March 4, 2012, 5:33 p.m.
March 4, 2012, 5:33 p.m.
It was football season again. Kurt was slipping on his Cheerio uniform, trying desperately not to mess up his hair.
After he was dressed he pinned a new face onto his uniform.
Blaine's pin.
His boyfriend.
Kurt and Blaine had survived the summer. Pictures were all around Kurt's room.
There was one in particular that Kurt loved the best on his bedside table.
Kurt had taken Blaine to Disney-World with Finn and Puck. In the picture Kurt was laughing and Blaine was wearing a Mickey Mouse hat and his cheeks were puffed out like a blow fish. His arm was draped around Kurt, who looked so happy.
That was the reason this picture was his favorite. Being with Blaine made him unbelievably happy. He found himself smiling when he was alone in his room, or looking through old text messages.
It had been eight months together ever since that New Years kiss.
He heard a honk from outside and grabbed his bag before running down the stairs and pressing a kiss to his mom's cheek. He had gotten a lot more used to calling Carole that; it was practically second nature to him.
"You're wearing my pin!" Blaine gave Kurt a goofy smile before kissing Kurt's cheek.
"Of course I am. Excited for your first game?"
Kurt playfully shoved Blaine. Even though they were dating they still bantered back and forth.
"Don't be mean to me, I'm cute." Blaine gave Kurt the puppy dog eyes. The same eyes that had convinced Kurt to go on all of the rides at Disney-World.
"You know I'm kidding. I love you."
"I love you too. Just a little though."
Blaine winked at Kurt before driving to walked in holding hands like they did everyday.
This Friday Blaine would be coming over like he had every Friday last year to spend the night. He was glad that hadn't changed. Kurt knew that Blaine was close with Finn and Puck; he didn't want to be the reason it had to change. Not that it was free of cost. Kurt had sat through a very awkward hour long conversation with his dad about 'boundaries' and the very dad-esque "You matter."
Kurt gave Blaine a small kiss before he left for his locker. There he was approached by Quinn, who was still very much his best friend.
"I'm glad you and Blaine are doing well. You guys are so cute together."
"Thanks Quinny. I'm glad you and Sam survived the summer too."
Quinn blushed and Kurt hugged her tightly. She waved goodbye before meeting Sam at his locker.
At lunch Blaine and Kurt sat together, talking about musicals and this movie out they wanted to see.
"Kurt, I have a question for you." Blaine took a drink of his water before taking both of Kurt's hands from across the table.
"And what's that?"
"I don't really know what this means, but I've seen it in a lot of those 80's movies you like to watch. Kurt, would you take my class ring? I don't know much. I mean, I know where the tibia is in your body and I can find the square root of pi, but there's only a few things I'm really sure of. You're one of them. I don't know what this means, if it's a promise or just like giving your varsity jacket to your high-school sweetheart, which I would have done but you have one already, but I want you to have it regardless of what strings may be attached. I love you."
Kurt couldn't really talk. He just nodded his head as Blaine slipped the sapphire ring onto Kurt's finger.
Blaine took in Kurt's expression.
"Shoot. Does this mean something extreme? Like I'm going to take you to international waters and let the captain marry us? Because if it's weird I can take it back."
"You're just so corny. Shush."
Kurt said before leaning across the table and kissing Blaine. "I love you too by the way. But just a little."
Kurt laughed when Blaine rolled his eyes and slipped an arm around him.
Kurt wasn't sure about much either, but he knew Blaine made him happy and that he loved him. More than just a little.
Kurt arrived at the football game and gathered with the other cheerleaders. Santana walked up to him, she looked upset.
"What's wrong Santana?" Kurt gave her a hug. She held on and he felt her body start to shake.
"I just came out to my grandma. It didn't go well." Her voice broke on the last word and Kurt just hugged her tighter.
"I knew my parents would love me regardless but my grandma, well she's all old fashioned and she flipped. She's my rock and now I don't know what to do."
"Shh, shh. It's okay Santana. She'll come around eventually." Kurt pressed a small kiss to her hair.
Kurt knew that Santana had been struggling with this for a while, but he never knew if she'd actually come out. Kurt wouldn't have judged her if she hadn't. He loved Santana. He just wanted her to be happy.
Eventually she got calmed down enough that she could actually talk."Kurt, I'm so glad you found Blaine. You two are so happy and he makes you so happy and you two just showed me that there is love out there. Even for me."
"Of course there is love for you Santana. You're going to make someone really happy someday. I promise."
Kurt gave her another small hug before they started the game.
When they called Blaine's name Kurt cheered as loud as he could. It still got him every time he saw Blaine run onto the field. He was the smallest on the team.
Kurt didn't realize until the end of the game that his dad was sitting right behind where the cheerleaders Blaine made his game-winning kick he heard his dad though, he heard his dad lean over and yell to the guy next to him
."That's my sons' boyfriend right there."
When Blaine came off of the field Kurt ran up to him, took his helmet off, and kissed him. In front of everyone. Kurt expected to hear some noises of disgust, instead he heard nearly everyone in the stands clapping and cheering. He even heard a whistle.
It was that moment that Kurt Hummel realized he would do anything to stay with Blaine for the rest of his life. In that moment, he could have sworn Blaine was thinking the same thing.
that was ridiculously dute!!! please write another
Awww, this was sooooo cute! :) I loved it! :D