When you´re feeling empty
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Feb. 14, 2013, 10:47 a.m.

When you´re feeling empty: Chapter 4

E - Words: 2,330 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 8/8 - Created: Oct 07, 2012 - Updated: Feb 14, 2013
859 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: YAY UPDATE :D

As Blaine opened the door of his apartment the big clock over their TV showed 12 pm. Sebastian wasn’t home.

1 am Sebastian wasn’t home.
2 am Sebastian wasn’t home.
3 am Sebastian wasn’t home.

Blaine felt himself fall asleep once in a while, finally deciding to go to sleep at 4.
He had to go to school tomorrow after all.
Sebastian would come home.
He would come home.

Chandler: ‘So glad we opened tonight! A lot of customers!’
Kurt closed the SMS without answering. It was 3 am, but he decided to not go to the theater tomorrow. Mondays were always the quietest days, only a few practices and Kurt believed that he already knew every move in his sleep.
As he opened a new tab with a porn site he had liked as a teenager he couldn’t help but laugh himself.
“Look at you.” He thought. “You are married, you are hot and you could easily go to a bar and bring a stranger home, but here you are with your hand in your pants. What the hell has happened?”


Somewhere deep under the sea, Blaine could hear his favorite song playing.
A bit later, it felt like days, he could hear it again. Closer this time.
Strange. It sounded like his mobile phone was ringing.
Blaine snapped his eyes open and reached over to the nightstand.
4 missed calls.
12 am.
Quickly he called Mr. Thompson, the Eastern New Jersey High School director and let the older man scream at him.
He rumbled about family problems and that he would like to stay at home the whole week.

After a lot of begging, Mr. Thompson agreed, telling him that he’ll be fired if he does something like this again.
Finally Blaine could calm down, but the realization about yesterday’s events came rushing back the second his feet touched the bedroom floor.

Sebastian’s side of the bed was untouched.
Blaine ran into the living room, hoping to find his finance on the couch, but the room was empty.
But it must mean that- that-
Blaine felt himself hyperventilating, grabbing the couch in front of him hard until his knuckles turned white.
Sebastian was cheating on him.
He was having sex with another man.
And even worse he acted like everything was normal.
Tears started to rise in his eyes, as Blaine let himself slide down on the floor.

Back pressed against the couch, head in his hands, Blaine filled the empty apartment with loud sobs.


“Why aren’t you at work?” Chandler asked as he entered the kitchen.
Kurt had prepared pancakes and was now stabling them on a plate, pouring marble juice over them.
“Didn’t felt like working. I thought that we could act like today is our missing Sunday!”
Chandler hugged him from behind, getting on his tip toe to kiss Kurt’s cheek.
“Didn’t you get my text last night?” He continued to ask as he took the plate from Kurt to place in on the table.
“No-I was already asleep. Read it just now. I’m really happy for you!”
“Barbara said that maybe we should open every Sunday instead of Monday, but I told her that it isn’t a good idea.”
Kurt also sat down opposite from him, grabbing the orange juice to pure some in his glass.
“Because it’s our day!”
Images of a bar crashed into Kurt’s mind. It would be much easier to pick up some guys on Sunday nights, when they are disappointed that they spend the weekend without getting laid.
“Kurt?” Chandler stared at him, his nose crunched a bit like he always did when he was worried about something.
Kurt cursed himself for his thoughts about a husband less Sunday, but he still said: “It’s a good idea to open Sunday. You always said that it isn’t profitable to open it on Mondays. So there is your chance to try something else”
“It would be okay for you?”
“I just want to see you happy!”
“I really love you, Kurt.”
“I love you, too”



Blaine was on his knees wiping the kitchen floor with an old cloth. He had already vacuumed the whole apartment and made every surface in the bathroom look completely knew.
At 5 pm the front door was opened and Sebastian walked in. As he saw Blaine on the floor he let out a joyful laugh.
“What are you doing there? Did you give up being a teacher and decided it was your real destiny to be a houseman? I wouldn’t complain.”
He let his bag fall down on one of the kitchen chairs and went over to the fridge to get himself a beer.
“What’s for dinner?”
Blaine sat back on his heels, staring up at him in pure confusion.
Sebastian acted like nothing had happened.
He had spent the night with another man and was now expecting Blaine to go on as usual.
“I was so focused on cleaning up that I forgot dinner.”
“Well that’s what happens when you sleep in.”
“How do you know that I slept in?”
“I needed my suit and bag for work, dummy, I was home at 7. You were still sleeping.”
Had he just admitted that he hasn’t been at home tonight?
“And you let me sleep? AND WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL NIGHT?”
Blaine was now standing, wishing again that he would be a bit taller. Sebastian always said that he was about as scary as a new born puppy.
“Calm down, Blaine. I was out with Jean and we met some friend of his. We decided to drive do Jeans’ to play some poker. Forgot time over it, so I decided to crash on his couch.”
Sebastian simply said, taking a sip from his bottle.
How could he react like this? He was lying, Blaine told himself, he cheated on you.
“Then why didn’t you send me a Message, telling me that you won’t come home!”
“It was late. I thought you were already in bed.”
“I WASN’T SEBASTIAN! I was up until 4, worrying sick about you and-“
The anger had left, leaving only the fear of the truth.
“And what?”
“And you are having an affair with Jean.”
For a moment they just stared at each other and Blaine could already feel the tears returning, but he didn’t wanted to cry anymore.
“You think that I’m cheating on you with Jean?” Sebastian started to
laugh again, but it didn’t sound like the laugh Blaine once fell in love with.
“Of course I do! First, you gushed about him, then you went on a date and now you spend your night at his place.”
“Jean is straight, Blaine.”
The silence returned as Blaine’s mind began to spin. That didn’t make any sense. They went to a strip show with male strippers and Sebastian always adored the way Jean was dressed.
“I thought that- because you went to the show- and he-“
Sebastian shook is head as he leaned back against the counter, taking another sip.

“Just tell me one thing. If he was gay, would you like to have sex with him?” Blaine went on.
“You have to see him he’s hot!”
“Would you?”
“Well yes, but he isn’t gay so-“
Blaine turned around and left the kitchen.
This was it. He had to leave. As he reached the Bedroom he took one of their suitcases and laid it down on their bed.
“What are you doing!” Sebastian asked as he stormed up behind him, trying to get hold of his wrist to stop him from tossing clothes into the suitcase.
“I’m going to stay with Claire for a while, over thinking this relationship.”
“But I didn’t do anything!”
Blaine stopped moving, starting up at his fiancé.
“That’s right. You never do anything. You don’t clean up the apartment, you don’t cook and when was the last time you remembered our anniversary? All you do is being mean to me and I can’t do this anymore.”
He closed the suitcase and lifted it up, walking towards the door.
“Goodbye Sebastian.”


Chandler let out a long moan as Kurt pushed his hips forward again.
The breakfast had somehow escalated and Kurt had pinned his husband against their kitchen wall, starting to lick the sweet marble juice from his lips.
They had made it to the living room, where they stored a bottle of lube behind some old blu rays and the second Kurt had reached it they had fallen down on the carpet and began to undress each other as quickly as possible without ripping their clothes apart.

Chandler would have a bad carpet burn after this, but Kurt just couldn’t care about it.
Normally when they attacked each other like animals it only took Kurt three or four trust until he came, Chandler joining him just seconds after.
When they were newlywed they had spent most of their free-time in every imaginable place of their apartment fucking each other’s brains out, but sadly these times where over.

“Baby what’s wrong?” Chandler pants underneath him. He had already climaxed several minutes ago, but Kurt found himself softening more and more. He thrust again, stronger than the last time, causing Chandler to let out a broken cry. “Stop-you are-hurting- me!”
The other man pushed against Kurt’s chest, making him sit back on his ankles, soft cock resting against his tight.
“What’s wrong?” Chandler asked again as he sat up on his elbows.
“I don’t know. It just happened- I don’t know…” Kurt stuttered, looking down at himself.
His husband´s hand came up to cup his chin and lifting his head up. Chandler was now sitting on his
knees in front of him, looking worried, but still trying to smile.
“It’s okay, you are just tied. It happens. We should take a nice bath together before I have to go to work and maybe there I can make you feel as good as you just made me.”
Kurt nodded and let Chandler pull him up and guide towards their bathroom.
What was wrong with him?


Broadwaygonnabe is online

Blaine let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Claire had welcomed him with a pound of chocolate and liquor to get a whole army drunk.
First he didn’t want to talk with Andrew, but Claire had convinced him to go online again. Ever since Andrew said that he agreed with her she was somehow a fan of his.

Catboy: Hi..
Broadwaygonnabe: Oliver! How are you? Did your boyfriend come home last night?
C: He stayed at the other guys place and just came back to get his stuff for work.

Kurt hissed at the computer. How could this man do something like that to shy boy? Kurt would rather die than let Chandler feel that he betrays him.
B: Wow. I hope you told him on it.
C: I did and it turned out that Jean, that’s the other guy’s name, is straight. So my boyfriend turned the whole thing around and blamed me for not trusting him.
B: Bullshit! You had every right to do so!
C: Yes, but that didn’t make it any less hard. I’m at my best friend’s house now.
B: You broke up with him?
C: Not yet….

Kurt bit his lips nervously. That was his chance. He could convince shy boy to end it so that he would have his way with him, but- somehow he cared for shy boy. He seemed to be so upset with the whole thing and being used by Kurt was the last thing he could use right now.

B: What did your best friend say?
C: I should break up with him. He treats me bad for a while now. I think he treats me bad since we met back in high school..
B: High school sweetheart?
C: No. We haven’t been a couple back then, only friends. We met again at University.
B: But that’s still a long time.
C: It is. When did you meet your husband?
B: Can we not talk about him?
C: Common, I sit here cry my heart out to you about my broken relationship without knowing anything about yours.
B: My relationship isn’t broke. I think my husband is really happy with it.
C: But you aren’t.
B: Well… can we pleaaaase not talk about it?
C: Can you promise me something, Andrew?
B: What?
C: You’ll think about your relationship and if it’s still something you want and I will reconsider mine.
B: …Okay.

Blaine leaned back against Claire’s bed looking down at the screen.
Andrew needed to tell his husband the truth and break up with him. This relationship clearly wasn’t what he needed.
He grunted at his thought. How ironically of him to tell Andrew how to deal with this situation while he wasn’t able to follow his own advice and do what’s best for him.

C: Will you give me your phone number? Don’t be afraid, I won’t call you, just text you about last second doubts and problems.

Kurt typed is mobile phone number into the chat window without second guessing about it.
It was a really stupid idea to give his number to a complete stranger, but somehow it just felt right.
His phone went off, but the call stopped before he could reach it.

C: I just called you. If you gave me the right number you now have mine.
C: I have to go, my best friend wants us to watch some romantic comedies to show me ‘what love should be like’
B: Good night
C: Good night!
B: And Oliver? Please remember that you are worth more than your boyfriend wants to make you believe.

Catboy signed off.

End Notes: You guys got me really inspired and I changed the end of the fic and I like the new end better and it´s going to be here soooon! But not yet, since I´m still busy with live and all. I hope you liked the new Chapter, I somehow don´t ... I don´t know why, maybe I need to reread it while I´m not tied! If you want to know when I´ll update next, you can go and follow me on tumblr *cough cough* that´s where I usually rent about writing ;) Also I feel like there are a lot of spelling mistakes in this chapter, but it´s really late in germany so I´m excused, RIGHT?! Love you all <3 goodnight :)


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i love thhis book its sooo goood i can not wait tell they find out it was them talking to eachother

yes...Yay for an update..I can't wait until they figure out that they know each other ;) I seriously hope Sebastian goes bye bye...I never liked him on Glee !! Thanks for a great chapter!!

I just started reading this story and it's goooood! I don't like the idea of them not getting back together for so long but as long as they get together sometime is what counts right? Haha I kinda love how Kurt is like a super mega cheater on his husband (Please don't judge me, it's just i've been reading too many fluff fics or "Kurt or Blaine becomes suicidal after the break- up" fics and this is just a really interesting change and plot twist for sure! (Does this make me a horrible Klainer or a horrible romantic?) Anywho, Love the fic! I will definitely be tracking this story!