, but it was a song that wasn't forgotten. It was remembered because it had meaning, a real meaning behind it, showing what is important, showing how one person wants to be strong for another, until that person can become strong enough themselves again.
{I can feel your pain, I can feel your struggle you just want to live but everything so low, that you can drown in the puddle that's why I gotta hold us up yeah hold us up
for all the times no one ever spoke for us so every single time that they play this song you can say that, "that's what them guys wrote for us" when his eyes get too high
and the sea up underneath get so deep and you feel like you're just another person getting lost in the crowd way up high in the nosebleeds (Uh) because we've both been there
yeah both of us but we still stand tall with our shoulders up and even though we always against the odds these are the things that have moulded us and if life hadn't chosen us sometimes I wonder where I would have wound up cause if it was up to me I would make a new blueprint then build it from the ground up hey, but if it's all for one and one for all then maybe one day We all could ball do it one time for the underdogs From all of us to all of y'all}
{I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both of us. Someday I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us.}
Blaine suddenly felt an arm go around his back and a hand rest at his side. He looked to his right seeing Kurt looking up at him with sad eyes. Blaine said nothing and just pulled Kurt in closer as Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder. Kurt didn't know what it was that made him let Blaine see what he was feeling. Was it the song? Was it because of today? Was it because Blaine knew him better than anyone else? He didn't know what it was but, for this little moment, Kurt let Blaine in for those few minutes, before the sadness and hurt would take over him again, making him have a different personality that Kurt didn't like but, he couldn't stop it. How could he stop it? It would stop if his dad came back but, that wasn't going to happen. So why was he seeing his dad? What did that mean? Was he a ghost there to help? Kurt had so many questions he wanted to ask but, he didn't ask because truthfully, he was afraid of the answers.