Chasing Heaven
Chapter 16 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Chasing Heaven: Chapter 16

E - Words: 5,728 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 31/? - Created: Apr 23, 2014 - Updated: Apr 23, 2014
194 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I'm so, so, so, so grateful for all the feedback.

I seriously love you all.

Reviews really are something that just helps me keep going and speed up my writing.


Thank you all. I would share my cake I baked with you.

Song used:

Fox Stevenson - All this time

Chapter 16

As Alex received the texts from Jeff, he immediately felt worried. He hated when people had a bad moor or were suffering. So he dropped all of his work, which was editing and sort photos for a local magazine. He didn't really have a working schedule, he just had to get things done until a specific time. And he could finish this the next day. Or even the day after that.

He quickly got up and searched for his brown leather crossover bag. He grabbed his essentials and headed out. And grinned to himself and he remembered he had some leftover donuts from earlier. He grabbed those and headed out, locking his door.

As he hurried down the streets he could only be thankful he saved some donuts. He looked around at all the dark buildings, all the lights already lit off. The only light source was from the lighted signs and a few lanterns by the sidewalk.

He always chose to walk by foot. He enjoyed looking around his surroundings. He could always see something new and could use it as material. And as each time, something caught his eye.


He saw the man collapsed on the street, shaking and whimpering. Even if he couldn't see his face, he could tell it was Kurt. His pretty, perfectly coiffed brown hair, the slim body and unique sense of fashion.

He immediately ran up to him, caressing down his back.

‘'Oh, god. What will I do with you?'' he whispered to himself. Kurt was to confused and lost in his own thoughts he probably couldn't even understand what was happening.

But he felt the warm hand and looked up. Seeing a friendly face, he sobbed and crashed into his arms, soaking Alex's thin jacket.

Alex sighed in concern and hooked his hand around Kurt's shoulders to help him up. And that was a very hard task. Kurt was so unresponsive. He was like jello and couldn't stand on his own feet. Alex cursed at his lack of exercise and his natural slimness but was surprised and thankful at how light Kurt was.

And so he carried on, down the sidewalk. A Kurt hooked on one of his arms, a donut box in the other.



Rachel was in paradise.

She was amazed how lucky she actually is.

Finn only left recently and she smiled to herself. Maybe the gardener wasn't that bad.

She slightly sat up and closed the book, placing in on the nightstand, taking a mug of delicious herbal tea that made her feel a lot better.

It was like Finn was taking care of everything. She only had a broken leg that was almost done healing but the guy was always checking if she wasn't cold or hot, checking if it was enough air in the room, if she was hungry, if she was comfortable, if she was bored.

And her heart just fluttered. The presence of the boy made butterflies play in her stomach.

And she tried to focus on the positive things because the situation at their home wasn't the best; dad was home rarely, mom was fighting with Blaine, causing Rachel to see her brother rarely as well. And Heidi was back. They used to be good friends. Very good friends. They had a lot in common. But now, as they chatted, Rachel couldn't deny that something had changed. She doesn't know if it's her or her brother that's making the atmosphere a lot different that it was a few months ago.

But she couldn't deny it was probably the fact that she shouldn't get used to seeing her around. She knew Blaine wouldn't choose her and she would be gone sooner or later.

Speaking of the brother.

‘'Blaine?'' Rachel worriedly questioned, placing the tea mug back on the table and sitting up even more.

It was definitely her brother by the door but he looked...bad.

His hair was all messed up, his shirt dirty and wrinkled, his face red and eyes small and sad.

Blaine remained silent and he slowly dragged his feet until he reached her bed. He fell in it by Rachel's feet, causing it to bounce a little.

He twirled his fingers together and looked at the ceiling. ‘'I ruined it, Rachel.''

Rachel wanted to ask the ‘what?' but it was obvious. Heidi couldn't be hidden a secret for long.

‘'How?'' she asked instead.

‘'It wasn't Nick. I was with him. It wasn't Jeff or Tina ‘cause they weren't there,'' Blaine said. ‘'I guess it was her herself.''

Rachel slightly shook her head. Home wrecker.

‘'I'm so sorry, Blaine,'' she said with worried eyebrows.

Suddenly Blaine got up from the bed swiftly turned to her. ‘'There's nothing to be sorry for,'' he yelled. ‘'It's not over. It's not. I'm not...I'm not letting Kurt go.''

Rachel flinched at the sudden change of mood and a tear streaked down her face. Not because she was yelled at for the first time but because the pain her brother was going through. It reminded her of the time just before Blaine came out. When he still went in school. He yelled so often. At mom. At dad. At himself. But never at her.

This was his first real relationship. And yet, it was being threatened and damaged not even two months after it started.

‘'Damn it!'' he shouted and knocked down the vase of flowers on the table by Rachel's door. He sighed loudly and paced around. He turned to his sister, ‘'Sorry,'' and left the room.


‘'I'm scared, Jeff. Maybe we should call the police?'' Tina asked.

They got home right after texting Alex and decided to just wait for them. At least one of them.

‘'No. There's no need. I'm sure they will talk it out...or won't but...he'll get home when he'll be ready. And I know it'll be soon because he really has nowhere else to go. And I'm sure he's responsible enough to at least call us,'' Jeff guessed.

They hears the door open without no warning.

‘'Kurt!'' Tina burst up from the couch to help Alex carry Kurt while Jeff set up the couch into a bed. He quickly placed some pillows and Alex placed him down.

Kurt wasn't asleep but wasn't awake either. It was like a drunk person. He just was in a condition where help was needed desperately.

Alex went to the other room to search for a blanket while Jeff and Tine hugged and caressed him.

‘'Kurt...oh my god. What if something happened to you?'' she worried.

‘'I'm fine,'' Kurt mumbled and slowly opened his eyes that didn't want to open at all. They were sore, puffy and red, and were desperate for sleep.

‘'Kurt, what happened?'' Jeff asked, running his hand through Kurt's locks.

‘'I don't want to talk about it,'' Kurt murmured and sobbed.

‘'Okay,'' Tina sighed.

‘'It's late,'' Alex stated. ‘'I should...-‘'

‘'No!'' Kurt cried out and sat up. ‘'Please, stay. I-I don't want you to go.''

He sobbed again and Alex furrowed his brows, kneeling in front of Kurt. ‘'I won't. I'll stay if you want.''

‘'Please, please,'' Kurt started to cry again. ''Please don't leave.''

Alex wrapped his arms around Kurt in a strong embrace.

Tina didn't know what to think. Her first impression about the guy was good, though. He saved Kurt from being miserable and it was visible that Kurt was attached to him. And if Kurt liked him, Tina will probably too because she liked Jeff and Nick, and she liked Blaine.

‘'Do you want me to carry you to your room?'' Alex whispered in Kurt's ear.

‘'No. I'll just stay here,'' Kurt shook his head. ‘'Sleep next to me.''

Alex chuckled and hummed.

‘'Jeff, you can sleep in my bed,'' Kurt allowed. ‘'If you want to stay of course.''

‘'Yes. Yeah, Kurt I won't leave,'' soothed. ‘'I'll stay and we'll talk tomorrow if you'll want.''

Kurt nodded and yawned. He fell back on his pillow and sighed.

All the friends looked at each other, silently agreeing to leave it as it was and just go to sleep.



‘'Blaine, I'm home!'' Heidi called out as she walked down the hallway to Blaine's room.

She opened his door and saw Blaine casually sitting on the edge of his bed.

‘'I know I left earlier than you, I just...uhh...took a walk. Yeah, I took a walk to...look around. Gosh, I've missed this place,'' she shrugged but frowned at Blaine's lack of attention.

‘'Why?'' Blaine asked, still not looking at her.

‘'Why, what?''

‘'Why the hell would you tell him?'' Blaine said a lot louder and stormed towards the girl.

‘'I-I just thought he should know,'' Heidi explained. ‘'I think that a clinger should know when to detach.''

Blaine snickered with no humor. ‘'So you admit you did it, huh?''

Heidi's face fell. ‘'Blaine, we're engaged. We have to get rid of your beau's. ‘Cause I'm back.''

‘'You didn't have the right. You had to let me tell him.''

‘'What's out is out,'' she shrugged and smiled.

‘'You think that if you tell him I'll run back to you?'' Blaine smirked.

Heidi's smile slowly faded and she stood silent. ‘'Blaine...''

‘'I don't love you,'' Blaine told her, looking right in the eyes. ‘'Please, understand.''

‘'I don't believe love can just fade like that. In just a few months,'' she felt her eyes get wet. ‘'I love you, Blaine. And I did nothing wrong. Nothing to make you stop loving me.''

Now it was Blaine to stay silent. She was right. She was amazing when she was here. Even if Blaine was faking the love for her, she was a good person.

‘' know that I can't work with your mother forever. I have to make a career of my own. And going to Australia was the start.''

‘'I just don't love you anymore, Heidi. That's just it,'' Blaine said firmly. He didn't want to hurt her but right now, he couldn't care. His own heart was cracked. He might as well crack someone else's.

‘'And you love face...''

‘'Don't you dare call him that!'' Blaine snapped.

‘'You do, don't you...?'' Heidi sighed. ‘'Why is he better than me, huh? Why?''

‘'He has a great ass. And a beautiful cock,'' Blaine snickered.

Heidi rolled her eyes.

‘'I just don't find boobs very appealing. Sorry, Heidi.''

‘'So you're choosing that prick over me?''

‘'That's it, Heidi. I don't want you here. From now on, you'll sleep in the guest bedroom. I just can't have you living in the same room as me.''

Heidi swallowed thickly, her insides boiling in rage. ‘'This is not over, Blaine. I'll fight for you. I'll turn your mind back to normal. I'll have you. You're mine. Not his.''

Blaine smirked at how similar they were. So possessive and jealous. Always fighting. Huge mood changes. Depended of who they owned. If Blaine owned Kurt, his life was perfect. Heaven. If he owned Heidi, he was in constant stress and pressure.

And if Heidi didn't own Blaine, she turned evil, it seemed.

‘'Just go. I already brought your suitcases there.''

Heidi frowned and turned leaving Blaine by himself again.



Morning came and no one wanted to get up. It was afternoon soon but the apartment had almost no signs of living.

Tina was the first to wake up, stretching out her limbs before going to Kurt's bedroom to wake Jeff up. Only realizing he was already awake and being a lazy ass, texting on his phone.

‘'Who are you texting?'' Tina smirked.

‘'Oh god,'' Jeff jumped. ‘'You scared the hell out of me. Ugh. Uh…No one. Just…no one.''

‘'When did you wake up?'' she asked.

‘'Not long ago,'' he said

‘'Oh, okay,'' Tina nodded. ‘'I'll go see if Kurt is anywhere near waking up. If not I'll just make some food.''

‘'Yeah, that'd be great,'' Jeff closed his eyes and sunk under the covers. ‘'I haven't eaten for a long time.''

‘'How long?''

‘'The whole night!''

Tina rolled her eyes and exited the room. When she got in the hallway and headed towards the living room, he heard a knock on the door. She turned around and silently unlocked and opened the door.


‘'Tina...I need to talk to him,'' Blaine said firmly but not harshly, looking over her shoulder, hoping he could spot Kurt.

Tina was a little taken aback at the visitor. Blaine looked horrible. He had the same clothes as yesterday, though now they were all wrinkly and unkempt. And it looked like he hadn't slept much. Or tried to get himself together this morning.

‘'I...I'm sorry but I can't let you in. He's still asleep.''

‘'I don't care. I just...'' he couldn't explain and just swiftly passed Tina.

Tina was startled for a second but before Blaine could walk halfway down the hallway, she stopped him.

‘'I said he's sleeping!''

‘'What's going on here?'' Mike came in the door, home from work.

‘'Mike, please, help me get him out,'' Tina pleaded, still trying to hold Blaine.

Mike was very confused but did as she told. He was a few inches longer than Blaine and he thought he would be stronger as well but Blaine was very resistant. It was pretty hard getting him by the doorway.

‘'I'm sorry, Blaine. Just...I don't think he wants to see you right now,'' Tina said when Blaine gave up trying to enter their apartment. ‘'I'm sure he'll come around when he's ready.''

Blaine clenched his jaw but nodded. Tina's face saddened and she slowly closed the door, whispering a ‘goodbye' to the man.

Blaine stood outside for a moment. He managed to see Kurt. The hallway was right opposite the living room door and he saw Kurt sleeping. But he wasn't alone. Behind him another dark haired man was sleeping. But Blaine tried to calm himself. It was probably just Nick.

‘'What was that?'' Mike asked.

‘'Kurt broke up with Blaine,'' Tina explained. ''Remember I told you Blaine had a fiancé?'' Mike nodded. ‘'Well, she's back. And Kurt found out. Some Kurt's friend brought him back home late yesterday and he was a wreck. Now we're waiting for him to get up so we can, you know, get the deets and cheer him up.''

‘'Damn,'' Mike sighed.


‘'Who's the new friend?'' Mike asked.

‘'A guy named Alex,'' Tina explained. ‘'He seems pretty close with Kurt. And Jeff knew him, too. He seems decent.''

Mike nodded and removed his jacket and shoes.


Tina and Mike prepared some crepes for breakfast. Tina usually didn't cook. Kurt usually had the honor but she understood that Kurt wouldn't be cooking for a while.

She asked Mike to prepare the coffee table in the living room. She brought a huge plate of the pancakes, orange juice, jam, honey, chocolate syrup and cinnamon to the room.

Mike went to call for Jeff.

Tina kneeled by Kurt and shook his very lightly. ‘'Kurt. Do you want to wake up?''

Kurt groaned and brought his hands to his face, rubbing his eyes. He blinked them, trying to wake himself.

‘'I'm sorry to wake you up,'' Tina apologized. ‘'I just made some breakfast and didn't want them to get cold.''

‘'It's fine,'' Kurt nodded. He turned his head to check if Alex still was there and smiled. The previous night was a little blurry but he remembers pleading to Alex. He chuckled to himself.

‘'You're in a good mood,'' Tina smiled, placing some pancaked for Kurt on a plate.

‘'Tell me about it,'' Kurt rolled his eyes. ‘'Yo! Alex, wakey, wakey!''

Alex pouted and tuned to his back, blinking.

‘'Hi,'' he smiled.

‘'Yeah, hey,'' Kurt laughed. ‘'Get up, Tina made food.''

Alex was up in a second and sliding to the edge of the bed to sit.

‘'Good morning,'' Mike exclaimed as he came into the room, Jeff behind him.

‘'Oh my god,'' Alex laughed and got up from the bed. Mike laughed with him and they hugged each other, Jeff, Tina and Kurt staring at them in confusion.

‘'You know each other?'' Jeff asked.

‘'We went to the same high school,'' Mike said.

‘'Were pretty good friends,'' Alex added.

‘'That's nice,'' Kurt smiled, accepting the plate from Tina.

‘'Okay, now I feel left out,'' Tina pouted. ‘'Everyone in this room knows Alex except for me.''

‘'You'll get to know me eventually,'' Alex shrugged.

‘'Okay, please eat my dear guests,'' Tina invited.



Morning came pretty slowly for Heidi. She couldn't stop thinking. Worrying and analyzing.

The guest bedroom didn't help her any bit. Though, the mattress was the same as in Blaine's bed, it was impossible to sleep in.

She kept stressing about her future. Yes, her parents were rich and could afford basically anything but in all honesty, Blaine was the best that ever happened to her.

His family was wonderful and accepting. His father was understanding and very helpful. Their mothers were very good friends and thanks to them, she and Blaine met. Elizabeth really was a nice woman. Heidi liked her a lot. Almost as much as her own mother. Rachel was always friendly. Sometime obnoxious but fun to be around. And Blaine. Well...he was so strong, smart and compelling. His whole body was like a greek god. So hot. Heidi just melted. And she really loved him.

And that's why she couldn't just let him go that easily.

Every twelfth person was gay. And she would try to not make Blaine one of them. She never was homophobic. But if she's talking about Blaine, he just couldn't. And Kurt... she didn't know him but hated him. It was pretty natural. And easy. He seemed very submissive and she could stomp him easily is needed. If he wouldn't back off.

She heard Blaine leave just before noon and was thankful. She wanted to talk to him badly but decided against it. She wanted to give him a little space to think. But just a little. Besides, she had her own business.


Elizabeth allowed Heidi to take her car and she claimed to be going shopping. Yeah, right. She was sick of shopping. Australia had enough of that activity. She came back to devour Blaine. And that seemed not to work. So she needed someone else to adore.

‘'Hey,'' Heidi greeted. ‘'I see you haven't changed at all.''

The dark haired boy with the pierced face and scarred eyebrow came towards her, a big, sexy grin on his face.

‘'I see you have. Your hair is longer, you're tanner, thinner and you smell better,'' he gushed.

Heidi smiled at the attention she needed. ‘'Thank you, Edward. Did you miss me?''

‘'How can I not?'' Ed snickered. ‘'I've been missing you the whole time. Unlike someone.''

‘'Ugh, don't mention that ass to me now,'' Heidi gridded her teeth in disgust and hatred. ‘'How's you and Rachel?''

Edward looked down. ‘'We broke up. A stupid misunderstanding.''

‘'did you try fixing it?'' Heidi asked.

‘'No. There's just no use,'' he shook his head. ‘'She's too innocent and dumb. I'd rather spend my time on someone blonder, older and racier. Like you.''

Heidi laughed and clasped her hand around Edward's neck.

‘'I'll admit I miss you, too,'' she said and brought their foreheads together.

‘'I bet,'' Edward grinned and finally brought their lips together. Heidi always tasted so sweet. Like her pineapple lip balm. He was intoxicated. He gripped her hips and drew her even closer, deepening the kiss. They started backing up until they hit Ed's car.

Edward winced when Heidi pulled away, ‘'Things with Blaine aren't going smoothly. We need a plan.''

Ed was breathing heavily with his eyes closed. ‘'We'll think of something. Right now, get your sexy ass in the car.''


‘'So, Kurt...what happened yesterday?'' Tina gathered her courage and asked after they all ate.

Kurt sighed and the memories. ‘'Everything was fine. Like normal. I was waiting for you guys by the entrance and Nick called for Blaine. Then Heidi came up to me...and told me.''

‘'That bitch,'' Tina said silently. ‘'I never liked her. She's so self-centered, it's just disgusting.''

‘'Go on.''

‘'She told me and went away. Left me just speechless,'' Kurt told while looking down at his fingers. ‘'Then Blaine came back and I asked him. He didn't even try to deny anything. I just ran out. I didn't want to hear anything. It was just like basically everything had collapsed and I just didn't want to hear it. He ran after me, telling me he could explain but I didn't listen.''

‘'Did you run home?'' Tina asked.

Kurt chuckled and shook his head. He could feel tears coming but he did his best to fight them. ‘'I don't know where the heck I was running. Just away. Then he reached me. Acted all possessive.''

Everyone listened carefully, except for Alex. He was sitting behind Kurt, curled up in a ball. He didn't know Blaine. And didn't. He seemed not a very responsible guy. And Kurt deserved a lot more than a guy who lied and had a bitchy fiancé.

‘'I just pushed his aside and ran again. And I managed to run away for good. Then I guess I just broke down. I started crying like crazy and I don't know why the hell I went to the middle of the street but I did. And that's when Alex came. I heard that he came and I don't really remember the journey home.''

‘'I just carried you,'' Alex smiled. ‘'When I took you home, you asked me to stay and here we are.''

‘'Thank you, Alex,'' Kurt scrambled on the bed and hugged Alex.

‘'Let's just stop the sadness here,'' Alex suggested. ‘'I'll just...sing maybe?''

‘'Yeah,'' Jeff exclaimed, making everyone laugh.

‘'Yes, I've never really heard you sing,'' Kurt nudged him in the side.

Mike knew Alexandreus could play the guitar so he quickly ran to his room to get in for him.

‘'I'm a huge sucker for unknown artists so here's just someone you probably don't know.''

Everyone nodded, eager to hear the man sing.

‘'Now, this song is very hard to do acoustic to, but I'll do my best.''

He strummed his guitar in a very playful, fun melody, slowing it down just before singing.

I dont mind, cause this is something that i have to find
after all this time, Youll be ok.
cause when the skies turn black
and the floor beneath us starts to crack.
You know Im coming back, Today!

Right after the words the playful melody returned and he jumped around the couch, strumming his guitar.

I know, That it's too hard to find
A little piece of mind
In this crazy storm.
So well go, wherever we feel like 
because Im that kind of guy
youre been warned
well as a last resort, were gonna give it one more try
well give it one more shot and one more go
itll be all for nought, if after all this time
weve given all weve got and still dont know

He played the fun melody again and then ended the song.

He bowed and jumped to the floor to sit down on the couch.

‘'Alex...You're very good,'' Jeff complimented and Kurt nodded, clapping his back.

‘'He is,'' Mike smiled.

His voice was deep but clear and loud. Very harmonic and easy to listen to.

‘'Hey, you should join Cantare,'' Tina suggested, making everyone nod and hum.

‘'No, no, guys,'' he shook his head. ‘'Sorry to disappoint but I don't do singing. My photographer career is taking enough of my time and I love it. The singing will just stay as a hobby.''



When Blaine got home from a very displeasing visit at Kurt's, he could barely drag his feet inside. He was tired and broken. And tense.

He didn't know what to do. It was like a huge part of him was just ripped out in one night. Without Kurt, life seemed impossible. No matter how cheesy that sounded. He had yelled at Rachel, he still was arguing with his mother and his father was just different. He was home very rarely and almost seemed distant.

‘'Hi, Blaine,'' Elizabeth greeted. ‘'I didn't notice you leaving earlier.''

After taking a better look at Blaine, her face fell and she hurried to him.

‘'Dear god, what happened?'' she asked, running her hands over Blaine's shoulders.

‘'Are happy now?'' he murmured.

‘'Happy about what?''

‘'Me. Are you happy, when I'm unhappy?''

‘'Why would you think that?'' Elizabeth was in shock of the questions.

‘'Kurt broke up with me.''


‘'You probably enjoy this, don't you?'' he backed away to get the woman's hands off his shoulders.

‘'I'm not happy. For Kurt or for you,'' she said calmly. ‘'I want my son to be happy.''

‘'Then why the fuck didn't you warn me?'' Blaine snapped. ‘'Why didn't you tell me Heidi was coming? Now it's two times worse. Kurt knows I'm engaged and I lied to him.''

Elizabeth swallowed thickly. She only wanted good. Heidi was a very good girl and it looked like Blaine was enjoying her company before. They made a very good couple and Elizabeth hoped every day that Blaine would forget this was a forced marriage and actually want to be with Heidi. But it wasn't like that. At all.

‘'I just wasn't you to leave me alone. Just let me live my life,'' he yelled, going towards the stairs. ‘'Just let me make my own decisions. Screw the fucking money.''



‘'Do, you have any fun school stories?'' Tina was curious.

The company had spent hours in the living room now. Just talking and getting to know each other better.

And Tina had to admit. She was a little sceptical about Alex a first. But he looked very nice and caring. He had a good voice and good looks as a bonus. The only problem now was that she was a bit suspicious if Alex had a crush on Kurt.

‘'We do actually,'' Mike said.

‘'Okay. I know. This one is very embarrassing, though,'' Alex said and narrowed one eye at the memory.

‘'Shoot,'' Kurt said.

‘'Fine. So it was before I dated anyone and before I knew I liked guys.''

There it was. A statement that everyone basically already knew. Only now it was said out loud. And honestly, that didn't matter. No judging.

‘'Mike and I always took out showers and dressed very quickly after gym,'' he started.

‘'Oh, I see where this one is going,'' Mike chuckled.

‘'And some guys, let's say...didn't hide,'' Alex smiled.

‘'So, shortly, we just took a picture of some guys junk,'' Mike continued and started to blush.

Everyone gasped and started to laugh.

‘'I hope you didn't make them viral or something,'' Jeff said.

‘'No. Gosh, we would never do that,'' Alex denied, shaking his head.

‘'We just exclaimed the picture sometimes. Good ol' days, you know,'' Mike poked Alex in the side.

‘'You perverts,'' Tina playfully slapped her boyfriend on the chest.

‘'Yup. His name was Daniel Gilbert,'' Alex was nodding his head and looking at the ceiling as if he could see the memories there. ‘'I had a crush on him later. We almost dated. Mostly just texted, though. I graduated before anything could happen.'' Kurt giggled.

‘'I think I still have the picture,'' Mike said and took his phone out of his pocket.

Alex laughed and got up from the bed. As did everyone else.

‘'No, Tina,'' Mike pushed her away from the screen. ‘'Not you.''

She pouted and sat down, crossing her legs and arms.

‘'Wow,'' Jeff exclaimed. ‘'That's...''

‘'I think I still have his number,'' Alex grinned.

‘'Call him,'' Kurt budged Mike's shoulder.

‘'What should I say?''

‘'Oh, give it to me,'' Alex took Mike's phone and dialed Daniel's number. He couldn't risk calling from his cell ‘cause he might still have his number.

‘'Put it on speaker,'' Tina called out and Alex did just so.


‘'Is this Daniel Gilbert?'' Alex asked in a slightly different voice. A very seductive one.

‘'Uh, yeah. Who's this?''

‘'Doesn't matter who I am. What does matter is who you are. And what you carry on you.''


‘'Let's say you're package in incredible.''

‘'Wha...? Who's this?''

‘'Follow me on Twitter!'' he said quickly and hung up.

Everyone laughed.

‘'I don't even have a Twitter,'' Alex handed the phone back to Mike.

Kurt's own phone vibrated in his pocket. It was a text.

From Blaine:

We need to talk. Please.


Kurt observed the idea. From one hand, he didn't want to see Blaine. He felt like if he did, he'd just start crying again. But from the other, he wanted to hear him out so desperately.

And Blaine was in luck he was in a good mood thanks to his friends. If he'd be alone and still sleeping on the couch, he'd probably send him to hell.

To Blaine:

Meet me behind my condo.


‘'Guys, I have a little announcement,'' Jeff said to get everyone's attention. ‘'Nick and I are making a party. We have to celebrate.''

‘'Celebrate what?'' Tina asked.

‘'The fact that we're amazing. We need some fun before going to Florida. And I'm going to invite the whole Cantare.''

He looked at Kurt. ‘'Well, most of Cantare. Heidi is not welcome. At all.''

‘'Okay, then it'll be bro night,'' Mike said to Alex who nodded.

‘'Guys, I'll head out to get some fresh air,'' Kurt said already heading to the door.

‘'Need company?'' Alex asked.

‘'No. I'll be okay.''

Kurt quickly put on his shoes and went out.

‘'You know, we could've just opened the window,'' Alex wondered.



Kurt got more and more nervous each step down he took. He didn't know if he even was ready. It hadn't been 24 hours yet. But he had to. He loved him from his whole heart and even if his mind told him not to, his heart was speaking a lot louder. It wanted to be fixed again.

Kurt wondered how Blaine managed to get there so fast but there he was. Standing right in front of him. And Kurt came closer and closer. Though he stopped a few feet away.

Blaine looked okay. He had different clothes. Not very preppy. Just a t shirt and tight sweats. But his face was full of pain and sadness. The same as Kurt.

‘'Hey,'' Blaine greeted.


‘'I'm not going to take much of your time,'' Blaine said. ‘'I just really want to explain.''

Kurt only nodded.

‘'Yes. I'm engaged. But you have to know that I'm breaking it off. She was far away...and...I never really loved her. She was sort of...I just had to get married. But now I just won't. I don't want her.''

Kurt wanted to smile and run his fingers through Blaine's untamed curls. He was so cute when he was rambling. But this was not the time to be affectionate.

‘'You lied to me, Blaine. You could've told me. Lying is the worst thing you can do,'' Kurt thought about it. ‘'Right after cheating.''

‘'I didn't lie to you, I swear. At least not for a long time. She just disappeared one day and now appeared. I was startled and scared,'' Blaine was quick to explain. ‘'But I never cheated on you. I swear. She sleeps in a different room. I...''


Blaine wanted to ramble and ramble. Wanted to just get Kurt back. But then it got to him.


‘'I forgive you,'' Kurt said silently.

Blaine swallowed. ‘'Kurt...I-....Are you coming to the party?''

‘'You already know about it?''

‘'Nick told me.''

‘'Yeah. I'm coming.''

Blaine smiled. ‘'Okay. See you there then.''

And as much as Blaine just wanted to grab Kurt's face, kiss him, hug him, claim him again, he couldn't. He had to get hold of himself not to attack Kurt, take him away from everything. So they could be the same as before. He loved him so fuckin much.

But he still saw the hurt and betrayal in his eyes. At least he forgave him. Now he only had to wait until Kurt would be his again.

Just when Kurt was about to enter his apartment building again, Blaine called for him.

‘'I love you, Kurt.''

Kurt only turned his head and smiled.




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