Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 23: On the Rhodes Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 23: On the Rhodes

T - Words: 7,249 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
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Author's Notes: This chapter is entirely Kurt's point of view. Here, I'll explain what happened (after 3 hrs) when Burt's call went dead.
~ Chapter 23 ~
On the Rhodes

Sebastian comes inside the Cabin again after ten minutes. I don't see his face; Blaine is still in my arms. He quickly motions Santana toward a corner. As I look up at them, Sebastian is whispering in her ear with a voice so low I barely hear it.

I almost don't care. Whatever they are discussing must not be of my concern. But then, Santana's eyes widen and she looks at Sebastian in shock, her eyebrow shooting up. In answer he simply nods in confirmation.

"What is it?" I ask.

Sebastian sighs. "Complication. But not something we should be concerned about. Right now, we have to leave."

I frown. He's deliberately changing topic. "What did my father say?"

"He says it's fine to leave," Sebastian replies, an uneasy emotion on his face. "But the complication is he wants us to leave right now. He doesn't want you to come back to say goodbye, even."

That's unlike Dad. But, also, very like him. "What sort of complication could have forced him to let me leave just like that?"

"Edward has..." Sebastian hesitates. "He has sent out a lot of spies to search for you. They are—questioning people all over the place. Burt thinks it's safer to leave while Edward is distracted."

Oh. Well, I wish I could go back. But seems like Edward wasn't wasting much time. Spies for me. Of course, he will be even more desperate now that his face is exposed and Lily has joined us.

"Fine, then," I stand up, Blaine rubs his eyes and smiles at me. "Let's get going."

As Sebastian starts to pack a duffel bag with soda and blood bags, Blaine asks, "Well, just to be safe, do we even know where this witch lives?"

Brittany hopped up to him and threw her arms around Blaine, smiling playfully. "Don't worry, Dolphin. She's my friend. Once we cross Hilltown's barriers, I'll be able to know where she is."

Blaine steps back with a shocked look. I bit back a chuckle. Brittany is usually quieter and not touchy-feely with anyone but Santana. Though, since last few hours, I think I should settle on not believing what I see. She's too mysterious. Like Lily.

"How exactly are we doing this...?" Santana asks as we get out of the Cabin.

Sebastian seals the place again, placing the fake tree limb over the manhole. He looks like he's thinking the same thing. Then he shrugs. "A car is the fastest way. Where are you parked?"

Santana pointed toward the north. "A trail up there. Five minutes' walk."

"Let's go, then."

And we start walking. The forest is quiet, too silent. I believe when we came here, I could hear the life everywhere. I could hear the birds, the insects, the living beings. But now, its eerily quiet. Almost like that first day I came to this town. It doesn't feel good.

Unconsciously, I lean closer to Blaine and our arms entwine together. He is also unusually alert, looking around us unfailingly. His Warbler instincts are on edge, I can tell.

"Is it just me or something feels strange?" Blaine asks at last.

Sebastian stiffens slightly and shakes his head. "I don't know. It does feel weird. But we can't linger. The spies could be around for all we know. So just, keep moving. And stay quiet."

There's urgency in his tone. And we follow automatically. It sure does feel strange here, and none of us want to hang about to find out why. Our pace picks up with new purpose as Santana takes lead, taking us to where she parked her car.

As soon as her BMW is in view, we pile inside. Santana fishes out a key and throws it at Sebastian. He takes the wheel without any fuss. Santana sits with him in front. The three of us sit in the back.

Sebastian guns the engine without delay and we are speeding on the uneven forest trail. I sit still, trying to not panic as trees shoot by, branches smacking the windows as we pass. This trail is narrow, with a lot of hindrances and boulders. But Sebastian doesn't pay any mind and keeps moving on. I suppose the only reason we aren't mashed into a tree is his super senses.

Then suddenly, he swerves. We are at the main trail. I recognize it at once; even though, I'd been here only twice. This trail leads out of the town.

"Brittany...do you feel her yet?" Santana ask from front.

The blonde girl shakes her head, her face frowning. "No, but I do feel Vampires nearby. Two are Rogues."

Santana looks back at Brittany with shock. "Are you sure, love?"

Brittany just nods. Santana exchanges a glance with Sebastian and they both buckle up their belts. On cue, Blaine buckles us in too, looking at me with a firm nod.

I feel frightened now. If they are worried, then it means we might face a conflict. A dangerous one at that.

"Rogues...?" I ask aloud as Sebastian starts moving again at full speed.

"Yes, the ones I told you about," Blaine murmurs for me. "Granddad died in a Rogue attack. What I find crazy is that my brothers and I—and Burt and Andy before us—have all but wiped out Rogues from the surrounding area. It took years of planning. If there are Rogues now, it could only mean Edward had been turning them without us knowing."

"I wouldn't be surprised," Sebastian adds. "Edward LOVES biting people. Of all the people he'd made meals out of, he must have been dumping them somewhere."

Suddenly, the car buckles, Sebastian twist the wheel sharply and rights us again. There's an inhumane shriek outside, and I just catch a glimpse of skin flashing by my window. I've never seen a Rogue one before, only Blaine's description. So, I try to crane my neck and try to see what is attacking us, or attempting to. Sebastian's moving too fast.

"Fuck!" Sebastian snaps and I look ahead.

Right in our path, there are two monsters. I stare at them, at their clothe-less figures, at their crouched, lithe bodies. Their inhumane faces snarl at us as they stand in the way of our car.

Just as we reach them I think they'd be squashed, they nimbly climb on top of the bonnet, flush against the windshield. Brittany snarls, her face transforming.

"San, let me!" she growls, ready to fling open her door and charge.


Somehow I doubt that. Brittany too as she growls in anger. Santana is silent, but her tensed posture belied the fact how livid she is. Blaine is just sitting there, looking at the back of Sebastian's head, his arm around my waste protectively. There is near to no emotion on his face.


He looks at me with a smile. Otherwise, he doesn't show any sign of agitation. As if realizing my confusions, he says, "Outside Hilltown, there are chances of being seen. On the highway there are cars about and even the Rogues are intelligent enough to avoid such a situation. As for the Vampires with them, they'd be unwilling to go anywhere far away from their Master. Whoever that may be, but I'm willing to bet my gun it's Edward. So Sebastian is right. We just need to be out of the town."

In the next instant, the windshield makes a loud noise. Branches of cracks appear, blocking Sebastian's view.

"THE FUCK!" he yells and punches at the window. The cracks give way and the windshield starts crumbling inside.

Almost instantly, the Rogue swipes his hand for Santana's throat. But with a speed that even my keen sight can't catch, she rips out his hand clean off his body. While Sebastian lunges out bodily, yelling, "Take the wheel!"

Brittany transfers herself in the front seat, and Blaine climbs on top of me, in my lap. I stare at him. He flashes me a smile.

"Well, they want you. And I won't let them take you. Simple."

And with another grin, he takes out a revolver from his jacket and fires behind himself. His bullet tears clean through the Vampire who's fighting with Sebastian on the bonnet. The second Rogue tries to lunge in for Blaine, but Santana bites its neck, and with a yank, its head falls clean off its torso. It lands with a thud in my feet before turning to ash.

All this happens within ten seconds, and I'm still gaping. Blaine fires another bullet, catching the Vampire in leg, and Sebastian finishes it off easily in its distraction. Next is the Rogue whose hand Santana tore off. It jumps inside cleanly, and lands in the seat next to me.

I scream at the sudden nearness. The Rogue smells like decay and rot, its fangs are yellowed due to its carnivorous nature. There's drool coming out of its mouth as it targets my neck.

But then, Blaine's revolver is in between its eyes. I barely catch the grin Blaine gives the Rogue and then a gunshot. I close my eyes as it turns to ash.

Sebastian climbs in and takes the seat next to me now, sitting on top of the ash on leather. His arm is bleeding, his shirt torn open, hanging off his shoulders. There's a nasty gash on his head, and his leg is bent sideways to Sunday.

"Well?" Blaine asks, as casually as if he'd taken a walk.

"Two more were here, but they've gone. I guess to report to the Mayor we are making a break for it."

Wincing, Sebastian garbs his leg. Without much ado, he twists it. A nasty crunch sounds in the car, and his leg is in right place and shape. I gag, looking away.

"All the more reason to leave," Santana says from front seat, punching out the rest of the windshield cleanly. "And we are out already."

I look outside the black windows, and I gasp. I barely noticed we were going on the smooth road of highway due to the fight. I missed the signpost of Hilltown as well.

"Brittany, where is she now?" Blaine asks over his shoulder, his smile is too wide for some reason.

"I think—no, I know, she's in San Francisco."

We are silent, then Sebastian mutters. "Dude, that's far."

Then Blaine is laughing, his face is too peaceful, too happy. I gape at him as he laughs, still straddling my lap, his head thrown back in mirth. Then Santana is laughing, then Brittany. Sebastian curses and looks away, a smile blossoming on his lips.

And all I can do is grab Blaine from the collar and smash our lips together.

Because we were in a bloody attack a while ago. An attack Blaine fought off, sitting right here in my lap. An attack that he warded off without as much as a flinch. For some crazy reason, I wanted to open up the window and yell "that's my boyfriend!" to the world.

But kissing him feels just right too. So that's all I concentrate on, as he smiles against my mouth and returns the kiss with same fervor.

San Francisco. It's been a while. And, truly, we all need a break.


The next time I am aware of my surroundings, I find myself waking up with my head in Santana's lap. I stir to get up and she calmly runs her fingers through my hair. There's someone sleeping on me, I peek over and it's Brittany. She looks really tired.

In the front seat, Sebastian is dozing too. Blaine's driving. Really slow.

At first I think it's because he also is tired. But then I realize, amongst us he's the only human. His stamina isn't the same, and the wide black sheet covering the place where windshield was isn't helping him much. There's a space flapped open for him to see, but he can't very well drive with speed with no side mirrors and barely sufficient sight in front.

The vampires are all curled in on themselves, trying to get away from even a speck of sunlight. And Blaine can't very well just rip off the sheets and drive fast.

I look up at Santana. Her face is tired and haggard. She's only half awake.

Sitting up, I nudge her. "Hey, you want to rest?" In answer she simply slumps against my shoulder and goes to sleep at once.

Blaine turns around and smiles at me. He looks a bit tired. It makes me wonder how long we'd been here.

"What's the time and where are we?"

"It's 9 o' clock, and we just crossed by a check point near Albuquerque. Got some funny looks from people too."

I frown. Ten hours in the car already. I wonder why I slept so much. Then again, things have happened.

I look at myself and cringe. Since my house burned down, I don't have anything anymore. And I am still wearing the slacks Blaine gave me at Dalton; with my night T and the hoodie Finn had handed me as we were being rescued from the rubble of my house.

I must stink. Seriously, what's the use of Vampire nose if I can't even detect how stinky I am? I sniff myself and frown. Ok, I'm slightly stinky. Nothing more. Wait, does un-stinky-ness comes with being a Vamp? Or half a Vamp as the case might be?

I secretively sniff Santana too, and she smells all kinds of OK. And she's wearing the same clothes she was when we were fighting in our yard. Ok, good smelling Vampires...myth proven right. At least Bella wasn't all exaggerating, huh.

"Why are you sniffing Santana...?" Blaine asks, amused. Then he frowns. "Are you, like, thirsty...?"

"No, I'm fine. Just—I gotta pee."

He laughs. "I'll stop at the next station or something. Its just you and me for now. These vampires were out of juice ever since sun came up. Maybe, Brittany was right about that Witch keeping it all cloudy at Hilltown."

I nod. The Vamps were looking off color. I just hope we can get them safely to San Francisco.

"How long have you been driving?"

"Since sun up. Brittany and Santana took shifts through the night."

I look around at our car. The black windows are illegally black. Or maybe Santana have some sort of permit stashed in the glove compartment. But at this rate, somebody might stop us and with the battered conditions we are in, it'll be suspicious. Not to mention, the people bursting into ash just as sun hits them, that'd be on the news for sure.

"We have to ditch this car, I think."

Blaine nods. "Yes, it's too noticeable, with the windshield gone and all. Since its Santana's car, I think she should be the one to make that call. I don't wanna piss her off just yet."

I nod. Looking at her, she doesn't looks like she'll wake anytime soon. "If you find someplace nice and shady, stop there. We'll try waking them up. And I can drive if you're tired."

Blaine flashes me a smile. "Nah, I'm fine. Besides, since I was fourteen, this is my first time outside the town. I want to enjoy some."

"Were you visiting family the last time...?"

"Yes, we just had a get together," Blaine says, a bit quietly. "After Grandfather there were things to be decided for Andersons and hunters all over. It was the best three weeks ever. Despite the fact we were all sad."

I nod. There are so many parts of Blaine's history I still want to know. But with what he tells me, it's easy to piece information together. His family is well known in Vampire slaying circles it seems. And it makes me wonder just how many of the Warblers must be out there, saving people. And it makes me a bit proud.

OK, fine, a LOT proud.

We sit in silence as Blaine drives carefully, still looking ill at ease because of the sheet that keeps disturbing his view.

"Let me drive," I say at last.

He looks like he'll protest, but then stops the car by the road, leaving it at neutral. "OK, fine. Climb."

We try to exchange places together, resulting in getting stuck in a VERY awkward place. And whoa—our crotches TOTALLY just brushed. Not good—not good.

I look away, blushing and trying to get at a distance.

"Shit!" he grunts, as he yanks himself. Only to bump back bringing our faces together.

I'm trying not to meet his eyes. Or inhale as his breath ghost over my lips. Not that I'm not used to having him close its just that—the position we are in is—very...

And then I find the lever of the driver's seat and pull it back, making space. With slightly trembling hands I strap myself in and try to get going. Blaine slides himself between Brittany and Santana, holding them both on his shoulders as they slumber.

We still don't meet each others' eyes. I can hear one loudly beating heart besides mine in the car. And I can smell Blaine—and what he was—er—feeling. I'm having same problems.

Note to Self: Brushing up against your loved ones crotch that way is not acceptable. Not when you have company around.

Thank goodness the said company is too knocked out to have noticed. But I bet they'd smell it on us once they wake up. Just, yippee!

I start driving, closing off the sheet fully. I'm able to make out the road clearly through the fibers. Then again, if a cop spots us, we'll be in trouble.

Right, next order of business; find a place to wake the Vamps. After peeing—and yeah...


I finally find a warehouse. (After a quick stop at a small filling station.) It's not really abandoned. There are kids playing soccer inside. But I don't bother, and they only gape at the car.

The moment we are in the cool warehouse, the Vampires begin to stir. Sebastian groans loudly. Not a morning person, then.

"Thank God!" Santana snaps. "I feel like I've been fried!"

"Why are the kids peering at us through the glass?" Brittany asks.

I just shrug. "OK, Santana, we have a situation."

She glares, "I'm not doing anything to release both your boners, Ladybug!"

Blaine looks away, pursing his lips, his cheeks are red. My face must be too because despite the cool warehouse and car AC, I'm feeling hot.

"N-Not that situation, genius! The windshield!"

She growls, and the kids, who probably can't see at us through the dark windows all squeak and back away. "There's dogs inside!" one yells, excitedly.

"We have to ditch the car, don't we...?" It's so obvious none of us bother to reply. "Fine, let's leave it here then."

Sebastian turns around. "And do what...?"

"We can ask the kids about where we can get another car, hopefully with blackened windows too." Blaine suggests, and since none of us have any other ideas, we try to do just that.

When we get out, the kids are all looking at us with wide eyes. I'm sure we are a sight, looking dirty and smelling (still not sure if we smell nice to kids too? I'm not trusting Bella on everything.)

"Hey teeny! Where can we get a car?" Santana snaps at the closest one.

These kids are like ten to twelve years of age, all bearing the excitement of adventure. They don't even bat an eyelash at her remark and ask, "What's wrong with your car?"

Another one asks, "Where's your dog?"

Sebastian rolls his eyes and lies in the back seat. "I'm sleeping. Wake me when we are ready to leave."

Turns out, the kids have no idea where we can go. And by 'we' I mean Blaine and I. And since we haven't even looked at each other after Santana's obvious declaration, I don't think things will get any better if we went anywhere. Alone. Together.

"Let's wait till sun down, and then we can get plane tickets or something," Brittany finally suggests.

Santana shakes her head. "By now those Vam—" she casts a look around at the kids who are still observing us, half of them are trying to wake Sebastian up by constantly peeking inside and giggling, trying to find the dog who growled. "By now those people must have already told Edward. And there's a chance he might be looking at flight schedules to get to us. We have to go by road, no other way."

Then with no regard for our sanity, they look at Blaine and me.

"No," I say at once. "I'm not—what if we get lost?! We don't even know where we are!"

Blaine says nothing, and hides his face again, looking at kids instead.

Santana sighs finally. "Well, let's wait then. We can rest, get fresh and then get a car and get going."

"Where are we anyway?" Sebastian mutters from the car over the giggles.

"Somewhere outside Albuquerque. I think," I automatically reply.

"There's more than twelve hours drive to go still, then. Car seems like a good option if you ask me," he grumbles before falling asleep again.

So with that, we wait.


"How come you aren't in school?" Blaine asks Evan.

Evan, ten year old, says, "We aren't school kids. We live here."

Blaine stops short in process of kicking the soccer. Zack groans, to whom it was supposed to be passed. Brittany and Sebastian also stop playing at this.

"Why?" Blaine asks.

Evan looks shy at once and mumbles something strange. Then Clay says, "We don't have families to pay for school."

It makes us all pause. No wonder they look so skinny and underfed. I have been thinking about why their clothes were so faded and dirty. I never even imagined this was the reason.

We have been at the warehouse since last five hours. It was past 2pm now. The sun was still up and it was hot outside thanks for the blocked windows (totally explains the kids living here) we are cold and comfortable.

Santana and I are inside the car now, AC cranked up with kids sitting around us, enjoying the coolness. Blaine, Brittany and Sebastian have deiced to play with the rest of the kids. So far, Team Evan had 10 goals (goal posts were the overturned crates) and Team Zack was 8. Brittany may be a good Vampire but she had no idea how to play soccer. She'd landed two goals at Team Evan's crate by mistake.

"You guys are orphans...?' Blaine finally asks.

Zack nods. "Yeah, we all were street rats before. And then one day I found Clay with others, and then we came here. Evan and Julie were already holed up so we just kinda stuck together."

Then followed a lot of questions by Blaine and Brittany. Apparently the kids worked by cleaning shop windows and sometimes wiping cars at the stop signals. It paid just enough to feed themselves. They also hitched clothes when people threw them out, or left their laundry out too long that it wasn't needed anymore due to sun damage.

I was unconditionally proud that none of them have turned to begging. Despite being little, they were decent. But I also know we couldn't do anything to help. Not really.

"Well, I'm glad you guys are sticking together at least," Blaine says finally. He too knows we couldn't do anything.

For some reason, the rest of their match becomes a silent one. The kids are being happy again, playing with the same smiles. But we, we sit there with thoughtful faces.

Maybe, it was fate that of all the places, I came here in this warehouse. But whatever the reason, I feel I have to do something for these kids before we leave.

At sunset, we finally get out of the warehouse. Brittany stays behind to take care of the 'car'. But we all know she means the kids. Besides, she will be able to guide us back in case we got lost. She was able to create some sort of mental link with Santana and Sebastian, apparently.

We split into groups. Santana goes with Blaine, and I with Sebastian. They are finding the car, and we will buy new clothes and stuff.

We get inside the first grocery store we find and start shopping. As I walk among the isles, I keep an eye out for possible Vampires around me. But all I smell is people.

I start loading my trolley, putting in food that was way too much. But since I was buying more for the kids than anyone else, I don't even notice.

By the time I am at the cash register, my trolley is piled so high that people are giving me funny looks, some of them grumble, "This kid's gonna take so much time checking out!"

And then Sebastian is coming my way, with his trolley the same as me. I can't even see him behind the pile of food, toys, clothes and sleeping bags. And I smile. Of course, he is after all a cousin of mine. It only makes sense we thought of the same thing.

It does take a lot of time to get checked out but when we do, we are both content. For a few days at least, those kids won't go hungry.


I don't know how this thing works, but Brittany was able to guide Sebastian to the warehouse again. When we get there, Santana's BMW isn't the only thing in sight. There stands an RV beside it.

I stop short. "You did not just steal an RV?" I say.

Blaine flashes me grin. "And you did not buy half the store?"

I grin back. This is the first time we meet each others' eye all day. "I did, of course. KIDS! Treats time!"

The next few minutes are the happiest of my life. The smiles that lit up those faces I'll always remember. I know it's not much, but they have clothes to wear, nice warm bags to sleep in and the food that'll last them a few days.

As we are leaving the BMW anyways, we decided to teach Clay and Zack, the oldest kids in the lot, how to turn on AC in case they need it.

I had grabbed t-shirts and jeans and hoodies from the store at random, and we change our clothes, taking turns in the BMW and RV. I still stink but at least my clothes are new.

Then we are ready to leave. Brittany kisses every kid, tears in her eyes. And Blaine high fives his team, they'd won twice this day. Sebastian doesn't say anything but I've some to realize my cousin is just closed off kind of person, but not close hearted at least.

Santana revs the RV and calls us over in snappish tones. Then we are driving away, the kids all stand on the warehouse door to wave at us.

Blaine grasps my hand and I squeeze back as the warehouse and kids disappear from view. I know we are not saying this, but I can feel we'll pay these kids another visit once we are done at San Francisco.


The RV drives the whole night, and at dawn, I take the wheel. The Vampires all retreat to the deeper corners of the shaded RV. Blaine is also sleeping on the couch seat beside me.

I have no idea where I'm going, but Brittany told me to keep to the high way and follow the sign boards. So that's all I do. I think about cranking the radio but I don't want anyone to wake up.

It feels so weird being outside. I think of Hilltown as a collective prison where I had banished myself to, now I was outside.

The people, the freedom it was all too new suddenly. The passing crowd and laughter seemed out of place, or maybe it is just me. For I know now there are monsters hiding in the shadows amongst us. I know now what Paul knew when he was on the run with me. If these people knew they'd be on guard too. But for their sakes, I am glad they are leading ordinary lives. Ignorance, indeed, is bliss.

It's strange, I can't even think about the real reason we ran away. I mean, I know why, but all I think about is those kids we left. We only spent a few hours with them and already I am attached and worried about what will happen to them, who will care for them.

Busy in such thoughts, hours fly and I follow the sign boards till we are in the California state. This time around, I am smiling. I've spent half my adolescent years traversing these roads with my father/uncle—I knew exactly where to go from here. So I am humming to myself softly as I drive toward our goal.

It's 4 in the evening now.

"It's the first time I've heard you sing," Blaine's soft voice is against my cheek.

I smile. Not that he was being sneaky, but the mere fact that we were over that whole awkward episode and back to being us is uplifting. And I turn my face to accept his soft kiss happily, trying not to loose control of the wheel as he slides past me and into the passenger seat.

"How long...?"

"Two more hours and we'll be there."

It's convenient too because the sun will set by then and Brittany can locate wherever that Witch is.

"Have you contacted home yet?"

I shake my head. I had tried calling home twice in the warehouse and twice on the road. But it's not connecting. Once I got Dad's voice mail. But the other times it's just 'inaccessible area.' "Can't reach them. I think we'll have to find a landline."

Blaine just nods. Then— "I dreamed about those kids. I couldn't stop thinking about them."

"Me neither," I mumble. "But—no, never mind."

He frowns, trying to read my face. "What...? Tell me."

"Taking them to Hilltown is just absurd. At least here they are safely hidden," I say at last. "Hilltown is the hometown of monsters and—and I don't think we can take them with us anyway."

Blaine shakes his head. "Maybe we can."

"Are you crazy—?!"

"No, Kurt, listen. I know Hilltown is a monster hole but, so is the rest of this world. Besides, in there we can help them. Out here, nobody would even hear their screams if the monsters found them."

I wince at his words. But he is right. Monsters exist everywhere. And there's no place you can hide. But— "They'll hate us. Once they realize we are those monsters they fear, they'll hate us."

Blaine shakes his head. "I doubt that. They can't hate us. They can't hate you, Kurt. They'd be idiots if they did."

I roll my eyes. Of course, he is trying to make me smile. But this whole thing is far too serious for us to just laugh about. "If I can get to Dad somehow, maybe I'll ask him what to do. He'll be able to help us out, I think."

"Good idea," Blaine says finally. "Let's just, for now, focus on finding that Witch first."

And we do just that.


Since Brittany is the one finding her friend, we let her drive. She takes us into the deeper districts of San Francisco, through narrow streets and shady corners. At one point, we have to stop and get out on foot. This street is a miniature festival of sorts, a street venders' paradise.

As we walk, many things catch my eye, and I start smiling. Blaine is also looking about eagerly, he'd never been to California before. Brittany is focused on the task at hand; Santana and Sebastian are looking around too. But unlike us, they are trying to look for any likely encounters with others of our kind.

I mentally shake myself. I'm not one of THEM. I'm still half-human, I should stop categorizing myself like this. But who knows, maybe 'my' kind is about too? And not to mention, this Witch must also be half-human, or so I hope.

As we pass by, the vendors try to attract our interest by their goods. I cast a cursory glance to their ornaments and clothes, making a note to buy some things for the kids on our way back.

There's so much music in the air, songs of various languages flit about, some soft and angelic, some raucous and harsh. It's a strange feeling, the twinkling lights worm into my eyes like stars. Or maybe it feels strange to be out in the real world to me alone. But I see so many faces around me; everyone wears the same smiles and dazed looks. They are all enjoying just as much I feel like doing.

But I smile at my Blaine. He is all but bouncing on his feet, his smile couldn't be wider. There's a gleam in his eyes that I've only seen a few times before, the one that appears when he absolutely joyful. I take out my phone and as secretively as possible, snap a few pictures of this 'exceptionally happy' Blaine. Who knows when I'll get to see him again this way?

One shop stands out all of a sudden. It's dank and dark, just five feet across sitting between two large foreign food chains, with a sign 'APRIL'S FOOLS' dangling precariously over the door.

Brittany stops in front of the shop. There's a smile on her face. "This is it."

I try not to think of myself as one of the 'fools' as we enter the shop. A bell tinkles beautifully. The minute the door closes behind us, all the noise from outside is cut off and I feel my ears ring. But that's not why I find it strange. Even with my super hearing, there's no sound to be heard except for Blaine's heartbeat and soft breaths of my companions.

The way Sebastian suddenly scowls, he can't listen to anything either with his full Vampire hearing. Must be something witchy going on here, pun intended.

"April...?" Brittany says to the dark shop.

Suddenly it illuminates and I blink in shock. The whole shop is revealed—it's large. Larger than it looked on the outside. In fact, I think it's the same size as the Tavern.

There are all kinds of curios along the shelves and weird surfaces, all kinds of herbs and plants and flowers. But even as I try to see everything, a loud chuckling voice booms out.

A bubbly figure emerges out of the aisle and throws itself in Brittany's arms. It's a short woman with bouncy blonde curls, she has a Cheshire smile of sorts and her laughter is kind of elfish. Mischievous, even.

"My DEAR! Brittany it's been sooo long!" the woman sings.

Brittany is grinning too. She picks up the woman and twirls in a circle. I have officially seen Brittany at her most exciting moment.

The woman finally turns and faces us. "You must be her lover!" she says to Santana. "And you—are Edward's fake son!" to Sebastian. "You smell a lot like those Vampire killers!" to Blaine.

And finally she turns to me. Her smile fades and her eyes widen. Then the smile returns, heavy with mischief. "You, my dear, are the cause of a lot of trouble right now, aren't you?"

So, this is the Witch, huh?

"I am!" she squeals, clapping her hands.

I didn't realize I said that out loud!

"You didn't, my dear," she mumbles, grabbing Blaine's hand and hooking an arm around Santana's waist, leading us deeper into the large shop. "I can read your thoughts. It's really annoying, but you people have new minds, new thoughts. This is going to be fun!"

OK—I don't want a Witch in my head, thank you. She only chuckles louder. I wonder what she is hearing in the other minds. But I stop thinking anything further for my own sanity.

We reach the end of the shop and there's a door. She opens it with a flick of her hand. Blaine's eyes are large as a puppy as he turns to me helplessly, only to be dragged away by the woman.

"Grr, would you stop that!" she growls at me over her shoulder. "The woman, the woman...I have a name, you know. I'm called April—yes, like the month. April Rhodes."

We now enter an ordinary looking living room, with stone d�cor walls, book shelves and a fireplace burning brightly, littered with comfy couches and floor cushions and mats. There's a cat sitting on one of the cushion near fire, it looks up and 'merows' at us.

"I see Lord Tubbington's doing well," comments Brittany, going over to stroke the fat cat.

April pushes Blaine and Santana into the couches and twirls around, gesturing us to take seats.

I slip close to Blaine, he is still wide-eyed. I can't believe Santana let this woman handle her about like this. I mean, she's Santana!

"Because Brittany warned her already to not think too much or I'll know everything!" April stage-whispers at me, winking for effect. Then she claps her hands loudly. "NOW! Lets see if I have everything—you want to trigger your skills without turning fully, don't you, Kurt?"

I give up on asking how she knows, since she reads minds, I'm pretty sure she has my entire life story figured out by now. So I simply nod.

April sighs. "This is going to be too difficult, Brittany."

Brittany has Lord Timbuktu in her lap now. "I know, but Kurt is strong. He will be able to withstand the procedure, I think. Besides, this is the last hope we have. Knowing Edward, he'd just kill Kurt in order to take his blood. And we can't let that happen."

Santana speaks this time. "Yes, at least by triggering his ability, Kurt will be able to act before getting killed. If he turns Edward, everything will be over in minutes."

April is nodding in understanding. But there are lines on her forehead that hadn't been before. It's the only warning I have. This is going to be hurtful.

"I'm afraid so," April says to me. "But, I'll do everything within my power to help you, Kurt. There's an old score I need to settle with, dear Edward. So, when do we begin?"

"Now," I say without thinking. "No, seriously, sooner the better."

April smiles. "Your courage is admirable, Kurt. But it will take me some time getting the ingredients ready. So how about, you people rest up, eat well, and by tomorrow morning, we can begin?"

Sebastian gets up. "Well, in that case, we should get going and search for a motel or something."

April is waving her hand wildly. "No, no! You are my honored guests. I'll let you sleep in my house, OK. Besides, there's no knowing how many days it will take, so you might ease up on the money spending there, handsome."

Blaine perks up at this. "Days...? What, we can't afford that! I have to get back and help in case Edward attacks or something!"

"Wait, didn't he already?" April says with a grumble.

I go still. What?

"Ooops!" she gasps, and flutters out of sight, mumbling, "I'll get that food ready, then."

I round on Sebastian, Blaine too, crossing his arms on his chest.

He shrugs. "FINE! Edward attacked when we were in the Cabin, OK!"

"OK? OK?!" I yell. "You're telling me that we were there and you hid this little piece of information and that it's OK?!"

"Look, it was your father's decision, Kurt. He wanted you to be safe while he fought Edward's Vampires off. I suggested what Brittany had decided and he agreed. He told me to leave as fast as possible. Don't you see? This attack was to get you, and once Edward realize you aren't there he'd—"

"HE'D KILL THEM ALL!" I'm beyond furious. My vision turns red and my body starts to shake. I remember feeling the familiar things when my house was attacked, but I'm too angry to care. "ONCE HE REALIZED I'M OUT OF REACH, HE'LL TRY TO TORTURE PEOPLE—MAYBE MY FATHER—TO KNOW WHERE I AM! HE'LL KILL THEM! HOW CAN YOU KEEP SOMETHING LIKE THIS FROM ME?!"

"Because, you wouldn't have come!" Sebastian yells back.


Sebastian glares, unfazed by my trembling rage. We are nose to nose, and my hands are aching to rip him apart. But then he backs away.

"April! Can I use your phone?!"

Her voice comes from somewhere, followed by a phone hovering near Sebastian, "Of course, darling!"

Sebastian garbs the receiver and stabs at the buttons. "RILEY! GET ME BURT!" He frowns. "OK, I'll dial that!"

He slams the receiver back, and looks at Blaine. "Dial the Dalton's number, now!"

Blaine steps up and does as he's told. "Hi, Nick! Can I speak to Burt? Yes, I'm fine. Burt, please, Nick..." Then he holds out the phone to me.

"Hello...?" Dad's voice is calm, and relieved on the other end.

"D-Dad? Are you OK?"

Dad sighs on the other end. "Gosh, Kurt! I'm so glad to hear from you. Where are you—NO! Let's not tell me. That's fine. Just tell me are you out of the town yet or not?"

My anger is gone, replaced by the longing to be with him. A sniff finds its way out of my mouth. "I'm—Yeah, I'm out."

"That's great. Were you hurt at all?"

"No, we are good. A few Rogues got us but we got through, no problem. Speaking of, why didn't you tell me about the attack? Is everything all right? Was anyone—hurt?"

There's a pause. "Well, I told Sebastian to keep you away and safe. If he didn't tell you about the attack I want to congratulate him. Wise decision, that. Knowing you, you'd have burst in the fray without a single thought and things would have gone completely out of hand."

I bristle. "Of course, I would have! I can't let you fight on your own!"

"You can, and will. Now stop feeling as if we've mistreated you or something. Listen closely. We are rallied. Ed knows somehow that you aren't here, so he's backed down. For a few days, we are going to be at peace. Hopefully. Besides, everyone's against him now. we are trying to claim back the town slowly. I—I have taken charge as the Mayor, temporarily of course."

"That's—good, I guess."

"It is. What I mean is, we are doing fine. Well, we lost a few good men too but the important thing is we are now fighting back. So when you come back, after you've figured out your powers or whatever, we'll lead right into the victory, OK? So stop worrying!"

I sit down heavily on the nearest couch. "How can you say that so easily? How can I not worry?"

"Tell you what, I'll let you know about things here via texts every hour or so. This way you won't have to worry and you'll know that I'm still fit as a fiddle, huh?"

I chuckle at that. "I didn't know you could text."

"I'll try! Or get Finn to do it for me. So, how about it?"

"OK, sure. Shall I do the same?"

He was quiet for a while. "No, don't. I want you to stay safe. Your location must not be compromised no matter what. So just, keep your story for later. You can tell me when we meet again."

"Fine, I will."

As I was going to say goodbye, April suddenly snatches the phone away from me.

"Hi, Burt Hummel! My name's April Rhodes! I'm a friend! Now, I want to tell you something. Since I hate those Vampires just as much as anyone, I'll lift my clouds off the town. Tell your friendly Vampires to stay safe in day time, because from tomorrow morning, sun will shine bright. And may those fools who are following that damn monster burn. OK...? Well, bye!" but then she shrieked. "NO! Wait! I think you shouldn't tell Kurt about anything. I need him to be relaxed if I am to help gain his powers. Sending him information isn't wise. You can tell him when he comes home. Good? Well, then, hang up now!"

She slaps the receiver down and grins at us. "Well, dinner is ready! Let's head to the dining room, shall we?"

We follow her, our mouths gaping wide still. Really, I think there's no way I'll get used to April. Ever. And, also, it totally makes sense why she is best buddies with Brittany.


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