Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 19: The Woman Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 19: The Woman

T - Words: 13,117 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
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Author's Notes: I can leave you hanging on a cliff too, apparently. *smug* :-P
~ Chapter 19 ~
The Woman

It was all over for the Mayor. The news of the disturbance at the Hummels—a.k.a. one of the most known and respectable household in the Hilltown—was all over the HTV. The reporters like Jacob Ben Israel and Roz Washington were at the scene even before anyone could hide traces of Vampire ash.

Sebastian got out with Nick and Jeff, carrying Carole to the HQ before anyone could stop them. Burt and Puck took care of the wounded Vampires, asking them if they were against them or not. The remaining five Vampires only wanted to be left alone for time being. It had been pretty messed up for them to know their own master had abandoned them for dead like this. Burt let them leave in peace, much to Puck's dismay.

"They are probably going to go back to Ed!" Puck muttered in displeasure.

"It's OK," Burt had said. "It's all out now. Now those who've partially given up on us will know what their Mayor had done. It's over for Edward anyways."

Roz had stumbled over in her high-heels at that very moment, sticking a mike in Burt's face. Ben was a step behind, holding a camera.

"Mr. Hummel, can you please testify on the act of terrorism that just took place here?"

"This was no terrorism," Burt said clearly. "My family had refused to give up my son to the Mayor Smyth. In return he tried to burn down my house. As you can see, he came with many of his Vampires and attacked us in the dead of night. It's a miracle how we successfully evaded it."

Roz nodded, looking excited for her scoop. "Is this your personal vendetta against the Mayor by blaming him for what was obviously an accident? This looks like a gas leak to me."

Burt gave her a glare. In the next minute, Puck was with them again.

"We have witnesses, who saw the Mayor with their own eyes," he said, glaring at Roz again. "In fact, young Danny here was able to capture all this on his phone."

Another young boy stepped forward; he had a mousy face with huge glasses. "Yeah—I got it. I was up all night working on my Chem. assignment. Then I heard all these creepy screams and growling. I thought it was the stray dogs, at first. Then I looked out the window and the Hummels house was surrounded. I didn't see the Mayor at first because—" The boy spluttered and peeked at Burt in horror. "Um—they were too fast. I don't know how you people kept fighting them. Well—then they all started leaving and that's when the Mayor he..."

Needless to say, Danny told everything as if reading an action-replay. When Roz still tired to elude this, Danny handed over his phone, simply saying, "I got the whole video. Three minutes full. You can clearly hear Edward; he was very raucous and bigheaded."

Roz had the scoop of her life. At once her demeanor changed and she brandished the phone, claiming it hers, and saying, "This exclusive by HTV, everyone. I was lucky enough to catch the culprit myself. Let's see what we have here."

By that evening, the video had gone viral all over the town. People saw with their own eyes the declarations Edward made and his open threats to the Hummels.

There was just one set back. People also knew what was so special about that 'new Hummel kid' now.

"Is this safe?" Finn had asked his father when the reporters finally let them leave.

There had been countless interviews, where everyone had told and retold what occurred. The Trinity officially came out as the Deserters, renouncing their ties to the Mayor, and urging everyone else to do the same. There had been talk of Sebastian too, as Roz tied to grill everyone on information about the Mayor's son. They had to condemn the rumors like "the Warblers were thugs and thrives" to "the Mayor's son was illegally killed by the Deserters." They didn't exactly say where Sebastian was, though. Everyone was firm on this fact to keep it quiet for as long as possible. Edward was ratted out enough to make his position miserable. Sebastian should stay out the picture a little longer, till they figured out what more to do.

"Yes, I think," Burt had told Finn at last. "If we need people to join us, they should know exactly who they are planning to fight with. Keeping Kurt's identity as secret anymore will only make them talk of it like it was something bad or accursed."

It had also surfaced questions on Kurt himself. Roz tried to push for answers regarding Kurt's disappearance all those years back, and the truth about the 'experiments' the Hummels had supposedly conducted. Burt told the story first-hand again, with Andy filling out the specifics about his own role in it.

There was no escape for Edward now. EVERYONE knew the truth.


Blaine sat by Kurt, trying to hold the shaking man in his arms. Kurt kept shrinking away for some reason. He still wore the same blank expression of shock and self-hatred. No matter how hard everyone tried, Kurt remained silent.

They were at the Jones house; Mercedes was making soup for Kurt. The Hummel house was thoroughly burnt, with nothing left. Even the cellar had been destroyed, along with the blood-bags that Kurt fed on. Although, this problem was easily cured as Andy and Quinn drooped with their personal stashes for Kurt, before returning to their bossiness once again.

A lot was happening all at once.

Burt had been gone all morning, handling the press, leading the charge as the police (sans the Sheriff, whose loyalties were still with Edward) tried to secure the crime scene. He was busy answering various calls by panicked people, accepting their apologies or their announcements that they were with them now.

Finn had come a while back with Rachel, she checked Kurt over for any injuries. There was nothing wrong with him. His earlier wounds were nicely healed up already, and his health didn't look incongruous. The only problem was his shocked silence and the scared trembling that shook his body. It looked as if Kurt was seeing horrible things behind his glazed glasz eyes, horrible things he couldn't block out.

Blaine and Sebastian had had a long talk, as they had first arrived. Every thing that Blaine heard made him worry more and more. What Sebastian had said was true and no mistakes. Kurt had lost sight of right and wrong during the fight, he'd lost control over his own body due to the rage. Which made them to conclude Kurt's Vampire side was fully fueled whenever he was in anger. They had decided to keep Kurt as calm as possible.

Keeping him calm, though, was not working well. No matter how long Blaine stroked Kurt's check softly and soothingly, or told soft soothing things to him, Kurt kept shaking inconsolably. After a few hours, Blaine also sat silently, observing Kurt, completely powerless.

His brothers had come in to talk occasionally at first, but Blaine had simply left Wes in charge, saying that he was staying with Kurt for the time being. Outside matters could be dealt with by Wes alone; he had full confidence in his brothers' abilities.

Finally, Burt returned before the sunset. His leg was plastered and he leaned on a staff, as he came to settled next to Kurt. "Carole woke up a while ago," he informed the surrounding company, Finn, Mercedes, Mrs Jones, Rachel and Blaine. "Jeffery called. Sheriff Motta is not at home, he's escaped. So have several of Edward's supporters. Puckerman is rounding up all the Deserters..."

"Wait—what?" Blaine finally asked, perking up in interest. Even Kurt looked up silently.

There was a smile on Burt's face; a content, satisfied smirk. "I've done it—finally. I fought so hard back then, but nobody listened. Everybody knows about Edward's true intentions now, so they agreed with my proposal at once. From now on, we've officially reinstated the Deserters. They are no longer outsiders, but part of the community. It'll take a bit of paper work but—their properties are going back to them, they can live with the society now."

There were smiled everywhere. "Thank Lord!" Mrs Jones exclaimed joyfully.

"Oh, my," Rachel gasped with tearful eyes. "Really? I can go back to my house? Oh, thank you Burt. Thank you!" Burt accepted Rachel's hug heartily. Looking over at Finn, Burt gave a wink.

"Congratulations, Rachel," Blaine simply said, smiling too. "It was a job well-done Burt. Thankfully something great has come out of it."

Burt sighed. "Yeah—thankfully. Just my house is gone. I can always rebuild, of course, I'm well off as I have oil business. I just have a feeling thing will get worst before they get better. Edward won't take this blow easily. He'll look for revenge, again."

"And we will be ready," Blaine said earnestly. "We have more support now, Burt. People KNOW now what is going on. They'll help us fight. About the other matter, you can always come uphill. Dalton House is your home for as long you'd like. Heck, if any of the Deserters need home, our doors are open."

Burt chuckled clapping his hand on Blaine's shoulder. "Thanks, bud. I'll take you up on the offer. But I meant it. Thing are not as grand as they appear."

"Why what's wrong?" Finn asked, concerned.

"With Edward's rule gone, people are starting to rebel," Burt sighed. "I just got a call from McKay; many people have tried leaving the town. Since Edward's minions are still keeping watch on those who leave town... Well, they've killed a family who was trying to leave."

"But—with Edward gone his rules no longer apply!" Blaine exclaimed. "Why are they still trying to stop people?"

"That's what Wes was trying to say to you when he came earlier," Burt informed, looking at Blaine with slight disappointment. "They're gone with the Trinity to take out Edward's watchdogs from the forest road. They are going to officially tell the watch guards that rules no longer apply. If they left, there would be no need of bloodshed. But something tells me, there will be trouble with those bastards. Since Andy got caught leaving, they've doubled the security even more."

Blaine's heart stuttered. His brothers were out there fighting again. Why wasn't he with them? Oh, because Kurt needed him.

As if realizing the problem too, Kurt suddenly took hold of his hand. There was a gentle smile on his face. "It's OK, Blaine. Go, they need you. I'm right here with everyone. It'll be fine."

Blaine shook his head. "No way, Kurt. You've been sitting here like a statue all day! You can say you are fine, but you aren't. Don't even dare lie about this!"

"Blaine, stand down..." Burt said warningly.

"No way, Burt. Let me speak," Blaine was still glaring at Kurt with painful emotions clear on his face. "I know what happened today was horrible, Kurt. And I know how you feel. You think I haven't felt the same way about myself every time I have to kill another Vampire? I do. I feel wretched. But that doesn't change the fact that they came on to you first! You were just defending your home!" Huffing in annoyance, Blaine took hold of Kurt's face and kissed his forehead. "They are just Vampires, Kurt. They are monsters who need to be killed. End of story. Don't feel pathetic over that."

Kurt simply met Blaine's eyes. "So am I, Blaine. I'm also a Vampire. A Monster. I deserve to die just as much."

Blaine's heart stopped for a minute. His face paled in horror. He hadn't meant to say that! How stupid! "N-no—Kurt...That's not what I meant! You are not a monster, you are still human! You are different, Kurt! You don't answer to any Master, you're a free agent. They are nothing like you. You'll never be like them."

Kurt looked over at Finn instead. "Tell him how I was like, Finn. Tell him..." Finn blushed and looked away, looking uneasy all of a sudden. "Dad? Can you tell Blaine what I was like tonight?"

Burt remained silent too, making Blaine's throat dry in worry. Sure he hadn't SEEN how Kurt fought; he only heard Sebastian description in lines of "insane" "out of control" and "unstoppable rage." He still wasn't sure if to believe that guy, though. But looking at Finn and Burt's uneasy faces—he finally realized what would have happened.

Blaine had dealt with many newborns over time. They were really hard to stop once they snapped in bloodlust or rage. And Kurt was—albeit a half-Vampire—still a week old. His training as Vampire was nil, except that he drank from blood-bags. They still had to teach Kurt to control his thirst in case of a human prey nearby. These things hadn't been made clear to Kurt yet, so he was newborn in all ways that counted.

And Blaine knew exactly what newborns looked like when they fought. Insane, unstoppable, out of control and minds—exactly how Sebastian had described Kurt's fight tonight.

"No!" Finn suddenly exclaimed. "It's not like that. I see what you are trying to think, Blaine. But it wasn't like that! Kurt was fully aware. He KNEW what was happening. He was simply angry on the Vampires. He tried to save Dad's life when a Vampire was upon him. And he knew how to keep them away and off of the both of us. He was sane enough."

Blaine now looked at his boyfriend with excitement. Kurt had fought like a newborn, yet he had been fully in charge of his brain. He hadn't stopped recognizing his family, or Santana and Brittany. Their accounts didn't mention if Kurt had tried to come after them as well. Sebastian's hadn't either.

"See?" Blaine said, smiling glowingly. "You only fought back with all you had. And you didn't hurt your family at all. That's how you are different Kurt. You are human too."

Kurt still looked unconvinced. Then Burt simplified the matters by saying, "Hey, kid. Stop this. Kurt needs proper education on this subject and it can wait. I'm taking your offer. We'll live at Dalton till we can arrange a new home for ourselves. How about we start moving up the hill, and you go and help your bothers, huh?"

Blaine nodded with a bright smile. "Yeah. Sounds great. I'll see you in a while." Kissing Kurt's cheek one last time, Blaine grabbed his jacket and sword from the foyer and left hurriedly.

"Well—I know this whole living with your boyfriend scene is exciting," Burt said the minute Blaine was gone, staring at Kurt with a stern look. "But I don't want any funny business between the two of you. You are not sleeping together. Not till you are 18 or maybe even 25."

Kurt finally rolled his eyes, a smile on his lips. "Duly noted, Dad. Anything else?"

"Nope. Let's get moving, shall we?"


Puck was overlooking the mass evacuation from Sue's house. Nearly everybody had some kind of relatives left who had decided to take them back in. Most people had houses that were either locked up or left open for the looters—still, they had property worth living in.

Burt had called earlier to say that Blaine had offered Dalton House as temporary refuge for any Deserters in case they needed a place to stay. More than a hundred people still refused to go back to their homes, saying that they were used to staying with Sue, and didn't want to leave.

"Hey, Neil?" Puck asked the second in command Deserter Leader as he set his own charges free. "Where do you want to go? I can hook you a room at my place."

Neil shook his head. "Nah, actually Maria and I are taking Alex to Dalton. The Warblers will give us a room, or so Burt had said. It's better if we don't crowd the hill that much just yet; besides, many people want to avoid the Warblers still. They prefer going to their own homes more."

"And yet a lot more prefer to stay here," Puck replied, looking at those who were still here. "Sue will be pissed, she will."

"I don't think so," Neil said with a smirk. "She acts tough but she isn't really. Besides, now that most have gone back home, the lodging at this house will be easier now. Everyone will have a bed to sleep in, at least."

"What you think of Smyth?" Puck said, looking over at the corner where Sebastian sat on the floor, observing everyone as they hurried about. "Think we can trust him?"

Neil didn't reply at once. Then, "If Burt trusts the man, so do I. He did save Carole. Why'd he put his own self in danger just to prove himself to us is beyond me. Unless, he really did that because he wanted to save her. Whatever, I don't mind as long as he stays like this and don't start bad mouthing everyone as he used to."

From the corner of his eye, Puck could have sworn Sebastian had smiled at this. Nodding Neil farewell, Puck made his way to where the Vampire sat, sliding on the floor next to him. "So how long you sticking around?" he asked casually.

Sebastian just shrugged. "I don't know. Nobody said anything to me."

"Where do you live now?" Puck asked instead. "I mean, you've been avoiding Ed's men so long your place must be top secret or something."

Sebastian smirked again. "Oh, it is. I won't tell you though."

"No matter, dude. I'm here to say you should get going too now, before Sue comes here and sees you lazing your ass." Puck got up to leave but then stopped. After a minute of thought he said, shrugging. "I can hook you up at my place, if you want. Old man might need some exciting company."

Sebastian readily got up. "Yes, Blaine did mention I should ask you for lodgings."

As they were about to leave through the front hall, they saw Hummels making their way to the house too. Seeing them, they stopped.

Puck embraced Finn with a relieved smile when he saw his friend wasn't injured much; he then clasped his hand on Kurt's shoulder, giving a respectable nod. Puck had seen enough of the videos to know how hard Kurt must have fought. And anyone who killed those bitch Vamps was cool enough for Puck.

"Are you two leaving?" Burt asked, looking at Sebastian inquiringly.

"Yeah, taking him to my place," Puck replied. "Bet Granddad will be thrilled."

Burt laughed "I bet. Riley was best friends with a Vampire when you guys showed up here the first time around. He'd have a lot of stories to tell, I wager."

"You here to see Carole?" Puck asked instead.

"Yes, we finished moving whatever we could to Dalton House. Now we wanted to see Carole before we called it a night."

"See ya, then," Puck said and started to leave.

"Sebastian, can I talk?" Kurt stopped them again; there was an unreadable look in his eyes.

Sebastian just nodded, and waited till Burt and Finn were gone. Puck hovered for a second, then just made his way out the house. Kurt didn't talk at once; he was sill looking at the ground in nervousness. Then...

"Thanks, for stopping me." Kurt was blushing in mortification now. "I was not—I wasn't going to stop by myself so, thanks for doing that. And also, for the warning before."

Sebastian frowned. "Warning...?"

Kurt's brow contorted thoughtfully. "Yeah—that message, I got it." He fumbled with his pockets and drew out a crumpled note. "You sent it flying through my window, right?"

Sebastian opened the note and read. His frown deepened. "Kurt, I didn't send you any warning."

"Then, who was it?"

Looking at the note again, Sebastian sniffed the paper. His eyes went wide. "I know this scent. I've smelled it before..." Taking another whiff, Sebastian muttered annoyingly. It was clear he couldn't figure out who it was again. "I'm sorry. I can't say who it is yet. It's just that—ever since I ran away I haven't been feeding well. It disrupts my energy and power. So I can't help you, I'm sorry..."

"Maybe it was her," Kurt mumbled. "That woman who tried to save me."

Sebastian shrugged. "It could be. Now at least we know for sure she means you no harm. Still, don't go looking for her or anything. You shouldn't trust anyone just like that. Now that your secret is out, people might take advantage of you."

Kurt only answered with a smile. "I don't think so. Dad says Edward considers me too valuable a weapon to allow this news to leak to other Vampires. So for the time being, I don't think anyone will know."

"Doesn't hurt to be careful," Sebastian said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta leave. I need sleep. And maybe some more water."

"Is that helpful? Water?" Kurt couldn't stop asking.

"It dulls the 'thirst' and 'dryness' that comes with the bloodlust. Momentarily, but it is affective in keeping the madness at bay in any case," Sebastian replied. Then smiled. "You don't need to worry though. You can deal with hunger by eating normal food. Besides, you aren't a full Vampire, your thirst isn't going to endanger anyone. You might take a lot of blood out of someone, yes, but you wouldn't kill anyone for sure. Perks of being half-human, you can say." With a wink, Sebastian left.


What a day it has been. And even stranger night.

I still can't believe I did all of those things. Killed all of those Vampires as if they were mere insects. Dad and Blaine can keep telling me how different I am, but I can no longer respect myself. Sebastian makes it sound like it is easy, but I know the power and anger I can feel in my veins even now. I feel as if I'll break anyone I touch. I couldn't even bring myself to touch Blaine earlier. I can't be responsible for scarring Blaine yet again with these bloody hands of mine, I couldn't.

Thank god Carole is OK now. Her face is slightly burnt, but with salves and proper care, she'll be fine. Or so Dr Hiram says.

These past days have been so damn messy. It's like ever since I came here, my life is no longer ordinary. And, it sounds strange even to my own ears, when I think that now I am completely used to the way things worked here. I have become so submerged and accustomed to the things, the rules people lived by here that I feel as if I've lived here all my life. As if I'd never left. The way things worked in the outside world is a distant memory now.

I've forgotten how to go places and have fun, or buying even. I've forgotten the night lights or clubs or parties that the outside world held.

This is my new life now. In this life, I am a half-Vampire. Goody.

The only happiness I have is that from now on I'll live with Blaine in the same house. Cool, right. But still, it would also mean I could hurt him with more success, once I loose control again. The only consolation is that Blaine—as the Warbler he is—will be able to help himself even if I attack him. He will be able to kill me, in case I become the monster again.

Have I considered it as a probable solution to everything? Yes, I have. If I died, nobody will be able to 'use' me or my 'power' anymore. Edward will fail and eventually be killed by Blaine or someone else. Everyone will find peace.

And yet, I know how cowardly it will be. Killing myself over a single fight? How pathetic! I can do better than that. Maybe, I can go berserk while Edward was around, kill him and finish this stupid game. If I really hold such power, maybe I should put it to good use.

Moreover, Dad did say something about education on this topic. Blaine could totally help me out with stuff I can't understand. Mr Anderson could help too. Maybe I really shouldn't give up just yet.

The visit to Carole is uneventful, as the Doctor suggests she stays here one more night. As we leave, Neil and Maria join us with a young boy.

"You are headed up the hill, Burt?" Neil asks. "Take us with you. We are going to stay there too for a while till I get my house back."

And so we are leaving for the hill again. The young boy keeps staring at me the whole ride. I'm guessing he'd seen that video too. His eyes are wide, in fear or astonishment, I don't know. But he doesn't say anything.

When he keeps staring, I suddenly ask him. "What's your name?"

He flushes a little at this sudden question. "Al-Alex," he mumbles finally. "You're Kurt, right?"

I just nod and go back to stare out the window. The town is ablaze with activity. Blaine still hadn't called to inform what became of his brothers or the Trinity. I hope it is all well.

We finally reach the hill and park near the garage at its base. Since there's no road going up, we'll have to hike.

"Oh, DAMN!" Dad suddenly growls. "I forgot to tell Riley to send up some snacks this night. I should've remembered..."

"Hey, Dad, I can go and tell him," I offer suddenly. Yes, I need time alone for a while. What's more, I've come to like the night, unsurprisingly.

Dad looks unsure but then Neil says, "I can go with him, Burt. Get along, we'll meet you soon."

As Neil and I make our way back down, we decide that it's too much to take the car again. The town square was near, and we start to walk.

Neil doesn't say much. He keeps his sturdy eye out at everything though.

"Is it weird? Being back?" I ask, realizing that prior to this evening, he was a Deserter.

"I came out in town before too, Kurt," he says with a smile. "But this is the first time I actually FEEL free. I actually feel as if I belong now. As no one is staring anymore. Well—not at me, anyways."

This is when I notice how the people are giving me intrigued looks. Thank goodness Finn had given me his hoodie to wear over my torn pajamas. I pull up my hood and duck my head, as Neil and I pick up our pace automatically.

When we enter the Tavern, its rowdy, bustling and there are so many people that I huddle closer to Neil out of inevitability. Sensing my apprehension, Neil takes my arm protectively and rushes his way toward the counter and finds a sweaty, hard at work, Rosa.

"Kurt! What are you dong here?" she squeaks, though looks happy to have us. "You are all the talk in the town! I've had customers asking after you all night!"

"That's wonderful, Rosa," Neil says with an uneasy smile. "I'm here for Burt's order. If he ordered anything, that is..."

Rosa looks uncomfortable. "Oh Lord! He asked me to send dinner to the hill boys! I have such a crowd today I completely forgot!"

She disappears behind the bar into the kitchen, leaving Marley in charge who looked nothing short of scared at so many orders around. She only had time to smile and wave at me as she tries to listen to everyone around. I feel a sense of warmth at her smile. If she still smiles at me, then maybe she doesn't think I'm a monster.

People have started to realize that I am here. The talking all dies down a bit and I feel glares on my back. Thankful of the hood, I duck my head further and ignore everyone.

A hand clamps me on the shoulder and I jump, only to find a grinning Puck near me.

"You should loose the hood. It's attracting far more attention."

"Really?" Maybe it is. People could easily recognize me if I hid my face this way. So I pull back the hood and try to look at home. "Great business you are having tonight."

Puck laughs. "Yeah—most people are the Deserters. At least those who aren't fleeing out of the town. Don't blame them, though. I'd run for it at the first chance too, but got responsibilities here."

"How many will leave, you think?" I ask. I'd been hearing rumors of mass migration all day.

"More than a few hundreds..." Puck says with a shrug. "Empty houses in almost every street. But that's cool as Sue and Evans are trying to give the Deserters those empty places as living quarters."

"At least now everyone knows what Edward is like," I try to sound hopeful.

"Yeah. But no use," Puck grumbles. "They still fear those Vamps. And they won't just join us because well—you aren't exactly normal anymore either, am I right?"

"They think I'm dangerous," I conclude, feeling justified at their behavior.

It was who I am. A monster. Of courses, they won't rust me. Even now at the closely packed Tavern I can feel so many scents and warm blood all around. It's hell trying to hold myself.

Riley suddenly appears behind the bar, a few packed packages in his arms. "Here ya go, Kurty! Tell Blaine he is a saint! Sending me that boy for company, huh?" With a wayward wink, Riley disappears.

"What did he just say" I ask Puck as Neil and I garb the packages carefully.

Puck snickers. "Blaine told Sebastian to lodge here, didn't he? Well—needless to say, old Riley is thrilled to have a Vampire guest."

I shake my head in amazement. Old Riley never ceases to amaze me. "Well, gotta go. See you, Puck!"

"See you, sweet ass!" he laughs and I duck my head in awkwardness again.

Neil and I step out in the open air. As we make our way back to the hill, I smile. There sure are a lot of people around, considering it's 9 o' clock. This hour usually left this town in darkness and isolation, not a soul in sight. Tonight, however, it was almost as if we were in a normal place.

Then I sense somebody behind me. Somebody NOT human. Before I can react, feeling slow owing to the heavy food packages in my hands, I feel a blow to me head. Neil yells and lunges for me—but all I see is darkness.


Blaine found the Trinity girls and his Warblers easily as soon as he got to where the highway was. He had expected there to be some sort of fighting or maybe a quarrel. All he found was his brothers and Trinity hiding under the bushes. They had seen him coming, but were still not responding in any way. Blaine was about to ask aloud what the fuck was going on, but then realized that they had made a trap of sorts and were waiting for a proper moment to trigger it.

Suddenly having an idea, Blaine made his noisy approach beyond the bushes where his team was hiding, just a few feet short of the traps he could barely discern.

"Oye, you bloodsuckers!" he called aloud. "I'm leaving town. Come and get me."

He heard a flying object and before he could duck, that object struck him on the head. Painfully but not enough to injure him.

"OUCH!" he said, rubbing his head and turning to face his pissed off teammates.

Brittany being the one who'd thrown the—was that a shoe?—came striding out and was about to hit him again, he slid away frowningly. "You asshole! We spent an hour setting that trap!"

"I didn't trigger it," Blaine murmured. He was truly feeling sorry that his tactics hadn't worked.

"That's fine," Brittany huffed and motioned everyone to come out. "They must have seen us setting them anyway. That's why they still hadn't shown."

From his brothers, Thad, Trent and Justin were the ones here. He assumed that Jeff and Nick would still be at the HQ, helping the Deserters with moving out. That left Wes, Hunter and David, who must be at the hill with Cooper.

"Any progress, though?" he asked as Quinn and his father came out of the bushes too.

"Not much," said Andy. "We tried talking but nobody answers. Although, I can feel they are around. Either they don't trust our word or Edward had told them specifically not to abandon post even if the rules are nullified. In both cases it is a problem."

Blaine nodded in understanding. He'd seen on his way here as the McKay family tried to hold up the throng of people who were ready to leave town. There had been a kilometer long line of vehicles. Knowing that the populace of this town isn't that large, after this mass departure, there would be much less people left to fight with Edward. Giving Edward a chance at easy victory, depending on how many of his guards were left.

That left the problem here at the town borders. To have killed a whole family so suddenly and swiftly, the watch guards must be numerous. In his visits to the forest in past, Blaine had always felt the presence of Vampires nearby. He had looked and searched every time, but with no luck. These guards were well trained for some reason. And if so, they still hadn't tried to stop Andy leaving the town previously against law. It was all so very confusing.

"So what now?" he asked as they all huddled close. "If we can't make them talk, can't attack, what do we do?"

"Lure them out..." Thad suggested. "But that wouldn't work, I have a feeling."

"That leaves the only alternative," Santana suddenly said, looking at Brittany with a significant glance.

At first nobody understood what was going on, but then Quinn gasped as she realized what Santana meant.

"Oh, no, I can't," Brittany promptly refused. "It's been ages since I even tried anything like this. I honestly can't risk it."

"What are you talking about?" Andy demanded even when Quinn didn't elaborate.

"Magic!" Santana said, a smirk on her face. "I know that Brittany knows how to cast spells. A few of them, but they may be enough to lure these bullheads out."

Thad and Justin gave her a disbelieving look. While Trent simply snorted, "That's bull."

In answer Brittany drew back the sleeves of her tight black top, and jumped across the hidden traps. "You guys should stand back."

Blaine didn't move, neither did anybody else. At that moment a sudden gust of wind started blowing around Brittany, making her high-ponytail swirl and twirl like a lopsided fan. As one, they all hid behind solid trees for cover. They still kept peeking at her though, as her whole aura intensified.

The Warblers weren't magicians per say, but they have started to learn to notice how one could feel a Vampire's aura or presence around them. It wasn't easily palpable to normal humans because they never paid much attention to such details. They usually disregarded, the chills in the air or the foreboding feeling of sudden dread due to no apparent cause, as being paranoid. They usually misread the signs as just their imaginations when there seemed to be actually somebody around, observing their each movement.

It had taken Blaine a whole year of training to learn this uncovering by his Grandfather and then Andy himself. He'd not been able to fully tell the Warblers how to detect such things, but with time and increasing encounters with Vampires, they'd slowly stated to learn such signs themselves.

Now, though. They were feeling Brittany's aura intensify as if it was a palpable, living and breathing thing. For once, they stood helpless as Brittany's presence grew sinister and dangerous.

Then there was a whiplash of white light, exploding out of her hands as it struck a radius of some hundred feet around them.

Blaine ducked behind his tree just in time, while Santana and Thad hadn't been so lucky. They were the ones enjoying the show too much standing in clear sight as the whiplash of magical energy burst forth from Brittany. So they flew across the forest, landing in tree branches a few hundred feet back.

It worked, nonetheless. There were sudden screeches of Vampires all around them as they received the shock waves of Brittany's spell and started falling out of trees like ripened mangoes. They were visibly hurt with torn limbs and cuts against their exposed skins.

"NOW!" Quinn yelled and charged, egging the Warblers to attack as well while the Vamps were still out of it.

Blaine stopped monetarily to look behind, only to see Santana and Thad stumbling toward the attack too, looking a bit dazed but unhurt. He also dropped by Brittany, who seemed to have sank on the forest floor, out of energy all of a sudden.

"I'm fine!" she gasped as he tried to pick her up. "Go and get them! I'm just exhausted I hadn't tried this in ages...Go!"

So Blaine left her there and joined the fray. They only had beheaded a few of the Vamps when they started to surrender all at once. Quinn didn't buy it at first but then she took hold of one of the Vampire girl's hair and snarled in her face, "Why didn't you answer?!"

"My Master told me not to!" she snarled back, groaning in pain from the injury in her neck. "We received word by Master Jessie that we were not supposed to let anyone out, no matter what."

"You weren't taking orders from Edward?" Andy realized at once. "When exactly this happened?"

"Last night," a blonde Vampire said. "He came to us suddenly. He was bleeding as if he'd been in a fight. He just told us to not listen to anyone and kill anyone who tried to leave. That's all we know."

"Jessie St James Sr.?" Andy asked again, to be certain.

The Vampires nodded. They stills sported a few of injuries. A moment later Blaine realized that they were not healing. He looked back to where Brittany was still resting on the ground, and smiled grimly. Seems she had cast such a spell that inflicted incurable injuries.

"All right," Blaine said to the Vampires. "Listen. Edward's rule is done for. Even as we speak, people are renouncing it. Implicating there are no more rules. Which means even you can leave, if you want to."

"What....?" Trent gasped, giving Blaine an incredulous look.

Blaine ignored his brother. "Look, we know you guys want freedom just as much as we do. And you got to admit, outside world will be better. Now, I'm not saying you should kill people once you are free, but know this. I'll call every Vampire Assassin there is in this country and warn them to take anyone out who kills uselessly. You've seen us fight enough times to know that this is not a joke. We will find you."

A few of Vampires simply fled at this pronunciation. While others just nodded.

"Fine, we are opening the borders," the girl Vampire said, her hair still being yanked on by Quinn. "They can leave if they want. But I'll just go back to my Master."

Blaine wanted to tell her she was an idiot. Then he nodded to Quinn to let her leave. "The next time we meet, I will kill you," he promised as they started leaving.

"That was easy," Justin commented once they were alone again.

"Britt...you see that!" Santana turned around with a joyous smile. Then her face fell. "Brittany....BRITANNY!"

She ran to were the girl was on the ground, taking her in her lap. She shook the blonde Vampire, but there was no response.

"She isn't moving!" Santana said once everyone else joined her, she looked demented. "She isn't moving, Quinn! What do I do...?"

"Maybe she needs blood?" Blaine suggested.

Santana obligingly slit her wrist open with her fangs, pressing the bleeding wound on Brittany's lips. For a minute, nothing happened; just a steady stream flowed into Brittany's partly open mouth. Then she gulped loudly and gasped, her eyes falling open.

"Brittany, are you OK?" Santana cried, as the girl lurched in her arms, grabbing the wrist in front of her and engulfing some more blood. After a few more sips, Brittany sat up.

"I'm fine. I just got tired. This was a big spell, sorry."

"Don't be," Andy said with a grin. "It served us well. They are gone. People can freely leave now."

"Shall we get going then?" Thad said. "I'm getting hungry!"

Blaine laughed and looked at his watch. It had been two hours already. He just hoped nothing bad happens now. He wondered if Kurt was already at Dalton by now, and picked up his pace as they made their way out the woods.

The crowd at the checking post was doubled already. They were hindered as they tried to evade everyone. But then McKay and Felix started to run to them and asked for help.

"It's madness!" McKay said. "Everyone wants to leave and they won't stay in a line. There's no order! I don't know what to do."

Blaine looked at Santana and said, "You should go. We can take care of this." Turning to Andy, he said, "Dad, you should leave too. Get to Dalton; tell Kurt I'll be late."

And so, the Warblers found themselves trying to discipline the crowd. The people were still wary of the Warblers so they were easily silenced into a civilized mob, slowly driving out the town to the forest. Blaine sent Justin ahead with the first car, to stay at the highway in order to make sure everyone safely got out.

It was almost 8 in the night. Blaine wondered at the way the town was still bustling. This was the first time he'd seen so many people out at this hour. And for some reason, he smiled in happiness.

Sure Edward would come back with a vengeance and destroy their lives one way or another. But for the time being, everyone looked free and relieved. And it was all that mattered. Besides, the prospect of retuning home to Kurt tonight was also very exciting. So he hurried on with his work, urging people to get a move on fast or he'd bar their way till the next day.

Still, it wasn't until 10 o' clock at last, that he was free with his brothers to return to their home.

He'd expected to find happy faces or even a warm welcome when he finally got home. Instead, he found a bloody Neil, a sobbing Cooper and wide-eyed bothers who looked sad for some reason.

Then Burt said, with a choked voice some words. Words that made Blaine's whole world tumble out of proportions.

"Kurt...Kurt's gone..."


"W-what?" Blaine said, not comprehending.

Andy was nowhere to be seen. Blaine had specifically told him to come here. Recognizing Blaine's searching glance, Wes said, "Andy has gone looking for Kurt."

"But what happened? Where is he?" Blaine asked again.

Neil was having his wounds cleaned by Hunter. He slowly started speaking. "We were coming back from Tavern with food, him and me. At first it was all fine. Then somebody came after us. It was all so fast. I didn't even have a chance to save him."

"What happened?" Blaine asked yet again, looking at Neil with a fierce gaze.

Wincing as Hunter poked another wound, Neil repeated. "It was a Vampire. Too fast for my eyes. One minute Kurt and I are walking side by side. The next I know, Kurt's collapsing. The minute I tried to run to him, he just disappeared. Like smoke."

Blaine still didn't understand a word of it. They were all crazy, he was certain. Kurt couldn't be gone! He was surely here, safe with everyone. This was preposterous.

"No, I remember," Blaine muttered stubbornly. "I remembered Burt telling me that you would be here. Kurt can't even disappear he isn't like that."

His own mind contradicted his denial. He'd seen Kurt's speed a few times before during training. But some part of his boggled brain still won't accept it.

Realizing as Blaine's eyes were still wide and unfocused, David ran closer and shook Blaine forcefully. "Snap out of it, Blaine. We are telling the truth. Kurt's been taken."

When the Leader still didn't show any signs of comprehension, Burt came forward and slapped Blaine. Everyone flinched at the sound. And finally, Blaine blinked rapidly, eyes starting to leak. He finally started showing some kind of emotion.

"He can't. That's not—how can this be?"

"We don't know," Burt replied. He looked just as distraught, but somehow, he was managing to keep his cool. "All we know is that it was another Vampire. Since Neil wasn't able to see who it was, we've sent Andy to track the scent. He'll contact us soon."

Blaine nodded, wiping his eyes and standing up again. "OK. I'll call Quinn then. We need more help. Let's start searching."

The Warblers were on the move once again. As Finn tried to join them, Blaine refused and said, "You must stay here with Cooper. In case there's news."

So leaving Burt, Finn and Cooper at Dalton, with Thad as their protector, the Warblers marched down the hill. With the entire hubbub in the town, there was a fair chance someone might have seen what happened with Kurt. All they had to do was look closer.

"What if it's Edward?" Wes asked Blaine as they spilt into groups.

"It doesn't matter," Blaine replied feeling lot more confident than he was. "Kurt can take care of himself. He'd fought before. We just have to find him before its too late."


I wake up in a dank, cold area on the hard floor. My arm aches terribly as it's twisted under my entire weight.

Its dark; but enough for me to see where I am. It looks like a storage area of sorts, but I am aware of a vast space all around me. A warehouse?

Suddenly, I sit up, my mind reeling with dizziness and I groan. There is someone else close by. I garb my pounding head, remembering how hard I was hit. Then I open my eyes again, trying to pinpoint where my captor is.

All I can make out is a dim outline of somebody, standing motionless, a few feet apart. My heart starts thudding loudly. It's a familiar shape. The woman...

"What do you want?" I ask her, ready to scram the moment my head clears up.

"I'm here to talk," she replies and I grimace. Her voice is weird, like she's speaking through some chewing gum in her mouth.

"What for?" I try to focus again, but my head is still pulsing with pain. What is wrong with me?

"I drugged you," the woman replies in answer to my wincing. "It's better if we don't get into a brawl."

"Why were you following me?" I ask again.

"I had to keep an eye on you..."

I backpedal at this. "Why?"

"I just had to."

"You were the one who gave me that warning, right?"

She shuffles on her feet, still not coming closer, her face cast in shadows. "I was."

"Seems you were HELPING me. Why?"

Again she says, "I just had to."

I exhale loudly, trying to focus my gaze at something visible. My eyes are also starting to hurt, making it impossible for me to keep them open. "What did you give me?"

"Nothing lethal," she replies. "It will wear off in a while."

"Since you are not being clear about anything, would you tell me WHAT you want to talk about?"

"You..." she says, sounding hesitant. Her voice is soft now, though still garbled. "And your power..."

"Oh, yeah. That." I can't even be derisive. My head is killing me. "Feels like all the bad things happen to me."

"It isn't a bad thing," she snaps, sounding fine for a moment. And then as if she realizes she had sounded like this, she says again in the wired voice. "You power is unique. Special. You mustn't treat it like a curse."

"So...you want to use it or something?" I ask after while. "I mean, I know you are a Vampire. Do you want to be a human?"

Even in darkness, and with my disturbed focus, I feel as she gasps in surprise. Then she fidgets nervously. "You mustn't... Don't offer up yourself so blatantly. You have no idea how... How TEMPTING it is."

"I hardly think so," I mumble. "I mean, most Vampires would like to stay Vampires, right? At least, those I have encountered. Dave and Lauren were in a wrong place at the wrong time."

"That's not what I meant," she replies, and she sinks down to sit on the floor. I still can't see her. "I meant the Vampires, similar to me, may find it tempting to drink from you. Not only because you smell exceptionally delicious, but also because I'm very old. Too old to want to stay living."

That makes me stare, even though I can't see her. Come on! People want eternal life all the time, don't they? Not many people will give up such things. "I don't understand. Why won't you like to live forever? There's so much to experience..."

She huffs in irritation, like she was trying to make a point but failing. Or as if she thought I am stubborn. It's strangely memorable for several reasons.

"Not all of Vampires live happy lives," she finally explains. "Sometimes when you've suffered too much, and seen too many people close to you die, you just want to end this useless existence too. Your blood is like an easy way out, without actually killing ourselves."

Now I know what she means. My blood merely turns Vampire to human, making it possible for them to die naturally later on. My blood is the easy recipe for the dish of human death.

"I see..." I say when she stays silent. "Now we've established I'm really desirable. Or my blood is, anyway. Can I leave?"

"Not yet," she replies, there's urgency in her voice. "I still can't believe you haven't asked me who I am..."

I blink in confusion. Of course, I haven't. "Because I just assumed you were trying to stay discreet. When a captor stays hidden at all time, it's usually because they want to keep their identity a secret. So I naturally didn't ask a question to which you won't give an answer...and I think I should shut up now, 'cause I have no idea why I'm explaining myself like this. To you, of all people."

"You haven't changed..." she mumbles, softly but I hear her.

I squint trying to catch her face. "Um—why do you think? Have we met before or something?"

"We have, Kurt," she says simply. This time her voice is clear, un-garbled.

When she says my name, I identify at once who she is. And sure enough, she stands up and steeps into the light. I can only gawp at her soft, smiling face.

"It's Y-You..."

"It's good to see you adjusting so well, Kurt. Tell me, how have you been...?"


Blaine meets up with Puck and Sam halfway at the street.

It was no longer crowded; people had gone to their homes by now. It was easier to search the town this way. The Warblers had enlisted help of anyone they could find in the streets or at the Tavern, making various more groups to enlarge their search circle.

"Not there..." Puck huffs as they finally converge. "Checked the entire Cemetery, dude."

Blaine was panting too, having run so long all over the place. "Too bad Kurt's phone got burned in the fire! We could've traced him then..."

"Have anyone checked the school yet?" Sam asks after they all caught their breaths.

"Joe and Quinn are there now," Blaine informs.

He was so grateful to have found everyone so soon, after just a few calls. Everyone had decided to help him find Kurt, but so far nobody had.

"Any word from Sebastian?" said Puck.

Blaine had sent Sebastian with Nick to the Mayor's mansion as soon as possible. He was slightly wary of the fact that he was relying on the Vampire way too soon, way too much. Although the circumstance didn't really leave him any other choice. And he wanted to be sure that Edward didn't have anything to do with Kurt's disappearance. Only way of doing that was to trust Sebastian. Any sign of Kurt in the mansion and Sebastian would call him. They'd have to break and enter, but this was the risk he was willing to take in order to save Kurt.

"Hopefully Kurt will have murdered that son of a bitch by the time Sebastian calls for us," Sam muttered helpfully.

This was the only reason why Blaine wasn't panicking right now. Earlier, when Burt had said those words, he'd been panicked. He had been close to loosing his mind. Except somehow, with Burt's help again, he managed to snap out of his own delirium and had came up with this little plan to search the town thoroughly.

The fact that Kurt may well be able to save himself was the only reason he was still hoping to find his boyfriend safely. At the same time, he knew how cunning and powerful Edward really was. There may still be problem with this plan. The next minute, Blaine cussed himself for being so negative.

From the other side of the street, he saw Andy running over in his normal speed. The moment Andy was with them, he said, "Lost his scent again."

"Where...?" Blaine asked, just in case.

"Near the school this time," Andy replied, looking disheveled. "Whoever it was, they took a roundabout route to shake off any tracking. I really can't pick a proper path, I'm afraid."

Blaine just nodded. "You did all you could, Dad." Somehow, he had a feeling this will result in an inevitable confrontation with Mayor yet. In fact, he was already thinking if he should call everyone back and simply head toward the Smyth Mansion.

His phone started ringing. It was Thad. "Yeah...?"

"Come back home," Thad said, sounding relieved. "He's back. Kurt's safely back. Burt wants everyone to come now."

Blaine felt his knees give way as he exhaled a sob, feeling so profoundly at peace that he burst into tears in front of everyone. Shaking with mix laughter and sobs, he said, "He's back home. They found him."

Andy was already smiling, having heard what was said on the phone. While Sam chuckled, "That's great, man. Let's get going."

They did. They called everyone again, told them to go home. The Warblers rendezvoused at the hill, Sebastian tagged along. When Blaine asked why he was there, he said, "I want to hear what happened too."

Blaine only nodded. They all went up the hill and found everyone in the living room, waiting for them.

The moment he spotted Kurt, Blaine ran to him and gathered his boyfriend in a hug. Kurt smiled as he returned it, but he looked dazed for some reason. Blaine remembered how Neil said Kurt was hit, so he looked over his boyfriend in worry.

"Are you OK? Does it hurt?"

Kurt shook his head, smiling dazedly still. Blaine grinned as he leaned in for a soft kiss. Knowing well they were in front of an audience, Blaine kept it short. Though he, in spite of everything, couldn't help but tug Kurt in for another peck. He'd been losing Kurt far too much lately. This had to change.

"You sure you're doing well?" he asked when Kurt's mannerism still appeared a bit shaken; in a way that he couldn't disregard it as his kiss's after effects.

"I'm fine, Blaine. Just a bit woozy. She drugged me."

Blaine's eye popped and he spluttered, "Who...?"

In answer, Kurt titled his chin out to the left. Turning to where he pointed, Blaine noticed for the first time a woman who sat in the sofa. Everyone else was sitting far from her, gazing at her with confusion. Looking around, Blaine realized that apart from Burt and Kurt, nobody recognized the woman.

Then it dawned on him. She was THAT woman, who'd been following Kurt. He gave Kurt a wide-eyed look, asking, "Is she...?"

Kurt smiled dully again. "Yes, she is her. Blaine and everyone...I'd like to introduce..."

"There's NO NEED," Burt cut off suddenly. For the first time, Blaine noticed he looked angry as he stared at the woman. "She isn't staying here. There's no need to tell anyone who she is."

"But, Dad...?"

"No, Kurt! She is nobody. We have no relations to her anymore." Turning to glare at the woman again, Burt growled. "LEAVE. I never want to see you again."

"Dad, please," Kurt said with a quiet voice, almost pleading. "She is here to talk. To explain. Please, hear her out."

"Hear her...How can you say this, Kurt?! After what she had done!"

The woman suddenly stood up and said heatedly, "That's why I am here, Burt. I need to explain! You NEED to hear the WHOLE TRUTH!"

Blaine switched his questioning look to the three of them, from Kurt who was staring at his father pleadingly, to Burt who still glared at the Woman. Finally he settled at staring the Woman too. "Can you at least tell us who you are?"

The woman became self-conscious, smoothing her shirt. "I—I was going to that anyway. I'm Lily. Lily Smyth...Hummel. Kurt's mother of sorts."

Blaine's mouth dropped open, and he turned to gape at his boyfriend. Kurt shrugged with the same woozy smile. "She is. She married Paul and was my mother most my life. Then she went missing..."

"I'd like to hear this story too," Finn suddenly interjected, looking a bit flushed but resolute. "I'm sorry, its just that Uncle Paul wasn't around much and, when he was, he couldn't talk about many things besides Kurt or you. Later when you went missing, he only talked about Kurt. Whenever I asked him about you, he...he used to change subject, like he was hiding something. So, I want to know about this."

"So would I," Neil added, looking engrossed. "If she is a Smyth, AND a Hummel, I want to know how that worked out."

Blaine watched as Burt's anger subsided in face of everyone's willingness to hear Lily's story. He gruffly huffed, and sat back down. "FINE. Let's hear it."

She didn't speak at once, instead looked back to the door of the foyer. "You can come out and listen too, Sebastian..."

Only then did Blaine realize that Sebastian hadn't joined them in the living room. He watched as the Vampire entered the room and gave a nervous but mistrusting look to Lily. "Is it really you, Aunty Lily?" he asked, looking lost for words.

She smiled slightly. "Yes. And I know you are wondering why didn't you know of my return. That's why, you need to hear this just as much as everyone else."

Sebastian was the only person who took the seat near her, looking at Lily with wide, confused eyes.


Let's start from the very beginning, shall we. It all started when Edward decided to move here with our entire coven. I've been with him all my life, as he is my brother. But I was never a part of his rebellion against Lord Arlen Carolus. I was the kind of person who spent most her time with books and experiments. My life just consisted of knowledge, and people who sought that knowledge. My job in Lord Arlen's court was to help anyone with any problem they faced by consulting our history and books.

("Like Brittany," Andy chimed in helpfully, making Lily laugh.)

I never knew what Edward wanted or planned. All I know is that when Edward was getting banished, he came to my house. Told me to pack up; that we were leaving soon. I didn't want to leave, you see. And I told him so. In answer, he hit me for the first time ever in our entire life. He threatened he'd kill me as a betrayer if I questioned him any longer. So, I packed my stuff and came here.

One thing you must know about Edward is that he is an exploiter. If he sees any kind of use of any person, he fully exploits that person's talents. And like anything of use, once his purpose is achieved, he discards those people like one would dispose of trash. Even tough I was his sister, he saw me as such a person too. He still does, I think. I'm someone he had, and would, easily use and abuse.

At first I just stayed in the Mansion that he built in the woods. I had no interest in politics or even what he was doing. I wanted to lose myself in my books and experiments once again. Edward didn't even take notice of what I did or where I went as long as I didn't get in his way. That's how I gradually started venturing out of the Mansion. I started meeting people of this town and making friends with humans. It was all so new but exhilarating for me. I had always wanted to know what human world was like, having read of it in books only before that.

Long after, I was more than accustomed to human ways, hence I gathered friends easily. My age, although, is more than I can even dare to reveal, I still look like a twenty year-old girl. It wasn't hard for me to find young friends.

The first time Edward took any notice of me in the three years since banishment, was when I was trying to get admission at the high school. He didn't do anything but told me he was proud of me, and my choices. I was simply happy with his praise as he hadn't ever done that before. He always told me how useless I was, keeping myself to my own devices and not helping him when he needed help. This time, he was proud of me.

And I realized he liked that I was going out more, trying to mingle with the community.

It was later I found out that he wanted me to meet the Hummels.

The first day of high school, I met a girl by the name of Gloria. She was also a quiet soul like me. We got along almost at once. She was rather inquisitive because she told me all of the things about everyone. The Hummel brothers, Burt and Paul, were some sort of heroes in the eyes of every teen girl at that time.

My days in Hilltown became happier ones. Everyday brought forth new joys. I was a part of this town, or so I felt, whenever anything new happened.

And so, a few days later, I met Paul. I was at the library, looking for a book and he came behind me asking if I needed help. I got nervous; because it was the first time I was talking to a boy. He wasn't terribly handsome or anything, he was just average. And I was used to seeing so many beautiful Vampires anyway. For me, it was just one of those few NEW things that I'd slowly come to experience in my fresh life with humans. So I didn't think much of it. I didn't realize what his attentions to me meant.

After meeting me randomly in the library for a few more days, he started acting like we were already close friends. There was nothing 'close' about our interaction. He said hi, and I acknowledged him politely. He asked me about the books I was searching for and helped me sometimes. We talked about books that we both spotted on the shelves. And that is pretty much all we ever said to each other.

Then suddenly he asked me out on a date. At first I was too shocked to say anything but to leave as fast as my feet carried me. When he turned up in front of me again in recess, I realized he actually meant it. I could see how Burt and his friends kept an eye on us from their table, looking excited and apprehensive as Paul asked me out again. I still remembered the loud whopping and cheers that they let out when I finally nodded my head in a yes.

(Burt cracks a smile, avoiding the eyes of everyone as they went toward him. He remembered too, apparently.)

I wasn't being hopeful, or overly optimistic. All I knew was that Paul would realize something wasn't right about me. I had to make him see that I wasn't the fitting girl for him. So I—I did all sorts of horrible things to make him dislike me somehow. And I mean, HORRIBLE. Like throwing up in his lap when we went to the movies, or secretively engulfing laxatives on our third date when he took me to the Tavern.

(Everyone snickered loudly. "Niiice," Jeff yelled.)

Yes, I was ghastly, abhorrent. What I didn't realize was that he KNEW I was doing this on purpose. He knew I was trying to scare him away. Our fourth date, which ended with me stamping my pencil-heel onto his foot, he kissed me. And very clearly, he told me that my 'tricks' weren't working, even if they were well planned and sort of genius. He told me he was really impressed at my intellect and he admired me as a person, no matter how hard I tried to shoo him away.

He started to like me. He'd always had, but as we spent more time together (sans my tricks) I started to like him back. He was like this mirror soul who knew me. We had same interests, same hobbies. And soon, before I could even think on it, we were engaged. Being with him made me feel so happy, SO HUMAN, that it wasn't until it was too late I realized how foolish I'd been.

As an old Vampire, I've had ages to master my thirst. Which allowed me to be with Paul easily. Yet, when he was close, I forget even my name sometimes, or how to breathe. And that's when I made a slip.

It was just an innocent thing really. We were at his father's Lube shop, playing around with car-stuff. And suddenly he dropped something heavy on his hand. His blood erupted like lava from the wound. All too fast, I didn't even have any rational idea of what I did next.

When my bloody haze cleared up, I found Paul looking at me with terrified eyes. I found my lips attached to his bleeding hands as I sucked his blood without restraint. With Vampires, the blood of their lover is the most delicious flavor for them. It's sort of instinctual, really. Once we have decided to be in love with someone, their blood sings to us like nothing else. It's natural, no restraints. That's what happened to me. I was fully transformed, and he finally knew the truth.

Looking back I should have done something drastic like this from the very start. I should have made him really scared of me. But since we already were so close, instead of hating me, he started asking me things. His inquisitive nature, his need to KNOW about things, led him to make me talk more and more about who and what I was. Before long, he knew everything; about me, about Edward, and about what was really going on in the town.

After consulting with his father, and adding up their findings, he realized that something must be done about Vampires. He was insistent on keeping things peaceful, because he only knew me and thought everyone was like me too. He aided his father's campaign, helped in research.

It wasn't until the night Elizabeth's incident occurred that Paul realized fully what sort of trouble Vampires can be. It was then I fully told him of my brother's nature.

We were so in love. There was no way we could stay apart. Then something happened, which led us to come to a decision at once.

Edward realized my worth. He realized that my engagement with a Hummel boy could prove to be useful. He knew of Elizabeth's baby after Burt's message. And when he checked the baby, he knew Kurt was going to grow into a unique being. That's when he told me what I must do.

"Become one of them, Lil," he ordered me. "Become them, so that they would trust you blindly with everything. Then tell me what you learn."

I couldn't betray my love for Edward's sake, so I asked Paul to run away with me. At first he was undecided; his family was wrought with tension and so much opposition.

Shortly, Burt provided us with an opportunity. When the townspeople became violent, and Burt decided to send Kurt far away, Paul took a chance for us.

You know the rest.

We escaped with Kurt. We never looked back. And all of a sudden, I had a husband, a wonderful baby boy, and an entire life ahead of me.

(Lily paused, her eyes out of focus as she stared into nothingness. Everyone was silent and grave now. Her tale had been simply moving.)

For ten years, we were happy. I was no longer bound by my brother. No longer a burden. Kurt was my life, Paul my reason to continue existing.

And then...he found me. I don't know how, or if he'd always known where I was. But he was there, at a grocery store.

I'd left Kurt home after he came from school, Paul was gone fishing with a friend. One minute I'm browsing the aisle for milk, and next Edward is standing before me.

"Long time no see, sister," he said as if continuing a previous discussion.

It took everything within me to remain calm and not scream or run. I asked him why he was there. In answer, he said something which made me see red. It made me angry enough to kill.

"I want Kurt," he said.

I told him to leave and never come back. Without looking back, I started running out the store, got into the car and reached home. All the while I was making sure Edward didn't follow me. I found Kurt sleeping in his room, and seeing him safe and sound, I was so relieved that I cried tearlessly.

Paul found me crying. I told him everything. We had to come to a new resolution.

When Kurt came down for dinner that night, Paul told him that we were going on a vacation; a trip to somewhere cool. We didn't want Kurt to know anything just then. Besides, Kurt was a normal kid, nothing about him appeared out of the norm back then.

That was the day our trips started. We moved after every month. One city to next, keeping ourselves busy as we went sight-seeing, always remaining close as a family, never letting Kurt out of sight.

Then at his 13th birthday, Kurt came home crying, bleeding. He had bullies who made fun of him because he liked holding hands with his class fellow, a boy. We had suspicions about his sexuality before, but that event confirmed it for us. To be honest, we didn't care. Of all things we feared could've gone different with Kurt, this was the most bearable one. Yeah, we were uneasy at first, but with some training, Paul was able to educate Kurt how to behave right, and in a dignified way so that people accepted him instead of making fun of him

That's when Paul told me a secret of his own. He told me that he'd been in contact with Burt all along. That he'd been visiting Hilltown in pretext of going fishing all these years. After some thought, I realized Edward must have found us because of Paul. He must have sent somebody after Paul and realized where we lived. That was the first fight we had as a couple, I'm sure even Kurt remembers it.

(Kurt nodded in agreement, cuddling close to Blaine who had his arms around his boyfriend while Lily spoke. "I was sleeping and your voices woke me up. You found me on stairs crying because you guys were fighting so much.")

After seeing you like this, Paul and I agreed to never keep secrets anymore. We took you to bed and put you to sleep. That's when I noticed that your wounds and scars were no longer there. At first I disregarded it, thinking the wounds weren't bad to being with. Then Paul told me what happened in New York. Both of you had gone to the skating rink, leaving me at hotel. You had been late. Paul told me how you had healed yourself up miraculously. It made us worry.

We called Burt, told him of your bullies and your newfound sexuality. We called him regularly, from a payphone outside, trying to not give away our location. We called every time something new happened to you. We never lost sight of the fact that you were Burt and Eliza's son, so it was only natural to share your life with him.

And then your bullying became worst, wounds became deeper. With every new beating, your body started doing things that weren't normal. You healed fast; you had emotional swings; your anger sometimes made you so strong you were able to strike your bullies hard, making them suffer heavily; you started running fast; and you started having sunburns to an extreme level that we had to take extra care with you, training you to use as much products as possible.

With every change, we started moving after two weeks, making our trips extensive, sometimes not even letting you go to school for days in end. You didn't mind, you enjoyed staying away from school and bullies. You enjoyed the family time we had together. New York, Miami, California, we went all the places, always having fun.

And after you were fourteen, we started to relax. Your body hadn't done anything new lately, and we didn't had anyone following us anymore. We relaxed for once and got another house. For five mouths, we were undisturbed, our lives going back to normal gradually.

They attacked.

You were at school; Paul hadn't yet left for his new job as a salesman. He and I were having a tranquil, late breakfast. They came. Even after I detected their presence close by a five minute ahead, we weren't ready to face them. We had barely managed to arm ourselves when they came at us from all sides. We were outnumbered. Edward wasn't with them, but Azimio was. He told me to give them Kurt. I refused and fought. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't hold them back. If it continued any longer, Paul would be dead.

So I did what I could at the moment. I finally gave up. I told them I'd give them Kurt.

It got their attention, and they stopped fighting at once.

"Show me where he is!" Azimio demanded.

And without looking at Paul, I walked out the door, leaving him bleeding there. "Follow me, I'll take you to him."

Of course I wasn't taking them to Kurt. I knew the time was close that Kurt would be home anyway. I had to take them away before they killed Paul or harmed Kurt. It was the only thing I could do.

When we were far away from home, in a safe location, I unleashed all my power on them and killed as many as I could. Even then, I wasn't strong enough for all. They managed to capture me.

I knew that Paul would hate me forever, thinking I had betrayed him. I was counting on it, actually. Sure enough, when Azimio dragged me back home, Paul and Kurt were long gone. As I'd expected Paul to do. I was so thankful I'd been just in time. I only hoped that they were far away by then.

Azimio dragged my back to Hilltown.

My brother kept me out of sight told nobody where I was. He kept me prisoner in an underground dungeon, tortured me for information but somehow I managed to stay quiet. Time passed slowly, and after a whole year, Edward realized I was back to being useless. So he left me to rot. Nobody found me for weeks.

Then Quinn figured out where I was. She brought me blood, brought me clothes, and helped me get back to my senses. With her help, I managed to set up my own room in the dungeon, away from everyone's sights.

And I've lived there ever since, for last five years.

I didn't want to do anything for anyone anymore. All I knew was that Paul hated me; Kurt would never know why I left. And it hurt me to even consider going on without them. So I just coped to stay alive, and kept myself to myself.

As I've told you before, Edward thought I was useless now. Soon he forgot I even existed. And so, it was easy for me to leave once in a while. I tired finding Paul or Kurt, but always went back, thinking they wouldn't want me anyway.

Then I heard of his—his death. I heard Kurt was in Hilltown. And I knew Edward would do something. From that night on, I started to leave my isolation. I started finding things out; I started to keep an eye on Kurt.

The rest, you already know.


I am crying softly. Thank goodness the drug is wearing off now.

Everyone else is deeply moved by—my Mom's?—Aunt's?—story. I know now why Paul had never told me about where she'd gone. I know now why he'd never searched for her. I know now why he'd started drinking. Maybe that's what ultimately led to his heart attack, and sudden death. I know now why...

I slide out of Blaine's arms and hug Lily, burying my face in her neck, inhaling her scent as I used to as a child. Even if nobody else forgives her, I forgive her. I don't care if Burt doesn't believe her, I do. And I want her in my life now, there is no need for her to hide anymore.

"I missed you so much, my sweet," Lily whispers to me softly. She can't shed tears, but I see clearly the pain in her eyes.

"I missed you, too."

Burt coughs behind me, and I smile at my father, giving him my expectant face. For a whole minute, he stares at me. Then even he can't help himself. With a smile and shake of his head, he chuckles. "I give in. She can stay."

"Awesome!" Finn exclaims with a clap, grinning ear to ear and coming to join us in the hug.

I sit at one side of Lily, Finn on the other. Sebastian is a few feet away from me. I tug him closer, giving him a warning look. Looking resigned, Sebastian comes close to hug Lily as well.

"I'm pissed you didn't tell me you were home all along. But I missed you too, Aunty Lily."

After our greetings are over, Burt asks, "Now what? You told us that Edward doesn't care anymore, but he will notice if you suddenly sided with us, won't he?"

"Yes, I hope so," Lily replies. "But as I said, I no longer care. Paul is—he's gone. And hard as I've tried, I can't find any meaning in my life."

Looking at me with a serious gaze, she continues. "Which leads me to Kurt again. After following you, and watching your change, I have a favor to ask."

"Anything," I agree at once.

Lily takes a deep breath. "Kurt—I want to... I want your blood. I can't stay like this anymore."

I gape at her in bewilderment, remembering her previous conversation at the warehouse.

"I want to die, Kurt."



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