Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
The dinner in the next chapter.
Follow me on tumblr WhiteEleffant
Can talk to me at any times.
Chapter 7
‘'Hey,'' Blaine said when his friend answered the phone, ‘'I really need to talk to you, guys.''
‘'Sure. We can hang,'' Nick answered, ‘'What's wrong? Something with Kurt?''
‘'Yes and no. It's more...with me. But if shit goes down, it involves Kurt too.''
‘'Ok. Sure,'' Nick nodded even if Blaine couldn't see, ‘'I'll tell Jeff and we'll talk after practice tomorrow, okay?''
‘'Yes. Thank you.''
Blaine hung up and tossed the phone on his bed. He sat down and took his face into his hands.
He had to do something. He wasn't ready for Kurt to know. He didn't even want Kurt to know. Ever. He was sure, a person like that, Heaven, would leave him with no doubt if he found out.
Maybe he could take a few days off and go to ‘visit' Heidi, call off the engagement and tell her to stay away from LA. That was a little cruel but he was serious when he said he wouldn't let Kurt go.
‘'Good evening!'' Kurt said quietly, coming slowly towards his sudden guest. He wasn't expecting her at all. How did she get in?
‘'Hello dear,'' Lydia kept smiling, ‘'I hope you don't mind me visiting you. I'm sorry it's late, I just didn't know when you'd get home.''
‘'No, no. It's okay. I just wasn't expecting anyone. Tina, my roommate, and her boyfriend are out of the city today so I was sure I'll have a relaxing evening.''
‘'Oh, Sorry to disturb you. I can just go. It's nothing important anyw-‘'
‘'No, Lydia. You can stay,'' Kurt came even closer to Lydia, reaching for her hands, ‘' I don't mind a guest.'' Lydia smiled lovingly.
‘'I had a free day today but I saw you going out with a young man so I put off my desire to visit you. I just missed you a lot. So I came in tonight.''
‘'I see. Just... how?'' Kurt was a little uncomfortable to ask but this was his apartment and he just wanted to know. Pure curiosity.
‘'I got in your apartment?'' Lydia sat down on the living room couch, ‘'I am the owner of this building, sweetie. I have the spare keys of the apartments. I hope you don't mind me coming in. I can just-‘'
‘'No, it's okay,'' Kurt tried to reassure, ‘'I was just curious. It's perfectly fine.''
‘'Well, okay,'' Lydia smiled and stood up again. She waved to the little table the TV was on and grabbed something. She started walking towards Kurt.
‘'This,'' she showed Kurt a fox plush toy, ‘'I wanted to give you this.''
Kurt reached out and grabbed the toy. It was a little fox. Looked like a baby fox. It was about as big as a decorative pillow.
‘'The color of it reminds me of you,'' Lydia added.
Kurt examined the color and it looked a lot like his hair color. The foxy wasn't orange or red. It had a very nice tone. Browns, reds, maroons. Like all the tones from a maple tree's leaves were combined.
The fox had its eyes closed and it was blushing. The toy looked adorable.
When Kurt looked closer, it seemed like the toy wasn't new. It's been used.
Kurt didn't want to ask. It probably meant something to Lydia and he didn't want to be rude. To be honest, he appreciated a gift like this. With meaning. A back story. A story, Lydia would tell him sooner or later.
Kurt's eyes started swelling. This toy reminded him of his childhood. Like his lost memories. The years of his childhood he didn't remember. It reminded him of home and family.
‘'Thank you,'' Kurt told in a silent, hoarse voice. He wrapped his arms around Lydia and sighed happily.
‘'I love you, Kurt,'' Lydia said while caressing Kurt's hair.
They both pulled off and Kurt was speechless. This was the first time anyone outside the orphanage, except for Tina, said those three words to him.
‘'You don't have to reply, dear,'' Lydia caressed his cheek, ‘'I know it's hard for you. I understand.''
Kurt shook his head in disagreement but words didn't come out.
‘'Don't worry, Kurt,'' Lydia continued, ‘'I'll always be here.''
Words finally found Kurt's mouth.
‘'I love you, too, Lydia. You're like family to me.''
Lydia smiled widely and hugged Kurt again.
The next morning Blaine woke up feeling weird. Felt like nothing. He didn't like that feeling. At all.
He went into the shower and just stood there. He let the water run down his body to calm him. Instead, he felt like those droplets of water were his Kurt. Kurt's words, Kurt's hugs and kisses.
If he didn't do something, he'll lose Heaven. Kurt wouldn't forgive him for being tied with another woman. Blaine was sure Kurt was confident and had pride. He wouldn't just be his second. Someone to make out with under the bleachers where no one sees them. The bleachers being a wall between him and Heidi.
Kurt didn't even deserve that.
Kurt deserved someone with a big heart. Someone strong but gentle. Smart but not a book worm. Proud but not outgoing.
Someone who would love him with no rules. A simple life, a family. Just a happy forever.
That couldn't be Blaine. His life was too complicated to even compare.
Heidi, all the ditches from before Kurt... It would all come back to him. Like karma.
He would enjoy Heaven while it lasted. He'd do anything, anything to keep Kurt but he knew there were lines that weren't allowed to be crossed. He'd go someday.
That made Blaine think of someone else with Kurt.
Rage came over him and he shouted. ‘'Fuck!'' He punched the files on the walls with all of his power and they cracked.
He silently hissed at the pain, but it was nothing compared to Kurt with another man.
‘'Blaine!'' there was a knock on the white bathroom door, ‘'Blaine, please, come out. Are you okay?''
Blaine didn't answer. He wanted his sister to go away. It wasn't the time to talk. Or maybe it was. He'd do anything to get those thoughts out of his head.
He got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist.
When he came out the door, Rachel was sitting on his bed, hands in her lap, looking very concerned. When she heard her brother she looked up.
‘'Oh, Blaine. What's going on? Did you slip?''
Blaine smiled, ‘'That's ridiculous, Rach. You know I don't fall. I know we're related but I'm not as clumsy as you, y'know.''
Rachel's worried face turned into a... poker face. She stared at Blaine but then couldn't keep still and giggled, ‘'Oh, shush! I don't fall that often.''
‘'Yeah, suuure,'' Blaine grabbed another towel and started to dry his hair.
‘'Seriously, though,'' Rachel started, ‘'Is everything okay?''
‘'Rach, it's complicated,'' Rachel kept looking at Blaine and he sighed. She was a too good of a listener. She deserved an oscar for her listening skills. Or curiosity in that matter.
‘'As you may have noticed...I like Kurt,'' Blaine all of a sudden got shy.
‘'Yes, I've noticed,'' Rachel nodded, ‘'It's quite impossible not to notice the drool each time you see him and the heart eyes you look at each other with.''
Blaine grinned. He wasn't denying that.
‘'Well... As you obviously know... I have a fiance.''
Now Rachel understood. This really was a rather strange and complicated situation.
‘'Rachel... I don't like Heidi. I'm only doing this because of our family. It's.. It's so stupid. I just want you all to be happy... and I know you'll be happy when we have a safe future. Family money to offer you.''
After a moment of silence Rachel understood she had to say something.
‘'Blaine. If you think mom and dad will be happy seeing you like this than you're wrong. They're your parents. Parents want their children to be happy. Not children making parents happy. That's not how this works.''
‘'I know it's supposed to be like that, Rachel. And you deserve that. But...My whole life.. I haven't been the golden boy. There's nothing in me to be proud of. You already have your own career. And that's amazing. I envy that. Just...there's nothing for me. I don't have plans. I don't have a stable future. I just have to repay them now. I'm gonna make James proud by giving him the business he wants... and deserves.''
‘'Oh, Blaine. You're here for a reason. There is a goal in your life and you'll find it. Dad has enough shops to guarantee our lives with no worries, Blaine.''
‘'Thank you for thinking that. Right now... my only plan is Kurt,'' Blaine looked up at Rachel.
‘'He agreed to be my boyfriend yesterday,'' Blaine continued. Rachel opened her mouth and smiled widely.
‘'Oh my.... Eeek. Finally. For the past few weeks you've been miserable. Blaine, I'm so happy.''
She got up from the bed and tip ted to her bother, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. Blaine was sure if Rachel was strong enough, she'd lift him up.
When she pulled away she looked more serious, ‘'I see why it's so complicated. You like him and you're afraid of Heidi.''
‘'You could say that. Though, I'm not ‘afraid' of her. I'm afraid of what may happen with me and Kurt, because of her.''
Rachel sighed, ‘'Even if I don't really know him, I know he's a good man,'' she looked in Blaine's eyes, ‘'I want to be friends with him.''
Blaine smiled. So far it was going well. He was afraid Rachel wouldn't accept Kurt. Heidi was like a sister to Rachel. They had a lot in common. They used to spend hours together. Shopping, talking, doing whatever girl stuff.
‘'I'm glad you're giving him a chance, sis. By the way, he's coming to dinner soon. I want Elizabeth to meet him. Well... I want her to but she asked if she could meet him.''
Rachel nodded, ‘'Okay. In that case I can't wait.''
Rachel patted Blaine's shoulder and turned around to leave.
‘'Oh, Blaine,'' she turned back to face her brother, ‘'Get ready for Cantare. Practice starts in half an hour.''
‘'Shit,'' Blaine whispered and ran to his bathroom to get his hairdryer.
The practice went flawlessly. No one's sleeping. No one's cursing. Everybody has some kind of energy. Like a new blooming garden. It's summer not spring. But it seems like everyone's waking up from winter's sleep.
Oh, yeah, right. Palace's first stage was just a week away. Everyone has this motivation to work. Even if they haven't been cancelling practices, it felt like everyone worked today as if they've missed at least five rehearsals. And they finally agreed on songs. They had to sing two songs. They agreed on a Rolling Stones song and a Keane song and already were starting to rehearse.
But who Blaine was to judge. He was content with everything himself. He finally wasn't hiding and killing his urges. He sat right next to Kurt all throughout the practice, his arm around the back of his chair. He ignored the curious glances. Everyone in Cantare knew Blaine was engaged. To a woman. Who cares, right?
After practice, Kurt excused himself, and after a kiss goodbye went shopping with Tina.
He promised for a little while.
While hugging Kurt, he sneaked a hundred dollar bill in his jeans' back pocket.
He deserves a little spoiling.
‘'Where to?''
When Kurt left, Blaine heard and voice behind him.
‘'Oh, Jeff. Uh...'' he placed his hands in the back pockets of his own pants,'' whatever. I don't really care. As long as I can just talk.''
They went to a near coffee shop and sat down at a table with their ordered coffees.
‘'What's up, Blaine?'' Nick asked. ‘'You seemed nervous yesterday.''
‘'Yeah,'' Blaine sighed, ‘'It's not a nice thing to talk about. I have this stupid feeling, everything's gonna go bad.''
Nick shared glances with Jeff and they both really wanted to help their best friend.
‘'Look, we don't really know Kurt that much but he means a lot to you. That I can gather. Everything looked fine today. You even sat next to each other,'' Nick said.
‘'Actually, I know Kurt,'' Jeff pointed out, ''I was the first one that talked to him. I can call him my friend.''
Blaine grinned at Jeff. He was ridiculous.
‘'Yesterday evening he agreed to be my boyfriend,'' Blaine couldn't help the smile that crept on his face. The fact made him so happy, he couldn't help himself.
‘'Than what is the problem?'' Nick leaned closer, ''Some old hook-ups getting in the way? Threatening you?''
‘'Oh god no,'' Blaine scrunched his face, ‘'With Kurt, everything's perfect. Besides, I would threaten back those assholes who would get in the way of us.''
Nick nodded. He completely understood.
‘'Heidi wrote me a letter,'' Blaine looked down at his paper cup, ‘'It arrived yesterday and there's nothing good.''
‘'Well, that sucks,'' Jeff leaned back in his seat.
‘'She'll be back soon, guys.''
‘'Sooner or later,'' Nick continued, ‘'You'd want her to find someone and not come back, would you?''
Blaine chuckled. Some people lost their husbands and wives because of that. But right here, Blaine was hoping that would happen.
‘'Seriously. What will I do when she comes back? I'm not letting Kurt go.''
‘'You should call off the engagement, man,'' Nick said and Jeff nodded his agreement.
‘'You weren't happy with her even then,'' Nick continued, ‘'You're pretty serious with Kurt, so there's really no reason you're asking us this. The choice is obvious. It's Kurtie.''
Blaine smiled at the nickname. He was happy everyone around him were so supportive.
‘'Besides, you're gay, dude,'' Jeff said, ‘'And Kurt's cool...and handsome.''
Blaine shot a glare at Jeff, ‘'Dude, stop crushing on him.''
‘'I can't help it. He's awesome, from what I've gathered.''
‘'I feel so left out,'' Nick sighed, ‘'I'm the one giving the important advice but I haven't even talked to him.''
‘'Speaking of talking with him...'' Jeff pointed his nose to the door.
The two boys turned in their seats and saw Kurt coming their way.
‘'Now you'll have your chance,'' Jeff said to Nick.
‘'Hello,'' Kurt said reaching them, ‘'I saw Rachel at the mall and I asked where you were. Is it okay?''
‘'Yeah, of course,'' Blaine said and pulled out the empty chair between him and Nick.
‘'It's actually good you came,'' Nick said, ‘'I wanted to meet you. I'm Nick.''
‘'Kurt,'' They both shook hands.
The next hour went by talking about random stuff like music, movies and Cantare. And a little bit of Kurt.
Nick was glad seeing Blaine so happy. He was casually sitting in his chair, very relaxed, watching as Kurt spoke with loving eyes. With Heidi he was always fake smiling and pretending. He cared about her, yeah, but he didn't love her.
‘'Excuse me,'' Kurt got up and went to use the bathroom.
‘'Blaine, you're just obvious. There's no way you're staying with Heidi, ‘'Nick told Blaine, ‘'You're just head over heels.''
Blaine smiled and blushed a little. Who could blame him. Kurt was amazing.
‘'I'm getting sick. I want to ride unicorns and puke rainbows at your cuteness,'' Jeff said, looking at the toilet door Kurt went into.
Blaine narrowed his eyes at Jeff ,'' In a good way.'' He continued.
‘'I like him ,Blaine,'' Nick spoke,'' You shouldn't even worry about Heidi. Everything will work out. I'm sure.''
When Kurt got back home he was exhausted. In a good way.
He spent half of his day in the practice, surprisingly agreeing to the song choices. He thought there would be arguing and several discussions but Cantare was a family. They had similar tastes in music.
He bought himself a new scarf, even if it is summer, and after finding the hundred dollar bill in his pocket, he decided it was rude to give it back, so he made a good use to it.
He finally met Blaine's best friend and he could surely say, he was a good guy. And a good friend. He had a bigger bond with Jeff, probably because of his childishness and he understood why Blaine, on the other hand, had a bigger bond with Nick. They were the serious guys.
He got to know them both better and he liked them. They were good friends and supported their relationship. Kurt wondered, if they were straight...
Now that he was almost home, he remembered, Tina returned this afternoon and he started half running home. He was so excited to know, how their weekend went and tell her about his relationship with Blaine.
As soon as he entered the door, Tina was around his neck, giving him a tight, tight hug.
‘'Oh my gosh, Kurt!'' she gushed in Kurt's ear, ‘'You have no idea how much I missed you!''
‘'You were gone for two days,'' Kurt said amused.
‘'I admit we had an amazing time but ever since I left you in the orphanage, I just can't imagine a day without you. You're like my brother, you know?''
Tina pulled back, ‘'Oh, Tina, you're like my sister, too.''
Tina smiled at him for a moment and took him by the hand, taking him to the living room.
‘'We have a Mike free night, so..'' Tina sat them both on the couch, ‘'I thought we should have some fun together. Like we used to in the ooold days.''
‘'Sure,'' Kurt agreed. She missed those days dearly and he was excited. He couldn't wait for Tina to hear his news.
‘'Good,'' Tina nodded, ‘'Go to your room and change to PJ's. I'll get us some goodies.''
Kurt quickly changed from his clothes to his silk pyjamas, nicely placing the clothes in his closet, and went back to the living room.
He smiled when he saw what Tina had prepared. There were magazines, cans of diet coke, a bowl of twizzlers, a plate with fruits and popcorn on the coffee table. She had pulled the sofa out so it was a bed, and placed several pillows and blankets on it. Kurt couldn't wait.
Tina ran into the room with a small pile of DVD's, ‘'We're ready.''
Kurt let Tina tell him about her weekend first because he knew his story would be longer.
From what he could tell, their weekend was pretty romantic. They went over a lake with a boat and had stopped in the middle of the lake. It was late and the sky was full of stars. Mike had downloaded an app where you can type in your location and it shows all the patterns of stars.
When it was Kurt's turn, he was so excited his words poured out of his mouth so quickly, Tina nearly understood what he was telling. He could tell he was blushing the whole time.
‘'Kurt....'' Tina said almost cautiously, ''That's amazing!'' Suddenly she was knocking Kurt over from the spot he was sitting at on the bed.
‘'Seems like you've had a pretty good weekend yourself,'' Tina poked him in the side.
‘'Oh shush,'' Kurt swiped his hand, ‘'Let's not talk about me. Let's do something. What do you got there?'' Kurt pointed to the stack of DVD's.
‘'I thought we could watch something.''
‘'Yeah, okay,'' Kurt nodded, ‘'What?''
‘'Well...'' she got up and took the magazine on the coffee table, ‘'Here I have a perfect quiz. It's called a Cosmo Quiz because the magazine's called Cosmopolitan.''
Kurt laughed, ‘'Okay. That sounds...interesting.''
‘'So. I'll tell you the question and give you 3 options. In the end, it will show what movie is perfect for you. I know you're picky. I'm not so I don't care and I know if I'll let you pick something yourself, we'll watch The Sound Of Music.''
Kurt nodded. Probably.
‘'The test says ‘Do you need a day to relax' but in the results it has a movie so I hope there's no big difference.''
‘'Okay, Tina'' Kurt rolled his eyes at her rambling, ‘'Let's do it!'' He smiled and clapped his hands.
‘'First question. To get free from stress you usually: A)do yoga, b)spend your money on the internet or c)yell on someone, who's dear to you ?''
‘'Why would I yell at someone?'' Kurt scrunched up his face. He could feel he'd be doing that a lot in this quiz, ‘'I spend money I guess. Haven't had stress yet but that's what I'd probably do.''
Tina nodded and marked his answer, ‘'Okay. What's your every morning ritual: a)a little jog, green juice, b)Shower, coffee and if you have time – hair combing, c)Not wake up and sing a lulaby to yourself.''
‘'I guess B but there's always time for hair. Always.'' Kurt pointed out and Tina smirked.
‘'When was the last time you cried: a)during a hike, when you saw an eagle in the sunset, b)when you watched ‘Love actually' when on your...period or c)when someone says your surname wrong''
I don't have a surname. Kurt rolled his eyes at the silly options.
‘'I guess when I watched ‘Love Actually' ‘'
‘'Yeah, this question was a little....'' Tina trailed off.
‘'That's okay. Continue.''
‘'If you'd have you own slogan, It'd be: a)bright eyes, to never lose, b)Red lipstick, bikini zone waxation, day's like a road'' Tina laughed, ‘'or c)sweatpants, antidepressants and food ordered online''
‘'Geez, this is such a lady quiz,'' Kurt laughed, lunging on the couch to get comfortable, ‘'It's A , I think.''
Tina nodded. She's never seen Kurt in sweatpants. Or red lipstick.
‘'The last question,'' Tina looked up from the magazine, seeing Kurt sighing but smiling, ‘'After a little expedition on Facebook, you find out that your ex is engaged. She's... He's very beautiful. You'll: a)send him a lovely congratulation, b)order your favourite pizza in a XXL size or c)At four o'clock in the morning drunk, sing your song on his phone until he hangs up.''
Kurt scrunched his eyebrows. He's never had a boyfriend before so he doesn't have an ex. He'd probably be nice.
‘'If he gets engaged the same day we break up that I choose the pizza, but if I've moved on I'd send him lots of hugs.''
Tina nodded and checked A.
‘'Okay. I'll just quickly gather....everything,'' Tina looked very serious and concentrated, and Kurt couldn't help but chuckle.
‘'Okay. You have mostly B's, that means...'Your life is like a roller coaster; sometimes fantastic, sometimes makes you barf on your side passenger. The important part is that you know how to handle the ride. Your life's nice.' ‘'
Kurt nodded. He hasn't really had the ‘downs' in his life but he could only hope that he could handle everything this wonderful life brought on him.
‘'So what are we watching?'' Kurt asked leaning forward because of curiosity.
‘'Bidget Jone's Diary,'' Tina grinned, tossing the magazine on the coffee table, ‘'I love that movie.''
Kurt could agree. He had watched it once and it was okay.
‘'Sorry for the lady questions, though,'' Tina apologized.
‘'It's okay,'' Kurt shrugged, ‘'It adds the fun.''
Tina smiled and started searching for the DVD.
Blaine got home and got upstairs. Her mother and Rachel were preparing dinner so he didn't want to disturb. He got into his room and leaned against the door. He sighed. A happy sigh. He had amazing friends. Great friends. He didn't want to think about what he'd have to do if they didn't like Kurt. They were like his family and even if he didn't need their approval, he cared.
He stepped further into his room but stopped. One of his nightstands was pushed to the end of his bead, meaning it was right in the middle of the room. He had the most wide grin ever.
On the nightstand were roses. A beautiful, clear vase full of lavender roses. He went closer and saw there was a note. A little paper note shaped as a heart.
You cheater!
Blaine smirked. He worried for a while that Kurt wouldn't accept the money. But he definitely didn't expect this.
‘'I helped,'' came a voice from the door.
Blaine turned around and saw a smiling Rachel leaning against the door frame with crossed arms.
‘'I saw him and his friend in the mall today and decided to say hi,'' Rachel told her brother, ‘'he told me he had some extra bucks and wants to surprise you. He got the roses and I took him here. In the car he made the note and I just couldn't but squeak to myself at how cute he is. He set up the table and I got him safe home.''
‘'Oh my goodness, Rach,'' Blaine smiled and brought his hands to the air, stretching a little,'' You just can't believe how lucky I am.''
‘'I'm happy, you're happy, Blaine. I'm glad you don't label yourselves in your relationship.''
‘'What do you mean?''
‘'You know...in gay relationships one is the ‘man' and the other is the ‘girly'. You know... all that crap. I'm just glad you two don't do that.''
‘'Yeah, we don't,'' Blaine nodded, ‘'that shit is offensive.''
‘'I know. I've heard people break up because of that.''
For a moment the room went silent but Blaine smiled again.
‘'I'm going to admit, though,'' Blaine walked to his closet and took off his shoes, ''I'd want to be the one spoiling my boyfriend but this really feels nice.'' He's never received a gift from anyone but his friends and relatives.
‘'I see how much you care about him,'' Rachel walked to Blaine's bed and sat down, ‘'You have this love between you, I can't help but envy.''
Blaine blushed, ‘'Rachel, we've been together for a day. I can admit I have very deep feelings for him,'' Blaine sat down next to Rachel, ‘'You'll find someone, too. Maybe, your prince is right around the corner. Who knows.''
Finn's face popped into Rachel's mind, but she immediately shook her head. No way.
‘'I hope you're right.''
‘'Goodnight, Blaine. And stop stressing, please.'' Rachel caressed Blaine's shoulder and kissed him on the cheek.
Blaine just nodded.
The next day, Kurt woke up early. He had this weird habit of waking up early if he goes to bed late. It was the opposite of what's supposed to be, but that's the weird part.
If he went to bed in a normal hour, he just could not open his eyes the next morning.
He quietly got out of bed, careful not to wake Tina up, and went to his room to get dressed.
After choosing a simple outfit, coral shorts and white polo, he decided to go to the coffee store that was in the apartment condo.
He ordered his regular and went to sit on the table. He was looking out the window but glanced upwards when he saw someone had approached him.
‘'Hi,'' Blaine's sister was greeting him.
‘'Oh, hi, Rachel,'' Kurt smiled, ‘'Sit down.''
Rachel smiled, placed her handbag on the chair handle and sat down.
‘'It's very early,'' Kurt pointed out, ‘'Cantare starts in a few hours.''
‘'I know. Just... I like it here,'' she took a sip from her coffee, ‘'I came here yesterday after I dropped you off and it was nice. I actually hoped I'd run into you.''
‘'Oh?'' Kurt arched his eyebrows.
‘'We both know my brother cares about you,'' Kurt blushed, ‘'I just wanted to get to know you better before the dinner so it's less awkward for you. Also, I could use a good friend.''
‘'Thank you,'' Kurt was grateful. He wanted to be friendly with as many people from Blaine's side as possible. It was nice when your boyfriends family liked you. He knew it wouldn't make a difference but it was better, ‘'I want to be your friend, too.''
It was awkward at first but they seriously got to talking and Kurt could honestly say they were soul-friends. Soulmate friends. Heart-friends. Whatever.
Maybe not as close as with Tina. Well, Tina wasn't a friend. She was a sister. Speaking of which...
‘'You should meet Tina,'' Kurt told Rachel after telling her the oh-so-famous story about them sneaking out and how Tina was family to him. Rachel talked a few sentences with her in the mall and car ride home but that didn't count as a proper meeting, ‘'I think you could be good friends.''
‘'I'd love to,'' Rachel nodded.
Chapter 7