Chasing Heaven
Chapter 22 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Chasing Heaven: Chapter 22

E - Words: 3,192 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 31/? - Created: Apr 23, 2014 - Updated: Apr 23, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Please review. Otherwise I feel like no one is reading. The lack of response is making me sad as well as the number of tests I have to do at school.

Chapter 22

‘'Happy Birthday!''

Everyone shouted as the little boy came in with Elizabeth.

The first five minutes Saul spent clung to his parent's, Blaine's or Kurt's leg but soon he loosend up especially when he actually understood who was here.

A few of Christina's relatives and Blaine's uncle and aunt had arrived, as well as one of Christina's girlfriends who was actually lesbian. She was married and had a son who was Saul's age and they were like best friends. Kurt also learned that they were inseparable because they also went to the same kindergarten.

‘'Look what I brought you, Saul!'' Blaine's aunt Gabriela, James' sister, asked the boy in a sing song voice.

The boy looked at her with shining eyes in anticipation.

‘'Remember when you told me you'd like to see Fred again?'' when the boy nodded, she continued. ‘'Well , I did.'' She pointed to the golden bird cage with a bright yellow, huge parrot in it.

‘'FREDDY!'' Saul screamed and ran to the bird cage with open arms kid's champagne. Even if they'd wanted to, they couldn't drink ‘cause they had a competition in a few hours.

‘'So Blaine, do you wasn't to introduce us to the lovely gentleman?'' Gabriela asked.

Blaine smiled with a huge smile, proudly introducing the man, ‘'Well, this is Kurt, my boyfriend. ‘'

‘'You got a cute boyfriend, boyfriend!'' they heard the parrot say and everyone laughed.

Kurt had an awkward moment when he was asked about his parents and family. He was perfectly fine with explaining everything but it was just that the mood was ruined. He didn't really want anybody's pity. He was proud to be who he was even though he missed family love sometimes.

But at least he wasn't the only one who had to be introduced and he didn't have to be the center of conversation all the time.

Rachel had to introduce Finn.

Kurt and Blaine watched with pure joy as the boy chatted to the parrot who was very good at talking. Maybe even too good.

Christi seated everyone at the table and they made a few toasts for Saul's health and happiness, with some juice.

Saul, the hyperactive child, just couldn't sit at the table and asked Kurt and Blaine play with him and the other children, of course, the boys couldn't say no.

They were sitting on a blanket that was placed down on the grass, playing with several toys, the chatter of adults in the background. Blaine could hear them talking about Finn and Kurt especially. He was glad his aunt and uncle liked them both ‘cause they were definitely sticking around.

Right then, Kurt really got the chance to look around. It was beautiful here. A really nice house in an amazing neighborhood in a great city. He loved it here. He didn't really want to admit that he was a little jealous of Saul in a way. He has a really great family, with relatives that he knows will always support the boy. He could only wonder if before his parents gave him up, did he live in a house and where Did they celebrate his birthday like this Did they love him with such passion like Christina and Cooper love their only son He could only wonder.

He was pulled out f his thoughts when he heard everyone at the table laughing and Blaine next to him chuckle. The parrot was saying ridiculous things again.

‘'Give me a blue pen of any color!''

‘'If you want to catch a squirrel, just climb a tree and act like a nut!''

‘'I used to think the brain was the most important organ. Then I thought, look what's making me think that!''

Kurt was giggling as well as Blaine and the others. No one really had a clue where the parrot had learned those things.

While everyone was distracted by the parrot, the birthday boy decided to play with a garden hose. No one noticed his doing anything until he ran to the table and the water went all over the table and the people sitting. Blaine ran to Saul as everyone was screaming, whining and laughing and took the hose away from him, grinning at the sight of everyone and being the lucky one not sitting at the table.

Kurt went inside to get some paper towels and when he wanted to get out he was stopped by a gentle hand on his arm.

‘'Kurt, I just want to tell you something really quickly. While we're alone,'' Elizabeth looked at him with pure genuineness.

‘'Sure,'' Kurt sort of had an idea what she was going to say and didn't really worry.

‘'I just want to thank you for making my son happy,'' she said honestly. ‘'I love him like my own son. I do. And if you make him happy then let it be. I'm not going to say I support your relationship completely but I'm trying.''

Kurt was touched. He would've never expected to hear words like these from Elizabeth. It warmed his heart. Elizabeth like mother to him and he knew he was getting between them both even though he never wanted for that to happen.

‘'Thank you, Mrs. Anderson,'' he nodded, smiled sweetly and went outside to help clean up the mess.


In the middle of celebrating, Kurt received a call from Tina. She didn't go to Miami because she and Mike had an emergency family thing. It wasn't weird that she called it just wasn't good what she said.

‘'Kurt, I don't want to worry you any more then you probably already are but I just really thought I should tell you,'' Tina said in a hurry, sounding worried.

‘'What is it, Tina?''

‘'It's about Alex. I don't think he didn't leave because his flight was cancelled. It was probably something else. I'm going straight to the point here, I don't want to stretch the time here,'' she inhaled deeply and then said. ‘'He's not good, Kurt. I don't know if it's because of stress or something but he called to ask about you yesterday and in the middle of the conversation it just went silent. He didn't hang up ‘cause we heard a loud noise.''

Kurt was getting even more worried each second. This really wasn't the best time to tell him about such stressful things but he was thankful Tina did it anyways.

‘'Me and Mike immediately decided to go check on him, to his loft,'' she continued. ‘'We arrived there and he was on the ground, his phone still in his hand. He had passed out I guess. But the problem was that we barely got him to wake up and he didn't tell us anything. He just said he was fine and... Kurt I'm worried. You'll need to talk to him when he gets back. This is not the first time he's like that.''

In that moment, Kurt remembered the time he saw Alex almost faint. ‘'I'll talk to him. Of course.''

‘'Okay. I'm just really worried,'' Tina sighed. ‘'Just...please, don't stress about it now. Just go and enjoy your night. Amaze them with your amazing voice.''

Kurt blushed and they shared goodbyes. He turned around just to face Blaine. ‘'Who was that'' he asked softly.

‘'It was Tina. Wishing us all luck.''

Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt tenderly. ‘'You're going to rock their world, beautiful.''


The rest of the birthday went smoothly, not taking the half melted cake. It wasn't the best idea to have an ice cream cake but it wasn't a problem. What's important is that they hadn't forgotten the candles like they had been last year and Saul could happily make his wish.

The rest of the afternoon was spent chatting and getting to know everyone better, enjoying the summer as well as listening to the ridiculous parrot.

Kurt hated to see the sad face of Saul when they had to leave but Blaine had promised the boy they would come tomorrow before they flew back to L.A.

They were the first ones to leave but that wasn't a surprise because they had a concert right ahead of them and they still had to get ready and warm up.


Now Kurt could for sure understand why Blaine had a love hate relationship with Sebastian. The guy was nice, polite and fun to be around with but there were downsides to him.


As if Kurt wasn't nervous enough, Sebastian had tried something he never thought someone would ever try.

About ten minutes before they had to get on stage, Kurt excused himself to have a minute of silence. He found a little corner near the dressing rooms and just concentrated on calming down.

He heard footsteps coming his way and he turned around to see Sebastian coming his way.

‘'Getting ready for the big duet'' he asked with a flirty voice Kurt didn't like. He just nodded.

‘'I don't understand why you're singing with Blaine,'' the man was getting closer and closer. ‘'I've heard him sing. And I can somewhat guess how your wonderful voice sounds and all I can say is that you'd sound better with me.''

‘'Is that a pick up line Because it's not working,'' Kurt said surely. He really didn't need this right now.

‘'Oh, come on,'' he continued, putting on his most charming smile, ‘'Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Give me a try.''

Kurt sighed and rolled his eyes, he didn't notice Sebastian trying to kiss him merely millimetres before their lips touched. Anger swirled up in him and he swung his arm back, slapping Sebastian's cheek as hard as he could in that moment. ‘'Don't you ever try that again!'' he demanded and went off.



The performance was as good as it possibly could be. Everyone tried their best and with success.

They were the previous before last to perform so they had the chance to watch almost every performance which is probably not a good thing since it just brings out a nervous wreck in everybody.

Blaine and Kurt had to perform their duet first and Kurt was truly thankful he was singing it with Blaine. He was basically his hero and saviour because he just couldn't find a more reassuring face if he wanted to. He didn't let any of the bad emotions he was having to show, bringing out all of his excitement and gratefulness through the performances.

His anxiety went away after their group performance when he saw Finn, Elizabeth and James clapping for them. He didn't even know Blaine's father would be here but it was only good seeing more supportive faces in the big crowd. It made him feel so happy and not worry about which place they're going to get. He was just glad he was where he was, with the people he was and the opportunities he was given.

They had about a half an hour before the judges would say the results, it seemed like everyone thought the same. It was apparently a tradition to get completely wasted after a done big performance.

Just now Kurt found the opportunity to tell Blaine about Sebastian, after looking around for the guy before doing so, relieved that he couldn't spot him. ‘'Blaine, I want to tell you something really quickly but you have to promise me you won't overreact,'' he blurred everything out.

Blaine scrunched his brows with a smile. His boyfriend was so cute. ‘'Go ahead, gorgeous.''

‘'Sebastian... he tried to kiss me. Before the performance.''

Blaine's expression was unreadable for a couple of seconds until he murmured, ‘'I'm going to kill that idiot.''

‘'Blaine...'' Kurt tried when Blaine turned around. Kurt knew he would get a reaction like this. ‘'Please don't. I repeat, he tried to kiss me.''

‘'Fuck him!'' Blaine turned around and said a little louder, earning Nick's attention from behind him but Kurt shook his head making him not disturb them. ‘'No one gets to kiss you. That asshole knows you're not single.'' Blaine finished and stormed around, searching the backstage for the man.

Kurt ran after Blaine and stood in front of him, placing his hands on his hands, stopping him in his tracks. ‘'No, Blaine! I don't want any drama. I told you not because I want you to beat his face in but because we have no secrets, remember Besides, he got a little red cheek already.''

Blaine sighed and tried to relax. ‘'I fucking love you.'' He said and kissed Kurt's forehead.

‘'I love you too.''


Almost exactly a half an hour later, Cantare was announced to be the winners and that meant they were going to stage three. Everyone was so happy and excited, even though they had won times before, it was always a honor to know that they weren't getting out of ideas for amazing performances.

Now the real celebrating could start.

Kurt tried to avoid Sebastian for the evening and sticking to Blaine's side, making sure those two didn't meet.

Jeff asked if they were alright ‘cause Nick had told him about their little argument but Kurt assured that everything was okay. What he didn't expect to hear was that Sebastian was waiting for Kurt by the bathrooms to talk. Kurt rolled his eyes and excused him.

‘'What do you want?'' Kurt tediously asked. ‘'Isn't one slap enough for you''

‘'No, Kurt. I see how you're avoiding me. I'm sorry. I was just joking around. I didn't mean to make you angry. Honest,'' Sebastian explained, looking like he truly was apologizing.

‘'Fine,'' Kurt said after a while. ‘'But Blaine isn't happy with you.''

‘'Why the hell did you tell him?''

‘'We have no secrets. Be glad you aren't in the hospital right now. I saved your butt.''

Sebastian smirked at Kurt's innocence. The boy couldn't even say bad words. ‘'Thank you then.''

‘'You're welcome.''

What they didn't see was Blaine behind the corner.



Kurt went to talk to Jeff some more, who wanted to make sure he was alright and curious of what Sebastian wanted from him. That turned into a little chat about Alex as well as Heidi.

‘'I find it weird, how she's acting lately. She was all over Blaine but now nothing,'' Jeff said. ‘'She didn't even have her usual sour face when you both were singing. I was totally weirded out.''

‘'You're right now that I think about it. For weeks she hadn't been doing nothing. Do you think she gave up on Blaine'' Kurt asked hoping his guesses were right.

‘'I can't tell. I want to say yes but I kind of feel like no.''

‘'Here you are boys!'' They both turned their heads to the side, seeing Elizabeth coming, with a huge smile on her face. ‘'I just wanted to congratulate you! You both did so well. And Kurt, that duet was outstanding. I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance sooner.''

She hugged them both. Kurt was surprised how good he felt when Elizabeth hugged him and was proud of him. A feeling he missed. ‘'Thank you,'' both boys responded.

‘'I better go find Blaine,'' Kurt smiled to Jeff when Elizabeth went off.

He looked for his boyfriend for a few minutes and didn't expect to find Blaine at the bar, alone drinking several shots. That couldn't be good. Blaine rarely drank and even then not so much.


‘'Go away!'' he was cut off by Blaine's harsh voice.

‘'What are you talking about? What's wrong? Why are you drinking so much?''

‘'Just enjoying the joyful night,'' Blaine said with a sarcasm in his voice that could be cut with a knife. ‘'Just leave me alone.''

‘'Blaine, let's go away,'' Kurt reached for Blaine but his hand was slapped away.

‘'Don't . Go spend the night with Mr.asshole!''

‘'Don't be ridiculous. Just come with me!''

‘'Ridiculous ? Why am I ridiculous? Because I trusted you?'' Blaine twirled so hard on his chair that he needed Kurt's help not to fall off. ‘'Don't fucking touch me!''

‘'Blaine, don't argue with me! You've had too much to drink. Don't talk things you'll regret.''

‘'Don't tell me what to do! I'll drink how much I'll want so I don't have to watch you and that bastard making heart eyes,'' Blaine said bitterly, taking another shot.

‘'Fine!'' Kurt said calmly and turned around, trying not to let tears fall. He called the taxi and drove to the hotel, going to the hotel room and not their suite after sending a text to Jeff that he was in the hotel and they didn't have to worry. He turned off his phone and just went to sleep.


Blaine sat at the bar, his face burning from resisting to let tears escape. Did he just break up with the love of his life? Did he really go to Sebastian now? No, that couldn't be. Kurt was better than that.

He continued to drink away his sorrow, anger and jealousy, blowing everyone off when they came to him, including Nick, Jeff, Finn and even his sister.

He didn't know for how long he sat at the bar but when the bartender finally called the taxi he saw that the bar was almost empty and couldn't find any face he recognized.

He barely got his key into the lock of his suite and opened his door, only to be greeted by total darkness and loneliness.

He swung his arm and shouted, knocking over something that was standing on a table by the door. He didn't care what it was. He just went to his bed and fell in it, falling on his stomach and staying like that. He inhaled the barely there scent of Kurt and started to drift off. He heard the door of his suite open and footsteps coming his way. Gentle hands caressed his back and the spot between his shoulder blades was kissed. His shoes were removed as well as the rest of his clothes.

‘'I'm sorry,'' he said, not even opening his eyes. ‘'I was an idiot. I didn't mean anything I said. I knew you'd come back to me. ‘Cause you're mine.''

‘'Mhmm .''

He felt the bed dip beside him and he crawled under the blankets that were held up for him. ‘'I love you so much, beautiful.''


‘'I love you too, B!''


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