Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 28: Death Maze Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 28: Death Maze

T - Words: 11,010 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
281 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: (*Soraelin: This word doesn't translate to anything. I just came up with it.)
~ Chapter 28 ~
Death Maze

The night wore on as the good people (and visitors) of Hilltown huddle around the fire. There was meals once again, tea and small talk. To an outsider it would have been a cozy get together, a reunion of long lost friends. But only those who knew what secrets Hilltown hid, or what Monsters truly existed in the world, would be able to see slight disquiet behind the forced laughter and smiles, be able to discern half-hidden weapons and eyes doing the restless surveying of the dark forest around them. It was obvious that something big was coming—or rather, these good people of Hilltown were up to something big—this night and the come sunrise.

Starchild watched with vigilance as everyone got along. He usually didn't trust anyone so soon, but the man sitting beside him—the man who meant the whole world to him, the man who hadn't aged a day ever since last 90 years—was the sole reason why he was even trying to stay calm. Yet, his senses were ablaze with deep rooted fear, of loss and pain that he'd never suffer again. He'd lost too much already.

"What do you think the time is?" Dani mumbled, looking up from a book she was trying to read by the firelight.

She was just as calm and silent as ever, but occasionally, she looked up from the printed words and smiled at the people around her. Starchild knew that she felt at ease amongst them, since they happen to be the only weird people who knew the existence of monsters. The humans outside Hilltown didn't believe in monsters much (except a select few) and that hardly provided an easy company for them. He was glad that Dani felt at home and without the need to truly hide all the time.

"Four in the morning," Starchild replied. "Another hour and we'll move. Shouldn't you get some sleep before then?"

Dani shook her head. "I'm too edgy."

Sebastian now looked at them, closing his conversation with Lily and Quinn. "We need to know who will go inside with us, Eli. I know April had made a desirable list but I'd rather you choose. It's your pack and you know their abilities best."

He answered without thinking, he didn't need to really. "April's choice is impeccable. Her psychic powers do serve her best. Although I want Dani to stay behind."

As expected, Dani snapped her book shut and glared, her eyes glowing angrily. "I'm coming."

Starchild sighed. "Please, Dani...don't make me use my alpha voice."

She shuddered, just a bit, but stayed resolute. "I AM coming, Elliot."

Sebastian looked troubled but Starchild smiled for him assuredly. "She's gonna be fine. She's good fighter. What else do we need to plan?"

"Nothing more. Now we just wait," Blaine said from across the fire. He was sharpening his long, slim sword with meticulousness; there were other weapons such as guns and stakes around him too.

Kurt—or as Starchild thought 'Sebastian's beta'—was sitting with his family, in arms of his step-mother Carole. She appeared to be sleeping and Finn was whisper-talking to Kurt about miscellaneous things. Starchild had listened to the murmur of their conversation at first, but after twentieth topic change, he gave up. Especially since most of Finn's rambling surrounded the girl named Rachel who'd left a while back. Kurt didn't look bored, though. He was smiling softly and laughing at all the right places. If Starchild didn't know any better, he'd say Kurt was glad for the distraction. Burt was napping, his head was on Finn and Kurt's lap mutually, and a baseball cap for once was sitting in Carole's safe lap.

They made a pretty picture, Starchild thought. There was plausible love there that he could almost scent. If he never knew what family and love meant—this scent would've been too annoying and gag-inducing-ly sweet. But as he recognized the same scent from Sebastian, for himself no less, he knew that it was the one thing that played the part of glue. 'Love' brought people together like nothing else.

Well—except Edward.

They were all here because one way or another, they'd been wronged by the same man. Had Starchild never seen with his own eyes just how cruel Edward could be, just how unyielding his mind powers were...he'd have thought they were obsessing over some personal vendetta. As it was, Starchild was well aware of just how much Edward could DO, given the chance. His stay here in Hilltown's seclusion had only made things go worst.

Yet—there was one more thing. A thing that'd been gnawing at him ever since he first met Kurt Hummel. His scent was...DIFFERENT. Not just because he'd been half-Vampire at the time, no, but something else. Something more. It was later—after Kurt awakened as a Vampire—that Starchild realized what the scent was. It was the WARMTH. If warmth had a scent, Kurt Hummel would be its name. Not just that, Starchild remembered the scent Kurt emitted when he'd killed those Rouges. He'd smelt like fire. Warmth and fire...this ability to erase Vampiric genes...and Edward's sudden residence (or takeover) in Hilltown of all places, where Kurt was born.

This wasn't JUST a coincident.

The more he thought about it, the more it bothered him.

After meeting Sebastian again in Modesto, not only they'd gotten acquainted with each other's bodies and souls, they'd also exchanged their whole life stories. Starchild knew for a fact that Edward wandered with his banished coven for more than 50 years or so, and then decided to take up residence in Hilltown that was just over a few hundreds when it came to population at that time. WHY had he come to Hilltown? HOW had he even discovered such a hidden place? And Elizabeth Hummel just HAPPENED to get Turned by a Rogue with powers like Kurt's?

It was too much.

He'd thought and debated about it with Sebastian over time, but all he'd gathered was that Edward had been responsible of the attack on Elizabeth seventeen years ago. He SENT that Rogue after her, the Rogue with expunging powers. Sebastian knew this too by now.

It would seem that Kurt was a weapon that Edward himself had somehow created. It might have been an experiment; a test, really. But it had worked. And Edward had started obsessing over acquiring Kurt's blood like crazy; much like a scientist looking for the formula of eternal youth. Of course, in Edward's case, youth wasn't much of problem. Power was. A Power that could terminate every other immortal, and make Edward the ONLY immortal being on this planet. The mere idea of it was petrifying.

A hand slipped in his view and fingers snapped. Starchild focused on Sebastian's amused face. "What's on your mind?"

He laughed, embarrassed. "I was just—thinking again. You know...about how well placed this whole game seems to be. I feel like we are mere chess pieces."

"You are quite a Sherlock, aren't you?" Sebastian said with a raised eyebrow, but a small smile on his face was the only thing Starchild saw. He'd seen from the corner of his eyes how people ogled when Sebastian smiled or laughed. One would think that they'd never seen Sebastian smile before. Then again, it might be true. "It's almost time. You nervous?"

Starchild scoffed. "Riiight! A bunch of wimpy Vamps are not a cause for nervousness."

"I meant...Edward," Sebastian said quietly. "I still don't know if you're over your fear of him."

"I was over my fears a long time ago, Sebastian. I only want to see Edward's end. Then leave here with you."

"I want that, too. Let's travel the whole world when we're done here?"

At this, Starchild smiled brightly, flashing his teeth. "Let's. But what about Kurt? Won't he need you?"

"I'll always be in touch with him." Sebastian tapped his head pointedly, and then paused, looking over at Blaine. "Besides, I know someone who'd take good care of Kurt whether I'm here or not."

"I see." Starchild looked at Blaine and the Warblers too; most of them were also catching up on sleep. "I don't see why these teenagers are considered so scary around here? I admit, Blaine knows how to kill. But the others...?"

Sebastian made face between awe and horror. "You'll have to see it to believe it, babe."

"Did you just call me BABE?"

"Yes. I was trying out nicknames. It didn't sound as good as it did in my head."

"Oh, my dear, suck my blood like you love sucking on my—"

Sebastian clamped a hand on Eli's mouth and stared laughing loudly, till his bright eyes got all squinty. Starchild shook off the hand and caught it in a kiss. In his mind, he decided; if the Hilltowners had never seen Sebastian's smile or laughter before, it was now his life mission to make Sebastian happy.


The sky is pale with the threat of incoming sun when we finally get up. I feel the reminiscence of fear through my connection to Sebastian. He's seen what the sun does to Vampires on rising. He knew that terror and I was still new to it. I clutch my thread-charm tightly, fearing the worst.

"Soraelin*!" April says loudly, and I feel the thread-bracelet twitch with life and power under my fingers. "It's activated now. It'll protect you."

I'll believe you when I see it, Witch! I want to say that to her...But as the sun breaks through, shining from the tree tops, I laugh along with everyone else.

Lily has a radiant smile on her face. "This is my first sunrise in years."

"They work well then?" April asks, slightly amazed. I try not to dwell too much on her obliviousness.

"Are we ready now?" Blaine asks, double-checking his weapons one last time.

"Can't we wait for Sue to come along?" Dad asks, stoking the fire to get it going full blaze again. The morning is chilly enough for the hot-bodied humans. "I'll feel safe that we don't have to keep waiting alone."

I know he is trying to stay with me for just a little while longer, so I sit by him and help him with the fire, trying to not burn myself. Fire was deadly to me—more so than to a human being. To a human, fire will take time in burning flesh. I'm just a dried up vessel now, and would catch fire as fast as sun dried grass. A blink and I'll be a cloud of ash.

Ten minutes pass in silence and then Sue is coming over with Hiram, Leroy and Shelby...followed closely by Rachel, Dave and Artie.

Sue frowns over at us and asks, "Still alive?"

"No thanks to you," Blaine murmurs, looking at Sue with slight anger. I try not to laugh nervously. Blaine is tensed, and I have an idea why. This isn't a normal mission to kill Vampires who've broken laws. This was a mission to kill a Vampire who was my enemy. Blaine was treating this on a personal level. Like the times Andy had 'died.' I can see the resemblance of his face from back then...the fury, the fortitude and yearning to do something. "Are you the only ones coming?"

"No, there're more," Dave says. Then he walks over to me. "Are you all right, Kurt?"

I try to smile. He looks seriously worried. "I'll be fine. I know what to do now."

"This isn't much helpful but I need to tell you guys some thing." Sebastian and Blaine look at Dave sharply and with slight suspicion. "I wasn't sure of what you were planning so I didn't tell you before. But when I was still with Edward, he was planning on leaving with Mr St. James. I'd suggest you guys find the back garage and destroy their cars too. If Edward tries to flee, we'll be hard pressed to follow. He's been always on edge about leaving at the short notice."

Sebastian looks paler than normal. "How can I forget about the back garage?! Thanks, David. That really helps. We'll try to make sure he can't run away."

Dave nods and then hugs me suddenly. "Also, thanks Kurt. For everything. You can do this, I know."

Blaine is there suddenly, breathing down Dave's neck with that unreadable, Warbler look. Dave lets go of me and backs away without a word. And I feel a fluttering in my stomach. I guess I like when Blaine's jealous for me. He just needs to know when the right time to be jealous is, Sebastian's voice comments to me.

I ignore my sire and hug Blaine, feeling his tensed shoulders as he hugs back. Kissing his shoulder I whisper to him, "Why are you so panicked? Don't you trust me?"

I feel him flinch a bit, realizing that I'd hit the nail right on the head. "Of course, I am panicked! One mistake and I can loose you."

I pull away and look deep in his honey-dripping-olives eyes. "I'm not leaving you or Dad or anyone, you understand me? The only one leaving is Edward, and that's only if we let him. If I let him."

He nods smiling just slightly but I feel his shoulders relaxing under my arms. "I know. I love you."

I kiss him fully on mouth and stay like that for a while. "I love you, too. Now let's go and kill Edward."

"Seconded," a new voice says from behind me I turn to see Neil and Maria, coming over with their weapons in hand. "Puck called. Apparently you guys are a little short on human sacrifices. Here we are, at your service." He laughs gruffly.

I know he means to joke, and I know this is an attempt to calm my own nerves. But I swallow noxiously despite myself. I HAVE TO WIN. For everyone's sake.

Unbidden, my own little Option Four, from way back when I was human, comes to me and I shield my thoughts with all my strength. Sebastian's head perks up and swivels towards me sharply. He knows I'd thought of something and then shielded it from him before he could realize what it was. But I won't tell him.

This is my secret to keep. My trump card. When the time comes and if all will be lost—I'll have to go through with Option Four.



Jeff was in the head of the team, his ak47 full with shells and ready to rock.

Behind him, Nick was ready with his trusty throwing stars and a bow and arrows. He was a killer shot and never missed his targets. On the rear was Wes with his blades collection tucked up neat and trim under his jacket, ready to be explored. Hunter, Justin and Thad were in the middle, their guns and rifles burdening the bags on the shoulders, two sets ready on hand. Trent, however, was beside Jeff...just in case his bullets missed and left some targets for his hunger cross-bow.

"We have to make sure that by the time we infiltrate any further, this place is nothing but ash," Jeff said softly and waited for the answering nods of his companions. "Santana and Brittany are as of now taking out the Vamps on the outside, but I can't imagine there are any. Which means, we are at the precarious point in our formation."

That was humbly put, Jeff thought. This was the tip of the sword of this formation. April needed them to clear the (heavily guarded) front entrance for the injured when time comes. Even now, the other teams were in position and will attack 'stealthily' while Warblers took care of the show here.

"Ready?" Nick asked, sounding too calm.

"Yes," a collective, whisper of Warblers.

Jeff coughed a little and then opening his mouth—he started singing. "I'VE PAID MY DUES!"

"TIME AFTER TIME!" Trent edged forward after Jeff.

Jeff kicked at the gate and it split open...greeting them was a lush green, empty lawn devoid of any cars or people. "I've done my sentence/ But committed no crime!"

They ran to the oaken front double door and pushed at it. It didn't budge. But they could feel the Vamps behind it.

Nick frowned. "This is so bad for our performance."

"Not a chance!" Trent huffed, and took out his axe from his bag. "Here, Nick, hold my bow for a sec."

Then taking a mighty swing, Trent busted the hinges off one by one, while Jeff laughed madly. Now he could do the chorus without looking like an idiot attacking a door meaninglessly. Sure enough...the door gave way to their next assault and the vampires all converged on them.

Jeff and Trent barraged their bullets and arrows successively, all the while, singing at the top of their lungs. "And bad mistakes/ I've made a few/ I've had my share of sand kicked in my face/ But I've come through (And we mean to go on and on and on and on)" The Vampires more or less halted mid-attack, looking at the signing humans guardedly. That hesitation only played a part in Warbler's success. Trent fired an arrow right through a heart of one Vampire and smiled, doing the honors with his magical voice. "We are the champions my friends/ And we'll keep on fightin' till the end/ We are the champions, We are the champions/ No time for losers 'cause we are the champions / Of the world."

By now they'd successfully breached the threshold of the entrance. Jeff, Nick and Trent were in the lead. Their rear ranks now steadied themselves for the scarps. Those Vampires who'd dodged and avoided the front team were coming at them, as Wes readied his blades—various knives and daggers, sharp enough to split wood by a single stroke—placing each one between his knuckles, ready to slash apart his enemies. "Ready guys? This next bar belongs to us."

"Already on it!" Thad said, and launched the attack. "I feel like just humming for now, though." He killed two Vampires whilst speaking.

Hunter and Justin took that mantle and started, almost mockingly and off-key. "I've taken my bows/ And my curtain calls/ You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it/ I thank you all..." They sang so badly and contemptuously that Vampires hissed angrily at them, suddenly surrounding them with renewed force. "Oooh, looks like they don't like our performance all that much. They're getting angry. Jeff?!"

From ahead, Jeff shouted. "I'm a little BUSY here, Hunter. And I'm doing more justice to your name than you are, idiot!"

By now, the Vampires were over their cheerful singing and banter. They were cautious now. Instead of getting the Warblers head on, they were now forming around them and strategizing. There were two High-Ranks in them, who started activating their powers.

One Vampire had the wind-whipping powers. He slashed at Thad, making the Warbler stumble a bit and getting caught in the claws of two other Vampires. Before he had a chance to do anything or even open his mouth, though, a blade hacked through his vision and decapitated his captors in one stroke. He threw a thankful glace to Wes and they both realized that the next part of the performance had to be truly epic for them to get away with apt applause.

Wes whistled once, gaining slight attention of Hunter and Justin. For a minute, he missed Kevin and Blaine, both best fighters with blades besides himself. But he had to make do with his fellows, he trusted them the most.

Before today, they'd always worked in pairs. Whenever Blaine sent them off to hunt Vampires they'd only ever encountered a small group or some Rogues. This marked as their first battle as a Team. And Wes was going to make out of it alive with all the Team members. As a Warbler, it was his JOB to survive against vampires.

As the High-Rank Vampire whipped wind against Wes's shins, he smiled and took out a dagger, throwing it so fast at the High-Rank that even his wind couldn't stop it. It was enough distraction, as Justin slipped behind the High-Rank, grabbed his hair and pulled his head back, grinning down at the snarling, fanged and black-eyed face. A neck exposed, Wes lazily flourished his blade and coughed at the resultant cloud of ash.

"I lost track—where was I?" Jeff shouted from the front. Then remembered almost suddenly and started up again, dancing between Vampires with his gun acting as impromptu drumbeat with each fired shell. "But it's been no bed of roses/ No pleasure cruise/ I consider it a challenge before the whole human race/ And I ain't gonna lose..."

"We are the champions my friends/ And we'll keep on fighting till the end," Nick sang, accompanying Jeff with ease of a gazelle, his eyes bright with unreasoned excitement.

The second High-Rank stood ahead of them, unmoving. At first it seemed like an easy kill, but as soon as Jeff got ten feet near him, his eyes went blank.

"THE HELL?" Jeff yelled, swaying his gun blindly. "I can't SEE! Aaargh!"

Taking advantage of his blindness, one Vampire had slashed with claws in Jeff's abdomen, making a gash that started bleeding at once.

"Jeff!" Trent yanked him back toward him, and outside the few steps, Jeff's sight returned. "What's happening? This isn't like you to miss target!"

Jeff clutched his bleeding stomach and heaved for breath, while the others took care of the Vampires coming for them. "That asshole have some blinding powers or something. I'm guessing we won't be able to see within ten feet of his power circle."

Trent tried to take aim with his newly-loaded crossbow, but the Vampires came in between trying to almost save the other High-Rank. "Shit, we have to get closer!"

"Just when we were reaching our grand finale, too," Hunter mused, looking about warily at the dwindling numbers of Vamps. "Is this all? That's a lot less than I'd presumed."

Nick grabbed Trent's crossbow and charged in the fray.

"NICK!" Wes and Thad yelled after him, to no avail.

Jeff stood straight with a grunt and took off his black shirt, tearing it in pieces and making a rough bandage for his wound, tying it up tightly. "Don't worry about Nick. He can shoot straight even in the dark, remember?"

"Aye, what should we do now?" Thad asked, looking Jeff over to assess the damage. "Can you go on like this? That gash looks too nasty, man."

"I'll be fine. And I have a feeling we aren't done cleaning up yet. We might need more songs too."

From ahead, a few vampires shrieked and dissolved in ash. The High-Rank still stood silently but was watching Nick with a stupid frown. Somehow, his powers weren't even bothering Nick—who had his eyes shut firmly in the 'supposed' darkness of the High-Rank. Nick was firing arrows after arrows, taking aim with almost perfectly with his closed eyes. The Vampires guarding the High-Rank started falling in ashy mounds almost as if they were in a queue, getting through to Nick in turns.

It was hilarious to Jeff's injured being, so he laughed. "No time for LOOSERS/ For we are the champions...of the WORLD!" He bowed ostentatiously with a flourish of his free hand.

Just then Nick's arrow hit the High-Rank straight in the heart. The High-rank's face turned ashen, his last look of surprise etched there as he finally burst in ash.

"YES!" Wes yelled—and then his face fell as his eyes went behind where Nick was standing. "NICK, heads up!"

Nick turned around and came face to face with a few boys who almost seemed familiar. With dread in his heart, he realized that the students of High School, that they'd managed to NOT save, were here now. Their newly Turned minds were attracted to Jeff's freshly bleeding wound and—as he felt a sting in his arm—Nick's recently acquired cut on the upper arm.

"Um, shall we do 'Thriller' next?" Nick asked distractedly, as the Warblers reformed, ready to intercept the new Vampires.

"What else?" Hunter said with a scoff.



Neil and Puck were hiding behind the bushes, waiting for the signal.

Puck had no idea just what the signal would be, all he knew was that the minute it sounded, they'd have to get out of these bushes and take down the three Vampire guards who guarded their entrance point. Santana and Brittany were still about, taking out the other guards. These two were well hidden at the back side of the house, under perfect shades.

This was another part of the misdirection April wanted. There was a camera monitoring the place, and they had to make this look like a work of townspeople on their own and not some grand invasion. The Warblers would create the first diversion any second now—Puck checked his watch to be sure.

So far though, they were being late. When the time ran out, Puck shared an uneasy glance with Neil, who held up a pacifying hand, telling to wait just a bit more.

At first a thud sounded loudly, that made Neil's brows furrow.

"This the signal?" Puck asked hurriedly and Neil shook his head sharply.

Across their hiding place, the Vampires straightened more. One of them peered directly at where they were hiding. "I told you I smelt humans," he said. "They are whispering in those bushes."

"So what?" the other guard said. "Lord Edward said they were coming anyway. Or are you scared they can kill you, Bole?" They shared a laugh. While Bole shook his head, his eyes glued to the place where Neil and Puck were hiding.

Fuck, was Puck's first thought as he tried to calm down his heart beats. It appeared that Edward KNEW the attack was coming. What if April's plans failed? Neil looked conflicted, and then stood up in full view of the Vamps without any warning.

"Hey, who are you?" Bole yelled threateningly. But he didn't come any closer.

A second later, Puck knew that was because the bushes were in sunlight here. And he was struck by awe as Neil aimed his rifle straight for the Vampires.

Bole laughed slightly seriously. "You're really gonna shoot at me, human? Can you really?"

But at that moment, from somewhere somebody started singing loud and clear.


Neil's rifle trembled in shock while the vamps turned around back, staring at the left now, completely ignoring the humans in bushes.

"Who on earth is THAT?" Bole said—those marked as his last words.

Behind Puck, Joe Hart stood up silently and threw three arrows from his trained bow to the distracted Vamps, felling them within seconds.

"I'm guessing that is the signal?" Jake came out behind Joe and started running to the now-unguarded entrance. Maria followed them too, looking at Neil amusedly before hurrying inside the door.

Puck and Neil stood there for just a second longer, before following their juniors.

Inside, according to what they remembered of April's map, they found themselves in a drawing room of sorts. Edward's office was on the second floor from the stairs not far from this room. Neil took charge again as they stealthily made way outside the room, and checked the hallway.

They could still hear Warblers signing, the song punctured by the gunshots. Puck couldn't help but hum under his breath. Nobody could resist Queen anyway. Joe shot him a peeved look in warning as they crossed through to the stairs.

"Goin' somewhere?" a voice asked from behind them.

They turned and Puck felt his inside turn cold.

Standing there nonchalantly, looking at them over her upraised nose was the Queen bitch of McKinley high—Sugar Motta. And she wasn't alone. Her no-good ex-sheriff father stood beside her, looking hungrier than ever, accompanied by twenty or so Vamps.

Puck's features turn to a grin as he aimed his rifle towards her. "Hey, Sugar. Didja miss me?"

She scoffed and growled. "This is my lucky day. I can kill you pathetic losers without worrying about anyone."

"My, my, Sheriff," Puck retorted. "Shouldn't you arrest her? She's been a very naughty leech."

Joe shot at Mr Motta then, getting him in the leg. The ex-sheriff didn't even look fazed as he tore out the arrow and threw it over his head unceremoniously.

"Get serious guys," Maria intoned. "We are here for a reason, remember?"

"Would that reason involve Kurt, perhaps?" asked Mr Motta suddenly, looking at them without any emotion on his face. "If so then we should thank you. For bringing him to his death."

Puck felt anger boiling inside him, and opened fire without caring about stealth or plans. This dog and bitch were going down before they even talked about Kurt like that.

"So much for taking it slow," Neil muttered and joined Puck in firing away.

Neil sent a silent thank you to the Warblers who'd manufactured these wooden tipped bullets in their personalized smithy. Each shot he took felled a Vamp in an ash mound. He tried taking out Motta first. He'd dealt with ex-Sheriff a few times and knew exactly what kind of cruel and sadistic views he held when it came to ex-Deserters (a.k.a. food.) He also had a good idea about what might happen to (he flinched just thinking of it) Kurt's bloodless body after Edward's done with it. he'd bet his entire tarot card collection and the hidden wedding ring he still wanted to give Maria someday that Motta would probably save the ashes for his own weird purposes.

But Motta was dodging his bullets as if he KNEW where the next one would come from. Neil frowned. What if Motta was one of those who had abilities? Well, that was a bummer.

"Maria...a little help?" he said softly, trusting her to come up with the strangest yet handy strike.

Sure enough, Maria forwent firing her weapon off and jumped toward the advancing Motta, making him halt in slight shock. Nobody had dared jumping on a Vampire without their weapons at the ready before...

Neil took the shot then within that distraction—and was rewarded by Sugar's high, agonized scream.

"The fuck is wrong with her?" Puck yelled, battling with the rest of the Vamps.

Neil didn't know either. The minuet Motta had fell in ashes; Sugar had knelt down and started screaming bloody murder. She was clutching her head like she was going nuts.

"He was her sire," Joe said at last. He looked horrified. "She's going Rogue."

"Kill her," Maria said, now putting her stakes through whichever Vamp came at her. "Better than what is coming for her anyway."

Neil grunted and jerked Sugar's head up, and was startled at the immense pain in her eyes.

"Pleeease..." Sugar whispered, but Neil could only understand what her lips were forming, not hear over the ruckus of others fighting. "Please, kill me...I'm begging you..."

Neil closed his eyes, not ready to see what he was doing, and then put a stake in her heart, feeling her crumble in soft ash between his fingers now. She hadn't even screamed.

Within three more minutes, the hallway was nothing but an ash covered muddle.

Puck wiped the ash-mixed-sweat from his face and looked around. Then his eyes focused on the ashy remains of Sugar. His hard expression became gentle and pained.

"So that's what happens when one losses his or her sire?" Joe said, what everyone was thinking, at last.

And then, everyone sort of flinched at the thought if Kurt would ever go through something like this. Suddenly this whole plan—with Sebastian and Kurt far apart from each other—started to look like dangerous. But all they could do was continue with it for now.

"I hated her," Puck said, walking forward up the stairs. "But I'd never wish such a lonely death on anyone. Apart from Edward...he truly deserves to die alone"

Neil nodded, still feeling Sugar's remains cling to his fingers. "Let's move."



Sebastian could hear the Warblers singing. He tried hard not to roll his eyes. He got what that crazy Witch meant with diversions but—seriously? They had to sing? Eli was almost smiling as he heard the Warblers too.

"They are brave for mocking the incensed Vampires," Eli mumbled as they walked through the deserted basement corridors. "I'll give them that. Still, I don't see why everyone's so in awe of them."

Sebastian shook his head. "How about we exchange tales later? We are on a tight schedule here, you know."

"Fine, fine," Eli muttered.

Behind them, Cole, Tim, Dani and Perry were half-transformed, their eyes glowing with keen intensity matching their own respective eye color. Sebastian was curious why Eli hadn't transformed yet, but chose not to ask anymore questions.

"Around that hallway, another flight of stairs down and we'll be in the back garage," he said instead. "I can't smell anyone nearby, though. I think it's safe to just go ahead."

Eli nodded and started following Sebastian's lead. Everyone else behind him.

Sebastian felt, more than saw, as a new scent appeared somewhere at the end of the hallway. He motioned everyone to slink aside in an alcove nearby, and peered at the oncoming person. He was slightly surprised as Dan (the Nurse's son who'd helped him before one time) came down the stairs. He was lugging a few petrol gallons with both his hands. He looked tired and beaten, if the bruises on his face were anything to go by.

Sebastian held up a hand and signaled everyone else to remain calm. Then he slinked outside and appeared before Dan, almost startling him. "Calm down, it's me. What is going on here?"

Dan blinked rapidly then looked around in worry. "You shouldn't be here! They are planning on burning this place up when they leave."

Sebastian simply scowled. He had expected some neat trick like that of his Father. But that was, IF Edward could escape. "They are not going anywhere, Dan. Now tell me, where is my Father?"

Dan looked uncomfortable still. He touched his bruised arm and shook his head in defeat. "His office, sir. But why are you here? He's plannin' on killing everyone!"

"I know. But I just need you to get out of here. Can you do that?"

"Where would I go? I mean—Mum left earlier a few weeks ago but, when I tried, Lord Edward had me fed from and beaten. He says I'll die if I even tried leaving this place so—I have been stuck here."

Of course, Edward would come up with such nonsense. "Does he know you aided in my escape before?"

"No, he doesn't. He just wants some innocents here to barter his way out. I think. That's why he's been bringing people from out of the town too."

Sebastian went still. "Out of town?"

"Aye. They've been coming in ever since the road opened. The Hilltowners get to them fast enough, but a few times Garret had to capture the newcomers right off the check post. He'd been evading the Boskys, I heard."

Sebastian kneaded his forehead, trying not to scream. Trust his father to make sure that there would be troubles in the way. "All right, thanks Dan. I need you to leave here now. He was lying, you aren't going to die. In fact," Sebastian looked back at Eli purposefully. "Why don't you go back with Dani, here?"

"WHAT?" Dani whispered indignantly. "I'm not leaving—!"

"Dani, Dan's son of Dorothea," Sebastian said firmly. "He is the only family that old woman has. It's your job to get him out of here safely. Understood?"

Starchild added, for safety measures, "Don't make me use my alpha voice."

Dani looked at Dan murderously, making the boy turn pale in fear. Then sighed. "Fine, I'll take him. But then, I'm coming back!"

"You are not!" Starchild said coldly, and Dani shivered. Sebastian figured he was using the alpha voice now. "You'll wait until the reinforcements are required. Now go."

Dani clutched Dan's upper arm, making him groan in pain and started dragging the terrified boy back where they'd infiltrated from.

"Well, that's one worry down," Starchild mumbled as soon as they were out of hearing. "Now let's dismantle those cars."

Sebastian frowned in worry. The cars were dusty and looked untouched. Almost as if nobody had been here. Rather nobody had been here in order to flee. The engines must be rusty by now. The last time, as Sebastian remembered, these cars were used when Edward was elected Mayor and wanted to make an entrance. April's cloudy charm had kept Edward safe to walk around as he pleased before.

"This doesn't look right."

Starchild nodded in agreement. "But we are here to do it anyway. Ok, team, let's get to work."

While everyone destroyed the tires, the engines and even broke steering wheels beyond repair, Sebastian and Cole stood guard near the door. They were making as little noise as possible, but still—Vampire hearing could be a bitch sometimes.

Sebastian wondered what to do with this new information regarding the out of town prisoners. He should have guessed the only reason Edward was being so reclusive was because he had some form of trump card up his sleeve. With the flick of his mind, he detected that Kurt and his team was now entering the mansion too from their destined spot. He tried not to show Kurt exactly what was worrying him. His cousin had his own troubles to bear for now anyway.

"What are we going to do next?" Cole asked, almost reading his thought process.

Sebastian sighed. "We have no time distracting ourselves with prisoners. Right now I'm just focusing on where they could be, in case we have time left to save them later. But this thing with cars is worrying me too. It's almost as if—"

Sebastian's eyes went wide. Of course, how stupid he could've been. "We're leaving, now!" he said sharply. "Leave the cars."

Everyone did as they were told and they hurriedly exited the garage. Starchild was beside him in a moment. "What is it?"

"This may have been an escape plan while David was here with them," Sebastian explained. "But Edward is not leaving through us like this. He's been planning something else entirely. I just didn't see it before."

"Planning to get through us, how?" Cole asked, following as Sebastian frantically led them upstairs to the main house.

"He's going to use Kurt as bait. I'm sure of it," Sebastian said, his mouth tasting bad with the anger he felt. He KNEW he shouldn't have left Kurt's side. Damn that stupid Witch!

They were almost at the first floor when they were stopped by the new scents. Sebastian growled low in his throat and stood straight, ready to fight.

"Hello, little Sebastian."

Sebastian started at that voice, contempt coloring his features. The others stopped short, too. In front of them was standing Karofsky, amongst with Edward's elite guard. Most of all of the elite guard. Sebastian was thankful for a moment. That meant Kurt wouldn't have to fight these elite trash for long. Then he composed himself and tried to dig deeper by stalling.

"Karofsky," he said in a manner of greeting. "I presume this was your doing, then? Capturing outsiders."

"Who else could've thought of it otherwise?" Karofsky didn't even look shocked that Sebastian knew. That could only mean he wanted to use the outsiders as bargain tools. "I figured that old escape plan with the cars was probably unsafe, now that my traitorous son is on your side. I knew he'd tell you for sure exactly what it is we wanted to do after killing Kurt. I had to change plans then, and that's where the outsides come in. In fact, I should probably send their heads as a thank you gift to Burt. If he hadn't decided to open this town for outsiders, I wouldn't have had so many perfect meals lately."

Starchild bristled behind him, but Sebastian jerked his head once, warning others to holdback. He was Edward's prot�g�, whatever way you look at it. He'd inherited his Father's skills. So he knew from past experience that Karofsky had a loose tongue. Right now, he wanted to make use of that tongue to his own advantage for just a little longer.

"If you're thinking that Burt would let you leave—or I would let you leave—just because you threaten with some outsiders, you are sorely mistaken."

Karofsky smiled dazzlingly. His face morphed in handsome visage, but for that manic glint in his blackening eyes. "Oh, I am sure that he will. After this is over, I'd suggest you check some outside channels for information. They'd run a cover story about a school bus missing. I can almost see headlines. DEAD KINDERGARTNERS FOUND AFTER THEIR TRIP TO 'HELL'TOWN—TOWNSFOLK SUSPECTED!"

This time, Sebastian swore inwardly. "You'll die before you fucking do anything, Karofsky."

"You are too cocksure, as usual. I always let you do as you pleased because you were nothing but a bastard child of Edward's. If it wasn't for Edward's hold on you, I'd have done something I'm about to do now. A pity really, that you had to break away like that. You could've been a Prince after today. Well—as you please."

NOW Sebastian jerked his head to allow the wolves to attack. He briefly glanced at Starchild, his face morphing and fangs erupting from both upper and lower jaws, eyes smoldering a glacial blue—and then Starchild was on all fours, his clothes melting away, replaced by a lean, large body of a black, snarling, wild wolf. The others completed their transformations as well, and lunged for the Vampires.

Sebastian would've stayed to admire the magnificent beasts, sending a mantel image to Kurt as well, knowing how he wanted to see this with his own eyes. Only briefly, he felt Kurt's awe too—and then went for Karofsky himself.

As was his power, Karofsky started making the air vanish around them all. Sebastian didn't NEED to breath, but he'd forewarned Starchild about the powers of each of Edward's companions. The wolves started breathing heavily, SLOWLY in order to remain calm and fresh. Sebastian stopped breathing and feinted toward Karofsky's neck, fangs bared.

As expected, Karofsky flinched away, a little, and that's all motivation Sebastian needed. He plunged his gaze and mind against the older Vampire's.

It wasn't mind controlling like Edward's. His talents were rather simple. Now he could've made so that Karofsky went still and let the wolves maul him, but Sebastian had other—NEWER—plans. Now that he knew the hostages were nothing but Kindergartner, he HAD to save them. He silently cursed Kurt's influence of doing good and started puppeteering Karofsky, who now stood blank and defenseless, staring at him unblinkingly. The wolves were fighting, tearing and ripping at the elite guard. He decided not to bother them just yet.

Steering him forcefully by grasping his arm, feeling that migraine-like sensation coming on, Sebastian started moving to the upper levels. He tracked scents as he went, recognizing Puck's in one hallway, but there were mounds of ash on the floor; that only meant Puck's team had gotten to the first floor already. Karofsky walked beside him like a clumsy newborn, learning his first steps and bumping into walls a couple of times. Sebastian had to take care that he didn't bump into something that could shatter and cause another ruckus.

Absently, he checked a wall clock. It was already 7:30. By now, all teams should have been inside the mansion successfully. Only briefly, he touched Kurt's mind again, trying not to break his hold over Karofsky and was relieved that TEAM ELIZA had infiltrated without a hitch, too.

Then he finally found the room he was looking for. Inside was Edward's favorite setting. A torture room built for his own pleasure. This is where Edward interrogated the traitors he caught, or the unfortunate emissaries that the Vampire Government sent after Edward in earlier years of their migration to Hilltown. This room held instruments vital and ingenious when it came to torturing somebody who was immortal, indestructible—a Vampire.

He made Karofsky take a seat, then started clunking all the chains and locked shut around the unmoving Vampire. Finally assured that Karofsky won't move, Sebastian released him. The pain hit his head as sharply as Karofsky's scream of rage did. He ignored it, and pulled the first instrument he saw, very effective but not reliable when it came to somebody like him.

He didn't believe in God. Most of his life, at least. He wasn't a believer even now. But he did believe something or someone bigger than himself had made it so that he was finally able to liberate himself from the hell of Edward's mind games. If that someone was God, then he'd believe him without hesitation. This is why he took the brand that held three names of power, which would work for almost anyone with religious zeal and fervor, and held it in front of Karofsky.

The Vampire sneered. "The Godly Brand? Seriously, Sebastian? What have you become a priest already?"

In answer, Sebastian dipped it into a covered bucket of acid, knowing that the alloy was so hard as to not melt. Then he held it against Karofsky's clothed chest. "Well, here's to knowing just how strong a faith I have. Momentarily, at least."

And he touched the brand with Karofsky's chest. Certain it wouldn't work.

But it did, startling him. His relief and thankfulness, even if not really directed to any particular God, must have been far too much to have worked like this. Karofsky was screaming, arching against the chair he was bound in, and looked stunned more than he looked in pain. He also hadn't believed Sebastian could've worked with this.

Yanking the brand back, Sebastian observed the imprints left. Three names, JESUS – ALLAH – OM, were now etched upon the shivering Karofsky's chest, the flesh bruised and melting from the acid, bubbling at a few places. The droplets crawled down as residual acid traveled, succumbing to the gravity, carving tears originating from the Godly Brand. He almost smirked. "You have new tats, Karofsky. Cheer up; they look...cool! So, about those kids...can you perhaps, tell me where they are?"

And he brought down the brand, re-dipped in acid, again as Karofsky vehemently said through his teeth, "No."



Jeff slashed his way through another group of teens. His bullet had run out a few minutes ago, causing him to 'borrow' a knife from the ashes of one dead Vamp.

"JUST HOW MANY ARE THEY?" he yelled.

"I lost count after 80," Nick replied sounding calm, but looking beat. "I think Edward may have been expecting us to come barging in. He's set a large number of Vamps around the front way."

"That, or the person in charge of these shits is in trouble somewhere," Joe Hart said, clenching his teeth as he scrambled for the arrows that poked out of ashy mounds they'd left in their wake. When he stood straight up, he found each Warbler looking at him with gaping mouths. "What?"

"You said SHIT," said Hunter. "You are a clergyman now aren't you?"

Joe shrugged, looking at the momentarily deserted hallway. "I have yet to take my position and vows. But to answer your questions, I feel frustrated after the number of kids we've slaughtered just now."

"Agreed," Wes said, looking nauseated. "I didn't know them all, but most of these were siblings of people who were our classmates when we used to attend the High School. It seems so wrong. To think Edward had corrupted so many townsfolk, and right under our watch , too."

"We had a lot on our plate ever since Edward attacked us publicly," David said with some semblance of sanity. "We got careless. Besides, if Blaine had been here we'd never have let this happen."

"So you're blaming him now?" Justin turned to David with a glare. "Blaine was doing his job! We should've done ours. We are the ones at fault."

"That's what he said, Jus," Nick snapped, looking uncomfortable at how irritated everyone looked. "Let's not fight. If their boss really is in trouble that's good news for us. It means that we've infiltrated from all sides, and another team got to the leader first. Let's just...move forward and do our jobs once more. This time without a hitch."

The Warblers gave short nods and rechecked their weapons again. Jeff borrowed some bullets from Nick's bag and they were good to go.

They knew now why Blaine sent them in pairs rather than in a large group. Two people can control their emotions better, knowing that the other depended on him just as much as he depended on the other. It was a mutual agreement that kept them sane and alive. Fighting in a group like this was still new, despite the fact that they'd been doing it since last two hours now.

Thankfully, they had someone like Wes and Nick with them. They were calming them down whenever something started worrying. Jeff's wound had by now starting congealing, making it easier for him to fight effortlessly too, so nobody was going to make anymore troubles. Not when every other group depended on them.

"Looks clear," Justin mumbled as they further walked, deeper in the house.

For ten whole minutes, they encountered nobody. The mansion was silent to the point of suspicion, but Jeff led them deeper, making sure they could find their way back once they've made sure the coast was clear enough.

It was in the first floor that they finally heard first signs of life. Somebody screamed—a vampire, if the shrillness was anything to go by—and then a door burst open, ejecting a furious looking Sebastian. Almost immediately, Puck's team rounded the next corner and halted at once.

The three parties stopped and stared, then burst out questioning at once.

"What are you doing here?"

"I thought you were supposed to man the front door?"

"What the fuck?"

Then they paused, and Nick explained first. "We did that. The way is clear. Nobody else had gotten toward us, so we think every one else is inside by now, too. What about you?"

Puck shrugged. "We went all the way to the damned third floor. There's no sign of any vampire or hidden offices. I think Edward ran for it or something. What are you doing here, Sebastian? What about your team?"

Sebastian dusted his black jacket, exuding ash and dust. "I was interrogating Karofsky. Just killed him. But I'm glad you guys ran into me like this."

Nick nodded, realizing there might be some new development here.

But it was Neil who spoke. "What do you need us to do?"



Starchild looked around at the remnants of their fight. His wolves were out of breath but unscathed. He knew Sebastian was somewhere upstairs, but didn't follow him just yet. Sebastian was sure to be finding out where those kids are—and somehow, their lives were most important in their mission at this point.

"Tim?" Perry called aloud once he'd transformed back to a man, finally noticing that the older man wasn't with them. "Has anyone seen Tim?"

Starchild also felt the absence, using his extra sensitive nose to locate the missing man. But nothing happened at first. All he smelt was slickly sweet ash, his companions close by, and Sebastian's scent somewhere ahead, but barely.

Starchild transformed back too, making others follow suit. Nudeness wasn't a problem with any of them, since they'd been together for years and used to seeing each other without their fake skins on. To outsiders they might have looked a perverted bunch, huddled around naked and discussing things like nothing was the matter.

"We should look for him. Spread out."

It was Cole who found the first evidence to Tim's location. The droplets of blood, tracing towards a small side-corridor. "Hey, Alpha...he's here."

Starchild and the rest followed him as they also saw the drops of blood, becoming puddles as they neared the end of the corridor. Starchild pushed open the door there and had to keep his scream in check.

Tim lay in a pool of his own blood, clutching at his chest with all his might. He was in his human form by now, looking at his bloody chest without much emotion. Then he realized he was found, and attempted to smile nonchalantly.

"Tim...what—why didn't you come to me?" Starchild breathed, falling to his knees as he hugged Tim close. He felt Tim's cold body and dread seeped through his being. "I could've healed you, Tim. Why—"

"I c-couldn't," Tim said in a low voice, breathing as if he was on fire. "You w-were bu-sy. I had t-to stay away. I didn't w-want to be a b-burden."

Starchild felt tears in his eyes as he hugged Tim closer still. He knew it was too late, but he still transferred his life force into the wolf in his arms. Maybe he could save Tim long enough for his daughter to meet him one last time? Maybe, he could save Tim somehow? But Tim's body started going slack against him.

"T-Tell Katie that I—I l-love her..." Time breathed finally and went limp.

Perry clutched at Cole's arm, his tears falling shamelessly. "Oh, god...no..."

Cole couldn't say anything, but hold Perry's shaking form close. Tim had been with them ever since they became a pack with Langer. How could they tell Katie that her father's last words were of his love for his only daughter? It wasn't an easy task.

That moment, Sebastian found them. He didn't understand what was happening but one glance at Starchild and a body in his arms was enough. Sebastian felt disgusted at himself. If only he hadn't left them—if only he'd been here and saved Tim's life somehow!

But it was no use anymore. Starchild gently gave Tim to Cole and Perry and told them to take him away. Sebastian gave them direction to the front door, telling that the way was cleared up by the Warblers by now.

"I'm staying with you," Cole said and started walking away, not waiting for Starchild's command.

Perry nodded and cradled Tim's body against his chest, still crying silently. "I'll—I'll tell Katie...what he said. Just—don't die you guys. Please, come back alive..."

Nothing else was said as Starchild stood up, welcoming Sebastian's arms and the soothing words of apology and grief. He accepted Sebastian's jacket around him, feeling relief at getting some form of covering on his body that shook with tremors and exhaustion. He'd given Tim a lot more than he realized, he was not sure how long he'll be able to hold himself in a fight, if it came to it. But he knew this wasn't going to be the end yet. They needed to finish what they'd started.

"Let's go," Starchild said finally, wiping his tears. "Let's go and find Kurt. It's time we faced Edward again. Let's end this."

Sebastian said nothing, but took Eli's hand and followed where Cole had gone.



"Kids?" Maria asked, her features dissolving in fear and hatred. "They kidnapped kids as their way out of here?"

"So it would seem," Wes said, leading the way this time. "But what I don't get is why Sebastian thinks he'll be able to find Edward when you guys lost?"

Puck shrugged. "What can I say man? Maybe because he knows what tricks Edward's up to this time? It's possible that the 'hidden' office is at a place where we might've missed it. Come to think of it, it did look too empty up there, didn't it?"

Joe Hart nodded in agreement while Neil said, "It looked deserted. And since we all know Edward night have more guards than that to spare, I highly doubt he was waiting to meet any of us in particular."

Nick sighed, still walking after Wes as they rounded between corridors and hallways. "In that case Edward is surely waiting for Kurt's team alone. I guess the rest of us are merely game pieces he can avoid if need be. Maybe he wasn't counting on our passing through all those Vampires in the front entrance."

"Or maybe, he just wants to save his best force to takedown others while he gets Kurt," Maria said through her teeth, clutching her ak47 with an anger enough to break it. "Can we please stop weighing the odds about others and do OUR job instead?"

"You're right," Joe said, looking a bit ashamed. "Those kids needs saving right now. The others can mind their own business."

"Yeah—the rest is up to Kurt now," Puck said, then grimaced. "God, I hope that kid won't die. I've come to like him too much already."

This was received with nods everywhere as Wes finally stopped in front of a narrow, dingy hallway at the back of kitchens on the ground floor.

There were three doors on each side, and one of these rooms had the kids' captive if what Sebastian said was true. Wes nodded to himself, looking deep in thought as if planning something grand, and then turned to face the two groups. "I've a feeling that somebody we know might be here, guarding these kids. You guys know WHO, I'm sure." They responded reluctantly, yet with sure nods. "Well—then, let's exterminate this two-timing rat."

There was a barely perceptible thud from behind the second door on the left at this. Wes grinned. And they all converged on that door, and Jeff—grinning widely and happier than the situation granted—kicked the door right off its hinges.

There was a terrified squeak on the other side in a darkened room. Puck searched the wall and found the light switch, flicking it on. "Damn!"

The scene in front of them was both miserable and funny. Miserable because twenty-nine kids were huddled on the four-poster double bed, carpet and a single sofa. They were curled in on themselves, most unconscious but a few wide awake and staring in terror. Their hands were bound, lips gagged with duct-tape and there were clear tear tracts to tell just how scared they were.

Funny, because the squeak belonged to none other than the man who had kidnapped them.

"Hey, Garret," Puck said, grinning widely and half-heartedly aiming his gun at him. "Why did they kidnap you as well?"

Jeff wanted to snicker at the act Puck was putting up, but went along with it instead. "What else? He went missing and we've been worried. Right, Nick?"

"Let's save him, too, then," Joe said, but he wasn't acting. His face was stone cold and angry beyond belief. "Poor soul, must be forced into horrible things."

Garret managed to grin a little. "Yeah—thanks heaven guys! I was scared to death here. They've been doing so many bad things to me. They forced me to do so many bad things too!"

Puck held out his hand. "Come here, man. Let's get you out of here."

Garret was shaking as he accepted the offered hand. He squeaked again as Puck pulled him in a rough hug. Then he went still as Puck's angry whisper found its way in his ear. "Wouldn't want to off you in front of the kids now, would we?"

Garret took his chance and kicked Puck in the gut, not looking back as he ran out of the door—and right into the angered faces of Maria and the rest of the Warblers.

Maria raised her gun to his chest, no emotion in her eyes.

He spluttered. "H-Hey Maria. Hey, listen, I can explain! They forced me...I-I HAD NO CHOICE!"

"Neither do I," Maria said. And pulled the trigger.

As Garret became ash, Jeff and Puck started at the woman, who went and started releasing the kids, impressed.

Puck grabbed Neil and yelled excitedly. "YOU HAVE TO MARRY HER, DUDE. YOU HAVE TO!"

Neil became red but shook Puck off, while Jeff chuckled loudly at Puck's antics. Nick and Wes were now also assisting Maria and soothing the kids with promises of freedom—but they could've sworn that Maria was smiling under the cover of dim light of the room.


Sue Sylvester and Burt Hummel stood side by side, their eyes glued to the Mansion a few yards beyond the trees they hid in. A while back, Santana and Brittany had received stress call from Puck's Team, resulting in their entering the Mansion through the front entrance that had been dutifully cleared up by the Warblers.

But the vast, far reaching girth of the entire Mansion scared Burt. It was obvious—thanks to the maps shown by April last night—that the maze like structure was daunting on the inside as well. He prayed that everything would turnout well—but they were in EDWARD'S turf now. They had no idea just what was Edward capable of within the comforts of his own home.

Underestimating the manic man had never worked out well in Burt's experience. He'd always had a foreboding about Edward, ever since he started negotiating with Burt's father forty years ago; Burt had felt the weird aura of sadism about Edward. Then again, he'd always dismissed it as something every political man had. He wasn't very concerned about anything but making a life for his own. Even after peace treaty, and finding out that Vampires existed, he'd always disregarded what it could mean when it came to Edward being the leader of these Monsters.

Not until Edward had set his sights on Kurt did Burt realize the extent of madness hiding behind that handsome visage, and seemingly warm dark eyes. Edward was the devil in sheep's clothing. He spoke softly, manipulated everyone so easily—but in the centre of it all, his heart was nothing but a cold, decayed and lifeless organ. There was no kindness in Edward's actions.

And right now, Kurt was in Edward's dominion.

All Burt could do was wait—just wait and watch the looming Mansion as if answers would start appearing at the white-washed walls.

"You, all right there, Burt?" Sue asked. Her voice was terribly gentle too. Maybe she could also feel the helplessness.

"Just nervous."

She nodded. "I understand what you mean. Even though we know they are fighting inside we haven't even heard a peep since Santana and Brittany went in."

Now that she mentioned it—there had been no unusual sounds for a while. Before, they could faintly hear the dying screeches of Vampires, the gunshots, announcements of the victory for their side. But right now—it was eerily silent and Burt started sweating. He was on the verge of having another heart attack.

He'd had one whilst Kurt was outside Hilltown. Only Carole and Finn knew about it. But on his own insistence, he'd made them promise to him to not tell Kurt anything. He already had a lot to shoulder; Burt's deteriorating health would only put Kurt off more.

"Calm down, Burt," Sue said, eyeing his slightly heaving chest pointedly. "I believe in our kids out there. I want you to believe as well. They. Will. Be. Fine."

Burt coughed and started claming himself. "You are right—I'm just worrying about nothing, I guess."

If only he could stop this feeling of dread, that was increasing with every passing, silent second.


He didn't know where they'd come from. But he knew it had something to with the eerily silent third floor. Puck was wresting his way through the elite guard, killing and avoiding the snapping jaws, trying to make sense of people around him.

The Warblers were now fighting individually, taking on the groups of Vampires single-handedly. While Neil and Maria were herding the kids outside, on the sidelines. But still—the elite guard was trying to stop them.

It was Nick who started it first. He took a knife from the slot in his boot, and sliced his upper arms. The smell permeated the air immediately, and the Vampires (in their half-crazed state) had succumbed to the scent like the animals they were.

Following suit, the other Warblers had injured themselves similarly, taking the attention away from Neil and Maria for long enough. Just as they ushered Neil and Maria to the hallways near the front exit, Santana and Brittany had responded to the stress call.

"What happened?" Santana said, trying to ignore the oh so delicious scents around her. But it was hard work. "Where's Sebastian and those wolves?"

"We sent them as back up for Blaine," Jeff explained. "What are you gonna do now?"

"Brittany is on it," Santana said shortly.

The first thing Brittany did was create a barrier. What she had in mind would probably alert the police sensors around the entire state. Without a safety barrier, nothing would contain the noise, the flotsam and jetsam.

The second thing she did was grab Hunter's sliced wrist and start drawing a circle around herself. Hunter screamed profanities at her, but she didn't stop until she was done drawing a pentagram within the circle. Then she sat down and started chanting.

Jeff realized something big was about to happen, so he changed his orders. "Hunter, Wes and David! You guys make sure nobody disturbs Brittany. We'll take care of the rest."

Joe was having trouble keeping up. Close range combat wasn't his forte but he'd taken an iron lamp nearby and he was making good use of it. He kept slashing it about, injuring Vampires long enough for Jake to put stakes in them. But he was—for the first time ever—scared. He was scared that the number of Vampires was too overwhelming, scared that he'd probably die without saying goodbye, scared that he'd never be able to confess to Quinn how he felt for her. Well, he was scared as shit, in short.

But he couldn't give up. He barely saw the warning look given by Brittany, and words she mouthed.

Then the next instant, the air inside their invisible barrier became scarce, and Joe realized what she'd mouthed.

"CLOSE YOUR EYES AND COVER YOUR EARS!" he shouted, and did as she said.

The others reacted automatically only half hesitating in turning their backs to the Vampires.

The next instant, they felt their eyelids light up with a brilliant red, and a high-pitched sound that wanted to crawl through their finger gaps and into their ears.

Then the Vampires started screaming—ending almost within the subsequent three seconds.

When they opened their eyes, the barrier was a globe of ash all around. The Vampires had perished, Brittany was panting in her bloody drawing—and Santana was clutching her stump of an arm, the rest having been blown up by wherever power surge Brittany had created.

"We need to go!" Jeff said, but couldn't hear his voice.

His ears were ringing oddly and felt wet and heavy, like water was logged in them. The way everybody else looked about, shaking their head occasionally, they were similarly affected.

But it all was clear when first Joe, then Justin, Wes and Jake collapsed. Their bodies bled from a lot of places at once. All Jeff had to do was scream an order and they were all pulling up their companions and stumbling out of the front exit in the next five minutes.

Burt and Sue appeared in front of them with terrified faces.

"WE NEED HELP HERE!" Sue's voice screamed somewhere.

But by then, everyone was on the ground, unconscious. Only signs of what happened to them were strange slashes on their bodies, with visible bite marks; but even stranger, their ears were bleeding non-stop.

Sue and her team had their work cut out for them.



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