Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
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Chapter 2
Blaine's POV
I was trouble. I can admit that. Well... still kind of am. Only, to save some worries to my father and mother, I don't tell them what I'm doing outside the house and company. As a teenager, I probably wasn't the best son parents can wish for. Once, I even went to juvie. But the experience wasn't bad. It wasn't as hard as they tell. It was actually cool there. Made some bros and stuff. After coming out of there, I understood that I have to be more adult for my parents' sake. So, I hide the trouble. They think I'm some sweet bunny, who's getting married soon and building a family. Hell, no! I'm not ready to settle down yet. No one would be able to get along with me. I'm hell from the inside. The dark side from the teenage years still is there. What can I do?! I like to mess around.
When I was three, my father, Cooper and I moved from Florida to Long Beach. My father told me, my mother died giving birth to me. I never got to know her. But to be honest, I never really missed love. My father loved me more than enough, even spoiled me. He told me, that in the very beginning, I hated LA. He told me, that once I got off the plane I was so angry, that I bit the first toddler I saw. Actually BIT him. Like with mouth and teeth. Geez, poor kid. I guess later on I understood why we moved. Florida reminded him too much of my mother.
When I was a teen, I was the badass of the school. Had many habits. Good and bad. Mostly bad. Smoking, drug using, dangerous driving (actually had some accidents here and there), alcohol, regular detention, expulsion. The experience came quickly. Girls came and went. Ever since I was, like 12. As mentioned previously, even went to juvie when I was 17. After coming out from juvie I ditched the bad influence friends and the bad boy image. I tried to be better for my family.
We have family money, so we got a nice house. My dad owns a few shops so he earns good. Soon, I got a stepmother. Her name is Elizabeth. They met when the woman wanted to buy a bicycle in one of my father's shops. After that, they started dating. I didn't approve at first. Even if I was only, like five. I didn't miss the mothers love. A year of dating later Elizabeth got pregnant and on her third month of pregnancy they got married.
That's when we started to get along. We actually started talking and it wasn't so bad. She convinced my father to buy the bike I was dying to get and every Sunday she baked cookies. Every night she sang me a song and kissed my forehead goodnight. I realized what I've missed with not having a mother. I started calling her ‘mom' without even noticing it. It came natural. She really was like a real mother to me.
I wanted a sibling. Cooper and I never got along much. He always tease me and he got the girl I liked when I was nine. Bastard. He was only thirteen. Why did he need a girlfriend?! Who knows.
9 months later, Elizabeth gave birth to the most beautiful baby ever. Not that I've seen many. A girl. They named her Rachel. Why didn't they agree to my suggestion – Bubbles? She certainly reminded me of Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls. Her hair just was so blonde and hanged from both sides like two ponytails. Anyway, her name is Rachel.
She was a pain in the ass growing up. She had this weird obsession with Barbra Streisand. She was only 4 when she told us her life dream – to be a star. More specifically a star on Broadway. She has an amazing voice but with singing so loud, she always disturbed me on doing nothing. I was very proud of her. She was a hard-worker and her talent is out of this world.
When Elizabeth understood, how big her talent was, she decided to open a company. Industry. Academy. All in one. It's kind of confusing, but it has music studies, choirs, celebrities write their songs there etc. Basically, you can do anything that has to do something with music. Rachel studied there for a while and she even joined my mom's choir Cantare. ‘'To sing'' in translation from Italian. It's a choir with many members. I was actually the soloist but I sang there since she opened the company and last year I gave the role of the soloist to some other dude. Whatever his name was. Now, I'm just helping her with some financial work and other little things. I'm sort of her assistant. But sometimes sing, here and there. The company is called AAMI. Stands for All About Music Industry.
When Rachel turned 14, Elizabeth allowed her to be the female soloist of Cantare as one of her birthday gifts. After 1,5 years she quit because she said the background singers shielded her talent. Ridiculous, right?! Since then the soloist ir a young woman named Heidi. That's where MY problems started.
I always thought, she wouldn't stand being in LA instead of New York with her parents but apparently not. She always was by my side like a fly to a sugar cube.
You know, as a player I truly am, I just wanted a quick, one night stand. But well... It kind of turned into something more serious.
It's a sunny day in LA. Since there's not many rainy days anyway. Blaine was sitting in his room doing nothing. Listening to Katy Perry and staring at the ceiling. There were a few knocks on his door but he didn't hear them, because of the huge headset he had on. After like a minute of knocking, James, Blaine's father, came inside. He cleared his throat but after Blaine didn't even notice him he went to the bed and tapped him on the shoulder. Blaine jumped a little and opened his eyes to see his fathers amused expression. He quickly took his headset off.
‘'Hey son. Can I talk to you a little bit? It's serious.'' Mr. Anderson asked as Blaine sat up.
‘'Yeah, sure. What's up?''
‘'Your mother and I have been talking. We both noticed that you and Heidi have a pretty good relationship. Are you like... a serious couple?'' James asked his son.
‘'I guess so. I never really asked her to be my girlfriend, but I think she labeled herself that. Saved me some trouble.'' Blaine answered, not understanding where this conversation was going. His father never talked to him about this stuff. Too shy probably.
‘'That's good. I like her,'' the man smiled.
‘'We are not going to have the sex talk, are we?'' Blaine rolled his eyes.
James looked a bit shocked for a moment and then shook his head. ''No, no. I know you've been doing... stuff. But I hope you had that talk with Eli?''
‘'Yes,'' Blaine lied. ‘'Yes, she told me everything I would possibly want to know.''
‘'Good. We don't want any...accidents,'' you could see that James was a little uncomfortable.
‘'Ok. So... what is so important?'' Blaine asked.
‘'Do you love Heidi?'' the older Anderson asked, looking Blaine straight in the eyes.
‘'I think so. I mean... I've known her for a long time. Almost three years,'' Blaine was a startled by the question, ‘'If not, I guess I'm getting there.''
‘'I will just go straight to the point,'' James looked even more serious than before, ‘'I want you to propose to her.''
James kept their eyes locked. Blaine was completely shocked and hesitated to answer.
‘'I know it's a bit sudden but-‘' James started.
‘'What?'' Mr. Anderson was cut mid-sentence. ‘'Why the hell would I do that?! I'm only 20 for god's sake!''
‘'I know, I know. But Elizabeth and I decided it would be nice for you to finally get a serious relationship. You haven't introduced us to anyone. Your mother and I were engaged early as well. Even earlier. I was 19. Besides, if we unite with the Brown family, we basically own the whole LA. Do you even know how many hotels they own? Or how many clubs and cafes they own? Those, together with my many shops would have the most successful business ever,'' James explained.
Blaine broke their eye contact and was looking around the room for something to distract him. Proposal? Wedding? My own family? With Heidi? That was a lot to take in.
After a few tense minutes of just sitting there, the younger boy looked back at his father. ‘'I have to think. This is a big step. I... We... I don't even know...''
‘'I know, son. I'll let you think about it. I'm not going to force anything. You know that you are first on the list. Above the business. You are important. Just... Heidi... she makes you a better man.'' James tried to calm his son.
A better man? Pfff. If you would only know... Blaine thought to himself.
‘'I'm gonna go. Think about this.'' James stood up leaving the younger Anderson sitting alone on the bed looking at his hands with a slightly angry and confused expression.
When James exited the room, Blaine took his head in his hands. ‘'Oh my god'' he whispered to himself.
A few days passed. Every day Blaine had just sat in his room thinking about what his father had said to him. He was so anxious he could punch a wall. But he knew better. Those walls were worth thousands, if not millions.
Sunday. The lazy, relaxing day. Perfect. It was a late afternoon and the Anderson family along with the young Ms. Brown had just finished dinner. Sharing small talk. When everyone got up and left the dining room, Blaine took Heidi's hand and led her outside. They went to the backyard in absolute silence. The beach was quiet and no one was around. Good. Blaine thought.
Heidi had her blonde hair in pretty curls and she was wearing a nice beige dress that was just above the knee and fit her very well, along with a statement necklace. She looked sexy and mature if you'd ask other men. But Blaine could admit it as well.
Once they reached the spot Blaine thought was best , he turned around and looked Heidi in the eyes, not letting go of her hand. Heidi looked at Blaine expectedly.
‘'How do you feel?'' Blaine asked.
‘'I feel perfect. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.'' Heidi answered, smiling. ‘'I love you.''
Blaine hesitated for a second to answer, ''I love you, too. I, actually, think that we belong with each other. I know we're young and we didn't meet forever ago but I just want to do this.''
‘'Oh my god,'' Heidi said breathlessly smiling as wide as possible when Blaine got on one knee.
‘'Heidi Brown, will you marry me?'' Blaine proposed holding up a box with a very expensive looking, diamond ring.
‘'Yes.Yes of course,'' Blaine put the ring on and got up. Heidi smiled lovingly and jumped into Blaine's arms, ‘'Yes, yes, yes.''
‘'Get out!'' Blaine said buttoning up his shirt. They were in some kind of closet or storage room at AAMI.
‘'What?!'' the still breathless boy asked.
‘'I said, get out Jerry!'' Blaine said loudly, his eyes not leaving the buttons of his dress shirt.
‘'Wha... My name's not even Jerry. I'm Troy,'' the boy said looking like he's about to cry, ‘'I thought you wanted me...''
‘'Yes, I wanted you. The want's over. It was a one-time thing, dumbass.'' Blaine finished buttoning the buttons and tiredly looked at Troy.
‘'Why? Was I bad? I'm sorry... I'm not very experienced... I... I thought we will be together now,'' the brown eyed boy said, already crying.
‘'Whatever,'' Blaine took his shoulder bag and stormed out of the closet, leaving the sobbing boy alone.
Later that day, Nick stopped Blaine in the hallway.
‘'Why in the hell did you do that?'' Nick asked almost yelling.
‘'What?'' Blaine looked at Nick with practically no expression on his face.
‘'You know, Troy left because of you. God, why do you have to do that?!'' Nick closed his eyes for a moment and threw his head back, ‘'We lost a very good singer ‘cause of your quick fucks. Seriously.''
‘'You know me better than anyone else, Nick,'' he told his best friend, ‘'besides, so many people would give anything to get in Cantare. I'm sure mom will find someone else.''
‘'What will you do when missy Brown will come back, huh? How will you explain this to her?'' Nick asked curiously. He never really liked her. Reminded him of one of those spoiled teenagers from Mean Girls
‘'I don't really care. You know that stupid engagement was sort of forced and Blaine Anderson doesn't settle down. Besides, she's been away for 2 month. Will be gone for a few more. She doesn't get back from Australia any time soon and frankly, I think she's found someone else anyway.'' Blaine explained feeling nothing. No guilt. No regret. No jealousy. Nothing.
Nick sighed. ‘'Fine. Whatever. Not my business anyway. Is everything ready for tomorrow?''
‘'What's tomorrow?'' Blaine played a surprised expression.
‘'Are you kidding me?! Tomorrow's the big cha-‘' Nick yelled, placing his hands on his hips.
‘'The big charity concert,'' Blaine laughed at his friend, ‘' I know, yeah. Everything's ready.''
‘'Thank you! Thank you so much!'' Kurt jumped up and down like a little child.
‘'It's nothin', Kurt. It's not that you bribed me. We were invited anyway, it's not like I do everything you ask me to,'' nanny Thabita laughed at Kurt's excited face.
‘'I know. I'm just... I'm so happy. I'll finally get to see Cantare live,'' Kurt smiled from ear to ear, ‘'You know how much I want to be in that choir. I know like... every performance and...''
‘'I know, Kurtie.'' Thabita smiled, ‘'Take it as my birthday gift for you. I only agreed to go because of you.''
‘'Thank you very, very much,'' Kurt kissed Thabita's cheek and skipped away to his room.
‘'Is everyone ready?'' Elizabeth asked all the singers in the backstage.
‘'Yeah!'' almost everyone said in union. ‘'Hell to the YES!'' Jeff called, Nick and Blaine giggled.
‘'I'm happy we can do this. Charity is a good thing,'' Elizabeth said with a gentle smile, obviously proud, ‘'I'm happy as a teacher, that you support this and don't do it only for the trophies.''
Kurt almost fainted from excitement when he saw that the sign Long Beach Orphanage was placed on the first row.
The auditorium was beautiful. It looked elegant and modern. It was meant for models but it still was nice. He didn't know, how the many artists will be placed on the narrow stage but he wasn't worried about it. He knew, that Elizabeth Anderson was a genius. She could handle anything. One of the reasons he admired her.
There were so many people, that there weren't enough seats. Easily to say, at least 500 people. Kurt was fascinated.
When everyone took their seats, the first song started to play. The choir members slowly came out of the doors and in two lines went to the stage. Surprisingly, all the singers had enough room. They all stood on the edge of the stage all around, facing the viewers. This time, no soloists. Kurt was amazed, how great they all looked. All the girls were matched, as well as the boys. The girls were wearing flowy white dresses and the boys-white tuxes.
The Cantare sang seven different songs, each fully enjoyed by Kurt and the other people in the auditorium. They danced around the stage and sometimes even off stage.
Just when the last song started to play, Blaine came out from the back door, trying not to disturb anyone. He sat on his chair in the VIP zone on the first row. That's when he saw him.
The most beautiful human being his eyes have ever seen. White, creamy skin, brown, perfectly coiffed hair, deliciously pink lips and blue eyes, he was sure he could get lost in.
The most pure looking man sat right opposite him, on the other side of the stage, looking at the performance and clapping enthusiastically, silently singing along.
There was an angel. Right in front of him. He was sure. He saw Heaven.
‘'KURT?!'' After the performance had ended and Elizabeth had said her speech, the performers were allowed to say hello to the people in the auditorium and the one and only Tina Cohen-Chang spotted Kurt.
‘'Tina!'' Kurt's whole face brightened up when he saw his best friend.
‘'Oh my god, how I've missed you! I'm sorry I didn't visit this month. I was looking for a job and the choir practices were crazy and.. just complicated life,'' she looked at Kurt a little guiltily.
‘'That's ok, I understand. I totally forgot you joined Cantare. You guys are more incredible live than in YouTube!'' Kurt complimented.
Tina smiled. ‘'So, how's it going?'' Tina raised an eyebrow at Kurt, taking him by the elbow.
‘'Jeff? Hey, Jeff!'' Blaine poked at Jeff who was almost sleeping after the tiring performance.
‘'Yeees?'' Jeff said, not liking that he got disturbed from almost-sleeping.
‘'Who's that?'' Blaine pointed to the direction of Heaven, who was talking to? Tana? from the choir.
‘'Umm.. Uh... I think that's the LB Orphanage or something,'' Jeff answered looking where Blaine had pointed.
‘'I know. I got that from the uniforms. I'm talking about the boy with the perfect, chestnut hair and blue eyes,'' Blaine rolled his eyes at his friend.
‘'Dude, no! Nick already told me about Troy. C'mon you have to stop this bull !'' Jeff scolded.
‘'Can you ,please, maybe go talk to him or something?'' The curly haired boy asked slightly nervous.
‘'Why me? Go yourself! He's from an orphanage. He won't talk to strangers.''
Blaine gave Jeff his death glare and Jeff let out a long sigh.
‘'Ok, Kurt. I know you're getting out soon, so I guess, I'll see you soon?'' Tina asked.
‘'Of course. Could you please show me around when I do?'' Kurt asked, putting on his puppy face.
‘'Yeah, sure,'' Tina laughed at her adorable friend, ‘'I'll see you. Bye!'' Tina said smiling and left after giving Kurt a tight hug. Kurt smiled, looking after her.
Kurt turned around and was faced with a blonde man with green eyes, smiling at him politely.
‘'Hi?'' Kurt more like asked, looking confused.
‘'I'm Jeff,'' the blonde boy extended his hand,'' I'm from Cantare. I saw you enjoyed the performance and decided to greet you. I'm happy people enjoy our performances.''
‘'Oh,'' Kurt shook his hand, hesitantly, ‘'Yes, I'm a fan. Always have enjoyed your work.''
‘'Cool. So what's yo-?''
‘'Jeffery, who's your friend here?'' Jeff was cut mid-sentence by Elizabeth. She asked placing a hand on Jeff's shoulder and smiled at Kurt.
Kurt was looking at Elizabeth open mouthed, wide eyed. Elizabeth Anderson was there. Actually there! I have to take this opportunity. Kurt thought.
‘'My name's Kurt.''