PomPoms and Shoulder Pads
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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PomPoms and Shoulder Pads: Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

K - Words: 5,915 - Last Updated: Mar 04, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 6/6 - Created: Feb 19, 2012 - Updated: Mar 04, 2012
1,266 0 0 0 0

When Kurt woke up Monday morning he saw snow falling silently outside the window. He jumped out of bed; running over and pressing his face against the frosty panes to see better. He winced slightly at the cold and hopped to his closet. Kurt loved a lot of things about winter, but by far one of his favorites was snow. Snow and sweaters.

Although football season was over the Cheerios still wore their uniforms year round. However, Kurt had convinced coach Sylvester to let them wear whatever they wanted this week. They had two days of finals and then they were off for Christmas break. Kurt tugged on his most Christmas-y sweater, admiring how the colors meshed well with his burgundy jeans. After pulling on some brown boots he realized how nice it felt to be back in normal clothes.

When Kurt walked downstairs Carole took in his appearance, raising an eyebrow.

"I begged Sylvester for free dress days."

Carole nodded, "You are the only person I know that can make a reindeer sweater look that cute. Did you see the snow?"

Kurt nodded excitedly before grabbing a cup of coffee and sitting next to Carole at the buffet.

"This has become quite the routine sweetie. It's nice to see your smiling face in the mornings."

"Oh Carole, I love you." Kurt got out of his seat and hugged her tightly. He grabbed his bag and went out to his car. When he was out of sight he leaned his head up; sticking out his tongue like he had when he was little. Small flakes landed on his tongue and he laughed to himself a bit before climbing into the cab of his truck.

School was going to be easy this week. Kurt was one of those people who studied way too far in advance. He always got a's and he prided himself in that. Finals would be easy for him.

When Kurt parked his car he looked around at the bundled students who were laughing and tossing snowballs. He eventually spotted Blaine, who was nervously glancing around and trying desperately to avoid the mush that was flying dangerously close to his face. Kurt got out of his car and bend over, scooping snow and packing it into a ball. When he stood up and went to throw it a snowball collided with his face.

Kurt gasped and whipped around, looking for the culprit. Puck was standing by the entrance of the school, laughing.

"You'll pay for this Puckerman!" Kurt wiped his face off.

When he made his way into school Quinn met him at the door. She was wearing a maroon sweater with white jeans and flats. Her hair was curled delicately around her face.

"Hi Kurt, you look fabulous as usual." She hugged him around the waist and Kurt put his arm around her as well.

"Thank you. You look amazing too Quinny" Kurt kept his arm around her as they walked down the hall.

Everywhere you looked people were shaking snow out of their hair and singing Christmas songs. Some people even had stringed lights in their lockers.

"Don't you just love Christmas?" Quinn smiled and leaned into Kurt.

"It's my absolute favorite holiday." Kurt tapped her nose and she laughed before walking to her locker.

Kurt grabbed Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks, his IPod, and his pencil case before shutting his own locker. He had his French, English, and History finals today. The only one he was even remotely worried about was French; Kurt had never been good with conjugating.

Kurt had time to kill so he walked over to Mercede's locker. He came up behind her and put one of his hands over her eyes."Guess who?"

"Hi Kurt!" Mercedes turned around and hugged him tightly. "Baby you look so cute, why can't I rock sweaters like that?" She took in Kurt's appearance.

"Do I need to take you shopping for the right sweater?" Kurt raised an eyebrow.

"If you want to that would be amazing."

"Next weekend we'll go. We can talk about all of the gossip I hear now that I'm a Cheerio."

"Sounds like a plan."

They waited in silence as she got the rest of her books out of her locker. When she turned around her eyes flitted to the things in his hands.

"Oh man Kurt, I love that book." She took it out of his hands and turned it over in her own.

"Is it good? I just started it last night." "I cried so hard. The ending made me so mad I almost threw the book."

Kurt laughed and walked with Mercedes. They both had French next and Kurt started to get nervous. He had an impeccable grade in that class but the finals were a ton of points. If he bombed it he could end up with a C.

"What's wrong Kurtsie?" Mercedes leaned on his desk.

"Just kind of nervous." Kurt picked at the frayed cover of his notebook.

"Don't be, you know French better than the teacher."

Kurt laughed nervously, "Quiz me?"

Mercedes rolled her eyes, "What is 'He walks down the beach to go swimming'?"

"Il marche sur la plage pour aller nager." Kurt replied automatically.

"And you were worried. You got it down boy." She laughed and patted his shoulder before walking to her seat.

Kurt still couldn't control his nerves completely. He could hear his heartbeat in his head. When he go the test he breathed a sigh of relief; he knew what he was doing on every page. It went flawlessly.

When he finished Kurt flipped the test over and pulled out Message in a Bottle and started to read. Mercedes was right; within minutes he was completely immersed in the story.

When the bell rang Kurt placed a notecard in his book and looked out the window. The snow was falling in tiny flakes. Kurt frowned; it looked like any minute it would stop.

Mercedes came up to him at his locker. "How'd it go sweetie?"

"Great. What about you?" Kurt put away his IPod; his English teacher hated electronics. She was one of those old women with huge bottle-cap glasses and a hearing aid that always malfunctioned.

"Alright I think. So what are you doing for Christmas?"

"Well, Blaine and Puck are coming over after school tomorrow to hang out with Finn and I before Christmas Eve."

"That sound like fun. So what's the deal with you and Blaine?" Mercedes leaned against one of the lockers.

"Just friends." Kurt sighed; they were getting pretty close. He just wished he knew if Blaine felt the same way. He probably didn't; Blaine never had shown any interest in Kurt like that.

Mercedes nodded."Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah. Yeah I am." He smiled. He was okay with that; Blaine was an awesome friend. They had plenty of time to figure the rest out. If there was anything else to the relationship.

"All I needed to know. Good luck on English." She hugged him tightly before walking to meet Lee by his locker.

"How'd finals go sweetie?" Carole walked into Kurt's line of vision. She was holding a cup of hot chocolate.

"Good actually. I think I got at least a A- on all of them." Kurt stomped the snow off of his shoes and slipped off his scarf. He set it on the coat rack and walked into the living room. Finn was lying upside down in a chair flipping through channels. "Hi Kurt. I totally bombed that history test. What about you?"

"Pretty sure I aced it. Did you study at all?"

"A little." Finn grinned and went back to watching some action movie.

"I heard it's supposed to snow really bad tomorrow so make sure you boys get home fast. It's supposed to start at three and only get worse."

Finn nodded, "I'll tell Blaine and Puck to hurry too."

"Well make sure they still want to come if they know they could get stuck for a while. Living out here it takes them forever and a day to clear the roads. I think the weathermen are just full of baloney like usual, but you know the first time I say that we'll get twelve feet of the stuff."

Kurt's eyes got wide. "That would be SO much fun. I would build an underground society."

Carole laughed, "And get frostbite?"

"It would be worth it."

Finn chuckled too, somersaulting out of the chair and nearly smacking into a snowman decoration.

"Be careful sweetie, this is not a gymnasium!"

"Sorry Mom, I can't be tamed." Finn combed his fingers through his hair and laughed.

"Did you drop him on his head when he was a baby Carole?" Burt came in then, tugging off his gloves.

"It's a possibility. Hi honey." Carole went over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey Kurt." Burt smiled at him. "I'm just joking kid.", he added after Finn looked at him with a hurt expression.

"Hi dad" Kurt went over and hugged his dad before going up to his room. He really wanted to finish that book.

Later that night after dinner and countless hours of reading he came back downstairs. His head hurt from reading and he had red-rimmed eyes.

"What's wrong dude?" Finn went to get up, looking concerned.

"Sad book."

Finn nodded and looked back at the History book he had sitting on his grabbed a Tylenol and a glass of water before joining Finn on the couch. He turned on the Tv and flipped it to the news. It looked like the snow had stopped but he could hear the wind blowing violently outside. They lived in the country; not on a farm but in one of the ranch style houses that were out of the way and exposed to the elements.

Kurt listened intently for the forecast. "Oh my gosh. I don't care about some lady who found a piece of toast that looks like it has Lionel Richie on it. I want to know if it's going to snow." Kurt sighed and set the remote down.

"I kind of want to see the toast." Finn closed his book and looked at the Tv. "That totally does look like him man!"

Kurt just looked at him. "I know but I just want to know if it's going to snow."

Carole walked into the room then and ruffled Kurt's hair. "You missed the forecast. It's going to start at five instead of three so you boys can stay for that Glee Club thing if you want."

Kurt and Finn high fiver each other.

"Wait, what about Blaine?" Kurt had remembered

"I'm baking cookies if he wants to just come home." Carole offered up quickly, smiling.

"I think someone has a crush on Blaine." Finn laughed.

"No, he just likes to bake and I'll be baking." Carole swatted at Finn jokingly.

"I'm gonna go get some sleep. You should too Finn, otherwise you're going to bomb the English test. It's not easy."

"But I'm already going to bomb the English test." Finn went and hugged Carole.

"Suit yourself. Night Carole." Kurt went over too and kissed her cheek.

"Night sweetie. Go sleep Finn."

"Fine. Night Mom."

Kurt went upstairs and changed into pajamas before falling into a deep sleep.

"Kurt! Kurt! It's snowing!"

Kurt woke up to Finn dancing around his room and pulling the shades up. Kurt threw a pillow at him.

"I'm not going to let that bother me because it's snowing. Like real snow that sticks!"

Kurt then saw the huge flakes falling outside his window. He jumped out of his bed and pressed his face against the cold glass. "IT'S SNOWING."

"I know!" Finn practically skipped out of Kurt's room and headed to his own. Everything was covered with snow as far as he could see.

"Wear your ugliest sweater Finn!" Kurt shouted as he looked through his own closet.

"Okay I'll wear that one you got me for my birthday."

"That is a perfectly fine sweater!" Kurt sighed indignantly. He pulled a red sweater on over a white collared shirt. He paired that with light wash jeans and his white slip-on Vans.

"Don't you look cute. You're up later than usual." Carole walked over and helped Kurt put his coat on.

It reminded him of when his mom would bundle him up before going out into the snow. He'd always have to go to the bathroom and by the time they got all of his layers off he wouldn't have to anymore. Usually they'd just decide on a Disney movie and hot chocolate after that.

"Yeah I missed my alarm. Finn woke me up."

As if on cue he hopped into the kitchen in the sweater Kurt had gotten him.

"Hi mom." Finn hugged Carole before grabbing his bag and coat. Kurt had to admit; that sweater was not the best thing he had ever picked out.

"Hi sweetie. You look handsome. Be safe on the roads."

Finn nodded and walked out the door to his truck.

"You be careful too honey."

"Of course Carole." Kurt kissed her cheek before walking out the door to his own was freezing outside.

The snow hadn't gotten terrible yet but Kurt could tell it was going to be bad. Driving was fine now, however, it would be a different story when night hit and the temperature got even lower.

He didn't see people taking time to throw snowballs today. He just saw people hurrying inside and holding their hoods up. Kurt did the same, just trying to avoid the cold air that made his lungs hurt.

When he finally got inside Brittany came up to him and gave him a hug."I love you best friend." She pulled away and held up a candy cane with ribbon wrapped around it.

"Love you too Britt, thank you." Kurt pulled her into a hug again, just swaying there for awhile.

Eventually she went to stand by Santana's locker and handed her a candy cane much like Kurt's. He went to his locker and was taking off his scarf when Quinn came up beside his locker. She looked freezing in her short sleeved cardigan.

"Hi Kurtsie."

"Hello Quinny. You look freezing. Here." Kurt pulled a sweatshirt out of his locker and handed it to her.

"Thank you." She pulled it over her head and Kurt pulled the hood up. She giggled in response before putting it back down and smoothing her hair.

"Sorry for messing up your hair. Are you excited for Christmas?"

"Of course I am. I got you something but I left it home on accident." Quinn smiled apologetically.

"You didn't have to do that. I'll get you something fabulous as well." Kurt pulled her into a hug and picked her up of the ground. She laughed and said goodbye to Kurt once she was back on the ground before going to meet Santana and Brittany by their lockers.

He was about to close his locker when Blaine walked up to him. He was wearing a navy blue sweater with dark wash jeans and brown saddle shoes. Of course he could make such a simple outfit look absolutely stunning.

"Hi Kurt" Blaine smiled goofily.

"Hello Blaine. Nice sweater." Kurt returned his smile and shut his locker.

"Thank you. Are you excited for tonight?"

"Yes. Oh! Carole told me to tell you that Finn, Puck, and I all have a glee club thing to do after school but she'd love if you joined her to bake stuff for Christmas. If you want of course."

"I'd love to. I kind of want to avoid another duet proposal from Rachel anyway."

Kurt laughed. Watching Rachel throw herself at Blaine had been not only awkward to watch, but it also had made Kurt's heart ache. He wanted to be sitting next to Blaine and playing with his hands while they talked about broadway shows and music.

"Oh shoot. I have to go take my Honors English final. See you later Kurt!" Blaine waved before hurrying down the hallway. Kurt waved back, trying to shake the image in his head. It made his stomach flutter and face get hot.

Kurt had study hall for an hour first today. He knew he would probably spend the period talking to Brittany about her cat or that cricket that keeps stealing her jewelry. He walked to the room, nibbling on the candy cane he had gotten.

"Kurt! Kurt! Come be my pillow." Brittany patted the seat on the couch next to her. She was wearing a pink sweater with ripped skinny jeans and sweater boots. As soon as he sat down she leaned her head in his lap."Thank you for being my pillow."

"You're welcome Britt Britt. So what's been up lately?" Kurt pulled his fingers absentmindedly through her hair.

"Oh my gosh Kurt. So there's this squirrel and every night since Thanksgiving he just sits in the tree outside my window and sings Christmas carols. I have gotten so sick of We Wish You a Merry Christmas. That's his favorite."

Kurt laughed, "Is that so?"

Brittany nodded and continued with her story.

Kurt found himself daydreaming about singing Christmas songs with Blaine or dancing around the kitchen and throwing flour at each other while trying to bake something. Blaine would twirl Kurt around the buffet and they would dance until the timer on the cookies would go off. Then they would decorate them with Santa Clauses and reindeer. After cleaning up the kitchen they would curl up on the couch and watch the Charlie Brown Christmas special until one of them fell asleep.

Kurt brought himself back into reality and tried to busy himself with Brittany's stories. They always cheered him up.

After class got over he left the Nicholas Sparks book on the check in table and walked to Anatomy. He had two more finals after this before he could go to the glee club's Christmas party. He drummed his pencil on the desk and checked the clock every few minutes. Kurt loved the New Direction's parties. They always brought about something entertaining.

School was finally over; it felt like it had been days instead of just a couple hours. Kurt waved to Blaine as he walked out to his truck. A part of him just wanted to go with and make cookies with Carole and Blaine. Most of him though just wanted to go to the party.

"Hey Kurt, can I talk to you about something?" Quinn looked nervous. She had his sweatshirt slung over her arm. When she saw his eyes dart to it she offered it to him.

"You can keep it until the party is over, it's always cold in the choir room. Of course you can Quinny."

"Well lately I've just, I really like you Kurt. I know you're not into me like that but I really like you and I just thought I'd let you know because I don't keep anything from you. I don't want things to change between us though. I really don't." She looked like there were tears in her eyes.

"Oh Quinn. It's okay." Kurt pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back. He had an inkling she maybe felt this way but thought nothing of it. Maybe he should have.

"Promise that the hugs and stuff won't change?" Quinn looked up at him and sniffled a little.

"I promise. Nothing can break best friends."Quinn laughed and looked up at Kurt."Besides, I think Sam likes you. You two would be cute together." He pulled his hand through her hair. He didn't want these moments to change either. Kurt loved being cuddly; that's one of the reasons he connected to girls so well.

"You really think so?" Quinn wiped at her eyes, trying to keep the mascara from running.

"I do, I do. Wanna go party?"

Quinn nodded and pulled the sweatshirt on again. Kurt put an arm around her shoulder and they walked to the choir room together.

"Kurtsie cme sit next to me!" Mercedes patted the seat to her right. When Kurt got there she hugged him tightly. "How did the rest of your finals go, baby?"

"Good actually. What about you?" Kurt hugged Mercedes again. He missed her a lot. They only saw each other a little bit now because their classes were so different. Last year in tenth grade they had very little they could do with classes and had nearly all of them together. This year they had a lot more freedom; Kurt found himself seeing her less and less.

"Same. Surprisingly." Mercedes leaned her head on his shoulder, she looked tired.

"Are you getting enough sleep?"

"I've stayed up really late studying. I plan on just passing out when I get home."

"I can drive you home early if you want." Kurt eyed Quinn from across the room. She was sitting next to Sam and they were laughing occasionally reaching over to touch each other's shoulder or knee.

"That would be amazing. My mom wanted to come pick me up because of the snow. I'll let her know you're taking me home."

Kurt nodded before saying goodbye to a couple people. He gave Quinn a hug and she gave him a shy smile.

Kurt and Mercedes headed to his truck. It was only four and the wind had picked up and the snow was falling in bigger flakes. It looked like it was going to get bad. When they got into the cab of his truck Kurt turned the heat up as high as it would go.

The ride to Mercedes' house was quiet and peaceful. She made occasional remarks about Lee and asked about how Carole and Burt were doing. Mercedes loved Kurt's parents. He watched as she hurried into her house, which was decorated beautifully. Kurt waved to Mercedes' mom who was looking out of the window from the kitchen. She smiled and returned the wave.

When Kurt walked in the door he heard Christmas music and laughing coming from the kitchen. Blaine was singing. He sounded angelic.

"The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful and since we no place to go..."

"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!" Carole finished, giggling. "You have a really great voice. Why don't you join glee club?"

"Oh well thank you, you have a beautiful voice yourself. I just never really thought about it." Blaine had chosen his words carefully; as if saying the wrong words would reveal that he was terrified of Rachel and that was why he didn't join.

"Well you should. Kurt and Finn just love to sing. They both have wonderful voices."

Kurt could hear the pride in her voice. He took his scarf off before making his way into the kitchen."Thanks Carole, your voice is lovely too." Kurt took a cookie off of the plate and nibbled on it.

Blaine had flour in his hair and on his nose. He was even wearing one of Carole's aprons to avoid getting any on his sweater. He looked absolutely adorable.

"Hi sweetie, how come you're home early? Could you ice those Blaine?" He nodded and grabbed a new icing bag and the green icing.

"Mercedes was tired and I offered to drive her home early."

"That was nice of you. I hope Finn and Puck make it home alright." Carole looked worried.

That was relieved when both boys came in the door shoving each other and laughing.

"Man they have cookies!" Puck picked up two and handed one to Finn.

"Hello boys! Glad you made it home alright." Carole started to clean up and Blaine took the rag from her; starting to clean the flour and put away the ingredients.

"How was the party?" Carole sat down at the buffet and tried a cookie herself.

"Good. We played truth or dare after you left Kurt. Mike had to tell Mr. Schue he had a crush on him. It was hilarious." Puck looked at Finn who burst out laughing.

"That sounds like it was interesting. I have some pizza in the oven since that seems to be your meal of choice every time you're here."

"Thanks Carole." Puck went over and hugged her. She blushed as the rest of the boys said thanks and went to hug her as well.

"Oh you boys." Carole smiled and went to go check the forecast. Kurt went and sat on the couch with her, waiting to see how much snow they would get."Boys I don't know if this is right but it says we're supposed to get six inches tonight and a few more tomorrow. There's a chance you might get stuck here for Christmas. Do you want me to take you home now?" Carole got up to get her coat.

"You are like family Mrs. H, Christmas would be fine here." Puck smiled at Carole.

"Yeah, you guys are always super nice to me. I asked my mom if she wanted me to come home after school instead and she said it was fine. You're like family to me too." Blaine grinned and went over to hug her. Puck followed suit along with Finn who used his freakishly long arms to squish them together uncomfortably.

"Kurt, get over here!" Blaine held out his arm for Kurt to slip in to the group hug. He hopped over to them. When he turned his head to the left Blaine's was extremely close to his. They made eye contact and Blaine smiled that same goofy smiley he had given him at his locker earlier that day. For a moment all Kurt wanted to do was press his lips softly to Blaine's. Just for a second. Probably the best second of his life.

Instead he smiled a shy smile and hugged them all tighter.

They were all sitting in the living room after dinner. Burt had gotten home not long after Puck and Finn and said the roads had gotten pretty bad. They could all hear the violent howling of the wind outside. Finn and Puck were sitting in the corner playing a card game while Carole and Burt were looking through a Sears catalog. Blaine and Kurt both had a blanket around them and were looking at the Tv. They were showing all of the Harry Potter movies like they did every year before Christmas.

"I loved these books when I was little. My mom typed out a Hogwarts acceptance letter and signed Albus Dumbledore at the bottom. She didn't want me to feel bad on my 11th birthday." Blaine grinned at Kurt.

"My mom told me that I was too good for Hogwarts."

"I feel like you would be just like Hermione." Blaine elbowed Kurt.

"Probably. Who would you want to be?"

"SNAPE!" Blaine's eyes got wide and he went into a full-fledged rant about how Snape was 'easily the most influential character of the series.'

"I have a feeling you've thought about this a lot." Kurt laughed and turned to face Blaine.

"Oh I have. This is my favorite one I think."

"Goblet of Fire? That's my favorite too." Kurt smiled. He hadn't found anyone who was crazy about this movie like he was. Everyone disliked it because of 'that Twilight guy'.

"Alright man!" Blaine held up his hand and Kurt high-fived him. They both left their hands there for a little longer than necessary. Blaine and Kurt returned their hands to their laps and Kurt could have sworn he saw a slight blush on Blaine's face.

Both of them looked back at the Tv and watched the rest of the movie without a sound.

The next movie was quite the same with little snippets of conversation here and there. Kurt looked around as the credits rolled. It was only 9 but Finn and Puck were both out cold. Burt and Carole were cuddled under a blanket asleep on the couch. Kurt looked over to see Blaine curled up in a ball, but he was shivering even under the blanket. He noticed it was colder than usual in the house and went over to grab another throw for each of them.

The only thing you could hear was the wind outside that hadn't let up at all. Kurt draped one of the blankets over Blaine and saw him relax a little. He went and peered through the drapes and saw snow piled half way up the window. They definitely wouldn't be leaving any time soon.

Kurt went to lie down again when he heard Blaine whispering. He thought he was awake but Blaine's eyes were clearly closed.


Had Blaine just said Kurt's name in his sleep? Kurt stared at the boy in shock for a few seconds.

"Cute little Kurt."

He snickered; he was little? Blaine was at least two inches shorter than Kurt was. He waited for a while to see if Blaine would say anything else, but he stayed quiet. Kurt turned over and fell asleep, listening to the calm rhythm of Blaine's breathing.

Kurt woke up in his bed at ten the next morning. He tugged his hand through his hair and saw Blaine next to him. He was alarmed until he saw Puck and Finn on the floor. They were all asleep and Kurt looked at the sleeping Blaine. Every once and a while his nose would twitch or he'd get an adorable smile on his face. Kurt got out of bed and went downstairs to see Carole putting wrapping paper in the hall closet.

"How come everyone moved up to my room?" Kurt yawned and sat in a chair at the buffet.

"Well Burt and I had to wrap presents. We figured if Blaine or Puck saw they'd tell you what was in them." Carole smiled sheepishly.

"Procrastination has always been one of my favorite things about Carole." Burt came up and kissed her forehead before grabbing a cup of coffee.

"Thank you honey. How'd you sleep Kurt?" Carole turned on the oven. Burt went to turn on the Tv after hugging Kurt.

"I slept well. Merry Christmas Eve." Kurt put his arms around Carole. She gave him one of those hugs his mom used to. The kind of hugs that made the skinned knee feel better or the broken heart mend on the spot. The 'mom' hugs Kurt needed a lot.

"Merry Christmas Eve." Carole smiled and wiped Kurt's face. He hadn't even noticed he was crying.

"What's wrong sweetie?"

"I just, lately everything you do reminds me of my mom and you are just like her, but not. You give the hugs like she used to and you say the right things at the right time just like she used to."

"Oh honey, come here." Carole hugged him tightly, rubbing his back and swaying back and forth. "I will never replace your mother; I don't intend to. She was a beautiful and caring woman. At least that's what I've gathered from your father. You were both lucky to have a few years with her and I just hope I can be a good mother to you now. I know I'll never be as good as the real thing. I love you Kurt; you are a wonderful step-son to have." Kurt pulled back from the hug and looked into Carole's eyes. He saw such a caring person, who would stop at nothing to make him smile.

"Would you mind.. if I called you mom?" Kurt bit his lip, trying not to look as embarrassed as he felt.

"Not at all sweetie, but I don't want you to feel pressured to." Carole stirred something on the stove, but kept a hand on Kurt's back.

"I don't, mom." Kurt elbowed Carole who turned and smiled at him.

Kurt felt a warmth in his heart. A warmth that had always been there when he would be around his mom. He knew that this is what she would have wanted; and in that moment she swore his mom was standing right next to him, nudging him towards Carole. Kurt kissed his mom's cheek before going back up to his room.

The day went by slowly. Kurt spent most of it lazing on the couch or playing board games with Puck or Blaine. Finn had spent most of the day begging Carole to tell him what he had gotten for Christmas or shaking the presents under the tree. Kurt smiled when he saw two boxes with Puck and Blaine name tags on them.

Kurt wasn't going to lie; he was curious what he had gotten. Most of the day though, he just tried to get to know more about Blaine.

He had found out that Blaine had played hockey for a year but had to quit when he got beat up really bad for accidentally slamming a kid into a wall. Kurt also had learned that Blaine wanted to be a animator when he grew up. His dream was to draw for one of the future Disney movies.

"Can I see some of your drawings sometime?" Kurt was intrigued to see what Blaine drew.

"I have some pictures on my phone if you really want to see them." Blaine grinned crookedly at Kurt, who nodded in response. Blaine leaped over to his bag and looked through his phone before sitting, extremely close, to Kurt.

"These are old ones but there are a couple new ones in here."

Kurt's mouth dropped open. They were amazing."Blaine these are stunning. They look like they belong in a Disney movie." It was true, the face shapes and expression looked exactly like the ones in The Little Mermaid and Aladdin.

"Oh, well thank you. That means a ton."

Blaine blushed a little before slipping his phone into his pocket again. Kurt knew how much it meant to him; you could hear the excitement and happiness in Blaine's voice. You could even see it in his facial expression. Who would have know that Blaine was good at art?

By that night Finn's efforts to open his presents early had fallen short and he was sitting by the tree trying to guess what they were. Puck had passed out at 10, and Blaine by 10:30. Everyone followed soon after; it seemed like the combination of food and the gentle lulling of the wind, which had calmed down, were all it took to get them to sleep.

"Guys, guys, wake up! It's Christmas!" Finn was hopping all around and smacking Puck, Blaine, and Kurt with pillows.

"It's six in the morning. Go back to sleep you freak." Puck swatted at Finn's legs but he darted out of the way. Carole laughed at them from the couch.

"Finn you can go ahead and open your gifts, but let the boys sleep."

"SCORE." Finn dropped down by the tree and started tearing open the ones with his name on them. Finn, when he wanted to, could act like a four year old.

Kurt moseyed over to the tree and opened his presents too. He had gotten a few movies, a 100$ gift card to Barnes and Noble, and three sweaters.

"Thank you mom and dad." Kurt went over and hugged them both, ignoring the look that his dad gave to mom. It felt weird to think it, but also really natural. It was strange to hear the words pass through his lips none the less.

The other boys got up soon after Kurt and Finn. They both opened twenty dollar gift cards to Breadstix.

"Thank you Carole and Burt." Blaine went over and hugged Carole and shook Burt's hand. Kurt had to laugh at that.

Puck thanked both of them too and offered to do the dishes later. Carole looked surprised but accepted the offer.

Eventually the roads were clear enough that the boys could leave. Blaine was waiting by the door with his bag when Kurt went over. He wasn't going to ask about Blaine saying his name in his sleep, he just made idle conversation until he looked up and saw a small bundle of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. Blaine noticed as well and looked at Kurt, who had no idea what to do. His eyes flitted to Carole who gave him a small smile and thumbs up.

"Uh, there's kind of mistletoe." Blaine looked down at his feet.

"Yeah I noticed." Kurt didn't know what to do. He assumed nothing would come of it, but Blaine leaned up and kissed Kurt's cheek.

"My mom told me that things like that are like a pinky promise. Can't go against it." Blaine grinned a goofy grin before walking out the door to his truck.

Kurt just watched with a shocked expression as Blaine started his truck and waved goodbye, like nothing had even happened.


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