Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 27: Camping in the Old Graveyard Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 27: Camping in the Old Graveyard

T - Words: 10,150 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
297 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMNT / SHAMELESS ADVERTISEMENT: Go to my profile page now and read, Texas 1924. The story of Sebastian (explained here briefly) in full detail. Please, go and read it. This chapter will make even more sense then. Also it's my first ever one-shot so yeah...GO *points aggressively* READ!
~ Chapter 27 ~
Camping in the Old Graveyard

The air gets cold fast, the October wind ruffles through the leaves that dotted the old landscape of the Old Graveyard. It is far from quiet; everything is boisterous. My first step into this place, and already I found it stifling.

An evening this cold, I found warmth as the campfire comes in view.

At first I'd thought that only those participating in our plans will be here—I was wrong. I see many familiar faces, and realize at once how much I'd missed everyone. There are Finn and Rachel, roasting marshmallows on the fire, making the air smell tasty. There are Nick, Jeff and Hunter, talking with Cole, Perry and few of Starchild's pack members, a look of fascination on their faces. There are Sam and Mercedes holding hands.

"Kurt?" she looks at me with a relieved smile.

I open my arms as she runs to hug me. "I missed you, 'Cedes."

Sam also smiles. "So, the rumors are true. Puck was being an asshole and not telling us anything. Said it was all hush-hush."

"It was," Mercedes says. "But I'm still not sure why we are here celebrating your return so openly."

So that's what the plan entails, I realize. We aren't here so close to the Smyth Mansion for nothing. I have yet to know what I am supposed to do...but I trust my friends and family to do the right thing. If they are keeping me from the details until the last moment, I'll let them, and do as I am told.

"How are you, honey?" I ask Mercedes instead. How long has it been since I last saw her? It feels like ages. "I need to know everything!"

And so she drags me to the fireside and we sit down. She begins talking.

Apparently everyone has started to go to school again, picking up their education anew. She and Sam had been dating steadily and were in love. Mike and Tina had settled in their own house with little Elizabeth. Joe Hart have succeeded his father to take charge of the Church but was waiting until Edward's rule of tyranny was over to officially start. Karofsky was now training dutifully under Shelby and Sue as Nurse; he's taken quite a liking to helping people in healing. Marley and Ryder are preparing for college, now that it's possible to leave town without much trouble. Scott and Nick's sister, Amanda, were dating and starting up their education again together. Nick's family had come around and accepted his sexuality. They offered him to get sworn under them again—he refused. Then again, once Edward is gone nobody would have to work with the same laws anymore.

Puck was getting back into the people welfare, farming was picking up too. Now that the doors of Hilltown had opened, he intended to bring in as much trade as he possibly could. This last month, food shortage had gradually declined and many people of outside world had wandered in by accident.

And not a SINGLE attack from Edward had been made—a fact that concerned everyone.

"And what about ex-Deserters?" I inquire.

"No longer ex anything, boo," Mercedes smiles, looking across the fire toward Sam who was now chatting away with Starchild's friends too. "We are all gonna be equal, honey. As soon as you finish off that pain in the arse."

At this, I duck my head. So much of this town's welfare relied on me—on my ability to kill Edward. An ability, I was unsure about how to use. If I failed...NO, I couldn't even think about what would happen if I failed.

Blaine's looking for you, Sebastian's voice tells me at once. Purposefully distracting me. Blaine had gone with Cooper and Wes when we first arrived here. I haven't seen him since. During the whole catching up with Mercedes and (pretend) eating of the marshmallows, I'd completely forgotten where he was. Find him, Sebastian's irritated voice commands.

I huff, shaking my head. "Mercedes, I have to go now. Enjoy, ok. I'll see you after we're done here." It wasn't a promise...but as good as one. The way she smiles at me, with sadness in her affectionate fire reflecting eyes, I knew she understands as well.

I walk around a bit, just looking. There's no telling who's who between humans, Warblers, Vampires and Werewolves. Everyone's mingling, enjoying this night as if it's their last celebration, their Last Supper. The fire makes everything seem warm. There's nothing cold or hateful in the Old Graveyard tonight. It's almost as if—as if monsters never existed.

Following my nose, I find Blaine and Cooper standing quietly in front of a grave, a good deal away from the warm circle of our friends. They stand silently, head down as if waiting on something. Cooper spots me first. There are traces of tears in his eyes. He waves me over. Before I join them, before Blaine even pulls me closer to lean his head on my shoulder—I realize what this is. This is their first visit to their Grandfather's grave in a long time. And they are sharing this moment with someone like me.

The three of us stand like this, and I focus on the headstone. Suddenly, I feel confused. There's no name there, or any dates hinting about when the man died. It just says something simple, strange and beautiful.

'Here lies a Warbler, who once sang.'

Blaine shifts closer to me. There are no tears in his eyes, yet. His breath feels comforting as he whispers near my neck. "It's our traditional epitaph. As the identity or existence of the Monsters is kept secret. An identity of a hunter is also sacrosanct. Only those who are one of us shall know what this epitaph truly means. I already consider you one of my own, an honored Warbler trained by me. So you should know." I kiss him softly on his hair. "Besides, I wanted Grandpa to know about the one I am crazily in love with."

That makes Cooper and I laugh. That's how we start, at least. We laugh and laugh...and then we are crying. Cooper huddles close to me, hugging my waist in a way that embraces Blaine and me at once. Blaine warps his arms around me too, holding Cooper's head near my heart, playing with his hair. I, in turn, put both my arms around them. They cry with me...and for once, I wish that my tears could fall for real.

"Let's go," Cooper says after a while. "Before Dad comes and creates a scene." He sniffles, wiping his nose against his sleeves.

I frown at him. "A scene?"

Cooper looks up with wet eyes but a smile full of amusement. "He cried so loud he woke the dead the last time we came here. It wasn't something you'd wish to see." When I still don't get it, he adds, "We got Rogue attacked—that's how loud he was weeping."

At this I had to chuckle. Somehow, I can't picture Andy crying—that silent yet dark man whom I first saw through my window, the same man who's now a kind-hearted Vampire; sniveling doesn't quiet fit his character.

"He wouldn't, not anymore," Blaine says, chuckling too. "I'm sure he's been coming here a lot ever since he joined the Monster world himself. He probably have mourned enough already."

I shake my head, smiling. I am amazed at their strength to be able to smile through the tears like this. I have never seen Paul's grave or his dead body. Lily only came back to me a while back. I've never known the anguish a grave of a loved one could bring. But I was privileged to be able to share this experience with them.

"What's the plan now? Are we attacking in night? Are we WAITING for an attack?" I ask, as we start to walk away.

"I can't tell you, Kurt. You have to wait..." By the pleading look in his eyes I can tell that he isn't trying to make me angry or anything. He means it. "It's just that, somebody else has a desire to talk with you before we explained the plan."

"Whose desire is it then?"

"Mine," a voice says from the shadows. A voice I recognize at once, that sends shivers down my spine, worry and sadness coils in my belly.

From behind a tree, my Dad appears. Sebastian standing close by, observing. I knew without asking that he was worried about what my father would say or do.

Blaine quickly kisses my cheek. "I'll see you at camp." Cooper squeezes my hand in some form of reassurance. I watch them leave, still trying to process what is happening.

Why is my father suddenly talking to me? Haven't he made it clear how he hates me? Why was he here like this? Like some fugitives meeting in secluded places. "Dad...what is it you want..." I could've finished my sentence here, but somehow I couldn't demand from him just like that. "...to tell me?"

He isn't meeting my eyes. Understandable, but no less hurtful.

"Come with me, there's something I have to show you." And he starts walking without looking back.

I exchange a glance with Sebastian. He shrugs, telling me he didn't know what was going on either. I follow my father; Sebastian keeps nearby, but without appearing as if he was intruding.

My father walks deeper, further away from the rowdiness of my friends and the warmth of the campfire. Until the only sounds I hear are of breeze and my father's heartbeats. There's an occasional soft footfall of Sebastian behind me...but other than that, it's lonely. And for once, I feel the gloomy, creepy sense of dread that this place is renowned for. Dad doesn't look back at me, even though, I'm so quiet. For a human, at least. It's like he just trusts his gut that I'm following him. It's like he's giving me a choice to turn back and abandon him whenever I feel like it.

But I can't.

I follow him, dutifully, trying to understand where he was headed. And walking about five more minutes, Dad stops in between bushes. There's nothing here, except silence and his slight, troubled breathing. Then he kneels down and scrapes at the rose bushes nearby. The wild plant is thorny, it pricks his finger. I smell his blood and a pang of bloodlust blossoms in me. It goes away at once, however. He doesn't pay mind and keeps tearing apart the bushes. A few wild roses blooming on it start to crumble their petals at his harsh treatment.

That's when I see it. A headstone almost buried beneath the wild rose bushes. Well hidden and yet, not that old as I'd presumed first.

"Come here, Kurt," Dad says at last. "Say hello to your mother."

At this my legs go weak and I fall on my knees, breath whooshing out of my lungs. I feel pain in the area where once my heart beat with full vigor. Only slightly, I realize that Sebastian has left at Burt's words, giving us privacy at last. All I can do is stare at the hidden headstone.

Dad looks at me now. There are tears in his eyes, and pain the likes of which I only saw once when he was telling me his story. "Come near," he says, holding out his hand.

I crawl to him. This pain in my still heart is too much. A good deal worst then the thirst. With trembling hand I take his thorn pricked fingers into my own. I hold on with all my might. For once, I am not strong. I need his strength as he pulls me closer to where he kneels.

And I see it fully now.

Elizabeth C. Hummel
March 3rd, 1971- May 27, 1995
Beloved Daughter, Wife and Mother

I feel a scream bubbling up within me. But I'm too stone-shocked to actually respond in any way. To Dad, I may as well have been a statue. For some reason, he lets me sit there listlessly; he lets me feel the pain in my dead chest. He didn't speak for what felt like a longest time.

Then softly, he began speaking. At first it was so faint even I didn't hear it. "There was no body to be buried. This grave may have been normally dug but inside it is noting but bits and pieces, some in ashes, some as decayed meat. That's all that was left of her after she gave birth to you." The hollow way in which he says all this makes me wonder just how long he'd lived with this pain. How long had he recalled her last moments? And am I the only one he'd ever shared it with? "It was hard. I spared you these details lest you became scared. I knew you were different and for some reason I always believed you'd remain the same. It never even crossed my mind you would Turn. Indeed, if I have to be honest, I never WANTED you to become a Vampire. I was terrified that if you also started feeling the amount of pain she'd endured the restless thirst she'd suffered—the mere thought of this was inconsolable."

He takes in a shaking breath, trying to compose himself. "I never wanted to have to bury my son this way, too. If your transformation had gone wrong as well—if you'd also died..." He shakes his head, ridding himself of the thought, looking at me with remorse. "When you told me that you'd Turned already...I saw her last moments flashing past my eyes. I was terrified. I wanted—wanted to scream aloud. I had somehow assumed that I'll lose you as well. So I did the only thing I could do..."

"You pushed me away," I whisper, now understanding why he'd been behaving this way. "You thought it would be easier if I died without having to be close to you."

He nods. "It was easier with Paul as well. Being so apart for years somehow made the parting easy. So naturally I assumed that same would happen if..." He laughs nervously. "Didn't do the trick, retrospectively. Instead of feeling apart I felt your absence severely. I went each night to your room thinking—thinking I could look at you without feeling anything. I mean, you were a monster already. But that shine in your eyes is the same as before. Looking at you was nothing like looking at a monster...you were still my son. And that made it harder. But then Sebastian and Blaine started telling me about everything. How well you'd trained and that you were already over the madness of thirst. Both assured me that they would watch over you. I still thought that you would just...I'm sorry, Kurt. I have been nothing but a coward and I just wanted to tell you that..." He now looks at me with a sad smile. "That you have to live. You MUST defeat Edward and live. I don't care if you live as a Vampire or choose to end yourself. That's your choice. But I am requesting you, son. Live. At least, until after my last breaths. I don't think I could go through such torture again..."

I feel strength in my limbs at his words. A warm feeling erupts in my dead heart and I feel myself smile. Somehow, this was what I needed to hear all along. I pull him in my arms and he holds me tightly. "I'll live, Dad. I'm here for as long as you want me." And together we sit by my Mom's grave for a longest time.


Blaine could see that something was different as Kurt and Burt finally joined them around the campfire. There was a subtle shift in the way Kurt moved, looked and spoke. He seemed...strong. Not that he wasn't already but he was always bit conserved when it came to his own strength. He was always shy and hesitant...unsure. But he was none of those things as he strode to the place Blaine had reserved for him.

"Hi," Kurt said with a smile. His eyes looked like they'd suffered from a bout of pinkeye's. "What did I miss?"

Blaine pulled him closer and they snuggled, the fire's warmth comforting them. "Santana and Lily are telling about the time and era when Edward caused rebellion in the Vampire Society. But Lily's version of events is much cooler; since she was with Edward all that time."

Kurt's eyes sparkled in inertest. "Really?"

"Yeah, she just finished telling about how harsh the battles for territories used to be back then; it all sounds so brutal."

Kurt settled and looked at Lily. Blaine pressed a kiss in his hair. He still couldn't tell why Kurt felt and LOOKED different. But he knew whatever it was; it had been good for Kurt both emotionally and psychologically.

Blaine's eyes shifted toward Sebastian who was snuggled next to Starchild, listening to Lily's story with full attention. Blaine could tell that Sebastian had an inkling of what occurred between Burt and his son. Not for the first time, he felt a stab of envy. What wouldn't he give to get inside Kurt's head and recognize the source of his pain at once! But at the same time he was grateful. At least that way Kurt could share his troubles himself, without any interference on his part. It showed just how much they both trusted each other.

"Wait...so all that time, you couldn't run?" asked Puck sarcastically. "Pardon me but you've always appeared to be high and mighty, and yet you didn't even TRY resisting Edward?"

Blaine felt Kurt stiffen in his arms. He followed Kurt's gaze and found out that Lily looked pained. There was an indiscernible shadow over her eyes.

Then she said softly, "When Edward snares your mind with his snaky voice...it's almost impossible to run away. You would need self-actualization of a massive proportion, enough to alter your whole personality and perspective of this world. Then, and only then, can you run from him."

Kurt opened his mouth to ask something, but then closed it firmly. Across the fire, Sebastian suddenly perked up and looked back at Kurt. Blaine understood immediately that the question Kurt had asked must have something to do with his powers. It wasn't a topic Kurt could easily discus with anyone apart from Himself and Sebastian...and occasionally with April and Brittany since they were researching and doing all they could to help him.

Kurt must have gotten his answer for he leaned close and whispered to Blaine. "Sebastian's power is the same; but instead, he can only erase a person's control of their own body. Edward sounds too powerful compared to that."

Blaine nodded and frowned. If it really was true then they might as well fall to Edward's worming and get defeated. He was still musing over the facts—along with everyone else, as the campsite had suddenly fallen silent after Lily's remark—when the new arrivals came.

Andy, Riley (recently released from Hospital), Ryder and Marley were lugging a cart filled with steaming packs of food that Rosa had prepared for this night. The campers all started cheering as they smelled food.

Blaine laughed as well. Then noticed how Kurt looked morose. He knew that Kurt was already missing this. Even though he could smell and appreciate the tastiness of food, Kurt would never be able to eat normal diet with any pleasure. It hurt Blaine to think that the only delicacy Kurt was left with was Blaine's own blood.

"No worries," Andy announced shyly. "I got special orders too." He brandished a large sack, full of blood bags straight from Hospital.

"Lucky us," Santana said, lunging for her share first. "Awe, thanks Andy. This looks fresh."

"Just a day old," Blaine heard his father say proudly, and chuckled.

If it was not for Kurt coming to his life, he would still have viewed Vampires as loathed creatures. But since Kurt's miraculous appearance in his boring, listless life, he'd come to realize that Vampires were also people, with same sense of emotions and needs, with morals about good or bad. He didn't encourage their killing human beings but—when you look at it, humans, Monsters...sometimes there's no difference between them. Everyone had demons inside and sometimes the lines blurred and it becomes impossible to tell who the real monster is. After all, the wars were all the doing of humans themselves, the weapons were all created by humans, the bad morals in society were all invented because of humans and their human nature. Now, his mind had opened. He knew whom to hurt and whom to protect.

After they'd been eating for a while, Cooper asked a question that must have been bugging him for some time if his lip biting was anything to go by. "Um, Mrs...Uh...Lily? Can I ask something?"

"Yes, dear?"

Cooper bit his lips as everyone stopped talking in favor of watching him. "Uh...you said self-actualization can break Edward's hold over you. There aren't many people who are self-actualized so—I guess I mean to ask is that how can we even protect ourselves if he does ensnare our minds?"

"I'd like to know that, too," Starchild asked in agreement. "I don't want a Vampire controlling me or anyone of my pack."

Lily was actually silent for a while.

Blaine looked at Kurt and asked, "Yes, I think you should tell everyone, Lily. I don't consider Edward getting in our heads...especially if we are to fight. It might even come in handy in defending ourselves against him."

To Blaine's—and everyone's—surprise it was Andy who answered. "I don't know about self-actualization. But I do know that when I agreed to take Quinn's offer I knew in my heart that I wanted to get strong solely to protect the people of this town and my sons. I was sure of it in my last moments and when I was woken by my sire. If that says self-actualized then I guess—it has to do with your mind set about what it is you want to do for your selves."

Brittany hummed and said, "I just wanted to be with my Santana. I just knew that if I kept taking Edward's side it wouldn't happen. So when she left, I came with her."

Kurt stirred in Blaine's arms and looked at Santana. "Was that why you tried to save me that night?"

Santana shrugged. "I don't really know what happened to me, Hummel. I just saw that you were nothing like Edward claimed you were. There was nothing wrong or inhumane in you. Then I started noticing how Edward perused you with fervor, almost as if he was scared of you and what you could accomplish. The only way I could get answers was to talk to you in person. So when I heard Sebastian was planning on taking you in, I reacted and saved you. That's when I realized something else was going on and I left."

"Self-actualization, huh?" Puck said, taking a swig of his beer. "So the minute you change your mind and do something to defy Edward—his control over you breaks?"

"I think so," Sebastian said now. "All I did was attend a meeting at Sue's house in secrecy. I just heard that Edward was not my real father as he claimed to be and I had to know for myself. When I heard the words from his own mouth something inside me changed and I ran away. I suddenly could recall quite clearly that woman I've been seeing in my mind all the time, was my real mother and Eli was the reason I wanted freedom. I guess—I started making my own path then on."

"It's all related to the bond between a sire and his prot�g� too," Brittany said in the silence that followed. "Edward is our creator. And there's no way one can survive sanely if their sire isn't with them. But I always wondered how some Vampires could live even when their sires died years ago. I think—when you willingly break this connection, you are free. I can say for certain that if Edward died or became human at Kurt's hands, I will not be affected. Neither will Sebastian or Brittany. We are no longer his prot�g�es but free. Then again—only time will tell."

"You won't die," Lily confirmed. "It was once forbidden to release your prot�g�s by Vampire Council. They think that a sire keeping their prot�g�s in line was the best way to maintain peace. But there are times when you have to let go—and thus the Council directed that after the prot�g�s stabled enough in a few years, their sires must release them without exception. It was later considered that the reason why Edward had been able to turn so many Vampires to his side was because he sired all of them and never released them. The fact that this pure bond was treated as a way to create an army; mere tools for Edward's own gain enraged the Council a lot. That is why it's now an official decree to release the prot�g�s after at most twenty years of training."

Brittany was gaping at Lily. "But—Edward has kept me and everyone's families under him for decades!"

"Edward had been breaking more laws that I care to count," Lily intoned without emotions. "His rebellion isn't the only reason he was exiled and ordered to never settle down. This is exactly what the Council feared. And this is exactly what he'd done. He has an entire territory under him now and more than enough vampires in his command."

Blaine realized a sobering fact then. This was needed to be done. Not just for the sake of humanity but even the Vampires. Every group of people needed rules and laws. And Edward had done things that placed him above the law and it was wrong in every sense.

"I'll do it," Kurt mumbled, only for Blaine to hear. Then he repeated loudly, to everyone else. "I'll do it. I'll end Edward. It's for the best, I know now."

From across the fire, Burt, Carole and Finn smiled at Kurt with their full support. Blaine felt Kurt relax in his arms. He could actually feel the strength in Kurt. And he smiled too, knowing well that his beloved wasn't alone in this. They have to win against Edward if they even needed to find any future together. Blaine couldn't fathom a future without Kurt in it—and for that reason alone, if nothing else, Blaine would protect Kurt like his life depended on it. No, it did depend on it.


"So what's the story between you two?" The question was asked aloud by Lauren. Everyone stops between their mingling and chatter to observe who she is talking to. She seems to be looking at Sebastian and Starchild. "Not to be rude or anything," she says, holding up her hand in a peaceful gesture. "But I am curious why Sebastian seems so different and happy. Not that I am complaining. He used to be a right asshole back when we worked together."

Everyone laughs at this, remembering only too well. I still remember our first meeting, how terrified I was of him too. But I must admit I am also curious. "Yes, tell us, Sebastian. I remember how shocked you both looked at your reunion in Modesto. Why did you think the other was dead?"

Sebastian looks slightly shocked that almost everyone was expecting the story by now. Starchild looks a bit flushed but excited. "I—uh—" Sebastian starts lifelessly. "Well, I thought I lost him but...I had no idea he survived for so long you know."

"I think you should tell them from the beginning," Starchild said encouragingly.

I nod enthusiastically too. The mere fact that Starchild brought about such positive changes in Sebastian was intriguing to me. And everyone else, judging by their excited and expectant waiting.

Sebastian relents finally. "Well, all right. Let's see...The first time I met Starchild was when he went by the name of Elliot Gilbert. It was back in Texas, 90 years ago, while Edward still treated me like his son and was working for the Vampire Council. It was still the beginning of Edward's rebellion; you could say the earliest stages of his plans. Back then I rarely saw him or my Mother he was out at all times, making allies, sowing seeds of their rebellion within the Council itself. Mother ignored me for the better half of my life, for reasons I didn't know until much later. My only companions used to be Brittany and Aunt Lily; they were my teachers and mentors. Then again, I used to be human back then."

At this everyone seems shocked. Sebastian shrugs. "I didn't think anything of it, but looking back, that might have been a first sign that I wasn't really a child born to Edward. I just assumed naturally that Vampire children led normal life until the age of 18 when they fully acquire their true Vampires selves. Turns out, I was just one of the rescued babies Edward brought home and decided to keep for himself. I was lucky. Other kids used to look at me with this envy all the time and I didn't realize why. In their eyes, I was Edward's heir...a place they could have achieved had Edward chosen somebody else."

I smiled. There are times I see far off memories in Sebastian's mind by accident. I always withdraw from it, respecting his privacy. But it feels nice that he was finally voicing his thoughts.

"At first it was the attacks on cities and villages in Texas territory. Everyone was shocked that the Rogues could attack so close to Vampire Government. But Edward was the most trusted field agent, you can say. So he was always called up and sent off to save the people. He had his very own team too, experts in combat. I think...Santana was a part of it, too."

We all look at Santana. She shrugs. "I was. Edward sort of trained me himself, you can say. I won't lie; he was a good captain when we were rescuing people. It wasn't until very later when the Prince came of age that he started getting all power hungry."

I perked up at the title. "Wait, the Prince? Who exactly?"

"Prince Carolus," Starchild intones now. "I didn't see him much but of what I always heard from Sebastian, he was really kind and loved by everyone."

Sebastian's face crumples in sadness. "He's really amazing, yeah. He was Lord Arlen's son who my Father attempted to murder."

Silence reigned and the only sound was the crackling of fire and trickling of leaves on the trees as the wind blew softly.

"Is he still alive then?" Andy finally asks.

"I believe so," Sebastian admits. "I mean, knowing that he is out there makes this world a better place. You know...that feeling that someone GOOD is watching over everything makes you relaxed. That's just how the Prince was. Much like the woman I called my Mother before Margaret came along. I don't know if it was his power or his personality alone, but Prince Carolus earned his place in everyone's heart not by his status or title, but by his own conduct.

"Anyways, on my sixteenth birthday I was waiting for Edward to return and celebrate with me. Instead he forgot and brought two survivors. A woman and a boy...Elliot. He asked me to take care of the boy. It was easier said then done. At first I had to convince him I was human, he wouldn't let me near him otherwise." Everyone notices Starchild's blush that had nothing to do with the fire or Sebastian's arm that snaked around his waist during the narrative. "Soon enough, we were roommates and living quite easily. Eli still had issues with Vampires and trusting them, but we got along fine. One day, Eli fell and bled in the shower and that stirred something within my Father. His thirst for young, fresh blood. His favorite kind..."

Everyone around the fire flinches at this insinuation, but it wasn't that and we know it. The people who disappear in Hilltown are quite young and mostly under twenty years of age. It was a fact so common it now seemed fairly obvious.

Shaking his head to rid himself of thoughts, Sebastian continues: "After that, Eli moved out without explaining anything and I didn't even know where his room was. I barely saw him but was too busy with my own training and readiness to embrace Father's legacy. The attacks became frequent, and father started bringing home more survivors than the attacks reported in the first place. It was even more mysterious that I could hardly find those survivors anywhere after a few days."

Puck swore under his breath but loud enough for us Vampires and Werewolves to hear. "That fucker was building AN ARMY!"

"He was," Sebastian confirms. "We were too busy to notice it really. The Prince had suspected Edward of foul play for a long time but couldn't really find any evidence. By the time we figured it out it was too late. Edward was caught cheating with Lady Krista Arlen, the prince's Mother. He was banished and I was given a choice to follow him or stay. I would've followed if it weren't for Eli and my Mother. She came to my rescue at once and finally told that she hated me because Edward only took me in his family to bring me up as a weapon, an heir that he would finally achieve after his plans were done with and Texas's throne sat empty. She saw that I was not Edward's tool and became a Mother I would never forget, that Margaret could never ever be.

"The months of banishment were the most peaceful months. I realized my feelings for Eli, I became the best fighter in the trainee squad, and I was closer than ever to Mother. Lily had secluded herself when Brittany and I comforted her about where she stood. I still don't know what she did during that seclusion. You'll have to ask her."

"I was making a charm for the Prince and...you," Lily admits, causing Sebastian to look sunned. "That dagger Elliot gave you was no ordinary dagger, Sebastian. It was a charm to keep your mind protected from Edward's influence. Eli was still making it when I found him and offered my expertise."

"Then what did the Prince's charm do?" Sebastian asks urgently.

"It rendered him dead and in ashes...temporarily."

"Ah, so that's how you faked it, then?" I say at once, realizing that Edward must not have been so careless otherwise.

"He came to me, Edward, before the night he was discovered with Lady Arlen. He demanded I tell him where the Prince's secret chambers were. Nobody but the King and Queen knew and apparently Krista had refused giving information, realizing that Edward only seduced her for it. I refused too and then he threatened me with the next best thing I treasured."

"ME?" Sebastian says, slightly dazed. "But why?"

"Because Edward never was your Mother's soul mate. I was. And still he married her, knowing that I treasured her beyond compare. Only because he was averse to the same gender being in love."

This new information stuns all of us. My mind is a whirlpool of questions but Dad asks the vital one: "You loved Paul, too?"

"I did. After Jewel...your Mother, died I was left without anyone. You were the only connection I had, Sebastian, and I wanted to protect you because she would've wanted it. I never thought that, years later, I would find someone like Paul and fall in love again. But Edward is nothing if not manipulative. He used me both times, when I loved Jewel and when I loved Paul. He put both my treasured kids in danger and I want him dead now..." She looked at me and Sebastian both as her eyes became weird and red. I knew she was feeling that prickling sensation that substituted in stead of the tears, just as Sebastian and I are feeling at the moment.

"But see here," I say at last. "We are both safe now, Aunt Lily. And I'm sure after what you did that Prince is also safe. It's all because of you."

Dad shook his head, suddenly looking guilty. "I've never even imagined that I would feel so guilty about you Lily. And here I am, proved wrong. I should've treated you better when Paul and you were here. I should've...done MORE for you."

"It's all in past, Burt. Show me you care now, and we'll be fine."

That makes us laugh and I accept Blaine's kiss on my lips with true gratefulness. I'd always felt I was alone after Paul died but this town had brought me family, in more ways then one...and the only thing I can give it back, is freedom. From Edward.

"What happened, then?" Perry asks, entranced in the story.

"My eighteenth birthday came. That night I celebrated for a while with Eli," Sebastian says, with a smile at a blushing Starchild. "And then all hell broke loose. Edward attacked with his army, and I realized that all the previous attacks were his own doing. He'd somehow trapped his troops in his mind games and made them attack villages so that he could acquire manpower for his own army out of the survivors."

"All this time, you knew?" Finn asks from where he's cuddling with Rachel. He was looking at Santana. "Why'd you help him attack villages like that? Did you agree with his ideals?"

Santana looks affronted. "I was not in agreement. As Lily said before, Edward's mind powers are too cruel to easily escape. It wasn't until I saw him dragging Lily and Brittany out and threaten them that I came to my senses. I tried to act like I was obedient but after years of receiving orders; I slowly slipped back into the same state. Brittany and I didn't become intimate until ten years or so ago. Before she was just a girl I cared about as friend."

"So your senses returned again because of Kurt then?" Blaine asks, looking amazed.

"Yeah. I again felt the wrongness of Edward's actions and choices. And I snapped to reality. I suppose it just shows you need a greater shock, something life altering, to break Edward's hold over you."

Perry grumbles: "Can we PLEASE let Sebastian finish the story first?"

There are chuckles around the campfire as Sebastian obliges at once.

"Eli and I saw him kill my Mother. That's when I promised Eli that I would find him; that he needed to run. It was hard, letting him go, but it had to be done. When I went after Edward, he told me first up that he'd killed Eli and I lost all hope that was left in me. He bled me, and dragged me around with no mercy...made me watch as he killed the Prince. Well, TRIED to kill him anyway. My awakening was after a day. By then I couldn't remember what happened. I wonder why...?"

"Then he Turned Sebastian as he lay dying," Brittany says now. "I would've done it if he didn't but I couldn't find that dagger Eli gave him with a charm. So when Sebastian woke up, he believed everything Edward said, no longer able to resist his mind power and authority as a sire."

"But I knew what Mother and Eli looked like," Sebastian asserts, sounding mulish like he wanted answers still. "That's the only thing that kept me going. Edward made me some bogus deal that he'll release me eventually but I was too wrapped up getting my freedom than care about anyone else. That's why when I found out Edward was obsessed with Kurt all of a sudden...I tried to do all in my power to gain the upper hand. Didn't turn out like I imagined, but still; I'm glad it's like this now."

Thank you, he adds in a mind whisper to me. I smile at him, telling him he was welcome.

"What I don't get is how come Elliot is a Werewolf?" Santana asks now, unable to act cool. To which Brittany nods her own interest.

Starchild smiles widely. "First of all, I apologize, Burt. I see you scowling. But I had to act like I didn't know who Edward was because he can't know that I'm alive and a Werewolf. And to answer Santana's question: I got lucky again. When I ran down the stairs after Sebastian told me, Edward's people were gathering the children. And I saw Dani there. I told them I was going to smithy because Lord Edward wanted to arm the teenagers who could still fight. They bought it, I took Dani and Cole with me, for help I told them, and I ran without looking back. I feel guilty that I couldn't save everybody but I had a promise to keep."

"And suddenly a wolf bit you and you howled at the moon?" Jeff asks now, looking suspicious.

"No such thing," Eli says airily. "I wandered for about five years with Dani and Cole. We were homeless and worse for wear. When we found Langer, a large strange man, he took us to his Inn and gave us work. We got on fine, the pay was good and meal was free. It took me a few months to realize the patrons of the Inn were all wolves. I'd read about them with Brittany and Sebastian before, but I wasn't going to believe it. So I confronted them and they gave us a choice to either live with them or leave, keeping their existence a secret. We chose to live with them. Then, I turned twenty-two and Langer offered us the bite. At first I was indecisive, but after that I started hearing rumors that Edward failed killing the Prince. I don't know, I just hoped it meant Sebastian was safe and somewhere out there, and I didn't know how long it could take me to find him. So I agreed and became a sexy hunk of beast that I am today."

Sebastian couldn't act nonchalant now. He kissed Starchild in front of everyone, smiling so sweetly that I swear I saw Puck do a double take. Everyone awes and Puckerman takes matters in his hand. "Well...this is getting morbid!" he shouts, getting up. "I say we get drinking again, huh?"

"NO!" April suddenly emerges from the trees and this is the first times I realize she wasn't with us. Quinn follows her with a soft smile. She's clutching a canvas bag that clucked oddly as if full of cans and metallic things. "No one is getting drunk. Or my charms will be all for nothing. They don't work on drunkards...especially drunk Vampires."

"Whoa, can a Vampire really get drunk?" I blurt.

"Yes," Quinn says for everyone's benefit, plopping the bag down and sitting beside Brittany and Santana. "Not drunk as in loss of senses or control. For us, it becomes even more—clearer. We see even better, hear more and its like sensory overload that makes you want to bite anything in your path. It's a lot like what Rogues go through, really."

Remember my vow to not drink again, not even a sip. Well looking back, I'm glad that I vowed to myself something like that.

"What charms, though?" Andy asks finally as April sat down and gulped down a beer herself...hypocrite.

"Oh, you know...for the plan." When nobody elaborates, she chuckles. "Oh, yeah I forgot. I have yet to tell you."

I turn on Blaine, incredulous. "You let HER make PLANS?"

He shrugs shyly. "Well, she could see inside Smyth mansion and make a map for us. Besides, her plans based on her predications are foolproof...or so she says."

I shook my head. We are leaving our fates in the hand of a psychotic witch. God help us. Then I realize that our fate also rests on MY shoulders and I just couldn't quite repress a shudder that passed through me.

Across the fire, April claps her hands childishly and spread her arms wide like she wanted to hug the air. "Gather around, kiddies...Aunty April's gun'a tell you what's up!"


"Call everyone in," Edward ordered his men.

"But—" Karofsky tried saying but was cut off sharply by the ex-Vampire Lord.

"We must prepare. I can feel them. They are here already, close by. Planning, butting heads to get here."

"And we are fighting back?" Fabray asked now.

"We are playing along," Edward clarified. "Kurt mustn't be harmed. I will take him for myself. Everyone else is your responsibility, Russell. Gather around my remaining troops, and deploy them in whatever fashion you think is suitable right now. I have a feeling they'll come at us from all the sides."

Fabray and Karofsky bowed respectfully to their sire and Master and left, leaving Edward and St. James Sr. alone.

Edward walked to the window, looking across the forest thoughtfully. And then, a smile came to his face. "I wonder if my son is still mooning over that boy. He really WAS delicious now that think back on it," he mumbled to himself. "No matter, Kurt may have gotten his powers activated, but I still have ways to break his mind. People like him, have weaknesses, so many of them. Let him come...it's easier this way in any case."

"And what shall we do after we've taken him—or his blood?" St. James asked, barely able to disguise his own excitement.

"Why we leave here," Edward said, sounding mockingly generous. "Hilltowners have suffered on our hands long enough. I feel like going back to Texas—Visit Arlen and Leon one last time."

St. James laughed quietly, while Edward observed the night forest...his fangs almost itching to drink those Warblers and traitors dry.


Sebastian looked meaningfully at Burt.

Burt nodded back and stood up, gaining attention almost at once. "Well, it's speech time first. You can talk about plan later, April."

Everyone looked on in anticipation, and Sebastian felt like rolling his eyes. Burt sure knew how to assert his Mayor-ness. Or rather, people loved him enough to recognize and revere his designation. It was more than Sebastian could say for his own so-called 'FATHER.'

"First of all, I am sure as I asked—April's plan will require a few people. But I want to tell each and every one of you that I am grateful. Almost ten months ago, Kurt came to this town. He was alone and unsure, probably scared too. But if it wasn't for everyone here and the support you provided time and time again, I'm sure that we wouldn't be at this point. So on behalf of my sons and family, I want to say Thank you."

Starchild awed comically next to Sebastian and this time, he DID roll his eyes. Idiotic, dog. He couldn't help but smile, though, because it held true for him as well. Kurt's coming in town had changed things drastically. He wouldn't be here, too, if not for the events that enfolded following Kurt's appearance in Hilltown.

"We love you, too, Burt!" Puckerman said loudly. "Now why don't you get to the friggin' point?"

"I was about to, Noah," Burt snapped at him, but without much anger. "Thanks for the reminder. When I said a few people were required, I really meant the Supernatural creatures amongst us, and the Warblers..."

Stunned silence followed and Sebastian tried not to laugh at Puckerman's reddening face.

"OH, HELL TO THE NO!" Mercedes exploded first. "I'm not leaving my boo to fight alone this time. I'm staying here, thanks."

Kurt shook his head in worry and whispered something to Mercedes urgently; Sebastian couldn't quite hear what over the ruckus of everybody else. Riley and his grandsons, being the loudest, converged on Burt and demanded to know why they were being excluded. While Burt assured that April's plan will somehow include them, hopefully.

"CALM DOWN!" Blaine stood up and shouted. Sebastian wouldn't really admit it aloud but the times when Blaine slipped in his authoritative, 'Warbler Leader' mode it was quite impressive how suddenly he procured results. "We can't have any casualties. The party is now over. The sooner we do this, the better chance we have to get together again."

Kurt chewed on his bottom lip, looking up at Blaine with unconcealed admiration. Burt grunted in satisfaction as the results were provided almost instantly. Sebastian chose to lean on Eli's shoulder—trying hard not to sigh as Eli's arm automatically wrapped around him—as everyone got up and started saying goodbye and good luck to Kurt. Until only the Warblers, the Vampires and Wolves were left, with a handful of humans. Puckerman brothers being the persistent ones, stayed too. Following their advice, most of the boys stayed behind as well. They made a motley group of over twenty people in the end, not including Starchild's pack.

"Now that we are alone, let's begin." Blaine said finally. "April, proceed."

They all huddled around the weird Witch and she opened a map. Sebastian leaned over and double-checked it. It was the floor by floor replica of Smyth Mansion where he'd lived for more than 30 years now. There were still a few places he couldn't remember visiting before. Edward had the mansion built and designed specifically maze-like in order to fortify it against any attacks. A few years ago, Sebastian would have laughed at the notion that ANYONE would be stupid enough to attack Smyths at all. Now, he was bubbling over with amusing irony that he himself turned out to be just that stupid.

"There are at most seven entrances in the mansion," April started explaining, pointing out one by one. "These two are well hidden and I think some charms are involved. Right, Lily?"

"I had to put them up myself at Edward's insistence," Lily confirmed. "But I am perfectly capable of removing the spells too, so that shouldn't be a problem."

"Good," April continued. "These four here are guarded all the time by at least two guards and cameras. In fact, there are surveillance cameras all around the mansion, outside included. Brittany, that would be your job to take those out by your spells. The last entrance is the front door, obviously. Highly guarded, easily the biggest entrance that's suitable for a battalion..."

"BUT...?" Sebastian could almost feel the twist coming up.

"We aren't getting in as a battalion. We are dividing into groups...timing our entrances one by one...and then BAM!" April clapped her hands and laughed hysterically, her eyes shining with sudden mirthful tears.

Kurt groaned. "Pleas tell me that the BAM isn't a literal bomb. I don't think that would be wise. Isn't being secretive the point of this whole thing?"

April calmed down, panting and wiping her tears. "Oh, yes...but to be secretive sometimes, you need DIVERSIONS."

Blaine's triangles of brows hiked up on his forehead. "Uh—so the bomb is a diversion?"

April frowned. "Who said there're any bombs involved? I'm a Witch people; not Al-Qaeda!"

Sebastian snorted. He knew—a bit—what she was trying to say, so he explained. "If we get inside in groups, Edward will be unable to anticipate how to deploy his guards and intercept us."

"Yes," April said in approval. "That's why, I've already decided on teams." She rummaged through the canvas bag, pulling out empty beer cans and a few canned food items, throwing them on ground unceremoniously. "Where did I put it?—AHA! Here's my awesome list. Here, read grumpy."

And she thrust the list into Sebastian's hand. He glared at her for the nickname and looked at the illegible scrawl that matched more to the cursive incantations in old grimoires than English. After staring at it for ten whole seconds, he started understanding what she'd jotted down carelessly—and judging by the smudges—hurriedly while (probably) walking.

All the Warblers, excluding Blaine.

Santana and Brittany

Kurt, Blaine, Andy, Lily and Quinn.

Sebastian's brow furrowed at the absence of his own name, but reading further, he shook his head in disbelief.

Sebastian, Starchild, Cole, Tim, Dani, and Perry (other dogs if required)

All the stupid humans who feel like sacrificing themselves for this noble cause.

Sebastian's mouth was hanging when he reached the end. "ARE YOU FUCKING DRUNK?"

April blinked. "Yes, but that's not important right now. How awesome is that list, right?"

"This is insane!" Sebastian tried to not yell. Eli snatched the list from him and read it, before passing it around. "Why the hell are humans going inside as sacrifices? Oh and why am I in a different team from Kurt's? You do realize he's newly Turned and needs to be close to me? What if he dies and I can't be there in time?"

Blaine had by now read it, too. He looked murderous. "I agree. Kurt and Sebastian should be on the team with me. And there's no need for the Puckpeople to be involved in this."

Sebastian felt rather relieved when everyone showed distrust, but it was Quinn who finally shut everyone up by saying, "Think, for a minute? Edward has yet to know that Kurt's Turned. He can get suspicious if Sebastian stuck close to him and protected him like a sire. I think what April's trying to achieve is the diversion and deception by making it obvious Kurt's still human. Edward probably knows already that Blaine and Kurt are in a relationship and protective of each other. If suddenly Sebastian is trying to do the same, he might get suspicious."

"True, but he's done that before," Burt said. "When our house got attacked and later by taking Kurt away from the town. Edward might overlook it."

April shook her head. "Edward will always suspect Sebastian of taking over his mantle by force. I'm sure Sebastian's previous acts were taken as a form of rebellion in Edward's mind. Sebastian's priorities also were different at that time. Now he's protecting Kurt like one would his own child. That's bound to get Edward's attention, even if he's a poor excuse for a parent himself. This is why, they must be far apart. They can stay connected with their minds and thoughts but that's all I will allow."

Sebastian relaxed a little at this logic. It was true that he felt responsible for Kurt's safety more now than ever...and Edward was too perceptive for his own good. He admitted, "In addition it might give Kurt a chance to do what he must. Edward will definitely let Kurt near him thinking he's still a fragile half-human and that can be a great opening for Kurt to take action at once."

Kurt nodded, muttering to himself. "Right, got it. Act human. Fight with swords only."

Blaine took Kurt's hand and smiled. Sebastian sent him soothing thoughts because it was clear Kurt was getting agitated but trying to hide it under his determination.

"I'm fine," Kurt muttered aloud.

"Do we take all the Pack?" Eli asked.

"No," April said. "Six members per team at least. If we are a giant group we might attract notice way ahead of the infiltration. The rest of the Wolves will stay out here with the others. They will also come in handy in case we need back-up."

"The others?" Kurt asked.

"Well, we are staying here and waiting on you," Finn said with a smile. "So when you get done with Edward and return, we can duly congratulate you."

Kurt smiled at his brother warmly, looking far more determined than before. "Thanks, Finn. I'll be sure to."

"We might need the wolves to protect us all too," Carole added. "Sue will come with her medics and standby here. In case we have any injuries."

"Yes, that's a good point," April agreed. "If anyone is hurt, I would appreciate that Santana and Brittany will be the ones to transport them all outside for us to take care of."

"Why are we responsible for that?" Santana spat, looking barely calm. "I couldn't help but notice that Brittany and I are a team of our own...and isolated, too. Why is that?"

April's voice was serious as she looked back at Santana. "Because you two will do what the Trinity does. Takeout all the guards that are outside before dawn. You are responsible for clearing the way for others. And once done, you have to keep the front entrance empty of enemies in order to retrieve the injured. Way I see it; you girls have the toughest job."

Brittany sniffed, looking at the list. "Fine, then. I'd rather stay with my Santana anyway. When are we starting?"

"An hour before sunrise."

Sebastian refrained from strangling the idiotic Witch (with a B.) With calm, gentle tones of a person explaining things to a child, he said, "How do you propose we are getting inside in time then? Last time I checked, sunrise kills Vampires and most of us just happened to be that!"

April looked at Sebastian like trying to figure out why he was being so mean. Then she slapped her forehead and dived back in her canvas bag. "I made charms remember? The ones that won't work on drunken Vampires. Here they are." She held out a few strands of thick black threads, interwoven twice or thrice to make average bracelets. Nothing special. "I imbibed them with protection against sunlight. This should work for at least two hours. For extra measures, I also cast a spell to make this Graveyard area as cloudy as can be. So cheer up, grumpy."

Sebastian snatched the threads away from her hand and examined them. As he thought, nothing special. "We do WHAT with these, exactly?"

"Pass 'em around, wrap 'em up about your wrists. Make sure they keep in touch with your skin otherwise it won't work."

Kurt accepted his thread and passed the rest to the Trinity and Andy. "Have you done this spell before? I mean, is it really going to work?"

"It will," Quinn confirmed, tying the thread-bracelet around her wrist securely. "I checked it twice last few days."

Andy turned to her and frowned. "So that's why you were shutting me out? By becoming April's test subject...! Why would you do that?"

Sebastian knew why Quinn would hide such a thing. If she really 'checked' these charmed threads, she must have sacrificed herself and stood under the sunrise. A dangerous gambit for one so intelligent as her, never mind how important. Andy's stress was also fair, though. Quinn was his sire and shutting him out of her head might not have been a prudent choice.

"I had to," Quinn mumbled. "There are sacrifices to be made for this mission, Andy. I made mine and this is the result. We can all go inside safely even if it is sunrise. I apologize for shutting you out earlier."

"Don't do that again," warned Andy, looking troubled still. "I was worried. With everything else going on that was the last thing I needed."

A silence descended on the campfire then. Everybody looked between the sire and the prot�g�, worried that they were about to fight. But Quinn simply took Andy's hand and squeezed. "I'm sorry, Andy."

"Fine," Andy accepted...and nothing more was said on it.

Though, Sebastian couldn't help but stare at Quinn. She looked troubled...at odds about something. He'd seen that look on her face whenever she was about to choose something difficult. That was her 'dilemma' face—and Sebastian felt slightly scared in the moment. For Quinn to be shutting off her own prot�g� like this, on this important mission, something great must be troubling her indeed.

Kurt stared at Quinn too, getting the gist of Sebastian's thought process. Sebastian tried to stay calm from then on—no need to make Kurt extra tensed about things he was unsure of himself.

"What about us?" Jake Puckerman asked in the silence that followed. "What do we do?"

"You have a choice," said April. "Basically it's wise to make diversions using a lot of teams, that's why I added you guys. But you can chose to stay behind and wait for everyone's return. Whatzit gonna be?"

All the Puckpeople in presence looked at each other, nodding. Joe, Jake and Puck; they were all coming by the looks of it.

"We may not be expert Vampire killers but we've killed a fair share of them," Joe said simply. "If we can help now, then it's all good."

"Okeee-Dokey!" April said with a smile. "We are ready then?"

Everyone nodded in agreement. Overhead, April's clouds appeared, bringing swift breeze along, making the fire dance even more chaotically.

Jeff and Nick cuddled together, enjoying this hushed night for all it was worth. Blaine and Kurt automatically shifted in a hug, staying like that without letting go. Burt took Carole's hand and excused himself, taking a walk. Finn, Puck and Jake huddled together and started talking softly, assuring and reassuring each other. Brittany and Santana escaped into the night, too; mumbling about taking a survey of the surroundings in case Edward had guards around. Quinn sat talking in hushed voice with Andy and Cooper, her face still not showing what she was troubled about. The Warblers all started exchanging tactics with those of the pack who were going to go inside.

Sebastian embraced Eli and whispered in his ear. "This is it, Eli. We are finally going to be free of Edward...forever."

Eli hummed in happiness and buried his nose in Sebastian's neck, scenting him...in insurance.

Sebastian knew without asking that Eli was trying to memorize him in fear that he might loose him yet again. He felt the same way, but he had one thing he didn't before. He had Kurt. And Kurt was strong. It wasn't just his assessment as sire, no. He KNEW Kurt was strong and could do this.

But...who knows?



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