Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 22: Gathering Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 22: Gathering

T - Words: 6,898 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
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Author's Notes: REVIEW! Please :)
~ Chapter 22 ~

The attack was swift and sudden.

Even with the warning, just half an hour earlier, it wasn't close enough to be fully prepared. That's how the townspeople found themselves in an utter state of panic. They were unready, and completely anarchic. There was nowhere to run, and for the first few minutes—only bodies either ran for life or fell to the ground lifelessly.

But the people of Hilltown had long ago accepted the inevitable, and thus were able to take measures to evade further bloodshed. Everybody made their way toward that ONE place they were sure would provide them safety.

The Hill Tavern.

Apart from the hill itself, Tavern was the corner building of three stories, sitting in full view of town square. From every distant suburb, it was the central point, the hub toward which everybody ran and sought safety.

Those who couldn't make it there sought refuge in their houses and houses of strangers. Most of the people wouldn't let anyone in, but surprisingly, the ex-Deserters were the only people who welcomed everyone inside. They had known how it was to live when Vampires treated you no more than cattle. And they knew how to be prepared.

The first hour was chaos, the end of the times, for anyone and everyone. But then, each human realized that it was do or die. And everybody chose the 'do.'

That was when the people held on to a new sense of determination and anticipation. That was when the Mayor had to come up with the only plan to disband the grouping humans. He leaked news of Kurt's death. It was quiet impressive. The ten second long video went viral fifteen minutes after the attack. But after the first horrified glance—everyone called the bluff.

Granted, the pale, lanky boy looked a lot like Kurt as he was murdered brutally and swiftly. But then everyone noticed minute details that were wrong. First, the quality of the video, the perfect angle and the perfect focus, it all indicated preplanning. Secondly, the boy looked fifteen years old, his voice was in the stages of deepening with puberty, and totally unlike Kurt's. Thirdly, the boy had disheveled, dirty blond hair under the cap he wore, darkened only because of the low lights in the video. Though, what sealed it as falsification was the fact that the murder happened near a field which was in full bloom with white cotton buds, when everyone knew this year's crop was mainly barley.

The initial wave of panic broke, and then each and every family received a broadcast by the HillyRadio11.22. The broadcast was swift and simple, and it changed everything, the whole dynamic of balance and system in the Hilltown.


3 Hours

Cooper and Alex started the watch with something close to an adventure. Their thirteen year old minds barely registering the fact that this might be something huge—why else would their elders ever ask them to fill in for them? So initially, they were nothing short of ecstatic as they bundled up to the roof, claimed the two of the telescopes and settled down to enjoy leisure afternoon, spying on the town.

Cooper had had often sat on the roof with his brothers. He knew what to look for and he knew the map of their little town just as his own back hand. Alex, however, was the first timer. His whole body shook in excitement and he couldn't stop bouncing. His face was stretched in a grin so wide Cooper found himself worrying that his face might spilt. But after first few moments, Cooper decided this was Alex being mighty happy, as he'd never been before. So they enjoyed themselves.

The first ten minutes were nothing but utter exclamations of shock and happiness by Alex; he kept yelling, spotting stuff and pointing it out to Cooper. Cooper just smiled and acknowledged with a simple, "I know."

But then as they started settling in, Cooper played back the conversation with Mr Hummel. There must have been some reason why he'd been so tensed. So Cooper shifted his focus toward the Old Graveyard.

It was his least favorite part of the town. The Graveyard expanded from the Smyth fields—more like a wasted land than fields—with forest encroaching upon its length. The Graveyard than followed a smooth terrain of bushes and extremely unkempt forest between centuries old graves, to the fenced off abandoned area, right at the back yard of the suburbs. The abandoned area then expanded to the empty plots, which then connected in a snail like line to the Filling Station, which fell right at the hill's feet.

Not just for its creepy emptiness, but also the way it seemed to connect so close to the hill itself, was the reason Cooper hated this place too much. But also because in the very depth of unkempt Graveyard-slash-forest was the grave of his Grandfather. A grave he'd only ever visited once, and had been far to terrified to do so again, even when Blaine told him he'd be with him all the time. The new Cemetery was neat and a place that almost felt welcoming, considering that it housed dead bodies. Cooper wished a lot of times Grandfather had been buried here instead.

But as Blaine and Andy said, Old Graveyard used to be accessible ten years back. Right as the Mayor had taken charge of the town, the Old Graveyard became the focal point of myths and legends. The undead and Vampires alike were told to be there in abundance, warding off the population nicely. The tales of Virgin murders and Rogues walking free all night and such other stories Cooper always thought were prevarications.

But now, Cooper went white in fear. He cursed Mr Hummel for his use of words. This looked nothing like 'bad people are gathering in the Old Graveyard.' This was the Monster fest, through and through.

"Cooper, you seeing this?" Alex's voice held the same fear, making it certain he was also referring to the Monstrous debacle.

"How many do you think they are...?" Cooper voiced aloud, trying to keep in order the monsters that kept growing and growing in number.

"More than a few hundreds..."

Cooper grunted in confirmation. "But they keep swelling. Are they moving out or...are they growing..."

There was pregnant pause. Both boys knew instinctively that the second answer seemed likely.

"If this went on they'd be close to a thousand..." Alex exhaled. "What the hell should we do now...?"

Cooper fished out his phone. Dialing a number he waited, and the voice on the other side answered on the second ring. "Mr Burt. Yes, we want to tell you they are—growing."

Burt was silent a moment, a lot of activity was going on in background. "Son, can you see the Tavern yet?"

Cooper fixed the telescope toward the town square and hummed. "I see it."

"Can you see the people gathering around us?"


"Are the Vampires as many as we are now...?"

Cooper winced. "No. They are closing to be a thousand solid unit, I'm afraid."

Burt grunted. "Don't worry. Just let us know when they make a move. I don't have to remind you that we humans still surpass them in numbers, right?"

Cooper didn't state the obvious. The fact that humans, not all of them, had no idea how to defend and fight against the monsters. These ignorant people had hated, yet depend on Warblers to 'clear the trash' for them instead. It was highly doubtful if they even knew how to kill a Vampire.

As if hearing his silent argument, Burt said, "Son, we still are hardened folks. We still know what to expect. It would not be pretty but we'll manage. Now, keep watch. I want advance warning for ten minutes ahead at least...or..."

Cooper knew what the OR meant, and grumbled, "I won't disappoint. And...Burt," The name rolled off Cooper's tongue with a stumble. "—once the attack happens...what do I do...?"

Burt was silent. "I want you to close down the Dalton House. Start making room and start making weapons—I assume your brothers told you how to do that?" Cooper's only answer was a scoff. Burt chuckled. "Might as well teach Alex too. And once you've done that, stay underground. I'll give you a sign when I want you to open the gates. I'll keep the Vampires focused on the Tavern for as long as possible."

"Ok, anything else...?" Cooper readjusted the telescope and observed the Graveyard again.

"Son, is—is Dalton relay safe, like against vampires?" Burt's voice was too concerned.

Cooper smiled. "Yes. After Grandfather's incident, my brothers and father went to great lengths to ensure the safety. We'll be fine. We will douse the lights for extra precaution, so don't worry. Besides, I'm the only Anderson here, and that makes me accountable. I know how to defend my home. Just be safe yourself, Bur—Mr Hummel."

"It's Burt kid. And that makes me relieved. Now get on with work. See you again, son."

Cooper hummed and the line went silent. He knew Burt's 'see you again' was not unadorned. It was a promise. And Cooper knew that the Hummels kept their promise. He sent a silent prayer for his brothers, for Blaine and Kurt and went back to work.


"Rachel, have you contacted the Radio yet...?" Old Riley asked in a voice none too gentle.

Rachel paled and mumbled, "I'm trying!"

"Well, try harder!" the old man barked and went toward the main room of Tavern where people were filling up and arming themselves. "Sam, Jake and Ryder! I thought I asked you to man the roof...!"

Sam saluted and grinned, "On it, chief! We're just making sure we won't have to come down again to ask for more weapons, sir!"

Riley nodded. For a blonde guy, Sam could sometimes be extremely wise. He then marched toward the largest table in the house, where Burt, Trent, Carole and Lily sat. They were busy on phones, the internet and every such connection device, warning each family in town to bunker up and be safe. Or if they couldn't, to come down here.

At first Riley had decided to let everyone go uphill. But after an argument with Burt—and something about two kids being left safe a while—he decided that it would be unwise to loose the hill to Vampires just yet. Besides, the three storey tavern was enough to hold as many people as possible. Not to mention, their storage basement and the backyard warehouse. It was enough for almost many hundred people.

"How is it going?" he grunted.

Burt smiled. "Kids tell me they are growing in number. But at least, all the families have been nicely warned. A few of them were causing problems but, we've convinced them to stay put and try not to leave town just yet."

"And what about the hospital...?"

Carole said, "Sue has taken Leroys and Shelby with her already. They are closing it off and preparing for any medical emergency that might arise. The ex-Deserters from Sue's house are on their way here, as we speak."

"Can we keep the Headquarters as another safe house too...?" Riley asked.

"It's not possible," Lily quipped. "Most of the Mayor's troops already know what that house signifies for Rebels. They'd burn that one first. So we have to keep other options open for a while. And still try not to make it too obvious."

"And what about Kurt?"

Burt's face was pale, but he shrugged. "Still haven't contacted him. But I am sure he's fine. Blaine and Sebastian are with him, so are those girls from Trinity."

"And what of Quinn and Anderson?"

Trent answered this time. "They are stationed near the Graveyard exit with Garret. They'll be our first wave of defense. As much as I'd like them to stay here, they've decided to buy us time. Before you ask, Finn is busy in the Station. Burt thought we might need extra fuel before long and Finn is loading up the trucks with as much petrol as he can till the attack comes."

Riley nodded. Seemed like everything was going just fine for now. But he was old enough to know the kind of bastards these people could be. He's lived in this town his whole life! He knew exactly the kind of malfunctions that may/could occur if not properly planned ahead of time.

He nodded to them again in encouragement and found the other boys. Rory, Joe and Mike were also arming up, and helping the other townspeople as well. Mike was strained and tired, and Riley worried. Tina was due soon, and if this attack caused any damage to the baby or the girl, Mike would break beyond repair. He hoped things won't come down to such a disaster. Tina was right now in the basement, looked over by Becky and Amber Sylvester. Becky was a girl suffering from Down syndrome, and Amber was a quiet child, sporting none of Sue's fierceness. She came from Will Schuster's sperm and was too quiet for her twelve year old age. The three of them were the only ones unable to fight, and thus, Riley had ordered them stay put in basement and not make a squeak, Becky could be a problem, but being Sue's ward, she knew exactly how to take control of things, and this knowledge kept Riley relieved for time being.

As he was observing the women and men from town, he saw a large group of people jogging toward the Tavern through large windows. Riley smiled, his spirit lifting at once.

In front of the group were Puck and Neil. They'd both gone to collect the ex-Deserters from HQ just as Burt had gotten here with his news. The ex-Deserters behind them were all heavily armed. From the grimiest old guy to last of the young boys, to the women who were far too skinny to relieve Riley's satisfaction. Still, they were all able bodied and hardened in fights.

He wasn't hoping for much, but under the circumstances, it was nevertheless enough. Only, he wished he could also participate.

Burt had written him off of the direct battle, with a heavy vote from everyone else. Riley understood their worries, and his own old age, but that didn't mean he couldn't help out. He was a better farmer, and could take on those Vampires too. But for time being, he also knew his responsibilities lie in just providing for things he easily could.

Besides, he had his own plan to get into motion.

"Well..." he asked as his grandson came inside.

"They are too many Gramps," Puck huffed. "We don't know much but scouts tell us the Mayor has just told his Vampires to openly attack. The rules are nullified. All of them."

"That explains why they all disappeared," Riley grumbled.

The reports of people leaving work and disappearing have been massive; making it too clear just how many of Edward's people had been working with them in guise of humans. It shook Riley to the core. They'd never been safe; they'd never been fully protected. Not all of them knew this—not even Burt—but one of their own had been a betrayer. Riley was going to do things the way everyone wanted. He would stay away and not join battle. But the traitor will die by his own hands. It will be swift, and nobody will realize why that had happened. Riley knew how much it would hurt everyone if they ever found out—

Burt yelled, "Everyone, in positions! I just got word, the Vampires are moving out of the Graveyard. Now, people!"

Riley hurried toward Burt, while everyone walked out of the Tavern.

"How long....?"

"It'll take them twenty minutes tops to reach us. That is, if Quinn and Andy could stave them off." Burt also armed himself. "Riley, get to the warehouse, start packing. We'll have only so much time if it came to retreat. I'd prefer if things were already in order."

Riley nodded, knowing he could only help this way. So taking Rosa and Marley with him, he made his way to the warehouse, hoping against hope that Quinn and Anderson would be able to hold the Vampires off for a while.


"You aren't a High Level Vampire," Garret asked conversationally.

Quinn shook her head. "No, but that doesn't mean I don't have ability."

Garret looked confused. "So Mid Ranking Vamps can also have ability? Like really...?"

Quinn sighed. "When a Vampire is born of a Vampire father, and a human mother, their Vampire side stays dormant, unless they are bitten. They don't need to drink blood. A bite from their father usually does the trick. So as my father has the ability, I inherited it from him, and it was activated on my 18th birthday when I was bitten."

"Oh," Garret nodded. "And what is it?"

Quinn rolled her eyes and murmured, "Nothing flashy. Just telekinesis."

"Just telekinesis ..." Garret huffed, a jealous tinge to his tone. He was a turned Vampire, so he really didn't have any ability expect for his strength and immortality, that is, if he didn't die right then.

Andy was standing silently a few yards away; he didn't participate in any of the conversation. He'd had a call from Burt earlier, and he knew that Blaine and Cooper were for the time being, safely out of the way. So really, all he wanted to do was to get this job done and get away from here. His motives kept him focused, and reluctant to talk. Besides, as Quinn was his sire, he'd also inherited the ability of telekinesis—not as powerful as Quinn but just so. On Quinn's request he'd kept it a secret, even from his kids. In fact, he'd rather not tell anyone at all. So he kept his mouth shut as Garret prodded Quinn with questions.

They were standing at the edge of the empty plots that connected to the abandoned land before the Graveyard. Behind them was a small stretch of the same plots, and then the Filling Station sat on the border, a road, and then the hill.

They were stationed here because they wanted to buy the humans some time. And they wanted to buy Finn time. If Mayor was any clever, he'd take out the fuel source of the town first. If there was no gasoline, there won't be any cars; there won't be any way out of town. If Mayor took hold of the Power Plant, there won't be electricity and they'd be completly cutoff from the civilization in case they needed help. Thus, they were here.

Andy hoped that they could have gathered more Vampires to help, but in a way, he also was glad to have just Quinn by his side. The more he grew to know the girl, the more he respected her. She was too compassionate at times that he almost forgot WHAT she was. Her upbringing by Nurse Dorothea and the sisters at Church had been amazing, and rewarding. He wondered what would have happened if she wasn't compassionate. For starters, he might have been dead right now and useless. So he could only thank his lucky stars. He was glad Quinn had been the one to find him and 'exercise law' unto him when she did. Of course, it happened at the price of Kevin's death, still...he was glad.

His main objective was to get through this onslaught. He wanted to be there for Cooper, and he prayed that Blaine would safely make his way back home, if that's what he was trying to do. But secretively, he was glad Blaine was in some vague, top secret place right now. Of all his sons, Blaine mattered the most. He was being biased, truly. But he didn't care. If it wasn't for Blaine's instincts after Andy's father died, there wouldn't have been any Warblers, and there wouldn't have been any protectors in this town. Andy couldn't imagine what might have been if Blaine hadn't done what he'd done.

Calm settled over the three of them, as they kept watch. Garret had given up inquiring Quinn and was now focused on the task at hand. Quinn was perched on top of a boulder, watching everything in front of her with a focused gaze.

If Andy tired hard enough, he could almost hear the Rogues and the clamoring Vampires in the depths of the Graveyard/forest. He could almost hear Finn's insistent loud voice in background as they stored as much fuel as possible. He could almost feel the entire town stirring in activity as people prepared to fight or to hide.

He knew it would be filthy, an unfair fight, but he was ready for a sacrifice himself if need be. If it meant the town's safety, he'd gladly die. His only regret would be to not embrace his sons before leaving this world, literally twice.

They knew it was coming even before Burt called them. The forest had rung with the noise of the oncoming brutes and the three of them tensed.

"God, I wish my sisters were here," Quinn mumbled. "But we can do this, right guys...?"

"Yep, we are the Trinity right now," Garret confirmed.

Andy nodded. Yes, they could do this, they could buy time. Quinn had educated him a lot on Trinity's style and battle tactics already. Garret didn't know much, but had seen enough of their preparations to realize what to do.

They were going to ambush the oncoming Vampires—Trinity Style. And this style required stealth and a lot of traps.

So as the first Vampire broke through the forest, the three of them fell forward on the ground, crouching to stay hidden.

Their first trap triggered right outside the trees. The web of superfine, silver wires was ripping through each Vampire as it broke through the forest with the full Vampire speed. It took the whole of ten seconds, but the damage was done. Those who could hit the break were lucky. Those at the front, not so much.

The Rogues were too wild to realize why the Vampires stopped short in alarm, and as they pushed forward, their screams rang in the still of the town.

"How long will it take them to figure a way out...?" Garret hissed.

"Worry not. They'd still loose limbs, no matter how they try to circulate my web. And even if they do...we have more traps set just ahead."

There was no pride in Quinn's voice. It was quiet and measured. And suddenly Andy realized why. A compassionate woman like Quinn—she was loathe to kill the Rogues, and those who were obviously here to attack. She loathed killing her fellow species.

If only the humans could also be this way. If only, there were no wars and no racial discriminations, this world would be such a peaceful place. As it was, he also knew there was a reason for this. These monsters would not even blink as they killed humans, and so, it was only by being just as ruthless they could wish to survive.

His only satisfaction was in the fact that this time around, hi sacrifice would actually amount to something.


2 Hours

Burt started getting calls again. They haven't breached the Tavern yet, but the townspeople have been coming in droves. Usually, those who had young children with them and were incapable of fighting were sent in the basement without further notice. The men and youngsters all armed themselves without much fuss. Everyone knew what was going to be done, and they were all willing.

Burt felt guilty, and yet, was thankful. All these people trusted him, trusted them, with their lives—they were ready to fight alongside them with an enemy that was powerful. It spoke a lot of their morale and conscience, and Burt could only hope to prove to them how much it all meant to him. Though, this wasn't the time for idling, and everyone knew it.

The first call came from the hospital. The injured people had filled up the space, there was no more room, or no more doctors capable of treating the patients. After a lot of deliberation, Dave Karofsky, Lauren Zizes and their friends, Amanda, Scott and two more ex-Vampires walked out to help in the hospital.

The Second urgent call came from Cooper. A large group of Rogues but mostly of Edward's elite guard had circumvented the hill and gone toward the high school. In all the chaos, many students had taken refuge in the underground hall, instead of running home in such dire conditions. This caused a lot of uproar, especially by the parents of those kids in the Tavern. Burt assigned the Warblers to take charge this time.

He knew it was stupid to let the boys go alone, but he also knew that the kids needed protection more. So Nick, Jeff, Wes and David took up a group of a few young boys and girls who knew how to use sword or fire guns along and went to the rescue of the High School-ers.

Hunter, Justin and Thad stayed in the Tavern, in case the Vampires attacked here. They were worried for Blaine, but they showed no sign of being leaderless, accepting Burt's orders without trouble. It actually made everyone feel safe that the Warblers were here. The view of townspeople was radically changing about these boys, and Burt was glad for it.

The third stress call was sent up from Quinn. The Vampires had finally broken though their traps. It had been a pretty useful distraction, but somehow, the Vampires had managed to circle around the tarps and make it through other routes. Quinn's team had been unable to intercept them in time.

"But there's hope still," she'd said in addiction. "A lot of Rogues are dead already. Many of the Vampires too. The traps took out—well at an estimate—at least more than 3 hundred. That's all, though; the rest, you'd have to deal with yourself."

"When are you going to join us...?" Burt had asked.

"In a while, we just need to recuperate first."

"Go to the High School," Burt instructed. "I sent Warblers, but Edward's elite guard had gone there. I don't want to know why, but it would be something bad. Please, help there Quinn."

"We are on our way now."

When Burt had finally finished the call, he heard the unmistakable uproar just around the corner. The Vampires, at least four hundred of them, had just entered the square. On cue, Burt signaled the young kids.

As was decided, they started throwing the shutters down in front of the huge glass windows of the tavern, blocking the view and holing up. Burt took up his rifles, extra bullets and charged out the door in last, making sure everyone was already out and fighting.

Turning back, he yelled, "Now, kids, back to the basement as we planned, and lock up! Do not open the door unless its me or Old Riley, understood?"

The kids nodded solemnly and shut the door behind him, before scrambling toward the basement and doing exactly what was told.

In the basement, Tina and Becky had taken charge. All the old women, the sick women and two more pregnant women were here. The lot of kids and small babies were whimpering. After a lot of persuasion and some treats, the kids quieted down.

The only sounds now were the battle cries from upstairs. They knew that the Tavern was till empty, nobody had breach it yet. But they also knew once the humans started retreating, the Vampires would come inside as well.

Tina prayed silently for everyone and Mike's safety. She had cried earlier when she was alone with Becky and Amber. Now, she was silent and composed for sake of everyone else. Whatever happens, she had to survive, for her baby and for everyone else. She wouldn't die here, not happening.

After an entire hour, the first signs of movements upstairs were heard. Nobody moved, knowing what signal to respond to. And since no Riley or Burt had still come out the door, they stayed put, and waited with baited breaths.

The sounds were loud and human, maybe, their comrades have returned. There were no more gunshots or battle cries yet. Then, someone was knocking on the door. Everyone jumped. A few kids let out wails of terror.

"It's ME!" Old Riley grumbled. "Open up, now!"

Becky ran and threw the door open. A disheveled Riley came inside. And held a finger to his mouth, silencing everyone's questions.

"It's a small window, so we can't waste time. I need you all to follow me, double time, and be as quiet as possible. While the men are keeping the Vamps busy, we are making an escape. A basement is no place for women and kids, I say. Now, hurry up!"

Tina took charge again with Becky, and they successfully transported everyone upstairs. Tina threw a look behind her shoulder, just catching a glimpse through kitchen door window of the men fighting outside, firing out the door and keeping everyone at bay. She didn't see Mike, but she saw a few faces, looking exhausted but unhurt.

Then they were outside the backdoor, climbing onto a pickup truck and a bus. As they got seated, Tina asked, "Where are we going now...?"

Riley smiled sadly. "Toward the only place we can. The Dalton House."


The battle wasn't going any better than they'd planned. So far there'd been injuries only, and everyone wanted to keep it that way.

Their main concern was to get women and children up the hill, so they distracted the onslaught to the best of their abilities.

It was an hour full of yells, screams and chaos as Vampires fell and burst into ash. An hour full of pain and agony as humans fell with injuries and lost limbs. It was not going well. At all. And Burt only hoped that Riley will be successful because they could only buy so much time.

It wasn't until he killed his 30th or so vampire that he realized they were all targeting him for some reason. As he finished of another Vampire, he concluded why that was. He had to hand it to Edward; the Vampire knew how to be cunning. Of course, if Burt died in this skirmish, Kurt would be mad. Mad enough to loose control and do something crazy, like he'd done that night.

The townspeople would even accept Edward's alternative of Turning Kurt into a full Vampire in order to control him then. And Burt would be damned before he allowed it. If only he'd somehow made contact with Kurt and explained the situation. His only hope was that whatever they were doing in this elusive Cabin, they'd be delayed long enough for this battle to end.


Burt looked back at the call and smiled. Finn was charging in the battle in the largest truck they owned, he held open a door as he drove straight for Burt. Holding out a hand, Burt climbed through the door and closed it after him. Finn put his foot down on the accelerator.

"They are coming at you, aren't they?" Finn spat out, his face concentrated as he squashed the Vampires in his way, blaring the horn for humans to get out of the way.

Burt nodded and caught his breath. "I'm—sure—it's—for Kurt—they want to— lure him—out!"

"Well let's hope Blaine takes him to safety once they see what's happening here," Finn replied.

Burt smiled thankfully. Finn could be clueless at times, but when the need was great, Finn was the most calm and focused person he knew.

"Where to...?" Finn asked at last. "I managed to secure a lot of oil, sent five cars down to Abrams' house already. They are considering turning it into another storehouse, as they have a large basement." Turning sharply and running over another Vampire, Finn added, "This truck is also full to bursting. So...what's the plan...?"

"I'm calling retreat. They are trying to get me, so we need another distraction, obviously. I just don't know how to manage that."

Finn nodded and said, "How about we lure them away from square? We can then mange a safe route for retreat."

Burt grunted. It was as good as plan as any. Fishing out his phone he called everyone he could. Puck and Neil were the only ones to pick up. They assured him to do as was asked.

That's how they found themselves running back to the Tavern ten minutes later, Finn's truck parked near the backdoor. A few of people had already managed to return ahead. They were sitting, nursing their wounds and catching breaths.

Burt held open the door as everyone came rushing in battered, bruised. But when a few faces didn't appear he got scared.

"Where's Jake and Joe?!" he yelled at those who've managed to come back.

Mike huffed, "They've gone to Scandals. Seems some Vampires were keep hostages there. The situation is clear but they are staying back, just in case."

"Good. Now..." Burt did a head count, relieved to see that many were back safely. Then he grabbed hold of Rory. "Go downstairs and check if the women are still in basement. I sure hope Riley got them out already, but to be safe"

Rory nodded and ran down the stairs. A few minutes later his voce shouted back up. "It's empty! Riley got them out!"

Burt grunted to himself and dialed another number. "Cooper?"


"This is your signal, kid. Wrap up the telescopes, lock down and there's a party of kids and women headed your way. Settled them down, please."

"Burt, they are already on their way. I can see them. I'll text you with details after we are safely inside, OK?"

Burt smiled. "Good, kiddo. Be safe."

"You too."

Burt relayed the news to everyone else. But then Rachel's scream brought him to attention. She had been upstairs in Puck's apartment, doing research and trying to get in touch with the Hilly Radio all this time.

She was now running downstairs and her eyes were wide in despair. "THEY KILLED KURT!"

Burt's feet melted and he was on the floor, his eyes wide and his breaths gone. Finn was suddenly there, holding him, his face suddenly tearful.

"NO!" Sam roared, while Lily growled, animalistic.

Rachel held out a trembling hand, her tablet playing a video on loop. From what he saw, Burt could really tell how Kurt died. But then, Lily started cursing loudly, colorfully in such a way that everyone present blushed.

"LIE!" she yelled. "ALL A LIE!" Taking the tablet, she held it out for Burt for closer inspection. "SEE!"

And he did. After just one watch, he realized the kid on the video wasn't his son. Kurt wore the best clothes only—or those that Finn lent him which was always too big for his slender frame. This kid was wearing the normal, teenager-y stuff, so not Kurt's style. Kurt would rather die in shame than let a baseball cap touch his fabulous hair, this kid was wearing one. And no way would Kurt sound like that! Burt would know Kurt's beautiful voice anywhere, anyway. This was not Kurt. As Lily said, it was a lie.

Burt was so angry right now, he could've killed Edward were he in sight. Getting up he grabbed at Rachel. "Did. You. Get. The. Radio?"

Rachel shuddered but nodded. "Yes, they are on hold." She held out her phone now.

"Hello...?" Burt said.

"Hello! This is Lucas Monroe; I'm the host of Hilltown Brunch. What is it Mr Hummel?"

"You know the situation in town, right?"

"Yes," the voice Burt had heard through radio playing songs many an afternoon was scared. "People have called, they are scared. They want to leave. What should I do to help? They've locked down the station and we can't get out."

"Is there anyway I can get a message across to everyone?"

"I can go on-air now," Lucas said. "I'm not sure if everyone will have their radio cranked in this crisis but that's the only way. Or I could go live on internet, kids are sure to get notifications and spread the news via social networking sites."

"Good. I'll talk to the people of Hilltown now. I need to get the word out. You in, Lucas?"

The voice was relieved and optimistic. "Yes, sir. We'll be on-air in ten minutes."

Burt gave the phone to Rachel and said, "Let me know when I'm on."

He then stalked toward the people who were guarding Tavern outside and asked situation. Apparently the Vampires were gone to looting the shops and killing people. Thankfully, a lot of people had already come to Tavern to fight; those who hadn't have locked themselves up in their cellars and protective rooms. Those who had been sheltered by ex-Deserters were as safe as houses, thanks to their experience.

The Vampires may as well be wasting time looking for prey in the town. So Burt was glad they still had time left.

He got out his own phone and saying a prayer, dialed a number, halfway through his typing, his cell phone rang.

The caller ID said Sebastian Smyth.

Burt laughed aloud in relief and got inside. "Thank god, Sebastian! I've been trying to get to you guys for ages! WHERE'S KURT?"

"Calm down, Burt. He's with me. Blaine also, with Brittany and Santana. Just what happened...?"

From his calm tone, Burt realized Sebastian was safe and so was Kurt. "It's Edward, he's...he's attacked us..."


"I was going crazy with worry, thinking he had Kurt...He used Kurt as bait, Sebastian. He actually said Kurt was dead. And everyone lost hope like falling leaves..."

"No, it's a bluff. He's safe, he's here..."

"I know—I just—when I first heard it..." he huffed, claming down a bit. No need to worry Sebastian about his own fears. There were important things to be done. "Look, I need you to take care of him. Leave everything to me, OK. Edward still doesn't know that his bluff is not going to be effective with us, so let's just use this to our advantage."

"What do you suggest?"

"You are sure the Cabin is safe?"

A sudden uproar went up outside and Burt felt his heart stutter. It was time. It was about to happen any second.

"Tell me!"

Sebastian's voice was almost weak over the noise. "Yes, it is...But..."


Burt was now running to arm himself. He'd need to fight again and there was no more time to stand about. The first gunshot went off, meaning the monsters were right at the door.




Burt almost wept in relief. There was hope then. A scream went up ahead of him and he saw a man fall. Dead.

"AND KEEP KURT SAFE AS WELL...? AND FIND HELP...?" Burt rushed on. He was almost there, gun at the ready.

"YES, I CAN..."

Burt smiled calmly. He was in sight of the warring bodies now. He aimed at the nearest monster. "They've breached the Tavern. I have to go. Do what you must...and tell Kurt I love—"

The phone fell from his hand but he hoped Sebastian got the message. He hoped they'd somehow manage to run and stay away. Right now, he needed to defend their station.

As they fought, two more people fell; they couldn't see who and Burt didn't want to know either. Time to grieve will come, but not yet.

Then Jake and Joe were charging from behind the monsters at the door, they were with eight armed men and a few teenagers who were armed with clubs and rods.

The faint shock ran through the Vampires but it was enough to delay with them easily. It wasn't until everyone stopped that Burt realized their attackers had been numbered.

"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?" Puck yelled, looking around at the left humans.

"It was a scare attack, I think," Joe grunted, wiping sweat off his face and pushing his dreadlocks back.

"What now...?" someone asked.

Burt shrugged. "Now we man up and fight straight! RACHEL! ARE WE ON YET?!"

"Yes," she squeaked and handed him the phone.

Lucas said, "Burt, you are on-air now. Say what you need to say, man."

Being serious and completely focused, Burt delivered his message. He was calm, adamant and firm. Everyone was watching him; more than a hundred people were out there, listening to his voice. Those people then shared this message to everyone and people started rallying within the next half an hour.

By nightfall, a large crowd of Hilltowners was gathered at the base of the hill. Everyone was looking at Burt with hope and respect. Everyone was certain that, this time around, they were REALLY saved.

All because they knew Hummel men never disappointed, they always kept their promises. And Burt's promise had been one they couldn't ignore.


"People of Hilltown, Mayor Edward have defied the rules and attacked the humans; he is no longer your leader. I'm assuming the command. This is your NEW Mayor, Burt Hummel. And I want you all to rally and join us at the hill. It's well protected, at a high vintage point and an easy location to fight off these damned monsters. We are providing every amount of safety to you.

Additionally, about the rumors—KURT IS ALIVE AND WELL. He's safe. Do not believe what you see. Just listen to my voice, as you know it well. I've been here with you folks all my life, and I want to die with you folks. Let's stand together against this vermin. Let's fight together!

I'll be waiting all night at the hill for every one of you. If you can't reach us and are attacked, call us through the Hilly Radio. Tell Lucas and he'll contact me with your problems. We'll send men to save you. Please, join us. I am waiting, yours truly, Burt."


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