Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
Please, review if you have ANYTHING to say. This is my fist fic so I'm uber nervous about my writing. Also a note, English is my second language so bare with me, please.
Chapter 1
Elizabeth's POV
It's been 18 years since the biggest tragedy of my life. I'm still trying to recover. I look perfectly fine from the outside but inside I'm still destroyed. I don't know how long I will be able to keep this secret from my family.
I've tried to move on but secretly I've tried to do everything to find him. I have the most supportive, loving husband, his 2 sons and a beautiful daughter but I still can't stop thinking about him.
Where is he? Is he alive? Is he happy? Does he have a new family?
That night was the worst of all, a mother and wife can experience. Why didn't the car stop? I ran after him over the street. I at least saved him. But lost him.
I was knocked out. He just went away. Probably ran. I tried to call for him after I came out of the hospital. Nothing. I asked people if they've seen him. Nothing.
My two year-old son was gone.
I thought it can't get any worse. But then I lost him too. My first love. Burt. I lost them both. I was a wreck. I was left alone.
Kurt's POV
My birthday is so close. I don't know if I'm scared or excited. Probably both. I don't know what to expect from the real outside world. I don't have any experience. I've never dared to go over the orphanages trajectory. With the other kids – sure. Not alone.
I'll miss my nannies. I'll miss my friends. I'll miss the old brick building, in which I've spent all my childhood and teenage years in. Maybe now I'm weak. I don't know the simplest experiences. I've tried to sneak out but only one time. Tina and I were caught and we had to wake up earlier everyday (that was the hardest. Why do we have to wake up earlier than early?! Ugh.) and prepare breakfast for all the kids. Our punishment.
That's when I told myself – never again am I sneaking out.
At least, that's when I understood that I loved cooking. Since then I've been doing it voluntarily. It was therapeutic. It's when I understood that I want a family. I want a big family. I would never do that to them, what my parents did to me.
Nannies told me how they found me. Alone, late at night. Wondering around like a lost puppy. The only thing I was able to tell them was my name – Kurt.
Tina is my best friend. She turned 20 two years ago. She visits us every month. I miss her like crazy.
We had so much in common. We could talk about music, theatre and fashion all day long. She even helped me convince the nannies to buy us the subscription of Vogue. I think nannies agreed to that because of my voluntary work.
I felt different than the other teen boys around me. I didn't have as much in common with the boys there. I thought something was wrong with me. Don't misunderstand. I think girls are beautiful but not in an appealing kind of way.
Tina told me all about it. Nothing was wrong with me. I was just different. I liked boys.
Chapter 1