March 4, 2012, 5:33 p.m.
March 4, 2012, 5:33 p.m.
There is no worse feeling then waking up to an alarm clock on a Monday.
Kurt clicked his alarm off on his phone and got out of bed, yawning as he went down to the kitchen. The only other person in the house awake at this time was Carole, who was sitting in her robe at the buffet sipping coffee and reading a magazine.
"Good morning Kurt, how'd you sleep?"
"Alright. What about you?" He grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard and went to the fridge to grab milk.
"I slept well. So, did you like Finn's new friend? You two seemed to hit it off."
Kurt sighed as he made his cereal and sat down next to Carole, he knew this was coming. She had made slight comments about the boy ever since he had left on Saturday. "Yeah, he was cool."
Honestly, Kurt wasn't interested like that, yet anyway. I mean they had a lot in common and Blaine was gorgeous but he highly doubted anything would happen. Besides, he loved to play a game of hard to get before even considering anyone. Kurt Hummel was not easy. He needed someone up to the challenge of him.
"I thought he was lovely." Kurt laughed slightly, of course Blaine was. "I'm not Blind, Carole."
She glanced at him sideways and smiled as she took a drink of coffee. "You were flirting with him sweetie, I had to say something."
Kurt looked over, wide-eyed. "I was not!" Kurt was not flirting with Blaine. He had offered hair gel and helped him understand the food chain at the house. That wasn't flirting, that was simply being friendly.
Carole was laughing now, "You so were, 'Finn, where did you find him?' You were flirting Kurt, accept it." She took a sip of her coffee, grinning slightly.
Kurt just rolled his eyes and put his bowl in the sink. Carole went over and hugged him, "I'm just giving you a hard time sweetie. If you like Blaine, that's your business. I'm here if you need me though."
Kurt nodded and walked back up to his room. Getting ready was considerably easier since he was added to the Cheerio's. He moisturized his skin and gelled his hair, wondering just for a second about Blaine. He shook his head and changed into his cheerleading uniform before grabbing his bag and walking out to his truck.
Kurt walked into school, pushing through the doors a little more forcefully then needed. He had replayed that entire Friday in his head and nothing seemed like flirting. Carole was joking Kurt, calm down.
"Hey Kurt!" Quinn was by his side then, sliding her arm through his and walking down the hallway to his locker. This was an everyday thing.
He tried to sound nicer when he greeted her. "Hey Quinn." Kurt cringed a little, that came out way ruder then he meant it.
"Whoa, what's the matter?" She stood by his locker as he got the books he needed out of it and shoved his bag into the small space.
"Just, you know how Finn has Puck over every Friday? And I usually just hang out with them?"
Quinn nodded, "Yes, did one of them do something?"
Kurt shook his head, "Not at all, it's just they had someone else over as well and Carole said I was flirting with him."
Quinn smiled hugely, she loved when Kurt was interested in someone, but he wasn't. Not yet. "Oh really? Who was he?"
Kurt leaned in and whispered; "Blaine Anderson."
Quinn grabbed his hands and jumped up and down. "That is so cute." Quinn squealed and Kurt desperately tried to shush her when the boy in question walked by. He gave a small wave and smile as he walked by and continued down the hallway. He wasn't wearing a bow-tie today.
"Shoot." Kurt mumbled, had what he said about them hurt Blaine?
"What's wrong hun?" Quinn looked sympathetic again.
"I jokingly made fun of his bow-ties when we couldn't fall asleep and he's not wearing one today."
"You two slept by each other?" Quinn said this in a hushed voice but a couple people turned to look.
Kurt whispered again, "Yes. Finn and Puck really like Blaine, I think he's joined their little club they made up when they were younger."
Kurt rolled his eyes and shifted his weight to his other side, "Yeah, they made up the 'badasses' club and they made me join it last year. I think they had Blaine join on Friday. Basically they hang out every Friday."
Quinn smirked, "They are so weird. So you'll get to see a lot of the curly headed cutie then, huh?"
Kurt gave Quinn a look and she laughed.
"What? Can't I enjoy this? You two would be great together. Maybe just skip the hard to get and get on with it? Do you know how many girls are in love with that kid?"
Kurt tilted his head and looked at her, "What do you mean?"
She rolled her eyes and they started walking again, "I mean that I hear everything that happens here. I can't even tell you how many girls- Santana tell Kurt how many girls are in love with Blaine Anderson."
Santana was on his other side then, sliding her arm through his. Santana rolled her eyes, "So many girls would put out for that hobbit. In another life I probably would have too. Why are we talking about him anyway?"
Quinn laughed and swatted at Santana, "Because Kurt was flirting with him when he was over at Finn's on Friday."
"No I wasn't! Kurt scoffed and stalked off to French. He heard Santana and Quinn giggle.
"Oh stop you know we love you." Kurt just kept walking, not because he was mad but because he knew he was blushing horridly.
"Bonjour Class" Kurt mumbled back a response while pulling out his phone and setting it behind his books. He'd taken French since eighth grade and because they did fundamentals every year, he sat bored in the back of the class for the first few weeks of school. His phone lit up halfway through class.
Quinn: Honey we were just kidding, you know that right?
Kurt: Yeah I know.
Quinn: I think Blaine would be good for you.
Kurt: Quinn.. I really don't want to talk about this right now.
Quinn: Okay, we'll talk about it at at lunch.
Kurt: Why are we friends?
Quinn: Because you love me, now I have to go.
Kurt: Bye.
Kurt laughed to himself and put his phone away too, the bell was about to ring. He had study hall next with Brittany. That was bound to be interesting
Being a gay boy with lots of friends that were girls meant a lot of cuddling. He was always getting hugs, walking arm in arm with one in the hallway, or a girl would lay their head in his lap and tell him about their problems. That was only Brittany though.
Today she was doing just that, they were sitting in the library where they had study hall. Kurt was on the longer couch behind the books and Brittany was laying across it, talking about something with her cat. Apparently he wouldn't tell her why he was out late last night. Part of the reason he was friends with Brittany is because in her world everything was fun and nothing made sense. She could go about life believing that cats could talk and there really was an Easter bunny.
She looked up at him and frowned, "Kurt, you look sad. You're like, never sad."
"It's nothing Britt."
She rolled her eyes, "I know you, there's something wrong. Whenever I'm sad I just watch the Titanic."
He made a face, "That's a sad movie though."
She shook her head, "Not really. See Jack is totally Poseidon's brother, when he sinks into the ocean they meet for the first time and he makes him a merman. Rose lives too, it's a win win really."
Kurt laughed, "Britt you are adorable."
Brittany shrugged, "I know. So what's wrong?"
He sighed and gave in, "I think I'm getting a crush on one of Finn's friends."
"But he only has one."
That made Kurt laugh, he always told Finn to be more social. "He has a couple. Sam and this new one Blaine."
"You like Blaine."
Kurt didn't know how to respond, he had never really crushed on anyone before. I mean there was Finn for a few weeks but that went away far before he was related. Other then that he had been mildly attracted to Sam, but that cleared up just as fast. "I don't know. I just met him, so it's kind of early to tell."
Brittany nodded and was quiet for a while. When the period ended and Kurt looked down to see if she was going to move, but she was asleep.
"Britt.. Britt."
She opened her eyes and got up, "Sorry Kurt. Your lap is comfy. See you at lunch."
Kurt waved and got his stuff, walking out of the library a few minutes after.
Blaine was walking to his class and Kurt walked a little faster to catch up, but he kept his distance. He wanted to see if Blaine would initiate a conversation, but he looked concentrated. He was walking with a pencil tucked behind his ear and he was staring intently at his phone. Kurt swore he saw the logo for Spark Notes on the screen. The boy looked up and smiled, giving Kurt a small wave before turning the corner and walking into the honors English room.
Figures, he's smart too. Kurt had never noticed how many times the boys had probably absent-mindedly passed each other in the hallway. They had a bunch of classes right by each other. Kurt had talked with Santana about him before, because she had come up to him and talked about how she knew Blaine was gay and how if he wasn't she would be all up on him. Sometimes Kurt wished he was as promiscuous as Santana.
The rest of the day went by painfully slow, at lunch Quinn questioned Kurt about Blaine for what seemed like hours, only letting him go at the last bell. Santana just piped in every once in a while. The way Kurt was about finding someone pissed her off, she just went in for the kill. Kurt wanted someone to come to him. He wanted someone to love him, want to be with him, care about him enough to make a move. Someone who regardless of all that was Kurt still wanted him. He thought about how ridiculous this all was on the way home, he didn't really know Blaine, just enough to be interested. He was bound and determined to keep it to himself. Well himself and his friends. Kurt was hell bent on successfully playing hard to get. By successful, he meant ending up with the only genuine guy Kurt had met. Well, Kurt had met genuine guys before, but they turned out to be straight, or in Finn's case his step brother. Someone who liked broadway music and reading. Someone who liked to watch romantic comedies that always end the same way. Someone like him.
When he got home Carole was asleep on the couch, Kurt smiled and went to lay a blanket down on her before walking up to his room. This was the first day since school started that he hadn't had Cheerio practice. Finn wouldn't be home for at least two hours and the same for his dad.
He took this opportunity to change into sweats, comb all of the gel out of his hair and lay down on his couch. It started to rain softly outside, thundering every once and a while. Eventually Kurt fell into a deep sleep.
Kurt woke up at five in the morning to a thunderstorm. One of those storms that makes you jolt up in your bed at every hour in the night. He had slept for thirteen hours and he was wide awake. Kurt trudged downstairs to make some coffee and check the radar, so if they were to be doomed by a twister he could at least say he tried to alert the family. He laughed at himself and turned the Tv on, going to turn on the coffee maker. When it was done he sat on the couch, yawning occasionally and watching the cliches of the morning news.
He heard footsteps at five thirty.
"What are you doing up?" Carole sounded tired, he turned around facing her over the couch.
"I got woken up by the thunder. Did you sleep?"
Carole nodded before grabbing a cup of coffee herself and sitting next to Kurt. They kept a comfortable silence until Kurt went to go get ready.
Kurt was sitting in the parking lot shuffling through his messenger bag to make sure he hadn't had homework last night. He was almost done when he heard a soft rapping on the window. It was Blaine. Kurt tried to keep himself together and put everything in his bag before taking out the key and stuffing it in his pocket. He opened the door and adjusted his uniform. When he looked up he saw that Blaine was wearing a bow-tie today. He felt slightly relieved.
"Hi Kurt." Blaine locked his own car and started to walk alongside him.
"Glad to see that you didn't take my comment on your neckwear too seriously, I thought I had offended you."
Blaine laughed, it was a musical sound and it made Kurt laugh too. "It takes a lot to offend me. How was your night?"
"I fell asleep at like four and slept until the storms woke me up this morning."
Blaine nodded, "I wish I had slept last night, I had football and then when I came home my parents pulled me into a debate on whether or not pluto is a planet."
Kurt giggled, "It it, I don't care what scientists say."
Blaine's eyes got wide, "Thank you. High five man, really. That was me and my mom's side too."
Kurt lightly slapped Blaine's hand, before strictly returning it to the strap of his bag. He saw Quinn glancing at them out of the corner of his eye. She was trying to be sneaky by hiding behind her locker door.
"I'll see you later, I have a stalker."
"Bye Kurt!" Blaine walked off and pulled a granola bar out of his pocket, stuffing practically the whole thing in his mouth at one time.
Quinn was at his side immediately, sliding her arm once again through his. "Did you two drive to school together? Did he ask you out? Are you two going to get married?"
"Oh my God Quinn hush, he's almost in ear shot. No, he parked by me, total coincidence so wipe that grin off your face, and we walked in together. Married? Really? It's not even legal in Ohio yet." Kurt dramatically rolled his eyes at his overzealous friend.
"I know, but you two would be so cute together."
Kurt couldn't help but picture it in his mind then. Walking down the hallways holding hands with Blaine, hugging him after he makes the winning touchdown at a football game, even baking cookies with him during Christmas. He had to admit, it wasn't horrible to think about. "I don't know Quinn, we'll see."
She squealed then hugging Kurt, who hugged her back laughing silently.
He could not imagine a day going slower, every class droned on for what seemed like hours. Every passing period he found his eyes would dart around the hallway looking for Blaine, or that he would think about Blaine, or the would talk about him.
At lunch Brittany thankfully stole the conversation with a story about her cat, who seemed to show up in everyday conversation. Santana sat by Brittany listening intently to her trials with the overweight feline. Quinn sat by Kurt, leaning her head on his shoulder and half paying attention to the conversation.
Kurt honestly loved snuggling, it came naturally and for him it didn't have to mean they were in a relationship. A lot of the times he would throw his arm over on the of the girl's shoulders and tug his fingers through their hair, or he would hug one of them for hours while they stained his shoulder after countless bad relationships. He even had sleepovers with them, it was so much simpler to have friend that were girls. He fit in better with them and they could relate about boy troubles.
He enjoyed their company too, he loved their little group. Brittany who was creative and incredibly positive, Quinn who was lovely and sweet, and Santana who was bitchy and fabulous. Then there was Kurt, who in all honesty was a mash up of all of those.
The rest of the day went just as slow until he found himself stretching in the gym for cheer practice. This pep-rally he would be doing lots of twirling and flipping, something that he had just recently been able to do. He was used to moving his hips and shimmying but cheer was a whole new level of movement. They were dancing to one of Katy Perry's numerous radio hits, Last Friday Night. Kurt actually liked the song though, it was peppy and the beat made you want to dance.
They were going through it for what seemed like the hundredth time when the football team loudly made their way through the gym. Kurt was in the middle of a backbend when Blaine walked by, sweaty and shirtless. He looked great, Kurt had to admit. He was so surprised in fact that he collapsed to the hard gym floor, smacking the back of his head on the shiny wood. It didn't hurt as bad as it sounded and the girls giggled when they realized he was okay.
"Looks like Hummel got distracted" Santana said in a sing-song voice.
Kurt rolled his eyes and flipped a few times, making sure he had the movement down.
When he got home he changed into a t-shirt and jeans, going downstairs to grab a Tylenol. His body ached after missing a day of practice. He was walking back to his room when he heard the soft chords of a acoustic guitar coming from Finn's room. He walked to the doorway, trying to be quiet when he saw the small black haired boy cradling the guitar and stroking the strings. He was singing along quietly as Finn and Puck discussed something to do with "that hot babe that works at the Dairy Queen in town" Blaine was singing along, softly but loud enough for Kurt to realize that he had the voice of a freaking angel. He was practically melting right there when Finn spotted him.
"Hey dude, quit being creepy and just come in." Puck laughed as Kurt blushed and made his way into the room. Blaine quickly set down the guitar and moved so there was a spot for Kurt on the bed, which was huge because Finn was freakishly tall.
Kurt popped the Tylenol into his mouth and took a drink of water, trying to buy time to fully recover from the swooning he had rudely been interrupted from. The boy had a beautiful voice. He barely listened to the conversation the three boys were having, he just stole glances at Blaine until it was time for dinner and he left.
Later that night Kurt was fiddling around in his room, looking at Facebook and answering a couple people who messaged him whenever he was online. Finn knocked on the door quietly and Kurt moved his laptop to the floor and closed the lid.
"Dude, I don't mean to make things awkward but, do you like Blaine or something? You looked like he had changed your life or something when you were hanging with us earlier."
Kurt rolled his eyes, he knew he couldn't lie to Carole but Finn, Finn was oblivious to the perfect poker face Kurt had. "He's nice I suppose. I just didn't know he could play guitar, that's all."
Finn seemed to accept the answer and went to walk out of Kurt's room, "Just was wondering bro, goodnight."
Kurt nodded and went to shower, trying to clear his mind of Blaine.
It was fifteen minutes before the pep-rally and Kurt was stretching his legs and back, doing his best to try and get into the peppy mood. He hadn't gotten much sleep since Tuesday and even though it was Friday and the beginning of the weekend, Kurt had the game that night and then Blaine would be over at his house hanging out with his step brother and Puckerman, being oblivious to the fact that Kurt was becoming increasingly interested in him.
When the cheerleaders were cued to line up Kurt breathed in slowly, feeling the adrenaline flow through him as the song started. He had located Blaine in the crowd, and was going to make a conscious effort to be his best. When he ran out onto the floor and did his first flip the crowd clapped and cheered. He landed it perfectly and he could feel the energy of the music and the crowd entering every fiber of him. He remembered how much he loved preforming when they had these things.
The rest of the song went off without a hitch and when the music faded out they made their formation in the middle of the floor and Kurt made his way to his spot where he would be tossing and catching Quinn. They did the routine and formed a line before shouting out a cheer and cartwheeling to the side of the gym. Kurt was handed the microphone as always and he spoke, considerably out of breath.
"Come support the football team tonight, tailgate starts at 6:30 like always. It's a black-out so where all the black you have!" He handed the microphone back and went to sit with the squad.
Quinn scooted over to him, cupping her hands around his ear, "Blaine was watching you the entire time. It was cute."
Kurt felt the blush creep up his neck, "Shush Quinn, I doubt he really was." He could't help but feel excited at the thought though.
Quinn giggled and Kurt put his arm around her and she hugged him around the waist. He was definitely closest to her, and they sat like that for the rest of the pep-rally. Kurt took occasional glances in Blaine's direction, accidentally catching his eyes twice. This of course made Kurt blush and redirect his eyes quickly. Quinn just sat completely content and left Kurt to his thoughts.
When they finally left the gym Kurt walked off to his truck, running his hands through his hair. This was his first game as a cheerleader, and he had to admit he was a little nervous.
He got into his truck and watched as Blaine left with Finn and Puck. They were laughing and shoving each other, all wearing their jerseys. It looked like a scene out of a movie, one of those feel good lifetime channel movies he sometimes watched with Carole. He pulled out of the parking lot and drove home, replaying that scene in his mind over and over. He didn't know why but it made him smile, his life had gone from being hell in sophomore year to being practically perfect this year. He was waiting to wake up, for everything to just be this childish daydream and he would be back to getting shoved into lockers and being called names everyday. Like he'd have to come home and wash red slushy out of his hair.
He winced at those memories, they had made him go to a place he didn't even know existed. A place that had nearly cost him his life.
He didn't know he had been crying until Carole hurried over to him, a concerned look was cast across her face.
"What's wrong sweetie?" She pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back.
"Nothing, I just, this year had been really great compared to last year. I feel like something's going to come along and ruin it sometimes." He leaned into her, hugging back tightly. "I'm just really thankful for you and dad and Finn, it's nice to have a family again."
Carole cupped his face in her hands, "I'm glad I found you too, you deserve this. Enjoy it." She kissed his forehead and he went up to his room, smiling a little now. He read for a little while before grabbing a jacket and pom-poms and climbing into his truck.
When he got to the parking lot it was filled with people in black, some had painted their bodies, some were wearing wigs that looked like they had belonged on a troll doll. He got out of his truck and breathed in, it smelt glorious out here. It was a mixture of grilled hot dogs and autumn air. He made his way through the crowd, dodging footballs and Frisbees, ducking under tall basketball players, eventually making it to the stadium.
There was a pit that usually housed the band in the very front, but instead he saw the rest of the squad setting down bags and slipping on varsity jackets.
Quinn hopped over to him, hugging his middle. She pulled away and fished around her pocket. "We have another bow if you want it, but I figured you wouldn't."
"Actually she said you would think it was tacky, hi Hummel." Santana and Brittany were around him then too with their pinkies linked.
"I hate to agree with you Santana but you're right. Sorry Quinny."
Quinn laughed and stuffed the bow back into her pocket, "it's totally okay. Are you excited?"
Kurt nodded, craning his neck to look at the huddle of football players waiting to be welcomed to the field. He saw Blaine, the shortest one, stretching his legs. Kurt giggled, he looked so cute in his shoulder pads, they were way too big for him.
Quinn was into the other's conversation and didn't hear the laughter that was shaking Kurt's body. He didn't really know why it was so funny, but he couldn't stop giggling.
The cheerleaders made a line when the speakers crackled out the welcoming message to the screaming fans. Kurt jogged to the end of the line, grabbing his pompoms. They listed off the starting line-up and each time one of the cheerleaders stepped forward and did a small cheer for them.
When it got to Kurt, who ended up with Blaine, he was practically shaking with nerves. Most of the girls had settled with something simple, so when they called Blaine's name Kurt stepped forward shyly and shouted "Go Blaine Go." like the others had. Blaine turned around and Kurt could see him grin through his helmet.
Instantly Kurt felt a little less nervous and he sat through the first two quarters, cheering whenever they had a touch down and overall having a blast.
They did the halftime show as usual and the rest of the game Kurt stared fixedly on Blaine's little figure running around, it was almost comical how many guys he passed with the ball. Eventually when it got the last few seconds Blaine had the extra point kick and did fabulously. Kurt cheered for him, a little too loudly, and went to wait for Quinn to walk out with.
He saw the team huddle excitedly, they had won in a landslide 32-7 and were clunking helmets and shouting. Kurt walked Quinn to her car and then walked to his own truck, heating his hands which had gotten extremely cold once the sun had set.
As soon as Kurt got home he went and changed, waiting for the three boys to walk through the door. A half hour later they all stumbled in, laughing and talking about the plays from the game. All of them made several comments about how Blaine had faked out so many of the bigger guys because he was short and quick on his feet.
Carole and Kurt's dad were already asleep, and since Kurt had been bored out of his mind he had made them a bunch of pizza rolls, which they devoured quickly. Blaine had clearly learned how to keep his own in the food war and was lying on the ground, groaning because he was too full.
Kurt sat down on the floor as well, which he had also already arranged into a bed because of his boredom as well. Finn and Puck had taken their usual spots, as had Blaine. Kurt pulled a blanket over him and leaned his head on his knees, barely listening to the conversation the boys were having. He just looked at Blaine, whose hair had erupted into misbehaving curls, it was adorable. Kurt chewed on his lip, trying to focus on anything but Blaine.
He gave up and popped a movie into the dvd player, not even sure what it was and laid down on his stomach, propping up on his elbows. Blaine was staring intently at his phone, his tongue was sticking out a little bit and he was twisting the phone with his wrists. Kurt leaned over, seeing that Blaine was playing Angry Birds. He laughed quietly and focused on the movie, not noticing that once again Puck and Finn had passed out, leaving Blaine and Kurt to converse among themselves.
Blaine angrily tossed his phone on his bag and rolled over, leaning on his elbows as well.
"What movie is this?"
"Just Go With It, Jennifer Aniston is my spirit animal."
Blaine laughed, "I like her too. I think I saw this a couple months ago with my mom. It's good."
Kurt nodded, reaching over to turn off the lamp.
Kurt and Blaine sat in silence for a few minutes and he noticed that they had slowly moved close enough that when they would move their arms would brush against each other's. Neither of the boys made a move to change it, just laughing occasionally. When the movie finished Kurt changed it to a Friends marathon.
"I love this show, with all of my heart." Blaine glanced at Kurt, who laughed quietly.
"I love it too, you remind me of Phoebe."
"I love her so I am okay with this."
The boys giggled and eventually falling into small conversations about their past, stories about their childhoods. Blaine got a kick out of Kurt's experience with a rude peacock at the zoo when he was five, and Kurt laughed until his sides ached when Blaine told him that he used to put socks in his shoes to try and be taller. They talked until three a.m., eventually saying their goodnights and falling asleep.
Kurt woke up first this time, he saw that Blaine was sleeping with his behind sticking into the air, and he couldn't help the laughter that woke up Finn.
"Shut up Kurt you sound like a hyena, what's so funny anyway?"
Kurt covered his mouth and pointed to Blaine, who let out a soft snore in response.
Finn was laughing then too, Blaine looked absolutely adorable.
It took a lot of Kurt's strength to not reach over and ruffle his curls, he kind of did look like a poodle.
A few hours later all of the boys left. Blaine went home while Finn and Puck went to get pizza. Kurt cleaned up the living room, humming softly. Carole brought out two plates for them, setting a sandwich and soda in front of Kurt.
"Thanks Carole."
"No problem sweetie, so how was last night?"
Kurt took a sip of his soda before tilting his head, recalling the stories and confessions of the night before. "It was a lot of fun."
Carole raised an eyebrow, clearly wanting more information. "We talked for like five hours after the Puck and Finn fell asleep."
"About what?" She was intrigued now, leaning towards Kurt.
"When we were kids, funny stories, serious stuff."
"So do you like him?" Carole searched Kurt's eyes, and he knew that he might as well tell her the truth.
"Yes, I do." She smiled and hugged Kurt, who grinned into Carole's shoulder. Yeah, he liked Blaine. He liked him a lot.