Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
I dont know anything about injuries. I havent broken any of my own bones yet. So I dont know the feeling or the treatment.
Thats my warning I guess.
And smut. Again.
Thats a warning also. *wink*
Chapter 14
Kurt woke up blissful.
He was facing the window and only could admire how beautiful LA was. He felt arms tangle around his waist and he smiled. Finally. Last night was amazing. Kurt managed to get Blaine to give up whatever was stopping him.
He closed his eyes as he felt Blaine's soft lips kiss the back of his neck. He felt Blaine scoot over closer so their backs were together. The light touches and kissed made him shiver and chuckle and he turned around to face his lover.
Blaine smiled at Kurt when he wrapped his arms around the others torso. He wanted to stay like this forever. Just happy, blissful, in Blaine's arms.
‘'Good morning.''
‘'The best, beautiful,'' Blaine agreed and placed small kisses all over Kurt's face. Kurt giggled and started lightly making different shapes with his fingertips on Blaine's sides, making him shrinking to his sides and chuckle.
It turned into a tickle fight that ended with Kurt on his back on the other side of the bed, Blaine on top of him still laughing. They both went silent and leaned in until they heard a very loud groan from the living room. They rolled their eyes.
It was Nick for sure. Blaine didn't have a hangover and Jeff drunk as much as Blaine so his hangover shouldn't be too bad. But Nick drank for all of them. In fact, for the whole bar.
Kurt slightly pressed on Blaine's shoulders so he could get off. Kurt didn't want to but had to get up to help. His mind was racing with thoughts of how to rescue his friend. He was the owner of this apartment and it was his responsibility to take care of the guests in need. And the sound from the other room didn't sound good at all.
Blaine only sat on the bed and pouted as he watched Kurt dress. There went the ideal morning.
Kurt put on his underwear and a robe in hurry. He slid into his slipper and slithered out of his bedroom. Blaine sighed and fell back on the bed with a thud.
Kurt peeked into the living room. Nick was scrunching his face and rushing through his messy, dark hair with his hands. Nick had scooted all the way to the other side, facing the wall. Probably sleeping.
After about ten minutes, Kurt rushed into the living room with a big tray of breakfast. Blaine was sitting on the footing, grinning, Nick, holding his hands on his face, breathing heavily. Kurt shot Blaine a look.
‘'I was just trying to help him,'' Blaine chuckled. ‘'He just started kicking me like a child and groaned when his head started pounding more. Not my fault.''
Kurt shook his head. He placed the tray on the coffee table and approached Nick.
‘'Sleepy head, wake up. Just for a moment. I prepared you breakfast.''
Blaine frowned. He was sure there was food for all of them. He shot Nick a look. He should e grateful to have all of Kurt's great cooking. He's tasted what Kurt can make.
‘'Please, Nicky. It'll make you feel better, I promise. You can go back to sleep afterwards if you'll want.''
Nick left out a long sigh and got up into a sitting position with shut eyes and a grunt.
Kurt lifted the little table and gently placed in in front of Nick. He tried to do everything as quiet as possible, preventing Nick from having any more headaches.
‘'There's a bowl of oatmeal, it's good for sucking in all those bad toxins. There's an egg, cooked in a lot of oil, I heard it's good against hangovers, a bowl of fruit in case you crave anything sweet or sour. Then there's coconut water, ‘cause you are definitely dehydrated, and a coffee. I read all those things help.''
Blaine looked at his boyfriend with amazement. He was the best.
He would get drunk any day to get Kurt care for him like that.
Where was he when Blaine was in his rebel days? He would've needed that care every day.
Nick was looking at the plate. He was so not hungry but the smell and the appearance of Kurt's wonderful cooking did its justice. Nick slowly lifted his feet over the edge of the bed to get more comfortable for eating.
‘'You don't have to eat it all. Maybe a little of all of each,'' Kurt informed, looking worriedly at his friend. He promised himself to never drink.
He quickly shot a stare behind Nick, where Jeff was still in the same positioning, against the wall, clutching the covers around him. Kurt didn't know what was up. He hoped everything was fine and Jeff was just sleeping.
Rachel sighed as she exited her car. She had just arrived from AAMI after helping her mother. Trying to help her at least.
She had been a mess all morning.
Rachel was there to help her decide on songs for Palace second stage.
Yeah, right.
She couldn't stop bitching about Kurt. Now he was even worse in her eyes. He, apparently, has taken her step-son away from her. All Rachel could do was roll her eyes. She didn't protest because she knew how much she loved her brother, but the attitude against Kurt was totally unnecessary.
‘'Mom, stop,'' Rachel said firmly.
Elizabeth looked up to her with eyes full of confusion.
‘'Give Kurt a chance, please,'' Rachel pleaded. ‘'Just...just because he is different from us...and by different I mean in a different social condition...doesn't mean you should neglect him.''
Elizabeth opened her mouth to object but Rachel didn't let her.
‘'I know him. Well. And I know he's a good guy. He loves Blaine. Please, mom. I just get ashamed every time I look him in the eyes. He wants approval from you. Blaine's mother.''
Rachel sighed and looked down.
‘'At least, don't deny his talent. He was amazing in the first stage. And recommend giving him a chance at least in that area. I admire him and you should, too. Personal relationships shouldn't get in the way of your career and this amazing choir with an amazing voice in it.''
With those words, she grabbed her bag and headed to her car to go home.
‘'Hello, miss.''
Oh my.
‘'Good day. How's your working day going?''
‘'It's almost over, actually.''
‘'Oh, lucky you. Finishing in the afternoon. Your superiors must be very generous.''
‘'Most are, yes.''
Rachel opened her mouth and narrowed her eyes at the insolence.
‘'Just kidding, miss,'' Finn laughed at the girl's expression.
‘'Well, you must know, my employee is a total jerk.''
‘'Ahh,'' Finn hummed and nodded his head.
Silence stretched between them but not an uncomfortable one. Rachel looked up into Finn's eyes.
‘'Would you like to go out with a total jerk?''
How does he have no shame? Rachel scolded in her head. But truly, since Edward, she hadn't been on a single date. And that isn't Rachel Anderson. She's beautiful, talented, amazing, friendly, helpful and had the cutest smile. A girl like that shouldn't sit on her bed all day, thinking about why things happen the way they do and bad boys aren't that good after all. No wonder why Blaine ditched the title.
‘'I'd love to.''
Nick was sober and clear as a little diamond.
He started eating his food with a squashed face from the lack of appetite but ended up eating everything plus asking for bonus portions of oatmeal and fruits.
Blaine, too. When he heard there's some more, he didn't hesitate and run to the kitchen to pile food in his own plates and bowls before Kurt brought everything to his dear Nicky.
Blaine only gushed. If Nick wouldn't have been so drunk, at least if Jeff wasn't that drunk, he could've taken themselves home and not crash at his boyfriends.
Now, Kurt's roaming only around Nick.
Wow, no wonder Nick was asking for a bonus portion. Even if it was a porridge, which Blaine wasn't a big fan of, it tasted so delicious and Blaine could forget being possessive over his own best friend. For a moment at least.
Nick recovered quickly and soon was ready to head back to his own place. Kurt sweetly asked Blaine to take him. He first refused but just couldn't say no to those beautiful, pure, pleading eyes.
Kurt hugged Nick goodbye, received a hard kiss from Blaine afterwards and waved as they left.
Now the other guest.
Kurt crunched his eyebrows in worry. Jeff definitely wasn't alright. He wasn't showing any signs of live except of slight breathing.
Either he had a hangover and was sleeping very deeply or something wasn't right.
Kurt was almost sure it was the least.
He again approached the bed and kneeled next to his best friend.
‘'Jeff, please, wake up!'' he slightly caressed Jeff's arm, not wanting to shake him awake. ‘'Is everything alright?''
He got no answer and got worried even more by every second.
He heard a sniffle.
‘'Jeff? Please, talk to me,'' Kurt solicited. ‘'They're gone. We're alone. I promise. Jeff, please. You're important to me. Please, talk.''
Kurt released a sigh of relief when Jeff finally moved, turning to his back.
Kurt's heart was squished by a pair of gigantic hands when he saw Jeff. His hair messed up, eyes puffy and red, his whole face swollen with no sleep.
‘'Oh, Jeff,'' Kurt breathed. ‘'You're not fine at all. I-I'll make you a coffee. Let's talk. Okay?''
Jeff sighed and wiped his nose with his hand. He nodded and Kurt hurriedly got up, heading to the kitchen to prepare a good coffee.
When they were sitting on the bed, because they didn't have a dining table, Kurt waited for Jeff to start first. Obviously he was going through something and Kurt didn't want to push or demand anything. He just could stay silent if that would make him feel better. But silence never gave relief to the heart.
‘'Kurt,'' Jeff sobbed. ‘'Am I that hopeless?''
‘'What?'' Kurt asked silently.
‘'Why does this happen to me? Why...when I try to be as good of a person as I can? Life's still so...cruel to me.''
Kurt stayed silent. He didn't understand anything yet. But this wasn't a god start.
‘'This was the worst night of my life, Kurt.''
‘'Why Jeff?''
‘'Nick and I...''
Kurt leaned in encouraging his to continue.
‘'Gosh, I hope this is not awkward.'' Jeff laughed but with no humor. ‘'We...had sex, I guess.''
Kurt leaned back, ‘'Why is that...bad?''
‘'I...it was a mistake. At least...for Nick. I have no idea, what time of the night everything happened but...he just...I woke up with his on my chest. All wrapped around me. I tried to wake him up. When he did, he looked me in the eyes and...kissed me. I...I was so happy, Kurt. You can't even believe. I mean, we didn't have full on sex but...it ended with...you know.''
Kurt nodded. ‘'And?''
‘'And after...he just turned and went to sleep. He didn't even say anything. I don't know if he was just trying to get off,'' Jeff sobbed, tears gathering in his eyes. ‘'I don't even know if he was thinking about me.''
Kurt leaned in to tightly embrace his friend. He was sad. Sad for Jeff. He wanted him to find someone like Blaine.
‘'What now, Jeff?''
Jeff released a long sigh, ‘'I've been trying and trying and trying. Giving endless hints that I like him. Trying to...flirt. Lately at least. But if he doesn't want me...probably isn't even gay...I'm going to move on.''
Kurt was surprised how quickly Jeff turned from a lonely, sniffling boy to this man; confident, belief in his eyes.
Jeff sat up straighter. ‘'I should've done that years ago. If I've ever had my chance, it would've been a long time back. I mean...I won't dis-friend him. It will be hard but...I'll try to find someone else.''
Kurt nodded, supporting his friend. Although, they didn't know one another forever, he knew Jeff was suffering with his feelings for Nick a long time. And if other men will take that sorrow face off his best friend's face, he was all for it and will be glad to help.
Kurt decided to walk Jeff home but as soon Jeff saw the cafe by Kurt's apartment building...well...no one could resist those green puppy eyes. So Kurt agreed to stop for coffee.
They sat at the table and Kurt glared at Jeff when he was looking around until his gaze stopped somewhere.
‘'Kurt. Oh my god. Look!'' Jeff tried pointing with his chin to the row by the cash register. ‘'Oh my god, that one is so handsome. I'm gonna melt.''
Kurt searched around until he found where Jeff pointed to.
Oh my god.
No way.
It was the photographer.
The man turned around, looking for a table to sit at and spotted Kurt looking at him. His expression was unreadable for a moment until he showed his perfect teeth in a fantastic, charming smile and headed their way.
‘'He's approaching, Kurt,'' Jeff started nibbling his coffee cup with his fingers.
‘'Hello, Kurt,'' Alex greeted.
‘'H-hi, Alex,'' Kurt answered nervously glancing between Alex and Jeff, whose mouth was hanging open.
‘'May I join you?''
‘'Of course,'' Jeff said, smiling politely. ‘'I'm Jeff.''
‘'I'm Alexandreus. But you can call me Alex. I'd prefect that.''
Jeff nodded, looking dreamily at Alex.
‘'So...uh...what are you doing here, if I may ask?'' Kurt asked. ‘'I thought you travelled a lot and don't just live in once place.''
‘'Yeah. I actually own several photography stuff. Like...shops and studios. And my biggest one is here so...I decided to stay in LA for a while. No traveling for some time now.''
‘'Interesting,'' Jeff nodded. ‘'How did you two meet?''
‘'Alex was the photographer in the audition for the AAMI posters. We just...talked for a minute while I was looking at the pictures.''
Alex nodded, looking at Kurt with a friendly smile at the memory.
‘'You look...tired,'' Alex said.
‘'Yeah, yesterday wasn't my day,'' Jeff said.
‘'I'm sorry to-‘'
‘'No it's okay,'' Jeff assured. ‘'Hey, what's this crack on my phone?'' Jeff asked as he trailed his finger over the broken screen.
‘'It was sort of...ridiculous,'' Kurt said with a chuckle.
‘'Do tell!'' Alex said.
‘'When we were going to the car, you...switched your phone to airplane mode and threw it,'' Kurt said and covered his mouth with his hand to laugh at the silly memory. ‘'And you yelled ‘fly, my love'''
Alex laughed, ‘'Nice thinking.''
‘'Oh my god,'' Jeff looked at the table, bringing his hand to his forehead. ‘'That's so embarrassing.''
‘'Yeah. Be happy it still works. You threw it pretty hard and far.''
‘'Well...planes need high speed to take off,'' Alex smirked, making Jeff laugh. ‘'I have to go though. Here's my number if you need a friend.''
Alex took a little paper out of his shirt's pocket and placed it on the table.
‘'Bye Alex,'' Jeff waved.
Jeff followed Alex with his eyes until he was sure he was gone. ‘'Kurtie, Kurtie, Kurtie.''
‘'Aren't you a little player?!'' Jeff teased.
‘'It's not like that. Blaine is completely enough. Though, Alex is a very nice person. He's a very talented photographer. You should've seen his photos. And the way he takes them.''
‘'I was just kidding. Though, he seemed to like you.''
‘'I don't know if he's even gay. So don't. I have a boyfriend and if Alex wants, I'm okay with having another friend. You, Nick, Tina, Rachel and Mike obviously aren't enough.''
To Blaine:
I'm hungry.
From Blaine:
Hello, hungry.
To Blaine:
Blaine! I'm serious!
From Blaine:
I thought you were Hungry.
To Blaine:
Are you kidding me?
From Blaine:
No, I'm Blaine.
To Blaine:
From Blaine:
Ok, beautiful.
When Rachel saw Finn leave through her window, gathering his stuff before he goes home, she took her biology book and went outside to her garden.
She was ambitious to know at least half of her garden plants. If gardener asked her out, they'd probably do something as silly as take a tour of a meadow so she had to fill her head with some names, shapes and colors of many different kinds of herbs.
And well... Walking in heels on a rocky basis wasn't the best idea at all.
Rachel Anderson had just fallen.
Her toe caught by a rock and she stumbled, trying to keep her balance, but failing, losing her posture and control.
She screamed as she fell and felt a terrible pain in her left leg. She tried very hard not to cry but she couldn't help the few tears escaping her. She threw the book away in anger and screamed as the sudden hand movement caused a ripple of pain burst through her entire leg.
She cried out and sobbed. No one was home. And it hurt like hell when she tried to move.
She heard steps approaching closer and closer, sighing when she thought it would be Blaine but gulping when she saw the one and only Finn hurry her way.
‘'Finn...'' she cried out.
She wanted to be ashamed but wanting the pain in her leg to just stop, she didn't care.
‘'Don't move. Especially the leg,'' Finn instructed. ‘'I will carry you to your bedroom, okay?''
Rachel nodded through a sob.
He gently picked her up and she hissed. But she understood. It was impossible to transfer her without any pain so she just bit her lip to resist screaming or letting out any other embarrassing sound.
Finn walked quickly but carefully, trying not to wobble much and no sudden movements. The lovely lady didn't deserve to suffer any more than that.
He gently placed Rachel on her bed and took the decorative pillows to place them under Rachel's leg for support.
‘'I'll be back in a minute. I'll call a doctor and get some ice.''
Rachel nodded and sighed.
She's never had an injury before. All she's ever had are bruises and bumps on her head in her childhood. Never anything serious where you'd need a doctor's help.
Finn returned after a few minutes, smiling at the girl.
He handed her a glass of water, placed an ice bag on her knee and gave her a rose.
‘'To distract you, miss. I called your mother and she'll be here any time. I also called the hospital to get a reservation. Your mother's going to take you to the doctor to do a X-ray.''
‘'Thank you, Finn'' she said after gulping almost all of the water and placing the glass on her nightstand.
‘'Why did you fall?''
‘'I just...'' she felt her cheeks go red. ‘'I was going to the pool and didn't change my heels-‘'
‘'The real story, miss,'' Finn rolled his eyes. She didn't even have a swimsuit with her. Or a towel.
‘'Okay. Fine,'' Rachel said firmer. ‘'I wanted to impress you. I thought our date would be somewhere outside...like, exploring and finding out all the amazing facts about those stupid plants. So I tried to memorize some of their names. At least.''
‘'Did you do that for me, miss?''
‘'Yes, you idiot. It's your fault.''
Finn laughed, ‘'Oh, miss. What will I do with you. You know, I didn't intend to make our first date walking around your garden. And you don't have to know plant names, too. I like you the way you are.''
‘'You like me?''
‘'Of course. I thought I was kind of obvious. But I the thing is, I don't want you yo know all the names of the plants. That's the point.''
‘'But I'd get so embarrassed. I don't know anything from biology.''
‘'And you don't have to, miss. We're both special in out different areas of hobbies. I like nature and everything around it just like you with music. You have a great voice.''
‘'Oh... Have you been to Cantare concerts? Or seen us on TV?''
‘'No, I haven't seen or heard Cantare. And I don't have to if I get concerts myself while I'm working at your gardens.''
‘'What are you talking about?'' Rachel was dumbfound.
‘'Oh, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. You sing in your room my whole working hours. You keeps your windows open and the melody of your voice leads me through my shift.''
Rachel blushed. ‘'Oh.''
‘'And thank you for that. That's a lot healthier that earphones. A lot better for my ears.''
‘'Well, then I guess it's a compromise. I have to get ready for Broadway and you can listen to my perfect voice so your work isn't as boring.''
Finn laughed and nodded.
He leaned in and Rachel closed her eyes, preparing herself for kissing. But then, she disappointingly opened her eyes when she only felt a light peck on her cheek.
‘'I have to go now, miss. Your mother will be here soon. And when that leg recovers, I'm taking you to a date. And I promise, not to a garden, not to a meadow or a forest.''
Rachel chuckled and nodded, waving as Finn left her room.
Kurt was happily walking home. After walking Jeff home, the only thing he could think about was food. And Blaine, of course. He wondered, if making him jealous was the reason he snapped. He wouldn't use this method all the time because that can be dangerous to a relationship but damn that was hot.
He thought about their future. It was all working out so well. Maybe not Elizabeth but everyone else was supportive. Kurt couldn't wait to meet Blaine's brother, his wife and especially Blaine's nephew.
He liked kids so much. Many people are annoyed by children but since he's lived with children of all ages his whole life, he's learned everything there is to know.
And that only reminded him. He and Tina should visit the orphanage. It's been over a month and they haven't visited once. Guilt flew over Kurt. They're probably worried. They don't even know how Kurt's doing.
While thinking and worrying, Kurt already was home and walked in his now amazing smelling apartment. It smelled amazing.
He took off his shoes and entered the living room. Going through the apartment he didn't spot Blaine though. Who cares if you have food, right?
He looked at the coffee table, ‘'Pizza. Seriously, Blaine?''
Kurt jumped and gasped lightly as suddenly, he was being embraced from the back.
‘'I like pizza,
You like pizza.
I'm bad at poems,
Just kiss me.''
Kurt giggled and turned around to kiss his boyfriend. It was passionate and sweet, though Kurt pulled back so nothing leads any further. Food first.
They ate while watching old runs of Friends.
‘'Am I bad at giving hints?''
Blaine stayed silent and looked at Kurt, ‘'What? What do you mean?''
‘'I mean...you were so...distant to me after the vacation and...I tried to give you hints...'' He trailed off, hoping Blaine understood. He did.
‘'Fuck, Kurt. You're hints were just...damn...But I just tried to...restrain myself from you.''
‘'Was it because I -‘'
‘'Don't you even dare say it, Kurt. You're the sexiest man I've ever seen in my life. And you were amazing.''
Kurt blushed at the praise, ‘'Then why?''
‘'Ugh...It's so stupid...I'm stupid. Just...I thought you did it just because you were...pressured. I know I've pushed you and I just thought you were doing it, giving me hints, wanting to have sex, just because you thought I wanted it. Needed it. I don't know...It's hard to explain.''
‘'I understand,'' Kurt said silently. ‘'You thought I was doing it because I was afraid to lose you.''
Blaine nodded. ‘'I guess you can say it like that.''
‘'Blaine. I want you to know, that I'm not like that. I'm independent. I know what I want. And what I don't. If I would've hated what we did, I wouldn't have tried to seduce you.''
‘'I know. I said it was stupid. Now I know. And I'm sorry.''
‘'No need to apologize,'' Kurt assured and scooted closer to Blaine. ‘'I love you. And I enjoyed what we did. And it's okay, I understand why you couldn't keep yourself together.''
And Kurt did. He understood completely. He knew he wasn't Blaine's first. Blaine's had guys before him. And he probably got what he needed within a week max. And wooing him was taking a month. Sexual tension was probably killing him.
And besides, he wouldn't have wanted their first time to be any different.
‘'Lydia wants to meet you,'' Kurt suddenly remembered.
‘'Oh. That neighbor you told me about?'' Kurt nodded and Blaine sighed. ‘'I guess...yeah. I've never seen her though.''
‘'I promise she's nice. And I wouldn't ask you to do this if it wasn't important to me.''
‘'I know, beautiful. And I'm okay with going.''
‘'She's...like my family. I don't really have anyone but you and Tina. And she has a special place in my heart. She's kind of...my fairy god mother. You know?''
Blaine chuckled, ‘'I'm glad. And I'd love to meet someone so close to you. As long as her place in your heart doesn't oversize mine.''
Kurt giggled, ‘'Of course not, silly.''
Blaine still didn't want to go home. He still didn't want to see Elizabeth. Living with Kurt for already two days has been great. And he would be glad to stay for a while longer. Kurt didn't mind either. Nor did Mike or Tina.
He and Mike were pretty good friends now. While Kurt and Tine would do their stupid, ridiculous quizzes in that woman's magazine, he and Mike would play video games. Or watch sports. Kurt would never do that. But that's what made him more special and Blaine adored him for that. Let him have his time with his girlfriends.
Mike was very cool, though. He felt like he was living in dorms. Well, not quite. If he'd be in dorms, he wouldn't give a crap about anything. But for Kurt's sake, he was being a gentleman. Helping with food preparing, replacing a empty toilet paper roll, not forgetting to put a lid on the tooth paste tube. And all sorts of things we wouldn't do home.
Do Kurt's sake.
Tina and Mike were out for dinner, not wanting to take Kurt and Blaine with them for reasons, they had to order food themselves. And as a normal couple, fights occurred. Silly ones.
‘'Let's order Subway.''
‘'Blaine!'' Kurt sighed.
‘'Or McDonalds.'' Blaine teased.
‘'Blaine, we ate pizza yesterday. I can't do that.''
‘'Then what do you suggest?'' Blaine narrowed his eyes.
‘'We could...order Chinese. It's at least healthier than fast food.''
‘'I'm not eating that...raw fish...shit.'' he was getting annoyed.
‘'Do you really want to eat so much unhealthy things? It's bad for you. We should eat something that's good for us. Take care of ourselves.''
Blaine rolled his eyes. Sometimes this was making him crazy.
‘'Would you want me to gain weight?'' Kurt continued. ‘'Will you love a fat Kurt?''
‘'Kurt, stop it!'' Blaine was slowly approaching Kurt, with little steps. This conversation was making him angry.
‘'Maybe that's why I didn't get to be on the poster. I'm just too...chubby.''
Blaine was growling in his throat, though Kurt didn't hear.
‘'Your mother even sees it. And I can't eat food like that. Maybe I need to lose some pounds and-‘'
Before he could continue, he was knocked down on the sofa, his hands pinned above his head.
‘'Don't you ever say that!'' Blaine growled in his ear. He nibbled on Kurt's neck. ‘'You're mine and I love you. Right now. You're hot. Amazing. And mine. Don't want you to change. Understand?''
‘'But...Blaine-‘' he still didn't want to give up.
‘'Do you understand?'' Blaine said firmly, looking Kurt in the eyes.
Kurt's eyes rolled in the back of his head as he felt Blaine's hardness rub against him.
‘'Answer!'' Blaine demanded, thrusting his harness down on his boyfriend.
‘'Yes. Yes, Blaine,'' Kurt panted. ‘'Just please...''
Blaine smiled. He got up and took Kurt into his arms to carry him to his bedroom.
He placed him on the bed and quickly removed his t-shirt.
For him, it was easy to remove his clothes. His at home attire was very simple; a t-shirt and a pair of sweats. But Kurt always, just always had to look fabulous. And although, Blaine loved the eye candy, in situations like this, he would prefer if Kurt would just walk around naked.
Kurt moaned lowly at the sight of Blaine. It just never ended to fascinate him, how good Blaine looked.
He brought up his hands in a grabbing motion for Blaine to come closer. Blaine smirked at the adorableness and moved forward to take the expensive looking sweater off.
After all the clothes were removed, Blaine just tried not to hurry. Kurt had to get it into his head.
‘'You're beautiful,'' Blaine said as he devoured Kurt's body. He kissed him from his lips, down to his jaw line and neck, down his chest, stopping to suck on his nipples while caressing his hands down Kurt's arms.
‘'There's a reason why I call you that, Kurt.''
Kurt hummed with his eyes closed and moaned when Blaine kissed along the lines where his boxers would be.
Blaine killed the urge to suck on Kurt's cock and moved up instead.
He kissed Kurt while searching the nightstand drawer for lube.
He lubed up his fingers and pressed them at Kurt's entrance. He was pretty loose from the other time, so after stretching Kurt with three fingers, he thought would be enough.
They made love. As Blaine promised. Slow and gentle. Hissing, moaning, saying each other's names.
‘'You're the most gorgeous man, Kurt,'' Blaine said as he thrust deep and firm but not hard.
Kurt humming and moaning, digging his nails in Blaine's back. Blaine made it fantastic. He teased Kurt, missing his pleasure spot on purpose. And when he did, Kurt couldn't help but moan loudly and rolling his eyes in the back of his head, breaking eye contact with Blaine.
‘'God, the sounds you make, Kurt,'' Blaine said breathlessly. ‘'I love it when you're loud.''
Kurt brought his hand to Blaine's cheek, caressing it and brought their lips together in a messy kiss.
‘'Never change, beautiful.''
The next few days went by in a blur.
Blaine received a call from his father, informing him about Rachel's injury. He almost lost his mind at the worries because Rachel's never been injured. She's always been lucky. It must be horrible, breaking something for the first time.
Kurt was trying to talk Blaine into visiting her, but even if he said he'd be going with him, Blaine refused. He still didn't want to see Elizabeth.
So instead, they sent her a big bouquet of white freesias with a card to wish her a fast recovery and that Blaine would be home soon.
Almost every day, they would go to Cantare. This time, it wasn't that simple to choose a song. This time, almost every student had their own thoughts and wishes and objections.
When they would get home, they would go straight to the bedroom. Kurt would be a little angry afterwards, playfully slapping Blaine's chest for distracting him. Blaine would pout as Kurt would get up to do home stuff. Blaine would sleep lazily in the bed, all naked, hoping Kurt would come in and not be able to resist his charm. With no luck, though. When he would hear the front door open, he would panic, scurry across the room to pick up his clothes ‘cause Tina and Mike arrived. He would exit the bedroom earning a laugh from Mike and an eye roll from Tina. They would eat delicious dinner and watch something.
Life was good.
Only now a stressful day had arrived.
Blaine had to meet Lydia.
‘'Don't worry, Blaine. You look great. You'll see. She'll notice how much we love each other and she'll accept you.''
That calmed Blaine's nerves a little. Normally, he wouldn't be nervous. But this was the only person, whose opinion Kurt really cared.
Rachel, James and Blaine's friends accepted Kurt. Very welcoming. But for Kurt there was only one yes or no.
They both dressed up fancy but not too overthinking.
They didn't have to go far. One floor down and down the hall.
‘'Welcome,'' Lydia smiled as she opened her door and gestured both men inside.
‘'These are for you, ma'am,'' Blaine bowed a little as he handed out a bouquet of peach colored gerberas. ‘'And this,'' he showed the wine bottle.
‘'Oh, you take that with you, dear. Go to the dining room, Kurt, you know where it is. Make yourselves at home. I'm gonna go find a vase for the flowers.''
Blaine smiled at how polite and kind the woman was. She was smiling widely and he could see that she didn't mind a gay couple at all. And he noticed the pearl necklace they got her in Catalina. It made Blaine happy, that Kurt has a relationship where he felt like family. And he wasn't even wondering why Kurt liked her. She made everyone feel like home.
They sat at her dinner table which wasn't very big. And that was obvious because the woman lived by herself. And Blaine liked her apartment. Kurt's was so minimalistically decorated. Very modern and not too packed. But Lydia's was so sumptuous and splendid. With a beige and brown color scheme. With lots of expensive, vintage furniture and decor elements. It made him wonder how other apartments looked. It seemed like each and every one of them could be different. But it suited the lady very well.
All the food was already placed on the table and when Lydia came from the dining room, they started their meal. A nice dish of homemade risotto.
Blaine was glad nothing was awkward. They ate sharing stories and talking about Kurt and Blaine's relationship.
‘'I met him when I still was in the orphanage,'' Kurt told her. ‘'I talked the nanny, Thabita, into going to a Cantarte concert. Blaine was there and we saw each other. And when I moved into my apartment, we met on the street while my friends were helping with furniture.''
Lydia listened enthusiastically. She was smiling the whole time, loving how happily Kurt was telling everything.
‘'Then I got into Cantare and we became closer. And here we are.''
‘'And you went on a trip together, right Blaine?'' she asked.
‘'Yes, ma'am. I just had the feeling we both needed a vacation. And I love to spoil him,'' Blaine answered.
‘'Spoil?'' Lydia asked, amused.
‘'Yes. I love how excited he gets, when I allow him to go shopping and take whatever he wants. I know he tries to refrain himself from taking what he wants. He always thinks everything's too expensive.''
‘'Sometimes it is, Blaine. And I have boundaries,'' Kurt explained.
‘'So you didn't take any money from Blaine at first?''
‘'Oh, the first time he sneaked money in my pocket,'' Kurt told her.
‘'And he didn't spend it on himself,'' Blaine murmured as he sipped wine from his glass.
Lydia laughed.
‘'Yes, I didn't. I sent him lots and lots of flowers,'' Kurt told her.
‘'At least I'm glad he understands that I don't give up and he takes what he wants and accepts everything I give him,'' Blaine said with a grin.
‘'You're such a lovely couple,'' Lydia smiled.
She excused herself to get the dessert and gathered all the empty dishes, refusing Kurt's help.
She walked back in after a few minutes with a very delicious looking chocolate pound cake decorated with powdered sugar and strawberries.
‘'How you like it in Cantare so far?'' Lydia asked, while taking a bite of the dessert.
‘'I love it there,'' Kurt said excitedly. ‘'We're going to the second stage soon and I'm very excited. We're going to Florida. And I'll be able to meet some of Blaine's relatives.''
‘'Yes. My brother, his wife and son,'' Blaine added.
‘'Well, I wish you all of the best luck.''
‘'Thank you.''
When they were preparing for leaving, Lydia managed to whisper in Kurt's ear while Blaine was tying his shoe laces, ‘'He's a keeper.''
‘'I know,'' Kurt mouthed.
Lydia hugged Blaine, patting his back and hugged Kurt also, kissing his cheek.
‘'It was very nice meeting you, Blaine. You take good care of Kurt,'' Lydia said.
‘'Same here. And I will.''
They all waved and said last goodbyes.
When they got back to Kurt's apartment, they were happy. Especially Blaine. A big stone just rolled off his heart. Lydia was the nicest lady ever. All the family stuff was okay now and now they could happily wait for the second stage.
Kurt pecked Blaine after taking off their shoes.
Kurt went into his bedroom and Blaine followed him. Blaine stood by the door and Kurt walked to the bed. Not turning around, Kurt slowly took off his blazer, then his belt and pants and lastly his dress shirt. Kurt looked over his shoulder at Blaine.
Blaine's eyes darkened as more and more of the soft, pale skin he couldn't get enough of was exposed. He quickly yanked his own blazer off and hurried to Kurt.
Next morning, they lay in bed, tangled in each other. Kurt, as always, was the first to get out of bed but ordered Blaine to stay.
He made breakfast and ate it in bed happily.
Blaine received a text from Rachel that her leg had almost healed. He sent a text back that he was coming home today.
‘'Kurt. I think it's time I return.''
Kurt nodded. He would miss Blaine at his apartment. I was weird getting used to him being there but now it would be hard to get accustomed to an apartment without him. But he understood.
‘'I miss my sister.''
‘'I know, Blaine,'' Kurt said, kissing him.
Blaine returned home happy. As he got into the door it was very silent. He dropped his bag on the floor and leaned on the door, sighing in contentment. He would've never imagined he would get someone like Kurt. So amazing and perfect. Heaven.
But he noticed that it was too silent. Rachel and Elizabeth had to be home.
And then he saw.
And he wished he could go back to Kurt and disappear with him.
‘'I'm back, B!''