May 12, 2012, 8:46 p.m.
May 12, 2012, 8:46 p.m.
Kurt was lazing around in sweats and a t-shirt when he heard a knock on his door. It was Friday and after Blaine laid down to get rid of a headache they were going to go hang out with his brother Cooper. Until then he had a hot date with his history book. He was chewing on the end of a pen when he heard a soft knock on his door.
"Sebastian. Can I come in?"
"U-uh, sure. Yeah." Kurt climbed off of his bed and opened the door.
Sebastian looked kurt over, making it very obvious that he was taking time to see every inch of Kurt, and that he liked what he saw. It made Kurt shift uncomfortably.
"I was just studying for History." He gestured to the book and study guides on the bed.
"I see. Need any help? It's my strongest subject, other than noticing that you look super hot with bed head."
Kurt blushed, "If you really want to help. T-thanks." He grabbed his book and sat down on the bed, putting a good amount of space between him and Sebastian.
"So what are you confused on?" Sebastian leaned across Kurt to grab a pen.
"Nothing really, I just have issues remembering the difference between Hobbes and Locke. I know it when I see it and I am like 'oh duh' but then when I get to that question I freeze up. It's ridiculous." He let out a puff of air and Sebastian chuckled.
"You're cute. Now, just remember that Locke was super liberal. He brought upon democracy."
Kurt nodded, avoiding Sebastian's comment. "Mkay. Hobbes?"
"Hobbes is a dick."
Kurt giggled, "What do you mean?"
"I mean that he was a dick! He was a communist."
They both started to laugh; it was childish but so much better than actually studying. Eventually they found themselves sitting cross-legged, knee to knee on the bed talking about anything and everything.
Little did they know what was happening just across the hall.
Blaine was sprawled out on the couch. His headache had ebbed away in his sleep and he was content. Until his subconscious brought back a horrifying memory.
"Anderson, you shouldn't have come here. Your faggy ways are getting in the way of everyone having a good time."
"You deserve this. Piece of shit."
They were everywhere. With their varsity jackets over button up shirts, their dates cowering the corner. None were concerned enough about the boy though to do anything. He felt every blow to the head. It was like that night was recreating itself. He woke with a start, panting and feeling a deep impulse growing in his wrists. He got up and practically ran to Kurt's door. He was about to turn the doorknob when he heard not only one, but two voices in there.
Sebastian and Kurt were giggling. They were both in there and Blaine knew what Sebastian felt about Kurt.
The itch in his wrists grew and he slid down to the floor. Tears sprung in his eyes and he grabbed fistfuls of his hair. He wanted it to stop.
The nightmares, the need to harm, the sadness. He wanted it to go away. That's what Kurt did for him. He made all of the hopelessness leave his body and he felt okay.
However, Kurt was busy. Kurt didn't feel that way about Blaine. Which only made it harder for Blaine to return to his room and kneel by the bathtub. He turned it on and grabbed something silver out of the medicine cabinet.
"No way. There is no way you did that."
"It's true! I dumped an entire bag of flour on my fourth grade teacher's head."
Kurt bent over with laughter, his sides aching. Him and Sebastian had been talking for hours, about everything. When his head bobbed back up he was nose to nose with Sebastian, who leaned in ever so slightly.
It became quiet. So quiet that you could hear anything.
Like the tub running in the other room. Like someone crying.
Kurt flinched away, jumping off of the bed and tearing open the door. Sebastian called after him, but Kurt could only focus on one thing.
Blaine wasn't okay.
Kurt locked the dorm door behind him; Sebastian shouldn't see Blaine like this. If his prediction was right Blaine was about to cut, or already had.
He ran into the bathroom and saw Blaine clutching metal that glinted in the light. The tub was clean, much to Kurt's relief.
"Blaine, no."
The boy, who looked so small, so scared, dropped the razor into the tub. The loud clink of metal and porcelain was the only sound other than the water coming from bathtub. Kurt turned it off, sitting next to Blaine who just looked at him.
He just looked into Kurt's eyes. His hazel eyes were blank, and suddenly wet. Kurt held his arms open and Blaine took the invitation, the smaller boy clung so tightly to Kurt. He was shaking and crying, the sound was tearing Kurt's heart to pieces. He just rubbed Blaine's back, waiting until he was calmed down. After talking to Sebastian, who apparently did know about Blaine's situation, they both went for a walk.
"Blaine, what happened? Why didn't you come get me?" Kurt gently took Blaine's hand and led them to a bench. It was dusk; the sun slowly fit behind the clouds and the daylight faded quietly into a calm darkness.
"I had another nightmare."
"I was just across the hall." They sat down, angled towards each other.
"You were busy with Sebastian."
"Blaine, I don't care if I'm talking to Barbara Streisand, you come get me. I wish you would have interrupted anyway. You are my best friend. I am there for you no matter what time it is, if it's a holiday, if I'm on my death bed. I'm there for you. We made a deal, remember? Do you think I thought twice about interrupting your life to come help mind? No. Don't be so hasty to return that. I am here for you Blaine Anderson, and we are going to fix each other. No matter what it takes."
In the moonlight Kurt looked so beautiful. His skin glowed, a pale and ever present blush on his face.
"Why do you wish I'd interrupted?"
"Because Sebastian, as much as I like him, needs to have boundaries."
"So you do like him."
"As a friend, if that. I barely know him. I do know however that I care about my best friend more than a guy who tells me how 'super hot' I look."
Blaine laughed. He was starting to feel better. The itching in his wrists was gone and he felt like there was something worth fighting for now.
"Thanks, Kurt. For stopping me."
Kurt leaned forward and let Blaine lead his head on his chest. "Any time."
I dont know if im happy or scared with this story. Love the growing relationship between kurt &blaine, love at i hate sebastian, but i just surprise the way you're painting for us all the little things that could be triggering in this situation... So many potential disasters.....
Awesome story!! I'm a sucker for troubled Kurt and Blaine.
Totally in love with this story!!!