Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 5: Retaliation Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 5: Retaliation

T - Words: 9,385 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
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Author's Notes: Any questions, comments or difficulties regarding the story or plot, please feel free to ask me. And I'll need Reviews :P

Blaine climbed up the in a frenzy of anger and purpose. Cooper, looking shy of his brother's leader mode, followed quietly.

"WES! WES, COME DOWN HERE!" Blaine boomed at the roof.

Wes, who had stationed himself on surveillance in Blaine's absence, thundered down the staircase to meet them as they entered the house.

"It's Kurt, isn't it? I saw him running. What happened?"

Shortly and angrily, Blaine shared his observations. He added ruthlessly, "THAT'S IT, WES! They cut off Dad's supplies; they invalidate our contract and now this! He could be our hope, Wes! He's the only one with Eliza—" Blaine stopped short, noticing that Cooper was still here.

He sat on his knees, facing Cooper. "Go on up, Coop. Do you homework and rest. We'll wake you up when Dad comes tonight. We'll have a movie marathon, huh? The Iron Man series, what d'you say?"

Cooper, who was intelligent for his age, nodded in understanding. He knew that Blaine wanted to discuss with Wes the gory details of their plans. So he went upstairs and locked himself in his room, hoping that Blaine's friends was OK, that Blaine would decide something wisely. But most importantly, he hoped that Dad would come back soon so he could make this tension go away.

"Good call, Blaine," said Wes downstairs in mocking tone. "Lose your cool in front of your baby brother. Just awesome."

Blaine sat down with a sigh, clutching his head between his hands. "I Know, Wes. I'm just. Kurt looked really freaked. Terrified. And I know you'll say I'm assuming things but only their kind can have such a reaction upon anyone. It must've been one of them that hurt Kurt. And I feel useless by not doing something about it."

Wes understood the pressure Blaine was under as their Leader. He had to make all sort difficult choices, and rightly so. Otherwise there could be consequences they wouldn't be able to deal with. Not in this side of the world.

"Hey, tell you what? Why don't you call Puck or Finn? Ask them how's Kurt doing? Maybe then you'll be able to assess the situation better."

Blaine nodded in relief. Yes, asking about it wouldn't hurt. But then he had a better idea. "Actually, I'm kinda invited by Riley. I can simply go down and see for myself how he's holding up."

"Great! Go get freshen up. I'll wake up the boys; they've had much sleep as it is."

Blaine got up to leave. Then he smiled at Wes as he walked up the stairs. "You know, Wes. I'm glad we have you. Someone with brains, you know."

Wes chuckled good-naturedly. "Yeah, what would you boys do without me? Now go on! Get dressed! You have a party to attend to."

They notice. All of them. They notice that I'm bruised and out of my wits. But they don't say anything. They just welcome me with smiles and congratulations on rain and my hard work on the fields.

I had previously thought that only the people known to me were invited, but this was actually a "Farmer-Party." All the people who I've experienced working with this last month, Johnsons, Joneses, Evans—Everyone!—was in attendance, looking sharp and good in their slightly rain-wet but nice clothes.

They all welcome us and then we divide up in different groups and sit on tables that are attached together to make more seating room. On my table, my friends, Marley and her Mom, Mercedes' family, Tina's father and Mike's family and Sam's little sister and brother sat also. Old Riley, who is a proud host indeed, is on his feet. He runs here and there, going to different tables, talking, laughing and asking after health of everyone.

My friends, some of them, when the elders are unaware, ask me about my injuries in low voices. I just shake my head and tell them "I'm fine, guys," over and over again. Till they seem a bit satisfied. But Sam, Mike and Mercedes—bless them—look at me suspiciously and worriedly. They are the ones who almost threaten me for full explanation later. I knew that there would be 'a full explanation affair' later. Everyone would want to know how I did. I just hope that they don't pity my poor fighting and close escape.

Puck, surprisingly, is the only one who looks subdued. This strikes me as ominous. Because as the leader of us teen farmers, he should be the one actually dancing for this rain-celebration. But he smiles tightly at everyone who makes conversation with him, looking uneasy and under stress.

A few moments like this, and I start to relax around the warmth of the Tavern. Not just the warmth of food-fumed air, but also the warmth with which these people treat me. I find myself smiling every time Mercedes tells me a funny story about 'that old dude or his son' or about 'last time we had rain'.

I only half pay attention to her. I only show interest when she tells me that the last rain was some fourteen months ago. Yes, I feel a bit relaxed, but the confrontation Karofsky still frightens me. I feel nauseate just thinking about it. Was it really my shattered state of mind, or did Karofsky actually looked—I didn't have any other words for it—NOT human? Were his eyes really all black or was that just my panic-triggered hallucination? And if it WAS me and my mind, was that the reason why I was under protection/observation of my friends at all time? Were they actually protection me because I was unstable?

Looking around at their smiling faces, I shake my head in denial. No, no, no! They liked me. They were protecting me because for whatever reason the Smyths hated me. They would tell me if it was ME with a problem, no?

It all goes fine until Burt and Carole, smiling and slightly wet, enter the Tavern to loud shouts of greetings. Carole gives a bunch of flowers, right from our front yard, to Rosa and meet every other lady in the joint. Burt hugs and shoulder slaps a lot of men and finally, after a few inquires from Riley, makes his way to our table. Carole disappears with Rosa in the kitchen area—I suspect she'll watch over the menu and how things were. I swear sometimes I think Carole is born to feed everyone with her brilliant cooking!

But then Burt spots me. His bright smile vanishes as he notices my bruised jaw. He, visibly, grits his teeth and throws a dirty glance in Puck's direction. Puck, who had been watching Burt closely, looks more uneasy if possible as he ducks his head, his face red with a flush of embarrassment.

OK, what is going on here?

Burt comes over to me and asks, "You OK, kiddo?"

"Yeah," I breathe as happily as I can. I think someone have told him about my incident already—Finn maybe. "Just a bit of scratches. Nothing serious."

"How was it? Did it hurt?" Burt asks, sounding slightly curious.

"Oh, it was OK. Nothing bad, really. I just, I guess I'm better than I thought!" I totally lie to make him happy. But he doesn't look like he buys my story. Although, he just nods, pats my shoulder tenderly and looses himself in festivities.

Rosa and Carole come out of kitchen, Marley, Tina (who has a noticeable baby bump now) and a few busboys come out with the first course of lunch, announcing it happily and everybody settles down on their tables with good cheer—and so it begins.

But at that moment, the Tavern's door opens once more and somebody comes in. It takes me moment to recognize who it is. But Riley confirms my guess by getting up and greeting the guest with a cheery, "Blaine! I'm glad you made it, son. Come on, we just started!"

Blaine looks stunning. His customary casual wear is gone, replaced with smart looking pond-green polo shirt, a light, black sleeveless jerkin on top of it, with a black and white bowtie. His hair are tamed with a lot of hair gel and elegantly combed, making him look so dapper that I sear a few teenage girls swoon at the sight of him.

And then there's his smile. Can he possibly smile bigger? He accepts Riley's greeting in kind, makes his way to our table as Joe moves to accommodate him on the stools, and greets everyone around, with the same big smile plastered on his face.

His gaze falls on me the last. His eyes flicker when he notices my bruised face, but his smile remains. Very casually and politely, he asks me about how I was doing, was I adjusting fine here, and how was my field work going?

With each inquiry, my face turns redder. I answer him as politely and composedly as I can. But with his smile and his face—he is so distracting. And so goddarn beautiful!

He only nods in answer, helping himself to some food. Then he starts a conversation with Joe and Rory, who are his neighbors. He also asks Burt after his health. My Uncle answers him politely enough, but he eyes Blaine with suspicions and unease. Even after Puck's alliance with the Warblers, Burt is still unsure about allying himself with Andersons.

But it wasn't just Burt. I spot a few more people around the Tavern but, who had greeted Blaine openly enough, are now looking at him with apprehension too.

I kind of expected this too. Not everyone was sure what the Warblers did or represented in this town. They weren't farmers, they weren't traders. Their father/caretaker owned the grocery store but that was all. What the Warblers did was still a mystery. Even to us, the Puckpeople, they were mysterious. But we trusted them. The other people didn't. Hence the uneasy glances.

But Blaine takes it all in stride, ignoring those who are impolite, and attending those who talk with him openly. A few girls even try to make moves on him, and I watch in curiosity who will win his attention the most. Marley, Becky and even Rachel Berry, who was here as Finn's date, tries to talk to him. But Blaine keeps his smile face on and talks with equal attention to all.

As we finish this first course, Rosa and her cooks serve us the grand meal of roast cow, yes, a whole cow! But we, being so numerous, eat it up. I, of course, restrain myself from eating too much. Blaine I notice, eats a limited amount of food as well. But he eats everything, even if a small portion. Then we eat the sweet dishes. Then the wine starts flowing and everybody starts getting drunk! The teenagers prefer cans of beer, but everyone is so into the revelry that nobody minds how many we drink or if we are even legal.

I start to appreciate how cool the Rain Celebration is in this town are.

Time flies. From 3 in after noon, the clock suddenly strikes 7 in the evening. A few of people, who are too drunk to sit up, are escorted to their houses by the teenagers who have drunk a little and are able-bodied enough to drive.

Burt, only partially drunk, corners Riley and a few others and start a robust discussion against Hilltown and Smyths and every foul rule ever made, taxes, low supplies etc. Ladies huddle up on one table, commenting on Rosa's fine celebratory luncheon and think if they still had room left for dinner. Tina is in Mike's arm, they both look giddy and peaceful, staring in each other's eyes. Blaine sits beside a respectable looking man, who I remember is called Hiram Berry, Rachel's father. They seem to be talking earnestly about something, unaware of everyone else around them.

I haven't had much to drink, just a few sips of bad-tasting beer. But I was kind of sleepy now. So I fix my gaze on Blaine, setting my chin on my arms on the table, watching him and just—well, watching him.

A stool scrapes beside me and I look up as Puck sits by me. He is drunk but he looks serious too.

"Hey, buddy. How you holdin' up?"

"I'm OK, I guess. You know, you are drunk."

He laughs shortly, sitting the same as me, chin on arms on table. "Yep. I—today's a bad day for me."

"Bad day?"

"Yeah. Everything's wrong."


He looks over at me, still serious for someone who is drunk. "I'm talking about you. It's my fault."

"What's your fault?" Gosh, maybe I am a bit tipsy. Why else would I repeat everything?

In answer, he lightly touches my jaw with his pinky and my bruise stings slightly. "This. My fault."

My muddled brain catches up to his words and his serious expression. "No, Puck. No. It's not your fault. I'm kind of a disappointment. I should have fought better!"

"Why do you think none of us were there, huh?!" he asks me heatedly, pounding the table with his fist, attracting attention of a few people, including Blaine. "I knew he was on to you. But I kept everyone away. I wanted him to attack you, Kurt. Don't you see? It was a test."

It all makes sense now, kind of. I was waiting for my friends to show up but they didn't because— "A Test? So...Karofsky knew about the test?"

"Now, you fag! I mean this was a test by me! Of course, Karofsky didn't know!"

I squeak in alarm at his words, looking around. Nobody has heard him this time. But Blaine was observing us. "Puck, please..."

He glares at me a while. Then realizes what he had said. "Oh, I'm sorry, Kurt. My bad. I didn't mean to say that! It was offensive, I'm sorry!"

"It's all right," I say hurriedly. "How did you know?" I know I should've been more concerned. But at this point, a bit tipsy and worried out of my mind, I didn't care.

"That first day when you backed away from me so suddenly," Puck says with a smirk. "I knew you were strange. But 'gay' I didn't realize until later."

"Later when?"

"When we allied with Blaine. And even now, a few moments ago, you were looking at him like—like hell, I look at Zizes!"

I snort. I swear my face is red again. "I didn't know I was so obvious. And seriously, Zizes?"

Puck sobers up a while. "Yes, her. She wasn't always, you know, one of them. She used to be my girl a few years ago."

Something about his statement catches my attention. "One of them, like...it's a cult or something?"

He laughs at that. "No. That's not what I mean."

Then I decide to share my fears with him. We are drunk; we already have done my sexuality talk. One more thing won't hurt, right? Heck, I don't even know if we'll remember about this in the morning.

"Puck, there's something I need to know about Karofsky." He nods, waiting. "I thought—I saw his eyes change—they were BLACK, Puck. Do you know if?—Do you think?—Am I mad?"

He leans close to me and whispers. "No you ain't mad. If that meant you were mad, we all would be mad then! Karofsky was pissed—I'm guessing you gave him a fight he wasn't expecting, in which case, Good!—and when one of them is pissed..." He lets the sentence hang in the air between us.

I don't dare ask him more. I look back at Blaine and he still seems to be studying us. Hiram was still talking to him, but his eyes remain fixed on us.

So Blaine hadn't meant it jokingly. There were worst things here than I had imagined.

"So..." I ask Puck now, "Does that mean I won? The test."

"Tell me all about it," Puck asks enthusiastically. "I saw most of what you did but...HOW you did it? I wanna know."

I tell him about how I reacted, how I fought, what I felt. He whistles when I tell him about how I poked him in the eyes.

"Kurt, you are amazing, you know that!" Puck cheers. "That was better than I could've hoped!"

"But I didn't even intimidate him!"

"It wasn't about intimidating him, Kurt. It was about standing up. About surviving. And you, my boy, survived a fight with Dave-fucking-Karofsky! You rock, man!"

I smile at this. But then my smile fades. "But you don't hate me? Because I'm gay?"

Puck looks at me for a while, studying my face. Then, "No. 'Hate you' is the last thing on my mind. I won't tell anyone, though. That's your choice. But, no, I don't hate you for who you are Kurt. You are brave, you are one of my pips now. And I like you."

He stands up then, unsteady on his feet. Blaine appears out of nowhere and helps him out of chair. "Come on, Puck. I've got you. Let me walk you to your room."

"His room?" I blurt out in confusion.

Puck and Blaine both chuckle at that.

"I live upstairs, Kurt. The Tavern is kinda my home. My family owns the apartment upstairs. I can show you if you want."

"No, I'm fine. I just, I want to relax a while, you know. Go on ahead."

Blaine helps Puck upstairs and I settle down with my chin on my arms again. I study my family and friends as I wait for the festivities to officially come to a close.

Finn sits near Rachel Berry, who is talking rapidly, he just looks at her with a dopey smile on his face. Burt and Riley are the only ones left of their government-hating group. Everyone else had at some point started to leave. Carole sits with Rosa still, talking in low voice. Marley sleeps with her head on Rosa's lap. Mike takes Tina in his arms and after saying small goodbyes to everyone, he leaves. Sam had left with his sleepy siblings half an hour ago. Joe, Ryder and Rory were one of those who had returned the drunkards to their families safely. They come back now, and join Rosa on her table, talking between themselves.

Nobody notices me. Maybe they think I've fallen asleep. And maybe, at some point I did.

Because when I wake up again, I find myself in my bed, with my blanket thrown over me carefully. I half believe that the events with Karofsky were a part of a nightmare. But my aching head conflicts that theory. I'm hung over, which means that the party, the incident before it, and the heart-to-heart with Puck after it—every part of it was true and had actually happened.

I check my clock and it's 11 on dot. I groan and fall back asleep, mentally making a remainder to never drink again, not even a few sips.

Puck leaned heavily on Blaine as he fought down the drossiness. He knew that Blaine was 'helping' him for a reason. Namely, to talk about something. But he was on verge of unconsciousness and he didn't know if he could possibly open his eyes, let alone his mouth.

Blaine made sure that Jake was out of the hearing range before he muttered in Puck's ear. "We gotta talk."

Puck gave out a grunt in affirmative. With momentous concentration, Puck told Jake to leave him be. Jake, knowing that Blaine wanted to talk as well, did not protest and left them alone.

Puck sat on the edge of his bed, clutching the mattress to hold himself upright. "Talk. Fast," he slurred.

"I need to know what happened to Kurt," Blaine cut to the chase. "I was there when he ran out of the school. I saw how terrified he was. I need to know everything."

"You were there?" Puck blinked fast, trying to focus on Blaine's face.

"I was—" Blaine hesitated.

It was an unannounced thing between the Warblers that Cooper's identity must remain secret. Only a few people knew that Andy had two sons. Cooper was just known as Cooper Johnson in school record and everywhere else. Blaine didn't know if he could trust Puck enough to let him know of his brother. But then he relented, thinking that he might as well.

"I was picking up my brother from middle school," he said finally.

Puck looked a bit surprised, his eyes opened just a fraction more. But he didn't ask more questions. "Well, it was Karofsky," he told Blaine. "But it was also me."

Blaine frowned. "Kurt was running away from you guys? His own friends...?"

With broken words, Puck related to Blaine what he had told Kurt. The plan, the test, everything. Blaine looked furious for a while. But as he listened to Kurt's reaction, his face morphed into a proud and impressed smirk.

"So it wasn't entirely Karofsky's fault?" Blaine asked again, just to be sure. "It wasn't exactly the instance that Kurt was in real danger."

"Exzatly!" Puck exclaimed, slurring awfully. "We vas there the n'tire time. V coulda 'elped 'im. He don't need us anyvase. Hw was 'mazing!"

Blaine nodded in relief. "Well, don't pull shit like that again. Kurt needs more training."

"We gave him trainin'. All v coulda afforded. He learns fast."

"But apparently your trainin' is not enough. He's still scared."

Puck gulped, closing his eyes. He was loosing his focus and loosing badly. Damn his guilt-drinking. He of all people should remain in his senses at times like these.

"Tell ya Vat? You help train 'im, eh? You act all macho and ninja, you train him then."

Blaine frowned. It was a nice idea. He could help Kurt train and become more sure of himself against the enemies. But amidst all that he already has to do and take care of, it was too much. Besides, training would also mean that Blaine would have to tell Kurt about many Warbler related secrets. He wasn't sure if he could do that. Warblers guarded their secret life upon the hill with obsession that matched their rigorous talents and skills.

But Blaine could help Kurt. Yes, maybe once a week. He nodded in confirmation. "Ok. I will train him. But you are drunk. We'll discuss it later."

Puck huffed in relief. But before passing out, he muttered, "Tell Burt, ya hear me? It's his dess'sion in the end."

Blaine pulled the blanket on top of slumped Puck. He wasn't really emotional or caring type, but just a reflex that he had developed after taking care of his brother and Warblers.

He went downstairs to a quieter party. The boys, Joe, Ryder and Rory, were back now and sitting with Rosa and fighting off sleep. Burt was sitting alone with Old Riley and then Blaine looked at the slumped over form all alone.

Kurt, with his face on his arms, slept soundly. His bruised side of jaw jutting awkwardly, painfully away from any contact with wooden table or his own body.

Blaine half smiled and made his way toward the sleeping boy. He wondered how much Kurt was actually hurting and how much strength it required to put on a brave face and pretend everything was all right. Yes, Blaine thought, he will help Kurt train. He will turn Kurt into a person so strong that none of those bastards will even consider touching him like that again.

Blaine touched Kurt's shoulder tenderly. "Hey, Kurt. Can I talk to you a moment?"

But Kurt didn't even move. Blaine sat down beside him and tried to shake him awake once more. Kurt simply pouted in his sleep, mumbling something incoherent and turned his face away. Then he hissed loudly when his bruised jaw came in contact with the table, turning his face promptly back into the same awkward position.

It was all too cute; Blaine had to fight against the laughter that was building in his stomach. It was a kind of thing Cooper did sometimes, and Blaine was always left in fit of laughter and happy-tears.

"Mind if I help you?" a voice said to his right. Blaine turned to see a very grumpy and sleepy looking Burt.

Blaine smiled brightly. "Looks like you are gonna need my help, Mr Hummel"

"Burt," Burt grunted. "Well, then. I'm gonna get my wife. You think you could...help this one?"

Blaine nodded readily. He looked around for Finn and did not spot him. Burt noticed his frown and said, "He left with the Berry girl a few moments ago." Burt half smiled and winked pointedly.

Blaine smiled again. "OK, then. You have the keys to your jeep?"

Burt shook his head. "Nah, Finn took the jeep. Looks like you are helping us home on foot. Think you can handle it?"

"Of course," said Blaine. Well, his lucky stars were on the move. This would be the perfect opportunity to talk with Burt about their alliance and maybe about Kurt's further training.

He went out of his way to make Kurt comfortable as he picked him up in his arms, bridal style. He made sure that Kurt's bruised jaw was away from any contact and then secured Kurt against his own body protectively.

Blaine had to admit, for his slender built, Kurt sure was a bit heavy. Or maybe it was the recent training and development of his body. Blaine could feel the new bumps in Kurt's arms and tightness in his muscles that weren't there before. He remembered it only too vividly, the last time he had held Kurt this close. When Kurt had fainted due to some inexplicable reason on their walk home. Kurt's body sure hadn't felt that masculine back then, but soft and tender.

Blaine blushed when he realized how much he was thinking about the way Kurt's body was changed. He bit his lips, concentrating on the other things, like Burt and 'the talk'.

Blaine hurried outside with Kurt and waited while Burt went to get Carole. The air was chilly after the rain. There still dropped a few scattered drops of rain here and there. As was usual with him, he scanned the immediate area for any telltale signs of movement or danger. There was none. Only darkness and silence, the customary night scene of Hilltown at 8 o' clock in the night.

When Burt and Carole, leaning against each other and tipsy, came outside, Blaine took the lead and they walked on ahead. Burt shed his cap for a while, running his hand all over his bald head and face, trying to get his bearings. Carole too became a bit attentive as they silently started their journey.

Nobody said anything for a while. Blaine was thinking hard about how to start up the topic of Kurt's training but he always got distracted when Kurt, due to the cold night breeze and small drops of rain, snuggled closer into Blaine's neck. Blaine tried hard to ignore the warm breath against his neck, or the shivers that caused in his body, or the soft touch of lips that belonged to Kurt. Well, he tried. But no use. More than anything he wanted to lean into Kurt's touch, inhale Kurt's hair deeply and never let go.

Get a GRIP, Blaine! Blaine chastised himself forcefully. His uncle and aunt are right behind you, for god sake!

Burt chose that moment to come and walk side by side with him, Carole tucked close under his arms as she sleepily walked.

"How's he holding up?" he asked Blaine.

"He's still hurting," answered Blaine plainly. "He's trying not to be loud but he's hissing every time the bruise hurts."

Burt sighed sadly. "Knew I shouldn't have allowed Puck to have his own way," he muttered. "But I haven't talked to Puck yet. I don't know if it was a wise decision or not."

Blaine smiled softly. So, Burt was bringing it up because he had a motive too. Well, all the more better.

"I did," he said trying to sound positive. "He said that Kurt was magnificent. He reacted fast and accurately. But still, against their kind it wasn't—up to par, you know."

Burt nodded. "I figured. He looked so scared when I came in the Tavern today. I was relived just to see him alive and present but then I noticed his bruise."

"Could've been worse," said Blaine. "But I'm glad it isn't."

Blaine cussed himself internally. He had no idea what prompted him to admit that in front of Blaine. Burt didn't say anything, though. He just observed Blaine silently.

"Look, child, I—I know that you have, well, a different sort of way of life than most folks around here," Burt began awkwardly. "But I also know you have sacrificed just as much as anyone in this town. So I just wanted to say that I have no objection to an alliance, if you still want it."

Blaine looked at Burt in surprise, happy but doubtful.

"Look," Burt explained further, "I've seen and heard about what you and your boys have been doing for my—nephew," Blaine frowned at this hesitation. "I appreciate it a lot. And Puck seems to trust you. Riley thinks you guys are on the right track, whatever that means. So I guess, I should give a chance to you as well."

"Thank you, Mr Hummel."

"It's Burt from now on, Kid."

They shared a smile and continued on.

Blaine was now thinking about Burt's hesitation. He knew about the affair regarding Paul and Lily and Elizabeth's death as anyone else in the entire town. But as a Warbler, he also knew things that most people didn't; secrets and things that happened under covers of night.

"Burt, can I ask you something?" Blaine decided he might as well come clean if they were to ally soon.


"You haven't told Kurt about anything, have you? I mean about the—truth?"

Burt frowned at Blaine. "I don't follow you?"

"Burt, we know about things that most people won't. We know about Paul and Lily. But we know about Elizabeth too. The whole story."

Burt looked as if he'd slap Blaine. His face reddened in rage and hurt. They had stopped walking now. Carole watched on sleepily and silently, appearing rather concerned.

"How DARE you..."

"I'm not threatening or blackmailing, Mr Hummel," Blaine said hastily. "I just think that Kurt should know about everything. And soon. It's for the best."

Burt looked pained at that. "You think I don't wanna tell him! You think I enjoy living a lie!"

"So you will tell him?"

Burt looked away and took Carole's hand that she silently offered. "Yes, I will. Not now though. He isn't readily yet." Burt sighed heavily, running his hand over his face again. "Besides, I just got him back. What if he ran away like Paul?"

Blaine didn't know what made him say that but he said with conviction. "He won't."

Burt just nodded. "Well, good, then."

They walked on.

"I can help with the training, if you want," Blaine offered offhandedly as they neared the Hummel house.

"I'd like that. From what I've heard you are the best one of the whole Warblers, so yes, I'd like that."

They were at the house now. Blaine looked over at the house roof opposite the street and nodded to Thad and Hunter on duty. Burt followed his gaze and exchanged silent greetings too.

Blaine wanted to hand over Kurt right then but Burt opened the house door and motioned him to come in. The warm house was welcoming after getting half-drenched outside.

"His bedroom's second door on the right," Burt said, signaling upstairs.

Blaine tried to control the torrent of thoughts that followed this offer. He was going to Kurt's bedroom. He was going to Kurt's bedroom to tuck Kurt in. He was... He shook his head and hurried with the whole process. He opened the bedroom door, made a beeline for bed, settled Kurt on top of the sheets. And wanted to get out of there.

But Kurt tightened his hold on Blaine's shoulders, mumbling something that sounded suspiciously like "No" and "Blaine". He twisted out of Kurt's arms and then grabbed the blankets and tucked him in, trying not to think about the small smile Kurt had on his face when warmth enveloped him again.

But even as he tried leaving, he was distracted by the room itself. Kurt's books, his music, his clothes, and his dressing table with loads of products. He took it all in, smiling as he recognized a very familiar Kurt-scent in the room. He decided this was the most beautiful room he's ever been in. Then he felt foolish for such a thought.

He went to the window and observed Thad and Hunter on duty once more. Then he left, closing the door silently, watching Kurt's laying form one last time.

Burt waited for the kid to come downstairs. He was conflicted about many things.

How did the kid know about Elizabeth's death? He couldn't have been very old back then? How did he know about it when most of the town's people didn't? And most importantly, how much of the death and its causes was the kid aware of?

He had know about mysterious Warblers and their mysterious way of dealings with the Smyths and their cohorts. He had known that the Warblers knew of things that the normal people wouldn't dare whisper in the dead of night. He had known that the Warblers had a reach in secrets and things that run the town itself (one of the reason why Jack Anderson was even allowed to run a grocery store at all.)

But he hadn't known that Warblers knew THAT much. His whole view point of them changed with the realization that—yes, the Warblers are strong, and yes, Burt needed to ally with them. Especially now that Kurt was involved.

Kurt. Burt closed his eyes against the pain and longing as he thought of him. Brave, sweet, kind, Kurt. How terrified he must have been today! How scared! And yet, he had survived when most people will take to their knees and beg for the death to come.

It didn't even matter that Kurt was sweet and considerate. It didn't matter to Burt if he was gay or in love with dinosaurs. It didn't even matter that Kurt reminded him so much of his mother... no none of it mattered if Kurt wasn't protected and wasn't ready for when the things went to hell in the town. If what Riley and Sue had planned was to happen soon, Kurt was in more danger than anything before.

Burt's thoughts shattered when he heard Blaine's soft footsteps coming downstairs.

He looked at the Anderson kid thoughtfully. Blaine wasn't as he had excepted him to be. He had seen this kid around town a few times before, but not so close. Then that night when Kurt came back to town, he had seen Blaine up close for the first time. And he had been confused and shocked.

This was the kid that folks talked trash about? This was the kid who made some people wrinkle their nose in disgust? This was the notorious leader of the infamous Warblers?

But Burt had only seen a teenager with a bigger purpose in life. A teenager who was doing everything he could to help his friends and family. Burt had only seen a young man with bright eyes and such a true smile that he wondered what to believe or not to believe anymore.

And tonight's encounter was no exception. Burt had been shocked yet again.

Blaine, with his easy mannerism, his charms, and his true smile, was a man in true sense of word. He was a man protecting his family, his friends and his town with no reserve for his own life. So what if his methods were suspicious? So what if he was a cause of discord in various farming families? He was, at least, doing something to change this town rather than just sit about and grumble. And for that alone, Burt now held him in respect.

"He's OK," Blaine announced unnecessarily. "I'll try to come down at fields this weekend and then train him as much as he needs."

"OK, kid. But we have another meeting tonight."

Blaine frowned, looking amused.

"What you think if we're drunk we can't have another meeting?" Burt snorted. "Well, as I was saying, we are gonna be discussing about Kurt's adventures today. You are welcome to come with your father. We'll make the alliance official as well."

Blaine smiled again. "Thank, you, Burt. We'll be here. Dad is out of town still, but I'm sure he'll be back in time for the meeting."

Burt frowned in concern. "Isn't it a bit long for him to be out of town?"

"He never stays more than two days. He'll be back, don't worry."

"Well, all right, then. Good bye, Blaine. I'll see you at the meeting."

Burt saw Blaine out the door. Before he went away, Blaine said, "If Dad's too tried to attend, then maybe, I'll come on alone. If you don't have any objections."

"No, it's fine. Any of you'll do."

Blaine dipped his head against the cold air and rain drops, shoved his hands in his pocket, and walked away in the dark street with brisk pace and a happy gate. Burt found himself smiling at the boy. Because no matter what anyone said, that's who Blaine was in his eyes. Just a boy.

Blaine received a text even as he climbed up the hillside. He frowned, thinking of all things that could possibly have gone wrong if one of his Warblers were contacting him. He thought of this every time he got a new text. Unlike other teenagers, he wasn't a receiver of jokes or cheep poetry texts. No, his texts meant life or death in literal sense.

But it was only his father. He smiled with a relived "Phew!"

From Dad:
I think I'm gonna be late, again. Make sure Coop stays unaware of it. He'll worry over nothing. Dad.

Blaine frowned. It wasn't like Dad to be late. Maybe he ran in with a few problems with the deliverers. Last minute delays by the company? Whatever.

He stopped short suddenly. He'd heard a sound. He scanned the area and then looked up at the tree under which he found himself. Where the other trees were slightly moving due to cool breeze, this one was trembling horribly—as if somebody or something had just jumped off one of its branch in a hurry.

Blaine gritted his teeth in anger. He knew (as was expected) that there were always eyes following them all. But he never expected it this close to the hill and Dalton House. It worried him very much. He then remembered that he hadn't set the regular duties for the Warblers tonight. That must be why the others were getting so bold as to follow him all the way to Blaine's own territory.

He nodded a hello to David, who was on surveillance tonight and entered the house.

He only made it to the living room when Cooper and the others attacked him.

"MOVIE!" Cooper's voice was the loudest.

"Iron Man!" Jeff hooted, he had a sticker tattoo of Stark Tower on his cheek.

"Rosa's Cheese Rolls!" Trent held up bags of packed food, happily.

All Blaine's worries left him at once. He lost himself in various hugs and smiles as he joined in the movie marathon.

He deflected the questions about Andy easily with "He'll be here soon." And he announced the news of alliance with Hummels to the general cheers of his friends. He even related a bit about Kurt's "staged" attack and his smallish victory against "that thug" Karofsky. Cooper looked happy that the terrified boy was doing OK.

Then they paid attention to the movie alone. They cheered and whooped at appropriate times. Trent and Wes wolf-whistled when Scarlet Johanson made her appearance. Jeff made all the dirty jokes at appropriate times much to annoyance of Nick.

Blaine half worried about why they were all still here and not on their usual duties around the town. But he was consoled by the fact that at least David was keeping watch on the roof. But he didn't think too much on it.

Until, of course, when they started on Iron Man 2 and Dad still wasn't home. He checked his phone and found no new text from Dad. He tried to look unworried and explained to Jeff who was noticing Andy's absence again that it was all fine.

He sat for a few minutes with them then excused himself. "I think I should go upstairs with David now. He's keeping watch alone in the rain, it's not fair."

Cooper protested but Nick suddenly said, "Yeah, yeah, go away. You weren't even cheering with us you buzz kill."

Cooper giggled at the accusation and promptly went back to the movie. Trying not be a buzz kill and not getting thrown out in result. He loved this movie too much.

Blaine smiled at Nick in silent thank you and went upstairs.

"Anything?" he asked David.

David shook his head. "No, the town looks OK. I saw Sebastian and Santana headed toward the Crowley's Hardware a half an hour ago, though. Must be their usual visits, didn't look anything new."

Blaine frowned, "But it's still suspicious. We know well enough what Crowley deals in. Have they left, yet?"

"No, they are still inside the hardware store. Finn and Rachel Berry were making out in front of Hummel's house just a minuet ago." David winked mischievously.

Blaine chuckled. "That dog. Well, good for him. He must be braver than I thought if he can take stalking to that diva."

Blaine didn't mention about his talk with Hiram Berry earlier this evening. He was still not sure about it. Hiram's acquaintance had been sudden and startling, and his information kind of shocking. Blaine was waiting to discuss about it with his Dad before he could talk to his Warblers.

Blaine settled in front of one binocular and looked around town. He lingered over a Black BMW parked outside Crowley's a little longer, wondering why Smyth and Lopez were in there for so long. But he mostly kept watch on the distant check post, waiting for any telltale signs of headlights that will announce Andy's return.

Santana snuggled closer to Brittany as they kissed deeply. She was happy tonight. Because after many propositions and hints, Brittany had finally agreed to stop talking about that blonde boy Sam and agreed to start a relationship with Santana. Again. But that was Brittany. She would pine over some new boys for a while. Then she would come back to Santana again.

Not that Santana minded. She just knew that in the end Brittany would still belong to her forever.

But that still didn't made it certain that they'd be able to stay together. If there ever were a place or community more loath to Homosexuals, it was Hilltown. And if she knew anyone who hated Homosexuals with a vengeance, it was the mayor.

Santana snorted into the kiss at the hilarity and irony of it.

Brittany frowned. "What's so funny?"

"Edward." Santana was still laughing.

"I think he's grumpy."

"No, no. I mean about Edward's stupid homophobia." Santana slowed to giggles. "His own son is as gay as it can get. If only he knew!"

Brittany didn't understand what was funny about it at all. "Are you making fun of homo-sapiens, Santana? Because I thought that we were Lebanese. I thought you loved me."

Santana looked at Brittany adoringly, leaning in to kiss her deeply again. "I do. I love you Brittany. Very much."

Brittany smiled beautifully and kissed her back.

"But I don't like this," Santana said, becoming serious again. "I hate that we have to be Edward's slaves all the time. I hate that we have to be stuck in this shitty town. I hate that we can't be like this in public."

Brittany gasped in horror. She placed her hand on Santana's lips, shushing her. "Don't, Santana. He'll hear. He'll hurt us again."

Santana frowned. "I don't give a rat's ass about what he'll do! I hate it here!"

At that moment somebody came inside their room. Santana cursed loudly when she saw it was Sebastian.

"That's too bad, Santana," he said silkily. "After all we've given you and that's how you talk about us?"

"Not you," she past hatefully. "Your father and his ridiculous hatred!"

Sebastian only tilted his head, as if asking her to continue.

"What have these people done to him? What have anyone done to him? He's doing everything cruel in order to achieve his own stupid goals and we are being forced into doing things we don't want to do!"

Sebastian glared. There was just a hint of horror in his gaze. "I would be careful if I were you, Santana. I hate some of things my father does too. But that doesn't mean we have to yell around and parade the fact that—"

"Why are you even here? Are you spying on us?"

Sebastian sat down on their bed, looking thoughtful. "I'm here with a plan."

Santana stayed silent. She knew better than to disagree with Sebastian and his plans.

"I need to make sure that my father's plans with Kurt aren't carried out fully."

That surprised her greatly. So much that for the first time she was speechless.

"But—but Edward wants the Hummel killed."

"I know, Santana. I know. But you see, I think there's more to just that. I think my father and his 'selfish motives' are for a greater reason that what he has told us."

"I think you are only looking for some way to fuck Kurt," she said derisively.

Sebastian smirked. "If I get to do that along the way, yeah sure. Why not? But that's not all."

"You mean Kurt's special, like a dolphin?" Brittany chimed in with a smile.

Sebastian smirked. "Yes, like that. He's important in some way which has scared my father greatly. And I need to know what the reason is. I need to know if I can—bargain with my father with Kurt's talents or whatever it is that makes him special."

"And you are telling me this, why?"

"So that you can help me. We find out about Kurt. We barter our way out of this hell hole. I get to be with any boy I like. You and Brittany get a life together. Everyone's happy." Sebastian finished with a smirk.

Santana thought it over. It was too tempting. "But you left one thing out. What about Kurt? How are you gonna use him to bargain with Edward?"

"Simple. Kurt's life to forfeit ours."

"That's so mean," Brittany mumbled. "He is so nice. He looks like a fairy."

Santana had to agree. When she'd first seen Kurt she'd reacted the way Edward wanted them to. But over the course of time, she'd come to know Kurt as everything Edward told them he wasn't.

According to Edward, Kurt was a danger for their society. He was crazy and psychotic and he would kill them if they gave him a chance.

Santana and everyone else had laughed at the idea. Kurt, a human? Able to kill them? It was ridiculous.

But then the humans have started protecting the new kid like they would protect a weapon. They had started training Kurt. What for? (To kill us, obviously, Edward had asserted.)

But Santana still hadn't believed. Kurt was too humane to be able to do that. She knew that Warblers could kill them if they did anything out of the rules. But Kurt? No way.

Then again, Karofsky had came back with a swollen eyeball today. He had raged about how Kurt had attacked him. He had raged how Kurt had forced him to be violent when all he wanted to do was to talk to him.

Santana still hadn't believed him either. She knew that Karofsky was a bitch. She knew that he also somewhat closeted and hadn't stopped staring at Kurt's ass ever since the first day he came to McKinley. But a swollen-eye ball from a delicate looking thing like Kurt was a serious issue. Edward had been so mad.

"Let's just say that we will help you," she said now, collected and thoughtful. "What then?"

"We go free. Simple as that." Sebastian stood up to face her to emphasize. "Think, Santana. Do you want to live here all your life—which is gonna be longer than pathetic human life—or do you want be happy with Brittany. Your choice."

"But Kurt..."

"Kurt will either live or die," said Sebastian coldly. "I don't care. I just want out of this town. And if that means a loss of one more pathetic human...so be it."

He left. Brittany had small traces of tears in her eyes. Santana hugged her close and mumbled, "Shh, it'll be OK. We'll be OK."

"B-but Kurt," Brittany blubbered. "He's innocent. I don't believe Edward. Kurt can't hurt us."

"I believe that too," said Santana. "But may be we'll have to think of an alternative. Where we can be happy and Kurt can stay alive. Don't worry, Britt, I'll never hurt him, I promise."

Brittany nodded her eyes full of trust on Santana. She kissed the Hispanic girl again, and they snuggled together to sleep. It was only afternoon, but that was why they stayed inside. Daylight wasn't very friendly to them, and snuggling with Brittany under the covers was Santana's favorite part of the day.

That evening, Edward sent one of his servants to fetch Santana from the library at the Smyth's residence. There had been some new development after Kurt-Karofsky drama this afternoon.

She arrived at the meeting hall to find everyone present. She made her way to Quinn and Brittany, taking seat between the girls. Together, the trio made the Unholy Trinity. Their job was to make sure that the rule breakers were punished—punished harshly, and in every unholy way possible to guarantee that others didn't break rule again.

The other "team members" (Santana nicknamed everyone else as Slaves) was present too. Lauren Zizes, with a new scar on her cheek looking sullen, sat with Jesse St. James, son of St. James Sr., the town Bank owner. Sugar Motta sat looking important, with a furious looking Dave Karofsky. Azimio with his troop of thug looking watchers and body guards.

Sebastian's mother, Margaret Smyth, sat with her son. She was just as cold looking as Sebastian, but she talked less and did anything her husband told her, just like any other of the "Slaves".

Lauren muttered grumpily about why they were here. Sugar frowned arrogantly at her. Then Edward Smyth entered the room with Sheriff Motta, Russel Fabray, and St. James Sr.

"I have some disconcerting news," said Edward without preamble. "We've just received intelligence that Jack Anderson has been leaving town without our notice."

There were shocked faces all around. This was unheard of. The rule to not leave town without Edward's permission had never been broken before. This was the breach of rules in its utmost form. But then again, the Warblers rarely followed rules.

"That's a disgrace!" Sugar announced decidedly.

"They should be killed," said Dave, still fuming about his humiliating defeat at Kurt's hands. "All of them!"

"Are you sure?" Quinn asked seriously. As a Trinity member, it would come down to the three girls to punish the rule breakers.

"I'm positive!" said Edward. "I had my most trustable guards watching their movements. And one of them saw Blaine Anderson leaving from the Hummel's residence just a few minutes ago. He saw that Blaine received a text from Jack Anderson announcing in following words..." Edward took out a piece of paper from his pocket and read aloud—"I think I'm gonna be late, again. Make sure Coop stays unaware of it. He'll worry over nothing. Dad."

"That still doesn't prove if he's out of town," said Santana dismissively.

"Who's Coop?" Sugar whispered to Lauren who shrugged.

Edward smirked. "That's what I thought as well, Quinn. But then I had my minions search further and what do you think they found out? Jack Anderson hasn't been in town for last two days! He wasn't at his store, his deliveries were handled by his son Blaine. He wasn't at the Tavern when the humans celebrated the rain. He wasn't sighted anywhere on the hill."

"Maybe he's ill?" suggested Brittany. "I've heard that Humans get ill when they stay in rain for long."

"Then I had Azimio investigate further," said Edward, as if Brittany hadn't even spoken. "Azimio, stand up and tell us what you discovered!"

Azimio stood up with a proud smile. "I found out that while the humans have been sowing their fields and training Kurt, they also have been aware of Anderson's out-of-town escapades. One of Noah Puckerman's boys by the name of Felix Bosky is son of the town watch guard at the check post. Boskys have known about Anderson's trips for a while now. I went with some of my boys and carried out the suitable procedure to investigate them." He smirked evilly. "They told us everything. Even the time when Anderson leaves town and when he comes back."

"You see!" Edward said heatedly. "We let them live after a decent amount of taxes and payments they have to present. And this is how they repay us! They are running out of ways to defy us, so they are now planning on eliminating us. Imagine what they'll do if there wasn't our kind to keep them in check. They are the lowest on the food chain. They are prey we are the hunters. They can't rebel!"

Sugar, Dave and Azimio got worked up in frenzy at Edward's speech. They wore identical faces of hatred and evil and bloodlust.

"They brought that HUMAN!" Edward spat the word like a curse, "in our midst so that they can conquer us! Look at Karofsky, look at his wasted eye! This is what they want to do with us! To kill us and we can't let them do it. Now Anderson goes and breaks the rules so blatantly! We have to stop this before everybody else takes hints and follows his example! We have to retaliate!"

Quinn frowned. She looked conflicted about a few things but didn't protest. "What do you want us to do, Edward?"

Edward smiled cruelly. "Make sure that Anderson is dully punished. And make sure that his son and their merry troop of outcast killers get the suitable message of what happens when somebody crosses our paths."

Santana was a bit worried but orders were orders. "We'll go right away then."

The Trinity got up and left the meeting room. Quinn frowned deeply even as they discussed about how to best approach the matter.

"You think it's suspicious, don't you?" Santana accused lightly.

"Yes, it's kind of strange," Quinn agreed. "They are breaking the rule but we left them no choice. Edward nullified their contract and they have to provide food for the town's people. I am sure that the only reason Anderson would leave town like that involves trade item or food deliveries and nothing more."

Santana admired Quinn for that reason precisely. She was logical and reasonable against Edward's bigoted cruelty. "I think so too. Edward's making a big deal out of it due to his own fears. He thinks that the humans are rallying against us out of town."

"Even if it was the case, they haven't brought the soldiers or forces from out of town all the times they've left. Kurt's the only person who had entered the Hilltown border in the last month." Quinn sighed in frustration. "But we have to do it! We can't disobey. We just can't."

"I'll get supplies, then," said Santana. "You and Brittany meet me outside in the forest."

As she left the Smyth Mansion for the parking lot to get to her BMW, Sebastian came out of the shadows.

"So my father has hatched yet another plan to make sure his minions stay furious and loyal against the humans," he said casually, joining her. "What do you think of that?"

"Go away, Sebastard. I have work to do."

"Oh, you mean innocent humans to kill and use their deaths as a warning against their sons!" he mocked scathingly. "Well, well, I am stunned. Are you the same Santana who was worrying about Kurt this afternoon? Are you really gonna kill Anderson?"

"Kurt hadn't broken any rules!" Santana said angrily, knowing fully well that Sebastian's accusation was just. But what choice did she had? "Anderson have. So he'll be punished. End of story."

"Let me join you for fun, then," said Sebastian and promptly got into the passenger seat. "It's been a while since I've killed and fed on a human."

"Oh, how long?" Santana mocked. "Three hours?"

"No actually, just one hour. But I'm hungry for more. I'd love to join you."

Santana started the engine angrily and made her way toward Crowley's hardware.

"It doesn't have to be like this, you know," said Sebastian sounding almost human.

"I don't have any other choice!"

"Don't you?"

And Santana was now seriously considering it. So what if Kurt got hurt. It would mean they'll be free. It would mean the humans will be free of Edward and his stupid doctorial regime. Just because they were stronger and better than humans doesn't make them gods. Edward didn't understand that. He lorded over Hilltown like he actually was a god. But that was the problem. He was powerful. And if Santana didn't obey, the false god will punish her and Brittany. And that wasn't acceptable.

Their freedom in exchange of Kurt's life. It started to sound plausible and none too horrible.


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