Along the way
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Along the way: Give me love

T - Words: 1,432 - Last Updated: Sep 16, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 27, 2012 - Updated: Sep 16, 2012
627 0 22 0 0

Author's Notes: This is another story I put up on fanfiction and I nearly have the story finished but wanted to put it up here to :) Enjoy :)
Kurt was sitting in the bedroom at his desk with his sketch book lying open on the table in front of him and a pencil in his hand drawing out new sketches for his company fashion line Ready to go. He is one of the main designers and needed to get new sketches drawn for the next meeting in one week. He scribbled on the page as he listened to Blaine and the kids Jack and Lily singing along to Hannah Montana. It relaxed him as he listen to his family singing along to the songs he knew so well by Lily and Jack having it on every day.

A few minutes had passed and the singing slowly faded and he could just hear the voices from the TV. The next second as he was looking down at his sketches, he heard footsteps stop at the door. He turned around in his chair seeing Blaine leaning against the door with his head tilted to the side giving Kurt a warm smile. Kurt returned the smile.

"How's my Kurt?" Blaine's voice was soft and almost like a whisper.

Kurt sighs as he picks up his new sketches on the two pages holding them up in front of them for Blaine to see.

"Tired and drawing sketches that suck."

A little laugh escapes Blaine's lips as he walks forward and takes the sketches gently from Kurt and examines them.

"This day next week I am supposed to have new sketches done and I just stare at my sketches like I think if I look at them long enough they are going to turn into something great."

"Kurt, they aren't going to look great because they are already great." Blaine said as he put the pages back on the desk and sat on the edge of the table as Kurt turned back around in his chair, folding his arms as he looked up to Blaine.

"Well, yeah of course you would say that because you're my husband." Kurt mumbled as he yawned.

"And because you are so talented and them sketches are great. Plus, I love you."

"You better." They chuckled.

"I do, which is why you are going to bed, getting lots of rest, and going to be spending all day with me tomorrow. Seeing as Burt and Carole are coming to stay, they told me they are throwing us out of the house so they can spend time with their grandkids. "

"What if I said, no?"

"But, you won't." Blaine smirked as he leaned in to Kurt's soft lips and touched them gently.


"Kurt, Lily, Jack, go to bed." Blaine said as he stood in front of the TV and pointed to the hallway. He looked towards the three of them sitting on the couch. Lily and Jack were leaned up against Kurt's shoulders on either side of him. Jack was eight. He has Black curly hair like Blaine's with Blue eyes. Lily was six and has wavy brown hair, the same colour as Kurt's and brown eyes.

"Dad" Lily and Jack moaned through their tired voices looking towards him.

"If you two do it, it will set a good example to daddy." Lily and Jack giggled as Kurt stuck out his tongue to Blaine. Blaine chuckled as Lily and Jack hoped up from the couch racing each other to the room. Blaine and Kurt looked down the hallway where the kids ran through and turned back around to face each other when they disappeared into their rooms.

"Now my other big kid," Blaine walked over to the couch sitting beside Kurt. "You are going to bed."

"Oh, am I now. And how do you plan on getting me there?" Blaine smirked as he put his arm around Kurt's back and under the back of his knees and lifted him of the couch as Kurt laughed wrapping his arms around the back of Blaine's neck.

"I should off guessed"


"Dad?" Lily said as she is sitting on her bed leaned against Blaine who is sitting on the edge of the bed holding her and looks down to her curious expression.

"Yes, angel"

"Um, is fairy tales really true?" She asked and looked down to the book Blaine was holding in his hands. Blaine didn't need to think about it because he was living one.

"Of course they are. Everyone has their own fairy tale. It might take a long time to get it but, if you want it, it will come along the way." He smiled down at her as she looked back up to him.

"So, that's mean I will have my own fairy tale?"

"Yes. You know how I know?"

"How?" she asked looking at Blaine. To her he had all the answers in the whole world that she wanted to know. It was like her dad had a key to a magical door and behind that door was another magical world.

"Because, Daddy and I will do everything for you to get it. For you and Jack. Daddy and I got ours and you two will as well."

"I like the story about you and daddy meeting on a staircase. It sound's magical." She said excitedly before a yawn escaped her.

"That is because it was magical. It was the start of the fairy tale and then you and Jack made it so much more magical. I think you're ready to sleep now." Blaine said gently as he put the fairy tale book back on the shelf behind Lily's bed. Jack and Lily had shared this room for three years until Jack wanted his own room. Lily nodded her head and lay down on the bed and resting her head on the pillow as Blaine got up and pulled the duvet up to keep her warm. Her eyelids were already closing and every time they shut they stayed closed for longer. Blaine kissed her gently on the forehead.

"Night, Lily." He whispered as he stood up again looking down at his tired daughter.

"Night, Dad." She said back quietly he almost didn't hear it. He turned away from her about to walk away.

"Dad, you know that singer with the long purple hair you showed me today." She said quietly her eyes still shut. Blaine turned around where he stood to her.

"Katy Perry."

"Yes. I am glad I have her name. She's pretty and…" she yawns. "…and her video wide awake is magical. She's a magical singer." Blaine smiled and remembered the day Lily came into the world. Kurt and Blaine were thinking of a middle name for Lily and they wanted the perfect name. They were in the hospital and Kurt was holding Lily as she slept and Blaine's phone started ringing. He thought Kurt was going to give out to him when he met Kurt's eyes, but he didn't. Kurt simply smiled and said Katy. Blaine for a second thought he just said Katy because he wasn't surprised that Katy Perry's song was his ringtone. After a few seconds Blaine coped on and smiled back at Kurt.

"Lily Katy Anderson-Hummel was the perfect name for you. You're magical to, sweetheart." Blaine whispered as he turned off the bedroom switch and left the door half way open. The only light in Lily's room was the glow in the dark stickers around her room. Blaine walked quietly back to the bedroom. He walked into their bedroom bathroom seeing Kurt looking at the mirror as he put cream on his face. Blaine picked up his toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it before sitting on the edge of the bath as he brushed his teeth.

"You want some face cream?" Kurt asked as he turned towards Blaine putting more cream on his fingers.

"No. it's really itchy on my face." Blaine mumbled. Kurt just smirked and stepped forward to Blaine and put some quickly on his cheek before Blaine could stop him. Kurt chuckled as Blaine shook his head slowly getting up and leaning towards Kurt who took a few steps backwards to stop Blaine from kissing his with his mouth full of toothpaste.

"No, no kissing until you clean your mouth." Kurt pointed a finger to him and Blaine went to wash out his mouth. Kurt leaned against the wall beside the door. Blaine cleaned his mouth and wiped his face dry on the towel and walked over and wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist as Kurt let his arms hang over Blaine's shoulders.


"Much." Kurt replied with a warm smile as they kissed slowly and gently, taking their time, being in no rush. They didn't know what would happen through this fairy tale or how it would end, but right now, it was magical just like all those story's that began with once upon a time…

End Notes: So it starts all happy and that for just a little while and then something really sad happens later in the story that is the storyline for Along the way.


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hmmm. let me guess: you're a johnny depp fan? cuz i noticed you used the names of his kids for kurt and blaine's kids. and you clearly enjoy fairy tales. but all in all, i can't wait for the tragic part of the story; yeah, i know. i'm weird that way ;)

Honestly am not really a fan of Johnny Depp. Like he is a great actor and all, don't get me wrong, but I dont really follow his films or that. I always use the name Lily in my story's, I just love that name and Jack, I don't know why I used that name ha ha Well the fairy tales that Chris Colfer writes anyways :) Awh am the same, always exitced to read the tragic part in story's :) Thanks for the review :)

Thanks for your recommendation to read this story. It's wondeful. I had to read it all at once, I didn't want to leave it. It contains 2 of my favourite themes - angst and Blaine being the hero taking care of my baby, Kurt. Glee set Blaine up to be the hero, but then they forgot that and changed his personality. So I love that your story depicts him in his true light.I was silently screaming at my screen "Blaine dont leave him. Stick with him" Some scenes reminded me of One Tree Hill when Hayley lost her Mom. Did you draw inspiration from it?

Oh my god, you watch One Tree Hill :D And yes, I did. I love One Tree Hill so much and with Hayley losing her mum it was so well done, like amazing and I thought what would it be like if Kurt lost his dad and that's how I ended up doing this story. One Tree Hill helped a lot while writing this story, made me be able to write it better.Thank you very much for that lovely comment. I am so glad you enjoyed it.Awh yeah I don't know what Glee is at, but it's good to get to see the not so strong part of Blaine. But I do miss strong Blaine :( We need him back :)

Hi its me again. I dont know how to write back to you without posting a review (sorry if you got your hopes up that it was a new review). Yeah I really liked One Tree Hill and the more I read of your story the more I though of Hayley. I remember when she fell into the pool and I remember her setting the piano on fire (like Kurt did with his items). I think me and you are very similar in our tastes :)I mean in one way it's good to see another side to Blaine. But not if it means he cheats. Sorry but I am totally on Kurt's side. I cant wait for the St. Valentine's Day episode. Did you read any spoliers?

Don't worry :) Yeah, I don't know how to do that either :LI think so to :)Yeah the cheating was like, hold on, this is Blaine were on about. Why did the writers have to do that :(Oh god I know. It's going to kill me. I read a good few and it just makes me more excited to watch it :D Did you? :)

I know especially when they had him get mad at Kurt for texting Chandler. It did not make sense for him to turn around and sleep with someone. I have Teenage Dream on my ipod, but I actually just skip it now. I cant listen to it0it breaks my little Klaine heart :( :(But that is why I am so excited for the St. Valentine's Day epsiode. I read that Ryan Murphy said on twitter that things get steamy. Part of me doesn't want to get my hopes up too much. He could mean we see a car with steamed up windows and it rocking back and forth. RM isn't exactly known for his equal treatment of gay couples.Sorry for ranting. Im very passionate about equal rights. I just think equality should be encouraged in all aspects of the show

Did you see the episode? OH MY GOD :O I was the same but we got amazing scenes with them :DAwh don't worry about it. Your right. It should and each couple show have equality :)

Yes I did see it and it's easily one of my fave episodes :) Kurt and Blaine were so hot!!!! When Kurt said "I'll see you downstairs"-that line was just...I cant even explain it. Damn!!! Where have they been keeping that Kurt hidden. There was so much meaning in that line. And Blaine's reaction after that line was just so adorable. He knows they'll be back together, and he knows Kurt knows it too. Well done Ryan Murphy he showed equality to all couples. I'm so glad this site is here so that we can discuss Klaine because none of my friends watch Glee.

Oh god, they really were. That was on repeat for a while ha ha I know its like is this Kurt Hummel :P Oh yeah the jump on the bed was ADORABLE :)Awh I hope so. I don't mind how long it takes them, just as long as they get back together. I'm enjoying seeing what there like away from each other.Yes, he did. Good man himself. The next episode looks amazing to. 500th song. I just think back to watching the first episode and it makes me emotional :LSo I am. Yeah, I'm the same. I have friends that watch it on and of and one friend who loves it to, but not really crazy over it like us :) Are you on Tumblr? :)

It really has. Awh she knows you well then. I remember my friend telling me about this new show was coming on and remember seeing the ads for it to :)Yeah same here. Like Imagine Dragon's it's time, I had never heard of them before and now I'm doing that song for a song I have to do in college :)Awh I know, it's going be amazing :D I try to do that to but I'm on tumblr and there's always spoilers. But I think spoilers make me more excited about it and to me it's the way the episode is done that I love, to see the way they do it :)

Im the same Iv been re watching certain clips over and over from "I do". No Im not on tumblr, but Iv been looking at plenty of gifs-esp from last week's epsiode.I know when I think back to "Dont stop believing". Glee has come so far. My cousin was telling me to watch Glee-she knew Id love it. Music is practically my life. There's so many songs Iv been introduced to on Glee. Im very excited for the next episode. But this time Im going to try not look up any spoilers. I want to fully enjoy it when I get to see it here :)

Yeah there all amazing songs :D That's the same with me. Glee has done so many great things. OH MY FREAKING GOD, YES!!!! I just...there are no words for that episode, it was...see I can't find the right words for it :L Did you see it? :D

Yeah I really like "It's time", and I love "Cough Syrup", "As if we never said goodbye" and "Not the boy next door". They are all songs I'd never heard of before Glee. Did you see Girls and Boys? I dont want to give away any spoilers incase you havent.

Sorry Im only writing back now. Iv had so much college work to do. Yes I saw the episode and I thought "Come What May" was so beautifully breathtaking and so romantic and sweet. I fell in love with the performance.However I was so disappointed that it was a dream sequence :( :( I had read that it would be but I hoped that it wasnt.Also it annoyed me that they went from Blaine being so happy and so convinced that they would get back together (in "I Do") to him not even mentioing Kurt's name (in Girls and Boys). How inconsistent and unrealistic is that? I was hoping that after the Come What may scene one of them would ring the other and talk about each other and what happened at the wedding. In fact when and if i get time I may write a story about it.So many songs on my ipod are from Glee. I wonder what I did before it? There are other shows I like, but none come even close to Glee. Glee just makes me happy-particularly with beautiful performances like "We've got tonight" and "Come what may"

I'm sorry to. I usually get an email telling me I got a new review. I'm the same with the college work.Awh god it really was. It was beautiful. Probably my favorite performance of them :)I don't think I minded that it was a dream sequence because it showed that Kurt still loved Blaine.Yes I thought they would ring each other and never did. Awh that be awesome if you do :)Ha ha I know Glee just takes up your entire life :L True. Glee has just done so much for people and always can make you happy.I feel the same. Without Glee I just would not feel as happy. I honestly don't care what anyone says about Glee. It's something that keeps people alive and happy :)

Its me again-Im so sorry I havent written back in so long. Iv been so busy with college work, and I havent gone onto this site or logged into my account in ages. Iv been reading quite a few stories on the fanfiction website. Some people describe Glee as a guilty pleasure. I don't keep it hidden-Im happy to tell anyone that I love Glee :)Did you see the finale? I was so so so disappointed with it. I cant believe we have to wait until September to see what happens.

Okay, I am the one who feels so so bad for not replying in forever. Yeah am the same. Like I don't even believe in the whole guilty pleasure's. Like I say what I love, what I do, am not ashamed for any of it because it's what makes me happy :)I did yes. Yeah we have to wait a good while, but I felt they actually did end it good. I think that because really we knew it was going to end before we got Kurt to say his answer. But the way they ended it, we don't even know if Blaine will go through with it and they want people coming back to watch the next season of Glee and they will. So to me I thought it was a good way to end it, not knowing and thinking what they will do next :)Do you watch Supernatural?

I'm back-sorry about that delay. Anyway I was browsing through glee fanfiction a while ago and I came across your page. I'm Irish too :) Do you know when Girl Most Likely is coming out? I am dying to see it. I really dont know what they'll do with our boys in series 5. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I cant believe that it's the 5th series-it's crazy. No I dont watch supernatural. I know it, but Iv never seen any of it.

It's okay. Awh that's awesome! Do you still live in Ireland? I think it's September here. I was looking and saw it was coming out then in some Dublin films. I'm the same. Can't wait to see it!Yeah, I wonder. I'll say the writers will think of something great. It is crazy. To think Glee has been around for that long. What did we ever do without it heheAwh it's amazing. I adore it! Great actors, Storylines writers, directors, everything :)

Yeah I still live in Ireland. I live in Dublin so ill just keep my eye out for Girl Most Likely here. It looks like a great film anyway-but the fact that Darren is in it, makes it so much better. There have been many programmes I like, but none as much as Glee. I originally watched for the music-but the characters and storylines keep me so interested. Im thinking of signing up for Netflicks so maybe I can watch Supernatural on that.

You are just under two hours away from where I live :) Oh yes, Darren makes it a lot better.Yeah Glee really is so, so amazing.Awh Supernatural is REALLY awesome, and it really get's you thinking about a lot. I can't wait for the new season in October. Have you heard of Misha Collins that plays Castiel in it? He's the best!!!