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Popularity Contest: Good Luck Charm

K - Words: 1,258 - Last Updated: May 12, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Mar 11, 2012 - Updated: May 12, 2012
942 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: This is short, and not the best, but I thought maybe I should do something happy. Also, due to a lack of time I can't answer reviews like I usually do.But here's a secret.They make me smile really really huge.:)

Kurt sat on his bed, twirling the phone cord between his slim fingers. On the other end, Blaine's voice was bubbly and excited.
"Are you excited for the game tomorrow?"
Kurt nodded, and then giggled. "I totally just nodded, and then I realized you can't see me."
"Yes I can." Blaine said, his voice serious.
"Are you-"
"No! Silly, you told me no more creepy Edward Cullen shit."
Kurt laughed, "Good, you had me scared there. By the way, you'll probably do amazing tomorrow."
"Well if I do, it will only be because you're on the sidelines." Blaine's voice had gone from energetic to smolder in seconds, and it made Kurt's heart beat quicker.
"Oh really?"
"Mhmmmm." Blaine drew it out, changing back into a silly tone. They talked for a while, until Kurt felt drowsiness tug at his eyelids. He didn't want to hang up, he really didn't, but eventually his words became slurs and almost incoherent.
"Kurt, you need to get some sleep."
"Mm, no."
"I'm going to hang up, and you're not going to have a choice." Blaine giggled when Kurt groaned, suddenly awake.
"That's mean."
"How about I make a trade? You go to sleep now, and Saturday we can go do something. My treat."
Kurt could hear the smile in Blaine's voice, and he nodded.
"You just nodded again, didn't you?"
Blaine chuckled, "Goodnight, my sweet prince."
"Mphnight." Kurt had gotten too comfortable, cuddled up in his comforter to respond in an acceptable way. Eventually the line went dead and Kurt grinned, sighing contentedly before he drifted to sleep.

The next morning Kurt pulled his crisp uniform over his head, as he did every morning, and as he descended the stairs it dawned on him.

This was the last football game of the season.
That meant the last sleepover.
Kurt felt his heart drop a little; he was going to miss the face masks, the gossip, and especially he was going to miss all of the squad. He'd grown close to them all over the past few months, and it was going to be strange not spending nearly every Friday throwing popcorn at each other, and talking about everything until they were either a mess of tears or giggling until their sides hurt.
As he turned the ignition in his car and backed out of the driveway, he saw Quinn and Blaine drive past. They waved to him, and Blaine blew Kurt a kiss before they disappeared out of sight. Kurt smiled, driving slow enough that he could enjoy one of the last decent mornings of the year. It was all a cold, coat-clad downhill from here.
The halls of McKinley were fired up. It was beyond the normal level of pep, because this was it. This was the make it or break it game for everyone. Kurt heard the screams before he saw the reason behind them, as Blaine ran down the hallway, gathering high-fives from everyone.
"Who's gonna bring it?" Blaine yelled this throughout the hallway.
"We are!"
"Who's gonna win?"
"We are!"
"Hell yeah we are!" Blaine smiled, and out of nowhere several of his teammates were hoisting the tiny boy onto their shoulders and escorting him down the hallway. Kurt expected them to continue past his locker as he coyly smiled at Blaine from below. Instead they all turned and set him down in front of Kurt's locker.
"Thanks guys." Blaine grinned, and they all clapped him on the shoulder. One of the particularly burly ones straggled along, turning to say one thing.
"No matter what B, you're always something to be proud of. Treat him right, okay Kurt?"
Kurt nodded, and Blaine reached his fist out, and the guy pounded them, turning and walking away.
"You okay, Blaine?"
Blaine looked up, his eyes slightly misty. "I just don't hear that a lot."
Kurt reached forward, hugging Blaine close to his chest. After a while they broke apart, and Blaine's eyes became bright. "Oh, and there's one more thing that makes this day even better."
"What's that?"
Blaine glanced at his feet, "You know how last week I had to live with Quinn for a little while?"
"Well, when her mom saw the bruises she contacted a few people. There's still a lot of stuff to figure out, and I mean a lot, but for right now I'm staying at Quinn's. Maybe permanently…"
Kurt gasped, hugging Blaine again. "That's fantastic, Blaine. I'm so happy for you."
Blaine laughed, lifting Kurt off of the ground and spinning him in a circle. Kurt giggled into Blaine's neck, squealing to be put down.
"I have to go to first period, see you, darling." Blaine winked, leaving Kurt blushing at his locker.

The entire rest of the day Blaine would stop at Kurt's locker between his classes, and at last bell he was running down the hall with Quinn giggling on his back. She waved to Kurt as they passed, holding tightly around his neck when he sped up. Kurt smiled, closing his locker for the weekend.
Because it was worth it.

"Go, go McKinley, you got this in the bag. Go, go McKinley gotta make it last. Go, go McKinley look, you're in the lead! Go, go McKinley pick up the speed!"
They were winning. They were actually winning, in the fourth quarter, against the toughest team in all of Ohio. Blaine was insane, darting across the field and the rest of the team followed suit. He didn't know what had gotten into them, but it was going to make McKinley high state champions for the fourth year in a row.
As the last seconds passed and the final throws were thrown McKinley celebrated, and Blaine looked over to the cheerleaders, pointing to them and clapping. His teammates joined in, and so did the crowd. Kurt went over and pulled Quinn in for a hug, kissing her hair and enjoying the applause.

At the sleepover, Kurt fidgeted with his sleeves, refusing to join in the laughter at the moment. It was a horrible thought that this was the last sleepover.
"What's wrong with Kurtsie?"
Santana walked over, putting an arm around Kurt.
"I just am gonna miss these sleepovers."
Quinn raised an eyebrow, "Why? Are your parents not letting you come anymore?"
"I thought since the season was over.." Kurt trailed off, looking at the squad.
"Just because there's no more games doesn't mean we stop having sleepovers, silly!" Quinn rushed over, tickling Kurt's sides. He begged for mercy, but mostly the rest of the squad came over and helped. It turned into a big group hug, that had a few a little teary-eyed, which was okay.
Kurt didn't know why, but who was he to refuse a group hug? Besides, he felt safe cuddled with all of them.

In the middle of the night his phone went off, and he picked it up, trying to avoid smudging the nail polish that he had grudgingly let the girls put on just this once.

Good night, my good luck charm. You were awesome tonight. Also, Puck and Finn say hello. Actually, Finn says to quit stealing his sweat pants that you're wearing.

Kurt laughed, typing back a response and joining into the conversation.

"So I  heard that there's a new, hot French teacher coming on Monday."
"Good, because I've been wanting to learn the language." Santana filed her nails and everyone in the circle looked at each other.
"With tongues?" Quinn asked, giggling.
"Duh, Q. I don't actually want to learn the language unless involves a lot of lips." Santana waggled her eyebrows and Kurt just rolled his eyes.
"So Kurt, how much French has Blaine taught you?"

End Notes: Thanks for reading doll face, hope you enjoyed it. <3


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AWWWW, again so cute! please tell me Blaine does move in with quinn? I might cry if he goes back to his dad. plus, If Blaine is living with quinn and football is over for the season, would Blaine be attending the sleepover? :)

Ain't nothing better than cheerleader Kurt and quarterback Blaine.......sigh....

Fabulous, flawless, amazing, beautiful. I love this story, you're amazing, please don't ever stop writing it. Blaine as the most popular boy in school and Kurt as a popular Cheerio just makes me feel like a proud mama. MY BBs!!!Please update soon!! :)