Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 13: The Renegade Son Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 13: The Renegade Son

T - Words: 8,021 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
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~ CHAPTER 13 ~
The Renegade Son

Sebastian was standing near the stairs that curved up to the first and second floor of the big house. With him a lot more people stood. All of them dressed dirtily like himself. The girl and the grandfather he had come in with stood a little above him. The grandfather had gotten tried around the time Andy revealed himself, and was now sitting on the step, his head poking out of the railings to blindly observe the conference going on below in the living room around the round table.

"What's happening!" grandfather said gruffly as the people started shouting at Andy's arrival.

The girl and Sebastian had both leaned over to tell him that, "Its Anderson! They've brought Anderson!"

"Oh, Damn 'em!" the man muttered.

Sebastian was enjoying this a bunch. With distress he realized that it wasn't just the thrill of having to fool these humans—but also the sudden sense of companionship he was now sharing with the girl and the grandfather. Not only them, but everyone around, the people—HUMANS—who were pressed right up to him to ogle at the conference down in the living room, they all felt connected to him in this weird bond. He was hungry, very much so. And the initial wave of lust was slowly receding as the things took interesting turn. But just as he was evaluating who to pick from the crowd and kill when the meeting closed, he also kept eliminating a few people on the basis of this connection.

For example, he couldn't kill the girl or the old guy now, could he? Well they'd helped him get inside. He owed them something. But he also couldn't kill this boy of around 20, whose face was poking right by his shoulder, to look at the proceedings. The boy's chin had come to a rest on Sebastian's shoulder after a while, as if the boy was getting tired of craning his neck. Sebastian just couldn't shove him back, without getting the attention of everyone on himself. But also because what wrong was if the boy was pressed close to him? He was only trying to look at what was going on, wasn't he?

Or what about the man who was standing on his other side. The one who stank of gasoline, meaning he must be one of Burt's workers at the Lube shop. The man kept grumbling and cursing at all the appropriate times. Sebastian found himself cursing along with him—how weird. When Andy had spoken of how Kevin blew himself up, the man had given an exclamation of shock, and turned right to Sebastian and, grabbing Sebastian's arm roughly and shaking, asked "What did he say? Did he fucking just say that?! Did that boy fucking did that?!"

"Seems so," Sebastian told the man, all the while fearing discovery. But the man shook his head in a dazed sort of way, mumbling about poor child.

Sebastian didn't know why he felt as if he could kill anyone else but not these people. In fact, they would be easier to kill because they trusted him so far. But the idea seemed repellant to him. For once in his lifetime, Sebastian was repelled by the idea of killing a foolish human being only because he felt himself attached. What was WRONG with him?!

All the same, he noticed this man standing in the doorway of the living room, half outside in the hallway. The man looked weak and kept coughing throatily into his hands, his frame shaking violently. He looked as if he was about to drop dead. Sebastian decided he'd kill that man and save him the pain. Yes, that seems fine.

Then he went back to listening to Andy's story. He was impressed a how cunningly Quinn had laid this plan out. And he even went far to admit that Santana saving Kurt from him that night had been a good measure, in retrospect. He was experiencing now that it was easy to lure them in by making them believe he was harmless. The people around him were testaments to that. Now...if he wanted Kurt, he'll have to make Kurt trust him first.

Then they were all celebrating. Sebastian watched with wonder as the little boy ran into Andy's arms. He focused his hearing onto what Andy was softly saying over the babble of the noise and cheering people.

"Here now," Andy was murmuring in the boy's ear. "I'm here, son. I'm here."

"Dad, oh dad!" the boy was crying. "I was so sad when—Blaine was so sad and we thought...I didn't know how I could go on anymore...I..."

"Hush..." Andy said. "I'm here now, Cooper. I won't be around as much but I'm here now OK."

The boy—Cooper?—nodded rapidly, smiling through his tears. With slow hesitation, he went back to Blaine. Blaine leaned down and kissed the boy's forehead once.

"You OK, Coop?" he asked.

"Better than before," the boy said with a giggle.

And the smile that lit up Blaine's face was different than any smile Sebastian had ever seen. Heck, he didn't know Blaine smiled at all. Then with a jolt he realized that this boy wasn't just a brother like the Warblers! This boy was THE brother. He was related to Blaine by blood, meaning Andy's second son.

Looked like Blaine Anderson had a weakness, then. Sebastian didn't know if to worry about this or rejoice. For now, he felt uneasy. This was precious information. One he wouldn't want his father to find out just yet—or maybe, ever.

Once the noises died down, Sue called for order again. She waved her revolver threateningly and, as nobody wanted to have another shot fired, they suddenly calmed down.

"Now that this has been resolved, anyone who wants to leave can leave!" Sue said without much generosity. "We're gonna be planning a lot of things and it'll take us time. But if anyone disturbed us I'll have all your skins! Now OUT!"

Sebastian gulped worriedly as he saw the girl and grandfather starting to leave.

"Aren't you staying?" he asked them nervously.

The girl smiled. "It'll get boring. Once they start planning they take hours and we are getting a little tired. I have to give Gramps some lunch and put him to bed." The Grandfather grunted in affirmative. The girl looked at Sebastian, "If you need, we can make you some lunch too?"

There. An invitation. A perfectly easy target. He can follow them home, get in and eat them both alive and no one will give two shits about it. Something about the unfairness of it made Sebastian sick—for the first time in his life. It also made him reconsider the way he's been living all along. And what of his father's laws? They certainly didn't touch these unfortunate people.

"Thank you." He looked down at the rapidly emptying house. Soon he'll be recognized. "I might stay a while. See if I can help with anything."

The girl just nodded and helped the old man down the stairs. The old man blindly looked back up at Sebastian when they reached the lowest step and smiled, "If you ever need help again, we live just near Crowley's Hardware. Our shack's the only one in the fields, you'll find it easily. Good day."

Sebastian sighed. Fools. They even left him their address, just pathetic. He never understood why the humans felt this need to just trust anyone. Why were they so sympathetic and compassionate? They always ended up in worst form, this world was cruel and compassion is never returned.

But then again, he wondered. That's why they are human. Because they feel such emotions.

Unbidden, he was once more reminded of Eli. Eli used to be so compassionate.

Sebastian shook himself and made his way out of the living room and started looking for some place to hide.

Twice in one day, he thought. Was it because he was terribly hungry or surrounded by humans that he was reminded of Eli so strongly? Or was it just the fact he really did miss him? It didn't matter.

All he wanted to do was to find a room where he could hide, and still be able to listen in on the meeting going on in the living room. For now, as he heard, Sue was directing orders about getting the lunch ready for all the inhabitants of the house, and snapping at Puck whenever he tired to interfere in the orders by reminding him whose authority was given heed to here. Sebastian hid a smile as he finally spotted an empty room—almost empty. His heart gave a victorious jolt as he found a boy-shaped figure under the blanket, curled up on the sofa. Meal...finally. But when he uncovered the boy, his heart gave another jolt. It was a ten-year-old. He was shivering violently, his lips blue.

The boy looked up at him and said, "Did Maria get me soup yet?"

Sebastian shook his head. "No, it will take a while. But—" on sudden inspiration, Sebastian took off his coat—he didn't need it anyways—and put it around the boy, and then rewrapped him in his blankets. "She said to give you the coat and keep watch over you till she came back."

The boy nodded. "It's OK. I know there isn't enough for everyone here. I don't need soup anyways. I'll be fine." From his tone, Sebastian could tell that the boy knew he won't be fine. But he was still lying to make himself feel better.

"Sleep," Sebastian ordered gruffly. "Maybe the fever will break."

"OK," the boy disappeared under the blanket and the coat. A few minutes later, Sebastian heard boy's deep breaths, meaning he was sleeping peacefully now.

Sebastian checked the hallway again, and marveled at so many rooms. The room where he hid was small, but by the looks of it, almost four people lived here. The couch was boy's, he could see but there was a double bed also. One the side tables were different item, books, cosmetics, pills. And just against the wall a stuffed mattress was pushed. There was a discarded pair of jeans and a rolled up sweater on the mattress, meaning another boy owned this.

Sebastian sat on the mattress and placed his ear against the wall. From the other side he could hear clearly as Quinn listed off names of Edward's elite guards for the Deserters. Sebastian had to admit, he knew that Sue boarded a lot of Deserters, but he hadn't been sure how many until now. He reluctantly felt a shred of respect for the harsh woman. To take care of so many people this way must be a hard task—one she was doing proficiently otherwise these people wouldn't be here.

"...And there's also some I don't know by name," Quinn was saying. Sebastian settled down and closed his eyes. Listening. "I've seen them around Edward ever since I can remember. They are like his shadows. They stay out of sight but can appear at the slightest sign of trouble. The usual guards, who are visible, can easily be defeated. But these, they are unpredictable."

"I think I know some of them," said the blonde Warbler—Jeff?—and there was sounds of rustling and beeps. "Here...I have some pictures on my phone. Is that one of them?"

Quinn gasped. "How did you..? They move so fast, even I haven't been able to catch a glimpse of their face, not fully! How did you take this?"

"He was in his office," Jeff said. "Outside ones comfort zone one discards all signs of caution. He was in his own turf, so he moved about normally. By the time he caught my scent and realized he was being watched I was far gone."

Santana whistled, impressed. "Well...you guys really are hot stuff when it comes to doing the job, aren't you?"

"Which is how we're still alive," Blaine grumbled. "But enough of this—we'll need more names, Quinn."

"What more?" she said with just a hint of irritation. "I've given you all that I know of. Lily and Margaret Smyth, Jesse St. James, Karofsky Senior and the Mottas families—they are all his personal guards. My father is head of the guards outside the mansion...I just know that they are supposed to follow a few selective people. They are to report only to Dad and then Dad tells Edward. They could be following anyone...even you guys. That's all."

"We know Kurt is being diligently followed," Blaine said, and Sebastian rolled his eyes to himself. It was obvious Kurt was being followed, duh. "And we have seen one Vampire by the name of Garret following Burt since the Rain Celebration..."

"Wait, WHAT?" Burt suddenly snapped. "Are you nuts? Garret is a friend! He works in my Filling Station, for Christ's sake!"

"He does," Blaine said. And even if he couldn't see, Sebastian knew Burt had been shocked speechless at Blaine's abrupt tone. "He also does part time security duty at the Power Station on weekends."

"Garret's a Vampire?!" Burt huffed out in shock.

"Yes, he's been turned for quiet some time actually," Quinn confirmed. "His family doesn't know—but he said he won't hurt his family. Edward threatened him that if he revealed himself his family would get hurt. You see, he's in the same condition as Andy here. The only difference is, Andy wants to help by his own choice. Garret was turned precisely for the purpose of spying on you Burt...and since you are one of his work colleagues and friend..."

"Who else?" Riley demanded. "Who else is a Vampire and we don't know about it?!"

"It's really smart," Brittany replied. "Edward found out that after you people get Cut—Um, Sworn?—it is possible to deceive you. And since the transformation doesn't heal the injuries or scars that have been inflicted before...one can pass as a Sworn member but still be Vampire."

"So the only injuries that heal," Kurt said this time, "Are the ones that are inflicted after the transformation? That's...disturbing."

"Answer Puckerman's question first," Sue said. "Who else is turned that we don't know about?"

"Apart from Garret...? Well, let's see Wade Adams down at the Unique Bakery. He was turned 5 years ago. Ryder, your driver is also not human."

There was a shocked grumbling from the other side of the wall and Sebastian chuckled to himself. But then...

"I know," Ryder admitted. "I saw him...drinking off the neighbor's chickens one night. But I didn't confront him about it and I have never seen him do anything wrong. But I assure you if he broke the law, I'll personally kill him."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ryder's father asked.

"There was no need to be alarmed."

"He's right!" Burt said before this could turn into an argument. "There's no need to argue. What's done is done. Anyone else, Quinn?"

It was Santana who replied. "Yes...this one got turned by accident. Dave went too far trying to drain this girl and well...it was your sister, Nick. I'm sorry."

"WHAT?" Blaine snapped at her. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?"

"Look—we found Dave at the right time!" Brittany said, sounding tearful. "If we hadn't he would have killed her! We tired waking her up but too much blood was lost so we made Dave turn her. We're sorry."

Nick was crying now. And in the shaking voice he said, "I know my family doesn't want me anymore but—BUT—THEY ARE SWORN! DAVE BROKE THE LAW BY ATTACKING HER!"

"He did, and he was punished for it, I assure you," Santana said, sounding just a bit sympathetic. "We locked him up for a whole month without blood—and trust me, that kinda thing can kill you."

Sebastian frowned to himself. He wasn't too friendly with Dave, he had always thought he was kind of an asshole. But he knew that Dave could easily be persuaded into doing dirty work. Dave liked dirty. He also knew that a few months back Dave had been on the lockdown. But he hadn't known exactly why. Now he knew.

"No...YOUR "LAW" clearly says that if one of you breaks the rule, we are supposed to KILL you back!" Nick yelled, Sebastian could feel the vibrations of his anger even through the wall. "He broke the rule when he came after Kurt! He broke the rule when he stalked Kurt. He broke the rule by attacking Amanda...And for all your words; he may be breaking the rules all over the town! He may be the one behind all these unknown attacks! I HAVE to kill him!"

"Nick, DON'T," Blaine said in authority. And by the choked sobs, Sebastian guessed that Nick had stopped himself from running out to kill Dave. "All in good time. You, Quinn...is there anymore we should know?"

"No...These are all the people who got turned without your knowledge."

Burt coughed for attention and said, "You said you'll answer anything. So I have a question too."


"Why exactly was Edward and his clan, exiled from wherever you came from?"

Sebastian had to control his own exclamation of shock, in fear that the sick boy woke up. Quinn made the obvious sound of surprise and Santana snapped, "Hell."

"How do you know about this?" Quinn demanded.

"I'll tell you my story...if you tell me yours," Burt said with obvious anger in his voice.

"Fine," Quinn said. "I'll tell you."

The room rapidly clears up. Only the families I know of and the Puckpeople remain. I think to myself everyday that whatever surprises this weird town had in store for me are finally over. But everyday, I'm proved wrong. Like today. This meeting had been an eye-opener, to say the least. But it also gave me insight on how much people are depending on me.

It's crazy.

There are still a few people who remain but I don't know about. Sue introduces them for my benefit again. There's a cook woman of early 30s. Maria. And a man of late 30s, Neal. He's Maria's boyfriend.

Sue tells Neal to go back and inform the South branch of what have happened here. He nods and leaves, stroking Maria's hand as he goes past her.

"South branch?" I ask Finn as Sue starts telling Maria about the extra number of guests tonight at dinner.

"Well, this isn't the only house Deserters live in," he whispers back. "There are branches of Deserter's hideouts all over the town. This being the Headquarter. There's a branch near Crowley's I think, in an abandoned body shop. And another one near that run-down Chinese place near Hilly Radio. Neal is in charge of the South Main Street Branch."

"Our street is on the Main Street!" I say as I recall the direction.

"Yes, further south the main street are more fields. Mostly abandoned area. It's fenced over. But there is an old cotton factory there. The owners died a few years back. Neal is controlling the second largest Deserter shelter over there."

Sue, having given Maria the orders for dinner, was now berating Puck over something. He was mumbling with his head down, but I can, and everyone else can too, see a smirk on his face.

My eyes rest on Blaine automatically. He's stroking Cooper's hair absently. Cooper is looking at his father, and Andy is looking at both his sons. There's a mild expression of serenity on Andy's face. It's as if he has finally found the peace the death hadn't given him.

"I don't know all of their names," Quinn says rather gruffly, and I snap my attention back on her. "But I can tell you some."

"Maybe we could help you along," Puck says and whistles softly.

From an adjacent room a boy on the wheelchair enters. I remember him from school. He hangs out with Rachel and the glee club mostly. Artie Abrams.

"Artie has been able to hack most of your systems and he's got profiles of a few people down." Quinn shoots Puck an impressed look. "Well, Is he one of your Dad's guards?"

Artie holds up his laptop and there's a picture of a hulking man I've never seen before.

"Yes," says Quinn. "He's called Slade."

Then she says Yes or No to all the photos, telling us names. It gets boring so I just switch my gaze between Blaine and Rachel. She's smiling softly at us, and then I look at my left side at Finn, he seems to be blushing a bit. This provides a certain amount of entertainment for me until...

"We know Kurt is being diligently followed," Blaine says, and I snap my attention to him. "And we have seen one Vampire by the name of Garret following Burt since the Rain Celebration..."

"Wait WHAT?" Bur—Dad suddenly yells, I nearly jump off the sofa. "Are you nuts? Garret is a friend! He works in my Filling Station, for Christ's sake!"

"He does," Blaine says in abrupt tone. "He also does part time security duty at the Power Station on weekends."

"Garret's a Vampire?!" Dad is so shocked I actually feel him deflate beside me. I place my hand on his arm, sending him comfort. He fleetingly gives me a smile.

"Yes, he's been turned for quiet some time actually," Quinn confirms. "His family doesn't know—but he said he won't hurt his family. Edward threatened him that if he revealed himself his family would get hurt. You see, he's in the same condition as Andy here. The only difference is, Andy wants to help by his own choice. Garret was turned precisely for the purpose of spying on you Burt...and since you are one of his work colleagues and friend..."

"Who else?" Riley demands, his face twists in fury. "Who else is a Vampire and we don't know about it?!"

"It's really smart," Brittany replies. She looks in the distance and is very vague but her words are fast. "Edward found out that after you people get Cut—Um, Sworn?—it is possible to deceive you. And since the transformation doesn't heal the injuries or scars that have been inflicted before...one can pass as a Sworn member but still be Vampire."

This kinda makes sense. "So the only injuries that heal," I say this time, "Are the ones that are inflicted after the transformation? That's...disturbing."

"Answer Puckerman's question first," Sue demands, her revolver appears again. "Who else is turned that we don't know about?"

"Apart from Garret...? Well, let's see, Wade Adams down at the Unique Bakery. He was turned 5 years ago. Ryder, your driver is also not human."

I remember having been to Wade's once. He's this goofy and plump looking man. I mistook him as one of Mercedes relatives but she told me otherwise. It's hard to believe someone so funny and jovial is not what we thought he was.

And speaking of deceptions—Ryder looks uncomfortable. Sure enough, when Quinn reveals his driver is a Vampire too Ryder admits, looking bashful.

But then I see for the first time the strength and capability of the Warblers. Nick's sister...? I have never felt as angry at Dave Karofsky as I do right now. He'd do that to a helpless girl? Only to slake his own hunger?

I don't pay attention to what happens next. I can hear the sobs threatening to break out of Nick's chest even as he displays his fury. I can sense Blaine's anger as well—its like he's holding himself back, lest that he'd run after Dave now. I see the pain flash in everyone's eyes. From the corner of my eyes, I see Andy as he lowers his head, looking sad and forlorn.

But all I can think about is how much they were depending on me now. I won't take the burden of the whole world on my shoulder, no. But it's time, I think, to take on my shoulders some responsibility. How long was I expected to sit and listen while we all waited for me to magically transform into a super human one day?

No more.

"Hell!" Santana's exclamation makes me look up.

Nick's calm now, still sobbing. Jeff holding his hand. Blaine is looking at me...? No, Burt. I look at my Dad as he sits with his elbows on the table, giving Quinn a searing look from under the rim of his baseball cap.

"How do you know about this?" Quinn demands. Am I the only one who discerns the astonishment in her words?

"I'll tell you my story...if you tell me yours," Burt says. I don't think I've heard him so cold before.

"Fine," Quinn says. "I'll tell you."

"Tell us what?" I whisper to Finn, who is observing Burt and Quinn owlishly.

"About Edward," he says. "About why he came here."

"First, tell me how do you know of the banishment?" Quinn counters with a quirk of her eyebrow.

"When Edward came to see Kurt, seventeen years ago, he let slip a lot of things he thought wouldn't matter to anyone. In fact, at the time, I paid them no mind. But he made it crystal clear that he'll have Kurt using whatever way possible, and he'll direct his revenge upon the—I'm quoting—'Self-stuffed, haughty, derelict leeches who think they can just overthrow me.' Now I knew he had come from an authoritative background, what with his struggle for taking Hilltown's ruling seat. But later I realized his hunger for power was not new...and had a history. Some things we found out by our own."

And here, Burt surprises us all by turning to Jack Anderson with a smile. "Jack and I, back in our days when Paul left with Kurt, used to go out and kill a lot of rogues. They talked as they begged us to let them live. We let a lot of them live too...we are not mindless killers. But we gathered enough proof that Edward had come from a violent background, and that he'll do anything in his power to overthrow the 'leeches' who overthrew him."

Blaine is now looking at Andy with a new interest, and a hint of respect. We all are.

"Is it true, Dad?" Cooper asks suddenly.

Andy smiles. "Yes. Before I trained Blaine, my father and I, we used to be the only ones around capable of slaying the Vamps. But then after Eliza's incident...Burt and I became friends. We used to hear of the rogues and go hunting together. After a few years, when you turned twelve Blaine...we just grew distant. Life got in the way."

"At least that explains why we haven't been hearing from the rogues anymore," Santana comments, raising an eyebrow in surprise.

"And it also tells us that this alliance isn't new," Burt says with a smile in my direction. "We allied once when trouble times were upon us. And now again."

"It's true what you heard," Quinn says simply. "I wasn't born here. I was born in Modesto. Before Hilltown, we moved places a lot. Edward tried to make roots in a lot of cities but...as he was banished...others of our kind found him out sooner or later and told us to disappear or worse. Hilltown's the only place where we never met anyone of our kind before. It makes it suitable for Edward to grow roots then."

"Yes, but where did he come from then?" Joe asks.

Quinn looks at him and says simply, "Texas. It's the only area with the largest number of Vampires in the whole US. The Vampire politics is difficult...and clan system even more so...I'll explain to the best of my ability.

"The Vampire Leader—and I'm talking about the leader of all our kind, a King, in fact—is the oldest one alive. 1,000 years is the closest estimate I can make."

Puck swears and Artie exclaims, "You're fucking me!"

Quinn shakes her head in assertiveness. "I'm serious. His name is Lord Arlen Carolus. He along with Phillip Star and Edward Smyth, are the leading Vampires. No matter where our kind is, no matter what city, country or sect—These three have the sovereignty and authority over all. Mostly because they are old and well resourced. And powerful. You well know that as Vampires each of us is powerful than the human beings...but these three...they are the most powerful of them all. They could best armies, all alone.

"So yes, Edward comes from the power. Lord Arlen is ruler of the whole US Continent, North and South. Lord Star rules Africa. Edward was governing Russia and some parts of Asia. We've never been to Australia and most rogues turn to that place because the Elder's authority does not reach there."

This is extraordinary. To know that the Vampires existed was a shocker, but to know they rules Hilltown had been worst. But now, after what Quinn just said, they seem to be ruling half the world somehow. As if reading my mind, Artie asks the most obvious question.

"Hang on, if your 'kind' is all over the world how come we've never heard about it?"

Quinn laughs shortly. "But of course you have. These stories, folklores...they all originate from somewhere. My guess is that a few of humans have managed to come near our kind in the peaceful manner; much as we are now in this room. These humans then tell tales to others. But who will believe them? Thus they are called myths. A lot of people do believe, though. Search the internet and you'll come up with Vampire Clubs and what-nots. All the enthusiast...they mostly end up as the pets of our kind. So there actually ARE people out there who know of us.

"Most of the dead humans gets disregarded as homicides or suicides...but if anyone knew to connect the dots and where to look, they'll easily discover about us. Also, outside Hilltown, people are abundant. And free. Here, you have Edward to thank for the greatly lessening number of human population."

I take advantage of the lull in the conversation and ask at once, "And what about Werewolves? Do they exist?"

Finn gasps and says, "Oh, yeah...why didn't we think of that?" Blaine gives me this look and rolls his eyes. I can't help but find it adorable. Artie nods so viciously his glasses slide off his nose.

"For the love of..." Sue says, just throwing her hands in the air in exasperation. "Who caaares? Let's deal with one kind of monsters first OK?"

"No it's a good question," Brittany says sweetly. "Werewolves do exist. But they are wild. They keep to the forests. They kill small animals. There have been a few extremely wild ones that prey on humans but they can die if they are ill or underfed. Although, with the forest growing less all over the globe...there may come time that they will turn to civilization."

"What Brit means is that," Santana intrudes helpfully, "They are more in control. They have to deal with the 'Monster' only at full moon. They can return to human life once the worst is over. They don't pose any threats. In fact, they are kind of loners and really cowards."

Well that puts things in perspective, doesn't it?

"Can we go back to the original question now?" Riley says at large.

"Oh, yes," Quinn says. "Now about why Edward was banished. It was 70 years from now. My grandfather and Dad were in Edward's clan. I'm originally from Russia...or my roots are. I was born years later in Modesto, but I've been told of the story.

"Word is, Edward wanted to give up Russia. No wonder the people are nuts and Vampires even more so. But mostly, Edward wanted to govern South America. It's populated, rich.

"I think Lord Arlen would've accepted Edward's plea if not for Ed's obvious want of power. Arlen sensed that there was a motive behind Edward's sudden movement about gaining the governance of South America. It was discovered that Edward wanted to uproot Arlen."

"Ha! No surprise there," Jeff says with evident abhorrence.

"I haven't seen Arlen much but I've met Lord Star once. From what I've seen, these Elders are devoted to keep our kind 'in control', so that they may prosper and live with humans under friendly conditions. More often than not I've heard of how the most violent of our kind had been tracked down by Lord Arlen's men and brought to justice. Solely because they were demeaning the peaceful existence of Vampires with humans.

"I've heard stories, and I know Santana will agree that Arlen is a good ruler. So Edward was faced with a lot of problems. First task was to gather loyals. And along with my Dad, St. Jameses and Karofskys, a lot of families gathered under Edward's new reign. If it hadn't been for Edward's treachery coming to surface—this world would've been in a worst form already. Because Arlen would have been overthrown and then there would have been no stopping the Vampires."

"I assume this treachery is the reason why he was banished at once?" Mr Schuester guesses out loud.

Quinn nods. "Santana will tell you more on this. She was there."

I look at the Hispanic girl with new interest. She doesn't look like she's 70 years old. God knows, maybe she's older.

"Yes. You see," Santana launches into the story at once, "Edward had win over a lot of people. Had a lot of supporters. And one of those 'supporters' was Arlen's mate. Lady Krista Arlen."

"Wait...are you suggesting that...?" Mr Figgins says in astonishment.

"Yes," Quinn says shortly. "She IS suggesting that."

Puck lets out a roar of laughter. "Wait so Edward BANGED the Vampire Queen? Like...seriously? Ohmygawd! Hahahaha!" He laughs and laughs till the tears are falling down his cheeks.

There are a lot of amused faces around us. I confess, I was hoping that the reason behind Edward's banishment was a bit more profound than just bedding a wrong woman. But then again...there's always a woman involved.

"It all comes down to the girl, doesn't it?" Sue mocks derisively.

"Then?" Burt says loudly to drown anymore remarks.

"Lady Arlen completely refuted the charges and instead blamed Edward only," Santana carries on. "She convinced the Vampire Council that she had been wronged and seduced against her will. A lot of supporters left Edward then and there. Only a few of us remained with him. And it was decreed by Arlen that Edward cannot belong to any of our clans. He, and his friends would leave and not come near any of our kind again. So that is why Edward spent good 40 years wandering the continent.

"He tried to kill Lord Arlen's son too, but was hampered and again kicked away. That's when he decided his revenge on the Texas Clan, I think. He eventually married Margaret, she was one of his supporters. And that's when he told his supporters that from now on, every child that was born of them would be turned at the age of 18. In order to grow his army."

Quinn gives a nod. "I was born shortly after. My Dad met my Mom during his travels with Edward, and because she was human then, she was able to conceive me. After ward, Dad turned her. I was brought up by a nanny. Then by the Vampires. And on my 18th birthday, while here at Hilltown two years ago, I was turned."

Quinn grows quite. Accurate, because if that isn't the example of a shit life, I don't know what is.

"So, where did Sebastian came from?" Millie Rose asks with a concerned frown.

Santana spoke up. "Same way I did. These Vampires impregnated our mothers. Killed or turned them after our births. I was born in the same manner. Sebastian isn't Margaret or Edward's son. He was one of the babies they all tried to create in the helpless prostitutes' bellies."

"Maybe that's why Edward doesn't like Sebastian's mutiny," Blaine suggests. "Maybe that's why he can easily order the death warrant of his own son."

"Death warrant indeed," Quinn says, there's urgency to her voice. "But that's not all. Now is the time to warn you. I don't know how but Edward WILL get hold of Kurt. He has a plan up his sleeve. But from what I managed to guess from his last meeting with us—his main goal is to direct a purge of the entire town."

Puck yells, "EXCUSE YOU? A Purge? Whatya mean??"

"I mean...Edward intends to create as much Vampires as possible. And that's why he was happy we brought him Andy. He 'thinks' Andy is under his influence but that's not true." Quinn says and looks at Andy. "Andy, tell them what you told us."

Now Andy looks really aggrieved. "Yesterday after the meeting was over, Edward called me in his office. Now I'm supposed to behave as if I'm his puppet; so I went. And he asked me to take up a few guards and attack the Dalton House. He wanted me to attack my own children in the dead of night and effect the first attack of his purge plan."

"What?" Burt growls in anger.

"You see...he thinks that the only reason the people of this town feel protected is because of the Warblers," Santana explains hurriedly. "Once the Warblers are turned, the people will become trapped. They will easily believe any story Edward sells them. And when they are at their most weakest point, Edward will attack. And make each person into a Vampire, and control each of these Vampire by himself."

A sudden hush follows her words.

"Juts Imagine. There are more than 3,000 people in Hilltown. And Almost over a 2,000 Deserters. Adding a few neighboring towns and roadside settlements—Edward can have a Vampire army of over 8,000 people. And with Kurt in command of such an army...Well...Arlen and his clan won't stand a chance."

"I won't," I mumble. Everyone looks at me in puzzlement as if they didn't hear me. I say louder. "I WON'T lead any army. I won't become Edward's pet!"

"That's easy to say, sunshine," Santana smiles at me with a hint of concern. "But the way Edward delivered his speech last night...we all sensed that he knew how to grab hold of you. I'll be very careful if I were you Kurt."

"He's protected," Puck announces with certainty. "He's always protected. We'll resume the roof watches again. Heck, we'll camp with him in his room if it comes to that! We are not letting Edward take him!"

"Admirable," Quinn says. "But still. Santana's right, Edward looked very certain. So be cautious."

"So what do we do now?" little Cooper asks into the silence.

"Now we plan," Quinn says. "We use Andy."

We all look at Andy and back at Quinn.

"Edward wants to weaken Warblers by using Andy. But let's counter attack," Quinn says with a grin. "Andy will lead attackers, sure. But not up the hill. He'll lead you boys," she looks at the Warblers, "down the hill to Edward's most trusted guards. You kill each of them one by one, weakening Edward."

Blaine shakes his head. "Too risky. And not to mention, obvious."

Santana agrees. "Of course, Edward's gonna notice. But we strike while the metal is hot. Right now, we have a time line of 2 weeks at most. Edward has made finding Sebastian his priority. He wants Sebastian assassinated. And while he's busy doing that...we can slowly cripple him."

Riley gives a gruff and excited chuckle. "So...our plan is to make sure that Edward never finds Sebastian, then? The more time he wastes after the renegade son, the more time we'll have to execute our plans."

"Exactly," Quinn says with a smirk.

"But let's not make this a priority," I say and everyone looks at me in protest. "Hello, I need to be trained too. In case you've forgotten or something?"

That elicits a round of laughter around us. Burt claps my shoulder good-naturedly.

"Sure," Blaine says from across the table. His cheeks stretched due to the million watt smile he's giving me. "How about we start tomorrow? After school?"

"That sounds fantastic!" Burt agrees for me. "Finn, Ryder, you'll take Kurt to the Dalton House immediately after school ends tomorrow."

"And don't forget," Santana cautions. "We can NEVER give any sign that we are allied. We'll have to fool Edward for as long as possible. So in school...act as if we're still enemies."

"OK," I say because this is directed toward me mostly.

"Let's call it a day then?" Sue says. "Oh, Shucks, it's almost 4 in the evening! My house needs to be fed! MARIA!!"

While Sue rushes out of the living room calling the cook, everyone starts to get up and stretch. The Trinity just huddles in one corner, watching everyone. And we show the same amount of awkwardness on our side.

But then Cooper goes to Andy and starts talking to his Vampire Dad as if all was right in the world. After a while, Andy takes Cooper's hand and ushers him to the Trinity. One by one, Quinn, Brittany and Santana meet Cooper with smiles and make small talk with him.

Blaine watches with concern, but when he meets my eyes, he smiles softly. Telling me without words that he won't do anything extreme and that he was still trying to give his father a chance.

After half an hour, the inhabitants of the house starts showing up again. The house gets fuller. And by the time Sue announces for food—almost 5 o' clock—the living room, the rooms, and hallways, are teeming with people. People are sitting down with plates and glasses. Maria serves lunch/dinner to everyone along with Rachel, and the help of a few fellow girls. Trinity sits aside in a corner, observing.

"Damn," Santana praises when Sue orders a few boys to serve the Trinity some animal blood. Andy goes outside with Quinn to drink his half of blood. He said he couldn't drink in front of Blaine. Looking at Blaine's pained face, I think, Blaine couldn't watch it either.

Yes, there is no way I'll ever stop being surprised while in this town.

Sebastian had heard enough. He knew of his father's treachery. It was the legend of a story really. As a bad boy Vampire, he'd found it really impressive. But hearing it again through a wall had been worst.

And to find out that he wasn't Edward's son at all? No that can't be! He can't be just a pet, turned to accommodate Edward's army! He can't! But he really couldn't remember his childhood. At all. All he remembered was the 60 years of being seventeen. Sixty years of being a Vampire. That's all.

But, of course, they are lying! He thought angrily. His father wouldn't just send out assassin to kill him! He wouldn't!

Well, he had to find out himself now, didn't he?

Thinking that, Sebastian opened his eyes. And nearly screamed. The owner of the mattress he was occupying was standing in front of him. It was a boy of around 28. He was staring at Sebastian open-mouthed.

Does he recognize me? Sebastian thought in terror. Does he know who I am? To check, he said crossly, "What?"

"Who are you?" the boy demanded and promptly produced a mace from his pocket. "What are doing in our room?"

Sebastian lied, "I'm new. I—I came here because...I was told by..."

"Maria sent him," a voice said. They turned to find the sleeping boy staring at them, rubbing his eyes. "It's fine Alex. Maria sent him to look over me while she makes food."

Alex nodded once. "Oh, Ok. I was just checking. And food is about to be ready, you know. We should get going."

Sebastian waited as Alex helped the little boy on his feet. They walked out of the room together. Sebastian had to make himself act casual when he saw the hustle and bustle of so many people around the house, gathering for the lunch/dinner. When Alex and the little boy were far gone in the crowd, Sebastian struck a different direction. By hiding a couple of times, he managed to evade the guards at the front door and porch, and ran away in the forest.

He felt rejuvenated, as he breathed the human-free air. The sunset was fast approaching. And he was ravenous. But first, he had to make sure what Santana said was true or not.

He started running fast—although, because of being hungry he was relatively slower than his usual speed—and came out of the forest adjoining the Smyth Manor. As he expected, there were signs of guards lurking all around the area. He picked up left over scents of a few Warblers, meaning that Blaine had been right. The Warblers had watched this place recently too.

But luckily, he knew of the secret entrances the guards probably didn't.

He made a wide circle, till he was at the back of the Mansion. There was this one entrance that led through the basement at the back of the Mansion. There was this window, poking up the ground behind overgrown bushes. The window opened into the storeroom that only the janitor or servants used. And rarely.

Sebastian had to peek inside to make sure the store was empty. He tried to open the window and was alarmed that it was wedged because of disuse. He tried to remember when was the last time he had used it. It had been more than 10 years. But with some more forceful pulls, the window slid open.

Sebastian entered the store and closed the window. He crossed the room and opened the door and was out in the hallway.

From there it took him no trouble at all to sneak to his father's office. He knew that the cameras all over the house were picking him up. But he didn't care. As long as nobody knew of his escape hatch, he'll be good.

"Hi, Dad!" he said the moment he found himself alone with his father in his office.

Edward jerked violently. For a Vampire, he had been caught by surprise. And that infuriated him. Sebastian could see the anger clearly. But Edward masked it quickly and assumed a happy face.

"Sebastian! Son, where have you been? We've been looking all over for you!"

"Yes, I heard about your assassins," Sebastian said brusquely. "I felt a need to be away a while. To clear up my head."

Edward was stymied by Sebastian's open reference to the assassins. But he played along, "So have you cleared your head enough?"

"Yes and I have a lot of questions."

"Sit down, son," Edward said generously. "I'll answer anything you like."

"No, I don't want to be here when your guards finally get here. No, I'll just ask you two things." Sebastian leaned over his father's desk and spat. "Am I your son? If not, then who is my real mother?"

Edward looked positively shocked for just a minute. Then he assumed a passive face. "Nonsense. You are my son. And Margaret is you mother."

"Then why are you trying to gun me down?"

"I'm not...who told you that?!"

"Nobody told me, 'Dad!'" Sebastian shouted. "I am not deaf. I've heard things from your guards all over the town! And this time I want the truth. Who is my mother?"

"Yes, you are right. You are not my son. And your mother is here in this very house. Now, if you'll excuse me...I can call her..." Edward stood up.

Sebastian heard just a smallest of creaks outside the door and backed away from his father. Even with his extraordinary training and talents, Sebastian couldn't defeat his father. Edward was more experienced and powerful.

The next second, the door burst open inward and Mr Karofsky and Dave rushed inside, along with twelve guards.

"Finish him," Edward said simply.

Sebastian looked at Dave, trying to detect any hint of loyalty. But found none. With a growl, he launched himself at Mr Karofsky, tearing his face open with a swipe of his taloned hand. Dave faltered just a microsecond at his father's yell, but it was enough for Sebastian to kick Dave thrice, in quick succession and break his ribs.

He next picked up a chair and brought it down on the heads of two guards trying to attack him. The chair broke like a puzzle falling apart. Sebastian grabbed the broken legs, using the sharp, broken ends as makeshift stakes. He killed five guards in this manner.

"He's getting away!" Edward's furious yell reached him as Sebastian rushed out of the door.

He found no one on this floor, but on his way to the basement, he encountered 3 Vampires. Just as he was about to attack them, they screeched and fell dead, face forward.

He looked up at the human boy, a slave, who stood at the end of the hallway with a gun. He recognized him as Dorothea's son.

"Run," the boy—Dan—said. "Run they are upon you."

Sebastian rushed down the stairs and escaped through the basement. As he ran away, far, far away, he was aware of two things.

One, he was ravenous and loosing power rapidly. Two, he found himself praying. But not for his own safety. He was praying for Dorothea's son. That Dan doesn't come any harm because he tired to help him.


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