Chasing Heaven
Chapter 29 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Chasing Heaven: Chapter 29

E - Words: 2,976 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 31/? - Created: Apr 23, 2014 - Updated: Apr 23, 2014
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Author's Notes:

A/N: Yup! I'm ending with a double cliffhanger ‘cause I know how much you love them.

(sorry not sorry)


Please review!

Chapter 29

Blaine woke up in a very serious but happy and lifted mood. He felt like he had to put his life in order again. It was like the ‘yesterday Blaine' never existed.

He took a brisk shower, slightly gelled his hair, dressed nicely and headed downstairs. He was almost out of the door when he noticed Elizabeth sitting at the kitchen island. He stopped and went to her.

‘'Good morning!'' he greeted.

She looked at him with a restless face. ‘'Hello. Blaine, I have something to tell you. I should wait until Kurt would tell you but I just can't keep it to myself I feel desperate and so guilty-‘'

Blaine placed his hands on her shoulders to stop her rambling. ‘'Woah, woah! I was going to head to Kurt's but...what is it?''

She sighed, a long tired sigh. This was just not something she would enjoy talking about. She couldn't guess what Blaine's reaction would be like.

‘'Blaine, yesterday Lydia, Kurt's neighbor and close friend of his as you may know, came to me to talk.''

Blaine's brows furrowed and he sat next to her.

‘'I'm not going to drag this...Heidi has found another man.''

She searched Blaine's face but it was pretty expressionless. Silence stretched.

‘'I don't know what to say, really,'' Blaine shrugged. ‘'I mean, I'm not surprised. And I'm not mad or anything. We're not together and I just don't have feelings for her. She can do what she pleases. As long as she doesn't take my child away from me.''

They didn't hear the blonde entering and sneaking to hide behind a wall to listen to the conversation.

Elizabeth took a long breath. ‘'Well, Blaine, the thing is that no one knows who the father is, Blaine. Lydia had an assumption that she just is with you for money. And if that is her goal then we may not know how long she's been with the other man.''

Blaine's jaw clenched.

‘'I know that you don't need any more problems but...I just think it wouldn't hurt if we'd make a paternity test. To make sure.''

Heidi gasped to herself and quietly ran to her room.

Blaine nodded after a moment. ‘'Can...can you talk to her?'' Blaine pleaded. ‘'I just don't want with that. I have some other things I have to solve.''

‘'Of course, Blaine, yes,'' she understood. Blaine has been absent for a month. Who knows what he has to solve. She knew her daughter was very upset with him.

He hugged her. ‘'I'm going to head out now.''


Rachel had spent the night with Kurt. She didn't have anything against sleeping on their couch. It was pretty comfortable anyways.

Tina and Mike headed out to spend some time together and that left the two of them alone.

They made some breakfast and chatted while eating.

‘'What are you going to do now, Kurt?'' she questioned. At his confused face she tried again. ‘'With that I mean, what are you planning to do? Are you getting a job? Are you- I don't know. What are you doing?''

Kurt smiled. ‘'I don't really have any plans yet. I feel so bad for living on Tina's neck but, at the same time, I don't know what I'm going to do. I mean, Lydia gave me a job before I left. I could ask her again until I find something else.''

Rachel bit her lip and Kurt rolled her eyes. She had a plan when she started this conversation. ‘'What do you want to ask me Rachel? Just spit it out!''

She laughed and blushed a little. ‘'Do you plan on coming back to Cantare?''

Kurt sighed and looked away from her face. He missed singing for sure but...was he ready to go back there Encounter everyone again. It would be nice. He just wasn't sure if it would be awkward with Blaine...

‘'Pleeeease, Kurt! Please!'' she started begging. ‘'I miss you there so much and I can just tell that my mother does too. She really thought you were good, despite your difficult relationship. And I will tell you right now, I think she's really warming up to you. Living with Heidi...she just sees how she's not the one for Blaine and that he loves you.''

Kurt winced. Who knew what Blaine was feeling. A lot of time has passed. Feelings could change with time.

Although, his hasn't changed at all.

And just because he tried something with Kurt didn't mean anything right? He was just horny and drunk.

He ignored the last comment. ‘'I don't know Rachel. I might try.''

‘'YES!'' she squealed, got up and went to the living room to get her purse. When she got back and sat down, she pulled out a sheet of paper and slid it over to Kurt. ‘'Since it's not the start of the season, my mother doesn't do any try-outs until the next season but she has these application sheets and if the applicant sounds good to her, she may call him or her for try-outs. So you have to apply! I will bring it to her office on the way home. I saw some other applications there so she will go through them any time soon.''

Kurt hesitated for a minute but then just did it and filled the sheet. If she really would want him back, she would call him. She knew who he was anyway.

Rachel couldn't keep calm while he filled it up, she was so excited. They heard a knock on the door and Rachel got up to get it so Kurt wouldn't have to bother.

She wasn't expecting to see her brother. Her first instinct was to squeeze him tightly because she had missed him so so bad but instead she frowned and just went back inside.

Blaine stepped in after her.

Kurt came out of the kitchen with the sheet in hand. ‘'Rachel, I filled it.''

He handed it to her on her way to the living room and then he saw Blaine by the door and his heart leaped. ‘'Hi, Blaine. What are you doing here?''

Blaine smiled. ‘'You told me we need to have a serious talk.''

Kurt nodded. ‘'Oh, yes. Of course. Right.''

Blaine followed Kurt to the living room. Rachel pretended as if she was very busy with her purse. Kurt saw that Blaine wanted to talk to Rachel first so he went out to go to his bedroom. ‘'I will just leave you two.'' He said quietly to Blaine while passing him.


Rachel sighed and placed her purse down. ‘'Yes, Blaine?''

He smiled at her sadly. ‘'I'm sorry.''

Rachel couldn't pretend to be annoyed anymore. She ran to Blaine and embraced him as tight as she could manage. Blaine laughed. Kurt came back into the room.

‘'I heard Rachel's happy squeal. Are you done talking already?'' he teased.

Rachel just laughed and clung to Blaine, happy tears escaping her eyes. ‘'I'm so happy, Blaine!''

‘'And I'm sorry,'' he said when she stepped away. ‘'I was such a jerk. It was just a...hard time for me.''

He glanced at Kurt and Kurt looked away, Rachel noticed the little interaction and grinned. ‘'I know. I understand.''

‘'Still, I acted like a jerk and I was so harsh. I acted like a total ass. I'm sorry.''

‘'It's okay,'' she whispered and hugged him again.

When they parted and took seats on the couch Kurt sat as well. ‘'I guess Rachel can be here while we have the ‘serious talk'.''

Rachel raised an eyebrow.

‘'It's about Heidi,'' Kurt said.

Blaine nodded. ‘'Is it about the new guy and how the child could not be mine?''

Kurt was surprised for a bit. Elizabeth probably told him already. ‘'Y-yes!''

‘'What?'' Rachel said so loud it was almost a scream. ‘'She's dating another guy? Not your baby? Oh my god! Of course she found another dude! She basically hasn't been home the whole time Blaine was acting like an ass.''

‘'Well, Lydia saw her being intimate with another guy. And she thinks it may not be Blaine's baby because she could be using him for money,'' Kurt explained.

Blaine nodded.

‘'How are you so calm about this?'' Rachel asked her brother.

‘'I just don't feel anything for Heidi anymore,'' Blaine answered. ‘'I feel like there's just nothing left. About the baby - yes, I'm worried. But Elizabeth will talk to her and talk her into taking a paternity test.''

‘'That's the right thing to do,'' Kurt agreed.

‘'Okay,'' Rachel said. ‘'I guess I'm going to go home. And get your sheet to mom's office.''

Rachel winked to Kurt and he got up to escort her to the door. When she left Kurt went back to the living room where Blaine still sat, smiling.

‘'I'm glad you are good with Rachel again,'' Kurt said, feeling a little awkward now that she was gone.

Blaine smiled and nodded once. He got up and walked to Kurt. Kurt gulped inaudibly. He had a hate love thing with the fact that Blaine still made his feel this way.

‘'Are we good?'' he asked in a low, quiet voice.

‘'Are you talking about yesterday Because I forgive you. I understand that you were dru-‘'

‘'I didn't do it because I was drunk,'' Blaine grinned. ‘'Maybe I was a little more bold than when sober, but I still did what I wanted.''

Kurt bit his lip and shivered when he felt Blaine's hands on each side of his head, forcing him to look into Blaine's eyes. ‘'And I don't mean just yesterday. I love you, Kurt. Never stopped.''

Kurt let out a shaky breath. ‘'I love you too.''

Blaine smiled and slowly leaned in to kiss him. Unlike yesterday, he gave Kurt some time to back out. But he was glad that he didn't.

As soon as their lips touched, their kiss turned more passionate and desperate. They hadn't done this for so long and the happiness from being so close to each other fired up their bodies.

Blaine's hands moved to Kurt's sides, pushing him towards Kurt's room. Kurt tangled his fingers in Blaine's hair and Blaine praised himself for not putting a lot of gel in.

They somehow removed their clothes on their way to the room, hands roaming all over, clutching and caressing the skin, remembering the other's bodies.

They both fell on the bed, Blaine falling on top. He parted their lips, chuckling as Kurt chased after them. Blaine wanted to do it slow. He wanted to cherish this moment. Remember it forever.

He sat on top of Kurt, their cocks brushing together lightly, Kurt couldn't keep his eyes open.

Blaine caressed both of Kurt's arms, kissing his neck, placing a small mark on the pulse point. He kissed all over his collar bone, down to his nipples, giving each a little attention.

‘'Has anyone touched you while we were separated?'' God, Blaine hated mentioning this.

Kurt trembled at the combination of Blaine sucking his nipple and his dark tone. ‘'No. No.''

‘'Good.  I'm the only one to do this to you.''

‘'Yes, yes, yes. Only you.''

Blaine's cock hardened even more at his words. He reached for the drawer where he knew Kurt kept his lube and condoms.

Yes, they were still there.

He lubed up his fingers and smiled when Kurt already parted his legs for easier access.

He teased Kurt for just a second when he pushed in one finger, enjoying the loud hiss from him. He wasn't lying. He hadn't done this since their last time.

After three fingers, Blaine couldn't take it himself. The sounds and pleas from Kurt were so delicious, he'd missed him so much.

‘'Please, Blaine, that's enough. Please, I need you. Please...''

Blaine teased him for just a few more moments when he took out his fingers. Kurt whined at the emptiness.

They made love. Slow and passionate, keeping their bodies as close as possible, keeping their lips together the whole time.

After, they slept, Kurt tucked into Blaine's side, his strong arm around him.

Blaine felt his side wet. ‘'Kurt, are you crying?'' He whispered.

Kurt chuckled. ‘'Yes, I'm sorry, it's silly. I've just missed you so much.''

Blaine smiled widely. ‘'No, Kurt, it's not silly. You're perfect. I love you and I missed you too.''

Kurt snuggled to Blaine even closer, wrapping his arm around his torso.

‘'Will you go to dinner with me?''

Kurt looked up at Blaine at the sudden question.

‘'I just want to spend more time with you,'' Blaine continued when Kurt didn't answer. ‘'I want to go on a date with you.''

Kurt was doing a happy dance from inside. That meant this wasn't just a hook up.

‘'I'd love to,'' he smiled and kissed Blaine's side.

He jumped out of the bed, startling Blaine a little. ‘'What are you doing?''

‘'You have to go now,'' Kurt went to his closet and looked through his clothes. Blaine raised his eyebrows and didn't move.

Kurt turned to him and laughed. ‘'Blaine, go! We just have to pretend like we didn't just do this.''

Blaine's face darkened.

‘'With that I mean that this isn't the way it usually goes,'' Kurt explained. ‘'You go on a date first and then it's this.'' He motioned all around them.

Blaine laughed. ‘'Fine. But I'll be back in an hour max. You better be ready.

‘'I will.''


Blaine returned in a very upbeat mood.

His father and Elizabeth were in the living room and smiled when they saw Blaine being so happy.

‘'Why the big grin?'' his father asked.

‘'Did you talk to Rachel?'' Elizabeth asked.

‘'I have a big grin because I'm happy and yes, I did talk to Rachel and we're good,'' Blaine answered. ‘'You know what else is good? Me and Kurt.''

He said and ran up the stairs. Elizabeth looked surprised but happy and James got up to follow his son.

He knocked on the door first but went in when no answer came. He gasped when Blaine was just in his briefs. ‘'I'm sorry.''

Blaine laughed and ran into his closet and came out with a fancy suit on.

‘'Why so elegant today?''

Blaine sighed happily. ‘'I have a date with Kurt. And it's not just a normal date. Today's a special day.''

James got up and went to the mirror where Blaine was standing. He placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. ‘'I think I know what you're about to do. And I want you to know that I support you all the way. I know how much you love him.''

Blaine turned around and hugged his father.


After eating dinner at a very fancy restaurant that Kurt argued he wasn't dressed right for, they drove to a park. It wasn't very dark out, the sun was setting, painting the sky in beautiful colors.

Kurt was a bit confused because he thought they'd just go home and watch a movie together but instead, Blaine insisted on taking a walk on the Bixby park, a park that Kurt absolutely loved. It was a special place for him.

Now it was to become even more special.

Blaine stopped at a location where they had beautiful trees above them, the sun shining through, no people around.

He took Kurt's hands and spoke. ‘'Kurt, I've known you were the one for me the first time I saw you. At my mom's concert. When you and you're group left, I was so scared that I'd never see you again. But destiny brought us together again. I think we're meant for each other. You're the most beautiful, loving, kind person on this world and I love you with my whole heart. So, Kurt,'' he got on one knee and took out a ring from his pocket. ‘'Will you marry me?''


Rachel didn't have the chance to get to her mother's office. But she had a better idea.

She knew that Elizabeth wanted Kurt back in the choir. The last stage was in a month and Heidi quit the choir because of her pregnancy, she needed someone to sing solos.

So, she would just give it to her and let her read it through. It was just out of the question, of course Kurt would get back in.

She went to her parents' bedroom and her mother was putting lotion on her hands and she could hear that her father was in the shower.

‘'Mom,'' she got her attention. ‘'I want to give you something. You know I took those Cantare application sheets from you in case I randomly ever stumbled upon someone with a good voice and today I did. He was already a part of Cantare but now is ready to re-join if you approve.''

Elizabeth was now very interested in what Rachel was talking about.

Rachel handed her the sheet and bit her lip in excitement.

Elizabeth's heart skipped a beat.

Kurt Elizabeth Hummel



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