Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 30: The Brave & the Coward Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 30: The Brave & the Coward

T - Words: 10,432 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
281 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I need to warn that this chapter is sort of bloody and gory; with character deaths. I know I've used some bloody scenes before, but this is the bloodiest bloody chapter I've ever written. So keep a bucket close, in case you feel like hurling.
~ Chapter 30 ~
The Brave and the Coward

It's all nothing but a blur and white noise. I am suddenly reminded of my Turning; the same blankness, same deafening clamor. And I—helpless to DO anything.

It's like having an out of body experience. I see the others suddenly moving in...retaliating just as Mr Fabray and Quinn collide. I let Andy and Lily corner me between them. I see Starchild phasing, becoming a gorgeous black beast...fighting the Vampires with Blaine; his sword blazing. I feel, through my connection to him, Sebastian battling mentally with his father.

I know these things are happening. And I can't DO anything. It's a simple command really...just an impulse. I just have to grab my Sai swords and fight; but somehow I can't.

Have you ever felt like your whole world...everything, really...was exploding and shattering around you. While you just stood aside. Like a coward?

That's what I am doing. Standing aside...a coward.

KURT! Sebastian's voice trickles within me, he sounds as if in pain. FIGHT!

Right, that. Just a simple thing. But I can't feel my body. How do I fight? I was—helpless. And this was madness. A madman, taking innocent lives for his own mad desires. This was worse than a crappy movie with lot of lusty girls and sex on the side. All just a setup, a game for somebody who was—in his own right—certain, that he was on the right path.

Blaine and Sebastian had been right. Edward—people like him—doesn't deserve second chances. They didn't feel remorse. They couldn't see that their madness was destroying lives; their hunger for power was lethal.

And I—I had actually WASTED precious time and breaths trying to reason Edward into...WHAT? Another lawless treaty?


I flinch at the mental command. I remember vaguely, Sebastian had briefly gone over how a sire could 'control' his prot�g� using this mental connection. Sebastian wasn't trying to control me; yet, his voice was a force I couldn't resist. He was in pain, battling for dominance over his mad father and still, he wasn't me to fight.

Move, body. I think slowly. I am like a statue, unable to do anything. It's like the images don't even register on my retinas. I was slowly fading in despair.

I blink, trying to focus. And see...more madness.

Quinn was grappling endlessly with her father. She was injured; way beyond the point a Vampire could even take. If she lost sight or faltered for even a second, she'd die. But she kept on, her face twisted in so much pain, so much hatred for the madman who still fought mentally against my sire. She was trying—and yet, avoiding—to kill her father. She was choosing us over her own flesh and blood. She was doing this for...ME. And what was I doing? Trying to will my body into action still.

Andy...sweet Andy. He was torn. Between keeping Blaine in his sight, worrying over his sire and staying close to protect me. What did he ever deserve to live like this? He was a father to so many sons (it didn't even matter to him that they weren't his own, not all at least.) What did he do to SEE those sons becoming killers, and see them hurting and dying against a powerful enemy. This wasn't the life normal parents led. Normal people worried about their kid's grades, their sexual lives, their interests and jobs. They worried about petty things, and went old worrying and loving their children. Normal people were not like Andy. They didn't become Vampires overnight, didn't live to see their wives die and their sons becoming murderers, saviors. They didn't live to see their sons blasting themselves to try to protect others.

And Lily? Hadn't she lost her love more than enough times? Hadn't she lost everything already? And yet, she was saving what little was left to her. She was saving me...a coward.

Starchild shouldn't even be here. He should take Sebastian's hand and leave far away where they could be safe and they could live together. Hadn't he been apart from his lover to last a lifetime? Why was he throwing away his golden chance to save somebody like me now? He should be far away with Sebastian, he should forget Hilltown even exited, he should forget Edward even did anything. I know I would, given the chance...

The minute I realize my train of thoughts, I flinch again. No, I wouldn't forget Hilltown. That would be erasing my entire life, in a sense. If it wasn't for Hilltown, I wouldn't have been born and left, setting in motion this chain of events. I wouldn't have met my family, my lover, and my friends. I wouldn't have learned the loss, sorrow and pain—with even more happiness than I care to imagine as a bonus. If it weren't for Hilltown; Sebastian and Starchild wouldn't be reunited for god knows how many more long years.

But still. This was pointless. They shouldn't do this for me, period.

WE AREN'T! Sebastian exasperated voice yells in my mind, like a faraway echo. He's getting weaker. Even I feel it. I tell him without words to keep his head on his own task. Killing Edward was more important than worrying about little things.


And just like that—I feel breath coming to me, not that I needed it. I feel my limbs loosen enough to grasp my swords and slither them out of their sheaths.

I feel myself moving in the direction of my one true love. I see Blaine, and smile. He's so beautiful. I know, this sentiment is odd, given he's currently busy killing Vampires. But if anyone could see him the way I see. He's soaring through the enemies, his feet lighter than a dancer's, his sword like his own arm, flying, waving in and out of bodies. It's hypnotizing...watching him come alive. He's a perfect gentleman while in everyday life. But when he's a Warbler—he sings, literally, through his body and his actions. He comes alive in a brand new way. He becomes breathtaking.

I run to him autopilot, not even bothering with my Vampire speed. I run with my own steps, my human steps. And I join him in his dance. When his eyes meet mine, I see them flicker with fire and warmth. His usual green-sunny orbs are all yellow and brown, like blazing flames. And he smiles, as if inviting me to dance with him.

How could I say no?

All my inhibitions, my cowardice, fly away as I sink my swords through the first enemy. I let the change wash over me, feel how my fangs snap out, ready to kill, how my claws flash out, as sharp as my swords. I see Blaine's awed face as he looks in my black eyes.

And I kill. That's what I do, by nature. I'm a nuisance, a freak. A killer. But for now—I can't even give a shit.

Sebastian's mind whispered over me once, proud. And it adds fuel to my fire. I am not a coward now. I am a do-er, actually doing something to help my loved ones than not. Yes, I was killing a bunch of Vampires...who had a life or family...but...I was doing it. And I never felt more alive. Just knowing that I was justified in my actions gave me strength.

And that realization gave me a pause, again.

If I can turn into a killer based on my own justifications...than what's the difference between Edward and me? None.


But I can't seem to agree. I suddenly charge out of my dance with Blaine and make towards the battling father son duo. Sebastian's mind falter, at my actions, and I take advantage of it by shoving him away...hard. Until I am face to face with Edward.

He looks stunned and winded after his sudden release from his son's mind. And he takes about five extra seconds to realize I was in front of him, and he charges at me, as I was expecting. I retaliate, using my swords against his claws. I fight with him alone. I wanted to defeat him—if to just show him mercy later. But at least, I wasn't killing others. I wasn't including others in this madness. I knew I was being stupid. My friends were killing others; it was the only way they could survive. And I was being a coward again.

Once a coward, always a coward. I couldn't even begin to fathom my own shame at my true face.

But I needed to do this.

"Edward," I said through my fanged mouth, between blows. "Can't you see it's pointless? You say you'll use my blood to kill the prince and others. But what if there isn't anyone like me anymore? What if this goes to waste? What if you don't become the only immortal being? Have you even thought about that? About future...in long term?"

"I don't see how it's any of your concern, Kurt."

The way he speaks, tells me what I'd suspected and known for a while. "So, you already have someone in mind? Someone like me? That's...interesting. Do I know that person?" I think I did. Though, I was stalling, baiting him.

And Sebastian understood my thoughts, looking in my head and my memories. It pains me that I released this piece of memory to him first. By all means, my mate should be the one to know. I should be the one to tell him. But I can't concentrate as Sebastian SEES and understands. I just focus on stalling. For what, I don't even know yet.

But Sebastian uses it at once.

He attacks his father mentally, trying to take away his control from Mr Fabray. Trying to give me and Quinn a gateway to retaliate together.

I half-see the effects of this. I almost can't even hear what happens between Quinn and her father then. I barely catch Andy's yell...of relief of terror, I can't differentiate. I can hardly listen to Blaine's movements or Starchild's growls as he tears through the Vampires.

Using the distraction, Lily also pounces upon Edward. He's under attack three-ways, with nothing to stop us.

Or so I hope.

But then Blaine's dance gets erratic, his movements fall on my ear drum a bit clumsily. Odd; since when have my Blaine been clumsy?

And that's when I get distracted...and slashed.

Sebastian's obvious distraction as he sees me get hurt causes his hold on Edward to break for mere two seconds. Lily's face turn towards me, and she gets thrown off by a furious Edward. And Blaine yells my name...then curses as Andy screams somewhere.

It's too fast. In my odd bloodlust...or fighting spree, I hadn't even realized how fast we were grappling. To anyone outside, we'd been nothing but a blur. Just air and gusts of winds. The shock if it hits me when everything slows, and crashes around me. My previous thoughts of righteousness and stalling for time all get thrown like me.

My head splits against the cavern pillars. I feel claws grasp and attack me next, bleed me. My head hurts, I feel the brains spill somewhere in my skull. Things get black...and fuzzy.

"KURT!" Blaine's voice is the last thing my brain registers...before my hearing is gone. I slowly lose my sense of pain too, because I hardly feel the claws of these creatures against my skin.



Quinn felt the horror for once in her life, like never before. To watch your own father looking at you with so much hatred; the hatred not even his own. To fight your father because he was nothing but a puppet on strings, controlled by a crazy person who thought he was a God.

But what could she do? If she died, her Trinity would suffer a blow. If she died, she wouldn't ever be able to seek the freedom she'd longed for. If she died, she would leave Andy to drown in madness until he turned a Rogue. If she died...she'd never be able to tell Joe how she really felt.

And yet—these all sounded like excuses to her frenzied brain. Mere excuses defending her own weaknesses. She felt torn, like somebody had ripped the un-beating heart out of her. Like somebody was slowly and repeatedly grinding her entire body against coals. She was...afraid to die by her father's hands. That's right. That was the stark truth. She was scared. To actually die or kill her father.

She should feel hate. After all, what had her father given her? He made her grow up as a human, a Catholic girl. Made her learn right and wrong, taught her humility. Well, or let the caretakers do that, let Dorothea do that. And then, he took away her humanity. Why? Because Edward needed another skilled pawn in his army, for this useless struggle. He took away her sunlight, her right to be free. Her heart.

Then, as if to rub slat in her wounds, he trained her to kill and punish humans. Like some filthy parody of God and his twisted judgment. She had to actually act as an avenging angel for a mad God by the name of Edward. Worse than what happened in Egypt, in her mind.

So why couldn't she? She should hate him. She should hate her father and end this stupidity. After all, that's who she truly was now. An avenger. The Leader of Trinity, a punisher. And her father had broken more laws than she cared to count just now.


That voice. That whisper. Her father was struggling against Edward's hold. But still giving in just as suddenly.

This was the third time her name had slipped through those sneering lips. The third time she felt like she could die a thousand deaths and still not be able to take the pain.

So that's why she was still fearing it. The inevitable. It was her or her father. One would walk out of here victorious. Edward wouldn't release Russell and Quinn wouldn't back away. Talk about a stalemate.

Something was happening, in the edge of her vision. Something important, she knew. But the world around her was a blur. All she saw was that blank look of hate in Russell's blackened eyes. All she felt was the pain of her own deeds, and yet more pain as she suffered blows after blows, and delivered in kind. They were both bruised and battered. Bleeding enough to elicit that shameless thirst and bloodlust to surface. Even at this point, they thirsted. Beast that's who they were now. Beasts...monsters. Just demons wearing human faces, imitating life.


"Shut up!" she snapped.

She couldn't take any more of this pain. Couldn't her father get that? He should give in, stop struggling. Once Edward took over fully, Russell would be nothing but a memory. Then, she would be able to kill him without remorse.

But when he spoke her name like that—

She shook herself harshly. She lunged at Russell's throat, clasped his artery and drank. Letting the monster inside her out, free. Yes, she would drain him dry, watch him die. That's how it was supposed to be.

But Russell went limp and plaint at once. She broke out of her blood haze and realized why. The commotion behind her earlier was a three-way attack on Edward by Kurt, Lily and Sebastian. And Edward's hold on Russell had loosed. Enough to let her father out.

She quickly backed away and saw the recognition in his eyes. "D-ad?"

"Quinn...you know another way...stop this..."

She shook her head, unable to realize his meaning. "No, I'll help you up now. I can't kill you...I just. I can't!" She broke into tears of blood, hating her unnatural body, hating Russell for this, but at the same time wanting to protect. "I won't!"

"Please...the only way....Quinn," Russell wasn't moving, or fighting anymore.

A growl ripped through the cavern, Starchild was now handling the Vampires alone while Blaine was distracted, looking between his lover and his father. His father...

Quinn's eyes flickered to her prot�g�, and she saw the pain there. She had, in her moment of sadness, let her mind wide open for a while. She let him know just how much this pained her, and being a gentle soul that Andy was, he understood it well. She closed her mind again, walls building up, and turned to her father.

"I won't," she said firmly.

"Quinn," Russell said with a small smile. "Love you...child."

And that was all the warning needed. Somewhere, Starchild growled louder.

Russell twisted oddly and grasped Quinn's neck in a death-grip. His strength was tenfold all of a sudden.

For a moment, Edward seemed to have taken complete control over Russell. Edward seemed to have stopped his struggle to keep his mind occupied in three places. He'd decided to take action in the cruelest way possible.

She had just a moment's notice. Quinn knew she was about to die. She couldn't—not like this. And that's when she remembered why her father was telling her about the 'other way' to stop this. The way she'd been thinking of all this time, the reason why she'd kept her mind shielded so well from Andy.

Her eyes unfocused, as she felt her neck start to unsnap from her shoulders. The strength of her father startled her—she felt so delicate against him. She, the leader of the most fatal gang in Edward's little empire, was delicate against Russell. No, against Edward, for he was the one behind this insane strength and insanity that now reflected in her father's eyes.

She just had seconds left. So she did what she could to control the collateral.

Andy, she thought, calm considering her plight. I hereby release you from my shadow. I hereby set you free.

She had a moment to hear Andy's anguished scream. Followed by Blaine's scream of Kurt's name. Then somebody was ripping Russell in pieces. Showering her in her father's blood and scent.

Looking up, she saw a wolf. A majestic beast in black, his blue eyes blazing and looking down at her in fierceness. The wolf growled, making her bones quack with reverberations. Like it was reprimanding her for giving up.

Andy was with her in next instant. His face paler than ever, his eyes unfocused, like he'd gone mad. "Why? Why...why?" he kept mumbling, trying to keep the oncoming attackers away and touching Quinn's wounds as well, like he was reassuring himself she was still fine, alive (sort of.)

"KURT!" Blaine yelled again.

...and Quinn smelled blood.

Andy and Quinn turned to look back, leaving the attackers for Starchild just momentarily.

And they saw the end of everything.


Sebastian ran for Kurt first, as Blaine fell on his knees by his lover. His face was flushed; with tears pouring down unrestrainedly. "KURT!" Blaine cried, desperate for something. Anything.

Sebastian tried to ignore the bereaved man. He tried to ignore the blood, the sudden pang of lust that shot through him. Most of all, he tried to ignore how his connection to his prot�g� was waning so drastically. So quickly.

"Blaine, keep us safe." Preoccupied, Sebastian opened his collar and grabbed Kurt's head in his hand. He ignored how something wet trickled down and fell on the floor, stuck to his hand. He didn't want to name it. Else, he'd lose himself. "Blaine, do it. I need...my blood...he will...heal...my blood will..." He was incoherent, but he didn't mind.

His body moved autopilot. It was instincts, ancient than time itself. Instincts guiding him to do what must be done in times like these. So he did...

He clawed his neck open, making the wet thing pour out. He handled Kurt's head and stuck Kurt's unresponsive mouth against his open neck. He waited.

Kurt didn't drink.

"Sebastian..." Blaine's wretched sob gained his attention briefly. "He isn't...moving. Sebastian why isn't he moving...why..."

He didn't know. And didn't want to tell Blaine. Honestly, he could barely feel Kurt through his connection. Wait—connection! He could MAKE Kurt move. Somehow. This was his power after all. This was what he learned from his father. Or the stupid genes. It didn't matter.

Feeling miserable, and knowing how angry Kurt would be for this, he made his way into Kurt nervous system, through his mind. He also ignored how half of Kurt's brain wasn't—there anymore.

Just like a puppet, Kurt's head snapped in an angle and attacked Sebastian's neck. He started drinking the blood, and he started healing. Just softly. Just slowly, enough to make Sebastian feel his connection strengthening.

"Blaine," Sebastian said again. "This may take time. You need to..."

"I know—I—I will."

He knew this was hard on Blaine. More than anything else probably. It was only too apparent by the hitching sobs that wracked the proud warrior, who had been until a few minutes ago, fighting valiantly. However he also trusted Blaine to keep them safe. Kurt was going to need a lot of blood if the damage was to be undone somehow.

He controlled Kurt' body and made it move, made his limbs to work as he stood up shakily. It was a hard task because of how he still was forcing Kurt to suck blood from his neck. Somehow, he managed, and moved back from the circle of the fight. He slowly stepped back, willing Kurt's legs to move and his mouth to keep sucking.

Over Kurt's shoulders, he saw what was happening to the rest of them.

Blaine had, true to his words, started backing up Eli in taking out attackers. Lily was a blur, battling away with Edward some distance away. She was truly letting loose, accepting the hatred that had simmered inside her over years as she attacked him without pause. For once, Sebastian saw that his father was actually having TROUBLE keeping up with somebody. Usually, Edward was the one with upper hand, at all times.

Quinn and Andy were still recuperating. There wasn't anything physically wrong with Andy, but Sebastian has more or less guessed what had happened. The expressions of listlessness and despair of Andy's features were enough to let him know that Quinn had broken off their connection. Andy was standing guard over his ex-sire and trying to keep an eye over his son as well.

Then Sebastian felt his back collide with the cavern walls. He sank down with a relieved sigh, releasing control of Kurt's legs. He'd made a trail of blood by unwillingly dragging Kurt like this, the trail he was trying very hard to ignore. He just concentrated on making sure that Kurt took in enough blood to start regenerating soon. So far, he could only feel slow, slight changes in Kurt's body.

He heard an occasional crack inside Kurt, signaling that the bones were meshing back together. Over the noises of attacks and screams, with overpowering and reverberating growls coming from the massive Black Eli, Sebastian also heard as Kurt's breathing started up, lungs filled and contracted, with pain but with sureness. It was enough to know that he was healing. It made Sebastian relaxed slightly, even as he felt his own blood diminishing.

He hadn't fed on anything but bottled blood ever since he made this stupid contract with Kurt. Before this fight, he'd made himself and his prot�g� drink to bursting. But the fighting of this day—he wasn't sure how many hours it had been—had drained him of strength and his lifeblood. Whatever was left was now healing Kurt: this was a compromise he was willing to make.

Ultimately, Kurt was the only one who would be able to deal with Edward.

Moreover, Sebastian was pissed. He knew why this had happened. Kurt's sense of right and wrong had kicked in at the wrong place and time. If Kurt had taken immediate action and attacked Edward somehow with his powers, this wouldn't have happened. Instead, Kurt had spent time making conversation with Edward, reasoned with him.

From Kurt's mind, Sebastian had gathered enough to know that there was a REASON why he did that. Kurt's mind had remembered something briefly when Edward let slip that he already had someone with same powers as Kurt. With Kurt's memory and Sebastian's own experiences from past, he had an idea WHO it was. But he couldn't dare to believe it even for a moment. Not now, anyway. To base everything on Kurt's theory and memories was a folly, he knew. For now, he would stick to the plan that they had originally thought of, instead of going with what Kurt wanted.

He wasn't being unsupportive of his prot�g�, far from it. He just knew too well that Edward's powers became even more dangerous when challenged in the wrong way, with wrong provocation. And he didn't want Kurt and Eli or anyone really, to be here and near Edward while that happened. Could possibly STILL happen with the way things were progressing.

Suddenly, Kurt's arms came up to grab Sebastian's shoulders. He gasped. He was so deep in his own thoughts—also getting weaker with the blood drainage—that he hadn't even realized that Kurt was healing rapidly now. "Kurt?"


Sebastian laughed, even though it was weak and slurred. Kurt was speaking again, meaning whatever damage there had been to Kurt's brain was already healing up. Meaning he would be up and about with some more time.

"Sebastian...Blaine?" Kurt's raspy voice inquired, hovering over Sebastian's bitten neck uncertainly.

"He's all right. He's fighting...keeping us safe while you heal. Keep drinking, Kurt."

Uncertain still, Kurt inserted his fangs back into Sebastian's neck, making him flinch in pain. Now that he was drained almost completely, Sebastian's pain threshold was becoming less. He was slowly hurting everywhere.

Taking a few long gulps, Kurt started to move away. He was a mess, covered in blood and fluids all around his face and head. Sebastian looked away, unable to stomach it. He was too thirsty to care and if he kept looking at Kurt's bloody state, he'd end up attacking his own prot�g�.

"You are...weakened..."

"Nice to know your eyes are working again. But leave me be. I'll manage somehow. Still a lot of Vampires left to choose from."

"KURT!" a surprised voice called.

Dazed but recovering, Kurt looked back and smiled. Blaine had noticed him sitting on his own, and was looking at him longingly. Sebastian laughed. These two were so struck with each other.

"Like you with Eli?" Kurt snapped back, without much sarcasm though.

"Yeah. Speaking of, could you go and take care of yours and mine mate while I gather my strength? If you are all right by now..." Sebastian added uncertainly. A few minute sago Kurt had almost died again.

"I'm fine. I actually feel better after almost emptying you. I should go and fight."

Sebastian heaved a sigh of relief. Kurt was up—he'd do what his job was now. Edward was still fighting with Aunt Lily. Everything would be all right.

Oh, really?

His eyes flew open. Staring in horror as Edward kicked Lily in the gut and for just a millisecond, stopped to smirk at him before attacking Lily again. It was just one look. One, smirk. One simple touch on mind and a taunting remark.

But it chilled Sebastian's drained body. It gripped him with fear that he couldn't even shake off.

I'll make you regret this, my son. Edward's voice said, still cold and manic. I'll make you watch as I kill everything you love and protect.

That's when Sebastian lost control of his own. His limbs jerked and moved, while he was too helpless to do anything against it. The horror of it was that Sebastian had full conscience. He KNEW he was being controlled, unlike Mr Fabray whose mind had gone blessedly blank. He could SEE as his own body betrayed him in this weakened condition. He could feel as Edward made him stand tall, and hold his claws ready—as he flew towards the unsuspecting throat of his own cousin and prot�g�.

NO! He tried to warn, to scream. But all he felt was Edward's cruel laughter in his head.


Blaine was breathing erratically, almost to the end of his limits. Before today, he'd never fought against Vampires so constantly. It was always a few, maybe in groups of five at most, that he had to hunt and kill. Never this much. In fact, he wondered if all these people had been in Edward's command ever since the last Forty year since his coming in Hilltown.

The number of Edward's army, at best, was still more than he'd estimated. After all the ones he'd killed over years, it was quite a shock how there had been so many of them. It was quite a shock to know that they've always been under the shadow of such creatures all this time.

The fight in Hilltown's battle a few weeks ago had opened Blaine's eyes. He'd not been here for it, but his brothers had given him a detailed report about it. Nearly a thousand of Edward's Vampires had come out then. And if the number inside this house alone was taken into account, it meant this huge mansion had housed at least six hundred still.

They should've been dead by now. Yet, he didn't get a chance to catch his breath. They kept on coming, from the depths of this cavern, from shadows. To think Edward had been housing so many...

Aware of Starchild beside him, Blaine gripped his sword with a force that made it shudder. Or maybe that's just the fatigue assaulting him at last.

He didn't care.

All that he could do was buy enough time, for Sebastian to distract Edward, for Kurt to kill him. Or Turn him back. Whichever came first?

As he briefly looked back, he was stunned to find Kurt standing vaguely in between Lily and Andy. He wasn't even doing anything, or holding his swords. He was just—NO, Blaine thought. Could Kurt be second guessing now? Was he doubting that he'd be able to use his powers again? Of all the times, this was the worst moment for hesitation.

He tried to talk to him, but was again tackled by another of the Vampires. His ribs gave way to the punch that he received; he barely contained the yell of pain. Instead, he returned the blow in kind, slashing the Vampire's gut open before stabbing through the heart. He flicked his sword and hand, disgusted at the black, cold blood that had oozed from the Vampire's body before it turned to ash. Curiously, the blood on Blaine's sword remained wet, unlike the rest of the Vampire's body that crumbled.

He glimpsed over at his lover again, and was relieved to see him coming over to his aid. He couldn't help but smile. There was still uncertainty behind Kurt's glasz eyes, but as he ran towards Blaine, his eyes changed to their blackened state, whites disappearing. Blaine knew he should be scared or disturbed—yet he was none of those things. All he felt was a thrill of excitement in his spine as Kurt's fangs peeked underneath his upper lip. He felt the ghost sensation of those fangs piercing his skin, of how good it felt whenever that happened. Even in his beastly form, Kurt was mesmerizing.

Blaine grinned, inviting Kurt to join him in the fun. And fortunately, he did. Together, they killed the Vampires like they couldn't even care about what the future would bring, like it was their last dance.

They weren't linked mentally like Sebastian and Kurt, yet they moved in synch, in accordance to each other's movements. If Blaine injured a Vampire, Kurt beheaded it for him. If Kurt got overwhelmed or lost in his blood haze, Blaine helped out with his sword. They were precision. Perfected danger, that's what they were together.

But then, Kurt's face morphed into a frown. Slowly, his eyes returned to their original state, signaling that his lust for fight and blood was gone. His fangs still remained, but Kurt didn't seem to want to bite into any of the enemy again. It made Blaine wonder just what was bothering his mate.

Then without warning, Kurt transformed into his Vampire state again and lunged towards Edward. Sebastian was shocked as Kurt took his place and of all things—started talking to a madman. "Edward, Can't you see it's pointless?"

Blaine really loved him, but sometimes, Kurt drove him crazy with his unexpectedness. Right now, though, he'd give anything for Kurt to stay with the plan.

He kept in touch with what Kurt was saying. He was slightly shocked that Kurt was talking about another one like himself. Blaine, however, didn't have enough chance to do anything but keep on fighting. These Vampires were—as if on command—keeping him too busy. Looking around him, he was surprised to see that's exactly what was happening. The Vampires were shadowed in the dimly lit carven, but they seemed to be coming at them alone. They only attacked either Blaine, Starchild, Andy or Lily. They seemed to disregarding Kurt completely, while Sebastian might as well be invisible to them.

Blaine's heart pumped madly as he started seeing through the pattern of everyone's attack. Quinn's side of the fighting was also unaffected. Looking closely at his opponents, Blaine had a fleeting shock to discover that their blackened eyes were so dull and unfocused. Some Vampires weren't even looking at him or his sword, they were just standing about in line...waiting to be killed.

This meant, Edward was making it so that they all fought until they were too far gone to even fight anymore. He turned to inform Kurt and Sebastian of this sudden revelation—and froze in horror.

Kurt, Sebastian and Lily were fighting with Edward in mass blur...moving too fast for anyone to see. Yet, in his adrenaline fueled mind, Blaine was able to see the few final moments in horror. Everything slowed down as he watched...Edward's eyes glint with smug danger. And his claws slashing right near to Kurt's heart.

Kurt's mouth parted in a surprised gasp—and then he flew against the pillar in the cavern. Blaine's heart lurched as he heard—even over the din of the fighting—a loud crunch of Kurt's head splitting.

He was moving before he even realized what happened; screaming his name. Starchild blessedly grasped the few Vampires who had tried to take advantage of his turned back. Blaine's feet started pumping faster as he ran to where Kurt was slumped.

As he slowly neared—he felt his heart stop. Kurt's pale face was drenched. No, it was still getting drenched with the continuous flow of black, dark red blood. There was a crack in Kurt's hairline, a wide gap where his skull had split open...where his brain and fluids were spilling out even as Blaine finally came near him. A few Vampires standing by had started to give in to their bloodlust when Kurt's life spilled out so freely. They were upon him, clawing, feasting. Blaine even saw one clawed hand grope into Kurt's open brain...and his body trembled with rage.

How dare they?! How dare they TOUCH what was his!

He was unaware of his tears, of his chocking sobs. All he saw was that Kurt had suddenly stopped moving or doing anything. Kurt was unmoving as the Vampires clawed away, exposing more of Kurt's skin, and blood underneath.

With a mighty roar, Blaine swung his sword, lopping head off two Vampires at once. From the corner of his eyes, he saw as Sebastian dug his claw all the way through one and ripped a heart of a vampire. The last two were also dealt with the same care, and finally they were able to reach Kurt.

Sebastian looked pale and near fainting. Blaine only half-realized that Kurt's blood might be making him hungry and sick. But all he could see was Kurt's unmoving form.

"Blaine, keep us safe." He heard Sebastian and saw him unbutton his collar. He remembered suddenly Kurt had mentioned that the fast healing could be obtained if a Vampire drank from their sire. He realized at once what was happening...but what if Kurt was... "Blaine, do it. I need...my blood...he will...heal...my blood will..." Sebastian couldn't even open his mouth anymore in fear of giving in to bloodlust.

Hopelessly, he watched as Sebastian moved Kurt toward his neck. His insides churned in horror as whatever left of Kurt's brain also started spilling out at being moved. Kurt looked so—he wasn't moving. Sobs choked him, Blaine tried to trust, to hope that Kurt would get better after drinking blood.

But Kurt's face pressed against Sebastian neck lifelessly, his lips or fangs didn't even graze Sebastian's torn neck.

"Sebastian...He isn't...moving. Sebastian why isn't he moving...why..." Please, tell me he isn't already gone! God, please tell me that he's still alive! Please...Blaine's head was about to burst with the ache and trauma he was now feeling.

But after a few minutes, Kurt's neck snapped and attacked Sebastian's neck. Blaine gasped, unable to believe. Kurt was—Kurt looked the same as those lifeless puppets he'd been fighting minutes ago. Kurt was—Sebastian was controlling Kurt. He felt disgust, and horror. How could Sebastian do something like that to Kurt...? But as Kurt's mouth started sucking, Blaine felt relief. He hated that it must be done, but at least, Sebastian was making sure that Kurt would get better.

He had to believe in Sebastian. Kurt's life depended on it.

"Blaine. This may take time. You need to..."

Understanding flooded into him. He wiped at his tears, and stood up. If keeping Kurt alive meant fighting more, against those lifeless Vampires, then so be it. "I know—I—I will."

He turned and didn't look back. He couldn't take it anymore. Kurt's broken body was too hard to look at as he started fighting again, he was reminded of how Kurt used to be once.

Images of Kurt, from this short past of theirs, started appearing in front of his eyes. Blaine's hand moved listlessly, tearing through the enemies who just came at him out of some hidden force.

However his eyes weren't seeing the enemies now. They saw Kurt—as he emerged from a group of boys in a sweaty tank top, a shovel in his hand. He saw Kurt as he was that night they walked together, and later when he was laying beside him, comforting Blaine after Andy 'died'. He saw Kurt in all those secretive moments he'd been watching him, in those moments they'd kissed and touched. His eyes only saw Kurt as he went through so many hardships and changes, in the moments when his face was drowning in pleasure.

But he couldn't look back. The Kurt on the floor, moving like a puppet on Sebastian's command was a broken Kurt. It was as if Kurt's whole essence was gone—he was so vulnerable. It hurt Blaine to see that. It angered Blaine that Edward was the cause of it.

Yet, he couldn't do anything but trust Sebastian. He'd fight, buy time...and hope that...the Kurt that he loved would come back to him. The Kurt that was strong, gentle, loving and brave would somehow return to him.

Almost loosing himself in the fight again, even though his heart wasn't in it anymore, he was suddenly grasped by this strong urge to look back. It was as if something was calling him...to turn and see. His mind rebelled against the idea, knowing what he'd see was a mess, a broken Kurt. But his heart was starting to beat fast, painfully urging him to just DO IT!

So he did. And his breath got stuck somewhere in the throat.

Kurt was standing and looking at him. Kurt said something to Sebastian, who was slumped against the cavern wall now, looking pale. Then he was walking towards him. There was nothing attractive about Kurt right now—his face dirty, messed up with blackened blood drying there. His skull had been knit back together, that horrendous gap was now missing. His hair were drenched in his blood still. His clothes rumpled, with tears and scratches after the clawing of those beasts.

Yet Blaine's whole world was centered on that bloody, messy Kurt. There was a shine in Kurt's glasz eyes now as he smiled at him. There was so much tenderness and love, so much gentleness. THIS was the Kurt he knew, the strong and brave one.

His heart thudded again, strangely, as Blaine finally moved is body. He was not even sorry as he turned his back on the enemies, knowing well that Starchild would back him up. He just wanted to have his arms around his lover, he wanted to KNOW that Kurt was really there smiling at him. If this was a messed up hallucination, then God help him, he never wanted this to end.

A few feet later, his eyes flickered to Sebastian out of nowhere. And his mind sent a warning bell. Sebastian's face was twisted in pain and—horror. There was something wrong with him. That was the only thought in Blaine's head as it happened. Like those puppets before, Sebastian stood up and started flying towards—Kurt. His face was socked and pleading...before it transformed into a snarl. Only, Sebastian's eyes looked frantic, pleading still.

Blaine's body moved in auto. He lunged toward Kurt too. "LOOK OUT!"

Kurt's slow smile faded slightly, as he turned a bit, clashing against Blaine as they both fell. And not a minute late, because Sebastian's claws tore through Blaine's leg with a ripping sound.

Blaine's scream of pain unwillingly left him. But he wasn't bothered about an injury. His yes roamed over Kurt, still clutched in his arms and he heaved, hissing through his teeth. It hurt, terribly. "FUCK!"

"Blaine? Oh, my God, Blaine! Are you OK?!" Kurt's frantic voice asked, but he could only nod. "What happened...Why...SEBSTAIN?!" Kurt was finally looking at his sire, disbelief clear. "WHY...SEBASTIN WHY?"

"It's...Edward..." Blaine rasped, hoping that his voice was strong enough to carry over all the noise. "Edward's...controlling him."

Then he blacked out, still clutching Kurt in his arms like a lifeline.


I feel Blaine's relaxing in over me. His face is suddenly blank as he slips into the peaceful embrace of unconsciousness. But my mind whirls. Edward is... doing what?

But I haven't enough time. I suddenly roll over, making sure that Blaine is safely tucked against one of the many pillars dotting the cavern and face Sebastian as he almost hovers a few inches above the floor...just waiting. Sebastian face is twisted in a snarl. But his eyes—they are wide and frantic. They look at me like they are willing me to run and hide.

I peer over to Edward, and realize the situation. He is still fighting with Lily but their movements have slowed down. They are almost at the limit, weakening slowly. So Edward has gone with his last resort it looked like. He's taken advantage of Sebastian's weakness and attacked him.

"Can you blink?" I ask my sire. Surely, he would be able to blink on his own, if his eyes were still under his control. "Blink once for YES, twice for NO."

With great difficulty, Sebastian's eyes blinked once. My mouth gasped open—so...Edward is "He's making you watch, isn't he? That's why you're still aware." A blink.

My body trembles in rage. I look back at Blaine, and his surroundings. The Vampires have lessened already, hardly forty or so left, but they are all, strangely, going for Quinn, Andy and Starchild. They aren't coming over to this side of the cavern where Edward and we are.

"He's controlling them too, right?" Another blink. "What do I do?"

Sebastian looks at me pleadingly. And even though I can't hear him anymore, it's obvious. To me, even. I should do what I was supposed to do. How na�ve I have been. I've wasted time, and given into my human side without even thinking of the consequences.

It wasn't as if I was becoming cruel. I knew what was right and wrong still, but I had been na�ve to think I could use the same mentality when fighting against an evil like Edward. I can't reason, never with the likes of him.

That only left one option.

Things is: I still can't feel my powers within me. It wasn't that half of my brains had splattered and regenerated or that my body was still thrumming with the aftereffects of weakness. It was the simple, inevitable fact that I didn't KNOW still how to use this powers. I can't recall exactly how I had done it before? What I'd been focusing on or thinking while I did it? But try, I will.

I take a deep breath, albeit not really needing it and turn toward the grappling figures of Lily and Edward. I see vaguely that my Aunt is extremely tired, at her limit really. She is still fighting strongly though, countering each of Edward's strike with precision and elegance that makes me shudder. Edward, too, is tired but his fighting slightly surpassed Lily. Even I could see how he was acting absolutely calm—apart from his restlessly roving eyes.

Even as he fights, his eyes are continuously moving around him, taking in each battle and keeping track of his lessening army. That's when I realize, Edward is keeping tabs on when he would be required to act drastically or flee. There was just a hint of fear and impatience in his eyes.

I look back at my cousin. He's still hovering two feet above ground, looking quite ridiculous. If the situation wasn't so dire I'd be laughing. Sebastian's eyes were stuck on Edward and he was trying to concentrate on something. I've never seen him use his control before, but after Edward makes a shocked noise—getting distracted from Lily's battle—I realize the most important point in Sebastian and, possibly, Edward's power.And through Sebastian, my own power as well. If this truly is a chain of inheritance, this HAS to be the matching factor.

Eye contact! Or at least, keeping the controlled person in their eyes.

So that's why Edward is looking all around himself. That's why Lily's blows are always aimed toward Edward's face rather than his heart, trying to make sure Edward's control slipped and some of the vampires would become free—and perhaps realize their dwindling number and try to surrender. Which brings me back to the second thing, Edward's back is turned toward Sebastian and me. He has Sebastian under his control, but can't do anything unless he looks in Sebastian's direction throughout his puppeteer-ing process.

The first thought that crosses my mind is to destroy the lights. Except since we are all supernatural creatures—excepting Blaine who would be blinded—we'll be able to keep fighting without a hitch. The second though is hiding Sebastian. If Edward can't see him, he won't control him. Sooner or later, Edward will run out of his pawns, his vampires that he was obviously using as sacrifice. Sooner or later, he'll try to flee and that's when I'll be the one destroying him. If I can.

I grabbed Sebastian's arm and started steering him away. He floated after me like an inflated clown, helpless to do anything. I try to talk to him but ever since Edward controlled him, I can't find our mental link. So I just leave the figuring out to him—the way his eyes light up slightly, I can tell he's caught on to my plan.

I hide him behind the same pillar, just slightly out of sight, where Blaine is still unconscious. I sit down and check Blaine's vitals. He's breathing heavily due to the pain in his leg, but otherwise he appears fine, not taking in account his various bruises and nicks from his battle this entire day. He'll be fine, which is all I need to know for now.

"I'm going to fight Edward," I stand up and tell Sebastian, "until he's alone and can't rely on his vampires anymore."

Sebastian blinks once in approval. I slide out of the pillar and smile. Between Starchild, Andy and Quinn, they are already tearing through the fifty odd vampires left. The rate they are going, they'll be done in the next twenty minutes tops.

The time is of the essence. And my plan sucks. I'd wasted enough of it on my own petty justifications already.

Lunging toward Edward back with my claws out, I grabbed his neck. He stiffened only monetarily before he kicked back at me, catching me almost instantly. I doge his next kick an try to make sure his back stayed against Sebastian half-visible behind that pillar. It's an added bonus that he won't see Blaine either, laying low on the floor as he was.

Lily's eyes meet mine over Edward's shoulder and there's understating in it. She also starts attacking at his neck, making him painfully trapped in the same place.

With a snarl, Edward kicks Lily in the gut, hard enough to make a hole. My eyes go wide as her...insides...spill out. My eyes turn black even before I can resist it. And that distraction is enough for everything to end.

Edward suddenly turns and faces me, a sneer on his face. I suddenly realize that he has willingly freed his Vampires of his control in favor of turning toward Sebastian's side. I punch him, directly in the face, which he dodges expertly, still sneering.

"Clever, Kurt. But even though my son is trying very hard NOT to think of your little plan, he forget that I'm still in his head. I can still see through his eyes."

I start using all the moves I've ever learned from Blaine and Starchild. I unleash a plethora of punches, kicks and blocks. I have a moment of relief when I saw Edward's unusually handsome face twist in worry at my ability to fight so expertly. He'd underestimated me, apparently. However that relief vanishes as Edward starts to block all my blows with same efficiency. He's good at this. And for a while, we blur in the mass of fighting and counterattacking each other.

I can't even tell what's left and right, and hope against hope that we don't turn to Blaine's side of the cave. Lily dances in our periphery, obviously trying to join in, but I can't allow that while she's still injured. I hear the rush of the air around us, our own body colliding as we take punches and kicks and claws. I feel his blood oozing—strangely, it doesn't make me thirsty at all. But I see the thirst in his eyes when I start bleeding.

Not only he wants my blood for his crazy schemes, he's also attracted to its scent. Or maybe he's just starving.

"Kurt?" a soft sound falls on my eras. And I make the mistake of stopping just enough for Edward to look in the direction of the sound.

I also saw the entire cavern in that single moment. Blaine is awake, and trying to fight the pain as he tries sit up. Sebastian is still hanging uselessly. Lily is draining other vampires to heal herself, who are trying to aid Edward on their own after regaining their minds. The others are trying to hold the revived Vampires, who are fighting back with more vigor, no longer bound by Edward's divided will.

Then, Edward looks at Blaine—and Sebastian above him.

I hurl Edward away from me, flying out of our fight as I make my way towards Blaine. He's in Sebastian's feet: an easy target. And Edward knows the only thing that could break me completely right now is loosing Blaine.

Just as Sebastian's hands come up, claws out—I garb Blaine's shirt and throw him out and away against the darkest corner of the cavern. I hear his pained yell but that doesn't matter. Bruises heal—death was irreversible. I'd rather he was bruised and unconscious than GONE.

The relief doesn't last long.

Sebastian's controlled body moves in to attack me. And I can't ever fight well against my sire to begin with. Even in this controlled state, Sebastian is fighting full-on. He's using the same techniques he's used over time to make me fall. Those were just sparring sessions. This was—this was real. Sebastian—at Edward's orders—was aiming to kill me.

Edward laughs somewhere, standing away in shadows as he watched everything unfold. I try desperately to fight back against Sebastian's barrage. His face is twisted in a hateful snarl—but his eyes are wide in self-disgust. He can actually see how helpless he is.

I try not to think of Sebastian as my brother, my sire. I try to forget about all the times he's helped me. I try to recall how Sebastian was like before...he was hateful. He was trying to kill me, he was responsible in the death of Mr Jones and countless nameless Deserters. I try—but those memories are SO far away. I can't seem to recall them at all. Not now anyway.

I can only riposte, and try not to cry. Why was Edward doing this? Why couldn't he just—WHY?!!

Then—Sebastian's eyes become blank.

There's nothing there. In the second it takes me recognize that Edward was now fully controlling Sebastian, I hear an anguished scream behind me.

Sebastian's hand torpedoes toward my heart directly—and I feel something soft collide against my chest.

I fall back, almost believing that will be dust within seconds.

"HahahahahAAHAHAHA!" Edward's laughter rings forth, amused and startled. "WELL, WELL, WELL! I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT!"

I get up and almost faint. Lily—Lily had thrown herself between Sebastian's deathblow and me. Lily had...

Sebastian's eyes were wide with horror. His body was free, feet on the ground, standing—with his hand embedded deep in Lily's left breast. Clutching her heart.

"HAHAHAHA! THIS WAS SO UNEXPECTED, YET SURPRSING!" Edward cried in merriment, clapping his hands.

Everyone has stopped fighting to see what was happening. Even Blaine, limping on his leg, was standing in the edge of light...looking horror struck.


Sebastian eyes are blurring. His hand shaking, still clutching Lily's heart. "Lily—oh, Lily I—I'm...I'M SORRY! I!" He broke down then, his face flooding with tears of blood.

I slowly stand up, unable to take it in. Lily had—she's thrown herself to save me. "Lily..." I mumble, stumbling toward her trembling body. I garb her and look in her eyes. "Lily...I, tell me how...I need to save you!"

Lily's eyes are open and—extraordinarily—very clam. "I'm...fine. I—have done my duty. I...am fine."

"We can't let you die!" I scream. Looking at Sebastian's broken face I demand. "She can still survive. Her heart is still in her body. You can just...let go of her heart and we'll give her blood. Yes! She'll—she'll be OKAY!" I was talking breathlessly. I could see now, it was easy. We just have to outwit death. Simple.

But Sebastian's broken eyes met mine. "I—I can't let go. I have—it won't work."


"Kurt, my love," Lily says with a sad smile. "He's already crushed my heart dear. I can feel...his claws still dinging into some pieces. Even if he lets go...I'll die. He's still holding on...b-because I have some last words to say."

"NO!" I feel the pain in my eyes, knowing that I was crying tears of blood too. "NO, you can't die! Not now!"

"OF COURSE, SHE CAN!" Edward yelled. There was a smug look in his eyes. "She's a pathetic, emotionally driven bitch. I was still hesitant in killing her because unfortunately she's my sister. But this is—this is amazing! I don't even have to do anything and she's out of the way now. Congratulations, Sebastian. I'm SO proud of you, son."

I feel my whole body thrum with the familiar rage, but I look away from Edward's smirking, mocking face. Lily needs to speak to us first.

"We're listening," I say, trying to hold in my anger. I feel like I'm about to burst.

"Don't let Edward out in the world, Kurt...End this here, in this small town where even if people die, the number will remain small. This world...can't deal with Edward. Don't let...anyone else's dreams go to waste because of his madness. And please—stay together. You are my precious sons, you are both blood brothers. Keep everyone and each other safe. Please...and know that I love you, so much. So did your parents. I love you...my children."

With a gasp of pain, Sebastian unstuck his hand. And slowly, with her last smile on her face, our Lily turned to ash.


Blaine's throat felt heavy. He wanted to scream.

He hadn't known her long, but Lily was someone Kurt has always looked up to as a mother. In fact, for the most part of his life, she really was Kurt's mother. That in turn has changed his own feelings toward the older woman. He'd respected her, and her attempts to keep Kurt safe over the years.

Now, as he saw his mate breaking down, trying to hold the pile of her ashes in his trembling hands—he felt as if his own mother had died all over again.

Yet, he knew that the time was of essence. It was clear they'd failed. Edward was on the top now. There's no way anyone would be able to fight with Lily gone. He had to think about taking everyone away. It's time they admitted defeat, and try another day.

He started limping towards his mate, and tried to ignore how his left leg was screaming in pain. Then his head snapped up as Sebastian gasped, clutching his head.

With wide, terrified eyes, Sebastian looked at Kurt, then Blaine and then he screamed. "IT'S HAPPENING!"

It took him a minute to realize what he was saying.

Kurt hadn't been trembling with grief alone. He was getting angry. His whole body was pulsing with anger and power—which meant that the Vampires in this room were no longer safe.

"STARCHILD!" Blaine warned, running on his legs toward Kurt.

With decisive growl, Starchild transformed into human. He grabbed Quinn and Andy in his muscular arms and started running out the cavern. Sebastian too, but his eyes kept retuning towards Lily's ashes.

Blaine reached them and pushed Sebastian roughly. "GO! NOW!" He understood the grief he was feeling but if he stayed here any longer—

A Vampire screamed nearby. Blaine's body froze. Sebastian took the hint and fled.

"CALM HIM WHEN HE'S DONE!" Sebastian yelled over the screams.

Blaine turned towards Kurt yet again and tried not to be terrified. He knew this scene well. Kurt was looking at each of Edward's Vampire and they were falling in a heap, bodied excreting blood from all orifices, every pore.

"What's happening?!" Edward yelled.

Blaine felt a shudder of joy. Edward looked terrified, in a way he'd never looked before. But he was inching toward the exit, trying to distance himself from all the Vampires who were collapsing.

"Sebastian! He's fleeing!"

But in the yell-filled cavern, he knew nobody would hear him. Taking one look at his lover, he decided. His sword was still nearby, fallen against the pillar. All he had to do was stall and keep Edward here until Kurt's anger fell on him.

And everything would be fine.

But Edward was losing his calm—his terror was making him do irrational things. Without thinking, he lunged toward Kurt and started clawing at his back! "STOP IT! FUCK FUCK FUCK! STOOPPPP!" Edward shrieked as he clawed. "HOW DARE YOU USE THIS POWER? IT'S FUCKING MINE! THIS. FUCKING. BLOOD. IS. MINE! GIVE IT TO ME! STOP IT! AHHHHH!"

Blaine took up his sword and hacked at Edward's ribs. "GET. AWAY. FROM. HIM!"

Edward snarled at him. His eyes were wide and terror filled. He was looking about with a hopeless frenzy. When Blaine tried to attack him again, Edward kicked Kurt in the shins. A crack resounded over everything as Kurt's bones broke.

Blaine swore. He lunged to grab Kurt before he could collide against the pillars.

Edward growled, ready to attack again. "MINE! THIS BLOOD WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MINE!"

But at that moment, a black wolf burst in the cavern again. Blaine laughed with relief. "STAR! Get him!"

Edward turned to look at the wolf, at his Turning vampires and fell on the floor. He growled angrily once, showing Blaine a look of pure loathing. "FILTHY FUKCING FAGGOTS. THIS ISN'T OVER!"

And then he ran for it. Instead of going toward the exit, Edward turned the opposite way. Probably, another escape route.

"STAR!" Blaine yelled.

But he needn't. Starchild was already running in pursuit. His growls echoed back as they vanished in the darkness.

Blaine cradled Kurt's head and saw that he was still in his angry trance. Except all the vampires were already unconscious—already turning human. "Kurt? Look at me. Please, Kurt..."

His heart was hammering madly as Kurt's eyes remained unfocused. He looked so horribly like a dead man—Blaine shook that image away. He'd already seen Kurt's mutilated body once today. He can't ever go through something like this again.

Unable to handle is tears; Blaine started kissing Kurt's face, not minding the dried blood. "Kurt, my love," kiss. "Please, Kurt," another kiss.

His tears fell on Kurt's face but he couldn't stop. He needed to make Kurt stop this. It was over already. Starchild would take care of Edward. All he cared now was to have Kurt smile at him again. Look at him with the same tender love.

Kissing his face all over, pecking Kurt's lips, he started sobbing breathlessly. "Kurt. Please. Please, I'm begging. Come back to me. Please. Kurt."

He stooped over Kurt, for what seemed like hours. He kept kissing his face all over, kissing Kurt's hands, his neck, anything he could reach. Slowly, but softly, Kurt's eyes closed. Blaine gasped in relief and pain. He gathered Kurt's body to him arms and cried.

He remembered all the grief Edward has caused this town; he remembered the years spent in slavery. He remembered the day Kurt returned to this town, bringing hope. But most of all, he remembered that Kurt was going to be fine. He tried to force himself into believing it.

Because Kurt HAD to be fine. If not—then Blaine didn't know what he'd do. One thing was certain; he couldn't even consider living in a world where Kurt Hummel didn't exist.

"I love you," he said, gently kissing Kurt's lips. "So much, you hear me. I love you. I'll love you even if we both die now. I'll love you even when we are in heaven or hell, it wouldn't matter if I'm with you. I'll love you when we are reincarnated again. I'll love you in every single lifetime. So please, Kurt Hummel. Wake up. And just say it back. Just once, I'm begging you. Please..."

His throat started constricting with emotions. His breaths hiccupped as his tears pooled and fell out of his eyes. His mouth kept wording 'I love you I love you I love you' over and over again.

Ages passed. And he pressed a thousand kisses on Kurt's lips.

When suddenly those unmoving lips kissed back.

With a startled squeak, Blaine pulled away. And was suddenly drowning in the deep pools of glasz. There was such a sweet smile on Kurt's face that it made Blaine's heart stutter.

"You are...the most beautiful...sight I've ever seen," Kurt rasped out. "I was so sure...I'd died. And that you were an angel."

"I love you," Blaine replied simply, unthinkingly. Because these words mattered the most, and should be said by him every minute and every second of the rest of his life. "I love you, so much."

Kurt's smile was like a thousand suns. "I love you too, my Blaine."

Their lips met in a gentle, eternal kiss.



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