May 12, 2012, 8:46 p.m.
May 12, 2012, 8:46 p.m.
Kurt sat in his room, a pent tucked behind his ear as he skimmed his history notes for the billionth time. He'd heard a series of short knocks on the door, and he sighed, getting up to answer it.
Blaine recoiled, "Someone's a grumpy pants. Well stop being grumpy because I have a series of Friends and ice-cream."
Kurt's eyes widened as he threw his arms around the other boy, "My savior. Do you know how hard it is to look at your notes for three hours?"
Blaine chuckled, nodding and hugging Kurt back as best as he could with the things in his hands.
"I'm glad you're not being grouchy now. What's your favorite episode?"
"The one where Chandler runs out singing 'Once I was a wooden boy a wooden wooden boy!"
"Why's that?"
Kurt shrugged, "Because it's funny."
They sat cross legged on Kurt's bed, watching lazily. The episode where Rachel finds out about Ross and it's too late because he has Julie struck Blaine.
"Kurt, do you have a crush on anyone?"
Kurt's heart started to beat faster, and he swallowed loudly. "I don't know, I have a lot of stuff to deal with right now. Guys aren't one of them."
Which loosely translates to; dear Lord I love you so much, I love your eyes and the faces you make when you sing and I just love everything about you Blaine Anderson.
Blaine nods, "I see. I was just curious."
They sit in silence for a while, and eventually both had fallen asleep with I'll Be There For You on loop in the background.
"Okay guys, before we start today one of the group members has something they'd like to share with us. Come on up, Blaine!"
Group this week had been a source of stress for Blaine. Ever sine he could remember he had hid in his tiny, safe shell here. He didn't speak, he didn't open up, but this one person was all it had taken. Blaine wanted to do something different, so as he approached the stool in the middle of the circle, he grabbed his guitar.
Blaine cleared his throat, "I know that I don't really talk much in here. It's not that I don't like all of you, because I do, but I'm just a very private person. It's hard for me to express myself, but with song it's pretty easy. I wrote a song, and it just reminds me of what group has turned into for me."
The group nodded, all waiting anxiously to hear what Blaine finally has to say.
"Come to me,
in your time of need,
you'll never be alone.
Please don't leave,
don't be afraid,
I need you don't you see?
You break down my walls,
to expose my faults,
the truth behind the smile.
I can't lie to you,
if you only knew,
you're everything to me."
As Blaine continued, Kurt's eyes started to well up with tears. Blaine looked so lost in this song, like it brought back all of these memories for him. By the end there wasn't a dry eye in the group. He sat there, and all of a sudden he started crying. Not just a couple tears, but actual crying. Where your body shakes and no matter how hard you try, you can't form a coherent sentence. Kurt stood from his chair, walking to the stool and wrapping Blaine in his arms.
"I'm so proud of you." Kurt whispers into his ear, and he felt Blaine nod into his shoulder. Nobody in the group was judging Blaine, they were all wrapped up in each other because somewhere in that song they had all finally broke down, and it was okay, and it was like they were realizing for the first time that everything was going to be okay someday.
"Blaine, that was beautiful. Thank you for that." Gavin wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, trying to regain focus to the group. Blaine sat next to Kurt, who was rubbing his shoulder to assure him. I'm here. I'm not leaving. It's going to be okay.
A girl who never really spoke, raised her hand.
"I think that we can all agree that group has to be like this from now on. From the beginning it's been uncomfortable, because we all split into the same pairs. It wasn't anyone's fault, it was because until we opened up to each other we didn't realize how much we all have in common. To be able to cry, sympathize, empathize with all of you means more than a poem I could write. Although, I kind of suck at poetry, so it's kind of a moot point."
A few people chuckled, but Kurt agreed with her. At first he had dreaded the idea of being stuck with a bunch of dejected teenagers that were pissed at the world. Now, he felt like he'd known everyone in this circle for years, not months. He felt like leaving all of them, even if he didn't know their names, would be one of the hardest things he would ever have to do.
"We only have about ten minutes left, but I think we've all had enough for today. Remember, we have to do this more often."
Gavin smiled, walking to collect papers and get organized before he left. Blaine went up to Kurt, who opened his arms and squeezed Blaine tightly.
"That was an amazing song, Blaine."
"I wrote it about you."
I liked it! Stop bashing yourself!
that was beautiful... abosultely beautiful but you can't leave it there... Toastie wants more... loving the story though... i wish my writing was as good :) xx
Cliffhanger aaaah!!!