Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 18: Nighttime Screams Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 18: Nighttime Screams

T - Words: 7,565 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
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Author's Notes: So I have started working on another new story. Should I start publishing it at once, or do you guys want to wait till this one is finished? It's also a Klaine fanfic, obviously. Let me know, you guys ;-)
~ Chapter 18 ~
Nighttime Screams

Blaine got the call first. He had just gotten home, was actually about to contact Nick and Jeff to ask about how things went with Sebastian. All that wasn't needed anymore as he and David drove toward the HQ in all the haste within the next minute. Thankfully, this time the place wasn't crowded or bustling. The Deserters residing in the big house all seemed to have gone to bed for a day. Which was just as well—for not all of them approved of Sebastian.

He spotted Jeff's blonde hair amid the small crowd gathered in a tiny room. Nearby, David and Lauren were standing; both looking worried and ashamed for some reason.

Then he found Nick.

His Warbler brother was sitting on the floor, clutching a petite, frail body in his arms as Sue and Shelby tended the girl. Nick's face was devoid of tears, but he looked so weak and hurt.

Blaine had seen Amanda once, back when she was fourteen. This girl—though, looked exactly like Amanda—was older, different. Dying. There was not a spot of color in that frail body. He couldn't even detect any breathing.

"What's that?" Blaine whispered, feeling helpless all of a sudden. "Why is she like this...What happened?"

Jeff simply said, "Dave was her sire, Blaine."

And it all clicked inside his head. Of course! The bond between the Master and the turned person was too complicated, too profound. If something bad happed to the sire, their charges also suffered the same fate. This was the only reason why they'd been trying to get Edward all these years. If Edward died so would his army (Namely his personal guard, Fabray, Karofsky and St. James) and things will be over soon.

But this was disturbing, for nothing like this had happened before. Kurt's blood had cured Dave and Lauren. There was no telling how these changes would affect the Vampires sired by them.

"Her condition is not stable," Shelby murmured to Sue, who looked positively distraught. "She needs treatment. Now."

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Nick snapped as they tried to pry him off of Amanda.

"I mean that she is transitioning," Sue snapped back. Though her worry and concern was obvious and her tone softened a bit. "But she'd also been starving since Dave changed. It was a week ago. If this transitioning didn't kill her, dehydration will. Now please, calm down and let us do our jobs."

Jeff hugged Nick from behind and murmured soothingly into the crying boy's ears. Till Nick was calmed enough, though still sobbing soundlessly, clinging to Jeff for dear life.

Blaine then looked to Sebastian. "I need you to tell me what exactly happened."

Sebastian threw a look at Dave and Lauren first. "It'd be better if you brought them along too. There are things I noticed in that house which I need answers to myself."

Blaine agreed with a nod and made his way to the living room, which was empty save for three people sleeping on the sofas. They moved to the far end and sat down on the rough, dirty carpet.

Sebastian began explaining without preamble in a low voice. Blaine and others heard with a frown to all which was said.

Once Sebastian was done clearing up, he glared at Dave. "Now can you please tell me why you were using two kids as your whores? And even if you were, why didn't you leave them free, at least inside the house? You really needed them safe; you could've bonded them inside the house using your commands as their Master. Why the chains? They are dying because of it."

Blaine also had been thinking the same. He knew enough of the Masters and Slaves Bonds to know that the cruel treatment went badly for both parties.

"OK, I know this looks bad," Dave said, sounding honest but worried. "But I didn't lock them up in chains, I swear. And I am aware they are far too young to be my sex slaves! They weren't for that purpose. I kept them in that house, away from my other charges because they were really new and still going through tough times. They had a difficult time controlling their bloodlust around their families. That's why I had them run away and come to me. I was helping them adjust! And they didn't leave that house even when I tried to make them, they were scared they'd hurt someone."

"Then how do you explain the chains?" Blaine snapped, then lowered his voice as a few sleeping people stirred in disturbance. "Why were they naked?"

"That's what I am thinking about too," Dave mumbled, looking deep in thought. "Nobody knew about that house. Not even Lauren." Lauren nodded in confirmation. "Unless—somebody found out..."

"I did catch another scent," Sebastian said shrewdly. "It's another Vampire, one I know of; but I can't simply make my mind up on 'who' just on basis of smell."

"We'll have to track them," Blaine decided. "Whoever they are. I can ask my Warblers to double the watch on that house, in case anybody came back."

"And I'll check up on Edward's guards," said Sebastian. "If I see someone acting odd, it'll narrow down the list."

"If its 'narrowing' you want to do, I can tell you a few names right up," Lauren suddenly offered. "I don't know, but Sebastian, you aren't the only one who's been acting strange since that night in forest. I've seen Jesse and Sugar meeting up randomly a few times after that night. At first I thought they were hooking up—now, I'm not so sure."

Sebastian tensed up as if a cat rising hackles. "Oh—so that's who I scented!" at the inquiring faces of others, he explained. "I'm betting it isn't Jessie, because he'd been leading the guards looking for me all over the area since last week. So that leaves Sugar. I'm 99% sure it was her I scented in that house. I just couldn't recognize it because Sugar and I don't really hang much. That night she partnered up with me purely out of spite against Kurt."

Dave also nodded. "A lot of us were riled up when you gave the whole Kill-Kurt-for-our-own-good speech, actually. And Edward's fears only made the deal done."

"So, Sugar?" Blaine asked at large. "You know she's the one who killed Mr Jones, was hacking up Thad when Finn and I got there. And from what Kurt told me, Sugar had been the one trying to kill him that night. He said she looked nearly insane. And I'm sensing it wasn't just the insanity of simple bloodlust. It was personal."

"The Mottas worship Edward pretty much like everyone else. Sugar it is, then," Sebastian got up, dusting his coat. "Leave her to me. I'm bored as it is."

As he was leaving, Blaine found himself saying, "Just don't get killed. I'm suddenly realizing we might need you or something."

Sebastian gave his trademark arrogant smirk. "Oh, in your dreams. As if those kids could kill me."

"I think I should go and wait for Amanda and Scott to wake up," Dave said, standing too. Lauren who always seemed to follow him, stayed put for some reason. "They might be confused and I have a lot to explain. And...about the others..."

Blaine nodded reassuringly. "I'll look for them in the morning, don't worry. Just hope they fared better than Amanda and Scott."

As Dave left, Lauren turned to Blaine nervously. "Uh, I know this is completely off charts but...can I meet Puck?"

Blaine had known about Lauren and Puck's relationship before she turned. He wasn't sure if Puck would be so keen on continuing it any longer. "Well—I'll give him the message that you wanted to talk. Maybe, he'll drop by."

Lauren smirked. "Thanks. You know," she eyed him warily, tracing a scar on her cheek. "You bite. But you also are a good person."

Blaine laughed at her Vamp joke. He remembered well the night he'd given her that scar. It had been a silver saber, which explained why it still hadn't healed. As proud as he felt for putting the scar there, the truth was, Lauren was now a human. So he felt a bit of shame too.

"Sorry about that, but you were a Vamp back then," he got up to leave now. "Besides, you have to admit it makes you look tough."

Lauren only laughed in answer, and then clamped her mouth shut as the sleeping people grumbled in their sleep.

Blaine left with a grin. Then his phone vibrated in the pocket insistently. Taking it out, he saw Wes's name on the screen. "What's up, Wes?"

"Blaine, hurry!" Wes's voice was panicked and high. "Get here. It's the Hummels! They are under attack!"

I wake up when the floor boards creak. I admit after the fiasco of the shattered window, I couldn't sleep even if I tried. My newly change body was not making things any easier. To top it all off, Finn snores like a troll.

Although the next minute I was out of the bed and at the door, listening out in the hallway. I couldn't hear anything, except that one creak. Though I felt as clear as day, another presence close by. Since I could not hear any heartbeats, it was sure to be a Vampire.

What if that same person is here, the one who shattered the window with that warning? And why do I feel as if I can trust that person, as I had trusted Santana that first time? But then I pick up on the hostility which oozed from this presence close by, and I backed away from the door.

Whoever it is, they are here for me. As the note had warned. I am so stupid for not heeding the advise in time! And now...

The door clicks open, creaking inwards, and I stand silently...readily. It's obvious I have to fight my way from here, and if its just one person, I can totally stave them off. I mean, I did hurt Dave badly, back when my transitioning hadn't even occurred to the fullest.

Finn's snores suddenly stop; that's how I know he knew something is in the doorway. He gets up from the bed very alertly and meets my eyes across the room, knowing well that things are unsafe. Even with my half-super hearing I can detect the change in his heart beat, from clam sleepiness to determined tattoo.

Then the person steps inside the room. It's Karofsky the senior, smiling at me so maliciously I want to puke.

"Hello, Kurt," he says with such vehemence that for a second, I can't even move.

I conspicuously bear in mind my sai swords are still in my own room—well, shit. I have to fend him off by my own two hands. Then Finn is out of the bed, grabbing a rifle from under his bed and locking target on Karofsky, all in less than a second.

"Get out of my house, punk!" Finn growls angrily.

For a moment, I'm in awe of my step-brother's poise. The Finn I've usually seen is awkward, clumsy and clueless. This Finn is so full of anger and purpose. There is no awkwardness or clumsiness as he aims the rifle steadily on his enemy.

"You really think this stupid rifle is going to work on me, kid?" Karofsky sneers. "Do you really think you can save yourself and your brother all by yourself? I didn't come alone, you know."

And with dread settling in my chest, I can feel more presences outside the house, all closing in on us. At once, I feel hopeless. This is it? Is my life going to end just like this? No, I can't let this happen. I have to do something!

"L-Leave them alone!" I try to sound intimidating but my throat feels awfully dry. "Just—go away. I'll come with you if you just leave them alone."

Karofsky looks honestly shocked at my useless plea. He looks as if he is considering my offer.

Then Finn fires.


In a flash, Karofsky is on the other side of the room, completely dodging the bullet. He comes for me, and I put all my energy into my newly found speed, trying to avoid him. But still—he's far to stronger than me.

BANG! Finn fires another shot. And the way Karofsky hisses, I think it's hit the mark.

I can feel Dad and Carole waking up at the noise; I can feel the Vampires coming inside the house even as I try to get inside my room to get my swords. This is turning into a struggle, and I wouldn't go down so easily. Not without a fight. Karofsky will rue the day he even tried coming for my family like this!

I get the swords just as three Vampires jump in through the broken window. They land clear of the glass debris. Their true forms are exposed, fangs bared, eyes black as death. Their clawed hands come for me at once. I send a silent prayer for Blaine and his training as I attack them head on.

Chopping the claws off the first Vamp, I side-step the lunge of the other. The third one slashes at my arm, making me cringe. I back away at once. The two Vamps are cagey now, the one with sawed-off hand gives me a death glare. They attack again, this time with caution. Remembering Blaine's advice on how to tackle the Vamps working with a plan, I slash at their throats in one single motion. Still, one of them backs away before I have the chance to finish off the first two. As they crumble into dust at my feet, the third one garbs me and throws me into something hellish—I scream aloud.

It's the shattered remains of my window, the glass shards are embedding into my whole left leg and flanks. I stay still, to not get even more hurt than I already am. I should've seen this one coming, though. The Vamp had effectively weakened me enough to avoid any further fight.

Dad bursts inside my room in the next minute. He wields an axe which is crying bloody tears, with traces of ash and dirt—remnants of the Vampires he'd killed on his way. There's murder in his once-kind eyes.

"GET AWAY FROM MY SON!" he thunders and lashes out at the Vamp.

There's a cloud of ash, and then he's with me, helping me up from the glass-ridden carpet.

"Are you hurt badly?" he asks me, his eyes melting with the love and concern.

I shake my head. I can already feel the glass shards leave my body as I heal myself up. "Where's Finn—Carole?"

"I hid Carole in the cupboard. But they will find her. Finn's fighting."

As if in answer, I hear Finn's rifle fire yet again. I don't know how many times this one is. I lost track during my own fight with the Vamps. I lean against Dad as we make our way to Finn's room again.

There's a fine coating of Vampire ash and dirt in his room, while he is still busy grappling with two fanged monsters. They bare their fangs and slash with their claws, catching Finn now and then, but still looking overpowered. Finn wields a knife which he stabs into the monsters in answer to their claws and fangs. When they are bloodied enough, he fires with his rifle again, twice, ending the Vampires swiftly.

"There are more..." he gasps, truing to us. "I can feel them coming."

He is right. I can also feel the hisses and shrieks outside my house. This has turned into a full-on battle already. And I decide—just as my Dad and brother does—to engage the onslaught outside the house. In order to make sure Carole remains safe.

We run down the stairs and out the door simultaneously.

An awful sight greets my eyes. My body is by now healed enough for me to fight again. But the number of enemies is too great. In the crowd of more than fifty Vamps, I spot faces of Jessie, Sugar and Edward himself. They stand on the back of their army, observing the charge.

My eyes meet Edward's and he smirks. When he speaks, I can clearly hear him. "You can come peacefully. Or I'll make you watch as my pets tear your family to shreds."

I feel rage as I've never felt before. My whole vision turns red with anger and bloodlust. But this isn't the kind of hunger I've been dealing with before. This is different. I want to rip, hurt these Vampires for sole purpose to KILL. I want to END these lives because they are a threat to me, and what's MINE.

I feel myself trembling, uncontrollably. A hand clamps my shoulder urgently and I hear Dad's voice as if from a great distance.


Does he? Well—good. Because I'll kill him without a second thought. I shake off my Dad's hand and a cry of rage rips from my mouth, from my throat and very soul. Then I pounce at my enemies.

Ten Minutes. It takes ten minutes for everyone to gather and hurry off to Hummels. Ten minutes of endless calls and talks and plans. Ten minutes of useless confirmations and grumblings and preparations. Ten minutes which seem a life time to Blaine.

Then finally, they are turning into the Hummel's street. Blaine's heart goes still at the sight which meets his eyes.

Hummel house was on fire; a burning, roaring inferno. The front lawn is strewn with the bodies, a few of them injured and shrieking in pain. The rest, dissolved into ashes or dirt.

In the middle of it all, a few figures grapple with each other, crying, screaming as they stared at the house.

As the Deserters and Warblers pile down from their vehicles, ready to join the fray, Blaine finally recognized the faces in that tangle of grappling bodies. Thankfully, Kurt, Burt, Brittany, Santana were safe. The few Vampires injured on the ground were too far gone to even do anything, as they too stared at the burning house.

Sebastian picked up Sugar's scent right off the main street. He'd left the Headquarters at once after his talk with the Warbler. He had no intention to stay and make official his alliance with, that woman, Sue. She gave him the willies for some reason. Besides, Blaine was going to take care of it anyways. Sebastian owed him. He'd risked his life and went with those lover-Warblers anyways. There was no more need to prove his innocence to them. Now—he could simply look forward to a good hunt, and maybe rip Sugar into shreds for the kicks.

He really hated that bitch. She'd been a pain in the ass even when he was with his father's coven; always cozying up with him as if he'd ever look at her. As if he'd ever want to sleep with somebody like her. He hadn't been able to tell it officially that he licked dick, thank you very much, there was a problem involved about it getting back to Edward.

Now, he wasn't sacred anymore. He was a free agent. He'd take that bitch's head in his own, tell her that "I like dick, you fucking bitch!" and then twist that arrogant head off her shoulders for good. Yes, he was really looking forward to doing this.

At first, he was cautious as he made his way toward where the scent led him. But then he realized he was alone. He couldn't feel the usual followers looking for him all over the place. This disturbed him. This certainly meant something else was going on. He started following Sugar's scent with a new sense of urgency.

Five minutes later, he was at the Hummel's street. And as he sensed the hoard of Vampires, all around the house, he knew what was gong on. But he wasn't a fool. He'd stay back and observe. If it looked like there was no choice but to help the Hummels, he'd butt in.

He first heard the shots fired in the house, followed by the sure sounds of scuffling between the house mates. Then he heard a yell that sounded a lot like Kurt. He tensed, wondering what made Kurt scream like this. He felt his un-beating heart sink, because he knew Blaine would be on his case if something happened to Hummel under his watch. Besides—he might be starting to like the Warbler leader a bit, because of his open forgiveness. And Kurt and Blaine made a heck of a couple. And maybe, he liked when Blaine had asked him to not get killed. Maybe, he liked that somebody—even if it was a Warbler—cared if he lived or died. It showed that he had friends; that somebody needed him around.

Thinking that, he crept close to the house, staying clear of the Vampires that still surrounded the house silently waiting for orders. Till he was close enough. Close enough to spot some familiar scents and faces.

Jessie, Sugar (oh, right) and none other than his dear, so-called father, Edward. He pushed down the instincts that screamed at him to take his chance and attack. He could attack Edward, sure. But with so many of his guards around—it was a stupid move. He couldn't afford to be instinctual about this.

He had to make some sort of plan.

He searched the house itself, with his gaze and scenes. He spotted Burt with Kurt, and Finn with some Vamps. He could hear Carole's frantically beating heart at a safe corner in the house. Then he felt the three males join together and come out the house. Ready to face the music.

The three Hummels looked worse for wear. They still wore their nighttime garb, their hair bed-mussed. However, the three were alert, bloody and wielding their weapons with determination.

Kurt looked beat. His pajamas were bloody, and Sebastian detected a few sharp shard of glass clinging to his clothes. He could feel that Kurt was rapidly healing—and felt inexplicably thankful for some reason. That meant Blaine wouldn't be so mad after all. Then he mentally chided himself. Why do I care if Blaine is mad at me or not? He grumbled in his head.

Then he heard his father's taunting voice, clearly above the hisses and enraged shrieks of the gathered Vampire guards.

"You can come peacefully. Or I'll make you watch as my pets tear your family to shreds."

Sebastian saw as Kurt's eyes darkened with anger. He saw the trembles that took hold of Kurt's slender frame and the way the boy transitioned into a monster—who still looked a lot like a human strangely. Kurt's fangs were not as long as everyone elses', his face didn't contort or become animalistic. His hands didn't claw. But the rage was real enough; the anger was clear in Kurt's voice when he snarled.

Despite himself, Sebastian felt a shiver of fear run through him. He was so sued to seeing Kurt as a frail human boy that this came as a shock to him. This reminded him so painfully of his own lost humanity—that for the first time, he actually felt the same as the Deserters. Vampires must not exist. They were enemies of humans, and humanity itself. Here was a boy, loosing his humanity in front of his very eyes. And he felt disgusted at being who he was for the first time in his life.


All the same, Kurt shook off Burt and lunged at the Vampires.

The Vampires surged forward at the same time. Burt and Finn froze for just a second, before they too, joined the fight, firing blindly at the Vamps and hacking with their blades. Sebastian stood up, and his eyes were focused, not on Kurt's family, but on his own.

Jessie, Sugar and Edward hadn't moved. They stood at the back still, watching the fight with that glint in their eyes, as if they thought they'd already won.

Well, now was as good a time to be stupid as any. So Sebastian jumped from his hiding spot and landed neatly right behind the three Vampires. They turned, completely shocked at the sudden arrival. Sebastian felt a spark of pride at being able to sneak up on them so easily.

"Hello, Father," he spit the word as a curse. "I see you've turned suddenly desperate, now that everyone in your team is slowly betraying you. Clever. But not clever enough."

Jessie made moves as if to attack, but Edward's hand shot out to stop him in his tracks. He shook his head and Jessie backed away. Sugar was ready too, her face transformed as she quivered on the spot, ready to attack at the slightest chance.

"Sebastian," Edward said. His fake, political smile in place. "It's good to see you again. I wonder how you managed to evade my guards so long like this, though. You must have found a lair I haven't been able to."

Sebastian knew what this was. A trick, stalling. He laughed, hoping that Kurt would catch his voce and know that help was near at hand. "Yes. I did. But I won't tell you. Because there's no need. You'd be dead in a while."

Sugar snarled loudly. "Let me take him, Master!" she said angrily.

"Oh, and you," Sebastian smiled mockingly. "I'm glad I found you here with dear old, Dad. You see, there's something I've been meaning to tell you. So here goes—I'm really sorry, but I'm a FAGGOT. I like dick. I like sucking it, I like having it INSIDE me! So yes, there. I'm officially out. I feel great!"

Sebastian watched with cruel satisfaction as Sugar's face went paler. Edward's expression, however, was what he cherished the most. Edward's face registered shock at first, then confusion and then his features melted into anger so profound that he shuddered with the rage equivalent as Kurt's.

"WHAT—DID—YOU—SAY?" Edward spat each word out as he took a few steps closer.

Sebastian knew it was coming. He was ready. So he smiled derisively, and making a complete show of it, announced yet again. "I SAID, I'm GAY, father. You know, a HOMOSEXUAL. I hate girls—especially you, Sugar."

Edward lost all control and he snarled, "YOU SON OF BITCH! HOW DARE YOU! YOU SINNER!"

"Huh—funny. This coming from a guy who just attacked innocent people."

Then Edward was on him. Sebastian whipped out his sword—thanking his instincts at having snagged it before leaving the Headquarter for good measure—and slashed at his father's torso. As expected, Edward howled in pain and backed away. Throwing a hate filled glare in Sebastian's direction, he signaled Jessie and Sugar. "KILL HIM!"

Sebastian laughed again, thrilling in the passion of the fight. His coward of father was cowering already, now that the scales had tipped so far out of control so easily. And then he was one-one-one with Jessie and Sugar.

He tried keeping an eye out for Kurt's family too. But all he spotted was a cluster of clumsy fighting, shrieks and hisses as Vampires got injured. He hoped that help would come soon—there was no way he could get the Hummels out of this all by himself.

"How long, Birtt, dear?" Santana grumbled yet again.

They were at the Hilltown Library, after hours, at that. Brittany had been complaining about getting some research done as soon as possible.

Brittany had been doing research quiet a lot lately. Ever since the big meeting with the Deserters, actually. She was bent on finding out the truth about what had happed with Kurt, Dave and Lauren. So for that reason, she had been coming to the Library quiet a lot, in daytime and night time, like now.

Santana had been frustrated before, knowing that this stupid excuse of a Library will be useless. But then Brittany had revealed a secret door that led underground, opening into a large chamber with many old books.

"This is the stock Edward stored here fifty years back," Brittany had explained. "Not many people know. Sebastian and I were the only ones who helped him with the storage."

As Santana gaped openly at the books all around, marveling at the old titles in Greek and Latin, she snorted. "I didn't know Edward had a taste in literature..."

"He doesn't," Brittany had said simply. "This is just a few shelves worth of treasure he stole from Lord Arlen Carolus before betraying him. These books are written for, and by, Vampires through many ages. Edward never was literary type. I know about this because I used to spent a lot of time in Lord Arlen's Library years back."

Santana observed Brittany thoughtfully. Contrary to the popular belief inside the coven, Santana knew exactly how old Brittany was. Which was to say—much, much older than any of them. Same as Edward, she'd bet. But that wasn't why this was important. Brittany didn't look it, but she was a scholar like nobody else. She'd gathered hoards of knowledge in all her life. Knowledge that she put to use now and then. Knowledge that made her an important pawn in Edward's army.

Santana always wondered why Brittany has chosen to come along with Edward when they got banished, but had been too afraid to ask aloud. She was thankful, nonetheless, because this girl (no matter how old) was her life now. She wasn't sure how to go on without Brittany.

"And you think there might be something here?" Santana had asked instead. "You think stuff like this have happed before?"

"The mere fact that it happened right now, and so successfully, is proof enough," Brittany mumbled, taking out the tomes and starting to read. "There must be some example of this in history, there must."

And so their days at the Library had begun. Santana ran errands too now and again. Sometimes she went looking for Sebastian—but he remained hidden for whatever reason.

This morning, she'd gone one last time. She told him to come and meet her, or any of the Warblers, if he could. That she wouldn't come back again, this was the last chance. So far, she'd not heard from Sebastian or Warblers about this. She only hoped that he'd listen. Besides, today she'd been with Brittany all day. And now at night as well.

Brittany had found a relevant book last night, but it only led her to another reference book. This was what Brittany was reading now, pouring over details and making notes in a notebook.

"Seriously, dear," Santana grumbled again. "How long? Shouldn't we be getting back home?"

When she said 'home' Santana meant the two room apartment she'd rented a few days back. As Andy had already reported about Edward knowing of their betrayal—there was no need to return to the mansion anymore. Seriously speaking, Santana had never felt more alive and free.

Quinn had troubles when she tried to find a place to live. Deserters had openly offered her lodgings but she refused. It wasn't proper for her anyway, with so many humans around. Besides, Dave and Lauren were completely different now, humans, non-dangerous. So finally Quinn had gone to the Church, after Joe's offer. It made Santana wonder exactly what sort of relationship was blossoming between the dread-locked boy and her friend.

"OH—" Brittany's shocked exhale drew her attention. "OH GOD! I think I got it!"

Santana hurried over to see what was making Brittany so excited. All she caught sight of was squiggles on the notebook and weird Greek letters on the moldy pages. She scoffed. "What is it, Brit?"

"A clue," Brittany grinned. "I think I may be able to find out what exactly is going on with Kurt! But—I'll need help."

Santana pushed back her sleeves readily. "Sure. Just tell me what to do."

Then Santana felt her back pressed against the table-top, Brittany straddling her hips with a devious smile on her face. She smiled back, ready to draw the blonde girl into a kiss. But Brittany's hands pushed on her shoulders, a mocking grin shining on her lips.

"Not YOUR help, dear one. I meant, I'll need help of a professional."

Santana's hopes went down the gutter. "Oh," she said. "I see."

"But...I might need something..." Brittany leaned closer and pecked Santana's brow. "Maybe—something like this..." She kissed Santana's mouth.

The kiss was soft and unhurried, both girl taking their time. Then it turned passionate, as Santana nipped at Brittney's bottom lips. Eliciting a groan from the girl above him. She could scent their mutual arousals on the air, making her body shiver with delight.

Another fun thing which came out of their own apartment was that their sex life had taken quiet a turn. Before, they engaged in hurried sexual activates, with the sole purpose of relieving their need, always in fear of discovery by one of Edward's servants. Now, they were not afraid of anyone fining out. Now they realized how satisfying and enriching sex could be when done right and with a lot of time at hand.

Before it could go any further, Brittany's head snapped up, her eyes darkening. She sniffed and growled, frustrated. "Someone's in the library. Let's get out of here."

Santana made a sniveling sound as Brittany climbed off of her. Except they could continue this back in the apartment, she realized with a smile. So they both hurriedly snuffed out the candles that illuminated the underground chamber. They made their way above ground, into the actual Library.

"Oh, it's a janitor!" Santana complained as she spotted the balding man. As much as she hated the man for ruining the fun, she couldn't just kill him.

Both the girls took off once they were outside. They flew across the rooftops, trying to get home as fast as possible, both their bodies high on adrenaline and lust and need for each other.

Then Santana stopped still. Her ears drew her eyes to another direction at once. She heard the battle cries and dying shrieks of Vampires nearby.

They both exchanged a look, understanding at once where the screams came from. They were at the scene in less than a minute.

A fray of heaving, attacking bodies met their eyes. In the tangle of so many wild people, it was hard to recognize anyone. Until, they heard a familiar voice snarl loudly.


He was wrestling with two huge brutes, his face snarling in rage as he tore through their bodies with his swords. He didn't stop. Before the Vampires even dissolved into ash, Kurt was upon the next bunch. And next. Then next. He was unstoppable.

"KILL HIM!" Edward's voice drew their attention, and they saw another group fighting each other in a blur of speed.

Sebastian was engaging Jessie and Sugar in one-on-one combat at once. He looked distracted as he tried keeping his eye on Edward and Kurt.

"Get Edward," Santana spat, and lunged inside the circle where Finn was trying to keep Vampires away from a bleeding Burt. The boy gave a wide glance of greatfull-ness to her, and they both attacked as one, making the Vampires waver at this new tactics.

"Kurt..." Burt's voice called in the night from somewhere.

Kurt disposed off the monsters he was fighting with and abruptly came at his Dad's aid. He tore off the Vampire, who had clearly given in to his bloodlust and was sucking at Burt's neck. The vampire flew across the yard and fell on top of Jessie, making it easy for Sebastian to finally garb and behead Sugar.

Her dying screech left everyone rattled; they all abandoned their fights to protect their ears from exploding.

Brittany ran for Sebastian's help as he was too busy snarling at Sugar's remains to notice Jessie recovering behind him. Using a swiping blow with her clawed hand, Brittany ran her whole hand through Jessie's neck, till his head flopped free. Jessie turned to ash same as Sugar, but without a sound.

The rest of the Vampires were now demoralized. Sugar and Jessie's easy deaths had made them suddenly cautious. They backed away from Finn, Santana and Kurt, ready to flee at the moments notice. Also because this attack was no longer going as secretively as they'd planned.

Four of the Vampires escaped, but the remaining ten or so, were not so lucky. They fell in Kurt's rage-filled clutches.

"Kurt—STOP!" Burt yelled loudly, trying to make his son listen.

But Kurt looked beyond demented. He looked as if he'd murder anyone who came close to him.

He was grabbing the Vampires left and right who tried to run away, limping from their injuries. He tore trough their bodies like hot knife through the butter. The ash was in the air around him, settling onto his hair and bloody clothes.

Then Sebastian intervened. He understood that Kurt was mad in rage, wanted retaliation. All understandable and noble. However if the boy kept going, he'd be hurt when he finally realized what he'd done. When Kurt's anger would finally subside, he'd realize his own monstrosity and he'd be damaged.

To save the boy from such depravation, Sebastian tried to garb him. The remaining two Vampires cowered as they were finally free of Kurt's hold. They sank to the ground, moaning in pain as they nursed the slashes those sai swords have inflicted.

Kurt wriggled in Sebastian's tight embrace, tying to free himself.

"LET GO OF ME! URGHH!" he screamed in rage. "LEMME GO!"

"STOP THIS!" Sebastian finally yelled in Kurt's face till the boy went still, looking at Sebastian with suddenly wide, fearful eyes. "Stop this before you regret something."

As if finally waking up, Kurt sank on his knees, bringing Sebastian down with him as well. His gaze traveled over the lawn, over the ash mounds and injured bodies. Over Burt who was on the ground supporting a bleeding leg and neck. Finn was holding Burt close, his eyes met Kurt's. And then Kurt was crying unbearably. He'd seen the same look of pain and sorrow in Finn's eyes as he'd seen in everyone else's. He couldn't take it.

"Where's Edward?" Brittany's voice brought them out of their pathetic-ness.

Santana cursed loudly, looking around. Edward had escaped while they were otherwise busy. Including the Vampires who'd escaped ahead, this would mean problem. There was a chance they'd regroup and attack again.

Not more than a few minutes had passed since this whole thing started. And already, it seemed as if ages had passed.

"We gotta leave," Sebastian said finally, helping Kurt stand up. "Now! Before everyone shows up!"

That was when they realized the neighboring houses were buzzing with activity. People had heard the inhumane shrieks, heard the hell which raged into the night. They'd seen a few things through the closed windows and now there'd be a lot of explaining to do.

Just when Sebastian thought things will untangle themselves—they heard Carole scream.

In their fight, they'd completely forgotten Carole. Then they smelled clearly the gasoline. Their senses getting into overdrive as they tried to figure out what was going on.

"Lo and behold, Kurt!" Edward's voice came from somewhere.

They all looked up, and found the Mayor in the broken window of Kurt's room. Carole was screaming in his grip, her face streaked with tears.

"I told you to come peacefully," Ed drawled, making a fake face of sorrow. "But look what you did here? It didn't have to be like this, you see. It could have been simpler."

Then the four Vampires, the ones who'd escaped before, appeared beside Edward. They had gallons of gasoline in their hands. A look from Edward, and they disappeared in the night.

"Well—since you evidently refuse to join me," Edward said, and took out a lighter from his coat pocket. "I'll have to make sure you pay the price. How about, I burn this precious house down? And how about—I burn your precious Carole with it, huh?"

He twisted Carole's arm forcefully, and it cracked. Carole screamed, sobbing as she fell on one of her knee. Her tear-streaked face was looking at Burt, then Finn and then Kurt. There was a tender, silent plea in her eyes.

"I really don't know why you married her, Burt," Edward went on conversationally, flicking the lighter open as a flame appeared. "I mean, I get the appeal Elizabeth held, I really did. I mean—I was there when she got turned, you know."

Burt went still, his eyes turning furious.

"What—you didn't know? Well, too bad. Andy knew though. He was cashing me when he found Elizabeth dying, you know. I had made that rogue, and I made it follow Eliza. She was such a beauty—much like you are now, Kurt. Expect she was a woman, somebody I could have made my Vampire Queen easily. Which is what I wanted her to be." Edward's mocking smile vanished, turning livid. "But—NO. She HAD to be pregnant with a child! It ruined the whole turning process! I ran away before Andy got there, the rogue got killed and Elizabeth was taken away. I was so MAD! I wanted to KILL you all!"

Then Edward laughed. "And guess what happened next, huh? Burt sent me a little surprise, and I knew I was going to have my revenge now. You send Holly Holiday to me, didn't you? With news of your son's birth. Ha! Like I wanted your son...? But then, your son turned out be quiet unique, much like his mother, didn't he? Oh, I was SO glad when you confided his true nature to me. I could see it, so easily, how I could turn it all to my own advantage!"

"Shut up," Burt yelled. "Shut the fuck up, NOW and leave Carole alone! Leave before I—"

"Before, you what?" Edward snarled, derisively laughing. "What CAN you do, Burt? NOTHING! I'll take everything from you...just watch me. And what, you thought by keeping Kurt's ability secret, you were saving him? Right—do you think me a fool?!"

Burt's face paled, he turned to look at Kurt in concern.

"Oh, yes," Edward laughed. "I KNOW what he is. I saw those two young ones turn human. I made Sugar follow Dave, because I knew he'd be stupid enough to take Kurt for himself! I knew he was a FAGGOT like your son, like MY son! So I just watched, and waited. Then Sugar found those two Dave was hiding in that house. She kept them prisoners—I confess they were a good fuck, screaming for mercy. Sugar took the boy and I—well, I had my fun with the girl."

"You filthy monster...!" Sebastian spat in hatred, remembering the condition he'd found Scott and Amanda in.

Edward threw his head back and laughed, yanking on Carole's arm again, making her groan in pain. "Oh, it was amazing. Seeing with my own eyes as their bodies turned back into pitiable humans. Oh, it was so easy to connect the dots. Dave drank Kurt's blood and turned back—his charges turned back as well. Such marvelous power, don't you agree?"

"Don't you dare talk about my son!" Burt thundered. "Don't you dare try to take Kurt! I swear to god I'll burn you!"

Edward smirked, his eyes turning black at once as he sunk his fangs into Carole's neck. After taking a few deep draughts, he threw Carole back inside Kurt's room.

"No, Burt. I'LL. BURN. YOU."

Then he dropped the lighter on the floor, the fire engulfed Kurt's room in manner of seconds!

"NOOOOO!" Burt and Finn yelled at once as Kurt screamed in fury, trying to go after Edward as he escaped, yet again.

"CAROLE!" Kurt changed direction mid-chase and tried to throw himself inside the rapidly burning house.

Sebastian grabbed the boy and yanked him back. "NO! LET ME GO INSIDE!" And like a fool he was, Sebastian threw himself inside the burning house.

The Hummels started their crying, as Santana and Brittany tried to hold them back from throwing themselves into danger as well.

The Warblers and Deserters had arrived, a little too late.

Blaine found Kurt first, realizing that his relief was not needed. Something was wrong here, why else would the Hummels be crying as if it was the end of everything. Of course, the house was burning but they could stay wherever they wnated, people loved the Hummels.

And then he realized who was missing. Carole. And his fears took another from, he grabbed Kurt in a hug, trying to hold the screeching boy as he, too, observed the burning house.

"What is going on?!" he screamed at Santana over Kurt's shoulder.

"Edward set the house on fire. Carole's in there. And Sebastian went in looking for her!"

This wasn't the entire story, he knew it. He also knew it was not the time for that. Things were getting uglier as the people of surrounding houses also made appearances, huddled in their night gowns as they eyed the crying family with remorseful eyes.

"It was the Mayor!" somebody shouted in the crowd. "We saw him through the window. He hit Carole and then burned the house with her!"

Somebody called for Fire Department, as they waited.

Sebastian hurled through the burning walls all of a sudden, and thudded into the ground. There was a bundle of blankets in his arms. Everyone rushed toward him as he opened the bundle, revealing Carole who was badly bruised, burned—but still alive as she sobbed and reached for her family.

Burt and Finn threw themselves at her, three of them crying. Kurt also freed himself from Blaine's embrace, but as he came closer to Carole, he stopped and backed away. There was a look of self-disgust and self-loathing on his face.

Sebastian gave a knowing look to Kurt and then grabbed Blaine by the arm, dragging him away from the crowd.

"Tell me! What just happened here? How can it happen in just ten minutes?"

"I'll tell you," Sebastian said. "But it isn't simple. And people have seen far too much already. All I can say is that you need to help Kurt through this. Can I count on you?"

Blaine nodded fervently. "Yes, I'd do anything for Kurt."

"Then listen closely to what just happened here..."


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