Call Me Dumb, Call Me Wild
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Story
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Call Me Dumb, Call Me Wild: Chapter 3

T - Words: 6,793 - Last Updated: Jul 31, 2012
Story: In Progress - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Jul 11, 2012 - Updated: Jul 31, 2012
430 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I'm sorry I'm updating so late! I've been away from the computer a lot because I'm on vacation. Check out the character information for a couple new characters! I'll let you guys know more in the end notes, for now, enjoy this chapter!Character Information



The faint sound of water running woke up Blaine.  Slowly opening his eyes, he noticed he was alone in bed, a crack of sunlight making its way in from across the room.  Searching for his phone he found it where it would most obviously be, right next to him on the nightstand.

Saturday, October 13

28 Text Messages

5 Missed Calls

Fuck. He fell asleep last night and didn't text the team letting them know what time to be at practice.  He knew each message was from someone on the team.  Being far too tired for getting so much sleep, he unlocked his phone and went to write a quick text.

Group Message
To: Soccer Team
Hey guys, sorry I didn't text you last night with the details for practice.  Considering how tired I was, I can't imagine how tired you all are.  Take the weekend off, practice Monday bright and early before class; yes, that means 5am. Have a great weekend!

The door to the bathroom opened, only to find Carter clad in a pair of briefs humming a song.  

"Good morning sleepyhead, I thought you were dead for a while there.  I swear you sleep like a rock. And your phone has been going off all morning, seriously your team acts like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off when Captain Blainey stops replying."

Blaine let out a soft laugh, "I was so tired, I cancelled practice for the weekend.  I'll leave it up to them to work out this weekend."

"Well -kiss- if you're free -kiss- all weekend -kiss- maybe we should have -kiss- a little fun of our own" Carter said with a wink.

Carter was on top of Blaine at this point, both of them just in their briefs.  Blaine knew where this situation was going, but he also knew he had a lot of work to get done with this free time.

"Oh Mr. Staton you're too persuasive.  However," Blaine said shifting the two so he was on top of Carter, "I have a lot of work to get done.  So, I am going to go shower and then we are going to do homework."

Carter pouted at the idea, "What is this we you speak of?  Have you not met me?  I don't do homework sweetheart."

Blaine laughed and moved to get up to go shower, but Carter wasn't letting him get away that easily.  Pulling Blaine back down into a kiss, Blaine gave into the idea of wasting a little time and kissed Carter back.  Carter's hands moved to Blaine's ass as Blaine sucked on his bottom lip.  Breaking the kiss, Blaine moved down and began kissing all across Carter's neck and chest.  Mindlessly Carter shifted his hips up, groaning out of the pleasure of the friction.  As much as Blaine was enjoying this, he knew they both weren't ready for it to go any further, and went back to kissing Carter.  Slowly the kiss became soft, their hands interlocked on each side.  As the kiss ended they looked into each others eyes, with so much love being conveyed without even a word being said.

Blaine got up and began walking to the bathroom, fully knowing Carter was staring at him.  Lowering just the back of his briefs for a moment and shaking his exposed butt, Carter laughed, "Blaine Anderson you are such a fucking tease!"

"But you love me for it!"

I love you for so many reasons more than that.


"Kurt we're leaving without you if you don't have your butt down here in thirty seconds!" Burt called out from the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay, okay I'm coming!" Kurt said hurried.

Making sure he had his camera and his phone, Kurt ran downstairs to leave for the game.  After taking two hours to get ready, Kurt was satisfied with his outfit.  Tight (very tight) skinny jeans, a black henley, and a black north face jacket, he kept it simple but warm for the chilly October weather.  He wished it didn't rain today of all days, he was in no mood to have to clean his boots when he got home.

"Wait dad can I take my car in case Sawyer wants to go see a movie after dinner tonight?"

"Yeah that's fine, just let's go!"

Before he knew it he was pulling up to the field, making his way to the stands with dad and Carole.  He saw that clearly he was on the McKinley side, a sea of red and white clothing to represent their school; he was wearing all black, must of missed that memo, oops.  The other side was filled with brown and yellow, making Kurt cringe at the horrible color combination.

Scanning the crowd in the stands, Kurt spotted the Thomas'.  Burt rolled his eyes at the fact he had to sit with them.  Kurt had yet to tell him of their sudden support of Sawyer, so his father was still not a huge fan of them.  

"Hello Kendra, Mr. Thomas." Kurt said smiling.

"Kurt! You look fantastic, as always though," Kendra said pulling him into a quick hug. "Burt, Carole, it's lovely to see you two as well!"

Burt let out a small laugh, only to be elbowed in the ribs by Carole.

"Kendra it's fantastic seeing you, Clark how are you?" Carole said sweetly.

"Fine, thank you." Clark said before returning to e-mails on his phone.

"Have you guys seen Sawyer? Number 45 right?"  Kurt asked.

"Oh yes sweetie! He's right down there with the bright pink armband.  They let him pick what color he wanted for his team captain band and he picked hot pink.  That boy, I don't know what I'm going to do with him." Kendra said with a laugh.

The whistle blew and the players who were starting were getting into position.  Kurt knew how much Sawyer loved lacrosse, but he always worried he would get hurt.  So far Sawyer has only come home with bruises and scrapes, once with a swollen ankle, but nothing horrible.  Kurt felt like today Nixon wasn't going to play nice, and it wasn't going to end well.


"Four minutes until the half, 1-0 McKinley high with the lead, Sawyer Thomas goes to the net!" Was all Kurt heard before the crowd all gasped in shock.  Sawyer had been knocked hard and wasn't getting up.  

No, he has to be okay. Sawyer has to be okay.  Kurt thought as he watched his unconscious boyfriend be carried off the field in a stretcher.


Blaine wondered how he had so much homework.  He was in six classes, the minimum they allowed you to take.  Okay fine, maybe they were all honors and AP but still how was there so much work?

Carter sat by the window and played his guitar, strumming chords to a song Blaine didn't recognize.  He hummed along quietly; Carter rarely sang, he didn't think he had a nice singing voice.  

The loud murmur of a phone vibrating startled Blaine out of his focus.  He looked over to the nightstand and saw it wasn't his phone, but it was Carter's.  

Incoming Call


"Hey it's your mom, want me to answer?"

Carter didn't even look over from what he was doing, "Nope."

"Carter you need to talk to her.  I get you aren't close to her but she's trying."

"Oh she's trying? Really? Tell me how she's trying.  By making a fucking phone call to me when it's convenient for her?  She dropped my sorry ass here and left.  I don't have to talk to her." Carter shouted back.

"Listen!  All I'm saying is maybe you want to be the bigger man here and just talk to her.  It's not like she's going to be asking anything of you, just how you're doing."

The phone stopped buzzing and then started again.  Blaine saw his own phone light up.

1 New Message

Shane Henderson
            Late lunch with me and Heath?  We're walking over to the dining hall now, meet us in 10?

Blaine picked up Carter's phone and handed it to him, "Talk to her.  Five minutes at most.  But just talk to her."

Carter was obviously irritated, he grabbed the phone from Blaine a little too forceful and didn't answer him.  Blaine walked away and grabbed a spare shirt from Carter's drawers.  He would of taken his books and homework, but he knew he would be coming by later to check on Carter anyway.  

Grabbing his phone and his wallet, Carter noticed him make his way to the door, "Where are you going?"

"Heath and Shane want to grab something to eat," Blaine said with a sigh, "I get you don't have a great relationship with your mother, but dammit Carter that doesn't mean you have to take it out on me.  All I want is for you to be happy and have more people to talk to than just me.  You deserve to be happy.  I'll be back later."

Carter just sat there, unsure of what to say. Before Blaine walked out he stopped and looked at Carter right in the eyes from across the room, "I love you, don't forget that."

At this point, Carter felt like the biggest asshole alive.


"Blaine, my man!" Heath called out from across the dining hall.

"Collins!  I thought Smythe killed you in your sleep, I haven't seen you in weeks!"

"Oh it's not him that's going to be doing the killing, I swear to you that man is evil!  And that is the biggest lie you and I both know that, you saw me the other day drama queen."

"Ouch, and here I was just trying to be nice and show how I missed you."

Heath laughed, "Yeah, yeah, yeah.  How's soccer little man?"

"Hi, I'm 17, not 7.  Just because I'm short doesn't mean you need to make comments about it!  And soccer is going well, I think we have a chance at winning but Columbus Prep is going to be tough.  What about you hows football?"

"It's alright; double days during the week and four hours each day on the weekend is killer.  Can't complain when you're the varsity quarterback and captain as a junior though."

"Gosh if I had a penny for every time you've mentioned your varsity QB and captain as a junior I could retire after graduation." Shane laughed.

The summer before sophomore year all three of them were put in the same strength and conditioning class.  Being so young and put onto their respective varsity teams, they had to stay in the best shape year round.  Heath has always been a big guy, all muscle, but a big build.  People joked he was the bodyguard of the group because he was tall and bulky, always making sure his best friends were safe.  

Shane knew Heath and Blaine were going to spend a lot of time just catching up on the past week's events, so he went to go grab the group some food.  

"So when's your big championship game?  Better question is, how's coaching?"

"Like three weeks, we have to win honestly.  Can someone tell me why it sucks so much to be team captain sometimes?  I hate running practice, it's boring!  I don't even get to make up the practice schedule!  Fucking Coach Riley refuses to run a practice but insists on making us have those damn double days.  Who in their right mind calls a practice at five-in-the-fucking-morning. Who?"

Shane walked back and cut in, "Your best friend does.  Isn't that right Blaine?"

Blaine laughed, "Hey!  It is necessary okay!"

"You are freaking insane," Heath said as he started stuffing his mouth. "How's lover boy?  Where is the kid anyway, you two are usually attached by the hip during the weekend."

"Carter's fine.  Things didn't end too well before I left to come here, stupid argument."

"Uh oh!  Trouble in paradise?  What the hell were you two arguing about?  Is someone not putting out?" Heath joked, Shane couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh bite me, it wasn't over anything like that.  His mom called and he refuses to talk to her, he's just being too stubborn."

"Oh, yikes, sounds tough.  I could see him getting irritated over you getting into his situation with his mom, I know it's all with good intentions but it's still a tough situation for him from what you've told me."  Heath said.

"Yeah man, I mean maybe he isn't ready to talk to her.  I'm all for giving the guy a little push in the right direction, but it could just be something he needs to do on his own." Shane added.

"Yeah I guess.  Enough about my relationship problems, Heath you better be at the game Friday night.  Shane and I are going to kick ass!"

The three continued talking upcoming games and school, but in the back of Blaine's mind he could only wonder if Carter was okay.  Blaine knew it was tough for Carter to deal with his mom, but he really thought them talking would make Carter a little happier.


Sawyer, Sawyer sweetie open your eyes.

Who was talking to him?  Where was he?  What happened?  Slowly blinking his eyes open, Sawyer noticed Kurt, his mother, his coach, and a paramedic all surrounding him.

"Oh Sawyer thank god you scared me." It was Kurt talking.

"Wh-What happened?"

"You were knocked pretty bad when you went in to take a shot.  Only hurt your shoulder and obviously passed out for a while here."

"Is the game over?"

"No it's half time.  Don't you even dare tell me you want to go back out there."

"Kurt, I'm awake now, and my shoulder doesn't even hurt that much." Sawyer said as he sat up, wincing at the pain coming from his shoulder.

"Right.  Doesn't hurt that much."

"Babe you know this game is a big deal.  We have to win."  

"Sawyer, Kurt's right.  You can't go back out there." Kendra said.

"Mom, Kurt, the paramedic can wrap my shoulder up nice and tight so I can finish the game.  I'm going back out there whether you like it or not."

Kendra and Kurt looked at each other, knowing they weren't going to win this fight.

"One condition, I'm taking you to the hospital after the game to get it checked out.  From the looks of it you'll be needing some pain medication and something to help the swelling go down."

Sawyer let out the biggest smile, "Thank you Kurt! See mom I'll be fine, you don't have to worry. You can go on your next trip worry free, Kurt will take care of me."

"Yeah well Kurt is too good to you.  Are you sure you don't mind taking him, Kurt?  I can try and reschedule-"

"Don't even worry about it Kendra, he's totally fine under my care" Kurt said with a smile. "Win the game for me." Kurt said with a wink, giving Sawyer a quick kiss before walking out of the locker room with Kendra.  Sawyer was still a little off from just waking up, but let the paramedic wrap up his shoulder.  Splashing himself in the face with some water, he put back on his uniform and walked out of the locker room onto the field.  The crowd began cheering for him, the Nixon players didn't look pleased at all.

Before Kurt knew it, he saw Sawyer getting in position on the field and the whistle being blown signaling the start of the third quarter.  

Only the start of the second half. Damn, and I thought it was going to be a long game.


"Fifteen seconds left in the game, 2-2, McKinley has possession.  It's all up to these last few seconds folks!"  The announcer called out.

The crowds on both sides were going crazy.  Both schools had so many kids in their respective stands, it was louder than any event Kurt had ever been to.  Sawyer had been doing great even with his bad shoulder.  It was up to him as team captain, and the best player on the team, to make sure McKinley won this game.

Sawyer received the ball and took off sprinting towards the net.  He was quick and agile,  making his way through the opposing players.  He was so close to the net when it happened.

A Nixon player ran into Sawyer's bad shoulder; he fell to the ground out of sheer pain.  Medics ran onto the field and began to tend to Sawyer; Kurt stood shocked, holding onto Carole for support.

"He'll be okay sweetie just give him a minute." Carole said sweetly.

Kurt was at a loss for words.  He understood this game was important, but Nixon had to go for that kind of low blow?

Every player took a knee on the field, Sawyer on the ground talking to his coach and the medics.  After what seemed like years, Sawyer stood up.  Kurt expected him to walk off the field and sit for the rest of the game, but Sawyer had other plans.  

"What the HELL is he doing?" Kurt said as he saw Sawyer grabbing his lacrosse stick and putting his helmet back on.  "Oh my god he's going to keep playing.  I swear to god Sawyer is crazy."

"Don't worry Kurt, he's intense when it comes to lacrosse, you and I both know that.  But he wouldn't keep on playing if he thought it was going to be horrible.  I mean let's face it, if he messes up his shoulder more, he won't be able to play in California if they make it.  So he's fine, don't worry, just close your eyes and hope he makes this shot." Kendra said pulling Kurt into a side hug.

The referee blew the whistle and called for a free penalty shot.  There was eight seconds left in the game, now that may not seem like a lot, but that was enough to make a shot if Sawyer missed his penalty shot.

Sawyer received the ball and got into position.  A sea of brown and red filled Sawyer's sight.  He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and waited for the whistle to blow.

With several quick spins and turns, Sawyer was shooting to the net.

The reaction of the crowd was priceless.


"Alright so what's the plans for tonight?" Heath asked as they gathered up their things from the dining hall.  

"Homework, you?" Blaine asked the other two.

"I'm going to this party, some big lacrosse game or something and Nixon is having a party win or lose," Heath said excitedly, "So if you can't find me tomorrow, I'm either hung-over and in the process of killing Sebastian or hung-over and puking my weight."

"Thanks for the details man.  I'm probably going to stay in tonight and do homework too. You doing your homework in the room or with your lover boy."

"I have to talk to him.  I might come back to the room later tonight after a late dinner."

"Well good luck kiddo, Shane if you're up for it you're more than welcome to come with me to the party."

"As lovely as it sounds to watch over your drunk ass all night, I'll pass," Shane said with a laugh, "My lovely team captain of the team gave us the weekend off and I plan on sleeping until Monday. Blaine, have fun with Carter, Heath, don't get alcohol poisoning."

The three parted ways at the main hall; Blaine headed towards Carter's dorm.
Opening the door to Carter's room with the spare key, he was shocked at what he was seeing.

"What the fuck are you doing here."


White noise filled his ears.  He had done it.  He scored and the game was over.  It finally hit him that they won the game when he found himself at the bottom of a huge dog pile.  Sawyer Thomas was going to Nationals in California.  The crowd was going wild, state championship shirts were being handed out, and he was lifted by his fellow players while holding the beautiful trophy.  He was loving all of it, but as much as he loved the affection of his fellow teammates, he wanted to celebrate this victory with one specific person.

Kurt ran from the stands the minute the buzzer went off and the ball hit the net.  Making his way through the huge crowd was a more difficult than it seemed; some people were running and others were just getting in the way.  

He saw Sawyer on his friends shoulders and snapped a quick picture before moving closer to the crowd.  He knew it was all overwhelming for Sawyer, so he wasn't surprised when he didn't see him immediately, he called out his name a few times to get his attention.

Sawyer looked around the crowd and spotted his boyfriend.  Jumping off his friends shoulders, he handed the trophy off to someone and ran over to Kurt.  Pulling Kurt into a sweet kiss in front of everyone.  He didn't care where he was, he just cared that he won and he had his loving boyfriend in his arms.  

Pulling away Kurt smiled, "Congratulations baby! You're going to California!"

"Hell yeah I am!  I love you so much and I couldn't of done this without you.  If you hadn't been there for me all the time I wouldn't of made it this far and I swear Kurt I love you for everything you do for me."

"Sweetheart you did this all on your own!  I love you too, don't ever forget it."

"Wouldn't think of it, love."

Sawyer's and Kurt's parents waited on the track around the field for the commotion to calm down.  Seeing how late it was getting, Kendra and Clark said goodbye and headed off to the airport.  Sawyer ran for a quick shower in the locker rooms and then met Kurt at the car.  They went to the hospital to get Sawyer checked out and properly bandaged.  It wasn't a break thankfully, just needed to be set again after the hit during the game.    Burt and Carole agreed dinner at home would be better than going out, and if they really had their hearts set on going out they could go out tomorrow.  Kurt agreed to a night in, so after the hospital they made their way home.

"We're home!" Kurt called out as they walked in.

"Dinner will be ready in a little bit boys, you guys have enough time to shower up or just relax.  I'll let you guys know when it's ready." Carole said sweetly.

"Sounds great Carole, we'll be upstairs." Sawyer said as he walked in from the garage after putting his lacrosse gear away.  He was used to coming to Kurt's after lacrosse practice, and Kurt was not having his smelly equipment sitting in his room, so he made a space for Sawyer's stuff in the garage.

Kurt closed the door to his room and decided to change into some comfy clothes when they got up to his room; a pair of sweats and one of Sawyer's sweatshirts.

Sawyer relaxed on Kurt's bed, still icing his shoulder.

"Wear my varsity jacket Monday?"

Kurt walked out of his closet with wide eyes, "You're kidding me right.  You know I'd never be caught dead in one of those they go with like absolutely no outfit."

"Come on Kurt pleaaaase, I just won state!  Just Monday, and if we win nationals maybe the Monday following that but we can cross that bridge when we come to it," Sawyer said quickly. "Please, baby." Pulling Kurt onto the bed with him.

"Oh my god no fair.  You know I can't say no to the pouty face."

"And I'm injured!  Can't say no to the cripple." Sawyer said as he began peppering kisses on Kurt's neck.

"Ugh Sawyer fine I'll wear your jacket Monday."

"Thank you baby" Sawyer said with a smile, pulling Kurt into a kiss.  He rolled them over so he was on top of Kurt.  At first the kiss was soft, and then it turned into all tongues and teeth, hips rolled against each other for friction.  This seemed to last for forever, and before anything could go any further, someone knocked on the door.

"Door open boys! Dinner's ready come on down before it gets cold."

"Got it dad! Be down in a minute." Kurt called back.

"Oh my god I love Burt to death but he is the biggest cockblock ever." Sawyer said irritated.

"Let's go sweetie before they start to think something's up." Kurt said making his way for the door.

"Are you seriously starting something and not finishing.  That's so cruel on so many different levels babe." Sawyer said jokingly.

"Who said I wasn't going to finish?" Kurt said with a wink and a shake of his hips as he walked to the stairs.

Sawyer stared blankly in amazement at Kurt.

How the fuck did I get so lucky? Was all Sawyer could think as he laughed and walked downstairs.


"You have three seconds to get off of my boyfriend and gone before I kick your ass into next week." Blaine snarled.

Carter was pinned to the floor with Sebastian Smythe over him, ready to punch him in the face for what seemed the fifth time.  Blaine knew he couldn't say anything to the faculty because they would somehow find Carter at fault and kick him out of Dalton and sent to juvey.  Sebastian's father being a bit shot Senator seemed to keep him innocent in every situation.

Sebastian brushed past Blaine as he walked out of the room.  Carter sat up against the couch and wiped the blood from his lip.  Blaine went and grabbed a warm washcloth from the bathroom and began to clean up the cuts.

"So why the fuck was Smythe in here?"

"Why else?  Trying to get even over the fight the other day.  I fell asleep and woke up to a lovely punch to the lip."

"He's such a coward.  Did you at least get a few hits in?"

"Another blow to his ribs, dumbass doesn't know how to protect anything but his face."

After tending to Carter's cuts, Blaine began to pick up around the room, trying to figure out how to start the conversation he knew they had to have.

"Listen about earlier, I'm sorry I said what I said.  I just think it'd help if you talked to your mom."

Carter had been on the computer looking up new music when Blaine began to speak.  

"I-I get it.  I just don't know if I'm ready to talk to her yet.  Maybe talking to her would help, but I just can't see that happening anytime soon.  I know it's been a long time, but I can't really have a conversation with her.  It's difficult, you know?  After everything her and I have been through, that I put her through, it's hard.  I just don't want to disappoint her anymore."

Blaine saw the tears filling Carter's eyes.  Carter was tough on the outside, but when it came to his past, it broke him to pieces on the inside.  Rubbing his eyes to get rid of the tears he slumped back on the bed.  Blaine moved the computer off Carter's lap and sat down next to him, pulling him into his arms.

"You, my love, are not a disappointment to anyone.  You made some mistakes in the past, okay fine.  But you know what,  you don't have to be your past.  It's the past for a reason.  Right now, the person you are today, that's who you are," Blaine kissed his forehead. "Your mother wouldn't call if she didn't still love you.  She doesn't think you're a disappointment.  Even though you never go to class, you still have some of the highest grades in your classes.  Minus the occasional fights, you're not the same person you were before.  When you're ready to talk to her, I can be right there with you if you want me to be.  All you have to do is say the word and I'll be right there next to you.  I just want you to know you're nothing close to a disappointment to me.  I love you."

"Thanks, babe.  I love you too."

The two sat there on the bed together enjoying each others presence for quite a while, drifting in and out of sleep.  Blaine saw it was getting late and had a lot of homework to get done.  He made his way to get up when he realized Carter was out cold and not waking up anytime soon.  

Managing to slide out from Carter's grip, he quietly picked up his things, and gave Carter a kiss on the cheek before he made his way back to his room.

"How'd things with Mr. Staton go?" Shane said as he heard the door close.

"Good as it can get.  It's just a tough subject and it really wears him out.  Walked in to find Smythe pinning him to the ground trying to beat the shit out of him though."

"Explains why Heath texted me earlier and said Smythe was complaining about his ribs hurting.  At least someone's putting Smythe in his place, have to love your boyfriend for that."

Blaine let out a small laugh as he set his stuff down at his desk.  He looked across the room and saw how dirty it was.  Between Carter's messy dorm and his own, he had way too much cleaning to do.  

"Blaine you're making that face again.  The one that says ‘I should totally clean this room right now until it's spotless or else I'm going to scream.'  Cleaners come Monday morning, this room is way too big for you to clean alone, and I'm not helping so sit down and enjoy the mess."

Shane had a point, the rooms at Dalton were huge; comfortably fit two king size beds, two large desks with hutches equipped with desktops and laptop docking stations, two walk in closets, a spacious sitting area with a plasma screen TV, and huge bathroom.  And to think, for the guys who were extra lucky and didn't have to share a room, they had just as big of a room as this, except everything was extra big; closet almost the size of the room, a desk that seemed almost uncomfortably big, a sitting space that could fit an entire class.  To say Dalton spoiled its students was an understatement, these guys had everything and anything they could ever want.

"Fine, I'm going to go shower.  If you trip in the mess and hurt yourself don't expect me to help."

"If I trip I'll land in a sea of comfortable socks and shirts thank you very much!" Shane called back as Blaine walked into the shower.

As always, Blaine couldn't stop thinking about everything going on in his life.  He never had a chance to really just relax honestly.  Even if he didn't have soccer and the Warblers, he had Carter to worry about, and school.  It wasn't that he didn't trust Carter, he just worried about his boyfriend just like everyone else worries about their significant other.

Settling on the couch in a pair of Dalton sweats and a long sleeve shirt, he began to do some homework when his phone rang.

Incoming Call


"Who the hell is calling at nine thirty on a Saturday night?  Like everyone's at parties what the hell." Shane said over the music he was playing.

"My parents.  Looks like they've finally decided to check in on me.  Keep it down for a few minutes."

"Good luck buddy!" Shane said as Blaine answered the phone.

"This is Blaine."

"Hello, Blaine." Said his father coldly, and then his mother. "Hi, Blaine."

He could tell they were sitting in his father's office, using his stupid conference phone so both of them could talk to him and hear him.  He heard the shuffling of papers and footsteps around the hardwood office, they must of been cleaning up, making sure everything on their checklist for the day was complete, calling their son being one of the tasks.

"How's soccer sweetie?" Blaine's mom asks cheerily.

"It's fine.  Is there something I can help you two with, I have homework to do." Blaine knew she only asked about soccer when they needed something from him.  Why drag out a painful conversation anymore than it needs to be?

"The firm is great Blaine, thank you so much for asking," Blaine's father, Pierce Anderson, said sarcastically. "However, we have an event at work coming up, a fundraiser.  A friend of mine's daughter, Adrian, needed a date and I volunteered you.  You would like her, maybe if you two hit it off you could go out with her on date, she shows much more potential than that delinquent you're dating does."

"His name is Carter, not ‘that delinquent' father.  And don't even start making comments about him.  You don't know a damn thing about him!" Blaine began shouting, "What made you think I would want to go to your stupid fundraiser anyway?  Oh is it because all of your fucking employees will be there and you want to keep up a perfect family image?  Well guess what father I'm not going!  And you want to know what the best part is?  You're going to make up some excuse for me not being there that makes you look like the best father on the fucking planet!  And people are going to believe it!  If that girl needs a fucking date she can take Cooper for all I care!"

Blaine threw his phone across the room, aiming for the wall.  Shane stopped the phone before it could hit the wall, he valued electronics too much to let them break like that.

"Can you fucking believe them?  Calling me not to ask about the game but to ask me to go to a fundraiser!  With a girl they think I should date!  Do they not get that I am gay.  I swear they're just so stupid!  And then they have the audacity to take blows at Carter!  They don't even know him!  I am so tired of my damn family they are just so FAKE it's unbearable!"

Blaine was shaking with rage.  He wanted to punch everything in sight, but he refused to cry.  His family wasn't worth his tears anymore.  Blaine spent enough of his life crying because his parents didn't accept him for who he was.  Being gay made anything good he did look like nothing.

Shane was used to these fits, he hated when the Andersons called.  All that came of the calls was an angry Blaine and a disney movie marathon with lots of junk food.

"Blaine calm down.  They're not worth getting all worked up over.  I'm going to run down to the dining hall and get some munchies, pick out a few movies for us to watch ok?"

Blaine didn't know what he would do without Shane.  Him and Blaine were basically brothers, they knew each other so well even though they've only known each other a few years.  He hated putting Shane through his angry fits but he just couldn't control his emotions when his parents called and they had conversations like that.

"Okay," Blaine said quietly. "Hey Shane?"

"What's up kiddo?" Shane said as he pulled on his ripped up vans.

"Thanks man.  For everything really," Blaine laughed. "And remind me to buy you some new shoes!"

"Anytime hobbit!  And I'm cheap, not poor, Anderson!" Shane said as he made his way to the door.


Kurt and Sawyer made their way upstairs to Kurt's room after a very large dinner.

"Door open Kurt Elizabeth Hummel!  Or tomorrow I will personally make sure there is no door to close at all!"

"Yes, dad!" Kurt called back.

"So about earlier," Sawyer said as he pulled Kurt into his arms and began kissing his neck. "Thinking about finishing what you started?"

"Am I the only one who just ate my weight at dinner?  And how do you have energy to do anything, you ran around today for like hours."

Sawyer let out a sweet laugh, "I guess you're right, I am pretty tired.  Lazy kisses and Project Runway?"

"Lazy kisses and Project Runway." Kurt said with a smile.

The two got settled in Kurt's bed and did just as they said they were going to.  Except ten minutes into the show and their little kisses, Kurt rested his head against Sawyer's chest and fell asleep.  The beautiful man in Sawyer's arms was one of the biggest parts of his world right now.  

It finally hit Sawyer as he was getting comfortable in bed with Kurt on him.  

We won state.  I'm going to California.  I'm going to look at schools in California.  Kurt and I haven't talked long distance and I'm not staying in Ohio.  He still has one more year of school left.  UCSB, UCLA, University of Florida, and Alabama are nowhere close to here.  Maybe more scouts from different places will be at the game. Kurt and I though...we have to be okay.  We're going to be okay.



Shane and Blaine were on their second Disney movie of the night, Toy Story 2.  Blaine decided it was a night for a Toy Story marathon.  The boys were each on a couch on the sides of the room, with the coffee table in between filled with candy wrappers and empty soda cans.  Blaine's eyes began to droop as the movie progressed; he looked over at one point in the middle of the movie to find Shane cuddled up in his blanket fast asleep.  

Seeing it was very late into the night, Blaine grabbed another blanket and got comfortable on the couch.  He wasn't even going to bother brushing his teeth or getting into his own bed, he was far too comfortable on the couch with the movie playing in the background.  

Just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard a phone buzz.  Deciding it must be urgent considering how late it was, he decided to see who it was.

Blaine Anderson felt his heart drop the moment he read the message.

Sounds like we need to talk.




End Notes: What did you think? Have any worries about Sawyer & Kurt? Who do you think texted Blaine? What do you guys think of Heath? Answer in the reviews!As for the late posting, like I said above, I'm on vacation and haven't been at the computer a lot. Chapter 4 will be up sometime within the next two weeks, I can't promise a specific day, it will be once I can sit down and write and I'm satisfied with what I'm putting out there. Please let me know what you think of this chapter or even the story so far!


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