Aug. 14, 2013, 1:01 p.m.
Aug. 14, 2013, 1:01 p.m.
I tried to open my eyes. But the outside world is too bright and seemed to spinning. Groaning, I changed my position, closing my eyes again when I feel something falling on my chest.
"Blaine," Kurt says, pushing my shoulder "Wake up"
"Hm ... Five minutes," I say, giving a small moan, turning again.
"Go, Boomer" I hear Kurt whispering.
The dog jumps on my chest, and starts licking my whole face. "Ugh, Get Out" I try, but the dog is too big, in fact he isn't that big, its that the forces are not favorable, well, at least on my side, we are in ... a moving car? Yeah! A moving car, I'm still in the fog of sleep, and okay, let's be honest, no needs much to be taller than me. "Get out" I groan again
"Come here, Boomer" Kurt calls with authority. The dog comes out of me and jumps into the passenger seat wagging his tail. "Good boy," he says with a smile, rubbing the animal's head.
"I see that both are Getting Along" I say with a little bit of sarcasm in my voice, as I sit in the backseat taking the gun that I didn't even realize that was in my chest.
"You weren't waking up" He started. I admit, I'm a heavy sleeper, what its not a good thing when you're in a zombie apocalypse, like, I'm asleep and a zombie trying to kill me ... not good "And your little buddy here and I have a lot in common" He completes
"Okay," I mumbled, staring out the window. This city is so different, everything destroyed, shops, houses, trees, schools (yay). The streets are infested with wrecked cars, bloodstains covering entire avenues, bones scattered around every corner. I can finally say that Ohio changed, but not the way I always expected.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"We are looking for food," He said without taking his eyes off the road "Unless you're willing to eat zombies"
I say laughing "Not yet."
We continue to travel making jokes and laughing, trying to avoid the fact that all of this is really happening and that we can die at any moment, I don't want to comment this close to him, but that his father may be dying right now. The trip takes about twenty minutes until we found our first store.
"Here" He hands me a gun and looking directly in my eyes "Be careful"
"You too," I say hugging him. I think I hugged him too strong, because when we parted his face was very flushed. "C'mon, Let's go"
When we entered, the store is very quiet, too quiet, i don't like that... We walked a little more, our weapons ready, but ... nothing. "Kurt, I don-"
Right in the face. That damn brains eater, came behind me, for my lucky Kurt was there, otherwise I would have turned into zombie snack.
With the noise of the shots, we attract the rest of the pack, two more zombies. two men, or rather an ex-men, you know, they are now zombies eating brains and things like that, but anyway, they are kinda gray, bloodstained, I think someone's parents forgot to teach good manners to someone here, their have broken and dirty teeths, torn clothes and most of all ... they STINK.
Kurt and I pulled up our backs together, to see what we will have to face it. My zombie, which ironically, its the biggest, of course. I run towards him, and shoot on the leg, knocking him to the ground, I'm there after a little while, I kick his head with all my strength, I take my gun to finish with him but I realize that ammo it's over. "Damn," I say to myself. The monster under my feet seemed to perceive my desperation, then he grabs my leg, knocking me in the ground. I Look under my shoulder, finding Kurt's gaze, silently begging for help.
I hear shots again, feeling the zombies hands dropping my leg.
"Are you okay?" The blue-eyed boy knelt beside me, running his hand around my shoulders, hugging me. "Did he hurt you?"
"He Don't" I say with the hoarsely voice. "I'm fine"
"Oh!" He said starting to walk away.
"No," I whisper, "Can .. Can you, j-just hold me?"
I don't know why I asked that, I really don't know, I just ... I was so close to death with that disgusting Zombie's mouth at centimeters from my leg and Kurt is here, and he is a really good friend, even though I just know him a few days, with him I just feel ... good.
We sat together holding each other for a long time until we were interrupted by a girl, she is almost my size, brunette, black hair, her clothes are torn and stained with blood and has a desperate look on his face.
"H-Help me," she begins, "Please, My girlfriend is hurt and sh-"
"What happened?" I ask suspiciously. Taking a slap on the backhead of Kurt. "What?" I ask again, letting out a little groan, when he stop hugging me.
"Let the girl talk" He mutters.
"She was bitten," she continues. "She needs help-"
"See," I say, now staring at the boy beside me, this girl is wanting to take us to her girlfriend as a snack, how Kurt can't see this?
"I-I need help. I want stop her p-pain" The brunette says hoarsely. I look at the floor, and I remember Daddy, I couldn't kill him and never really felt anything for him ... this girl wants to kill her girlfriend. For God's Sake.
"If it was your boyfriend here," she says looking between me and Kurt, making me blush. "You would not want him to die in peace?"
"He is not my boyfriend," I said looking at her "He's my friend, and I would never want to see him in pain"
"Then Help me" She says, heading toward a door. I exchange a look with Kurt, hold his hand firmly transferring all my insecurity, I'm with a very bad feeling about this. And follow her through the door.
Who is this girl? Any guesses? Review please ...
If I had to guess I would have to say that it is either Rachel or Santana. Part of me wants to say it's Rachel but I am not sure. I guess I will find out once I read the next chapter. This story has be interesting and not like anything I have read before. I look forward to seeing what happens next.