March 4, 2012, 6:45 p.m.
March 4, 2012, 6:45 p.m.
Blaine sat in the emergency room. His mom was fussing all over the forming bruise on his arm and scrapes on his palms.
"Mom, it's nothing."
"Honey, you could have died."
"But I didn't, so lets just get me checked out and go home?"
His mom sighed, pulling her fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry, baby. I just want to make sure you're okay."
"I know mom.." Blaine leaned against his mom's side. He couldn't stop flashing back to the crash. Kurt had come out of nowhere. It sounded crazy, even in his head that Kurt pushed the van out of the way.
That's what had happened, though.
He was shook out of his thoughts by a doctor coming through the doors. Blaine's eyes got huge. This doctor was for lack of better terms..
"Blaine Anderson?"
Blaine swallowed and nodded.
"Seems like you came out of that pretty lucky. The doctor put a hand on Blaine's jaw, steadying his face so he could check his eyes.
"Yeah. This kid, Kurt, came out of nowhere and pushed me out of the way."
The doctor's jaw was taut, "Kurt Fabray?"
"That's him, I think. I just transferred."
"That's my son. I'm glad he was nice to you." The doctor smiled and turned to Blaine's mom, giving her instructions to bring him back if he started having problems.
That explained why he was so extraordinary beautiful. Kurt was too. Their skin was fare and smooth, their eyes a deep and soulful green that begged to be looked into.
The doctor walked to check out Thomas and Blaine's mom leaned over.
"Nice gene pool."
Blaine nudged his mom and laughed. He felt a tap on his shoulder.
"Hello Ms. Anderson, may I have a word with Blaine? If that's okay with you?"
"Sure, I'll be in the car Blaine."
His mom smiled politely, a little 'you hurt my kid I hurt you' left in her from their discussions about Kurt.
The boy was unnaturally happy as he followed Kurt down the hallway. Kurt turned, putting space between them.
"Hi." Blaine replied enthusiastically, giving a smile.
"So, what do you remember from the accident?"
"Well, I remember that you came out of nowhere.. and then.. this sounds silly, but you pushed the van out of the way. It seemed like that, anyway." Blaine trailed off, looking like he was even surprised at the words that had come out of his mouth. It was slightly humorous until Kurt remembered he was exactly right.
"That is silly" He tried his best to measure Blaine's expression, because to Kurt's annoyance he had no idea what he was actually thinking.
"I know. I swear it happened though."
"So you're saying that I pushed a van away from you? That's ridiculous."
But true.
"Yes. That's what I'm saying."
The way Blaine's stature went from playful to angry was actually quite endearing.
"Nobody will believe you, you know."
"Wait.. you didn't think. I wouldn't tell anyone. They'd put me in an insane asylum."
Kurt bit his lip to avoid laughing.
"I'm debating to do so myself. Listen, I was standing right next to you.. asking about our English assignment."
"No, you were across the lot with your family." Blaine's voice was thick with annoyance.
"Why were you looking?"
Kurt couldn't help the snide comment from slipping. He instantly regretted it when he saw the way Blaine turned into a kicked puppy.
"If you were going to be rude about this, then why did you even bother saving me?"
Blaine turned away, walking and wiping tears from his eyes.
Blaine walked into school the next day, with a smile glued on his face. It wasn't because he was happy.
It was because he didn't want Kurt to think that Blaine went to bed upset because of him. That Blaine dreamed about him. That Blaine maybe had a crush on him.
Not that he did, or anything.
He was at his locker when Brittany came up and gave him a hug.
"Hey Britt, how's it going?"
"Good. Are you feeling alright?" She looked genuinely concerned.
"Yes, thank you."
Brittany smiled. "So Blaine.. I have a question for you."
Blaine nodded, oblivious to the way Brittany was rubbing his back.
She was just comforting him, obviously.
"There's a dance coming up, and I was wondering if you'd go with me?" She bit her lip, looking less confident then before.
"Like, as friends?"
"More like, a date?"
Never mind, she wasn't trying to comfort him.
Brittany returned her hand to his back and he removed it, taking it gingerly in his.
"Britt, you're very pretty and I'm sure any guy would be glad to go with you, but I don't exactly play for your team. Why don't you ask Artie?"
She didn't look hurt, the end part put a bit of a sparkle in her eye.
"You think I should?"
"Absolutely. You guys would be adorable."
Brittany smiled and walked off towards Artie's locker.
Blaine closed his and turned to walk to his first period, only to see Kurt looking at him with curious eyes.
Blaine just stared back with a blank expression before walking to class.
Kurt sat down to his first period, which was study hall. He had it with Santana, who sauntered over and kicked her feet up on the desk.
"Ah, the perpetual badass." Kurt dodged an elbow to the ribs.
"You're just jealous your little virgin ass can't pull off leather. Now, spill about Anderson."
Kurt rolled his eyes, "What do you mean?"
"You've been playing the piano again, which hasn't happened since we moved here, and you saved him from a truck. Which nearly uncovered our secret, thank you very much. Not to mention you stare at him like Berry looks at Hudson Mcpudgebelly."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Kurt sighed and stood up, heading to an isle of books. Santana followed, grabbing his wrist before he could turn down the next isle.
"What?" Kurt gritted his teeth. What was the point of this conversation if Kurt could hear her words before she said them?
"Listen." Santana's eyes softened. "I understand you're caught up in this brooding anger filled image but I know you, and that's not who you are."
"Then what am I?" They talked in quick, hushed whispers.
"You're usually not this much of an ass hat." Santana hissed and bounded over to sam.
Kurt ignored her thoughts and sunk against the wall, his head landing in his hands.
"It's just because I've never felt like this."
Kurt murmured, too quiet for even the superhuman ears around him.
Blaine sat next to Rachel, playing with the already fraying edges of his makeshift newspaper book cover. His emotions were scattered in ways he didn't understand.
"What's wrong, Blaine?" Rachel angled herself towards him.
"Nothing, just tired." Blaine wasn't exactly lying, the thought of sleep triggered a yawn.
"Okay. If there's something bothering you, no matter what it is, you can tell me." She patted his arm.
"Thanks, Rachel."
Blaine looked absentmindedly out of the window, watching the rain fall. Too tired to even bet on which raindrop would make it to the bottom first. Yeah, he still did that.
It seemed like the classes until lunch seemed to drone on and on, the time passing slowly. When the bell for A lunch finally rang Blaine sat in the cafeteria, waiting for his friends with just a bottle of water. His stomach hurt.
Blaine chanced a glance and saw Kurt looking at him. He went to look away when Kurt surprised him by raising his hand and curling one finger.
Did he want him to come over there? Blaine pointed to himself, mouthing "Me?"
Kurt nodded, a slight smile playing on his lips. Blaine fought against his natural instinct to stay seated and walked slowly across the room, avoiding the glances and whispers.
Blaine stood there for a second, not sure if he should take a seat or not. Kurt gestured to the seat across from him.
Blaine sat down obediently, sipping his water.
"H-Hi." Blaine sighed internally. He'd had a stutter when he was little, it only came out when he was nervous.
You can bet he was nervous.
Kurt seemed to ignore it, leaning his chin on one of his hands.
"So, about the other day.."
"What about it?" Blaine's stature changed instantly. He didn't pretend not to notice the way Kurt's changed as well.
"I don't regret doing what I did. It's painfully stupid of you to think that I would."
"Well it's painfully stupid of you to think that I would believe you were 'right there talking to me.' We have never spoken, you just looked at me like you were pissed off the first day. Was I supposed to just nod my head and pretend that coming from what I did that was okay?"
Blaine could have slapped himself. Had he really just said all of that?
Kurt bit his lip. "No, you weren't. What do you mean 'coming from what I did.'?"
"Nothing. I want to know what exactly happened. No lies, no bullshit. Just tell me if you put a dent in that van because otherwise I'm going crazy."
"You've got quite the temper and a mouth, don't you Anderson? If you want to know what happened, the truth will come to you soon enough. By the way, Berry looks like she's trying to stare a hole into my head because she thinks we're arguing."
"How can you gather that much from a look?"
Blaine could feel the tension leaving his body. Not that he wasn't still mad, but he decided that a fight between him and Kurt wouldn't end well.
"I'm observent."
"I can see that."
Blaine scooted his chair back, ready to leave. If he wasn't going to get the answers he wanted, what was the point?
"Wait, a moment. Please." There was an emotion in Kurt's eyes that Blaine tried to ignore.
Just like he'd tried to ignore the school boy crush that he was slowly forming. He hated this boy already with everything in his body.
Actually, no. That's what he told himself to remain with some dignity. Actually, he spent English stealing glances of Kurt's perfect face and perfect eyes and perfect everything. He spent his nights creating scenarios and waiting for hellos that never came.
Here he was sitting with this gorgeous human being, who had saved his life, regardless of the circumstances, and he was screwing it up.
However, Blaine couldn't help the bitterness that remained laced in his words.
Kurt visibly flinched away from Blaine, who took his seat again, taking a sip of water and trying to regain his mind.
"It's best if we don't talk..trust me."
And with that Kurt stood up, walking gracefully as ever away from the lunchroom, and most likely out of Blaine's life.
Kurt stormed off to his car, not caring that he was skipping school. He wasn't surprised when Quinn was sitting in the passenger seat, looking at Kurt curiously.
"Kurt, what just happened?"
Kurt gritted his teeth. "I just screwed up everything. This isn't fair. It isn't normal to feel this way about someone, especially someone whose breakable and clumsy. It's not normal to have feelings for someone when you've barely known them."
Quinn rubbed Kurt's back as he leaned his head against the steering wheel.
"Here's the thing though. You hear a lot about this boy in everyone's thoughts, don't you? You hear about his unmistakeable kindness and happiness that unfortunately seems to waiver around you. You hear about everything this boy is and you are falling for him. Don't you want to have love like we have?" A picture formed in Quinn's mind of her and Noah, twirling gracefully and embracing.
Kurt sighed. Yes, he did, but at what cost?
"Quinn, that doesn't matter. I do want to fall in love but this boy, this boy hates me with everything he is. I don't even have to read his thoughts to know that he feels like that. It's not an option anyway. He is a human. He is breakable and vulnerable. He is everything that isn't good to be around a monster like me."
"It's true when you say nobody can hate you more than yourself, isn't it?"
Kurt just averted his eyes childishly.
"Do you not see what you have to offer? You have so many good qualities. You don't slay humans, so don't call yourself a monster. You're attractive and lovely and you have smarts and you have everything that could make anyone happy. Why do you doubt that?"
"Because it comes with the territory. Being smart happens when you've attended high school for a hundred years in a row. Being attractive is part of the reason we're so dangerous."
Quinn gave him a look. "Does this boy get nervous around you?"
She tilted her head thoughtfully for a moment.
"However, does he look you in the eye?"
"He's not staring at your looks then, Kurt. He's staring into your eyes because regardless if they are falsely pigmented they are the only way to tell what you are thinking. He probably gets nervous because that's a natural feeling people get around us. It took forever to get over it with some of my human friends. People stay away because we look intimidating. Blaine doesn't hate you. After all, even you say you can't feel that strongly with barely knowing a person."
Quinn kisses his forehead before climbing out of the car and walking swiftly to her next class. He's close enough to hear her talk her way out of another tardy. He's also smart enough to ignore the male teacher's thoughts.
He hears one last thing out of her high soprano that was even present in every thought she had.
Just talk to him. Be his friend, find out what he's like. He's not as breakable as you think. I love you, even if you're an ass to me sometimes.
Kurt laughed slightly. Quinn really was his sanity.
That night Kurt was driving around hopelessly. Sometimes when he was angry he'd play hero, and tonight while driving around the busier shopping centers where juniors and seniors were trying on dresses, there were young men dazed with liquor looking for a good time. Or a bad one.
"Blaine, what do you think of this one?"
Rachel walked out in a dark, blue gown that reached the floor but floated across her body in a flattering way.
"It's stunning Rach, I like this one the best I think."
She beamed and looked in the mirror, admiring herself.
When Blaine looked over, Brittany was looking at another shorter dress.
"Hm?" She picked up the slimming black dress and started towards her dressing room.
"Why all the short dresses? I thought dances were about feeling like a princess?"
Brittany sighed. "Yeah, but I don't want Artie to have issues with the length. I know that his wheelchair can get caught in things and I don't want to make it harder for him. Besides, I've been told I have great legs." She smiled, genuine and happy, before descending into her room.
Rachel leaned over, whispering in his ear.
"She's truly one of a kind, huh?"
Blaine smiled, "She's Brittany."
After two hours of finding dresses for all of the girls, Blaine needed a break.
"I'll be back in a bit, if you guys get hungry don't be afraid to eat. I'll text you."
"Okay, be careful though." Rachel smiled and the girls headed off to jewelry.
Blaine started down the street, humming quietly to himself. He didn't really know where he was going, but he turned the corner. Blaine was lost before he knew what was happening. He hadn't even heard the footsteps that were right behind him.
He was slammed into a brick wall.
"What the-"
"Shut up, lady." One of the men, Blaine couldn't see his face or anything for the matter, lifted his hand. Out of reflex, Blaine flinched.
"Please don't hit me!" He crumpled to the ground, every flashback of his father going through his mind.
"Not so fast." The man yanked him back up and Blaine could feel the brick scrape his back.
"Were you on your way to see your boyfriend?"
Blaine recognized that voice.
It was his father.
"Dad, what are you doing here?" Blaine tried to squirm away but his father's arms kept him there.
"Well, originally it was for business, but with you and your mother gone I don't have a punching bag anymore. I recognized you walking down the street and couldn't help myself."
The guys around him laughed and Blaine felt acid churn in his stomach. His dad turned for a second to send disgusting grin to his 'buddies.' Blaine took the opportunity to connect his fist with his father's jaw. He felt a couple of his knuckles ache, but the adrenaline pulsing through him numbed them like morphine. Blaine's father fell to the pavement, but quickly recovered.
"You little mistake!"
His father pulled his fist back, about to slam it into Blaine's face when he heard tires screeching.
Blaine took the distraction and escaped his father's grasp. He saw a car that he recognized, even in the dark, slide and nearly collide with his father's friends. They scattered away, tripping over themselves in a drunken haze.
The car revved again spinning so the passenger's side was facing Blaine. The door flew open and he heard a rough but familiar voice shout at him through the chaos.
"Get in."
Blaine, against every instinct in his body, got in the car and closed the door loudly behind him.
"Seatbelt. On."
Blaine obeyed, clicking it into place.
"Are you okay?"
The voice got softer, but there was anger laced in the words.
"Sort of."
Blaine could feel bruises forming on his back and his hand throbbed.
The car came to a stop a few blocks later next to a closed cafe.
It was silent.
The boy turned towards Blaine. "Yes?"
"Are you alright?"
Kurt laughed humorlessly, "Define alright."
"I mean you're not like bleeding or something."
"Then yes, I'm fine."
Blaine smiled and looked around the car. His thoughts were everywhere but where they needed to be, which was why the hell was he in Kurt's car?
"Blaine, you're shaking. Do you want to talk about it?"
Blaine shrugged, a shiver running down his spine and a loud growl coming from his stomach.
"You're also hungry. Do you want to get something to eat?"
The compassion in Kurt's voice was soothing, and also a little strange considering the numerous conversations about their dislike for each other.
"If you want you can drop me off somewhere. Thanks for whatever happened back there."
Blaine couldn't see much in the dark car, but he could swear the corner of Kurt's mouth twitched into a quick smile. He also tilted his chin up in a small gesture that Blaine assumed to mean 'you're welcome.'
They drove a bit before a familiar restaurant came into view. Blaine could see the girls leaving the restaurant. He saw several of them check their phones anxiously.
Blaine checked his own, 7 missed calls.
The car pulled into the parking lot and when Blaine got out the girls ran over to him, grabbing him in tight hugs.
The girls pulled back, noticing the undone appearance of Blaine. They also saw Kurt come around the side of the car, his hands in his pockets.
"Hello ladies. Would you mind if I stole Blaine and took him home?"
The girls looked to each other.
Rachel piped up. "We wouldn't mind. Sorry for eating, Blaine. We figured maybe you were hanging out in the cafe down the street. It's impossible to order coffee without staying there for hours."
Blaine waved it off. "Totally fine. Did you guys find dresses?" He ignored the shiver that went through his spine again, not enough for the girls to see. It didn't seem to get past Kurt, whose eyes narrowed.
The girls nodded, they said goodbye and walked to the car.
"Kurt, it's fine you can drive me home. Or I can get a ride." Blaine took out his phone and searched for his mother's contact.
"No, I want to make sure you get some food in you and get home safely."
Blaine arched his eyebrow at Kurt's sudden compassion for him.
Kurt walked ahead of him and Blaine fiddled with his hands, the recent events hitting him. Blaine wasn't paying attention and tripped over uneven concrete. Blaine's hands flew up to stop his fall but he then realized that Kurt had caught him.
"Thanks." Blaine's eyes met Kurt's. They were a gorgeous dark green that seemed to smolder under his lashes. Kurt quickly put more distance between them.
"You're welcome, but be careful. Okay?"
Blaine nodded and they kept walking. Kurt held the door open for him and Blaine thanked him with a nod before the scent of Italian food hit him.
His stomach growled.
A waiter approached them, eyeing Kurt the same way every girl, and a few guys, did at school.
"A table for two, maybe a bit out of the way?" Kurt slipped him a twenty.
"Alright." The boy's voice smoldered as he led them to a table that was secluded in a corner.
Kurt sat down and Blaine did the same, smacking his knee on the table.
The waiter laughed.
"Good evening, I'm Sebastian and I will be your waiter. Is their anything I can get you to drink?"
Sebastian mostly aimed this at Kurt.
"Water for me. Blaine?"
Sebastian turned reluctantly to Blaine. He ignored it, giving him a bright smile.
"I'll have a pepsi, if that's alright."
Sebastian wrote that down, turning back to Kurt. "I'll be right out with that."
Blaine made a disgusted noise before looking at the menu.
Kurt laughed, and Blaine looked up at the musical sound.
"What was that for?" Kurt took off his jacket and Blaine lost his train of thought.
"That noise you made." Kurt set the jacket on the table next to him.
"Oh. Our waiter was practically drooling over you."
Kurt laughed, "You saw that?"
"I see it everyday."
After a bit of awkward silence Kurt spoke.
"Blaine, you don't have to talk about this to me, but if you don't mind, what happened tonight?"
"I'll tell you, if you tell me how you found me."
Kurt stopped breathing. How the hell could he put this in a way that wouldn't reveal his secret or make him sound like a freak?
He was a freak, though.
"Or, tell me how you pushed a van away. Or why your eyes are a different color then yesterday? Or why you never eat? Or why you lied to me? I'm not stupid. I may seem like it, especially in English, but I'm not. There's something you're not telling me. There's something about you that is different. It's like you're a different kind of person. Nobody looks that perfect or acts that perfect. You have to be unreal or a dream. Something is off. You tell me not to be friends with you, but here we are in a restaurant after you came out of nowhere and found me about to be beat up." Blaine looked at Kurt with a hurt expression.
"Blaine..I can't."
"You can't tell me. That's alright, I've been lied to enough in my lifetime for this. Thank you very much for saving me from getting squished by the van, from getting beat by my father, and from a painful scrape on my elbow. Thank you, and I'll see you in English."
"Blaine, wait."
Kurt reached across the table and put his hand on Blaine's. He regretted the decision immediately because he was so warm and soft, and Kurt thought that Blaine would run away at the touch of Kurt's skin.
"Then tell me. Everything."
That's when Sebastian, who was having some very vulgar thoughts about Kurt, showed up.
"Oh, lovers quarrel? Do you two need a minute?"
Blaine shook his head, removing his hand from beneath Kurt's and taking his menu in hand. "I'll have the spaghetti."
"And for you?"
Kurt just handed back the menu, "Nothing for me."
Sebastian frowned, "Well if you change your mind, about anything, let me know."
He walked away, swinging his hips. Kurt ignored it, turning his attention to the mental mute in front of him.
"I promise to tell you everything, but I want you to eat. I want to take you home, give you some time, and then I will tell you all of it."
"Every last detail?"
Blaine grinned happily and took a bite of bread, clearly pleased with himself
What the hell was Kurt doing?
He waited to talk again until Sebastian came and went with Blaine's spaghetti and then later an empty plate. Blaine reached into his back pocket for his wallet.
"I have to pay for my food, Kurt. I don't dine and dash."
Kurt sighed, "I know that. I'm paying. What kind of person do you think I am?"
Blaine just set down a twenty, "I'm paying. It seems like telling me about yourself is going to be giving a lot more away then I am by paying."
"Whatever you say."
Kurt grabbed his jacket and got up, walking a little ahead of Blaine.
"Kurt, that guy left a number in here for you."
"I'm not interested." Kurt took the tiny piece of paper and crumpled it, sending it perfectly into a trash can.
"Not your type?" Blaine laughed, shivering when the cold air swept over them.
"I don't enjoy flirtatious waiters who remind me of meerkats. Here, take this."
Or people who weren't Blaine.
Kurt draped the jacket over Blaine's shoulders, being careful to avoid any contact. Blaine gave him a look but thanked him.
"Did you see his face?"
Blaine laughed, "He totally did look like a meerkat."
Kurt smiled, pressing a button on his keys to unlock the car. He opened the door for Blaine and walked to his side, climbing in gracefully.
They had been driving down the road for a bit before Blaine finally spoke.
"Thanks for tonight."
Kurt shrugged, "It's nothing." Kurt could practically feel Blaine roll his eyes.
"Yeah, nothing at all."
Kurt laughed, "I detect a little sarcasm. Little Blaine has a temper?"
He laughed when Blaine shot him a dirty look and crossed his arms.
"I'm kidding."
Blaine just nodded, relaxing a little.
It wasn't until Kurt had parked that he saw the tear tracks on Blaine's face.
"Blaine, what's wrong?" Kurt resisted the urge to cradle the boy in his arms. He looked vulnerable.
"It's nothing, thank you Kurt and I'll see you Monday."
Kurt let him go, knowing of his own plans, and started the drive to his house.
"Hey Blaine, how was shopping?"
"Hi mom, it went good they all got dresses." Blaine swung his head down, trying to avoid the worried glances his mom was giving him. He had sat on the front porch crying because of his dad for a good ten minutes and he could feel that his eyes were swollen.
"That's good. What are you going to do?"
"Shower and head to bed."
His mom frowned, "It's a Friday. Shouldn't you be out with friends?"
"I will next weekend, I have an essay due. Thanks mom, I love you." Blaine ducked down and kissed her cheek.
When Blaine got to the bathroom he turned the shower on and looked into the mirror. He removed his shirt and saw hand shaped bruises on his shoulders.
Those would be easy enough to hide.
He finished undressing and got into the shower, letting the hot water soothe the muscles that had started aching during dinner. His dad couldn't just hit him, no, he had to make sure that in the few days following this he would remember every detail. Every time he moved he would feel the soreness and know it's not from lifting a heavy box or doing push-ups in gym, but from his deadbeat father who needed a punching bag.
He hurriedly finished his shower and was brushing his teeth when there was a soft knock on the door.
He quickly finished brushing his teeth before cracking open the door.
"I have to go in and cover a shift. I'll be back by the morning."
"Okay mom, love you."
"Love you too sweetie, get some sleep."
His mom gave him a smile before Blaine closed the door. He threw on a pair of sweats, relieved that he didn't have to hide his bruises or scrapes under a scratchy t-shirt. As he walked out of the bathroom the cool air managed to soothe the scrapes on his back.
Blaine padded into the living room, turning on the tv and relaxing. Within a few minutes he was drowsy. He reached for the remote to turn the Tv off when someone knocked at the door.
Blaine groaned, walking to the door and opening it.
There Kurt was, standing flawless as ever and in his doorway.
"May I come in?"
Kurt tried to keep from staring, but in front of him was a damp and shirtless Blaine.
His body was impressive for someone so tiny.
Blaine just nodded, a curious look on his face. He turned to walk away and Kurt gasped.
"Oh my God, Blaine."
There were long gashes on his back and bruises covering his shoulder.
"Your back.."
Blaine turned around, sitting on the couch. "It's nothing. What's up?"
"Blaine it is something. Your back looks like Edward Scissor Hands tried to give you a massage."
Blaine smiled, "Good one. I just scraped my back up a little. It's not big deal."
Kurt just stood there, wide-eyed. How could he say it's not a big deal?
"Seriously Kurt, what's up? Everything okay?"
Blaine patted the seat next to him. Kurt sat down, crossing his legs.
"I was wondering if I could make a deal with you."
Blaine sighed, "What deal?"
"I will tell you everything, about what's different about me, if you give me three guesses."
Kurt was surprised, he figured that'd be easier.
"Yeah, I've actually been watching cable and I think I have a few ideas."
Kurt laughed, "Go for it."
"Well there's this chick on Heroes who can-"
Blaine frowned, "You didn't let me finish."
Kurt leaned in close, his face inches away from Blaine's. He heard the smaller boy's breath hitch.
"You think I'm a hero?"
Blaine nodded, swallowing loudly.
"You're wrong."
"I have two more guesses."
Kurt leaned back, confused why Blaine had been more frightened by the proximity of their faces rather than the fact that Kurt had basically just told him that he wasn't up to any good.
Blaine cleared his throat. "You're on steroids."
Kurt lost it. He was bent over in laughter.
"What?" Blaine got defensive, not finding it nearly as humorous. "It would explain the strength and the anger."
"What about my eyes? Or my skin? Or the fact that I never eat?"
Blaine's face fell, "I don't know."
Kurt gathered up all of the courage in his body before speaking the next words.
"Blaine, I'm a vampire."
Blaine was the one laughing this time, looking at Kurt like he was crazy.
"I'm not kidding." Kurt stood up, walking over to the love seat. "Watch this."
Kurt picked it up with no effort, and set it down just as gracefully. Blaine's eyes widened and he leaned against the sofa, looking pale.
Kurt walked over and laid his hand on Blaine's cheek lightly.
"Feel how cold I am?"
Blaine nodded, making no effort to move Kurt's hand.
Kurt leaned down and took Blaine's hand, putting it on Blaine's chest.
"Do you feel that heartbeat?"
Blaine just stared back at Kurt as he put his hand on Kurt's chest.
"Do you feel mine?"
Blaine's eyes flickered to the floor before staring deep and strong into Kurt's emerald eyes.
"I don't care."
Kurt stood up, looking incredulously at Blaine.
"You don't care? You don't care that I could end your life in seconds if I wanted to?"
"You would have by now if you wanted to."
Blaine stood up, facing Kurt.
"How did you find me tonight?"
"Tell me. Or I will have you walk out that door and you will walk out of my life too."
"I can hear people's thoughts. Everyone's. Minus one curly headed, naive boy who is standing in front of me."
Blaine tilted his head, "You can't hear what I'm thinking?"
"No. Your thoughts are silent to me."
"Am I weird or something?" Blaine looked visibly upset.
"I just told you that I was a blood sucker from sleepover ghost stories who can read minds and you think you're the weird one?"
He just shrugged, averting his eyes.
"You're not weird. Actually, a little odd that you're still standing here next to a monster, but that's another issue. Now it's your turn. Blaine Anderson, what are you hiding from me?