Chasing Heaven
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Chasing Heaven: Chapter 17

E - Words: 8,555 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 31/? - Created: Apr 23, 2014 - Updated: Apr 23, 2014
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Author's Notes:

This whole time I've been either busy or lacking inspiration. I'm so sorry. Still couldn't decide where I was headed. Now I know, I think...

At least enjoy the extra long chapter.

So please, for the love of Klaine reunion, review this.

Song used:


Oasis - Wonderwall

Chapter 17

Kurt had made a decision. A very hard one, though. He was going to quit Cantare.

There were reasons. There were people he didn't want to be around. Those ‘persons' being Heidi and Blaine's stepmother.

And a thought just dawned to him.

His whole life, he's basically been independent of someone. He was raised in the orphanage, the nannies were feeding him, providing him with everything he could need. Even when he was released, he couldn't have made it without their support.

Then came Blaine. Yes, he loved Blaine very much but he allowed Blaine to spoil him. He allowed him to pay for everything, make the decisions and basically lead him. And Kurt was always claiming how independent he was. Well, maybe that wasn't true.

It wasn't about the money. No. Cantare was paying good. Plus, Kurt was taking the side-work as the stylist/cosmetologist. Maybe it wasn't common that a choir paid their singers, yeah. But Cantare asked for a lot of work. And talent. And that's one of the reasons Elizabeth couldn't get him down completely. As much as she crushed him with her sudden change in attitude, she never could deny hisc  talent. That he had.

But he really needed something on his own. Something more grand. Maybe he came from the low but he was persuaded he would get somewhere on his own.

And the first step was to quit Cantare.

‘'Elizabeth, I need to talk to you,'' about 20 minutes before a practice he went to Elizabeth's office. He wasn't that cold hearted to leave without a warning of some kind.

‘'I'm listening,'' she said, sitting at her table, looking over papers.

‘'I have decided to drop out of Cantare.''

Elizabeth's head shot up immediately. ‘'What are you talking about, Kurt?''

‘'It's my decision. I have thought it through in the past few days and my choice is final,'' Kurt explained.

Elizabeth didn't respond. She sat silent and sighed. She wasn't expecting this.

‘'However,'' Kurt continued, ‘'I am going to stay until after second stage. I've put a lot of work into that and the choreography is almost ready, the songs have been chosen. It would just be cruel of me if I'd leave you without a member just before competition. But after that, I'm gone.''

‘'Fine,'' Elizabeth clenched her jaw. Why didn't she want him to leave so badly?

‘'You can go. After.''

Kurt nodded and turned on his heel towards the big glass door.

‘'And, Kurt,'' Elizabeth called after him.

Kurt turned, not knowing what to expect.

‘'I have a decision of my own,'' she stated. ‘'I've decided to give you a solo duet.''

The corners of Kurt's mouth turned upwards. He still didn't want to look too excited. He didn't want her to think she could bribe him.

But damn. He was just ready to exit and do a happy dance and squeal when he was around the corner.

‘'Thank you,'' Kurt thanked.

Elizabeth smiled. ‘'Thank you for warning me.''

Kurt nodded, smiling, and exited the office.



It has been four days since Kurt forgave Blaine. At least he said so. But this whole time he hasn't said a word to Blaine. Except for a few nods when they passed each other. If Blaine could guess, Kurt was distracting himself with his friends.

But he wasn't surprised. There was no wonder why Kurt didn't want to come up to Blaine. Heidi was always by his side. Like a fucking tail. Not letting him go anywhere within an arm's length. It was driving him crazy.

‘'Okay. Good morning,'' Elizabeth greeted, coming onto the stage. ‘'I have a little announcement.''

Everyone switched their attention to the conductress.

‘'I know you're all used to Heidi Brown receiving the solo's but this time, it'll be different,'' she said. ‘'We're keeping the group number ‘You make my dreams come true' but, sorry Heidi, I'll have to switch your solo to a duet.''

Heidi was shocked. ‘'Will I'll be singing a duet? I am open to new challenges.''

‘'No, you got me wrong there,'' Elizabeth shook her head. ‘'I want to give the opportunity to someone else.''

‘'But how will they do it?'' Heidi argued. ‘'It's only a week before the contest. It's a silly idea to change the whole thing. We've already practiced and everything's done.''

‘'The one's I've chosen are very professional and will hopefully not let me down.''

Blaine really wasn't listening. He didn't really care. He cared about finally talking to Kurt and getting Heidi away. She was like a tail.

‘'Who are the lucky ones then?'' Heidi asked, sarcastically.

‘'I've given this duet to Kurt and my son, Blaine.''

Kurt smiled and Blaine's head shot right up at the mention of his name. Blaine looked at Kurt and happily smiled. Heidi was sitting right next to him and looked from Kurt to Blaine in confusion.

In the first stage of Cantare, both of the songs were group numbers because Heidi was gone. And Blaine was glad participate but he wasn't expecting a duet. He thought his solo days were long gone. And if the duet would be with someone else, he would've declined but since it was Kurt, he would have the chance to sing with him and would have to talk to him.

‘'What are we singing?'' Blaine asked.

‘'I've decided on a very unusual song,'' Elizabeth took some sheets out of her portfolio and went up the stairs to give one to Kurt. ‘'The song is underrated because of its strange style but I think it would be a perfect balance between the classic.''

Kurt was anticipating and read the headlines ‘'If I never see your face again''.

‘'It's a Maroon 5 and Rihanna's song. And I think you boys can handle it,'' she went up to Blaine. ‘'Please, don't let me down on this.''

Before she went away, she shot an apologetic glance to Heidi.

She hoped she didn't make the wrong choice. She did this for Blaine. The duet would give him a chance to talk to Kurt. She has been observing Blaine for the last few days. After he yelled at her. He didn't want to ruin their relationship even more. And as much as she didn't want to support their relationship, Blaine just wouldn't notice her during the day. He would be very cold. And she missed the old days, how she really was a mother to him. Now it was like she was ruining his whole life. So she had to do something to make Kurt forgive him.



‘'What's happening?'' James asked when he entered the house, arriving from work. ‘'Where is everybody?''

‘'Blaine's out with Nick, Heidi's with her friend and Rachel's taking a walk with Finn,'' Elizabeth answered coldly. She felt like their relationship was at a break point. James was barely ever home and sometimes didn't even show up at night's. He was spending his nights somewhere else. She knew he wasn't cheating on her but their marriage was on the rocks. They were barely speaking. And she was pretty sure James had gotten another place.

‘'How's Heidi and Blaine doing?'' James asked, taking off his shoes.

‘'It's not good. We should help them a bit. Blaine's being very distant. Blaine's even not letting her to sleep in his room. She's sleeping in the guest room,'' Elizabeth told her husband.

‘'It's understandable,'' James didn't agree. ‘'We shouldn't push him. This should be his own choice.''

‘'But it was your idea,'' Elizabeth argued. ‘'You're the one who decided upon this. Everything's done. And I've really attached to her through this year and a half. She's basically a family member.''

James wanted to disagree but his phone ringed.

‘'Hello?'' James answered. It was Frank Brown. Heidi's father.

‘'Hi, James. I talked to my daughter today,'' Frank informed. ‘'I didn't know they have problems.''

James sighed. He really didn't want to disappoint Frank. ‘'It's because it's been a while. They've alienated. Heidi was gone for months. Blaine wasn't happy. And now when she's returned, things have just changed.''

‘'We had a deal, James. I want my daughter to be happy. And she's really in love with Blaine,'' Frank was silent for a moment. ‘'Is it true that Blaine's changed his...orientation?''

James didn't know how to answer. ‘'I don't know what to say, Frank. I've been busy with my own work and I can't really tell that I've been a good father lately.''

‘'Well I hope it's not true. Otherwise the deal is ruined. And it's not beneficial for both of us. So, please, talk to your son,'' Frank hung up.

‘'Who was it?'' Elizabeth asked. It didn't look like the conversation was any good. James looked tense.

‘'It was Frank,'' James answered and Elizabeth sighed. ‘'He thinks I should talk to Blaine.''

‘'I agree,'' she stated. ‘'We do. We can't just let his treat Heidi like this. This whole time she's been just fighting and trying to get Blaine's attention. She's a good girl. She doesn't deserve to be played with.''

‘'Elizabeth, we can't force Blaine to love Heidi. Especially if he's already in love. It would be easier if he wouldn't have found someone.''

‘'But that's the point. He just came out of nowhere and basically stole Blaine,'' Elizabeth raised her voice. ‘'Blaine did love Heidi. Before he came around.''

‘'I'm tired of controlling this.''

‘'This is only better for our family. I'm being selfless,'' Elizabeth shouted.

They both turned their heads as they heard the front door open.

Were they fighting? Blaine thought to himself and walked to the kitchen area.

‘'Hey,'' he greeted.

‘'Hi, Blaine,'' both parents said at the same time.

‘'I'm going to a party tomorrow,'' he said, not wanting to linger there for too long.

‘'How long will you be?'' Elizabeth asked.

‘'Don't know,'' Blaine shrugged. ‘'Maybe the whole night. Probably gonna stay at Nick's.''

Elizabeth nodded. She used to worry about him when he went away for parties. When he was a teen, he used to do very bad things at parties to say the least. Sometimes they even ended with police. But that was years ago. Blaine was 21 now. And more mature and trustable.

Blaine slowly looked from his father to Elizabeth and turned to head to his room.

He switched to home clothes and collapsed on the bed. He turned his head and saw the picture with him and Saul.


He had already called Cooper a while ago and informed that he and Kurt were coming. Cooper sounded very excited and eager to meet his brother's first real boyfriend. He saw Blaine very rarely and couldn't hide his enthusiasm that he was finally visiting.

But now, he had to go alone.

And he wouldn't let that happen.

He will get Kurt back. He had to.

The past few days have been torture. He never imagined he'd love someone so much that he would feel this empty ache in his chest every time Kurt was gone. But now it was worse. It felt like he wasn't complete. As weird as that sounded.

He closed his eyes and sighed, bringing his palms to his eyes. He heard a knock on his door and a click as they opened.

He looked to the side and saw his father coming in. Damn. He hasn't seen him in such a long time. He suddenly got so curious to know what's going on. He sat up and his father sat next to him.

‘'How's it going?'' James asked. ‘'With Kurt and everything?''

‘'Truthfully...bad,'' Blaine didn't hide the truth. ‘'He broke up with me.''

‘'Is it my business to know why?''

Blaine chuckled humorlessly. ‘'Heidi. He found out about Heidi. I didn't really get the chance to tell him and now it's just out.''

James face saddened.

‘'And I wasn't even the one who told him. That made it even worse,'' Blaine continued.

‘'Who told him?''

‘'Heidi herself.''

What? ‘'Blaine. I'm so sorry.''

‘'Why is everybody apologizing?'' Blaine snapped. ‘'It's not over. I will get him back. I fucking love him.''

‘'Blaine! Blaine, calm down,'' James was a little frightened. But heartbroken. His son was suffering. And it was his fault. All his fault. ‘'I believe he will forgive you. He's a very nice boy. I liked him a lot.''

Blaine clenched his jaw and scolded himself mentally for snapping again. Kurt was just a very sensitive subject.

‘'I'm sorry I got out of control,'' Blaine said silently. ‘'I just...can't without him.''

James tapped him on the shoulder for a comforting gesture. ‘'I understand, Blaine.''

They sat for a moment of silence until Blaine's father spoke again. ‘'Frenk Brown called me just before you came home.''

Blaine didn't look at his father, keeping his gaze to his hands but his ears peaked up.

‘'He told me we, me and Elizabeth, should talk to you about Heidi,'' he informed. ‘'Apparently, she's unsatisfied. She told how cold you are against her and how you don't pay her any attention.''

Blaine snickered. It's crazy how much Heidi had changed. Not very long ago, she was cool to be around with. Blaine truly liked her. Not in a sexual way but she was awesome. Now, she was selfish and arrogant.

‘'And what are you going to tell me?'' Blaine asked, expecting some lecture about ‘being responsible' or ‘you can play straight just for some bit more time'.

‘'I'm not going to tell you anything,'' James assured. ‘'You're my son. And I love you. I want you to be happy with whoever you choose. It was not right for me to force a relationship on you. I was a very bad parent and now, you can't believe how much I regret doing that to you.''

Blaine just turned and hugged his father, ‘'Thank you.''

When they pulled back, the curiosity got back to Blaine. ‘'What's going on with you and Elizabeth?''

James sighed. His expression told that he didn't want to discuss this subject. But he decided that the time would come sooner or later.

‘'We're having some problems,'' James hesitantly answered. ‘You're an adult, Blaine. You understand that things like these happen.''

‘'Is that why you haven't been home so much?'' Blaine asked and James was glad that Blaine didn't sound too crushed.

‘'Yes. I've purchased an apartment. I've stayed there for the past few weeks,'' James told. ‘'I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. You can come visit whenever you like.''

Blaine nodded and James got up, taking a little piece of paper and a pen, scribbling down he address. He handed the paper to Blaine and smiled at him.

‘'Goodnight, son.''


When his father exited the room, he placed the piece of paper down on the nightstand and lay down back on his bed. He placed his hands behind his head and stared up the ceiling.

How had things fucked up all of a sudden?

Kurt's not with him.

His parents are divorcing.

Heidi is being obnoxious as fuck.

God, he wanted to make everything back to normal. And tomorrow would be the first day. He would figure something out. There was the party. And he had the time before that to go to his father's place to look around.

Sounded like a plan. No. More like an idea.

His phone buzzed on the nightstand.

From Nick:

C U Tomorrow at my place. It's a pool party.


The next day, Kurt slept in, made some scrambled eggs for him and Tina and afterwards decided to take a bath.

His first bath was basically just after he moved in and he'd liked it ever since. That's his obsession. And it showed. The shower caddy even didn't have enough space to place all of the things he had. Poor Tina. But their apartment had only one bathroom so there was just no other option.

He loved taking baths. It calmed him down. And now calming down was much needed. He'd never been to an actual adult party. Really, the only place he'd been with actual alcohol was when he, Blaine, Jeff and Nick went to the bar. But that wasn't a party. It was a mourning of Traitor Amy.

Now it was a party.

And even worse...a pool party.

He had gone to the beach several times. While he still was in the orphanage and after. And it was nice.

But now it was a pool. He had been to a pool once. That time Blaine set up their part of the date there. It was wonderful.

But that was around Blaine. Blaine only.

Now it was him and the Cantare people.

He couldn't deny he was nervous but at least Jeff, Nick and Tina would be there. That was a help.

And Blaine would be there, too.

Kurt sighed, closing his eyes and sliding into the bubble full bathtub even more. Gosh, these passed couple days have been torture.

But he didn't know what to do. He wanted to get back together but it was hard. Hard enough with the fact Blaine wasn't honest but even harder when his fiancé was always around. She seemed very clingy to Kurt. And as much as he or Blaine would want to talk to each other, Heidi would always be in the middle. Obviously very protective of her man.

The statement made shivers go down Kurt's spine. He didn't want to think about what Heidi did at home if she was so touchy in public.

But he didn't blame her.

Blaine was handsome, hot as hell and amazing. Smart, kind, gentle and strong. Just perfect.

Kurt shook his heads, trying to get the thoughts out of his head. Blaine wasn't his and he wasn't Blaine's.

Besides, he didn't even know if Blaine still wanted to get back together. After Kurt said he forgave him, they haven't really talked.

Just thinking. Over and over.

He believed Blaine, though. It was probably a very hard thing to say to your boyfriend. ‘hey, yeah, well, I have a fiancé'. And it wasn't even that long that Heidi's been home. Blaine had to gather his courage to tell him that. And he also believed he wasn't cheating on him. It just didn't seem that Blaine was very happy when Heidi was around. Yes, it could be just acting so Kurt doesn't suspect anything but he believed Blaine didn't lie about being gay.

Just stop. Stop thinking about Blaine and get ready. Kurt scolded himself.

Oh, god. A new problem. What to wear?

Swimwear, obviously. But still. He had to choose some pool wear, too.

He quickly got out of the tub and dried himself off.

He pulled on his robe and headed to his room but noticed a familiar face in the living room.

‘'Alex?'' Kurt asked happily, seeing his friend.

Yes, Kurt has been lonely. And yes, he knew that Alex was gay. And yes, Alex liked him, he knew. But that didn't mean he would have a new boyfriend any time soon.

They spent a lot more time together since before he was always busy, spending time with Blaine. Now, he could enjoy being with his roommates and friends. Mostly watching Disney movies and goofing around but who cared, right?

They were friends. And Kurt would've loved for Alex to come because Jeff and Nick didn't deny any additional guests but Alex was busy with word sadly.

Alex smiled a very charming smile and got up to hug Kurt.

‘'What are you doing here? Today's the party.''

‘'I know. Just that I'm going away for like, a week or so tomorrow evening so I was here to say goodbye just in case if you will, you know, party too hard,'' Alex winked and Kurt giggled.

‘'It's actually good that you're going. Won't be lonely at least,'' Kurt said. ‘'The second stage is in a few days. We have to go to Florida in three days.''

‘'Oh, okay. I wish you luck.''

‘'A bit early, don't ya think,'' Kurt poked his playfully. ‘'Hey, do you mind to help me?''

Alex shrugged, ‘'I have time.''

‘'Okay. Come,'' Kurt wiggled his finger for Alex to follow him to his bedroom. ‘'Sit!'' he instructed and Alex did just so.

Kurt went into his walk in closet and came out with two hangers, one in each hand, two pairs of swim trunks.

‘'Which one?'' Kurt asked, poking out his tongue.

Alex observed both options for a moment and gestured to the right one. ‘'I vote for the turqoise-ish color. It suits your pretty blue eyes.''

Kurt blushed a little and nodded, hurrying back into the closet.

‘'What should I wear to the party itself? Like, I'm not walking around in swim shorts, ya know?'' Kurt shouted, looking over the hangers and shelves with neatly folded clothes.

‘'Don't over-do your outfit, Kurt. Just go with a white button up or t-shirt and shorts. I heard it will be pretty how this evening.''

Kurt grabbed a white, round neck t-shirt and grey, simple shorts. He went to show them to Alex.

‘'Wow, I'm fascinated you own stuff like that,'' Alex teased. ‘'So simple.''

Kurt narrowed his eyes and poked his tongue. Alex laughed and Kurt went back in the closed.

‘'I suggest you to take the other swim trunks as well and some extra underwear. Believe me. Accidents happen,'' Alex said, leaning back on his hands in Kurt's bed. ‘'Not all the time but happen.''



Unlike Kurt, Blaine woke up earlier than he was used to. He couldn't sleep the whole night. The problems in their family just weren't doing him any good.

As much as he didn't like Elizabeth's demeanor right now, he didn't want them to divorce. He hoped they just needed a little break from each other. Blaine didn't even want to imagine what Rachel was going through.

When he woke, he took a shower, washed his teeth and dressed. He gathered all the things necessary like keys, phone and swim shorts in a black holdall bag.

His family was still asleep so he silently went to his sister's room. When he opened the door,  he smiled at Rachel's calm face. He came up to her and kissed her forehead.

‘'Blaine?'' Rachel murmured sleepily.

‘'Shh,'' Blaine caressed her hair.

‘'What are you doing? Why are you up so early? Is it early? God, I'm tired,'' she mumbled but couldn't keep her eyes open.

‘'Yes, it's early. Sorry to wake you,'' Blaine straightened, getting ready to go.

‘'Ok. I'm gonna go back to sleep. It's a big night tonight,'' she hummed then and turned to her side.

‘'What do you mean ‘big night'? You haven't recovered yet.''

‘'I'm going to Nick and Jeff's party. I'm a part of Cantare too, you know. Besides, I asked Finn to watch over me.''

Blaine smiled. ‘'Okay,'' he slowly exited the door.

By the time he was at the address his father gave him, it was 7 am. His father would usually be up by that time so Blaine didn't worry waking anybody.

And he was pretty amazed by the beautiful apartments. They were like little summer houses all around a big pool. The apartments guaranteed privacy and Blaine liked that.

He came up to the door written on the paper and knocked. Blaine wasn't wrong. James really wasn't asleep.

‘'Oh, hey, son,'' James greeted, still suffering with his tie. ‘'I didn't expect you to come this soon. Come in!''

‘'Are you leaving so early?'' Blaine asked.

‘'Yeah. The place I have my meeting at is very far so I have to go earlier than usual,'' James explained.

Blaine came in and looked around. This was a very neat place for an apartment.

To his right was a small, convenient kitchen and to his left, a dining table. On the diagonal to the right was the living room.

Everything was very modern and Blaine liked it there. It almost felt like his father was living in a one floor, small villa.

‘'Seriously, Blaine. You almost missed me. I was about to head out.''

‘'Oh, don't worry. You can go. Don't let me miss work,'' Blaine said.

‘'Okay. You can stay if you want. I wanted to give you keys anyway, so there you go,'' James handed him the extra keys to the apartment and picked up his portfolio. ‘'You make yourself at home.''

He patted his son on the shoulder, said ‘goodbye' and headed out.

Blaine took a little tour around and smiled to himself that he saw a bedroom for him. But didn't know if it actually made him happy. Did it mean he and Elizabeth were breaking up and he was having his own room so he can stay some nights here? He for sure hoped not.

He didn't really know what to do until the evening so went on his phone, searching for the duet song's lyrics so he can learn them. He texted Jeff if he could come early and got an approving message back.


Nick agreed to pick Tina and Kurt up and they volunteered to help set everything up just so they could head there earlier.

And wow. Just wow. Nick's house was amazing. Maybe it wasn't so expensive and modern as Blaine's but not any less gorgeous.

It was like a big cottage by the sea. Why did he need a pool right next to the beach, who knows.

It was made from wood, painted white. A grey roof and a terrace all around it. Trees, bushes and flowers all around. It was very beautiful. And the next house wasn't too close. It was pretty far, making the house a little more private.



About an hour went by until everything was set up. There wasn't really that much to prepare. It was quicker than expected.

Kurt agreed on making the food, Tina the drinks while Jeff and Nick decorated.

‘'This is a pretty big party, isn't it?'' Tina asked loudly so the boys could hear.

‘'Yeah,'' Jeff shouted back. ‘'Some people are bringing people too.''

‘'I thought that wasn't allowed,'' Kurt said confused. ‘'Only Cantare people.''

‘'They aren't bringing a lot of people. Only, like, best friends, siblings or boyfriends and girlfriends.''

‘'Oh,'' Kurt nodded.

He was so happy he got to choose what he could make. He decided on making sugar cookies. But that wasn't it. He also made icing and shaped the cookies like little slippers, adding the straps with the icing. Some cookies shaped like circles, coloring them as beach balls, and his personal favourites, the flamingo cookies.

He also chopped a lot of fruits, making fun pictures on the plates, like palm trees, dolphins and butterflies.

‘'Okay, I think the house and the back yard is about done. I will go get some people,'' Jeff said and waved goodbye.



It had started.

Basically, the whole house was loaded but the people had pretty stong character, not drinking the alcohol right away.

Apparently, there was a tradition, that the Cantare parties start with a toast. With champagne. And then they get to cocktails and beer.

And there was Blaine. Handsome as always. He arrived earlier then everybody else. And Kurt just couldn't tear his eyes away from him. And so couldn't Blaine.

Now, they were standing around a small, round table, each person holding a glass of champagne, everyone just craving to start drinking.

And of course, Blaine and Kurt standing opposite each other.

‘'To those who have seen us at our best and at our worst. And can't tell the difference,'' Jeff told the toast, raising the glass and everyone cheered.

Kurt giggles at the silliness and drank. It was good.

‘'Here's to the nights we'll never remember, with friends we'll never forget,'' Nick told the other toast and it seemed like everyone started to say a toast who wanted.

And there were lots of silly ones.

‘'May we be in heaven half an hour before the devil finds out we're dead.''

‘'May all of your ups and downs be between the sheets!''

‘'Cheers to you, cheers to me. Pray after these shots, we'll be on our feet!''

Seemed like from the toast alone, the company was tipsy already. And everything had just begun.

The boys were setting up a drinking ping pong table and getting drinks for the cups.

Kurt didn't drink as much as the others, skipping a few glasses of champagne then the others.

He decided to head into the pool with Tina.

Yeah, it was really sad he had to go. Cantare had a great, great company with great people. Even those who other's brought, were friendly and seemed to already know one another.

There were very few people in the pool and Blaine just stood a few feet away from the pool, watching as Kurt gracefully swam through it. On his back, with his eyes closed. Yes, maybe it did ping a little that he was shirtless but he couldn't go in a pool without a shirt. How could some boys not be jealous of their girls who wore just bra's around all the other men, Blaine didn't understand. But Kurt wasn't his.

‘'Hi, Blaine,'' he heard a cheerful girl's voice from behind him.


Kurt was sitting on the pool's side with Jeff, both watching their crushes.

‘'Is still everything in rocks with Blaine?'' Jeff asked.

Kurt sadly nodded. ‘'How about you and Nick?''

Jeff shrugged. ‘'Everything's back as it was. He still doesn't know I like him. But I'm at least happy we're normal friends again.''

‘'Are you okay?'' Kurt still wanted to make sure.

‘'I'm...getting over him. Slowly, but am,'' Jeff said. ‘'Enough with the sad stuff. I'm going to bring you something.''

‘'Flamingo cookie, please,'' Kurt asked and Jeff nodded, giggling.

Kurt returned his attention back to Blaine and now, a girl was talking to him. Really? Even Cantare people? Didn't the everyone in the choir know Blaine was gay?

Kurt frowned. That was probably a girl someone brought.

‘'What's with the sour face?'' Kurt jumped as someone sat next to him.

It was a cute boy with short, blonde curly hair and blue eyes.

‘'Nothing,'' Kurt shrugged.

‘'Aww, don't be sad. This was supposed to lift your mood before Florida,'' he took a bite from Kurt's slipper cookie, making Kurt giggle.

‘'That's better,'' the guy smiled.

‘'I've never seen you in Cantare,'' Kurt said.

‘'Oh, I am not in Cantare,'' the boy shook his head and pointed to a girl very similar to him. ‘'My sister, Jane, took me here.''

Oh. He knew Jane.

‘'I'm a studying. Surfing in my free time.''

Kurt smiled. That's what I guessed.

‘'Hey, who is this?'' Jeff asked, sitting on the other side of Kurt.

‘'This is...'' Kurt didn't know.

‘'I'm Den. Jane's brother,'' Den said.

‘'Ahhh,'' Jeff hummed. ‘'Jane's a nice girl. Here's your cookie, Kurt.'' He handed him the pink cookie.

‘'Wait, you're Kurt,'' Den asked and Kurt nodded. ‘'Man, these cookies are amazing. Really good.''

Kurt smiled. ‘'Thanks.''

‘'You probably want a drink with that, don't you?'' Den asked and Kurt only grinned. Den got up to get a drink.

‘'Wow, Kurt. You're like sugar to the flies. You being the sugar and guys being the flies.''

Kurt playfully slapped him, smiling. ‘'Not true. He just wanted to make my mood better.''

‘'Mhmmm,'' Jeff narrowed his eyes.



Den went to the table and got confused. He didn't really know what to get Kurt. But decided to not get him anything strong ‘cause he looked so delicate.

So he didn't grab the vodka bottle but instead-

Before he could grip anything he was dragged to the edge of the building and pushed against the wall, a hand covering his mouth.

Blaine? Den scrunched his eyebrows in bewilderment.

‘'Now listen. I know there's rumors going around about bunch kind of shit but you got to keep your hands away from Kurt if you don't want to get all of your knuckles broken,'' Blaine growled silently so no one could hear.

Den was being quiet in shock. He didn't really know if he should move or make a sound. Blaine's glare on him was intense as hell.

‘'Kurt is mine,'' Blaine growled louder. ‘'You got that?''

Den nodded the hand still clutched at his mouth.

‘'I'm not gay,'' Den said after a moment, when the palm was removed.

‘'Yeah, right.''

‘'I swear, I'm not.''

‘'Well, if you wouldn't be gay then you would molest some girl who's boobs are hanging over her bra ‘cause there's lots of those.''

Den nodded.



‘'Rachel?'' Kurt asked excitedly, getting up to hug her carefully.

Rachel was the last to arrive because she would never give the gardener a free day. He had to work.

She had to admit, it was a little uncomfortable to walk with crutched. Both, mentally and physically.

Rachel smiled but couldn't return the embrace.

‘'Gosh, I haven't seen you in so long. I didn't know you were coming.''

‘'Oh, I asked Finn to take me,'' Rachel told. ‘'Blaine didn't really want to agree but I'm a big girl.''

Kurt narrowed his eyes and grinned. There was definitely something with Rachel and Finn going on.

Rachel giggled. ‘'Could you, please, just stop staring at me like that and bring me something?''

Kurt nodded and went up to the tables.

While he was searching around the table, he saw Blaine approaching with the corner of his eye.


‘'Hi,'' Kurt greeted back but didn't look up from the table.

‘'How's it going?'' Blaine asked and drank from his red cup.

‘'Good. Though, I wonder where Den went,'' Kurt stopped to look around the back yard, trying to spot the guy.

‘'The blonde dude? He left,'' or maybe I forced him out.

‘'Oh, sad.''

‘'Who was that? A new admirer?''

Kurt blushed but kept his face serious. ‘'No. He was just complimenting me on the cookies and offered me a drink.''

Blaine's eyes widened. ‘'Those are your cookies? How didn't I think of that...'' Kurt smirked. ‘'And I can give you something to drink.''

‘'And who was that you were talking to, huh?'' Kurt quickened an eyebrow.

Yes, as much as Kurt hated to admit it, he still glared at Blaine time to time. And he was talking to a girl. He doesn't want to be jealous but he can't help that.

Blaine only grinned. Jealous Kurt was cute.

‘'No worries. Just a friend of Heidi.''

Kurt turned, finally facing him. ‘'Okay. I'll be over there with Rachel.''

Blaine blinked his eyes as a ‘ok'.


‘'Here. I got you a mojito,'' Kurt handed Rachel a glass. While he was at a table, she had found an outdoor bench to sit on so her hands would be free.

‘'Thank you,'' Rachel accepted the drink. ‘'What are you drinking?''

‘'Your brother's bringing me something.''

Rachel smiled and sipped.

‘'Don't. Everything's the same,'' Kurt clarified.

‘'But why?'' Rachel pouted. ‘'You're so perfect together. Just amazing. Right Jeff?''


Kurt turned his head and found Jeff standing next to him. When did he get there?

‘'Hi, Finn,'' Kurt greeted when he came up.

‘'Hey ,Kurt! Nice to see you again,'' Finn greeted back. ‘'Rachel, I don't know if you should drink...''

‘'Finn, relax. I'm here to have a good time. And I won't drink much. I promise. Don't want to break the other leg too.''

‘'When will it be done healing?'' Jeff asked.

Rachel sighed. ‘'There's bad news guys. I can't make it to Florida because of it. I can't go with a broken leg. It still has to heal for a few weeks,'' everyone pouted. ‘'If only I would've broken it sooner.''

‘'Hey, sis,'' Blaine came up, kissing her cheek. Then he turned and shook hands with Finn.

‘'Here's your drink,'' he handed Kurt a glass. ‘'It's called Apple Jack.''

‘'What's in it?''

‘'Apple juice with Jack Daniels. And I added ice,'' Blaine explained while Kurt took a sip.

‘'This is quite nice,'' Kurt complimented and Blaine smiled.

‘'It's karaoke time!'' Nick called, standing on the tetrace. He was a little more drunk then all of the other friends but let him be. Have fun. This was his party.

‘'Anyone to volunteer?''

A girl raised her hand.

‘'Okay, come on up.''

It was the first performance and everyone was excited to hear how Cantare people sounded when they were woozy and drunk.

But it probably wasn't a Cantare girl. Her voice got so high pitched and wrong in all the notes, singing Adele's Someone Like You.

Rachel, Finn, Jeff, Kurt and Blaine really didn't want to make fun of anybody but they were too dizzy to think about anything but having a good time.

‘'Okay. That was...great,'' Nick was at a loss of words. ‘'Who's next?''

No one raised a hand and Nick just observed the audience, looking for someone.

‘'Blaine Anderson. May the soloist give us a good ol' song?''

Blaine grinned and shook his head at the ridiculousness. Didn't they hear enough of him singing? He finally had managed to somewhat talk to Kurt and now this just had to happen. At least, let him get a good song...


Blaine smirked to himself at the luck of song.

Today is gonna be the day that theyre gonna throw it back to you
By now you shouldve somehow we realized what you gotta do
I dont believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now

Back beat, the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out
Im sure youve heard it all before but you never really had a doubt
I dont believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now

And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you
But I dont know how

Because maybe
Youre gonna be the one that saves me
And after all
Youre my wonderwall

Today was gonna be the day but theyll never throw it back to you
By now you shoulda somehow we realized what youre not to do
I dont believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now

And all the roads that lead you there were winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you
But I dont know how

I said maybe
Youre gonna be the one that saves me
And after all
Youre my wonderwall

Every time he sang the chorus, he couldn't help but look at Kurt. And he thanked himself for not drinking as much as he could've. ‘Cause he was sure he would've just embarrassed himself and sang just like the girl.

The people cheered and clapped. ‘'Thank you.''

Before Blaine could return to his friends he heard yelling and stuff breaking from the other side of the house. Everyone got silent.

And he recognized the voice.

No fucking way.

‘'I know she's here. She's not at home,'' the voice came closer and closer.

Edward came from around the corner, dizzy, looking around. ‘'Aha. There you are, princess.''

He pointed towards Rachel and wiggly headed her way.

Chills ran through Rachel's body. She hasn't seen him in so long. She really hoped she could never see him again. As if that was possible.

‘'Do you think you can get away so easily?'' he snickered. ‘'No!''

‘'What are you doing here? How did you even get here?'' Rachel asked silently.

‘'I was waiting until you will crawl back to me, darling. But I guess after all this time that I've been waiting, I have to come to take you.''

He reached for Rachel. ‘'Hey!'' Finn warned, stepping in front of her. ‘'Don't touch her!''

Edward laughed. ‘'Who's this? Your new boyfriend?'' his smile disappeared and he crashed forward. ‘'You slut.''

Rachel gasped and Kurt took her from the bench, helping her get into the house.

‘'Don't go! W-we need to talk!'' he looked after her, Finn holding him by his arm so he doesn't go after them.

‘'You sloth, let go of me!'' Edward turned out from his grip and landed a punch on Finn's face, making him stumble backwards.

He was suddenly pulled backwards, twisted and punched hard.

‘'Blaine, don't get involved unless you want trouble!'' Ed warned, holding his hand to his swelling cheek.



Kurt took Rachel inside and sat her down on one of the counter stools.

She sobbed and Kurt tried to comfort her. ‘'It's okay. Everything's going to be fine.''

‘'Why is he even doing this? I don't understand?'' she sobbed again but didn't cry. ‘'Every time I want something good, it fails.''

‘'That's not true-‘'

‘'Finn!'' Rachel cried out when he came into the room with a bleeding lip and tried to get up, only whining from pain.

‘'It's okay. I'm fine. Really. It's just a scratch,'' Finn tried to soothe.

‘'Do you need help? Maybe we should ask Nick where are the supplies?'' she still worried.

‘'No. That's not necessary. I'm going to be okay.''

‘'I'm sorry, Kurt but we're gonna go,'' Rachel said and carefully stood up with her crutches.

‘'It's okay,'' Kurt shrugged. He understood. ‘'Where's Blaine?''

‘'In the guest bedroom's bathroom. He got...a few punches but kicked him out,'' Finn told and Kurt gulped.

‘'Is he alright?'' Rachel asked.

‘'Yeah. Nothing too serious.''

They said goodbyes and as soon as Kurt watched the car leave he hurried to the guest bedroom.

The door was closed so he knocked.

‘'I'm fine, Finn,'' came Blaine's voice from the inside.

Kurt opened the door and saw Blaine standing next to the bed, shirtless.

‘'I said I'm-‘' he cut himself off when he turned and saw Kurt. ‘'Oh, hi.''

Kurt swallowed and didn't say anything.

‘'Come in.''

Kurt closed the door behind him and slowly approached Blaine.

Kurt sighed sadly when he saw the bruising on Blaine's face and upper chest.

‘'I'm going to get some ice,'' Kurt said, slightly pointing to the door. He didn't really know what to do with bruises like that. They didn't need stitches or any kind of treatment but he still had a feeling he should do something.

When he returned, Blaine was sitting on the bed and tapped the spot next to him for Kurt to sit.

Kurt sat down and cautiously placed the ice bag on Blaine's shoulder.

‘'Does it hurt?'' Kurt asked, looking at his hands, trying so hard not to look anywhere else.

Blaine shook his head.

‘'How did he get here?'' Kurt asked. It felt really awkward so he tried to get some conversation.

‘'I don't know,'' Blaine shrugged. ‘'Maybe by taxi, maybe with a friend. Who knows.''

They sat there for a silence. Occasionally, Kurt let his gaze travel to Blaine's eyes, only blushing and looking away when he saw that Blaine caught him. And sometimes even letting himself stare at Blaine's toned torso.

Blaine brought his hand up and caressed from Kurt elbow to his wrist. Kurt's arm tingled from the gentle touch and he looked in Blaine's eyes.

Blaine smiled and took the ice pack from him.

Kurt just couldn't take it. He surged forward and crushed their mouths together.

Blaine tossed the ice pack away and immediately responded, gliding his hands up Kurt's face.

Kurt's hand trailed from where the ice pack was downwards, making Blaine shiver from the cool palm, him other hand finding his way to Blaine's hair.

Blaine leaned them down and deepened the kiss. Oh, god he's missed this. Until now, he didn't even notice. How the hell did he even live these weeks?

Kurt moaned into the kiss when he felt Blaine half hard against him and scratched at Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine took the gesture as a not to stop so he got on his knees to get better access to Kurt. He pulled back and quickly took his white t-shirt off, reconnecting their lips right after.

Their kisses were so hot and full of hunger. Hunger for each other.

Kurt was glad it was still summer and the clothes were so easy to remove. He untied the strings on Blaine's beach shorts, wiggling them off.

Blaine stood up, taking the shorts of completely and getting back to Kurt, removing his shorts also.

Kurt was so hard already it was almost painful. He hasn't wanted anybody so badly before. He felt as if Blaine didn't touch him now, he could die.

Kurt moaned when Blaine trailed kissed down Kurt's cheeks and jaw, trying to catch his breath.

Kurt whined and Blaine got up to get lube from the nightstand drawer. Don't ask him why he knew it was there.

He removed his underwear and stood in front of Kurt. Kurt was breathless. He was whining and clutching his hands in the sheets. He could feel drips of sweat on his forehead.


And Blaine immediately was there removing Kurt's underwear. Today he didn't need any pleading. ‘Cause if Kurt is going to make those sound and beg, he is not going to last.

And he just never could get tired of seeing Kurt naked. So gorgeous and only his. He knew it.

He lubed up his fingers and pressed them at Kurt's entrance, pushing in one slowly.

Kurt groaned. ‘'Two.''

Blaine still didn't want to do this too quickly. He didn't want Kurt in pain.

After a moment he added the second finger and later the third. He could've added the fourth too but Kurt was begging and trashing around and it was making Blaine go insane.

He placed his hands on both sides of Kurt's head and lined his cock at Kurt's entrance.

Kurt's hands flew right underneath his shoulder blades, digging his nails into the flesh. If Kurt only knew how much that little action turned Blaine on.

‘'Please, please Blaine,'' Kurt pleaded, starting into Blaine's eyes with pure lust.

Blaine pressed in slowly and moaned loudly. Kurt was amazing. So tight and hot. Perfect. Almost too perfect.

When he was fully in, he stilled, trying not to lose control and let Kurt get used to it.

‘'Blaine, move, please, move!''

Kurt's nails dug into his skin even more and he didn't need any more convincing.



‘'Has anyone seen Nick?'' Jeff asked, slowly going through the crowd. It was pretty late and almost everyone had already gotten home.

‘'I really just want to sleep. Asshole told me I could spend the night, now disappears,'' he mumbled to himself and just went inside.

He went to Nick's bedroom and changed into his pj's that he took with him. He lay on the bed and heard the shower go off in the bathroom. How didn't I notice it was on?

Jeff was waiting patiently until someone came out.

He gasped silently when it was Nick, only a towel wrapped around him.

‘'Jeff?'' Nick asked, scrunching his eyes. He was drunk.

‘'Nick...'' Jeff felt like he couldn't speak. ‘'I-I just wanted to go to bed. I thought I could sleep here but I can find somewhere else. On the living room c-couch...''

While he was talking, Nick came to the bed and lay on the other side.

‘'You can stay,'' Nick said.

Jeff stared at him until Nick leaned in and kissed him.



They didn't even notice how long it lasted.

But they were so hungry that it didn't matter.

Blaine had the best orgasm he's ever had. Maybe it was because it had been long. Ever since Kurt broke up with him, he didn't dare to sleep with anybody else. It still felt like cheating. And finally things were going up.

Kurt was fascinated. It was incredible and he was speechless. He had so many questions still but now wasn't the right time and he didn't even know if Blaine would have any answers.

After they cleaned themselves up, Kurt rolled himself to Blaine's side, resting his head on his chest. He was careful, seeing if Blaine wouldn't flinch or hiss but when he didn't he tried to sleep.

Soon, Blaine's breathing calmed until he was sure he was asleep. The whole time Kurt was just staring at the wall ahead of him.


‘'I love you too, Blaine,'' Kurt whispered and caressed down Blaine's chest.


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