PomPoms and Shoulder Pads
When We First Met Next Chapter Story
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PomPoms and Shoulder Pads: When We First Met

K - Words: 5,806 - Last Updated: Mar 04, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 6/6 - Created: Feb 19, 2012 - Updated: Mar 04, 2012
1,630 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Blaine's perspective. Hope you like it!

"Twenty push ups gentleman, if I see you slacking you'll do laps."

Blaine sighed, he hated football conditioning. It wasn't required but Blaine figured it would help him get to know the team.

He transferred to McKinley after his parents moved up to Lima. His dad was a big lawyer. Some firm up here really wanted him and paid better then they did in Minnesota.

Moving hadn't been ideal, but Blaine was used to his dad deciding things for him. He had decided what seemed like every moment of Blaine's life from kindergarten until sophomore year when he had finally put his foot down. His dad was always arranging him with his coworker's daughters, and finally when Blaine came home from a date with a girl who kept trying to unbutton his shirt on the way home he told his parents he was gay.

His mom had been loads more understanding than his dad. His mom had followed him when he flew up the stairs to his room, taking his hands in hers and just asking questions. She and him had never had issues. He couldn't count the times she had come in with snacks and just sat on his bed, silently chewing on crackers while he told her every detail of his life. She was his best friend.

When Blaine had found out they were moving to Lima and he was already registered for high school there, he did research. He spent hours on Google trying to find out what to expect, only finding horror stories of slushies and swirlies from the blogs of targeted students.

Blaine was brought back to attention when a whistle blared in his ear.

"Anderson, get going!" Coach Beiste blared her whistle once more, before walking away and shouting at the other players.

Blaine shook his head and started his push-ups. His arms started to ache after just 10 of them.

Beiste had placed him as the kicker, the same position he had played in Minnesota. When it came to lunges and high knees he had no issue, but his upper body strength was lacking. He collapsed to the turf ten reps later, his arms were on fire.

When Beiste finally dismissed them, Blaine wiped his forehead and started to head to the locker room.

"Good job Anderson, welcome to the team, man." Finn clapped his shoulder before stalking off to the showers.

Blaine said a small thank you. Honestly, he was still waiting for the "slushy facials" that kids like him were supposed to get here, and yet he had been here a month and nothing of the sort had happened.

It wasn't like people didn't know he was gay, besides the fact that it was pretty obvious, he also told people who asked him if he was. He wasn't embarrassed by it, he knew there were a few out kids in the school. One was even on the football team like him, some kid named David Karofsky. Yet, he still wondered why people weren't pushing him into lockers or tossing flavored ice in his face every day. He had considered for a moment if it had anything to do with the fact that he was on the football team. In Minnesota that hadn't helped him at all, he occasionally got profanities thrown at him in the hallway, or a shove now and then. Here though, he walked down the hallways getting a high five or even a hideously outdated knuckle touch every now and then.

"Finn, wait up for a second." Blaine caught up to him, intimidated a little by the height of Finn, he was huge.

"What's up man?" Finn wiped his forehead with the bottom of his shirt.

"This might be a weird question, but before I came here I heard people, who were like me, got taunted a lot.." Before Blaine could finish he saw recognition in Finn's expression.

"Yeah dude, that stopped after Karofsky came out last year and beat the living hell out of anyone who tried to make fun of him. The slushies stopped shortly after, I guess the amusement was gone when you had Karofsky's fist on the other end. I don't think you have a lot to worry about Blaine."

That made him feel better, maybe he could stop flinching every time someone raised their hand to wave at him in the hallway.

"Thanks Finn."

The taller boy nodded and started walking again, and Blaine followed after, stepping back when three cans of body spray attacked Finn when he walked into the locker room.

"Damnit Puckerman!"

Blaine snuck through, hearing a loud smack and laughter behind him.

Blaine felt disgusting. He was sweaty and his hair gel had lost it's hold. Looking into the mirror he groaned internally, his hair was sticking up in every direction. He decided to just shower at home and tugged on dry clothes. Blaine opened the door slightly and heard giggling echoing from the hallway.

"You cannot bedazzle the uniform. Sylvester would kill you."

That sounded like that Quinn girl, she had let him borrow a pen in Spanish on his first day. Blaine heard a high pitched laugh in return.

"She will never understand the joy of bedazzling until she has bedazzled. She should do a couple of her track suits."

Who was that? Blaine had never heard that voice before. He peeked around the corner, that's when he saw him. The boy was in a Cheerio's uniform, he was tacking up posters that had sayings like, "Come support the Titans next Friday!" and "Pep Rally tomorrow, be there!", but Blaine barely noticed.

His eyes traveled to the delicate hands smoothing the poster edges down, to the pale arms and eventually to his face. His jaw was angular, and his overall pale complexion had added color on his cheeks. His eyes were a piercing blue, and he had long eyelashes that dusted his face when he blinked. His hair was gelled into place, only a few hairs escaping from the careful style. He was beautiful.

Blaine pulled himself together when Quinn turned around and smiled warmly, giving him a small wave. He returned it, almost positive that he was blushing madly. He walked down the opposite hallway, trying to ignore the laughter and conversation. He had never been more attracted to anybody in his entire life.

He tried to think of classes he might have had with him, or at least seeing him in the hallways, but nothing rang a bell. Where had he been hiding?

Blaine tried to focus on driving home, it was a pretty far drive and he found his thoughts drifting. He was rudely pulled out of his daydreaming by the honking of a car behind him.

He shook his head and barely focused all the way home. He had no idea who this guy was, he didn't even know his name.

Before he went inside he tried to pull himself together, his mom knew him better then anyone else. She could see through his mask every time.

He gave up and walked inside, hoping that maybe the house would be empty. To his relief, it was. He dropped his bags by the door and walked to the shower.

Emerging from the bathroom fifteen minutes later, he trudged downstairs and found his mom making dinner in the kitchen. He walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey sweetie" She said, ruffling his still damp hair. "How was school?"

"It was alright. Need any help?"

His mother gestured to some carrots and a knife on the counter."Just dinner for two tonight, your father won't be home until later. What's the matter honey? You look upset."

Blaine shrugged and took to slicing carrots, trying to shake the image of the boy out of his head.

"It's a boy, isn't it?" His mom turned to face him, slinging the kitchen towel over her shoulder.

Blaine just stared at her in disbelief, "How do you do that?"

"Mother's intuition. Now tell me about him." She playfully swatted him with the towel before stirring something on the stove.

"I don't even know his name, I just saw him in the hallway today after practice.I can't seem to get him off my mind." His mother laughed slightly, "Honey, that's normal. What does he look like?"

Blaine wiped his hands on a towel and leaned against the counter, folding his arms. "Well, he's got blue eyes. He's a cheerleader. He's-"

"At least he's gay. Continue." His mother interrupted, looking at him sideways.

Blaine laughed, "I don't know that either. He's got really amazing skin, and a really cute nose."

His mom stirred whatever was on the stove turned it off, walking by Blaine and tapping him on the head with the spoon before putting it in the sink. "He sounds cute, I approve."

Blaine laughed and hugged his mom.

She pulled back after a few seconds and cupped his face in her hands, "I know that sometimes your father can be obnoxious about your preference, but just know that I'm always here to balance it out. I love you."

"Love you too mom." Blaine turned and grabbed two plates out of the cupboard and set them on the counter.

After dinner Blaine did the dishes while his mom went up to read in the study.

His dad walked in the door around seven while Blaine put the last dish away.

"Hey dad."

"Hey Blaine, how was football?" Blaine's dad came over and clapped him on the back.

"It was alright, I'm glad conditioning is done though."

His dad laughed, going to kiss his mom on the cheek when she came down the stairs.

Since Blaine came out his dad had gotten better with the whole thing. Blaine was pretty sure he just didn't think about it, which was fine with him. They had a decent relationship. His mom and him got along better by far, but his dad was proud of him when it came to sports and academics, and that's all that really mattered.

Blaine sat with his parents as they discussed his father's cases. His eyes started to droop and he said goodnight to both of his parents before climbing the stairs and falling into bed.

It was only nine but Blaine was exhausted. He had no homework, which was unusual for Blaine, but he took it as a blessing and fell asleep.

Blaine woke up at six thirty by himself. He made his bed and turned off his alarm. It was set for fifteen minutes later, but last time he forgot to turn it off the blaring scared him and that ended with broken glass. He went into the bathroom and showered quickly.

He was gelling his hair when his phone went off. "Finn: Wear your jerseys today for the pep rally" Blaine made his way to his closet and pulled out dark washed jeans, sneakers, a white t-shirt, and his jersey. He got dressed and turned off his light, going down to the was eating a cereal bar when he heard his mom coming downstairs.

"Trying to show off for the blue eyed boy?"

Blaine rolled his eyes and kissed his mom's cheek."There's a pep rally today, mom."

"Just giving you a hard time, honey. Have a good day."

Blaine waved and walked out the door to his car, and the drive to school took less time than usual.

Blaine walked through the halls like normal, but wearing a football jersey is like being a celebrity here. Before first period he had gotten at least ten high fives and even a hug from one of the cheerleaders, Becky. He loved Becky, she was hilarious. Blaine had to admit he didn't mind the attention, it just wasn't something he was used to. Rather, he wasn't used to positive attention.

By fifth period he still hadn't seen the boy, he sat down to lunch with a couple other guys from the team and picked at his food, glancing around every now and then hoping to catch a peek of the boy. He had practically given up when he saw him.

He was sitting with a few of the Cheerios, and was laughing at something one of them had said. His arm was draped across the back of his chair and he was turned towards the rest of the girls, occasionally taking a bite of an apple in his other hand. On each of the girls' uniforms there was a small pin with a football player on it.

It was optional, he had seen plenty of cheerleaders without it. Santana had Puck, Quinn had Sam, Brittany had one with.. a cat? It wasn't a football player, apparently, and the boy had a pin as well, but from afar Blaine couldn't tell who was on it. For a split second he hoped it was him, but dismissed the idea quickly.

If Blaine didn't know who he was than the boy probably didn't either, or maybe he did and didn't care.

The pep rally started out with the football team getting introduced. He stood up there while Finn took the microphone and Blaine tried not to focus on that fact that he was the shortest on the team. When they were told to sit back in the bleachers the lights dimmed and one of the cheerleaders took the floor.

She had a glow in the dark necklace on and a microphone. Music started and he heard Brittany's voice start to sing.. "On my waist, through my hair. Think about it when you touch me there… Close my eyes there you are all alone, dancing in the dark." The rest of the cheerleaders were on the floor then, dancing and singing. They all had glow in the dark bracelets and necklaces, even glow in the dark hula-hoops.

Blaine looked all around but couldn't find the boy, but when there was a break in the song he saw him flip across the front of the line of cheerleaders. The crowd cheered and the song finished within the next minute.

The boy took the microphone and waved to the crowd, winking at someone in the audience. "Come support the Titans next Friday, tailgate starts at 6!"

The boy handed the microphone back to the principal before joining the cheerleaders as they went to sit in the bleachers, laughing and talking quietly.

Blaine sat through the rest of the pep rally, staring dejectedly at the grouping of cheerleaders. When they were dismissed Finn tapped Blaine on the shoulder.

"Hey, Puck and I are hanging out after school and you're welcome to come. Oh, and my step brother will probably chill with us too. He's cool"

Blaine thought about this for a second, it would be a good way to get the boy off of his mind. "Sure Finn, when will I be home though?"

"Usually we just make a night of it. Puck practically lives at my house anyway."

Blaine laughed slightly, "Alright. I gotta run home and grab some stuff and I'll meet you at your house. Where is that by the way?"

Blaine waited while Finn gave him directions which were fairly easy to understand.

"Thanks Finn, see you in a while."

Finn stalked off to Puck and Blaine went to his truck, texting his mom to let him know he would be at a friend's house tonight. He wasn't sure what guys did when they hung out because he didn't really have friends in Minnesota, he kind of hung around by himself and got really good at solitaire.

He thought about that the entire drive home. Blaine grabbed a gym bag from his closet, filling it with necessities like his contact case and his phone charger. Blaine took his jersey off and laid it on his bed before walking out the door to his first "sleepover". Hopefully he'd be able to get the blue eyed boy out of his mind for a night.

He got lost once on his way to Finn's but he found it soon enough. Blaine padded up to the door and rapped his knuckles on the wood.

"Come in!"

He opened the door and slipped his shoes off."Where do you want me to put my bag?"

"Wherever dude." Finn had a handful of popcorn both in his hand and in his mouth.

Blaine walked into the living room, looking around at the decor. It was a really nice home he had to admit, smaller than his by far but he really liked it. He felt cozy.

"Hi sweetie, I'm Carole." A woman came up to him and shook his hand.

"I'm Blaine, thank you for letting me come over. You have a beautiful home."

Carole laughed and looked to Finn. "I like this one. What do you boys want for dinner?"


Blaine hadn't even seen Puck when he walked in. He was lying upside down on the couch with his legs hanging over the back. He was watching the recap of a football game on ESPN.

"How did I know that was coming, you okay with that Blaine?"

"Sounds delightful."

Carole patted him on the shoulder and went over to the stairway. "Kurt! Is pizza okay for dinner?"

Blaine heard footsteps down the stairs and a higher voice.


No. This was not happening. Sure enough though the blue eyed boy, Kurt, was there in the flesh.

"Is pizza okay for dinner honey?"

Blaine could feel a blush creep up his neck. He tried to avoid the fact that Kurt was wearing normal clothes that were both casual but extremely attractive and his hair was sticking up in every direction. He was wearing slim jeans and a grey v-neck t-shirt. He looked even better than he did in the cheer-leading uniform.

"Yeah, sounds great Carole." Kurt kissed her on the cheek, walked into the living room, and sat on Puck, who had adjusted himself so that he was lying across the couch and taking up the entire thing.

"You're not very comfortable, Puckerman."

Finn tilted his head thoughtfully and went to sit on Puck as well.

"Get off losers, I'm not a chair."

Puck twisted around to shove Kurt, but he moved to his feet gracefully and looked at Finn and Puck, who were now wrestling.

"The pizza will be here in a while, will you two boys please be careful. You hurt that couch you buy a new one."

Blaine just looked on, laughing as the two straightened themselves out, occasionally shoving or flicking the other. He turned around to Carole, who was folding a blanket behind him.

"This isn't uncommon, I cannot tell you how many of my vases have met their end because of those boys."

Blaine laughed, he liked Carole. She had that mom feel to her, she had a sweet voice and a soft feminine look to her.

After Puck and Finn settled down Finn was flipping through channels and Kurt was sitting in a chair reading a magazine, Blaine finally sat down on the floor next to the couch.

"Do you gel your hair every day?" Puck slowly poked Blaine's hair.

"I try to, otherwise I look like I have a poodle on my head. Actually, that's a nickname I had in middle school."

He heard a muffled laugh from Kurt's direction, but refused to look over there.

Puck laughed and then messed up Blaine's hair, completely removing the style.

"By nightfall I will transform into poodle head. Thank you Puck."

"I have some gel in my bathroom if you need it." Kurt was looking at him, the slightest bit of amusement in his expression.

Blaine looked over and smiled. "It's okay, you don't have to do that."

Kurt rolled his eyes, "Come on." He walked past, and Blaine stood up, following him and tried to keep up.

Blaine walked up the stairs, looking at the pictures that were lining the walls. He saw a couple that looked like a younger Finn, and one with a younger Kurt and a bald, kind looking man next to him. Kurt turned into a white room with furniture that looked fresh out of Ikea. Everything was neat and tidy.

Blaine stood in the doorway, not wanting to be rude. Kurt emerged a few seconds later with gel. "That's what I use, it works wonders."

Kurt nodded, "It gets me through the worst of hair days. You can use my bathroom, or there's one down the hall, just set it on my bed when you're done."

"Thank you."

Kurt smiled and went back downstairs. Blaine heard what sounded like someone falling and several laughs.

"Finn, you suck!" He heard Kurt say this and what sounded like a smack.

"Ow dude, when did you get strong?"

He heard bantering back and forth and walked to the hallway bathroom to gel his hair. Looking in the mirror there was a definite redness to his face. Blaine sighed and gelled his hair back into place, washing his hands and turning the light off when he left. He felt like he was intruding when he walked back into Kurt's room, he set the gel on his bed and walked right back out, trying not to look at the books on his shelves or the pictures on the walls.

"Are you beautiful again?" Puck asked as Blaine walked back into the living room. Puck went to mess up his hair again and Blaine dodged out of the way, falling over himself as a result. This caused laughter to erupt from the three boys in the room, and he just laid there and laughed too.

"Did you boys hurt my favorite?" Carole went over and helped Blaine up.

"No ma'am. I'm just really uncoordinated."

She laughed, "Ma'am? Call me Carole, dear."

The doorbell rang and Carole grabbed money off of the counter and went to answer the door. Blaine sat on the couch next to Puck, who was torturing Finn. He got the impression that Kurt would be hanging out with them the remainder of the night, and he couldn't say he minded that.

Finn and Puck ran and took the boxes of pizza from Carole, and Blaine got up slowly. His phone went off in his bag and he figured that Finn and Puck would be taking up the kitchen for while, so he padded over to his bag.

Mom: How's it going?

Blaine typed back a reply and dropped his phone on his bag. When he turned around Kurt was standing there with two plates of pizza.

"You're new here. If you leave Finn and Puck to the pizza that long you don't get pizza. So I got you some."

Sure enough Blaine looked over to empty pizza boxes.

"Dually noted. Thank you."

Blaine took the pizza and followed Kurt back into the living room.

"So what was your old school like, Blaine?" Carole said this and took a bite of her pizza.

"Well, it was okay I guess. I like it better here. People are nicer."

She nodded, "Well I'm glad you like it here sweetie."

Blaine smiled, "Me too. I just don't like conditioning for football. We didn't have it at our old school."

Blaine heard the door open and close.

"Did I hear something about football?" A bald man who looked like they guy in the picture by Kurt's room walked in and kissed Carole before kicking off his shoes. He was wearing a jumpsuit with the named Burt written in red thread.

"Burt, this is Blaine, my new favorite."

"I thought Kurt was your favorite? Nice to meet you Blaine."

Finn rolled his eyes and continued to eat pizza like he hadn't eaten in months.

"Now what were we saying about football?" Burt took a seat in a lazy boy in the corner.

"I was just saying I don't like football conditioning."

"You play football?" Burt looked at him like he was sizing him up in his head.

"Yes sir, I'm the kicker."

Burt laughed, "Sir? Call me Burt. Kurt played kicker for a while his sophomore year."

Blaine laughed when Kurt put his head in his hands.

"Yeah, he taught us the dance to Single Ladies, ended up winning our first game of the season with his kick." Puck started to laugh, obviously reliving the memory.

Blaine tilted his head thoughtfully, "Single ladies dance?"

"If any of you tell him I will personally end you all."

Kurt got up to put his dishes away, giving a warning glance at the others in the room.

"If it makes you feel better I always hum broadway tunes in my head before I kick."

Kurt turned around with his eyebrows raised. "What kind of broadway tunes?" Kurt leaned against the counter and crossed his arms.

"Well one of my recent favorites is Defying Gravity. Because, like the ball, is defying gravity."

"Finn, where did you find him?" Kurt looked impressed and Blaine smiled.

Impressing Kurt was something Blaine decided he wanted to do more often.

Finn just shrugged, "I don't know man, he's kind of tiny so I had trouble."

Puck and Burt both laughed. Blaine glared at Finn, who was laughing as well. Carole got up to put her dishes away and smacked Finn on the back of the head. He just looked at Carole, completely taken off guard.

His family was more tame then this, but he really liked being here. Minus the fact that the boy he was practically in love with was standing in the same room, being here made him feel at ease.

Kurt eventually drifted into the room and laid down on the floor quite a ways from Blaine. They sat there mindlessly flipping through channels for a while. Kurt struck up conversation with Finn, he heard Rachel Berry's name and scooted next to Puck. Rachel had tormented him the first week of school to join Glee club because she heard he had been in musicals at his old school. It's not that Blaine didn't want to join, it's just that he was just adjusting and he already was busy with football.

"So what do you guys usually do when you hang out?" Blaine asked, propping an elbow on the couch.

"Just hang. Watch movies and junk. I practically live here so it's not like we have anything planned." Puck stretched out across the couch when Finn moved to the floor. Him and Kurt seemed like they were in deep conversation, both were gesturing and their eyes were intent.

"Actually, I think it was Freshman year, me and Finn made up a name for our little 'club'. We hung out every Friday and have since then. Even Kurt joined when Carole got remarried."

"What was the name?"

Puck laughed and scratched his head. "The badasses. We met while playing football so we thought we were the coolest kid ever. Man were we wrong."

Blaine chuckled. He had heard Puck refer to himself as a badass on many occasions. There's some things people never grow out of.

"Yeah man but we could always use a fourth person."

Blaine thought about it. He could come here every Friday and have a social life or sit at home and just talk about having one with his mom.

"I'm not much of a badass but yeah, sure."

Puck nodded and kicked Finn in the head

Ow man, what was that for?"

"We have a new badass in our club. Only he's a really tiny one."

Blaine just laughed that off.

At ten Burt and Carole retired to their rooms upstairs and Blaine excused himself to change into his pajamas. He also put on his glasses. When he returned there were blankets all over the floor and Finn was walking to sit down with four sodas in his hands.

When Blaine sat down he figured out that this is where they were sleeping for the night. Finn and Puck had already chosen their places and were arguing about movies. Blaine was sleeping next to Kurt, which on a level terrified him.

He went and grabbed his phone and sat down again, a little shaky.

What if he like, kicked Kurt in his sleep? Or even worse said his name in his sleep. He had a tendency to sleep talk, something his mom had told him when they shared a hotel room before moving into their house.

Blaine laid opened his soda, sipping occasionally as the boys tried to figure out a movie to watch. Finally they decided on one, but Blaine had no idea what it was. He had spaced out somewhere between The Hangover and Step Brothers. After the beginning commercials rolled he realized it was Paranormal Activity.

Blaine hated scary movies, with all of his being. The two were fascinated by it, but throughout the movie Blaine hid his eyes and almost screamed at least twice. Half way through it thought he looked over to Puck and Finn who were passed out cold. Kurt was still up, and he looked like he was avoiding the screen too.

"They're asleep. Wanna turn this off?"

Blaine whispered this and Kurt craned his neck to look at the two sleeping figures. "I kind of want to keep the Tv on, this movie was horrifying. I hate scary movies."

Kurt turned it to the food channel. They were making some kind of fluffy desert that looked really good.

"I can't stand them either." Blaine sat up on his elbows and looked over to Kurt, who looked nervous."You okay?"

Kurt nodded his head, "Yeah, I just don't handle scary movies. At all."

"My dad made me see The Exorcist when I was little. I spent two months sleeping in their room. I've avoided the damn things ever since."

Kurt laughed, "Similar thing happened with me, only it was The Shining."

Blaine made a face as Kurt continued."Yeah. I couldn't sleep with the lights off for months."

Kurt yawned and pulled his fingers through his hair. He needed to not do that. Blaine sat on his hands. He didn't know if they were shaking because of the situation he was in, or because he had just watched an hour of that movie.

They laid there in silence for a while, there wasn't a lot of space between any of them, but Blaine had tried hard to be further away from the boy. He didn't really care if he kicked Puck, but he didn't really want to hurt Kurt.

"You asleep?"

Kurt looked over slightly. "Nope."

Blaine laughed and propped himself on his elbows again.

"Puck and Finn always do this to me, they fall asleep and I'm up for like two hours."

Blaine laughed, "Hey, at least I'm here." He cringed, why did he say that? He was flirting, and it was obvious.

Kurt laughed, maybe he didn't catch it. "Yeah, someone to be just as insanely tired as I will be tomorrow with!"

Was he flirting back? No, Blaine shook his head and took the advantage of the darkness to look at Kurt, really look at him up close.

It didn't help. Usually, when he was in middle school, guys would always say some girl was hot but when they got up close she was hideous. If anything, Kurt was more beautiful. You could see every line and every shadow, he was flawless.

"So, what'd you mean about the people here being nicer?" Kurt said after a long silence.

The boys were both laying on their backs, staring at the ceiling.

"I got bullied at my old school. Pushed into lockers and things like that."


Blaine paused. Nobody had really asked why he had gotten bullied, just how he had gotten bullied. "I was the only out gay kid at my old school. People didn't like it so they tossed me around."

He heard Kurt sigh. "That's how it used to be here, it's like listening to me a year ago."

"What changed?" Blaine was curious now.

"Well the kid who used to make fun of me came out. He doesn't let people push him around and people just gave up on trying to change us."

"So you're…?"Blaine didn't know how to ask something like that.

"100%." Kurt laughed, and it didn't sound forced. "I already knew you were though." Kurt turned to face Blaine, he had a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, I'm open about it."

"No, you wear bow-ties to school, you listen to broadway music. Not to mention Santana's gaydar is like military grade."

Blaine just blinked at him. So Santana had talked to Kurt about him? He had been the subject of conversation, he'd even crossed Kurt's mind? "Well that pretty much nails me on the head."

Kurt laughed. "How do you own so many bow-ties? You have one for like every day of the year." Kurt snickered.

"I collect them."

The other boy's eyes looked like they were searching for a bluff in Blaine's expression. "You're kidding."

"Yeah I am, but you wondered for a second there."

They both laughed and laid on their backs again. There was a comfortable silence and Blaine had nearly fallen asleep when Kurt mumbled, "Night Blaine."

"Goodnight Kurt."

Blaine laid there looking at Kurt's silhouette. Within a few minutes he heard Kurt's breathing slow down. The rhythm made Blaine fall asleep too.

The next morning came too quickly, he opened his eyes and everyone was still asleep, but Carole was making breakfast in the kitchen. He squinted again, trying to look like he was still sleeping, because her eyes were carefully focused on Blaine.

He realized why when he looked over and Kurt's sleeping figure was inches away from his face. It took everything in him not to gasp, or something of the sort. Instead he opened his eyes and rolled away from the boy, yawning and walking over to the now busied Carole.

"Good morning hun." Blaine adjusted his glasses.

"Good morning. Anything I can help with ?"

"Oh that's not necessary. You just woke up and probably want to go back to sleep."

"No it's okay, I help my mom cook all the time."

Carole laughed quietly. "Finn needs more friends like you. If you really want to help there's pancakes that need flipping over there."

Blaine walked over and started flipping them.

A while later Finn and Puck woke up. They smelled food and it had just gotten done while they were making their way to the kitchen. Blaine grabbed a couple pieces of bacon and snacked on them, going to his phone.

"Finn can you wake Kurt up and move him to his room? Otherwise he will have back problems today."

Finn nodded and went over to Kurt, simply picking him up instead of waking him up. Kurt didn't wake, but when Blaine saw his hair it was sticking up adorably in every direction.

Carole just shocker her head. "If he drops him I swear.."

Fortunately a few seconds later Finn reappeared and returned to his plate. They talked about plans they had today, even asked Blaine if he wanted to go with them. Blaine wanted to, because he had a feeling Kurt would be going too, but he was tired and really just wanted to go home and sleep.

He left at noon, thinking about what had just happened.

He had gone to a sleepover, attended by the boy Blaine had been constantly thinking about for the last few days. It seemed like a dream, something that he would wake up from soon. "Hey mom." Blaine walked into the door and kicked off his shoes.

"Hi sweetie, how was last night?" He found his mom in the living room and sat next to her on the couch, crossing his it was raining and thundering, a gloomy day.

Nothing seemed gloomy after last night though.

"You will never guess who was there."

His mom closed her book and looked at him, smiling a bit. "Was the boy there?"

Blaine nodded, he couldn't get the words out fast enough."He's Finn's stepbrother. Isn't that crazy?"

His mom shifted back into serious mode, "Sorry to go mom on you, but did you mind your manors?"

Blaine rolled his eyes, "Yes, I'm Carole's favorite now apparently."

His mom laughed and patted his arm, "Good sweetie, Now tell me everything."

End Notes: Hope you liked it!


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Oh gosh I think I'm going to have a new favourite story...! The characterisation and the whole feel of the Hudmel home was just so warm I could FEEL it! Carole was so perfectly a mum and the banter between everyone was so real.