Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 12: The Deserter Headquarters Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 12: The Deserter Headquarters

T - Words: 10,225 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
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Author's Notes: A/N:Here's a list of Families. To describe who's who and what's what. I've used brackets to explain about status (living, dead, or dying) and family surnames, and other particulars! There may be some O/Cs I haven't mentioned; only the important ones are listed below.FamiliesThe Hummels: Town's one of most known family, owners of Filling Station, Tire and Lube Shop, with a few fields.Burt HummelCarole HummelFinn HummelKurt HummelPaul Hummel (dead)Elizabeth Hummel (dead)Grandpa Bertram Hummel (dead)Lily-Smyth Hummel (missing)The Warblers:Trained Assassins and Protectors, they live on top of the Hill in Dalton House, keeping watch.Jack "Andy" AndersonBlaine AndersonCooper AndersonKaren Anderson (dead)Grandpa Cooper (dead)Nick (Duval)Jeff SterlingDavidWesJustinHunterKevin (dies later)ThadTrentThe Puckpeople:Being the people (or families) under Puck's protection and part of their small scale rebellion. Mostly hard workers and farmers by profession.Riley Puckerman (Hill Tavern Owner)Noah "Puck" PuckermanJake PuckermanSam (Evans)Mike (Chang)Tina Cohen-chang (engaged to Mike)Joe (Hart)Rory FlanaganMillie Rose (Hill Tavern Chef)Marley RoseRyder (Lynn)Mercedes JonesMichael Jones Sr. (dies later)Michael Jones Jr.The Deserters:Being the banished people, or those who are not Sworn to any family. Full scale, functional rebels.Sue Sylvester (Leader)Amber Sylvester (Sue's daughter)Rachel BerryDr. Hiram BerryDr. Leroy BerryDr. Shelby CorcoranArtie (Abram)Principal FigginsWill (Schuester)Emma (Pillsbury)Ken TanakaShannon BeisteDorothea (Nurse)NeilMariaAlexO/CsThe Trinity:Smyth's personal assassins. They punish those who break the rules at Mayors orders.Santana LopezQuinn (Fabray)Brittany PierceThe Smyths:Town's ruling family and their (cohorts), influential persons. They are not all-human.Edward Smyth (Mayor/Clan Leader)Sebastian SmythMargaret SmythDave (Karofsky)Lauren ZizesAzimio (dies later)Sheriff (Motta)Sugar MottaRead on... and give some time in to review and let me know how am I doing so far...?*Steps aside for you to look*****
~ CHAPTER 12 ~
The Deserter Headquarters

The next week is the quietest, most uneventful week for me. Nothing happens. I go back to the routine. But I notice small changes here and there.

Like, on Friday at the fields (we're now planting Jorgen's Fields close to the Old Graveyard) I notice that the turn up isn't quiet well. We are few. At first I assume that it's because the Jorgens are not really friendly type people. But then I catch Puck and Mike discussing in undertone about another family that's left the town under the cover of the night. I ask them about it and all they say is that they found the body of a girl who was traveling with them. The rest managed to get away but Edward's guards caught the girl at the opportune moment. A burial was arranged later but I didn't go. Not most people did. Finn said it was horrible; her body had been mangled beyond recognition.

I watch news with the whole family now. But the girl is never mentioned. In fact, nothing is. It's almost as if we are a happily dwelling town. There is no news of disappearances, or dead bodies or anything. No news feedings of Edward or any of the Smyths. The only time I see any of the Vampires is when I go to the school. It's like they are keeping tabs on me, just as my friends are keeping tabs on them. I see the Trinity girls everywhere I go. Suddenly, Quinn is attending my World History class, and she's a senior from what I've heard. Santana's face is in my line of vision every time I'm in the hallway or walking to any class. Mercedes and Marley stay with me perpetually (I'm afraid that Mercedes may have let slip about my sexuality to Marley, and now I'm their gay pal or something) following me around and causing me to enjoy these tensed school hours. Finn and Ryder still accompany me to and from school to house.

There had been a lot of food shortages as well. It has come to the point that the only reason we are having two meals a day properly is because of the crops that have been saved up from last year. The Deserters don't even have that. Countless times in past few days I've been to the Headquarters either for another meeting, or volunteering in the meal services for everyone who couldn't afford it.

Between all these activities, I rarely have time to complete my sleep. I catch myself thinking of Blaine more and more. I wish everyday to see him, what with my new busy and adventurous routine. I DO see him thrice last couple of days, but only a glimpse as he too is busy running errands. Helping others is fulltime job for him as a Warbler. Before his only worry was to run the store from uphill. But now, everyone needs help.

I meet the Warblers too, as they go about town on their business. It seems they are 'holing up', because this is the third time since the burial that I've seen either Nick, Jeff, Hunter or Justin, shopping off the small grocery stores, and taking a lot of edible items from Millie, to the Hill. My first thought is they might be restocking the Hillstore. Or collecting items to ship off to the Deserters.

But then I saw Thad and Blaine leaving my own house with a lot of blankets and usable stuff. Blaine had only enough time to give me a hurried hug (that left me breathless and with butterflies in my stomach) and many smiles. There's a tangible amount of desire in me whenever Blaine and I come close. I wonder if I'll ever be the same again when it came to Blaine.

He said to me, as I understand, "There is lots to do yet!" and bundled away in their Ferrari.

Yes, a Ferrari.

It has been on the headline as well. Blaine's bad boy, disturbed teenager reputation seems to have flourished when the news leaked that the new, shiny Ferrari around the town is NOT one of the Smyths but Blaine's. We had some great laughs out of it. Jeff had, I think, drove the car around the whole town for three hours, revving the engine extra loud to draw as much attention as possible.

Now that the Warblers had decided on "No More Hiding Plan" they are all over the town, every day. Scaring the people shitless. But at the same time, those who are in league with the Puckpeople, are deriving as much confidence out of these stunts as possible.

"What's with this shopping spree?" I asked Nick when he visited my school to talk to Mr Shue about something.

"Oh, you know, preparations," he told me evasively as we walked down the hallway. "In case its too late. Oh, gotta go...MR. SHUE! WAIT UP!" And he was hurrying away.

Not that they are keeping secrets from me anymore. In fact, Burt had been giving me a lot more info over the dinner every night on how this 'rebellion' worked. I had also thought about what Mercedes said but, as of now, I still have to verbally acknowledge him as my father. Sometimes I spotted the look of utter disappointment on his face—like he knew I was struggling about it—but then he would smile tenderly at me, giving me time. I really loved Burt. I felt proud that he was in fact my father.

But I needed time...

Jorgen's field being small, we finished it within two days. It still didn't give me enough time to catch up on all the school work I've missed. In the random glimpses or encounters that I have, I try talking to Blaine. That one time at the Tavern I asked him about my training but he seems so preoccupied with his pick-ups all over the town that he keeps saying that he'll find time eventually. I want us to hangout but just a few days of hanging out didn't mean we could hangout all the time. Nor am I certain that he has anymore inclination of hooking up with me (I'm half convinced already that I might have dreamt our previous encounters altogether.) Or so I tell myself. Nevertheless, I miss him.

It was 3 weeks later that Joe came to pay a visit to Burt (Dad!) Two weeks of peace and now it seems as if something was about to go down finally. Burt told Finn and me to call everyone. By now, I knew that everyone actually meant the representative of each family.

"Well we are here," Burt says when we are finally in the den, facing Joe. "Can you tell us now what it is?"

"It's Quinn Fabray," Joe says. "She has a message for us." And he goes on explaining that she's been visiting the Church regularly and insisting upon a meeting. "Since she didn't attack me, I saw no reason to attack back. But, I think, this may be important."

"Damn, boy, why didn't you say so before?" Riley says gruffly. "If she needs to warn us, we better know sooner, right?"

Joe looks down, a bit embarrassed. "I wasn't sure if I could trust her. But then I decided it was a folly to wait anymore." He threw me a look. "If what Santana had said before is any indication, I almost suspect that the Trinity may be either tying to help us or have some other motives. Whatever they may be, they seem to be against Edward's regime like any of us."

What Joe says is really thought provoking. Because, true, the Trinity have been ever present in my life since that night we stumbled home drunk from the Cemetery. The next morning in school the Trinity had gone out of their way to be around me. Now that I think about it, there seem to be some intentions there.

"I really don't know if we can simply decide they want to help us or not," Blaine says gruffly.

I am secretly thrilled that he had managed to get a seat next to me.

"They turned my father. There may be some motivation behind that about which we don't know as of yet. Now they are reaching out to us so unexpectedly and openly. Its either what Joe said is true, or that Edward is playing some bigger game here. I just think we should consider their offer with prudence, that's all."

Joe cleared his throat as Riley was about to answer Blaine. Everyone looks at him in perplexity.

"I asked her," says Joe, "Quinn, I mean. About why they turned Jack Anderson. She said that she didn't think he was breaking any law, and was truly helping his people. She said that when the time finally came to actually kill him, she couldn't bring herself to do that." There's obvious shock on our faces because Joe goes on saying softly, "She said that it was the only way to give him another shot at life. A second chance."

No one says anything at that. I look at Blaine and his eyes are wide in agonizing sentiments. He's looking at Joe as if trying to refute his claim but then he simply drops his gaze and bites his lips. This, I have come to understand, is his way of dealing with sudden emotional blows. He avoided looking in your eyes.

"Well that's," says Sue, "interesting."

She is right. It definitely is. And then I remember that woman I saw 2 weeks ago. Could she be one of the Trinity, as well? Trying to contact us and help us?

"Let's meet," says Hiram finally. "Let's just ask them outright what it is that they really want from us."

When nobody disagrees with this proposition—not even Blaine who simply keeps looking at the floor—we settle on doing just that.

"Where?" Mr Schuester says. "Shall we call on them now? Here?"

"No," Sue suddenly declares. "Burt lives in the town. They have the upper hand in here. Let's meet them at the Headquarters. I'm the authority out there, and they'll have to follow our rules."

"Aye," Riley says with a gleeful glint in his old eyes, slapping the table top with enthusiasm, finalizing the verdict.

"OK," Blaine finally exhales, looking up at Sue and nodding once firmly.

"Done," says Burt and the meeting comes to a close.

As they leave by the door in a large group, Sue shouts over at Joe, "Tell your girlfriend to meet us tonight after 7 o' clock! And to bring no one else apart from the Trinity alone!"

Joe turns red when she says 'girlfriend' and I'm not the only one who notices. He nods again, mumbling, "Yes, Ok. I'll tell her...Quinn, I'll, yeah..."

Well, interesting indeed, I think to myself as they leave.

"What are the Headquarters?" I ask Blaine who is still here.

And this makes him smile. Burt and Finn are in fort of the TV, not paying us any mind now.

"Come on, I'll explain."

And he leads me quietly up the stairs to my own room, while I keep looking over my shoulder, expecting Burt to come thundering behind us and say to behave and all that stuff fathers do at such moments. But no one follows as Blaine closes the door of my room, with the both of us safely inside.

My first urge is to hug him close (or kiss him.) But I let him decide what to do. And then I see the same painful emotions on his face as when Joe had told about Mr Anderson.

"Hey?" I say softy, with my finger lifting up his face to meet my eyes. "Are you OK?"

"I'm just thinking," he admits, sitting down in my dressing table chair. I sit in front of him on the bed. "About if it's possible that he's—that Dad's still the same as ever. I mean, we know how being turned changes a person drastically and all that. So what does she mean when she says it's another shot at life? It isn't exactly life, is it?"

I take a deep breath, not knowing if he'll like what I have to say.

"I don't know, Blaine," I tell him. "But I do know, or believe, that no matter what a person is, race, color, sexuality—with all the differences. The nature stays the same. There is good or bad. And then there is good and a bit of bad. And a lot of bad and some good." I give him a shy smile. "Am I making any sense?"

He smiles back and shrugs. "Kinda."

"What I mean is that," I try to elaborate. "We know Santana is, for example, a Vampire. And so naturally she must be evil. But then she helped me. She saved me from that nightmare of a night and—that was a good deed from her. All I'm saying is that I don't think we should just label someone if they are good or bad. We should get to know them first. And if Quinn really wanted to give your Dad a second chance, do we really just believe that she had selfish motives? And that it wasn't because she took pity? Because she has a good intention in her heart?"

"By all means," I go on because he is looking at me attentively, listening, "I should hate Burt because he is apparently my real Dad and he's been AWOL all my life. But he's been good to me in the short time that I have known him. And I'd rather judge him on that good than what I think, or label, as the bad."

Blaine suddenly gets up and sits by me on the bed, looping his arms around me so that he could place his head on my shoulder. "How the fuck do you know how to say all the right things?"

This makes me giggle. "I'm smart. I like using my brain." He looks up to meet my eyes, amusement flickering in the warm honey. "Oh, and also, I'm half-Vampire so, evidently, I have evil objectives behind every smart thing I say or do."

We both burst out laughing. I laugh and laugh and laugh, till my eyes water. And I feel a thrill go down my body as I feel Blaine pressed against me, shaking with laughter too. His voice is so free and beautiful as he laughs. It hurts how much I'm in love with him in this moment. Then he's finally rubbing at his eyes, trying to wipe tears that have escaped him too.

"OK," he admits. "Point taken. I'll give my father a second chance too. I'll see if he's changed or not. And then I'll decide what actions to take."

"That's better," I approve.

And peaceful silence pervades between us.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I remember something suddenly, and since this is the only time Blaine and I have been together in a while, I needed to ask him. "What were you saying that night? Or, rather, singing? What was that song?"

Blaine looks puzzled, then his eyes go wide and he stammers, "W-what, what song? W-when?"

I tell him about our drunken walk home and I tell him the words to the song, "Something like...I wanna tell you, but it's the hardest thing?...I don't know. It's just that I've never heard that song before so I got curious is all."

Blaine is suddenly very interested in the buckle on his jacket, he keeps fiddling with it. "I don't remember. I was pretty drunk, you know."

It is clear he doesn't want to tell me just yet, so I just say, "Oh."

The way he looks up at me so abruptly at that, it's like he knows I'm disappointed. Because he says in a rush, "It's mine. The song. I wrote it a while back. So, of course, you don't know it."

This sinks in. "Blaine Anderson!" I squeak. "You're telling me you can not only sing, but also write your own compositions?!!"

He smiles and his cheeks go red. "Yes. It's kinda my hobby."

"You mean besides helping poor boys and maidens all over the town and—oh—slaying Vampires?"

"Yes, besides that," he admits yet again. "Also, it's like, my way of making me understand about what I'm feeling. It's, like, an outlet when I can't do or understand something, I sing about it and—somehow it makes sense." He throws me a wary look. "Shit, I've no idea why I just told you that."

I place my hand on his leg, gently and not wanting to ruin this carefree banter. "I'm glad that you did. And I think it's a wonderful way to let out your frustration and emotions. It's something I do too."

"Do what?" he says with mild surprise.

"Sing," I shrug. "No one here knows about it," I warn at once. "But it helps me, too. Nowadays I just keep it to myself and sing in the shower only so that no one suspects."

"So all I gotta do is get into shower with you to hear you sing to me," Blaine says with a smirk. Then he goes red as he realizes what he's just said. "Oh, I meant—I was just—"

I am blushing like hell too. Because now, apparently, I'm trying to picture Blaine in shower with me. And let me just say—it's a glorious vision. Damnit, Kurt! Stop thinking about him naked...

Oh, lord. Too late.

I hastily stand up and open my closet, trying to make sure I'm out of sight. I start rummaging through my neatly organized clothes.

"So where's this headquarter again?" I say, squeak. Perfect. "You never really told me."

"Oh—uh—the Headquarters, yes," Blaine says, his voice is gruff and hoarse. "It's really a great big house in the forest. Sue's house. But everyone calls it the Deserter Headquarters because the biggest number of them lives under her roof. She's known to take in anyone who has been otherwise kicked out."

"Are they like a military headquarters or just a fancy name?"

Blaine chuckles and he sounds much better now. "Fancy name, it is, yes. But I'll be surprised if they don't own more weapons than we have in Dalton House combined."

I look out of the wardrobe at him, my eye brow raised. "Are you sure you guys are not terrorists?"

He laughs so loud that I feel myself blushing again. It was serious question. He only shakes his head when he can't stop laughing.

"Well, good," I say, ignoring his mirth. "Its good to know that you have all those weapons only to defend yourself against the monsters out there."

And all of a sudden I feel him standing right behind me. He gently curls his arms around my waist and leans against my back, chin resting on my shoulder.

"Stop worrying, Kurt. We won't do anything illegal, you must know that. Most of the weapons that we, the Warblers, own have been carved by me and my brothers. Sue must have produced her arsenal in the same way. But you are right. It's only to kill the Vampires."

I finally garb the gray jeans and purple shirt and turn around to face him. He's too close.

"And werewolves?"

He bites his lips—which is really sexy—in an attempt to hold in his laugher. "Werewolves, Kurt? Really?"

"Well that's truly biased of you," I huff, moving around him to place my clothes on the bed. "You accept there are Vampires. But not the wolves. What gives?"

And he—the idiot—circles his arms around my waist, hugging me from the back, again. Like it's the most natural thing in the world. Doesn't he see what he is doing to me?

"Well...we haven't seen any wolves," he says, very near my ear, almost breathing in it. My toes curl at his warm breath. "But, yes, it's possible they exist too. Not here, though. If they are here, they've yet to show themselves."

Of course, he doesn't know what he's doing to me! Well...he wants to play? I'll play.

I suddenly turn around and catch him by surprise. I grab him roughly by the collar and, just throwing the cautions to the winds, kiss him.

He lets out a growl, and open wide without preamble. Like he's been waiting for it. Like that's what he wanted. Oh, so he was testing me and my patience? He was leading me on?

Oh, Anderson. You have no idea who you've messed with.

Just as he is about to garb the small of my back and turn this into another hot make out session, I pull away. He whimpers in protest. I yank on his hair till his mouth tilts up at me, and breathe right against his lips, "I think they are playing it safe. The wolves. They must have seen you Warblers, dancing around with your fancy arsenal."

He tilts his head more, trying to reach my lips, but I close my fist in his hair tightly, making him choke in shock and pain. Instead, I just rub my lips on his rough, stubbly jaw. Making him gulp loud enough for me to hear. Then I whisper in his ear.

"Maybe they just like being in shadows. Like to wait till they know they can come out."

"We'll be decent," he chokes out. "If they don't mean us harm we'll be...g-good."

This time I let him grab my face and kiss me. I kiss him back almost lazily. I really don't know if I can get enough of this feeling, his mouth moving against mine. It's so good and natural, like breathing. And it's addictive. I know the way his mouth tastes, but yet, every time it's even more fantastic.

"Kurt," he gasps as he pulls away a little. "Kurt we should...just..." He kisses me again. Gently this time. Just a smooch.

But then I hear the footsteps on the stairs and we back away from each other. I go back to my clothes, smoothing them out on my bed while Blaine examines the stack of books on my study table. As excepted, Finn throws open the door.

"Mom says to come and have some lunch," he announces, not really bothered by the fact that Blaine is in my room again.

"Ok," I say to him and he goes downstairs, leaving the door open.

"I should go," Blaine says.

"Stay for lunch." He looks at me, as if asking if it was such a good idea. "Please."

He heaves a sigh and says, "Fine. I'll stay." But he turns at the door and says, "Although, it's going to cost you."

Before I could show my astonishment or protest, he leaves with a meaningful smirk in my direction. I think back on what he was trying to say before Finn interrupted. "Kurt we should just..." Just what? An idea presents itself to me and I gasp out loud.

"He wouldn't!" I whisper to myself.

Of course, he wouldn't! We aren't even sure what we are right now. Friends? Friends who kissed? Boyfriends...? No, he wouldn't ask for—I can't even think about it without blushing—Sex just like that!

It's a dreadful and enticing experience as I join them all downstairs. Blaine is being a perfect gentleman, but all through the lunch, he keeps throwing me these dark, meaningful looks. Lord, help me.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Santana asked Dorothea.

The old woman nodded sharply. "Master never even comes in here. He just sends Mr St. James or one of his guards if they want to speak to Jack."

Andy, presently, was sitting on the table with his mouth stuck to a blood bag, drinking lazily out of it through a straw. Santana had been surprised at how easily Andy had gotten over the bloodlust, and was focusing on what to do next more. She actually admired him for it. But then again, he had a reason to do this.

"Good," she said to the nurse. "Hopefully it'd take us a few hours. Or maybe just one hour if the humans don't argue much."

Quinn had returned from her Church break with a pleasant smile on her face this afternoon. She always came back from Church looking happier than she's been, Santana contemplated. She'd told Santana and Brittany about what Puckpeople had demanded. But most importantly, the humans were willing to hear them out. Which is all they needed for now.

Andy dumped the empty blood bag in a bin near his chair. "I'm still not sure if taking me with you is such a good idea. They asked for the Trinity. No one else."

"Yes, we know. But if we have to make them believe of our support we need to show them what we've done with you," Santana said warily. "That's hoping that your son doesn't loose his shit and deliver you from your pain or something as noble as that. But there's a chance, and we are willing to take it."

Andy merely stared at the table top for a while. Then he said in a small voice, "Can't I talk to him alone? Blaine, I mean? Maybe he'll listen to me better if none of you are with us and—"

"And maybe he'd think that its another one of Edward's schemes and he'd kill you before you have a chance to explain yourself!" said Dorothea. "Look, son, I know it hurts, being away from your family this way. But listen to the girls this once. If it doesn't work out according to their plans, you can try what ever you like, OK?"

Santana threw Dorothea a thankful look as the door to the infirmary opened and Brittany came in. She wore her gear, complete with her swords and guns. The weapons really weren't a necessity but sometimes you can't attack with tooth and claw from a distance.

"Quinn is waiting around the Old Graveyard for us," she announced. "I gave Dorothea's son instructions and he's keeping watch on the main gate, he won't tell on us. Let's get going."

Andy got up with a huff and said, "OK. Let's do this."

Sebastian watched as Santana, Brittany and Andy made a running approach toward a BMW that stood sheltered in the growing forest of Old Graveyard. To a normal person, they'd be a blurred whirlwind of dust. But Sebastian could see them through their speed.

He frowned. He had suspicions that Quinn had lied about Andy somehow. She'd even lied about the fact that he was under Edward's influence alone. Sebastian knew that Anderson answered to Quinn alone. It was obvious really in the way he looked at her, no matter how briefly. But for once, he didn't think about informing his father.

A sneer appeared on his tired, sallow face. He hadn't drunk any blood for the last 4 days. He'd tried emptying some Deserters but then his frustration and anger had gotten better of him. He'd stayed in his lair, trying to avoid going outside because he could feel all the spies searching for him. He wasn't worried about being found. He had known how to disappear for years and years. And his father's spies were just mediocre comparing against his skillfulness mastered through the decades.

But as for now, he needed a stronger base. He needed Kurt, firstly. Only that would assure his father's attention to his wishes. But he also needed to know what the Trinity girls had suddenly gotten themselves into.

He'd heard some of his father's guard a few nights back, about how Edward had felt threatened by his son. He's heard that his father was nearly shocked at how easily his personal guard had given up on him and trusted Sebastian instead. If there was one thing he knew about his father, it was that Edward hated competition. It was one of the things he'd inherited from his father, in fact. It was also the reason why they'd been disgraced and exiled from Texas. And the actions of his guards had convinced Edward—shocked him—into believing that if necessary, Sebastian would make his most loyal people turn traitor. In Edward's mind, Sebastian was ready to claim his rightful place on Hilltown's so-called throne.

The idea had crossed Sebastian's mind, he could admit it. But this wasn't the life he wanted. He remembered 80 years back when they used to be one of most exalted clan in Texas. He remembered the freedom. And he remembered Eli. His first love.

No, what Sebastian really wanted was the independence. Not the shackles of being a leader in a small, dying town. His father's position be damned.

Thing was, he couldn't just waltz up to his dad and say to him that "I want to get out of this shithole. I want to find Eli. I want to get married and stay happily ever after."

His father hated homosexuals even more. Because, in Edward's view they were worst than those filthy, deranged Vampires who fed on their own kind.

He was even more mystified when, whilst following the BMW, he recognized the Trinity's course. When the car turned west on Hilltown's Avenue, past the market area, past the houses and fields to the dead end, and onto dirt road that led to the forest—he knew where they were headed. To the Deserters.

"Well that is sure as hell interesting," he murmured to himself.

But he knew that he couldn't just follow them in. He hid in the forest close to Sue's house for a while, and then his mind formed the plan. When he saw all the Deserters—a large group of them, almost close to a thousand—and Puckpeople started coming to Headquarters in small groups, he knew what he had to do. And to make him even more positive to go inside this meeting, he thought he saw a boy of 13 holding hands with Blaine. Who was that boy? Sebastian had never seen him before. And why was he with the Warblers? Sebastian needed answers. He waited till the Hummels and the Warblers joined the humans in the Headquarters as well.

Then he saw a girl of around 14, holding hands with her grandfather. They were strolling slowly toward the big house. He casually and unthreateningly walked toward them and as the girl looked up at him, her eyes wide and innocent, he smiled.

"Oh, hi," she chirped. "Are you going for Sue's meeting too?"

"Yes, actually," he mumbled, thankful that these Deserters didn't own some luxuries like TV where they could have recognized him easily. "I am new to this. My family disowned me and—"

The grandfather's eyes were out of focus. He was partially blind, which would explain why the girl was leading him. He turned his face to Sebastian and smiled toothlessly. "Why don't you come with us? It's about to start, I think."

"That would be kind," said Sebastian, giving another scintillating, innocent smile.

And just like that he found himself walking beside them, going inside the house. He bowed his head till his face was thrown in shadows, in pretext that he was smiling down at the girl, and the guards at the gate ignored them.

Blaine didn't know why he felt like he'd break into a million little pieces. Or melt into a puddle. Fade into nothingness. But that's how he felt every time Kurt so much as looked at him. Maybe it was the way Kurt's eyes would light up in pure joy, or darken with embarrassment or desire. Maybe it was the fact that Kurt was becoming an important part of his being, as important as breathing. Maybe it was that he was now in love with Kurt more than life itself.

All he knew was that back in Kurt's room, he would have died if Kurt had teased him any longer. Even through the lunch, he felt an electrical buzz through his body, a current rumbling in his veins. And Kurt had been sitting across him, sometimes looking at Blaine with nervousness, or even a bit of fear in his eyes. He wanted to throw himself in Kurt's arms there and then, Burt and his family could all hate them for all he cared. He WANTED Kurt, in a way he had never wanted anything or anyone.

But as he had said his farewells to the family and smiled once at Kurt before leaving for Dalton House, he had felt afraid. If his feelings were so obvious, obvious enough that his brothers had found out about them so easily. Did that mean that everyone else knew? Is that why Kurt had suddenly started looking at him in nervousness and fear? And, he thought in trepidation, how long would it take for his enemies to realize how important Kurt had become to him now?

As he'd prepared his brothers for the up coming meeting, he'd been anxious. He kept thinking of ways he could stay close to Kurt—and also appears as if there was nothing going on between them. An impossibility, he knew. But something had to be done. He was angry at himself for not thinking about this in advance.

That is how he ended up ignoring Kurt when Jeff had roughly driven the Ferrari to the Deserter's Headquarter. He saw from the corner of his eyes Burt's jeep and as Kurt and Finn both jumped off of the back seat, smiling at something that Finn had said, maybe. He saw as Kurt's head turn here and there, until spotting Blaine, and he had looked purposefully away.

He knew he was being pathetic. But they were in company of many people. And he'll rather gouge his own eyes out than let anybody suspect that there was something between them. But then again, he felt the pain pierce his heart like someone has twisted a knife into it. There was NOTHING between them. If he were to label their strange attraction, he'd say Love. Yes, because he loved Kurt undoubtedly. But if they had to survive this, the only label he could paste on their relationship was Nothing. They were just allies, and Nothing. They were going to train because Kurt needed training, and Nothing else. They were going to hook up, because they could not control this strange attraction between them, Nothing further.

Blaine didn't want them to be Nothing. Because he knew that Kurt was EVERYTHING to him now.

"Hey," said Cooper, tugging on Blaine's hand.


"You are gnashing your teeth," said Cooper wisely. "You are either doing some hard thinking or are angry for reasons I don't know. Spit it out before I announce it to everyone."

Of their own, Blaine's eyes wandered toward Kurt and then back at Cooper. The little Anderson needed no more explanation. Cooper didn't really know how this boy-loving-boy thing worked, but he knew that Blaine was in love with Kurt. And Love was love. Love was what kept Cooper hopeful and happy with his brothers.

"Are you two fighting?" Cooper inquired in a soft voice, as they walked to the house.

"No, it's complicated."

"Tell me."

Blaine smiled at his brother and patted Cooper's almost-curling hair affectionately. "Let's just get through this meeting first, huh? I'll tell you later."

"You better," mumbled Cooper and that made Blaine laugh out loud.

And Blaine knew that Kurt had looked in his direction when he laughed. And he couldn't help but look back at Kurt, meet those inquiring eyes and just smile softly, lovingly. God, he was hopeless!

He finally looks at me. And his smile is same as ever. Breathtaking.

I wonder if I will ever be able to overcome the beauty that is Blaine Anderson. And I wonder if I'll ever be able to figure out why he liked me at all. If LIKE is what he does. I mean, none of us have made it clear what the situation or status between us was. I wanted it to be more than just friends or allies. I wanted to be able to smile, and tell the world proudly that this beautiful, breathtaking human being was mine. That Blaine was my love. Its wishful thinking, I know, but in my very bones, I want this.

I don't know why I was scared before when Blaine had mentioned about cost of staying. I trusted him. More than I trusted anyone, really. OK, maybe I trusted Burt, Finn Carole and Puck too. But Blaine, I trusted the most. And if he had asked for sex...I would have said yes because I would rather have that experience with Blaine than anyone else. I despised the thought of even having it in the first place, because without him sex meant nothing to me. So I make up my mind to talk about it with him. I'll come clean and tell him that I knew Nothing about sex. And that he'll have to be patient. But mostly, I wanted to tell him that I trust him enough to have sex with him if that's what he wants. Yes, this is reasonable enough.

But all this come to a halt when I see the way he avoids me. Because I can read it in his face that he knows I'm here, that I'm looking right at him. And yet he is looking at Cooper, talking to him. When they start walking toward the old, big wooden mansion-like house (which I assume is the Headquarter) he looks at the ground in his feet. Yep, he is defiantly avoiding me.


Is he second guessing? Is he ashamed that he asked for sex—however indirectly—from me? Is he rethinking the fact that maybe he isn't even gay?

And just as I am about to loose my mind and start crying right there, I hear his sweet, wonderful voice laughing. I look at him and he's the same man I have come to love. He is pure. Kind. Everything that I hoped my fairytale Prince would be.

Then he looks at me. And it's like everything is right in the world. My inhibitions and squalls just fade away with one look that he gives me. Oh, I still have question, of course. But for now, I'm content.

And baffled! Because this place is huge as fuck!

It's not really your standard Mansion material—more like a farm house, or the large inn in those Wild West movies ages ago. It's made of wood, the roof, the walls, and the floor. It's old. But strong. The floor has sheen to it from the footsteps dragging all over it for years. The rooms are smaller, low-ceilinged. But there are new moderations here and there. AC, for example in running full blast, the electricity has been doubled to bring some light in the old house.

There are soft boards lining the hallway, with doors dotting the walls on both sides. On the soft boards are pictures. New, old, casual and some really weird. I move closer to a bunch of pictures and am stunned to see an Xs over some of them.

"It's sort of a record," Finn mumbles in my ear, moving closer. He looks ill at ease because of all the people walking beside us, going the same way we are. "When a Deserter dies, they cross his/her picture out. To keep track of who is lost and who isn't."

I feel a queasiness in my stomach. If this is how they keep track of the dead, that means the Deserters must keep coming everyday. And dying everyday.

Burt turns to a double-door right at the end of the hallway. This side of the hallway is cramped as a few people just stand here and do not move inside the room. Burt says hellos to a few raggedy men and they smile at him with respect shining in their eyes. They make way for us to enter the double-doors and room beyond.

I now find myself in a living room proper. There's a spiraling staircase leading up three stories at the left side. And a sitting area, with couches and many stools cramped around a big round table. The table is decorated with assortments of papers, files, mobile phones, two laptops and weapons. Knifes, pistols, rifles, and a few sword-like daggers.

The people around the table are talking at once, to each other or in groups. They seem to be discussing various matters. I hear snippets of conversations.

"...Low supply at the south Main Streets," says a man touching a few pistols. "There have been uninterrupted attacks since five nights. We are dying over there..."

"...Warblers delivered the last of their stock to the Manilows and Heffleys," Riley is telling a few gruff looking men who are writing it down on the paper, nodding firmly. "But they might call for boys to work on the smithy...I'll ask."

Then they seem to notice me. And everyone falls silent as if someone's turned the switch off. Sue suddenly draws herself erect and slaps her hand forcefully on the table.

"QUIET!" she yells with her usual nostril-flare. "Settle down, you mutts!"

The crowd of people that is gathered around, even if they don't have enough room to sit on the couches, settles down immediately. Everyone seems to be looking at me. But then they slowly turn their attentions back to Sue.

As I revolve my gaze around, I find Blaine, Cooper and Nick standing with Michael and Puck right behind Riley. A man moves out of a sofa, Burt garbs me, and I find myself seated right across Sue, Riley and Blaine's group. I look around at everyone who is staring at me again, and lower my gaze.

OK, I'm legitimately being exhibited. Because I'm a freak. Also they have hopes from me. Cool.

"Everyone, this is Burt, as you all know," Sue begins, pointing at Burt with a finger. "And the Porcelain sitting beside him is his son, Kurt."

I am almost too overwhelmed to be stunned by the fact that nobody refutes this. They all KNOW I'm Burt's son, and not Paul's. Wow.

"I'd like to introduce everyone in attendance," Sue caries on, "But as we are here on a tight schedule, and want this meeting to be over with before any of the Vamps figure out we are having this gathering; so I'll just introduce the one's around the table. From the Deserters...Myself," she points out hurriedly. It takes me a moment to realize that everyone knows who everyone is, Sue is only introducing them for my benefit.

"Hiram, Shelby and Leroy," she points at Rachel's parents and another middle-aged man. "William Schuester and his father, and Will's fianc�e Emma with Rusty Pillsbury." She points out the Glee club teacher and guidance counselor's fathers. "My daughter Amber and my God-daughter Becky, Shannon Beiste, Cooter Menkins and Ken."

I look at everyone who's being introduced.

"From the attending families, we have Hummels, Puckermans, Evans, Harts, Changs, Abrams, the Rose Women, Lynns, Wildes and The Warblers."

A few Deserters look at the Warblers in distrust, but they don't keep ogling as the Church people had. They only see them, and look back at Sue.

"Now, I'll have you know that the reason why every one of you has been called on such a sudden meeting is that the Others wanted an audience with us."

There's an interested murmur along the crowd.

"The Trinity leader, Quinn Fabray, called on us to gather and hear her out," Sue says over the rising babble of noise. "So let's see what she has to say!"

And that is when I see them. Quinn, Santana and Brittany. They've been standing against the back wall of the room, giving everyone space while Sue was introducing. A fair few people draw back and gasp. But most of them keep calm. It's almost as if they aren't surprised to see them at all.

I suddenly remember what Santana told me about how they could feed on the Deserters without anyone questioning them. I feel another wave of nausea as I realize that many of the gathered people may already have become the Trinity's meal at some point. That is the reason why they are stoic. They've already experienced the worst of Trinity, so this sudden twist of events really doesn't bothers them. How pitiful.

I look at Blaine. He isn't surprised. Meaning he knew they are standing in the back all along. But his gaze is hard, and he is staring at Quinn with an almost-livid glare. He's thinking about what she did to his father, I realize with a jolt. He's keeping an eye on her to see if this is a trick, and how he can kill her if it really is a trick.

The Trinity girls look undeterred at the attention. They only pay heed to Sue. And I remember how Sue said that she was the authority here.

"Well," Sue says with the professional courtesy. "Here we are. Say what you will."

Quinn now looks at all the gathered people. She meets everyone's eyes—even mine—and then she speaks, "We come in peace. But mostly, we are here at a great personal risk. Because—" She looks at her girls, and briefly her gaze falls on Joe who isn't standing far.

"Because we've decided to ally with you."

Santana watched on as every human being in the room went stock still. she could hear so many hearts beating at once she felt as if her head was filled with many children beating drums irregularly and interminably. She wanted to yell because it was excruciating, the noise, the warmth and the scent of human flesh and blood.

She worried about Andy who was in the hallway, standing there waiting for Quinn's orders. He was new to this—and would be suffering much more than herself. Thus she knew Quinn wanted to get it over with soon.

"We can't work for Edward anymore," Quinn said in that shocked silence. "We have reasons—reason, we'll tell you shortly—for betraying him. But rest assured we are no longer working for his cause."

Santana watched as the people around the table exchanged glances, of disbelief and mistrust. She watched as Blaine's glare turned into a frown of thoughtfulness. Watched Kurt's open mouth pop shut and a confused quirk of his eyebrows as he looked at her briefly, his face showing some amount of trust at least. Watched as a few people shook their heads, already deciding to not trust them.

"Why?" Sue asked suddenly. "Why now?"

Santana bit her lips for she wanted to snap at Sue. But she only looked at Quinn. She relied on her leader's judgment in this. She was happy to see that Quinn's brow was clam, and she was being open and trusting.

"We want Freedom," Quinn said simply. "As many of you will remember, I was a human girl just like every one of you. It was only three years ago. When I turned 18, my father transformed me. It was done without my consent. And I'm nothing but Edward's slave just as my father."

Quinn looked around at everyone, challenging them to say 'No, you are lying.'

Nobody said anything.

"I can't be a slave anymore. Not while I have a chance at freedom. While WE have a chance at freedom together."

And Santana wasn't the only one whose eyes fell on Kurt. At this collective attention, Kurt blushed visibly and looked down, his ears going red at the tips. Santana smiled. He really was delicate and beautiful. She totally understood Blaine and Sebastian's fascination with this boy. Also, she wondered how yummy he might taste...With a gasp she reined in her thoughts. This human drenched environment was making her weak.

Quinn, hurry it along! She mentally chided the blonde girl.

Quinn briefly looked at Santana and nodded. "We are ready to answer anything. Any question you might have. But we are with you, that's final."

A sudden noise broke out as many people started asking things at once. Sue threw a look at everyone gathered and then drew out a revolver from her sleeve. Aiming at the ceiling, Sue fired a shot.


Everyone filched. Santana's ear felt like they'd burst. She felt Brittany suddenly garb hold of her hand, she softly squeezed back in reassurance.

"I ASK THE QUESTIONS HERE!" Sue yelled angrily. Then she gave Quinn a nasty look of hatred. "How do we know that this isn't one of your plots to get Kurt to your leader, missy?"

"Because now we know that he is doing everything because of his own selfish desires," Quinn replied. "At first, he was all about doing what was best for the whole clan. But lately—ever since Kurt came back—Edward's priorities have been entirely selfish. He sent out spies to hunt down his own son because Sebastian was responsible for the fight near the highway. He means to punish his own son—for the first time in years."

Blaine suddenly spoke up as Sue was about to reject this explanation. "It's true. My boys reported that a team of spies have been sent from the Smyth Mansion, about two weeks ago. They overheard a few of them in forest about how Edward wanted Sebastian brought in for questioning. They've been at it ever since Michael's funeral—Edward means what he said."

Santana tried to thank the surly Warbler for this proof but Blaine was looking at Quinn now.

"It would seem that Edward now means to strike down anyone, even his son, who got in his way. He told us that Jack Anderson had gone out of town to seek help, to gather an army against our clan. He ordered us to kill Jack."

"Which you did!" Riley remarked hotly.

"No, we turned Anderson," Quinn said firmly. "There's a difference. I had to make a choice. When we found Anderson near the highway, he was only supplying food items for the townspeople. His intentions were noble. And for the first time I questioned Edward's motives. It wasn't that Edward was pissed at how Anderson had broken the law. No, Edward WANTED Anderson removed from the picture that is why he ordered me and my sisters to kill him."

"How do we know you aren't lying?" a man spoke from somewhere in the crowd. "You could have already killed him!"

"I haven't" Quinn said in a growl. "I can prove it."

And the people around the table gasped again, this time even the Warblers were speechless, as Andy strode inside the room from the hallway, and stood by the table in full light for everyone to see that Quinn was telling the truth.

Hot damn, Santana thought with a smirk. This is better than a horror movie!

Blaine grabbed the hilt of his sword at the belt. There he was, his father. Looking the same as ever. But at the same time, so different and alien. He felt Cooper grab his arm forcefully, and he looked at his brother to find big tears swimming in Cooper's eyes. His other brothers weren't faring well either. They all seem rattled and knocked out of breath. Nick was visibly crying, leaning against Jeff.

"Andy..." Jeff mumbled in longing as a child who had missed his parent.

Andy's eyes snapped to Jeff at once. Blaine drew in a shocked breath. There was no doubt now. Andy had heard Jeff's mumble even when the entire room was now buzzing with startled exclamations. Andy really was one of them.

"Dad...?" Cooper mumbled as his tears finally spilled out of his wide eyes. Blaine tightened his hold on Cooper's hand.

In the midst of unceasing noise and drawing swords—Blaine just kept his eyes on his father; doing what he promised Kurt he'd do. And just when he was certain that the impassive face that belonged to his father was now of an alien ...Andy blinked once. It was just a blink, slow, long. But when he opened his eyes they were just as warm and soft as always. Blaine felt his throat tighten with held-back sobs. This monster, this alien person, really was HIS FATHER. He was not the same, his nature was now predatory—but he was still Jack, a Hunter, a Warbler, an Anderson.

Blaine dipped his head once in acknowledgment for his father. It wasn't the complete forgiveness, or acceptance. It was just a message that he'll give Andy a chance to prove himself, at the least. And then he shifted his focus on the other, noisy people around. At once, his eyes found the only face that wasn't livid or screaming angrily.


Kurt was looking right at him. His eyes were a bit shiny. And even from this distance, Blaine could tell that Kurt has seen him acknowledge his father. He could see that Kurt knew Blaine had tried to give Andy a chance. And he could see that Kurt was proud of him.



Everyone was suddenly silent as Sue took up the same tactics, her revolver still pointed upwards, ready for another shot if someone dared her to do so. Her eyes spoke of thunder and anger, but she addressed only Quinn.

"You self-hating, bitch! We told you that you were to come alone!" Sue pointed angrily at Andy. "And you bring your demon spawn with you! No disrespect, but he's newly TURNED. He's volatile! He could simply kill us all within seconds! What's your game here, Fabray? Tell me now, or so help me I'll have every single person here butcher the four of you! And you know we are all armed...so don't try anything funny!"

"I'm sorry Miss Sylvester," said Quinn sincerely. "I really am. But I must assure you that Andy is the part of our Trinity now." Quinn gave out a small laugh. "Well...not Trinity anymore. I suppose we should call ourselves Deserters too now. As we are deserting Edward's ranks."

"She brought Papa Unicorn here because he was missing his babies," Brittany announced. "Also because he said he wanted to help."

Everyone's head swerved to Brittany with confusion, then to Andy, then to the Warblers. Nick and Trent shifted self-consciously on their feet. While Blaine and Cooper threw a nonaligned look at their father.

"Is this true?" Burt asked. Blaine was shocked that he was asking Andy directly.

Andy looked flustered at being directed. But he only nodded. "Yes. I came to help. And—they didn't turn me because of some higher purpose. They turned me because...I asked them to."

Blaine let out his breath that he was holding. The initial shock of hearing his father's voice, same as ever, was now replaced with growing curiosity as to why would his father want the life of a monster.

"I trust you," Burt said to the shocked faces of everyone. "But I think, it's best if you fully explained yourself, Jack."

Andy nodded and said, "I was attacked when I made the trip, a few weeks ago, out of the town. When we—Kevin and I—came back, Kevin suspected there might be attackers. I was cautious too because it had taken us more time than usual to return and many people would have noticed our absence.

"So Kevin suggested that we camp outside the town for a while and go in at daybreak. As he was of view that at the dawn's first light, no matter how cloudy, the Vampires are used to go into shadows..." Andy looked at Quinn here.

"It's true," she said. "The first light is always a bit difficult for us. But when the sun is fully out in the sky we are capable of venturing out again. But not without the clouds and dust cover. Without it we die."

Andy smiled. "I guess Kevin knew of what he was talking about, then. I should've listened to him but I did not. I was worried that the supplies in town would come to an end fast if I didn't deliver at once. So we entered the dirt road and Kevin reported that there had been sure signs of somebody being on the trail."

"We had been waiting for you to show up since two hours before," Santana confirmed. "We booby trapped the place up nicely."

"Again, I regret that I did not listen," Andy continued. He gave Blaine an apologetic smile. "Clearly my son had taught him well. And I should've listened to him. I thought that if I made a break for it, in full speed, we might be able to get away and into the town. But, of course, we went right into the bobby traps. These girls attacked us. Quinn came after me and Kevin was with Brittany and Santana."

People were now listening attentively. Puck looked torn between nausea and sadness. Burt looked serious but his eyes were pained, as if he knew exactly how it felt to be in such a position. He also looked nostalgic, as if he was reliving a hunt of past. Sue was impassive, but she kept stroking the trigger of her revolver that she still held. Kurt was listening raptly, his hand gripping the armrest of his sofa tightly.

Blaine saw all of this in one glance, and looked at his father again. He knew what he'd assumed at the crime scene was true. Andy was about to tell exactly how Kevin had died. He worried that his brothers were not ready to listen to this. But then again, it's how he had trained them. If it were anyone else, anyone besides Kevin, they'd have done the same thing if it meant Andy had a fighting chance. Blaine, himself, would have done the same.

"We were clearly outnumbered," Andy said, his voiced laced with regret and pain. "Not to mention tired! We'd been on the road 3 days and 2 nights, without much rest or sleep. So we got overpowered. And just as Quinn was about to kill me—Kevin decided to give me an escape."

All around the room, faces registered shock, then comprehension. A few people were still not sure what exactly Andy was hinting at—but those who had been there that night with the search party, knew exactly what had happened.

"Kevin blew himself up with a grenade. Brittany and Santana were close to him, and he thought, I think, to take them out. But I suppose they are fast. So they jumped away at the last moment." Andy had slowly lowered his head in between his narrative. Now he was looking at the table top, his eyes shaded by dark long, lashes not unlike his son. "Quinn knew a split second before that Kevin was about to go all out on us. She grabbed me and jumped away."

When Andy didn't say anything for another minute, Quinn started speaking.

"When he came to, all he could think was that the truck, and his supplies were gone. Blown to bits. He kept crying over the fact that he'd failed the people of Hilltown. Then he noticed that Kevin wasn't around and he started blaming us. We told him why we'd attacked and he said to go ahead and kill him then." Quinn looked at Blaine now, he matched her gaze unwaveringly. "We knew then, that Andy had never meant to go out of town to bring in army to attack us, as Edward had been warning us off. We realized that we'd been used, conveniently to fit Edward's lowly motives. And that's when I formed the plan to betray Edward. But I couldn't just kill Andy, either. So the only way Edward wouldn't suspect us, and won't mind us not killing Andy, was to turn him."

"They told me," And said now, looking back up. His eyes seemed a bit red, but otherwise blank and without emotions. "They said that they were in a dilemma. They said they couldn't kill me because they thought I was innocent of the charges laid on me. But Edward had to be appeased too. They gave me the choice to die or to get turned." He met Blaine's eyes too. "I knew I wasn't going to be any good to anyone dead. I knew that after this you'll go angry, son. I knew that you would've gone after Edward's whole clan single-handedly. And that would have meant you would die too. And I couldn't have it. So I chose life. A life of a monster."

"Andy is under my influence. I am his sire," Quinn said. "We told Edward that he was his slave just as everyone. That's not true. That video feed the next morning, was a sham. Edward thought that everyone's spirit will break if they realized that Anderson had allied with Smyths. But I was hoping that it would get my message across too. That Andy was alive—as alive as can be—and still around. And that meant Blaine wouldn't come after us alone. It worked, I guess."

"And I had sense enough to rescue the little prince," Santana said with a smirk. "I knew that if anything had happened to Kurt as well—you humans would have been pissed at us all."

Quinn gave Santana a smile. "Good call, I think. So here's what happened. Do you believe us now?"

Sue placed her revolver in front of her, taking the fingers off the trigger. "I can't believe I'm going to say this but—Aye, I believe you."

"Aye," said Riley.

"Me too," said Burt, looking once at Andy and then Quinn.

"So do I," Puck announced.

"And us," Blaine said, his brothers nodding their assent. He avoided his father's gaze.

"Well good, then," said Sue. "Looks like all are in favor." She stood up, and her eyes traveled over every face in attendance. "I Sue Sylvester, the self-anointed leader of the Deserters, welcome the Trinity, and their new pet...into our family. I hereby announce them as one of the Deserters!" And with the final word, she slapped her palm over the table top.

Quinn beamed at Joe who inclined his head back at her, a smile playing at his lips. Brittany hugged Santana. Kurt let out a suppressed laugh, sharing a high-five with Finn. Puck chest bumped with a young man standing next to him. Blaine let go of Cooper's hand, and the boy ran into the arms of his waiting father. Cooper's eyes were teary; although, Andy wasn't capable of tears anymore, his eyes looked sad and joyful all at the same time.

In midst of this sudden celebration, Sebastian exhaled slowly. Well...he had a lot more to think over now.


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