Chasing Heaven
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Chasing Heaven: Chapter 4

E - Words: 3,010 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 31/? - Created: Apr 23, 2014 - Updated: Apr 23, 2014
194 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

you can see how the characters look at my tumblr page ‘Chasing Heaven'

Tumblr: WhiteEleffant


Please, tell me what you think of this so far. I'm curious and nervous as heck. *Going to hide under the sheets*

Chapter 4


The softest, plumpest lips were attached to his. The kiss was soft and gentle. Full of unspoken love.

The man's hands were on his hips, holding the blue eyed boy close.

They parted apart and smiled at each other.

‘'Thank you, beautiful,'' Kurt recognized the voice. It was full of love and depth. Blaine Anderson.

‘'Wakey, wakey, sleepy head!'' Kurt was disturbed from his oh-so-lovely dream by Tina, who was jumping on the bed next to the sleepy boy.

‘'It's time to wake up. Today's your fist rehearsal,'' Tina said excitedly, ‘'I know it's early but I'm so pumped I couldn't sleep.''

‘'Yeah, yeah. Just five more minutes, please,'' Kurt murmured, digging his face in the soft pillow.



‘'Good mornin', sis!'' Blaine placed a kiss on the teen's cheek.

‘'Yuck,'' Rachel called put and wiped her cheek with the back of her hand, ‘'Not good anymore. I don't need your smooches!''

Blaine laughed, taking an apple out of the refrigerator, ‘'Where's Cullen?''

‘'Don't call him that,'' Rachel frowned, ‘'I hate Twilight. Edward's probably sleeping. It's a freaking Saturday, I let him sleep.''

‘'You seriously could find someone better, Rach,'' Blaine said after taking a bite from the apple.

‘'I learned from the best,'' Rachel said, not looking up from what she was reading.

Blaine frowned and walked out from the kitchen.

When Blaine was a bad boy, Rachel was all over him. Like a fangirl. It was seriously creepy sometimes. Blaine thought his sister soon would have posters on her wall with his face on them. When he ‘changed' she became more distant and calmed down. They never really talked much but they had a friendly relationship. Not a strong brother-sister bond.

 He guessed, she missed the rebel that Blaine used to be and found the worst boyfriend ever. Rachel was sweet and loving. She needed someone who would love her dearly and someone with thick skin, who would be able to take all of her annoying-ness.

He joined the Cantare too and Elizabeth accepted him, wanting a chance to get to know her daughter's boyfriend.


‘'Hey, babe!'' Rachel skipped into her boyfriend's arms.

‘'Hi,'' the girl answered a bit shyly.

Edward had his dark hair coiffed up messily, looking a little like a bed-head. His left eyebrow was cut and had a scar. He had piercings everywhere and a cigarette behind his ear. He was dressed in the usual ‘bad boy' clothing. Leather jacket, ripped jeans, t-shirt and combat boots.

They shared a kiss, Rachel wrapping her hands behind the boy's neck.

‘'There's a party at Graces house tonight. You in?'' the teen asked his girlfriend.

‘'Sure,'' Rachel smiled.



‘'Good day, students,'' Elizabeth greeted coming into the same auditorium where auditions were held a few days ago. The students were sitting on the chairs scattered all around the auditorium in groups of friends. On the left side of Kurt sat Tina and Mike, on his right was an empty seat.

When all the young adults heard the teacher's voice, they stood up and walked to the stage that lit up.

The only ones that remained sitting were Kurt and another boy who was also accepted on the audition day. The boy looked dangerous. With piercings and a scarred face.


Elizabeth came up to Kurt, ‘'You don't have to participate today if you don't want to. You can just see how everything happens around here.''

Kurt nodded.

Elizabeth went to the stage in front of all the students. They all took their places and started singing.

A new wave of excitement went through the blue eyed boy, because he realized he now was a part of his dream.

He was pulled out of his day dream when something amazing-smelling sat next to him.

Kurt looked up and his heart skipped a beat at who it was. Blaine.

‘'Hello, Mr.Anderson,'' Kurt smiled politely, trying to keep his voice steady.

‘'Hello, gorgeous,'' Blaine answered, shrugging a second later, ‘'Call me Blaine. ‘Mr.Anderson' makes me feel like I'm bald of something. I don't look like Dr.Evil, do I?''

Kurt giggled and shook his head no. Blaine let out a overreacted sigh of relief.

‘'You don't sing in Cantare?'' Kurt asked, not taking his eyes off of the curly haired man.

‘'Used to,'' Blaine looked at the stage, ''Got bored, grew out of it. Actually wanted to get a job. Still sing sometimes. When I have the mood.''

Kurt nodded.

‘'And then Elizabeth,'' Blaine continued, ''got me a job as her assistant slash manager slash everything.''

They both chuckled.

‘'You? Why don't you go up there and wipe the stage off again with the perfect voice of yours?''

Kurt blushed at the compliment. ‘'I...I thought I'd just look at the teaching techniques today.''

‘'I see,'' Blaine looked from the stage to Kurt with darker eyes than before, ''You're cute when you blush.''

Wha-? Omg. Sex on a stick called me gorgeous and then said I'm cute. Best day evaaa. Kurt's mind was racing and he could feel his face flush even more. It definitely didn't look cute now. More like a toe-may-toe.

‘'Thank you?'' It came out more like a question. Blaine nodded and got up from his seat.

He took Kurt's hand and kissed it, ''Was nice talking to you. I have to go, though. I'm sorry.''

‘'I-It's o-okay,'' Kurt hated, how his voice came out absolutely uneven.

Blaine grinned sexily and winked. Winked. And walked away not looking back.

Kurt was still staring at the door Blaine went through and loved how his hand was stinging where Blaine's lips touched his skin. Deep down he wanted those lips to be somewhere else. On his cheek, neck, his own lips.

He shook his head and looked back at Cantare performing at the stage, ignoring how his pants had gotten tighter.



‘'Ugh. These are so heavy!'' Tina yelled out of frustration.

The sun was going down in Long Beach and Tina (Mike too) was officially moving in with Kurt.

The three of them were taking boxes loaded with Tina's things out of Mikes BMW. There was only one or two boxes that belonged to Tina's boyfriend.

‘'Stop complaining. You're the one who owns this stuff,'' Kurt told the girl, ‘'For example, why do you need this?'' Kurt took a creepy, old ?dog? sculpture out of one of the boxes.

‘'That's Bemini,'' Tina said like it was obvious, ‘'He's my luck charm.''

Kurt made a face.

‘'I got him in a thrift store,'' Tina took it from Kurt's hands and kissed the thing on the head, ‘'The poor thing was in the very back of the shelf and I just saw him there and couldn't resist buying. Right, little guy?'' she finished with a baby voice.

Mike and Kurt looked at each other, trying not to laugh.



When Rachel said goodbye to her boyfriend, after spending about an hour making out in the backyard of Rachel's house, she went inside to the kitchen, pouring a glass of water in a cup.

‘'Good evening, miss''

Rachel sharply turned around almost spilling the water. In front of her was a very tall, clumsy looking man with dark hair that was more on the shorter side and dark brown eyes.

‘'Who are you?''

‘'I'm Hudson. I'm the-‘'

‘'Your name's Hudson?'' she asked, bringing her eyebrows together in confusion.

‘'No, miss. That's my last name,'' he answered, grinning.

‘'Than what's your name?''

‘'You would like to know that, wouldn't you, miss?'' Hudson asked, keeping the grin on his face.

‘'Of course, not,'' Rachel blushed but still keeping her bitchy face on, ‘'Why are you here exactly?''

‘'Well, if miss would've let me finish my sentences, you would know by now,'' the brown eyed boy crossed his hands on his chest.

Rachel just kept looking at him.

‘'I'm your new gardener,'' he explained, ‘'I'm looking for James Andersons' office.''

‘'Oh,'' Rachel nodded, crossing her arms as well, ‘'upstairs, first door on the left.''

‘'Thank you, miss,'' Hudson bowed a little, turning around into the direction of the stairs.

‘'Damn,'' he whispered to himself, climbing up the stairs, thinking about how beautiful the girl was.



The house was huge. It was on the other end of Long Beach so it took an hour or so for Rachel and Edward to arrive to Graces' house.

When they exited the car, they could hear the loud music coming from the back yard of the mansion.

‘'Let's go, babe,'' Edward wrapped a hand around his girls waist and started walking towards the big building.



The night went by quickly; dancing and drinking. Rachel was being smart, not drinking a drop of anything alcoholic. Her boyfriend, on the other hand, was a little more than tipsy, playing poker on one of the tables with other guys.

Rachel was hanging out with her friend Amber, talking about nothing in particular.

‘'Spin the bottle!!!'' a girl on the other side of the pool proposed, yelling.

Almost all the people who heard the idea yelled in agreement and brought their hands up, already joining the game.

‘'We playing?'' Amber asked, already taking Rachel by the hand and bringing her where all the people were sitting on the ground, forming a circle.

‘'I guess,'' Rachel shrugged, smiling.

Both of the girls sat next to random people indian style. Some girl stood up and shushed everyone. All the attention turned to her.

‘'So, if the bottle lands on some unpractical place, for example, between two people, they will have to do ‘rock-paper-scissors' and the winner gets to make out,'' she took a sip from her beer and continued, ‘'If the bottle lands on two boys or two girls they still have to kiss.''

Everyone either hummed or again yelled their agreement. Everyone was too drunk to care about kissing someone from the same gender. Though, Rachel wasn't a homophobe. She accepted the fact her brother liked men, and didn't judge anyone. Love is love.


The game went on for about a half an hour and Amber was lucky enough to kiss her crush, the girl, who suggested the game and some other nerd.

Rachel didn't have such good luck or any luck at all, so she didn't get to spin nor get the bottle land in her direction.

Until now.

Some hot blonde boy spun the plastic bottle and it landed in between Rachel and the blue haired girl next to her. That meant – rock, paper, scissors.

The blue haired girl got scissors but Rachel- rock, so the brunette was the one to get to kiss the blonde boy.

The kiss lasted for about 3 seconds when suddenly the boy was yanked away from Rachel.



When the sun was gone, the three friends were pretty exhausted so they decided to take turns on who's bringing the stuff to the little apartment.

Right now, it was Kurt's turn. Mike and Tina were upstairs resting. Probably not, Kurt thought, ridiculously winking to himself. But Mike would have to be downstairs, taking his turn after Kurt in five minutes, so no funny business would last.

Before the chestnut haired boy could pick up another box, he felt a hand on his waist.

‘'Hello again, gorgeous,'' a sexy voice whispered in Kurt's ear.

Kurt wanted to punch whoever got their hands on him, but after hearing the voice he recognized, he relaxed and turned around.

‘'Hi, Blaine,'' he smiled, seeing how, as always, the man looked stunning. Navy loafers, not too tight white jeans and a navy dress shirt with the two top buttons undone.

‘'What brings you here?'' Kurt asked.

‘'I was just walking around when I saw the best ass in the world and came to say hello,'' Blaine said with a very charming smile.

Kurt could immediately feel blush rising to his neck and cheeks. Say hello to my ass?

‘'Can I help you with the stuff?'' Blaine asked gesturing to the car's trunk with his chin.

Do I want him to know where exactly I live? Kurt asked himself in his mind. Strangers shouldn't know that.

‘'No, thank you,'' Kurt shook his head, ‘'My turns almost over anyway.''

Blaine looked at him with confusion.

‘'My roommate's going to take my place,'' he explained, ‘'Mike.''

Blaine felt a ping of jealousy in his chest. Another man living with Heaven. He didn't like that.

‘'I wanted to have one roommate,'' Kurt continued after seeing how Blaine tensed and how his eyes got darker, ‘'but here I am.  Living with two people in the small apartment,'' Kurt laughed lightly.

‘'Hey, man,'' Mike excited the apartment buildings door and walked up to Kurt and Blaine.

Seeing the asian boy come towards them, Blaine's grip on Kurt's side slightly tightened. Kurt found it a bit weird but it felt nice. Safe. Secure. He felt protected. Not that he needed protection from Mike.

‘'I'm up now,'' Mike eyed the stuff that was in the trunk and looked back at Kurt, ‘'There's not much left, so I'm gonna just finish it.''

Kurt nodded.

‘'You can... go now,'' Mike turned a glance to the curly haired boy, ‘' I'm not keeping you.''

‘'You mind taking a walk with me?'' Blaine asked turning to Kurt.

Kurt shook his head. ‘'See you later, Mike.'' He waved to the boy and let Blaine lead him away.



Edward was straddling the blonde guy punching his face repeatedly. ‘'You motherfucker! Trying to steal my girl, huh?''

Rachel gasped and ran up to both boys to separate them.

She yanked Edward off of the boy and led him outside to their car, Amber running after them.


‘'What the fucking hell?'' Edward screamed at his girlfriend, when they reached their car.

‘'It was just a game, Ed,'' Rachel tried to reassure the angry boy, ‘'I don't even know his name. It was nothing.''

‘'You're such a slut!'' He swung his hand and made a bright red mark on the girls face, drawing blood, ‘'Whore!''

Amber jumped and ran from the houses' door to Rachel who was putting her palm on her cheek.

Tears were streaming from Rachel's cheeks. From both, the pain and the idea, that she just got abused by the boy she loved.

‘'You asshole,'' Amber pushed Edward away from Rachel, ‘'You're paying for this. I'm telling the police.''

‘'No, please, Amber,'' Rachel said between sobs.

‘'Are you crazy?'' Amber turned to Rachel, ‘'He fucking punched you!''

‘'He's drunk. He didn't mean that.''

‘'That's it. I'm taking you home.''

Amber took Rachel by her hand and walked over to her car, opening the passenger seat door for Rachel.




When Rachel arrived, no one was home. James, probably, in one of his shops, Elizabeth in AAMI and Blaine with someone, doing something. She unlocked the door and got up to her room. She looked in the mirror to observe the damage. There was a little bruise. Nothing that make up couldn't cover. Rachel left out a sigh of relief. She didn't need anyone seeing that.

She washed her face, removing the makeup and tying her hair in a bun. She put on some pyjamas and walked over to her bed.

One her bed, a single red rose was placed.

She looked at the flower and saw a little note next to it.

She hesitated for a while but took the rose and brought it to her nose, inhaling deeply. The scent of the rose made her relax and she smiled.

She picked up the card and read it.

A beautiful flower for a beautiful girl.




Kurt and Blaine walked over to the beach talking all the way there. Kurt found out, that Blaine came out to his parents recently. He told Kurt they were fine with it, as well as all of his friends. Kurt was happy for the handsome man.

Kurt told him about Tina (Blaine finally remembered her name) and talked about their fun times. Sleepovers, games and the one time they snuck out. Blaine listened carefully, not missing a single word that came out of the soft looking lips. Damn those lips.

‘'Who's Mike?''

‘'What do you mean with that?'' Kurt was confused at the sudden question.

‘'Is he your... boyfriend?''

Kurt laughed and shook his head, ‘'Nope. He's straight.''

Blaine wanted to do a dance so badly. Progress.

‘'He's Tina's boyfriend.''

‘'Oh,'' Blaine put two and two together, ‘'sorry. I... nothing.''

Kurt smiled at the silliness of the other man. Though, he was flattered from his jealousy.

When they reached the silent coast, Blaine turned to the blue eyed boy.

‘'I like you, Kurt.''

Kurt was taken aback. He wanted to do a victory dance. The most handsome man ever likes him. Likeees him. Woot-woot.

He looked in the beautiful honey-amber eyes, ‘'I like you too.''

Blaine leaned in.



Chapter 4


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