PomPoms and Shoulder Pads
The One Where Kurt Finds Out Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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PomPoms and Shoulder Pads: The One Where Kurt Finds Out

K - Words: 2,768 - Last Updated: Mar 04, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 6/6 - Created: Feb 19, 2012 - Updated: Mar 04, 2012
1,268 0 0 0 0

Blaine was sitting in the living room flipping absentmindedly through channels. It was New Year's Eve and Blaine could not be more bored. He was half way into his third episode of Fairly Odd Parents when he heard the door open.

"Hey Sweetie. Cartoons?" He heard the smile in his mom's voice.

"There is nothing wrong with reliving your childhood."

Blaine turned off the TV and went to grab the bags in his mom's arms. She took off her coat and boots at the door before going to the kitchen to unload the groceries.

"What's all this stuff for?" Blaine made a face as he pulled guacamole dip out of one of the bags.

"Your father's having a party tonight for New Years Eve. I was thinking you could invite Kurt? I mean you probably would have to hang out upstairs because I don't think you want to see your father drunk, but I want to meet this boy." His mom gave him a sideways glance before preheating the oven and pushing up her sleeves.

Blaine had no objections, he knew that Finn was going to a party but Kurt was staying home. "Okay. When do you want him to come over?"

"Whenever. It's supposed to snow again tonight so earlier is better." His mom offered a smile and handed Blaine his phone.

He just laughed and shook his head, "I'll be right back."

Blaine dialed Kurt's number, which he knew by heart, and walked upstairs. After two rings he picked up.

"Hi poodle head." Kurt sounded tired.

"Did I wake you up? And thanks man." Blaine was going to feel bad if he had.

"Maybe. It's okay though. What's up?"

"Well I know you're not going to that party tonight and my dad's having a party which I don't want to be stuck alone at. Although we'll probably just end up hanging out upstairs or something, wanna come over?" Blaine waited anxiously; he was kind of nervous considering they'd never hung out just the two of them before.

"Sure. What time?"

"My mom said whenever." Blaine shifted his weight, hoping Kurt would come over sooner than later.

"Okay. Can I come over now? It's supposed to snow and I don't want to get caught in it. Am I like, spending the night?"

Blaine could hear Kurt moving things around in the background. Blaine hadn't asked him mom about that.


"Yes sweetie." His mom shouted back up.

"Yeah you can. Sorry for yelling in your ear."

Kurt laughed. "It's fine. I'll be over in a bit."Blaine heard Kurt hang up and he walked to the kitchen. His mom was putting a tray of something in the oven.

"So will I get to meet him soon?" Blaine's mom took off her oven mitts and set the timer.

"Yeah he's on his way."

Blaine laughed as his mom clapped excitedly. He went up and cleaned up his room. He was making his bed when he heard the doorbell ring.

"I GOT IT, I GOT IT, I GOT IT, I GOT IT." Blaine ran downstairs, sliding on the hardwood floor and nearly falling over.

"Be careful sweetie, you're going to hurt yourself."

His mom went over and steadied him before he smoothed his sweater and opened the door.

"Holy moly poodle head, your house is stunning."Kurt looked adorable. There were specks of snow caught in his hair and his nose was red from the cold. Blaine ushered him in, swallowing his feelings and closing the door.

"Hi Kurt, I'm Cheyenne, Blaine's mom." His mom brushed off her hands before offering one of them to Kurt.

"Nice to meet you. You have a lovely home." Kurt smiled and shook her hand; his eyes were raking every surface of the home. He looked like he was in awe.

"Well thank you honey. Blaine show him around?"

Blaine nodded and started walking upstairs. He heard Kurt's footsteps behind him."This is the library, study, thing." Blaine gestured awkwardly to the room he spent the most time in. There were comfortable chairs and at least five books were strung across the couch.

"I love reading, this is like paradise. Oh my gosh Blaine, is this you?"

Blaine watched in horror as Kurt picked up a baby picture of him.

"It uh, it came with the frame." Blaine ran over and tried to grab the frame, but Kurt stood on his tip toes and held the picture way above his head.

"Oh please shorty, I'd recognize those hazel eyes anywhere. You were a cute baby."Kurt watched in amusement as Blaine frowned and hopped trying to reach the just glared at Kurt, shoving him playfully.

"You're mean."

"And you're giving me puppy dog eyes. Show me the rest of the house?" Kurt put the picture back down and Blaine started to walk towards the door.

"So what do your parents do?" Kurt was walking next to Blaine with his hands in his pockets.

"My mom works at a sweets shop part time and my dad's a lawyer."

"That's cool. What kind of cases does he handle?"

"Boring ones."

Kurt chuckled, "I used to want to go to law school when I was like, five."

"Ambitious five year old." Blaine elbowed Kurt's side before opening the door to his room."Well, this would be where all the magic happens."

Kurt raised an eyebrow, "By magic you mean the fact that your light switch says Lumos and Nox?"

"What else?"

Blaine laughed and watched as Kurt walked around, occasionally picking things up and looking at them. He was looking at Blaine's sketchbooks when his mom called them down for lunch.

"I made chicken noodle soup. I heard it's your favorite Kurt."

"Mom, you cook too much." Blaine went over and hugged his mom.

"Honey if I didn't love cooking why would I work at a pastry shop making sweets that I tell myself everyday I shouldn't eat? Because I love it, but if you want you two could make cookies for tonight."

"I'd love to. Thanks for the soup by the way Mrs. Anderson, it's lovely." When Kurt looked back down at his soup Blaine's mom gave him a thumbs up.

Blaine just rolled his eyes, "Thanks mom."

"You're welcome Blainers. The ingredients are on the counter over there, do you mind if I go up and take a nap? I'm exhausted." His mom's eyes were drooping and he saw her eyes glance longingly to the staircase.

"Of course. When does the party start?"


His mom patted Blaine on the shoulder before waving to Kurt and walking up the stairs.

"Poodle head, your mom is awesome. Let's start on these cookies." Kurt grabbed an apron from one of the hangers in the kitchen and tied it around his waist.

Blaine followed suit before leaning over the recipe book and grabbing bowls and spoons.

"Hey Blaine, look at me."

Blaine turned around and looked up, only to be hit with a handful of flour right in the face.

"You. Did. Not. Just. Do. That." Kurt giggled and did it again.

"You are so gonna pay for this. Come here!" Blaine chased Kurt around the kitchen, occasionally getting another handful of flour to the face or back of the head. Eventually Blaine got the bag from him and threw one in Kurt's face before setting it down on the counter.

"Oh my gosh Blaine it is all over."

Blaine looked around and saw flour on the floor, all over Kurt and all over himself. Kurt looked like he was waiting for Blaine to blow up. Instead he fell to the ground and started to laugh.

"You should see yourself Kurt, you look ridiculous."

"I look ridiculous? You should see yourself."

Kurt walked over and helped Blaine up, before grabbing a washcloth and starting to clean off the counters.

"You start the cookies, I'll clean this up. Oh and take off your socks, they'll just track it around more." Blaine chuckled and grabbed the rag from Kurt, who pulled off his socks and went to set them by his bag.

"I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not. That was great." Kurt laughed before looking a the recipe and measuring ingredients.

A few hours later the kitchen was clean. They had decorated the cookies and set them on a couple plates, admiring their work.

"What do you want to do now?" Blaine took off his apron and set it back on the hook.

"I don't know, but it's already four in the afternoon."

"Wow, time flies when you're making a mess in someone else's kitchen, huh?"

"You shouldn't have given me flour. Not my fault." Kurt put his hands in his back pockets, looking around the room.

"So I was thinking instead of sitting down here during the party and getting hit on by the women at my dad's firm, yes it happens frequently, we could watch the ball drop at midnight instead." Blaine peeked outside and saw snow falling in big flakes. It started to get dark so early and he could see the light start to fade from the day.

"You've gotten hit on by older women?" Kurt arched an eyebrow.

"More than once. My dad says it's the hair."

Kurt laughed, "Nobody can resist the poodle head. So I was thinking you should join Glee club."

"Kurt.. I really don't know."

"Come on, it'd be fuuuunnnn." Kurt whined and started to twirl and dance.

"What are you doing?"

"Something has changed within me. Something is not the same. I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game..." Kurt went over and tugged Blaine onto the hardwood floor. "No time for second guessing, no time to go back to sleep. It's time to trust my instincts. Close my eyes and leap." Kurt danced around Blaine, singing in a beautiful soprano a song Blaine sang himself in the shower nearly every night.

"It's time to try defying gravity. Kiss me goodbye, I'm defying gravity.." Blaine joined in, laughing when Kurt nearly slipped and fell.

They sang the rest of the song, giggling when Blaine's voice cracked on the last note.

"I competed against Rachel for this solo." Kurt sat on the couch and tucked his legs under him.

"Did you get it?"

"No, I lost on purpose." Kurt looked down at his hands in his lap.

"Why?" Blaine raised his eyebrows. Kurt had a gorgeous voice, why would he throw in the towel for anyone? Especially Rachel.

"I don't really remember actually, it was like two years ago." Kurt laughed; it sounded genuine so Blaine let it go.

Not to say he wouldn't ask again in the future

At eleven the party was going strong. Blaine and Kurt were sitting on a couch in the library watching Katy Perry sing before the ball dropped.

"I love Katy Perry, even if I can't stand pop music."

"Blaine's a hipster now?" Kurt giggled when Blaine smacked him with a pillow.

"I find it awkward how they show everybody kissing after the ball drops. I have never had someone to kiss and it makes me feel lonely."

"One of my dad's coworkers' daughter tried to kiss me but I ran away from her."

Blaine recalled the memory and flinched; that was the girl that had led to him coming out. The girl who had tried to unbutton Blaine's shirt countless times on the drive home, even suggesting they pull over. Blaine shook his head away from the memory.

"You must have been little then." Kurt laughed.

"No it was last year."

Blaine chuckled at Kurt's expression and hushed his apologies. Eventually the countdown for the drop started. Kurt was clutching a pillow and watching the screen intensely.

"3...2...1" Kurt counted down with them, putting the pillow over his eyes when the camera showed thousands of couples kissing in Times Square.

"Kurt put the pillow down."

Blaine scooted closer to Kurt, who still hadn't shifted the pillow.


"Do it or I will tickle you." Blaine scooted closer, waiting for Kurt to drop the pillow. When he did, Blaine leaned in and pressed his lips to Kurt's.

Kurt didn't back away, he didn't get up and walk out. Instead he placed his hand on the back of Blaine's neck and sunk into the kiss. When they pulled away Kurt's eyes were filled with questions.

"Why?" was the only one he actually got out.

"Kurt, I don't know if you've noticed, but I've kind of had this major crush on you since I saw you. Plus, I really wanted you to experience a New Years Eve kiss. Happy New Year Kurt."

Blaine expected Kurt to leave, or awkwardly sweep it under the rug. Instead Kurt leaned forward and hugged him, leaning his chin on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine put his arms around Kurt, rubbing small circles on his back.

"I don't know if you knew, but I've kind of had a major crush on you too. When you invited me over tonight I spent ten minutes talking to Carole trying to get the nerve to kiss you on New Years, but when it came time I couldn't do it. Why didn't you tell me?" Kurt pulled back and looked into Blaine's eyes. There were tears filling in Kurt's eyes.

"Because I didn't think you liked me."

"Blaine I spent an entire Saturday talking to Mercedes about your poodle head hair and your puppy dog eyes that make me want to buy you presents and take you to Disney-World. How every time you opened your mouth I found myself hanging on your every word. How I spent two hours trying to figure out if buying a Christmas present for you would be weird. Of course I liked you."

Blaine chuckled, "You're never gonna stop calling me poodle head, are you?"

"Never. So, what does this all mean? Because I know sometimes a kiss is just a kiss and it doesn't mean anything. And I don't want to pressure you into being in a relationship just because you kissed me and I don't know-" Kurt was cut off by Blaine pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. When he pulled away he cupped Kurt's face in his hands.

"I would love to be your boyfriend. If you want to be mine that is."

"As long as you promise to never throw flour in my hair again, Im all yours."

Blaine leaned his head back on his car seat. It was their first day back and Blaine was waiting in Kurt's driveway. He was usually on his way to school by the time Kurt bounded down the front steps and made it to Blaine's truck.

Blaine gave Kurt a look.

"You can't rush perfection. Well, you can. I can't." Kurt leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to Blaine's cheek.

"You're the attractive one out of the two of us. Are you sure you're ready to be a real couple? I don't want to rush you."

Kurt rolled his eyes, "Will you stop worrying. It's going to be fine."

Blaine only believed him because Karofsky had been walking down the hallway in the weeks before they left with a slim boy that was on the hockey team holding hands. Nobody said anything, some smiled and gave them high-fives. He wasn't worried about what they would say to him, he just didn't want Kurt to feel uncomfortable. Or to get hurt.

Kurt twisted his fingers through Blaine's and they drove to school, singing along to the radio.

"Kurt, are you sure-"

"Oh my gosh Blaine, you are adorable but I swear if you don't just hold my hand and walk in there like you own the place with me I will hide your hair gel for a week."

Blaine stuck his tongue out and slipped his hand into Kurt's, who twisted his delicate fingers through Blaine's. They walked into school and Kurt squealed.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, look at the end of the hallway!"

Blaine searched through the people and saw Sam and Quinn walking down the hallways, holding hands just like Blaine and Kurt.

"I told her he liked her. Seems like this weekend brought lots of people together." Kurt gave a small wink to Blaine, who blushed in return.

They made their way to Blaine's locker. He leaned against it and looked at Kurt.

"What?" Kurt tilted his head, still playing with Blaine's hand with his own.

"How awesome would I be if I went to Glee Club with you tonight?"

Kurt hugged him, swaying from side to side."Can we sing a duet? Mr. Schue told us to work on it over the break and, well, I sort of forgot." Kurt gave a sheepish smile to Blaine.

"Sure, why not."

Blaine kissed Kurt's nose. They both parted and went to class, with just a little more skip in their step and a little more sparkle in their eyes.

That night at Glee club Blaine couldn't help but be nervous. Yeah he'd sang in countless productions of Willy Wonka and Oliver but that didn't mean that as he made his way to the front with Kurt that it made it any easier.

The piano started and Kurt started to sing.

"You'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs..."

Blaine joined in, smiling at Kurt.

"But I look around me and I see, it isn't so. Oh no."


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